Calisthenics Training Programs

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Calisthenics Training Programs

Workouts from remedial through advanced

Authored and published by Owen Johnston -
Short link to this book (free download) -
Full guide -
Owen Johnston -

Copyright Information

Calisthenics Training Programs - workouts from remedial through advanced

Fitness Instruction, 4th Edition
Authored and published by Owen Johnston
Edited by T.O.D. Johnston
© Owen Johnston, 2016. Licensed under the Attribution NonCommercial
NoDerivatives 3.0 License -

You are encouraged to share the book, print it out, and upload it to other sites. I want
to change the world one life at a time, and help people ditch the gym! You can build muscle
and strength with bodyweight. Work out for free anywhere! Don't buy the scams and
misinformation sold by the fitness industry.

Short link to this book –

“Every day, we change the world, but to change the world in a way that means
anything, that takes more time than most people have. It never happens all at once. It’s slow.
It’s methodical. It’s exhausting. We don’t all have the stomach for it.” - Mr. Robot

This book is part of my larger guide to strength training. Download the full guide
through the short URL below -

Short link to my book folder –

You can order a professionally printed edition of the book through Simple Print
Service. Visit the page below, upload a PDF, and follow the simple ordering process. I do not
make a single cent from orders made through this service.

Owen Johnston -


This book is intended for people of good health and physical condition. The training
methods and advice in this book may not be for everyone. Always consult your physician
before starting a new exercise program. I am not a physician, and as such, nothing in this
book should in any way be taken as medical advice or a substitute for medical advice. Also,
this book should not be used to replace advice from your personal physician.

Physical activity always carries with it a risk of injury. When you practice the training
methods in this book, always practice proper safety precaution, use proper technique, and
apply common sense. The author can not assume any responsibility for any injury, illness, loss
or damage that may result from following the training methods in this book.

Lastly, this book is not a replacement for formal instruction. Be sure to seek out a
competent, qualified instructor who may carefully observe your progress and provide
feedback. This book is intended primarily to be a supplement to, not a replacement for, formal

Owen Johnston -

Owen Johnston -

Table of Contents

Calisthenics Programs - - 7
workouts from remedial through advanced

Calisthenics Progressions - 93

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Owen Johnston -

Calisthenics Programs – Remedial Through Advanced

Training tactics included

This article contains workout programs for beginners, as well as for intermediate and
advanced athletes. There are various types of programs covered, including skill work, strength
training, bodybuilding, and weighted calisthenics. There are dozens of separate workouts!

Free calisthenics progression video playlists and more are included in my Google+
strength training collection.
Collection -
Short URL -

Visit my YouTube channel to view my training videos and playlists:

Owen Johnston -

Table of contents

Ditch the gym! - 9

Training programs:
Remedial program - 11
Strength training programs - 17
Bodybuilding programs - 21
Skill training programs - 35
Convict Conditioning inspired programs - 39
Bodyweight + sandbag programs - 44
Weighted calisthenics programs - 63

Additional Information:
Example workouts - 81
Recommended training frequencies - 85
Training tactics - 89
(For bodybuilding, strength, and skill)
Calibrating exercises and workouts - 91
(Tougheners, regressions, drop sets, equipment)

Owen Johnston -

Ditch the gym – build strength and muscle with your own bodyweight!

“Getting your ass away from the gym is probably the number one thing you can do to
start kicking your gains up a notch.”
― Paul Wade, Convict Conditioning 2: Advanced Prison Training Tactics for Muscle
Gain, Fat Loss and Bulletproof Joints

Before joining a gym or buying expensive exercise equipment, look at what you already
have available to you in your neighborhood. With creativity, just your own bodyweight, and
the right training progressions, you can get in a challenging workout any place. You can train
in your own home, yard, or a local park.

Calisthenics exercises range from very easy to very challenging, depending on how you
change the leverage and position of the exercise. There is potentially an endless number of
exercises you can perform. Calisthenics is also very minimalist. You need nothing beyond an
overhead bar for pullups, a wall, and a table, which can be found in your environment. If an
overhead bar isn’t available, think outside the box. Playground equipment, low sturdy tree
branches, hand rails on walkways, and even a door may suffice.

Progression with weight training is simple; add weight to the bar as you get stronger.
With bodyweight training, you have to change the exercise itself to make it easier or harder. A
well designed bodyweight training progression will gradually go from easy exercises to very

Take a deload week when needed to allow your body to recover and rebuild. You can
use one or more deload protocols or just take an “active rest” week. In either case, focus on
mobility work and therapeutic modalities.

Deload protocols include but are not necessarily limited to:

Less volume (sets / reps), less frequency (training days per week), less intensity
(regressions of any kind), less variety (less exercises)

Active rest:
Ideas include but are not limited to pickup games of your favorite athletic sport, taking
a Yoga class, getting in some light walking, and yard work or household chores.

Owen Johnston -

Owen Johnston -

Remedial program

This program is intended for athletes coming in from a sedentary lifestyle, coming back
from an injury, or who are beginners to calisthenics. Perform one workout per day. Take a day
off between workouts if needed. It is recommended to do at least some light walking and/or
stretching on off days.

Beginner training cycle

Week 1:
Monday – Lower body workout
Tuesday – off
Wednesday – off
Thursday – Pushup workout
Friday – off
Saturday – light activity of choice (yoga, pickup game of basketball, etc)
Sunday – off

Week 2:
Monday – Abdominal workout
Tuesday – off
Wednesday – off
Thursday – Pullup workout
Friday – off
Saturday – light activity of choice (yoga, pickup game of basketball, etc)
Sunday – off

Recommended training cycle

Perform each week:
Monday – Lower body workout
Tuesday – Pushup workout
Wednesday – off or light activity of choice
Thursday – Abdominal workout
Friday – Pullup workout
Saturday – light activity of choice
Sunday – off

You are ready for the beginner strength program when you are able to meet the
progression goals for jackknife squats, wall pushups, incline planks, seated knee tucks, and
standing pulls. Progression goals are listed in each workout.

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Remedial lower body workout

Don’t rush through your reps or cheat - use good form! Use a “2-1-2” cadence in squats
- 2 seconds down, 1 second pause in the bottom position, and 2 seconds up. Take an active
rest of 1 to 3 minutes between sets. Don’t simply sit down - shake your legs out, walk around,
get a cold drink, whatever - keep moving.

After you warm up and stretch, start with the first exercise in the lower body
progression. Hold it as long as you can without discomfort. Add a few seconds of hold time
each lower body workout. After you meet the progression goal, move up to shoulderstand
squats in the next workout. Start with the beginner goal, and add a set the next time you
perform the workout. Try to add at least 2 repetitions to each set, each week. Once you meet
the intermediate goal, add a third set the next time you perform the workout. Add a few
repetitions each week. Once you meet the progression goal for shoulderstand squats, move up
to wall sit the next time you perform this workout. Try to add at least a few seconds each week
until you reach the progression goal, then move onto jackknife squats the next time you work
your lower body. Go through the same process of adding sets and reps until you reach the
progression goal for jackknife squats.

1.) Walking or low intensity interval training – 5 to 10 minutes

2.) Stretches for hamstrings, thighs, ankles, and hip flexors – 5 to 10 minutes
3.) Remedial lower body progression

I. Shoulderstand
Beginner goal: Hold for 10 seconds
Intermediate goal: Hold for 30 seconds
Progression goal: Hold for 1 minute

II. Shoulderstand squats

Beginner goal: Hold for 10 seconds
Intermediate goal: Hold for 30 seconds
Progression goal: Hold for 1 minute

III. Wall sit

Beginner goal: Hold for 10 seconds
Intermediate goal: Hold for 30 seconds
Advanced goal: Hold for 1 minute

IV. Jackknife squats

Beginner goal: 1 set of 10 repetitions
Intermediate goal: 2 sets of 25 repetitions
Advanced goal: 3 sets of 40 repetitions

4.) Lower body mobility work with deep breathing for 2-3 minutes (emphasis on hip flexors,
ankles, hamstrings)

Owen Johnston -

Remedial pushup workout

Don’t rush through your reps or cheat - use good form! Use a “2-1-2” cadence in
pushups - 2 seconds down, 1 second pause in the bottom position, and 2 seconds up. Take an
active rest of 1 to 3 minutes between sets. Don’t simply sit down - shake your arms out, walk
around, get a cold drink, whatever - keep moving.

If you are new to the pushup progression, start with the beginner goal, and add a set
the next time you perform the workout. Try to add at least 2 repetitions to each set, each week.
Once you meet the intermediate goal, add a third set the next time you perform the goal.

1.) Warmup – 5-10 minutes of walking or low intensity interval training

2.) Shoulder circling, shoulder stretches, wrist stretches – 5 minutes
3.) Wall pushups –
Beginner goal: 1 set of 10 repetitions
Intermediate goal: 2 sets of 30 repetitions
Progression goal: 3 sets of 50 repetitions
4.) Upper body mobility work with deep breathing 2-3 minutes, and an emphasis on the

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Remedial abdominal workout

Don’t rush through your reps or cheat - use good form! Use a “2-1-2” cadence when
performing seated knee tucks - 2 seconds in, 1 second pause in the top position, and 2 seconds
down. Take an active rest of 1 to 3 minutes between sets. Don’t simply sit down - stretch, walk
around, get a cold drink, whatever - keep moving.

If you are new to planks, start with at least the beginner goal for incline plank, and add
at least a few seconds each time you perform the workout. Once you meet the intermediate
goal, add a second set to this exercise the next time you perform the workout. Once you meet
the advanced goal for incline planks, you are ready for more advanced progressions.

If you are new to the leg raise progression, start with the beginner goal, and add a set
the next time you perform the workout. Try to add at least 2 repetitions to each set, each week.
Once you meet the intermediate goal, add a third set the next time you perform the workout.
Once you meet the advanced goal for seated knee tucks, you are ready for the next exercise in
the leg raise progression.

1.) Warmup – 5-10 minutes of walking or low intensity interval training

2.) Abdominal stretches with deep breathing for 5 minutes - twists; seal stretch; forward,
back, and side bends
3.) Incline plank
Beginner goal: 10 seconds
Intermediate goal: 30 seconds
Progression goal: 2 sets of 30 second holds
4.) Seated knee tucks
Beginner goal: 1 set of 10 repetitions
Intermediate goal: 2 sets of 30 repetitions
Progression goal: 3 sets of 40 repetitions
5.) Abdominal stretches with deep breathing for 2-3 minutes

Owen Johnston -

Remedial pullup workout

Don’t rush through your reps or cheat - use good form! Use a “2-1-2” cadence - 2
seconds pull, 1 second pause in the bottom position, and 2 seconds back. Take an active rest of
1 to 3 minutes between sets. Don’t simply sit down - shake your arms out, walk around, get a
cold drink, whatever - keep moving.

If you are new to the pullup progression, start with the beginner goal, and add a set the
next time you perform the workout. Try to add at least 2 repetitions to each set, each week.
Once you meet the intermediate goal, add a third set the next time you perform the workout.
Once you meet the advanced goal for standing pulls, you are ready for the next exercise in the
pullup progression.

1.) Warmup – 5-10 minutes of walking or low intensity interval training

2.) Shoulder circling, shoulder stretches, wrist stretches (all with deep breathing) – 5-10
3.) Standing pulls –
Beginner goal: 1 set of 10 repetitions
Intermediate goal: 2 sets of 30 repetitions
Progression goal: 3 sets of 40 repetitions
4.) Upper body mobility work with deep breathing for 5-10 minutes, with an emphasis on the
shoulders and biceps

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Owen Johnston -

Bodyweight strength training programs

Programs begin on the next page

Owen Johnston -

Beginner bodyweight strength training program

Perform this program once a week at first if you are unaccustomed to two days a week.
After 2-4 weeks, start performing the program twice a week on non-consecutive days. After 2-
4 weeks, start performing the program three times per week on non-consecutive days. Warm
up and stretch for at least 5 minutes before a workout. Perform light stretching of the muscles
you worked after you finish training.

Start with a beginner or novice exercise from each progression. Work with an exercise
until you can perform the set and rep range given beside its progression, using good
technique. Move to a harder exercise in that progression, and repeat the process. When you
are working with intermediate exercises in each progression, and training two or three times a
week, you are ready for the next training program.

Workout Perform
Pushup progression: 3-5 sets of 6-10 reps
Pullup progression: 3-5 sets of 5-8 reps
Dipping progression: 3-5 sets of 5-8 reps
Leg raise progression: 3-5 sets of 6-10 reps
Squat progression: 3-5 sets of 6-10 reps

Owen Johnston -

Intermediate bodyweight strength training program

Warm up and stretch for at least 5 minutes before a workout. Perform light stretching
of the muscles you worked after you finish training. When you are working with advanced
exercises in each progression, and training two or three times a week, you are ready for the
next training program.

Day 1 Goal
Pushup progression: 3-5 sets of 4-6 reps
Pullup progression: 3-5 sets of 3-5 reps
Leg raise progression: 3-5 sets of 6-10 reps
Dipping progression: 2-3 sets of 6-10 reps

Day 2 Goal
Handstand pushup progression: 3-5 sets of 3-5 reps
Horizontal pullup progression: 3-5 sets of 4-8 reps
Squat progression: 3-5 sets of 3-5 reps
Bridging progression: 3-5 sets of 6-10 reps or 10-15 seconds

Owen Johnston -

Advanced bodyweight strength training program

Warm up and stretch for at least 5 minutes before a workout. Perform light stretching
of the muscles you worked after you finish training. When you are working with high
advanced exercises in a progression, you will be ready to start training for elite goals.

Day 1 Goal
Pushup progression: 3-5 sets of 3-5 reps
Pullup progression: 3-5 sets of 3-5 reps
Dipping progression: 3-5 sets of 3-5 reps
Back lever progression: 3-5 sets of 3-5 reps or 5-10 second holds

Day 2 Goal
Front lever progression: 3-5 sets of 8-10 short holds
Handstand pushup progression: 3-5 sets of 3-5 reps
Horizontal pullup progression: 3-5 sets of 6-10 reps
Leg raise progression: 3-5 sets of 6-10 reps

Day 3 Goal
Squat progression: 3-5 sets of 4-6 reps
Bridging progression: 3-5 sets of 4-6 reps or 10-15 second holds
Calf raise progression: 3-5 sets of 15-20 reps

Owen Johnston -

Bodyweight bodybuilding programs

Programs begin on the next page

Owen Johnston -

Beginner bodyweight bodybuilding program

Warm up and stretch for at least 5 minutes before a workout. Perform light stretching
of the muscles you worked after you finish training. Start with a beginner or novice exercise
from each progression. Work with an exercise until you can perform the set and rep range
given beside its progression, using good technique. Move to a harder exercise in that
progression, and repeat the process. When you are working with intermediate exercises in
each progression, and training two or three times a week, you are ready for the next training

Day 1 Build up to
Handstand pushup progression: 3 sets of 8-10 reps
Horizontal pullup progression: 3 sets of 8-10 reps
Pushup progression: 3 sets of 10-15 reps

Day 2 Build up to
Squat progression: 3 sets of 10-15 reps
Leg raise progression: 3 sets of 10-15 reps
Lunge: 3 sets of 10-15 second holds

Owen Johnston -

Intermediate bodyweight bodybuilding program

Warm up and stretch for at least 5 minutes before a workout. Perform light stretching
of the muscles you worked after you finish training. When you are working with advanced
exercises in each progression, and training two or three times a week, you are ready for the
next training program.

Day 1 Build up to
Horizontal pullup progression: 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps
Pushup progression: 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps
Leg raise progression: 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps
Upper body mobility work: 10 minutes

Day 2 Build up to
Squat progression: 3-4 sets of 10-15 reps
Lunge: 3-4 sets of 10-15 second holds
Lower body exhaustion work: 10-15 minutes
Calf work: 3-5 sets (various)

Day 3 Build up to
Handstand pushup progression: 3-4 sets of 6-8 reps
Pullup progression: 3-4 sets of 6-8 reps
Bridge progression (dynamic): 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps

Owen Johnston -

Advanced bodyweight bodybuilding program

This program is for experienced athletes. Choose exercises that are difficult enough for
you that you will have to work up to the set and rep goals. When you can perform more than
the goal for an exercise, add tougheners or move on to a harder exercise.

Where (various) is listed instead of a number of reps to aim for, this means there are
varying rep ranges depending on which exercise from the progression you choose and/or how
intense you can make that exercise. Where (max) is listed instead of reps, this means to
perform a maximal effort for the chosen exercise.

Notes on the forearm exercises: Convict Conditioning 2 has wonderful progressions for
hang grip and finger extensor work. I also recommend practicing rock climbing exercises and
finger pullups. Wrist strengthening exercises also work the forearms. I have also developed a
wrist specialization progression that is listed in my Calisthenics Progressions article.

Warm up and stretch for at least 5 minutes before a workout. Perform light stretching
of the muscles you worked after you finish training.

Workouts on next page

Owen Johnston -

Advanced bodyweight bodybuilding program

Day 1 – Chest, shoulders, biceps Build up to

Pushup progression: 3-4 sets of 6-8 reps
Pullup progression (biceps emphasis): 3-4 sets of 6-8 reps
Jowett pushups: 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps
Horizontal pullup progression (biceps emphasis): 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps
Handstand pushups (any variation): 2-3 sets (various)
Leg-elevated or jackknife pushups: 2-3 sets (various)
Horizontal pullup progression: 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps
Korean dips: 2-3 sets of 5-8 reps

Day 2 – Legs and waist Build up to

Cardio and stretching At least 5 minutes each
Squat progression: 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps
Glutes / hamstrings progression: 2-3 sets (various)
Sissy squats: 2-3 sets (max)
Calf raise progression: 3-4 sets (various)
Dynamic back levers: 3-4 sets of 4-6 reps
Leg raise progression: 3-4 sets of 10-20 reps

Day 3 – Back, triceps, forearms Build up to

Pullup progression: 3-4 sets of 6-8 reps
Dip progression: 2-3 sets (max)
Horizontal pullups: 3-4 sets of 6-8 reps
Triceps extensions 2-3 sets of 8-10 reps
Hang grip work progression: 2-3 sets (max)
Finger extensor work: 2-3 sets of 3-7 reps or
(shake hands out after) 8-12 second holds
Wrist progression: 2-3 sets of 3-7 reps or
(shake hands out after) 8-12 second holds

Owen Johnston -

Abbreviated advanced bodyweight bodybuilding program

Choose exercises that are difficult enough for you personally that you will have to work
up to the set and rep goals. When you can perform more than the goal for an exercise, you are
ready to move to the next one.

Where (various) is listed instead of a number of reps to aim for, this means there are
varying rep ranges depending on which exercise from the progression you choose and/or how
intense you can make that exercise.

Warm up and stretch for at least 5 minutes before a workout. Perform light stretching
of the muscles you worked after you finish training.

Day 1 Build up to
Horizontal pullup progression: 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps
Handstand pushup progression: 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps
Biceps work: 2-3 sets of 6-8 reps
Finger extensor or wrist progression: 2-3 sets (various)

Day 2 Build up to
Pushup progression: 3-4 sets of 6-8 reps
Pullup progression: 3-4 sets of 6-8 reps
Triceps work: 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps
Hanging grip work progression: 2-3 sets (various)

Day 3 Build up to
Squat progression: 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps
Glutes / hamstrings progression: 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps
Calf raise progression: 3-4 sets (various)
Leg raise progression: 3-4 sets of 8-12

Owen Johnston -

Bodyweight Bodybuilding Program – Daily Double Split

This program is for advanced athletes. Where (various) is listed, the reps range will
depend on the exercise and tougheners. Where (max) is listed, perform a maximal effort for
the chosen exercise. Back exercises include hyperextensions, back levers, and bridges. Warm
up and stretch for at least 5 minutes before a workout. Perform light stretching of the muscles
you worked after you finish training.

Exercises - days 1, 3, 5
Morning – chest and back Build up to
1A. Pushup progression 3-4 sets of 8-12
1B. Pullup progression 3-4 sets of 6-8
2A. Jowett pushups 2-3 sets of 8-12
2B. Back exercise 2-3 sets of 8-12
3A. Dip progression 2-3 sets (various)
3B. Pullup isometrics and negatives (pronated grip) 2-3 sets (various)

Afternoon or evening - lower body Build up to

1A. Squat progression 2-3 sets of 8-12
1B. Glutes / hamstrings progression 2-3 sets (various)
2A. Pistol squats 2-3 sets of 8-12
2B. Step-ups 2-3 sets of 6-8
3A. Sissy squats 2-3 sets (max)
3B. One leg deadlifts 2-3 sets of 8-12
4A. Calf raise progression 3-4 sets (various)
4B. Calf isometric holds 3-4 sets (various)

Exercises - days 2, 4, 6
Morning - shoulders, triceps, biceps, forearms Build up to
1A. Handstand pushup progression 2-3 sets (various)
1B. Biceps emphasis – pullups or horizontal pullups 2-3 sets (max)
2A. Handstand progression (up to wall supported) 2-3 sets of 30-60 seconds
2B. Horizontal pullup progression 2-3 sets of 6-13
3A. Biceps isometrics and negatives 2-3 sets (various)
3B. Hang grip work progression 2-3 sets (max)
3C. Bodyweight triceps extensions 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps
4A. Finger extensor work: 2-3 sets of 3-7 reps or
(shake hands out after) 8-12 second holds
4B. Wrist progression: 2-3 sets of 3-7 reps or
(shake hands out after) 8-12 second holds

Afternoon or evening - abdominals Build up to

Leg raise progression 2-3 sets of 8-12
Midsection hold progression 2-3 sets of 10-20 seconds
Planks and/or side planks 2-3 sets of 10-20 seconds
Dragon flag progression 2-3 sets (various)

Owen Johnston -

Owen Johnston -

Bodyweight skill training programs

Warm up and stretch for at least 5 minutes before a workout. Perform light stretching
of the muscles you worked after you finish training.

Workouts begin on the next page

Owen Johnston -

Beginner bodyweight skill training program

Day 1 Build up to
Early pushup progression: 4 sets of 4-6 reps
Planks: 4 sets (sub-maximal)
Early squat progression: 3 sets of 8-10 reps
Hanging kips or swings: 3 sets (sub-maximal)

Day 2 Build up to
Early pullup progression: 4 sets of 4-6 reps
Early dragon flag progression: 4 sets (sub-maximal)
Midsection hold progression: 3 sets (sub-maximal)
Wall sit: 3 sets (sub-maximal)

Day 3 Build up to
Basic hand balancing skills: 4 sets of 4-6 reps
Leg raise progression: 3 sets of 8-10 reps
Horizontal pullup progression: 3 sets of 4-6 reps
Early bridging skills: 3 sets (sub-maximal)

Owen Johnston -

Intermediate bodyweight skill training program

Day 1 Build up to
Hand balancing practice: 5-6 sets of 3-4 reps
Lever practice: 5-6 sets (sub-maximal)
Midsection hold progression: 5-6 sets (sub-maximal)
Squat progression: 5-6 sets of 3-4 reps

Day 2 Build up to
Dragon flag progression: 5-6 sets of 3-4 reps
Press flag progression: 5-6 sets (sub-maximal)
Muscleup, kip, or dip progression: 5-6 sets of 3-4 reps
Early to intermediate pushups: 5-6 sets of 4-6 reps

Owen Johnston -

Advanced bodyweight skill training program

Day 1 Build up to
Muscle-up progression: 8-10 sets of 1-3 reps
Back lever progression: 8-10 sets (sub-maximal)
Midsection hold progression: 8-10 sets (sub-maximal)

Day 2 Build up to
Hand balancing / transitions: 8-10 sets (sub-maximal)
Front lever progression: 8-10 sets (sub-maximal)
Dragon flag or press flag progression: 8-10 sets (sub-maximal)

Day 3 Build up to
Advanced pistols: 8-10 sets of 1-3 reps
Planche progression: 8-10 sets (sub-maximal)
Tumbling skills: At least 3-5 short sets per skill

Owen Johnston -

Gymnastics style skill training program

Uneven bars Build up to

Pullup progression: 4 sets of 4-6 reps
Leg raise progression: 4 sets of 4-6 reps
Chinup pullover progression: 8-10 sets of 1-3 reps
Kips or muscle-up progression: 8-10 sets of 1-3 reps

Floor conditioning Build up to

Pushups: 4 sets of 4-6 reps
Midsection holds (focus on hollow body): 4 sets of short holds
Squat or jump progression: (various)
Tension-flexibility exercises: 5-10 minutes

Tumbling Build up to
Bridging progression: 4-6 sets of short holds
Front tuck progression: 4-6 sets of 3-6 repetitions
Back tuck progression: 4-6 sets of 3-6 repetitions
Hand balancing and transitions: (various)

Owen Johnston -

Owen Johnston -

Convict Conditioning inspired workouts

These programs focus on simple, straightforward workouts, linear progression, and a

relatively small selection of compound movements. The simple nature of the workouts makes
them useful for beginners. Athletes of any experience could also experience gains with these
workouts, as they focus on maximum intensity and minimal training time.

The first and second Convict Conditioning books have progression standards
(repetition goal) for each exercise. Work up to the progression standard for an exercise before
moving on to the next exercise in the progression.

Please purchase the books to get full instruction on the approach, exercises, and
“hidden steps”. Paul “Coach” Wade, author of the books, would really appreciate it, as well!
He's trying keep making an honest living, like the rest of us.

I have also listed beginner and progression goals for each exercise in my own
progressions. Refer to the progressions article for the exercises, goals, and performance notes.

Franceso Vaccaro has created playlists for the “Big 6” Convict Conditioning playlists.
View them for free at the page below -

Warm up and stretch for at least 5 minutes before a workout. Perform light stretching
of the muscles you worked after you finish training.

Workouts begin on the next page

Owen Johnston -

Convict Conditioning Beginner Program

Start by performing the workouts on non-consecutive days. After at least 6 weeks of

training, start performing this program twice a week. Once you are working with the 6 th step
in each progression, move on to the next program.

Day 1
Pushup progression
Pullup progression

Day 2
Leg raise progression
Squat progression

Owen Johnston -

Convict Conditioning Intermediate Program

Day 1
Pushup progression
Pullup progression
Dipping progression

Day 2
Squat progression
Bridge progression
Leg raise progression

Day 3
Handstand pushup progression
Horizontal pullup progression

Owen Johnston -

Convict Conditioning Advanced Program

Day 1
Pushup progression
Pullup progression
Dipping progression
Neck work (Convict Conditioning 2 progressions)

Day 2
Squat progression
Bridge progression
Leg raise progression
Calf raise progression

Day 3
Handstand pushup progression
Horizontal pullup progression
Hang grip progression
Fingertip pushup progression

Owen Johnston -

Bodyweight + Sandbag Workouts

Sand may be obtained cheaply at most hardware stores. I recommend sturdy backpacks
and army surplus duffel bags to pour sand in, as they tend to hold up very well under rigorous
training. Fill at least two backpacks with 30 to 40 pounds of sand. Build up to performing
certain exercises (such as dips, squats, pullups, and calf raises) while wearing them (one on
your front and one on your back). You should also use at least two different duffel bags. Start
with a moderate amount in each bag, with one weighing more than the other. As you progress,
add more sand to one or both. While it is indeed important to use enough weight to provide a
meaningful resistance to you personally, do not use so much weight that you cannot perform
an exercise with good form for reps. Focus on technique and safety at all times.

In conventional strength training, the pattern of movement is fixed, whereas the load
given by odd objects, such as sandbags, will cause adjustments during the movement.
Basically, the fact that the sand shifts around forces you to stabilize the bags, which recruits
more muscles and makes the exercise more intense. Sandbag training is very useful for
firefighters and combat athletes, such as cage fighters and wrestlers. You can perform almost
any type of lift with sandbags that you can perform with dumbbells or bars, as well.

Don't stick rigidly to the workouts I have designed. Feel free to add or replace exercises
depending on your level of strength, conditioning, and experience. I also highly recommend
checking out “Chalk and Sweat” by Brooks Kubik and “The Encyclopedia of Underground
Strength and Conditioning” by Zach Even-Esh for many, many more sandbag exercises and
some amazing training routines.

Owen Johnston -

Owen Johnston -

Bodyweight + Sandbag Workouts – Training Tactics and Advice

When choosing exercises from a progression listed in the warmups, select an exercise
at least two levels down in the progression from the most difficult exercise you can perform.
You should be able to perform the selected exercise with good form for the sets and reps
listed. As you improve at the progression, add tougheners (such as going slower or adding
drop sets), add more weight, or move on to a harder exercise.

Use caution when selecting exercises from the progressions listed in the work set. Err
on the side of safety. Only add weight to exercises that you have spent considerable time with,
and can perform with more or less “perfect” technique for reps. Basically, choose an exercise
that is deeply ingrained into your nervous system.

Don't rush to performing one handed pushups, one arm squats, or one arm pullups
with a sandbag! Take enough time to allow your joints and muscles to adapt to the additional
weight. Start with two arm pushups, pullups, and squats.

Gradually build up reps in the movements. Try to add a little to each set each week.
Once you can perform the listed rep range in each set, make the exercise more difficult the
next time you perform the workout. Add tougheners, and/or more weight. For the
progressions, you could also move up to the next exercise and use an additional weight that
will allow you to perform the exercise with good technique for reps.

So, what's better? Do I try to work through each of those progressions with light
sandbags, or do I work up to performing two arm pushups, pullups, and squats with heavy
amounts of sand? Neither one is better – both are excellent strength goals! Again, however,
don't rush. Take a deload week every 4-6 weeks to allow your body to recuperate.

Warm up and stretch for at least 5 minutes before a workout. Perform light stretching
of the muscles you worked after you finish training.

Workouts begin on the next page

Owen Johnston -

Beginner bodyweight + sandbag strength program

This program is for intermediate athletes who have worked with at least one of the
previous intermediate programs for 8 weeks or more. Perform the workout twice per week on
non-consecutive days. Take at least one rest day each week. The other days may be used for
calisthenics only, sports practice, or an activity of choice.

The working exercises are performed in circuit fashion – back to back with a short rest
(1 to 2 minutes) between exercises. When you first perform this program, perform 1 or 2
circuits of the working exercises. Add a circuit every two weeks until you are performing 4

For added difficulty and motivation, add a 10 pushup penalty every time you drop the
bag(s) during the farmer's walk or carry. Instead of using sandbags to add resistance to
pullups, you could use a dipping belt. For the sandbag squats, you could wear a sandbag on
your back, hold one in each hand, or hold a sandbag in Zercher position. Hold a sandbag or
weight plate to add intensity to wrestler's bridges.

Workout on the next page

Owen Johnston -

Beginner bodyweight + sandbag strength program

Warmup sets Perform
Cardio and general mobility / stretching 5 minutes each
Pushup progression (no weight) 2 sets of 8-12 reps
Pullup progression (no weight) 2 sets of 5-8 reps
Sandbag overhead press (light) 2 sets of 6-10 reps
Back extensions 2 sets of 10-15 reps
Squat progression (no weight) 2 sets of 8-12 reps

Working exercises Perform

Pushup progression (sandbag on back) 6-10 reps
Pullup progression (weighted) 3-5 reps
Sandbag overhead press 6-10 reps
Sandbag bent over rows 6-10 reps
Sandbag squats 8-12 reps
Wrestler's bridge 5-8 reps
Leg raise progression 8-12 reps
Farmer's walk 300-500 feet
Hang grip work progression (Various)
Sandbag bear hug carry 200-300 feet

Owen Johnston -

Intermediate bodyweight + sandbag strength program 1

This program is for intermediate lifters who have worked with the previous program
for 8 weeks or more. Perform the workouts on non-consecutive days. Take at least one rest
day each week. The other days may be used for calisthenics only, sports practice, or an activity
of choice.

The working exercises are performed in circuit fashion – back to back with a short rest
(1 to 2 minutes) between exercises. When you first perform this program, perform 1 or 2
circuits of the working exercises. Add a circuit every week until you are performing 5 circuits.

Where (various) is listed, the rep range will depend on the chosen exercise and
tougheners. Where (max) is listed, perform a maximal effort for the chosen exercise.

For added difficulty and motivation, add a 10 pushup penalty every time you drop the
bag(s) during the farmer's walk or lunges. Instead of using sandbags to add resistance to
pullups and dips, you could use a dipping belt. For the sandbag squats, you could wear a
sandbag on your back, hold one in each hand, or hold a sandbag in Zercher position. Hold a
sandbag or weight plate to add intensity to wrestler's bridges. Hold a weight plate or sandbag
during back hyperextensions for added resistance. A Roman chair is used for back

Warm up and stretch for at least 5 minutes before a workout. Perform light stretching
of the muscles you worked after you finish training.

Workout starts on the next page

Owen Johnston -

Intermediate bodyweight + sandbag strength program 1

Warmup sets Perform
Cardio and general mobility / stretching 5 minutes each
Pushup progression (no weight) 2 sets of 8-12 reps
Pullup progression (no weight) 2 sets of 5-8 reps
Sandbag overhead press (light) 2 sets of 6-10 reps
Back extensions 2 sets of 10-15 reps
Squat progression (no weight) 2 sets of 8-12 reps

Working exercises Perform

Pushup progression (sandbag on back) 6-10 reps
Pullup progression (weighted) 3-5 reps
Dipping progression (weighted) 6-10 reps
Sandbag overhead press 6-10 reps
Sandbag bent over rows 6-10 reps
Sandbag shoulder and squat 5-8 reps per side
Wrestler's bridge 5-8 reps
Leg raise progression 8-12 reps
Farmer's walk 300-500 feet
Hang grip work progression (Various)
Wrist roller work (Max)
Sandbag bear hug carry 200-300 feet

Owen Johnston -

Intermediate bodyweight + sandbag strength program 2 – upper / lower body split

This program is for intermediate lifters who have worked with the previous program
for 8 weeks or more. Perform the workouts on non-consecutive days. Take at least one rest
day each week. The other days may be used for calisthenics only, sports practice, or an activity
of choice. Start with performing the program once per week. The other days may be used for
calisthenics only, sports practice, or an activity of choice. If you make consistent progress after
4-8 weeks of training, perform the workout two or three times each week on non-consecutive
days. Move on to the next program after you have become accustomed to this frequency and
have made consistent progress after 8 weeks of following the program.

The working exercises are performed in circuit fashion – back to back with a short rest
(1 to 2 minutes) between exercises. When you first perform this program, perform 1 or 2
circuits of the working exercises. Add a circuit every week until you are performing 5 circuits.

Where (various) is listed, the rep range will depend on the chosen exercise and
tougheners. Where (max) is listed, perform a maximal effort for the chosen exercise.

For added difficulty and motivation, add a 10 pushup penalty every time you drop the
bag(s) during the farmer's walk or lunges. Instead of using sandbags to add resistance to
pullups and dips, you could use a dipping belt. For the sandbag squats, you could wear a
sandbag on your back, hold one in each hand, or hold a sandbag in Zercher position. Hold a
sandbag or weight plate to add intensity to wrestler's bridges. Hold a weight plate or sandbag
during back hyperextensions for added resistance. A Roman chair is used for back

Warm up and stretch for at least 5 minutes before a workout. Perform light stretching
of the muscles you worked after you finish training.

Workouts start on the next page

Owen Johnston -

Intermediate bodyweight + sandbag strength program 2 – upper / lower body split

Day 1
Warmup sets Perform
Cardio and general mobility / stretching 5 minutes each
Pushup progression (no weight) 2 sets of 10-20 reps
Pullup progression (no weight) 2 sets of 6-10 reps
Sandbag overhead press (light) 2 sets of 6-10 reps

Working exercises Perform

Pushup progression (sandbag on back) 6-10 reps
Pullup progression (weighted) 3-5 reps
Dipping progression (weighted) 6-10 reps
Sandbag deadlifts, sandbag good mornings, or 6-10 reps
Back hyperextensions
Sandbag overhead press 8-12 reps
Sandbag curls 6-10 reps
Shoulder carry (switch shoulders every 50 feet) 200-300 feet
Sandbag bear hug carry 200-300 feet

Day 2
Warmup sets Perform
Cardio and general mobility / stretching 5 minutes each
Squat progression (no weight) 2 sets of 8-12
Lunges (no weight) 2 sets of 5-8 each side

Working exercises Perform

Sandbag squats 8-12 reps
Farmer's walk 300-500 feet
Sandbag Zercher lunges 200-300 feet
Wrestler's bridge 5-8 reps
Leg raise progression 10-15 reps
Hang grip work progression (various)
Wrist roller work (max)

Owen Johnston -

Advanced bodyweight + sandbag strength program

This program is for advanced lifters who have worked with the previous program for 8
weeks or more. Perform the workouts on non-consecutive days. Take at least one rest day
each week. The other days may be used for calisthenics only, sports practice, or an activity of

The working exercises are performed in circuit fashion – back to back with little to no
rest between exercises. When you first perform this program, perform 1 or 2 circuits of the
working exercises. Add a circuit every week until you are performing 5 circuits.

Where (various) is listed, the rep range will depend on the chosen exercise and
tougheners. Where (max) is listed, perform a maximal effort for the chosen exercise.

For added difficulty and motivation, add a 10 pushup penalty every time you drop the
bag(s) during the farmer's walk or carry. Instead of using sandbags to add resistance to
pullups and dips, you could use a dipping belt. For the sandbag squats, you could wear a
sandbag on your back, hold one in each hand, or hold a sandbag in Zercher position. Hold a
sandbag or weight plate to add intensity to wrestler's bridges.

Warm up and stretch for at least 5 minutes before a workout. Perform light stretching
of the muscles you worked after you finish training.

Workouts start on the next page

Owen Johnston -

Advanced bodyweight + sandbag program

Day 1 – Upper body

Warmup sets Perform
Cardio and general mobility / stretching 5 minutes each
Pushup progression (no weight) 2 sets of 10-20
Pullup progression (no weight) 2 sets of 6-10
Back extensions (no weight) 2 sets of 10-20
Sandbag overhead press (light) 2 sets of 5-8

Working exercises Perform

Pushup progression (sandbag on back) 6-10 reps
Pullup progression (weighted) 3-5 reps
Dipping progression (weighted) 3-5 reps
Sandbag overhead press 8-12 reps
Sandbag curls 6-10 reps
Sandbag front raises 6-10 reps
Sandbag bent over rows 5-8 reps
Dipping progression (weighted) 6-10 reps
Sandbag deadlifts or sandbag good mornings 6-10 reps
Shoulder carry (switch shoulders every 50 feet) 200-300 feet

Day 2 on the next page

Owen Johnston -

Advanced bodyweight + sandbag strength program

Day 2
Warmup sets
Cardio and general mobility / stretching 5 minutes each
Squat progression (no weight) 2 sets of 8-12
Lunges (no weight) 2 sets of 5-8 each side

Working exercises Perform

Sandbag squats 8-12 reps
One leg box squats 8-12 reps / side
(sandbag in Zercher position)
Farmer's walk 300-500 feet
Sandbag lunges 200-300 feet
Wrestler's bridge 5-8 reps
Hang grip work progression (various)
Leg raise progression 10-15 reps
Wrist roller work (max)

Owen Johnston -

Short and brutal bodyweight + sandbag strength program

This program is for advanced lifters who have worked with an intermediate program
for 8 weeks or more. Always use a weight that challenges you to complete a set with good
form. Take a short rest between exercises.

Perform the workouts on non-consecutive days. Take at least one rest day each week.
Start with performing the program once per week. The other days may be used for
calisthenics only, sports practice, or an activity of choice. After at least 1 month of working
with this program, you can perform this program 2 or 3 times per week.

A pyramid is a series of sets with decreasing numbers of repetitions. For example, you
might perform a set of 5, take a short break, then perform a set of 3, take another short break,
and finish with a set of 1. Rest only as long as you need between sets in a pyramid. You can use
the same weight across sets in a pyramid, or add weight between sets. You can also perform
descending pyramids, in which you remove weight between sets. A third option is performing
a reverse pyramid, in which you weight between sets, and perform more repetitions each set
instead of less. It all depends on your goal – strength, hypertrophy, or endurance training.

Instead of using sandbags to add resistance to pullups and dips, you could use a
dipping belt. Hold a sandbag or weight plate during wrestler's bridges to add resistance.Wear
iron boots or ankle weights during leg raises to add resistance.

When you complete a repetition of the exercise “sandbag shoulder and squat”, rest long
enough to inhale and exhale deeply. Draw as much air as you can, hold it for a few seconds,
and breathe out sharply from your abdomen. Draw in another deep breath as you prepare for
the next repetition. Complete the 10 repetitions each side, even if you have to stop to rest for
an extra few breaths between squats.

Warm up and stretch for at least 5 minutes before a workout. Perform light stretching
of the muscles you worked after you finish training.

Workouts on the next page

Owen Johnston -

Short and brutal bodyweight + sandbag strength program

Day 1
Warmup sets Perform
Cardio and general mobility / stretching 5 minutes each
Early pushup progression (no weight) 2 sets of 8-12 reps
Early pullup progression (no weight) 2 sets of 6-10 reps

Working exercises Perform

Weighted pullups 1st Pyramid
Weighted dips 1st Pyramid
Wrestler’s bridge 20-60 second hold
Weighted pullups 2nd Pyramid
Weighted dips 2nd Pyramid
Wrestler’s bridge 20-60 second hold

Day 2
Warmup sets
Cardio and general mobility / stretching 5 minutes each
Early squat progression (no weight) 2 sets of 8-12 reps

Working exercises
Sandbag shoulder and squat 10 times each side
Leg raise progression (no weight) 4-5 sets of 6-10
Wrist roller work Muscular exhaustion

Owen Johnston -

Bodyweight + sandbag bodybuilding program – weekly split

This program is for advanced lifters who have worked with an advanced program or the
previous program for at least 8 weeks. Perform the workouts on non-consecutive days. Take
at least one rest day each week. The other days may be used for calisthenics only, sports
practice, or an activity of choice.

Where (various) is listed, the rep range will depend on the chosen exercise and
tougheners. Where (max) is listed, perform a maximal effort for the chosen exercise. Take a 1
to 2 minute rest between supersets.

For added difficulty and motivation, add a 10 pushup penalty every time you drop the
bag(s) during the farmer's walk or carry. Instead of using sandbags to add resistance to
pullups, biceps curls, and dips, you could use a dipping belt. For the sandbag squats, you
could wear a sandbag on your back, hold one in each hand, or hold a sandbag in Zercher
position. Hold a sandbag or weight plate during wrestler's bridges, short bridges, hip thrusts,
or hyperextensions to add resistance. A Roman chair is used for back hyperextensions.

Warm up and stretch for at least 5 minutes before a workout. Perform light stretching
of the muscles you worked after you finish training.

Workouts start on the next page

Owen Johnston -

Bodyweight + sandbag bodybuilding program – weekly split

Day 1 – Chest and back

Warmup sets Perform
Cardio and general mobility / stretching 5 minutes each
Pushup progression (no weight) 2 sets of 10-20 reps
Pullup progression (no weight) 2 sets of 5-8 reps
Back extensions (no weight) 2 sets of 6-10 reps
Sandbag deadlift (light to medium) 2 sets of 5-8 reps

Supersets Perform
1A. Pushups (sandbag on back) 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps
or pushup progression without weight
1B. Pullup progression (weighted) 2-3 sets of 4-6 reps
2A. Parallel dips (weighted) 2-3 sets of 6-10 reps
(Lean forward slightly to target chest)
2B. Sandbag good mornings, sandbag deadlift, or 2-3 sets of 6-10 reps
Back hyperextensions
3A. Jowett pushups (sandbag on back) 2-3 sets (max)
3B. Sandbag bear hug carry 200-300 feet
4A. Finger extensor work 2-3 sets of 3-7 reps or
(shake hands out after) 8-12 second holds
4B. Wrist progression 2-3 sets of 3-7 reps or
(shake hands out after) 8-12 second holds

Day 2 on the next page

Owen Johnston -

Bodyweight + sandbag bodybuilding program – weekly split

Day 2 – Shoulders, neck, abs, arms

Warmup sets Perform
Cardio and general mobility / stretching 5 minutes each
Early handstand pushups progression 2 sets of 8-12 reps, or
2-3 sets of short holds
Horizontal pullup progression (no weight) 2-3 sets of 6-10 reps
Sandbag clean and press (light) 2 sets of 6-10 reps
Or sandbag overhead press

Supersets Perform
1A. Handstand pushup progression 2-3 sets of 5-8 reps
1B. Horizontal pullup progression (weighted) 2-3 sets of 6-10 reps
2A. Sandbag clean and press 2-3 sets of 6-10 reps
2B. Sandbag bent over rows 2-3 sets of 6-10 reps
3A. Hang grip work 2-3 sets of 20-60
second holds
3B. Bodyweight triceps extensions 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps
4A. Farmer's walk 1/4th-1/2 mile
4B. Sandbag triceps curls 2-3 sets of 5-8 reps
5A. Leg raise progression 2-3 sets of 15-20 reps
5B. Wrestler's bridge 2-3 sets of 5-8 reps
6A. Early handstand pushup progression 2-3 sets of 10-60
(Beginner and novice exercises) second holds
6B. Wrist roller work 2-3 sets (max)

Day 3 on the next page

Owen Johnston -

Bodyweight + sandbag bodybuilding program – weekly split

Day 3
Warmup sets Perform
Cardio and general mobility / stretching 5 minutes each
Squats (no weight) 2 sets of 6-10 reps
Deep lunges (no weight) 2 sets of 6-10 / side

Supersets Perform
1A. Sandbag squats 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps
1B. Glutes / hamstrings progression 2-3 sets (various)
2A. One leg box squats 2-3 sets of 8-12 / side
(sandbag in Zercher position)
2B. Step-ups 2-3 sets of 6-8
(sandbag in Zercher position)
3A. Sissy squats (no weight) 2-3 sets (max)
3B. One leg deadlifts (no weight) 2-3 sets of 8-12
4A. Calf raise progression (with or without weight) 3-4 sets (various)
4B. Calf isometric holds 3-4 sets (various)

Owen Johnston -

Bodyweight + sandbag bodybuilding program – daily double split

This program is for advanced lifters who have worked with the previous program for 8
weeks or more and at least one of the previous advanced programs for 8 weeks or more.
Perform the workouts on non-consecutive days. Take at least one rest day each week. The
other days may be used for calisthenics only, sports practice, or an activity of choice.

Where (various) is listed, the rep range will depend on the chosen exercise and
tougheners. Where (max) is listed, perform a maximal effort for the chosen exercise. Take a 1
to 2 minute rest between supersets.

Instead of using sandbags to add resistance to pullups and dips, you could use a
dipping belt and at least one weight plate. For the sandbag squats, you could wear a sandbag
on your back, hold one in each hand, or hold a sandbag in Zercher position. Hold a sandbag or
weight plate during wrestler's bridges, short bridges, hip thrusts, or hyperextensions to add
resistance. A Roman chair is used for back hyperextensions. Perform wrist roller work after or
in place of hang grip work, when a wrist roller is available.

Warm up and stretch for at least 5 minutes before a workout. Perform light stretching
of the muscles you worked after you finish training.

Workouts start on the next page

Owen Johnston -

Bodyweight + sandbag bodybuilding program – daily double split

Exercises - days 1, 3, 5
Morning or early afternoon – chest and back
Warmup sets Perform
Cardio and general mobility / stretching 5 minutes each
Pushup progression (no weight) 2 sets of 10-20 reps
Pullup progression (no weight) 2 sets of 5-8 reps
Back extensions (no weight) 2 sets of 6-10 reps
Sandbag deadlift (light to medium) 2 sets of 5-8 reps

Supersets Build up to
1A. Pushups (sandbag on back) 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps
1B. Pullup progression (weighted) 2-3 sets of 4-6 reps
2A. Parallel dips (weighted) 2-3 sets of 6-10 reps
(Lean forward slightly to target chest)
2B. Sandbag deadlifts, sandbag good mornings, or 2-3 sets of 6-10 reps
Back hyperextensions
3A. Jowett pushups (weighted) 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps
3B. Sandbag bear hug carry 200-300 feet
4A. Finger extensor work 2-3 sets of 3-7 reps or
(shake hands out after) 8-12 second holds
4B. Wrist specialization 2-3 sets of 3-7 reps or
(shake hands out after) 8-12 second holds

Afternoon / evening workout on next page

Owen Johnston -

Bodyweight + sandbag bodybuilding program – daily double split

Exercises - days 1, 3, 5

Afternoon or evening - lower body

Warmup sets Perform
Cardio and general mobility / stretching 5 minutes each
Squats (no weight) 2 sets of 6-10 reps
Deep lunges (no weight) 2 sets of 6-10 / side

Supersets Perform
1A. Sandbag squats 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps
1B. Glutes / hamstrings progression 2-3 sets (various)
2A. One leg box squats 2-3 sets of 8-12 / side
(sandbag in Zercher position)
2B. Step-ups 2-3 sets of 6-8
(sandbag in Zercher position)
2A. Pistol squats (no weight) 2-3 sets of 8-12
2B. Step-ups 2-3 sets of 6-8
3A. Sissy squats (no weight) 2-3 sets (max)
3B. One leg deadlifts 2-3 sets of 8-12
4A. Calf raise progression (with or without weight) 3-4 sets (various)
4B. Calf isometric holds 3-4 sets (various)

Workouts for days 2, 4, and 6 on the next page

Owen Johnston -

Bodyweight + sandbag bodybuilding program – daily double split

Exercises - days 2, 4, 6
Morning or early afternoon - shoulders, triceps, biceps, forearms

Warmup sets Perform

Cardio and general mobility / stretching 5 minutes each
Early handstand pushups progression 2 sets of 8-12 reps, or
2-3 sets of short holds
Horizontal pullup progression (no weight) 2-3 sets of 6-10 reps

Supersets Perform
1A. Foot elevated pushups (weighted) 2-3 sets of 6-10 reps
1B. Horizontal pullup progression (weighted) 2-3 sets of 6-10 reps
2A. Sandbag clean and press 2-3 sets of 6-10 reps
2B. Sandbag bent over rows 2-3 sets of 6-10 reps
3A. Handstand pushup progression 2-3 sets of 5-8 reps, or
10-60 second holds
3B. Bodyweight biceps curls (weighted) 2-3 sets of 5-8 reps
4A. Hang grip work progression 2-3 sets (various)
4B. Bodyweight triceps extensions 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps
5A. Farmer's walk 1/4th-1/2 mile
5B. Sandbag triceps curls 2-3 sets of 5-8 reps
6A. Leg raise progression 2-3 sets of 15-20 reps
6B. Wrestler's bridge 2-3 sets of 5-8 reps

Afternoon or evening - abdominals

Warmups Perform
Cardio and general mobility / stretching 5 minutes each

Circuit – perform all working exercises back to back with little to no rest inbetween. Take a
rest between circuits. Perform 2 to 5 circuits.

Working exercises Perform

1. Leg raise progression (max)
2. Midsection hold progression 10-20 second holds
3. Side planks 10-20 second holds each side
4. Sandbag getups 8-12 reps
5. Side leg raises 8-12 reps
6. Weighted situps or weighted decline situps (max)
7 Situps or decline situps (no weight) (max)

Owen Johnston -

Abbreviated advanced bodybuilding + sandbag bodybuilding program

This program is for advanced lifters who have worked with the intermediate
bodybuilding + sandbag program for 8 weeks or more. Perform the workouts on non-
consecutive days. Take at least one rest day each week. The other days may be used for
calisthenics only, sports practice, or an activity of choice.

Take a 1 to 2 minute rest between supersets.

Instead of using sandbags to add resistance to pullups and dips, you could use a
dipping belt and at least one weight plate. For the sandbag squats, you could wear a sandbag
on your back, hold one in each hand, or hold a sandbag in Zercher position. Hold a sandbag or
weight plate during wrestler's bridges, short bridges, hip thrusts, or hyperextensions to add
resistance. A Roman chair is used for back hyperextensions. Wear iron boots or ankle weights
during leg raises for added resistance. Perform wrist roller work after or in place of hang grip
work, when a wrist roller is available.

Warm up and stretch for at least 5 minutes before a workout. Perform light stretching
of the muscles you worked after you finish training.

Workouts on next page

Owen Johnston -

Abbreviated advanced bodybuilding + sandbag bodybuilding program

Day 1 Perform
1A. Horizontal pullup progression 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps
1B. Handstand pushup progression 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps
2A. Sandbag curls 2-3 sets of 6-8 reps
2B. Sandbag clean and press 2-3 sets of 6-8 reps
3A. Bodyweight triceps extensions 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps
3B. Hang grip work progression 2-3 sets (various)
4A. Leg raises 2-3 sets of 7-10
4B. Wrestler's bridge 2-3 sets of 6-8 reps

Day 2 Perform
1A. Pushups (sandbag on back) 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps
1B. Pullup progression (weighted) 2-3 sets of 4-6 reps
2A. Parallel dips (weighted) 2-3 sets of 6-10 reps
2B. Sandbag deadlifts, sandbag good mornings, or 2-3 sets of 6-10 reps
Back hyperextensions
3A. Finger extensor work 2-3 sets of 3-7 reps or
(shake hands out after) 2-3 sets of 8-12 second holds
3B. Wrist specialization 2-3 sets of 3-7 reps or
(shake hands out after) 2-3 sets of 8-12 second holds

Day 3 Perform
1A. Pistol squats (no weight) 2-3 sets of 6-8 / side
1B. Zercher sandbag lunges 2-3 sets of 6-8 / side
2A. Sandbag squats 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps
2B. Glutes / hamstrings progression 2-3 sets (various)
3A. Calf raise progression (with or without weight) 3-4 sets (various)
3B. Calf isometric holds 3-4 sets (various)

Owen Johnston -

Weighted calisthenics programs

These workouts call for sandbags and/or dipping belts. Sand may be obtained cheaply
at most hardware stores. I recommend sturdy backpacks to pour sand in. Fill at least two
backpacks with 30 to 40 pounds of sand. Build up to performing certain exercises (such as
dips, squats, pullups, and calf raises) while wearing them (one on your front and one on your
back). While it is indeed important to use enough weight to provide a meaningful resistance to
you personally, do not use so much weight that you cannot perform an exercise with good
form for reps. Focus on technique and safety at all times.

Don't stick rigidly to the workouts I have designed. Feel free to add or replace exercises
depending on your level of strength, conditioning, and experience. I also highly recommend
checking out “Chalk and Sweat” by Brooks Kubik and “The Encyclopedia of Underground
Strength and Conditioning” by Zach Even-Esh for many, many more sandbag exercises and
some amazing training routines.

Owen Johnston -

Owen Johnston -

Weighted Calisthenics Workouts – Training Tactics and Advice

When choosing exercises from a progression listed in the warmups, select an exercise
at least two levels down in the progression from the most difficult exercise you can perform.
You should be able to perform the selected exercise with good form for the sets and reps
listed. As you improve at the progression, add tougheners (such as going slower or adding
drop sets), add more weight, or move on to a harder exercise.

Use caution when selecting exercises from the progressions listed in the work set. Err
on the side of safety. Only add weight to exercises that you have spent considerable time with,
and can perform with more or less “perfect” technique for reps. Basically, choose an exercise
that is deeply ingrained into your nervous system.

Don't rush to performing one handed pushups, one arm squats, or one arm pullups
with a sandbag! Take enough time to allow your joints and muscles to adapt to the additional
weight. Start with two arm pushups, pullups, and squats.

Gradually build up reps in the movements. Try to add a little to each set each week.
Once you can perform the listed rep range in each set, make the exercise more difficult the
next time you perform the workout. Add tougheners, and/or more weight. For the
progressions, you could also move up to the next exercise and use an additional weight that
will allow you to perform the exercise with good technique for reps.

So, what's better? Do I try to work through each of those progressions with light
sandbags, or do I work up to performing two arm pushups, pullups, and squats with heavy
amounts of sand? Neither one is better – both are excellent strength goals! Again, however,
don't rush. Take a deload week every 4-6 weeks to allow your body to recuperate.

Warm up and stretch for at least 5 minutes before a workout. Perform light stretching
of the muscles you worked after you finish training.

Workouts begin on the next page

Owen Johnston -

Beginner weighted calisthenics workout

This program is for intermediate athletes who have worked with at least one of the
previous intermediate programs for 8 weeks or more. Perform the workout twice per week on
non-consecutive days. Take at least one rest day each week. The other days may be used for
non-weighted calisthenics, sports practice, or an activity of choice.

The working exercises are performed in circuit fashion – back to back with little to no
rest between exercises. When you first perform this program, perform 1 or 2 circuits of the
working exercises. Add a circuit every two weeks until you are performing 5 circuits.

Instead of using sandbags to add resistance to pullups, you could use a dipping belt.
For the squats, you could wear a sandbag on your back, hold one in each hand, or hold a
sandbag in Zercher position. Wear iron boots or ankle weights during leg raises or midsection
holds to add resistance. Hold a sandbag or weight plate during wrestler's bridges, short
bridges, or hip thrusts to add resistance.

Warm up and stretch for at least 5 minutes before a workout. Perform light stretching
of the muscles you worked after you finish training.

Warmup sets Perform
Cardio and general mobility / stretching 5 minutes each
Pushup progression (no weight) 2 sets of 8-12 reps
Pullup progression (no weight) 2 sets of 5-8 reps
Back extensions (no weight) 2 sets of 10-15 reps
Squat progression (no weight) 2 sets of 8-12 reps

Working exercises Perform

Pushup progression (sandbag on back) 6-10 reps
Pullup progression (weighted) 3-5 reps
Leg raise progression 15-20 reps
Sandbag squats 8-12 reps
Wrestler's bridge 20-30 second holds
Midsection holds progression 10-20 second holds

Owen Johnston -

Intermediate weighted calisthenics strength program

This program is for intermediate athletes who have worked with at least one of the
previous intermediate programs for 8 weeks or more. Perform the workout twice per week on
non-consecutive days. Take at least one rest day each week. The other days may be used for
non-weighted calisthenics, sports practice, or an activity of choice.

The working exercises are performed in circuit fashion – back to back with little to no
rest between exercises. When you first perform this program, perform 1 or 2 circuits of the
working exercises. Add a circuit every week until you are performing 5 circuits.

Instead of using sandbags to add resistance to pullups and dips, you could use a
dipping belt. Back exercises include back levers, bridges, and hyperextensions (when a Roman
chair is available). Hold a sandbag or weight plate during wrestler's bridges or
hyperextensions to add resistance. For sandbag squats, you could wear a sandbag on your
back, hold one in each hand, or hold a sandbag in Zercher position. Wear iron boots or ankle
weights during leg raises or midsection holds to add resistance. Perform wrist roller work
after or in place of hang grip work when a wrist roller is available.

Warm up and stretch for at least 5 minutes before a workout. Perform light stretching
of the muscles you worked after you finish training.

Workouts on the next page

Owen Johnston -

Intermediate weighted calisthenics strength program

Day 1
Warmup sets Perform
Cardio and general mobility / stretching 5 minutes each
Pushup progression (no weight) 2 sets of 10-20 reps
Pullup progression (no weight) 2 sets of 6-10 reps
Back extensions (no weight) 2 sets of 10-15 reps

Working exercises Perform

Pushup progression (sandbag on back) 6-10 reps
Pullup progression (weighted) 3-5 reps
Dipping progression (weighted) 6-10 reps
Back exercise 8-12 reps

Day 2
Warmup sets Perform
Cardio and general mobility / stretching 5 minutes each
Squat progression (no weight) 2 sets of 8-12
Lunges (no weight) 2 sets of 5-8 each side

Working exercises Perform

Sandbag squats 8-12 reps
Wrestler's bridge 5-8 reps or
30 to 40 second holds
Leg raise progression 10-15 reps
Hang grip work progression (Various)
Midsection holds progression 10-20 second holds
Zercher sandbag lunges 5-8 reps each side

Owen Johnston -

Advanced weighted calisthenics strength program

This program is for advanced lifters who have worked with the previous program for 8
weeks or more. Perform the workouts on non-consecutive days. Take at least one rest day
each week. The other days may be used for non-weighted calisthenics, sports practice, or an
activity of choice.

The working exercises are performed in circuit fashion – back to back with little to no
rest between exercises. When you first perform this program, perform 1 or 2 circuits of the
working exercises. Add a circuit every week until you are performing 5 circuits.

Instead of using sandbags to add resistance to pullups and dips, you could use a
dipping belt. Back exercises include back levers, bridges, and hyperextensions (when a Roman
chair is available). Hold a sandbag or weight plate during wrestler's bridges or
hyperextensions to add resistance. For sandbag squats, you could wear a sandbag on your
back, hold one in each hand, or hold a sandbag in Zercher position. Wear iron boots or ankle
weights during leg raises or midsection holds to add resistance. Perform wrist roller work
after or in place of hang grip work when a wrist roller is available.

Warm up and stretch for at least 5 minutes before a workout. Perform light stretching
of the muscles you worked after you finish training.

Workouts on the next page

Owen Johnston -

Advanced weighted calisthenics strength program

Day 1
Warmup sets Perform
Cardio and general mobility / stretching 5 minutes each
Pushup progression (no weight) 2 sets of 10-20 reps
Pullup progression (no weight) 2 sets of 6-10 reps
Back extensions 2 sets of 10-15 reps

Working exercises Perform

Pushup progression (sandbag on back) 6-10 reps
Pullup progression (weighted) 3-5 reps
Dipping progression (weighted) 6-10 reps
Korean dips (no weight) 5-8 reps
Back exercise 8-12 reps

Day 2
Warmup sets Perform
Cardio and general mobility / stretching 5 minutes each
Squat progression (no weight) 2 sets of 8-12
Lunges (no weight) 2 sets of 5-8 each side

Working exercises Perform

Sandbag squats 8-12 reps
Wrestler's bridge 5-8 reps
Leg raise progression 10-15 reps
Midsection holds progression 10-20 second holds
Hang grip work progression (Various)
Finger extensor work 3-5 reps or
(shake hands out after) 7-10 second holds
Wrist specialization 3-5 reps or
(shake hands out after) 7-10 second holds
Zercher sandbag lunges 5-8 reps each side, or
50-100 feet

Owen Johnston -

Short and brutal weighted calisthenics strength program

This program is for advanced lifters who have worked with an intermediate program
for 8 weeks or more. Always use a weight that challenges you to complete a set with good
form. Take a short rest between exercises.

Perform the workouts on non-consecutive days. Take at least one rest day each week.
Start with performing the program once per week. The other days may be used for
calisthenics only, sports practice, or an activity of choice. After at least 1 month of working
with this program, you can perform this program 2 or 3 times per week.

A pyramid is a series of sets with decreasing numbers of repetitions. For example, you
might perform a set of 5, take a short break, then perform a set of 3, take another short break,
and finish with a set of 1. Rest only as long as you need between sets in a pyramid. You can use
the same weight across sets in a pyramid, or add weight between sets. You can also perform
descending pyramids, in which you remove weight between sets. A third option is performing
a reverse pyramid, in which you weight between sets, and perform more repetitions each set
instead of less. It all depends on your goal – strength, hypertrophy, or endurance training.

Instead of using sandbags to add resistance to pullups and dips, you could use a
dipping belt. Hold a sandbag or weight plate during wrestler's bridges to add resistance. For
sandbag squats, you could wear a sandbag on your back, hold one in each hand, or hold a
sandbag in Zercher position. You are allowed to change the position of the bag between sets
of sandbag squats. Wear iron boots or ankle weights during leg raises to add resistance.

Warm up and stretch for at least 5 minutes before a workout. Perform light stretching
of the muscles you worked after you finish training.

Workouts on the next page

Owen Johnston -

Short and brutal weighted calisthenics strength program

Day 1
Warmup sets Perform
Cardio and general mobility / stretching 5 minutes each
Early pushup progression (no weight) 2 sets of 8-12 reps
Early pullup progression (no weight) 2 sets of 6-10 reps

Working exercises Perform

Weighted pushups Pyramid
Weighted pullups Pyramid
Weighted dips Pyramid
Wrestler’s bridge 2-3 sets of 30-60 second holds

Day 2
Warmup sets Perform
Cardio and general mobility / stretching 5 minutes each
Early squat progression (no weight) 2 sets of 8-12 reps

Working exercises Perform

Sandbag squat 1st Pyramid
Leg raise progression 4-5 sets of 6-10 reps
Hang grip work 3 sets of 20-60 second holds
Sandbag squat 2nd Pyramid

Owen Johnston -

Weighted calisthenics bodybuilding program – weekly split

This program is for advanced lifters who have worked with an advanced program or the
previous program for at least 8 weeks. Perform the workouts on non-consecutive days. Take
at least one rest day each week. The other days may be used for non-weighted calisthenics,
sports practice, or an activity of choice.

Take a 1 to 2 minute rest between supersets.

Instead of using sandbags to add resistance to pullups and dips, you could use a
dipping belt. Back exercises include back levers, bridges, and hyperextensions (when a Roman
chair is available). Hold a sandbag or weight plate during wrestler's bridges, short bridges, hip
thrusts, or hyperextensions to add resistance. For sandbag squats, you could wear a sandbag
on your back, hold one in each hand, or hold a sandbag in Zercher position. Wear iron boots
or ankle weights during leg raises to add resistance. Perform wrist roller work after or in place
of hang grip work when a wrist roller is available.

Warm up and stretch for at least 5 minutes before a workout. Perform light stretching
of the muscles you worked after you finish training.

Workouts start on the next page

Owen Johnston -

Weighted calisthenics bodybuilding program – weekly split

Day 1 – Chest and back

Warmup sets Perform
Cardio and general mobility / stretching 5 minutes each
Pushup progression (no weight) 2 sets of 10-20 reps
Pullup progression (no weight) 2 sets of 5-8 reps

Supersets Build up to
1A. Pushup progression (sandbag on back) 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps
1B. Pullup progression (weighted) 2-3 sets of 4-6 reps
2A. Dipping progression (weighted) 2-3 sets of 6-10 reps
2B. Back exercise 2-3 sets of 6-10 reps or
3A. Jowett pushups (sandbag on back) 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps
3B. Pullup progression (no weight) 2-3 sets of 6-10 reps

Day 2 on the next page

Owen Johnston -

Weighted calisthenics bodybuilding program – weekly split

Day 2 – Shoulders, neck, abs, arms

Warmup sets Perform
Cardio and general mobility / stretching 5 minutes each
Early handstand pushups progression 2 sets of 8-12 reps, or
2-3 sets of short holds
Horizontal pullup progression (no weight) 2-3 sets of 6-10 reps

Supersets Perform
1A. Korean dips (no weight) 2-3 sets of 6-10 reps
1B. Horizontal pullup progression (weighted) 2-3 sets of 6-10 reps
2A. Handstand pushup progression 2-3 sets of 5-8 reps, or
10-60 second holds
2B. Bodyweight biceps curls (weighted) 2-3 sets of 5-8 reps
3A. Wrestler's bridge 2-3 sets of 5-8 reps
3B. Leg raise progression 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps
4A. Hang grip work 2-3 sets of 20-60
second holds
4B. Bodyweight triceps extensions 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps
5A. Plank 2-3 sets of 10-20
second holds
5B. Side plank 2-3 sets of 10-20
second holds on each side

Day 3 on the next page

Owen Johnston -

Weighted calisthenics bodybuilding program – weekly split

Day 3
Warmup sets Perform
Cardio and general mobility / stretching 5 minutes each
Squats (no weight) 2 sets of 6-10 reps
Deep lunges (no weight) 2 sets of 6-10 / side

Supersets Perform
1A. Sandbag squats 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps
1B. Glutes / hamstrings progression 2-3 sets (various)
2A. One leg box squats 2-3 sets of 8-12 / side
(sandbag in Zercher position)
2B. Step-ups 2-3 sets of 6-8
(sandbag in Zercher position)
3A. Sissy squats (no weight) 2-3 sets (max)
3B. One leg deadlifts (no weight) 2-3 sets of 8-12 / side
3A. Calf raise progression (with or without weight) 3-4 sets (various)
3B. Calf isometric holds 3-4 sets (various)

Owen Johnston -

Weighted calisthenics bodybuilding program - daily double split

This program is for advanced athletes who have worked with the previous program for
8 weeks or more. Perform the workouts on non-consecutive days. Take at least one rest day
each week. The other days may be used for non-weighted calisthenics, sports practice, or an
activity of choice.

Where (various) is listed, the rep range will depend on the chosen exercise and
tougheners. Where (max) is listed, perform a maximal effort for the chosen exercise. Take a 1
to 2 minute rest between supersets.

Instead of using sandbags to add resistance to pullups and dips, you could use a
dipping belt. Back exercises include back levers, bridges, and hyperextensions (when a
hyperextension bench is available). Hold a sandbag or weight plate during wrestler's bridges,
short bridges, hip thrusts, or during hyperextensions for added resistance. For sandbag
squats, you could wear a sandbag on your back, hold one in each hand, or hold a sandbag in
Zercher position. Wear iron boots or ankle weights during leg raises and midsection holds for
added intensity. Perform wrist roller work after or in place of hang grip work when a wrist
roller is available.

Warm up and stretch for at least 5 minutes before a workout. Perform light stretching
of the muscles you worked after you finish training.

Workouts start on the next page

Owen Johnston -

Weighted calisthenics bodybuilding program - daily double split

Exercises - days 1, 3, 5
Morning or early afternoon – chest and back
Warmup sets Perform
Cardio and general mobility / stretching 5 minutes each
Pushup progression (no weight) 2 sets of 10-20 reps
Pullup progression (no weight) 2 sets of 5-8 reps

Supersets Build up to
1A. Pushups (weighted) 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps
1B. Pullup progression (weighted) 2-3 sets of 4-6 reps
2A. Parallel dips (weighted) 2-3 sets of 6-10 reps
(Lean forward slightly to target chest)
2B. Back exercise 2-3 sets of 6-10 reps or
3A. Jowett pushups (weighted) 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps
3B. Pullup progression (no weight) 2-3 sets of 6-10 reps

Afternoon or evening - lower body

Warmup sets Perform
Cardio and general mobility / stretching 5 minutes each
Squats (no weight) 2 sets of 6-10 reps
Deep lunges (no weight) 2 sets of 6-10 / side

Supersets Perform
1A. Sandbag squats 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps
1B. Glutes / hamstrings progression 2-3 sets (various)
2A. One leg box squats 2-3 sets of 8-12 / side
(sandbag in Zercher position)
2B. Step-ups 2-3 sets of 6-8
(sandbag in Zercher position)
2A. Pistol squats (no weight) 2-3 sets of 8-12
2B. Step-ups 2-3 sets of 6-8
3A. Sissy squats 2-3 sets (max)
3B. One leg deadlifts 2-3 sets of 8-12
4A. Calf raise progression (with or without weight) 3-4 sets (various)
4B. Calf isometric holds 3-4 sets (various)

Days 2, 4, and 6 on the next page

Owen Johnston -

Weighted calisthenics bodybuilding program - daily double split

Exercises - days 2, 4, 6
Morning or early afternoon - shoulders, triceps, biceps, forearms

Warmup sets Perform

Cardio and general mobility / stretching 5 minutes each
Early handstand pushup progression 2 sets of 8-12 reps, or
2-3 sets of short holds
Horizontal pullup progression (no weight) 2-3 sets of 6-10 reps

Supersets Perform
1A. Handstand pushup progression 2-3 sets of 5-8 reps, or
10-60 second holds
1B. Horizontal pullup progression 2-3 sets of 6-10 reps
2A. Korean dips (no weight) 2-3 sets of 5-8 reps
2B. Bodyweight biceps curls 2-3 sets of 5-8 reps
3A. Foot elevated pushups (weighted) 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps
3B. Chinups (hands close, underhand grip) 2-3 sets of 5-8 reps
4A. Hang grip work progression 2-3 sets of 20-60 second holds
4B. Bodyweight triceps extensions 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps
5A. Wrestler's bridge 2-3 sets of 5-8 reps
5B. Hand specialization progression 2-3 sets of 5-8 reps
(wrists or fingers)

Afternoon or evening - abdominals

Warmups Perform
Cardio and general mobility / stretching 5 minutes each

Circuit – perform all working exercises back to back with little to no rest inbetween. Take a
rest between circuits. Perform 2 to 5 circuits.

Working exercises Perform

1. Leg raise progression – hanging exercise 8-12 reps or 10-20 reps
2. Midsection hold progression 8-12 second holds or 10-20 second holds
3. Side leg raises 8-12 reps each side or 10-20 reps each side
4. Dragon flag progression or lying leg raises (various)
5. Lying windshield wipers 5-8 reps each side or 6-10 reps each side

Owen Johnston -

Owen Johnston -

Example workouts

Workouts begin on the next page

Owen Johnston -

An example skill training session

The key concepts are to train consistently towards difficult skills, and to gradually
“prime” the nervous system for the work sets by performing warmup sets and skill work.

Cardio, stretches for wrists, shoulders, and hamstrings

Frog stand or tripod headstand, 2-3 sets of 20-30 seconds
T lever to handstand and back to T lever, 3-5 short sets
Forward rolls, 3-5 short sets
Bridge holds, 2-3 sets of 20-30 seconds
Backbends with recovery (aka stand to stand bridges), 3-5 short sets

Owen Johnston -

An example advanced abdominal workout

The abdominals are involved in many lifts and calisthenics movements, so you may or
may not need to emphasize them. Still, it is highly recommended to target your abdominals if
your activity or sport demands it. The below workouts are examples of the abdominal
programs I perform. Don't just follow my routines; they are simply examples that you can
borrow ideas from.

Bodybuilding workout for abdominals

Warm up and stretch, then perform the following exercises as one giant set, without
rest between exercises. Build up to 3 giant sets.

Hanging knee raises, moderate to high repetitions

Midsection hold progression, a few short holds
Flat straight leg raises, moderate to high repetitions
Planks, a few short holds
Dragon flags with slow straight leg negatives, low to moderate repetitions
Side planks, a few short holds
Side leg raises, moderate to high repetitions

Skill conditioning workout for abdominals

Treat each exercise as a skill in this workout. Aim for the ideal performance in every
repetition, and take a short rest between each one.

Warm up and stretch

Hanging knee raises, moderate to high repetitions
Rest 2-3 minutes
Skill conditioning – choose one or two progressions to focus on:
Front lever, midsection holds, chinup pullover, or dragon flag

Owen Johnston -

Example abbreviated bodybuilding workouts

Below are two workouts based on my own routines. You don't have to focus on the
same muscles, perform the same exercises, work with them in the same order, or work with
the same repetition goals. These are just example routines.
Intermediate workout for chest, biceps, triceps, and shoulders
Warm up and stretch, then perform the following exercises as one giant set, without
rest between exercises. One giant set takes 5 to 10 minutes, depending on cadence. Build up to
3 supersets.
20-30 incline pushups
10-15 pike handstand pushups
8-12 deep bodyweight triceps extensions
10-15 horizontal pullups with close underhand grip, done with a curling motion and
hard isometric contraction at top of each rep
Drop set of 5-10 horizontal pullups with shoulder width overhand grip
Drop set of 3-5 bent leg horizontal pullups
10-15 hanging leg raises or parallel bar leg raises
10-15 horizontal bar dips or tucked knee parallel dips
8-12 tuck planche pushups
Advanced workout for shoulders, biceps, triceps, and shoulders
Warm up and stretch, then perform the following exercises as one giant set, without
rest between exercises. One giant set takes about 10 minutes. Build up to 3 giant sets.
Handstand pushups, 8-12 reps
Korean dips, 8-12 reps
Bodyweight triceps extensions, 8-12 reps
Drop set of the same exercise at a higher incline, 8-12 reps
Close pushups (feet elevated), 8-12 reps
Drop set of close pushups or incline close pushups, 8-12 reps
Straight dips, 8-12 reps
Horizontal pullup progression, up to 30 reps or a pyramid up to 10/8/6/4/2
Hang grip of choice, 10-60 seconds
Drop set of an easier hang grip, 10-30 seconds
A second drop set, 10-30 seconds

Owen Johnston -

Recommended training frequencies for each program

On each “day off” you could take the day completely off from training or perform an
activity of choice. Schedule a deload week after every 4-6 weeks. If you're in good physical
condition and accustomed to a high workload, you can build up to training 6 days per week
while still engaging in an athletic sport. Of course, in this case, it is even more important to
pay attention to your body – get plenty of sleep and quality nutrition.

Beginner strength program -

Build up to performing this program 3 non-consecutive days a week or as a 2 day cycle
(1 day on and 1 day off/another activity).

Intermediate strength program-

Build up to performing this program as a 2 day cycle (Day 1, day off, Day 2, 1 day off),
or as a 3 day cycle (2 days on, and 1 off).

Advanced strength program-

Build up to performing this program as a 4 day cycle (3 days on, 1 day off), or
performing the program twice per week - Day 1 on Monday, Day 2 on Tuesday, Day 3 on
Wednesday, Day 1 on Thursday, Day 2 on Friday, and Day 3 on Saturday.

Beginner bodybuilding program -

Perform day 1 on Monday, day 2 on Wednesday, and Day 1 on Friday. Perform this
each week until you are ready for a 4 day cycle (1 day on and 1 day off).

Intermediate bodybuilding program -

Perform day 1 on Monday, Day 2 on Wednesday, and Day 3 on Friday until you are
ready for a 4 day cycle (3 days on and 1 day off).

Advanced bodybuilding program-

Perform day 1 on Monday, Day 2 on Wednesday, and Day 3 on Friday until you are
ready for a 4 day cycle (3 days on and 1 day off).

Beginner bodyweight skill training program -

Perform Day 1 on Monday, Day 2 on Wednesday, and Day 3 on Friday.

Intermediate bodyweight skill training program -

Perform Day 1 on Monday, Day 2 on Tuesday, Day 1 on Thursday, and Day 2 on Friday,
or alternate the 2 sessions with a day off in-between.
Build up to performing the workouts every other day as part of a 6 day cycle. (Day 1,
day off, Day 2, day off, Day 3, Day off.)

Advanced bodyweight skill training program -

Perform this program twice each week. Day 1 on Monday, Day 2 on Tuesday, Day 3 on
Wednesday, Day 1 on Thursday, Day 2 on Friday, and Day 3 on Saturday.

Owen Johnston -

Gymnastics style skill training program -

Perform one session per day on non-consecutive days until you can meet the training
goals, then start performing all 3 sessions on the same day.

Beginner Convict Conditioning based program

Start with a 3 day training week by performing the workouts on non-consecutive days.
The other days may be used for rest, a physical activity of choice, or for practice of your sport.
Take one day completely off each week.
Once you are accustomed to the program, start performing it as a 6 day cycle (1 day on,
1 day off), or start performing the program twice per week (Days 1-3 performed twice each
week, with a day off for rest). Allow 6-8 weeks of regular training, at a minimum, before you
begin a 6 day training week.

Intermediate and advanced Convict Conditioning based programs -

Start with a 3 day training week by performing the workouts on non-consecutive days.
The other days may be used for rest, a physical activity of choice, or for practice of your sport.
Take one day completely off each week.
Once you are accustomed to a program, start performing it as a 4 day cycle (3 days of
training, 1 day off), or start performing the program twice per week (Days 1-3 performed twice
each week, with a day off for rest).

Beginner bodyweight + sandbag strength training program -

Start by performing the workout once each week on non-consecutive days. Other days
could be devoted to an activity of choice or practice for your sport. Take at least 1 day off each
week for rest. If you make consistent progress after 4-8 weeks of training, perform the
workout two or three times each week on non-consecutive days. Continue performing the
workout on non-consecutive days. Move on to the next program after you have become
accustomed to this frequency and have made consistent progress after 8 weeks of following
the program.

Intermediate bodyweight + sandbag strength program 1 -

Start by performing the workout twice each week on non-consecutive days – for
example, Monday and Thursday. Other days could be devoted to an activity of choice or
practice for your sport. Take at least 1 day off each week for rest. If you make consistent
progress after 4-8 weeks of training, perform the workout three times each week on non-
consecutive days. Continue performing the workout on non-consecutive days. Move on to the
next program after you have become accustomed to this frequency and have made consistent
progress after 8 weeks of following the program.

Owen Johnston -

Intermediate bodyweight + sandbag strength program 2 –

Perform the workouts on non-consecutive days. Take at least one rest day each week.
The other days may be used for calisthenics only, sports practice, or an activity of choice. Start
with performing the program once per week. The other days may be used for calisthenics
only, sports practice, or an activity of choice. If you make consistent progress after 4-8 weeks
of training, perform the workout two or three times each week on non-consecutive days. Move
on to the next program after you have become accustomed to this frequency and have made
consistent progress after 8 weeks of following the program.

Short and brutal bodyweight + sandbag strength training program -

Perform the workouts on non-consecutive days. Take at least one rest day each week.
Start with performing the program once per week. The other days may be used for
calisthenics only, sports practice, or an activity of choice. After at least 1 month of working
with this program, you can perform this program 2 or 3 times per week.

Bodyweight + sandbag bodybuilding program and abbreviated advanced bodybuilding

+ sandbag bodybuilding program -
Perform each workout once each week on non-consecutive days. Take at least 1 day off
each week for rest. Other days could be devoted to an activity of choice or practice for your

Beginner weighted calisthenics strength program -

Start by performing the workout twice each week on non-consecutive days – for
example, Monday and Thursday. Take at least one rest day each week. The other days may be
used for calisthenics only, sports practice, or an activity of choice.

Intermediate and advanced weighted calisthenics strength programs -

Perform the workouts on non-consecutive days. Take at least one rest day each week.
The other days may be used for calisthenics only, sports practice, or an activity of choice.

Weighted calisthenics bodybuilding programs -

Perform the workouts on non-consecutive days. Take at least one rest day each week.
The other days may be used for calisthenics only, sports practice, or an activity of choice.

Short and brutal weighted calisthenics program -

Perform the workouts on non-consecutive days. Take at least one rest day each week.
Start with performing the program once per week. The other days may be used for
calisthenics only, sports practice, or an activity of choice. After at least 1 month of working
with this program, you can perform this program 2 or 3 times per week.

Owen Johnston -

Owen Johnston -

Training Tactics

“Bodybuilding” tactics - hypertrophy with a focus on the muscles:

The goal is to exhaust the muscles with high reps of simple to moderate complexity
exercises that allow you to perform a moderate to full range of motion, and generate intense
muscle contractions. While the intensity should be kept high, it should also allow you to
perform enough sets and reps to exhaust the muscle(s). The sets you perform each exercise for
should be kept low to moderate, while the reps should be kept high, and the rest periods
between sets (inter-set rest) should be kept relatively short.

If you are a beginner, perform 1 or 2 beginner bodybuilding workouts on non-

consecutive days, and build up to 3 non-consecutive training days. This allows your muscles
time to recover and become accustomed to training. Experienced bodybuilders may train up
to 6 days per week with a well designed program that targets different muscles each day.

Useful tactics:

Ladders - sets of increasing reps.

Supersets – perform two exercises that work opposing muscle groups without stopping. in a
row without stopping. It is possible and often recommended to create one long superset with
multiple pairs of exercises.

Burner sets - do all of your work sets back to back with no rest.

Extended sets - use one or more of the following: eccentrics/negatives, isometric holds, rest-
pause sets, partial reps, forced reps, change of positioning (grip style, grip width, stance
change, etc) and/or drop sets.

Even higher reps than recommended in the bodybuilding workouts – use ladders, drop sets,
or other tactics as needed.

Very slow reps – up to 10 seconds up and 10 seconds down

Muscular exhaustion work – perform at the end of a workout, such as performing lunges or
duck walks after a leg workout

Emphasis on a muscle or muscle group – add specialization exercises

Going through a strength training cycle - stronger muscles can use higher loads and generate
more intense contractions.

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Strength training tactics-

Hypertrophy with a focus on the nervous system:

The goal is to perform slightly high sets of low to moderate reps of the most difficult
compound (multi-joint) movements that you can do with good form in each rep. The rest
periods between sets should be just long enough to allow you to practice “fresh”. An example
number of sets and reps for strength training – 2-5 sets of 1-6. Training frequency can be built
up to a moderate amount. Multiple weekly sessions are viable since the muscles aren't being
worked to complete exhaustion.
As a rule, you are focusing on ingraining these intense movements into your nervous
system. Gradually tighten up form. Of course, it's still important to utilize high rep sets for
warmups to gradually prepare the mind, muscles, and nervous system for the hard work to
Useful tactics: Pyramids (sets of decreasing reps), grease the groove, high intensity
interval training, skill work
Technique: Tension, bracing, breathing methods, laser focus, muscle synergy

Skill training tactics:

Aim for neuromuscular efficiency. Don't think of it as working out your muscles, but
working on technique. Take slightly longer rest periods between sets than you would during
strength training or bodybuilding, so that you can practice fresh. Aim for technical perfection
each rep. Remember that strength is a skill! Do not train to failure. Instead, train to improve
your neuromuscular efficiency.

Very useful tactic - “Grease the groove” (synaptic facilitation):

“Specificity + frequent practice = success”- Pavel Tsatsouline

The “grease the groove” approach involves frequent, fresh practice of an exercise or
skill for sub-maximal repetitions or intensity. Aim for multiple sets spaced out throughout the
day. Use this approach for one or two skills or exercises, at most, in the same training cycle (1
or 2 weeks).

Owen Johnston -

Calibrating exercises and workouts

Tougheners, regressions, and more

Tougheners include, but are not limited to:

Bodyweight triceps extensions – low incline, deeper range of motion, build up to
performing with one arm, hold the bottom position for time each rep
Horizontal pullups – asymmetry, lower bar, biceps emphasis, one leg
Hanging leg raises – full ROM (range of motion), combinations with front lever, lateral
Pike handstand pushups – full ROM, feet elevated, alternate sides each rep
Handstand pushups – full ROM, alternate sides each rep, transitional work (working
towards one arm handstand pushups), freestanding handstand pushups
Dips – “L position” with legs, harder exercise in the progression
Pushups – hands closer together, transitional work (working towards one arm
pushups), performing pushups in a declined position, performing slow reps, harder exercise
in the progression
Pullups – hands closer together, transitional work (working towards one arm pullups),
performing slow reps, harder exercise in the progression
Regressions include, but are not limited to:
Bodyweight triceps extensions – higher incline, partial range of motion, perform an
easier triceps exercise (such as tiger bend pushups)
Incline pushups – higher incline, partial range of motion
Horizontal pullups – higher bar, get closer to standing, bent legs
Hanging leg raises – partial range of motion, perform “frog leg raises”, raise one leg at a
time (“swimming” the legs), easier exercise in the progression
Pike handstand pushups – partial range of motion, perform divebomber pushups,
perform Hindu pushups (aka Dands), hold top position for time, easier exercise in the
Dips – less range of motion, easier exercise in the progression
Pushups – less range of motion, easier exercise in the progression, perform pushups
with hands on a safe, sturdy object (higher objects are easier, lower objects are harder)
Drop set ideas include, but are not limited to:
Bodyweight triceps extensions - perform the exercise at a higher incline, perform bench
dips, and perform multiple drop sets of pushups. Progressions – drop at least 1 level in the
progression and perform that exercise until form starts to break down.
To elevate the hands and/or feet, you could use a walkway, park benches, a step or
rung, a wall, a tree – experiment! For parallel dips, you could use two sturdy objects at a
height that will allow you to perform the exercise at a sufficient range of motion, or you could
use park benches.

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Owen Johnston -

Calisthenics Progressions
Training tactics included

This article lists the progressions that I teach.

Free calisthenics progression video playlists and more are included in my Google+
strength training collection.
Collection -
Short URL -

Visit my YouTube channel to view my training videos and playlists:

Owen Johnston -

Calisthenics Progressions

Table of contents

Introduction and training tactics - 95

Pushup progression - 97
Pullup progression - 99
Leg raise progression - 101
Squatting progression - 103
Bridging progression - 107
Handstand pushup progression - 109

Horizontal pullup progression - 111

Dipping progression - 113
Midsection hold progression - 115
Back lever progression - 117
Front lever progression - 119

Specialization progression – wrist pushups - 121

Specialization progression – chinup pullovers - 123
Specialization progression – dragon flags - 125
Specialization progression – glutes / hamstrings - 128

Other recommended progressions - 129

(books and free videos)

Owen Johnston -

Introduction and training tactics

A beginner goal and a progression goal are listed beside each exercise. You should
achieve before moving to a harder exercise. You don't have to work with every exercise in a
progression in order to become proficient in that progression, or do the exercises in the same
exact order listed. There are often multiple ways to make an exercise easier or harder.
Don’t rush through progressions. This can lead to injuries or burnout. Be patient, enjoy
the journey, and give your body time to adapt. Athletes in beginner through intermediate
levels of strength should be able to stick with a double progression. Start with low repetitions
and build up to a training goal, then move on to a harder exercise, and repeat.
Once you get past the intermediate level of strength, gains will often slow down. When
this happens, you will need to start exploring other types of progression and structure your
training cycles differently. A few proven methods for planning training cycles:
Daily undulation periodization
Grease the groove
Stepped periodization
Weekly splits - push/pull, upper body/lower body, etc.
Or a mixture of different types

Elite level goals require many hours of dedicated training, specialized instruction, and
high level of strength. The more highly specialized your goal of choice is, the more you need to
focus on it instead of other elite goals. To view many more elite goals than those listed in the
progressions, view “Skill Guidelines for Building Strong, Useful, Adaptable Athletes”. It is a
collaboration between “Eat. Move. Improve.” and APEX Movement. Short URL –

When you are ready to start pursuing elite goals, ask an experienced strength coach
about goal selection, workout design, and training cycles.

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Owen Johnston -

Pushup progression -

Beginner: Wall pushups - 1x10; 3x50

Novice: Incline pushups - 1x10; 3x40

Kneeling pushups - 1x10; 3x30
Pushups - 1x10; 2x20

High intermediate:
One leg pushups - 1x10; 2x20
Close pushups - 1x10; 2x20

Uneven pushups - 1x10 each side; 2x20 each side
Lever pushups – 1x7 each side; 2x20 each side
Archer pushups - 1x7 each side; 2x20 each side
One arm incline pushups - 1x5 each side; 2x15 each side

High advanced:
One arm kneeling pushups - 1x5 each side; 2x10 each side
Straddle one arm pushups - 1x5 each side; 2x10 each side
Gecko pushups - 1x5 each side; 2x10 each side
Snake one arm pushups - 1x5 each side; 2x10 each side

Ultimate one arm pushup - 2x5 each side
Decline one arm pushups - 3-5 each side
One arm fingertip pushups - 1 each side
One arm wrist pushups - 1 each side

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Notes on exercise performance

Wall pushups - Place your palms on the wall, with your hands at about the level of your
shoulders. Your arms should be straight and shoulder width apart. Keep your back straight
and your feet together. Bend your shoulders and elbow slowly until you are about an inch or
two from touching your forehead or chest to the wall. Push away from the wall, back to the
start position. Remember to perform repetitions at a slow cadence.

Incline pushups – Use a chair, bench, bed, solid fencing, work surface, or any other safe
object or furniture that will allow you a deeper range of motion. It should be solid enough to
hold you up during the exercise. A higher incline makes the exercise easier, and a lower
incline makes the exercise harder.

Start with your feet together and your body kept in a straight line as you practice this
exercise. To get into the start position, lean over and place your hands on the object. Your
arms should be straight and shoulder width apart. Keep your back straight and your feet
together. Bend your shoulders and elbow slowly until you are about an inch or two from
touching your forehead or chest to the object. Push away from it, back to the start position.

Uneven pushups - get into pushup position, then support yourself on one arm as you
put your other hand on a small, solid object or short elevation. Bricks, pushup handles, a
basketball, the first step of a porch, and so on work quite well. Make sure you have both arms
directly below your shoulders so that you are stable. Keep your weight evenly distributed
between both hands, and bend the elbows and shoulders until your chest touches the top of
the hand on the object. holding on to the basketball. Pause for a second, then push back up.
This is one repetition. Make sure to work both sides equally.

I recommend using a brick for this exercise. Once you build strength in this exercise,
you can add another brick to make it harder. Build up to using three bricks. Once you feel
strong enough in uneven pushups, start using a basketball, which makes it harder, since you
have to stabilize the ball during the exercise.

Archer pushups – stretch one arm out to the side and point the fingers out in that
direction. The positioning will look like lever pushups, but in this exercise, you are not
pressing down through an object, making the exercise harder.

Ultimate one arm pushup – legs together, as little “snaking out” as possible when
pushing up.

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Pullup progression -

Leg assisted pullups - 1x10 reps; 3x30

Leg elevated pullups (aka jackknife pullups) - 1x10 reps; 3x20
Partner pullups - 1x5 reps; 2x10

Pullups - 1x5 reps; 2x10

High intermediate:
L hold pullups - 1x5 reps; 2x10 reps
Neutral grip pullups – 1x5 reps; 2x10 reps
Close grip pullups - 1x5 reps; 2x10 reps

Headbangers - 1x5 reps; 2x10
Commando pullups (asymmetrical close pullups) -
1x5 reps each side; 5x5 reps each side
Diagonal (side to side) pullups – 1x5 reps each side; 3x5 reps each side
Round the worlds - 1x5 reps each side; 3x5 reps each side
Uneven pullups - 1x5 reps each side; 3x5 reps each side
Typewriter pullups – 1x5 reps each side; 3x5 reps each side
Archer pullups - 1x5 reps each side; 3x5 reps each side

High advanced:
Leg assisted one arm pullups - 1x5 reps each side; 3x5 reps each side
Leg elevated one arm pullups - 1x5 reps each side; 3x5 reps each side
Partner one arm pullups - 1x5 reps each side; 3x5 reps each side
Self assisted one arm pullups – 1x5 reps each side; 3x5 reps each side

One arm pullup for 5 reps each side

Owen Johnston -

Notes on exercise performance

Basic exercises through pullups – read the article “Build to full pullups” in my full guide
for more details.

Uneven pullups – grasp the bar tightly with one hand, and the off hand will will grasp
the wrist of the working arm. The elbow of the off hand will naturally be bent much more than
that of the working arm. The thumb of the supporting hand will be just below the opposite
palm, with the fingers below the back of the hanging hand. Both elbows will be out in front of
you. Use your off hand to help perform pullups this way. Make sure to perform the same
number of reps on each side. Because you are supporting your body weight from one hand
during uneven pullups, practicing them helps you to begin transitioning to one arm pullups. If
you find it hard to keep hold of the bar, go back a step in the progression, and build up your
sets and reps. I also recommend practicing some hanging grip work.

Owen Johnston -

Leg raise progression -

Seated knee tucks – 1x10 reps; 3x40 reps
Flat knee raises - 1x10 reps; 3x30 reps
Flat bent leg raises - 1x10 reps; 3x25 reps each side

Flat one leg lying leg raises - 1x10 reps; 2x20 reps each side

Lying leg raises - 1x10 reps; 2x20 reps
Hanging bicycles - 1x10 reps; 2x20 reps each side
Hanging knee raises - 1x7 reps; 2x15 reps

High intermediate:
Hanging frog raises - 1x5 reps; 2x12 reps
Hanging leg raises - 1x5 reps; 2x10 reps
Reverse frogs - 1x5 reps; 2x10 reps
Hanging frog raise to pike lift – 1x5 reps; 2x10 reps

Pike lifts (basically toes-ons / full range of motion leg lifts; drill flexibility for this) - 2x7 reps

High advanced:
Solid rollovers (basically dead hang pullovers but with more focus on strength than
momentum) - 2x5 reps

Elite exercises and goals include, but are not limited to:
Hanging dragon flag – hold for 15 seconds

Owen Johnston -

Notes on exercise performance

A remedial exercise - if you're deconditioned, you may want to start with a static hold
called “six inches”, where you lay flat on your back, with legs extended and knees straight.
Then, lift your feet a few inches off the floor and hold for time. This will gently condition your
abdominals and get you used to the start position for leg raises.

Flat knee raises - lie back flat on the floor, put your legs together, and your arms down
by your side. Bend your knees at about 90 degrees, and keep the feet a few inches of the
ground. Press hard on the floor using your hands if needed, to keep your body stable. From
there, bring your knees up smoothly until they are over your hips, and exhale as you do this.
Pause briefly, slowly lower your feet to the start position, and make sure to inhale as you do
this. Keep your abdominals tight, and your knees at a 90 degree angle throughout the
exercise. If this is too hard at first, raise one knee at the time, then the other. Once you can
perform knee raises for 2 sets of 20, straighten your legs out a little each workout until you
can perform straight leg raises.

Hanging knee raises - Slowly raise your legs as far as you can. As your abs get stronger
you can increase your range of motion in this exercise, until you are doing full range of motion
leg raises (where you touch your feet or shins to the bar).

Reverse frogs - leg raise to L-hold, tuck knees in to the upper arms or elbows, reverse

Pike lifts - basically toes-ons / full range of motion leg lifts; drill flexibility for this

Solid rollover – this exercise is a harder variation of the chinup pullover and should be
completed as one smooth movement. Grab onto a high overhead bar, and from a dead hang,
perform a full range of motion leg raise, move into inverse front hang. From there, pull with
the arms until your hips are on the bar. Complete the exercise by bending at the hips, rolling
over the bar, and straightening up your upper body into front support position.

Owen Johnston -

Squatting progression:
Jackknife squats – 1x10 reps; 3x40 reps

Partner squats – 1x10 reps; 3x30 reps
Self-assisted squats – 1x10 reps; 3x30 reps

Intermediate: Full squats - 1x10 reps; 2x30 reps

High intermediate:
Close squats – 1x10 reps; 2x20 reps
Cossack squats – 1x10 each side; 2x20 reps each side
Split squats – 1x10 each side; 2x20 reps each side
Elevated split squats – 1x7 each side; 2x15 reps each side
Shrimp squats – 1x7 each side; 2x15 reps each side

Raised one leg squats – 1x7 each side; 2x15 reps each side
Partner-assisted pistols – 1x7 each side; 2x15 reps each side
Bench pistols – 1x7 each side; 2x15 reps each side
Self-assisted pistols – 1x7 each side; 2x15 reps each side
Press pistols – 1x7 each side; 2x15 reps each side

High advanced:
Pistols – 1x5 each side; 2x10 reps each side
Wushu pistols – 1x5 each side; 2x10 reps each side

Elite exercises and goals include, but are not limited to:
Pistol squats - 1x50 each side
Jumbo shrimp squats (standing on a chair for greater range of motion) -
1x5 each side

Owen Johnston -

Notes on exercise performance

Jackknife squats - Stand in front of a chair, table, or something similar that comes up
to about the level of your knees. Make sure it is safe and sturdy. Keep your legs straight and at
least shoulder width apart. Bend at the waist and lightly rest your palms on the object. This
will put some of the load onto your upper body, thus making the squats a bit easier on your
legs. It also helps maintain balance. As you perform squats from this starting position, try to
keep your torso parallel to the floor or ground. Bend your knees and hips until you cannot go
any further down. Your hamstrings and calves should reach each other. Your arms will
necessarily bend as well on the way down. From here, use combined leg and arm strength to
push back up to the start position.

Keep your heels planted, and don't bounce during the squats. This prevents injury and
stretches out your ankles. Having flexibility in that area will help you to master the lowest
position of a full squat. If you're having trouble making it out of the bottom position, don't
worry! Just try to get a little deeper each workout. Another way is to use a little more arm
strength to take some of the load off your legs as you come out of the bottom position. As you
build leg strength, you will rely less on your arms.

Once you feel comfortable working with this type of squat, start using a higher object –
such as a desk, back of a chair, or similar. Again, your legs should be straight and about
shoulder width apart, with your arms out straight, holding on to your object of choice. Keep
your back straight as you squat down for the deepest range of motion that you are comfortable
with. Gradually increase the depth of your squats as you build strength. Remember to keep
your heels flat on the floor.

Squats - Stand with your feet at shoulder width apart, and squat down as far as
possible, with your upper body aligned, then return to standing position. Make sure your
knees bend outwards and that your heels remain on the floor throughout the exercise.

Shrimp squats – one foot is tucked in behind you as you perform a squat on the other
leg. Bend at the hips and the knee of the standing leg until the other knee touches the ground.
To progress from split squats to shrimp squats, gradually press through the back foot less,
until you are performing squats with one leg.

Raised one leg squats – step onto a safe, sturdy object with one leg and stand straight
up on that leg, then bend at the hips and the knee of the standing leg until the back foot
touches the ground. Higher objects make the exercise harder.

Owen Johnston -

Partner assisted pistols - have a training partner 'spot' you as you start working on
halfway down one leg squats. Keep the body aligned, with your arms straight out. Your
partner will stand beside you and place his or her palms under the arm on that side. Put one
foot out in front of you, at about the height of your other thigh. The raised leg should remain
locked, and held off the ground, throughout the exercise. Slowly bend at the hip and knee of
your standing leg, until the knee is at about a 90 degree angle. Pause briefly and push back up.
Your partner should help you maintain your balance, as well as give some assistance in
coming back up, by pulling up slightly with her or her hands.

Self-assisted pistols - stand straight and hold onto a sturdy, narrow base in front of you
(such as a vertical poles of a pullup unit) or onto a sturdy overhead bar. Press pistols involve
the use of an object or training apparatus beside the working leg. As you lower, “find” the
object with that same side's hand while maintaining good posture. That hand will help with
balance as well as at least a slight pushoff in the upwards phase of the squat. As you improve
at press pistols, gradually decrease pushoff with the assisting hand, and/or use progressively
lower objects.

Press pistols – these involve the use of an object or training apparatus beside the
working leg. As you lower, “find” the object with that same side's hand while maintaining
good posture. That hand will help with balance as well as at least a slight pushoff in the
upwards phase of the squat. As you improve, gradually decrease pushoff with the assisting
hand, and/or use progressively lower objects.

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Owen Johnston -

Bridging progression -
Short bridge - 1x10 seconds; 2x30 seconds
Table bridge (tabletop) - 1x10 seconds; 2x30 seconds

Straight bridge (shoulder bridge) - 1x10 seconds; 2x20 seconds
Straight bridge pushups - 1x10 reps; 3x40 reps
Wall bridge - 1x10 seconds; 2x15 seconds

Head bridge – 1x10 seconds; 2x30 seconds
Head bridge pushups - 1x10 reps; 2x25 reps
Full bridge - 1x7 seconds; 2x15 seconds
Full bridge pushups - 1x7 reps; 2x15 reps

High intermediate:
One leg bridge - 1x7 seconds each side; 2x15 seconds each side
One arm bridge - 1x5 seconds each side; 2x10 seconds each side
Gecko bridge – 1x5 seconds each side; 2x10 seconds each side

Wall walking - 1x5 reps; 2x5 reps
Closing bridge (backbend) - 1x5 reps; 2x5 reps
Stand-to-stand bridge (backbend and recovery) - 2x5 reps
Partner bridge kickover – 1x5 reps; 2x5 reps
Self assisted bridge kickover - 1x5 reps; 2x5 reps

High advanced:
Bridge kickover - 1x5 reps; 2x5 reps
Partner back walkover - 1x5 reps; 2x5 reps
Back walkover – 1x5 reps; 2x5 reps

Elite exercises and goals include, but are not limited to:
Stand-to-stand bridges - 2x10 or more
More difficult transitions from backbend (such as backbend to handstand)

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Owen Johnston -

Handstand pushup progression -

Wall headstand – 10 seconds; 2 minutes
Partner headstand - 1x10 seconds; 2x30 seconds
Tripod headstand – 1x10 seconds; 2x30 seconds

Frog stand – Practice getting into position; 1 minute
Crow stand – 10 seconds; 1 minute
Tuck planche – 1x5 seconds; 2x15 seconds
Wall handstand – 10 seconds; 2 minutes

Pike pushups - 1x10 reps; 2x20 reps
Elevated pike pushups – 1x10 reps; 2x20 reps

High intermediate:
Jackknife pushups (90°) - 1x10 reps; 2x20 reps
Decline pushups (chair or other base) - 1x10 reps; 2x20 reps
Marion pushups (wall) - 1x7 reps; 2x15 reps
Partner HSPU (handstand pushup) - 1x7 reps; 2x15 reps

Wall supported HSPU (back to wall; hands placed shoulder width) – 1x7 reps; 2x15 reps
Reverse HSPU (abdomen facing the wall) – 1x7 reps; 2x15 reps
Reverse HSPU with hands close – 1x5 reps; 2x12 reps

High advanced:
Full ROM pike pushups – 1x5 reps; 2x10 reps
Full ROM jackknife pushups – 1x5 reps; 2x8 reps
Full ROM HSPU – 1x3 reps; 2x5 reps

Crow stand is also known as crow pose or “bakasana” in yoga.
ROM = range of motion.

Owen Johnston -

Elite goals include, but are not limited to:

Hand balancing skills and transitions rather than strength. This includes, but is not limited to,
goals such as planche, press handstand, hand walking up stairs, frog press to handstand, one
arm handstand, and the one arm elbow lever.

Exploring a combination of the handstand pushup progression and a handstand progression,

up to free standing Full HSPU or other high level goal

Pure strength development without the high requirements for balance, up to a wall-supported
one arm HSPU

Potential one arm HSPU progression after full ROM HSPU:

Uneven pike pushups – 1x5 reps each side; 2x12 reps each side
Uneven jackknife pushups – 1x5 reps each side; 2x12 reps each side
Uneven HSPU – 1x5 reps each side; 2x10 reps each side
Lever pike pushups – 1x5 reps each side; 2x10 reps each side
Lever jackknife pushups – 1x5 reps each side; 2x8 reps each side
Lever HSPU – 1x5 reps each side; 2x6 reps each side
Archer pike pushups – 1x5 reps each side; 2x9 reps each side
Archer jackknife pushups – 1x3 reps each side; 2x7 reps each side
Archer HSPU - 1x3 reps each side; 2x6 reps each side
One arm pike pushups – 1x3 reps each side; 2x4 each side
Partner assisted one arm HSPU - 1x5 reps each side; 2x5 reps each side
One arm HSPU – 1x5 reps each side is a highly elite goal

For “uneven” and “full” variations, use safe, sturdy objects. For full pike pushup, place your
feet at an elevation. “Full” refers to performing a full range of motion.

Owen Johnston -

Horizontal pullup progression -

Beginner: Straight pullups - 1x10 reps; 3x40 reps

Novice: Angled pullups - 1x10 reps; 3x35 reps

Horizontal pullups with bent legs - 1x10 reps; 3x30 reps
Horizontal pullups - 1x10 reps; 3x30 reps

High intermediate:
One leg horizontal pullups – 1x7 reps; 3x15 reps
Biceps curls – 1x7 reps; 3x15 reps

Diagonal / side to side horizontal pullups – 1x5 reps each side; 2x10 reps each side
Archer horizontal pullups – 1x5 reps each side; 2x10 reps each side

High advanced:
One arm horizontal pullups with bent legs – 1x3 reps each side; 2x7 reps each side
One arm horizontal pullups - 1x3 reps; 2x5 reps each side

Torquers (same-side leg lifted up from the floor and straddled out to help with balance) -
5 reps each side
Front lever pullups – 10 reps

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Owen Johnston -

Dipping progression -

Bent dips (knees bent and using a low bar or base) - 1x10 reps; 2x20 reps
Straight dips (knees straight and using a low bar or base) - 1x10 reps; 2x20 reps
Feet-elevated dips (hands on a low base and feet on a low base) -
1x10 reps; 2x20 reps

Self-assisted parallel bar dips - 1x10 reps; 2x15 reps
Partner-assisted parallel bar dips - 1x5 reps; 2x10 reps
Parallel bar dips - 1x5 reps; 2x10 reps

High intermediate:
Perpendicular bar dips (v-bars) – 1x5 reps; 2x10 reps
Horizontal bar dips - 1x5 reps; 2x10 reps

Korean dips - 1x5 reps; 2x10 reps

Visit the “Skill Guidelines for Building Strong, Useful, Adaptable Athletes” for high level goals.
Short URL –

Owen Johnston -

Notes on exercise performance

The beginner exercises – Benches, tables, and chairs work for these exercises. Sit with
your back to the object of choice and place your hands on it, with your fingers pointing to the
front. Keep your back straight and close to the object. Place your feet in front of you and plant
your heels, while pointing your toes up. To perform a repetition, bend at the elbows while
staying close to the object, until your elbows are bent at least 90 degrees. Next, push through
your hands until your elbows are locked out.

How much you straighten your knees will depend on how difficult you want to make
the exercise. Keeping your legs bent makes the exercise easier, as you can press through your
feet more. Straightening your legs out will make the exercise harder. Elevating your feet, such
as on another bench, table, or chair, will also make the exercise harder.

Partner assisted or self assisted dips - One idea for self assisted dips is to put a
gymnastics block or cheese under you while you're performing dips on parallel bars, so that
you can use it to force a lessened range of motion or to take some of the pressure off of your
upper body. If the bars are low enough, you can also use your legs to assist you in the upward
phase of the dips. The same idea can be used for dips performed between benches or other
sturdy objects.

Parallel dips - performed between parallel bars, or two sturdy objects. Slowly bend at
the elbows, until they are lined up with your shoulders. From there, push yourself up until
your elbows are almost completely locked out. Once you get used to full dips on parallel
objects, move on to using a single horizontal bar.

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Midsection hold progression:

“Six inches” - 1x5 seconds; 3x30 seconds
Supine hollow body hold – 1x5 seconds; 3x20 seconds
Lying jackknife hold - 1x5 seconds; 2x20 seconds

Bent leg pike hold – 1x5 seconds; 2x20 seconds
Pike hold / V-up hold (only gluteal muscles touching floor) -
1x5 seconds; 2x20 seconds

Raised bent leg hold - 1x5 seconds; 2x15 seconds
Raised straight leg hold – 1x5 seconds; 2x15 seconds
Raised N-hold - 1x5 seconds; 2x15 seconds

High intermediate:
Raised uneven N-hold – 1x5 seconds; 2x10 seconds each side
Raised L-hold - 1x5 seconds; 2x10 seconds each side

N-hold on floor - 1x5 seconds; 2x10 seconds
Uneven N-hold on floor - 1x5 seconds each side; 2x10 seconds each side

High advanced:
L-hold - 1x5 seconds; 2x10 seconds

Visit the “Skill Guidelines for Building Strong, Useful, Adaptable Athletes” for high level goals.
Short URL –

Owen Johnston -

Notes on exercise performance

Jackknife hold slightly resembles the pike hold, but the torso is still partially on the
floor. To progress from boat hold to pike hold, reach towards your ankles as you contract your
midsection until you are in a pike position. For the raised exercises, you can use parallettes,
parallel bars, or a safe, sturdy chair with armrests. You could also use two park benches of
about the same height next to each other. For the floor exercises, performing them on bricks
or pushup handles makes it a bit easier, as you will not have to lift your legs up quite as much
as you push yourself off the floor.

Read the article “Abdominal Training Basics” to get a grasp on the basics.

Owen Johnston -

Back lever progression -

Prerequisite – minimum of intermediate proficiency in either pullup progression, as well as
leg raises and/or midsection holds.

Hang unders - 1x5 seconds; 3x30 seconds
German drop - 1x5 reps; 3x15 reps
German hang - 1x5 seconds; 2x15 seconds
German hang performed as a dynamic – 1x10 reps; 2x10 reps

Inverse pike - 1x10 seconds; 2x15 seconds
Inverse pike raises – 1x10 reps; 2x15 reps
Inverse back hang - 1x10 seconds; 2x15 seconds
Inverse back hang performed as a dynamic – 1x10 reps; 2x10 reps

High intermediate:
Diagonal back lever - 1x5 seconds; 2x10 seconds
Diagonal back lever performed as a dynamic – 1x5 reps; 2x10 reps
Curled tuck back lever – 1x10 seconds; 2x10 seconds

Flat tuck back lever - 1x10 seconds; 2x10 seconds
Straddle back lever - 1x5 seconds; 2x7 seconds
Bent leg back lever (half lay back lever) - 1x5 seconds; 2x7 seconds

High advanced:
One leg back lever - 1x5 seconds each side; 2x5 seconds each side
Back lever (full lay back lever) - 1x5 seconds; 2x5 seconds

Elite goals include, but are not limited to:

Back lever for 30 seconds
Back lever with someone standing on your back for any amount of time

Owen Johnston -

Notes on exercise performance

Inverse back lever performed as a dynamic – 1) from a dead hang, get into an inverse
pike hold (or full German Hang for added difficulty), then 2) slowly lift into an inverse back
lever, and slowly lower back into the previous position. Perform step 2 for reps.

Diagonal back lever performed as a dynamic – 1.) from a dead hang, get into inverse
back hang, then 2.) slowly move into diagonal back lever, and slowly move back to inverse
back lever. Perform step 2 for reps.

Two methods to help progress from advanced exercises to full back lever -

From a tucked or bent leg back lever, straighten out one leg, then the other, and hold
for at least 1 second. Perform this for repetitions or short holds in the front lever position.

From a straddle back lever position, bring your feet closer together by at least one or
two inches and hold. Gradually work towards bringing the feet together.

Experiment with further ways to perform dynamic variations of back levers! Keep in
mind that form is number one priority; do not sacrifice form for a longer hold time. Frequent
practice + practicing “fresh” = success. This can be applied to many skills and exercises.

Owen Johnston -

Front lever progression -

Prerequisite – minimum of intermediate proficiency in either pullup progression, as well as
leg raises and/or midsection holds.

Novice: 3 point hang - 1x10 seconds; 2x15 seconds

One leg inverse front hang – 1x10 seconds/side; 2x15 seconds/side
Inverse front hang - 1x10 seconds; 2x15 seconds

High intermediate:
Curled tuck front lever - 1x5 seconds; 2x10 seconds
Diagonal front lever performed as a dynamic – 1x5 reps; 2x10 reps
Diagonal front lever - 1x5 seconds; 2x10 seconds

Flat tuck front lever – 1x5 seconds; 2x7 seconds
Straddle front lever - 1x5 seconds; 2x7 seconds
Bent leg front lever (half lay front lever) - 1x5 seconds; 2x7 seconds

High advanced:
Straight arm pull – 1x5 reps; 2x10 reps
One leg front lever - 1x5 seconds; 2x5 seconds
Front lever (full lay front lever) – 1x5 seconds; 2x5 seconds

Elite goals include, but are not limited to:

Holding a front lever for up to a minute

Owen Johnston -

Notes on performance

Diagonal front lever performed as a dynamic – 1.) from a dead hang, get into inverse
front hang, then 2.) slowly move into diagonal front lever, and slowly move back to the
previous position. Perform step 2 for reps.

Straight arm pull – basically, perform the front lever as a dynamic exercise. Start from
a dead hang. Tense your midsection, and retract your shoulders. Keep the body straight as you
push the bar towards your waist and lever up to the bar. Finish in the inverse front hang
position and hold it for at least 2 seconds before levering back down. To make the exercise
easier, move into tuck front lever on the way up to the bar, then extend into inverse front

Two methods to help progress from advanced exercises to full back lever -

From a tucked or bent leg front lever, straighten out one leg, then the other, and hold
for at least 1 second. Perform this for repetitions or short holds in the front lever position.

From a straddle position, bring your feet closer together by at least one or two inches
and hold. Gradually work towards bringing the feet together.

Experiment with further ways to perform dynamic variations of front levers! Keep in
mind that form is number one priority; do not sacrifice form for a longer hold time. Frequent
practice + practicing “fresh” = success. This can be applied to many skills and exercises.

Owen Johnston -

Specialization progression – wrist pushups

Prerequisite – minimum of intermediate proficiency in the pushup progression

Beginner: Seated wrist hold on back of hands – 1x5 seconds; 2x15 seconds
Novice: Incline wrist hold – 1x5 seconds; 2x10 seconds
Wall wrist push-ups – 1x10 reps; 2x10 reps
Incline wrist push-ups – 1x5 reps; 2x7 reps
Kneeling wrist push-up hold – 1x5 seconds; 2x7 seconds
Kneeling wrist push-ups – 1x5 reps; 2x7 reps

High intermediate:
Wrist push-up hold – 1x5 seconds; 2x7 seconds
Half wrist push-ups – 1x5 reps; 2x7 reps
Full wrist push-ups – 1x5 reps; 2x7 reps

Elite: One arm wrist pushups - 1 rep each side

Owen Johnston -

Notes on exercise performance

You can regress any of the above exercises by performing them one palm on contact
surface and the back of the other hand on the contact surface. You can progress any of these
exercises by balling your hands up into fists as you ascend to lockout. Press through the backs
of the hands as you do this as you straighten your wrists out, squeeze your fingers, and make
fists. Pattern this movement from a seated wrist stretch on the backs of the hands (as done in
gymnastics), to get used to it.
Read the article “Karate Approach to Calisthenics” in my full guide for more details on
hand specializations.

Owen Johnston -

Specialization progression – chinup pullovers (gymnastics)

Prerequisites – minimum of intermediate proficiency in the progressions for midsection
holds, leg raises, front lever, and pullups

Beginner: Flat straight leg raise with kick up to candlestick –

1x10 reps; 2x10 reps

Pike hold raise (V-up) – 1x10 reps; 2x10 reps
Jackknife pullup to L-hang at top position – 1x10 reps; 2x10 reps

L-pullups – 1x10 reps; 2x10 reps

High intermediate:
Low bar chinup pullover with spot - 1x5 reps; 2x5 reps
Low bar chinup pullover with step and kick - 1x5 reps; 2x5 reps

High bar chinup pullover with spot - 1x5 reps; 2x5 reps
High bar chinup pullover with jump or kick - 1x5 reps; 2x5 reps

High advanced:
Dead hang chinup pullover - 1x5 reps; 2x5 reps
Dead hang L-chinup pullover – 1x5 reps; 2x5 reps
Straight arm pull into pullover - 1x5 reps; 2x5 reps

Owen Johnston -

Notes on exercise performance

Straight arm pull into pullover – this should all be completed in one smooth motion.
Start from a dead hang. Tense your midsection, and retract your shoulders. Keep the body
straight as you push the bar towards your waist and lever up to the bar until you are in an
inverse front hang position. Pull with your arms until your elbows are bent at a 90 degree
angle, then bend at the hips and roll over the bar. As you roll over, straighten up the body into
front support position. This completes one repetition. When rolling over the bar, it helps to
“get tall” by looking straight up as you push down on the bar. Fully lock out at the elbows and
shoulders at the top.

There are two ways to return to dead hang so that you can begin the next repetition.
The easy way is to slowly bend at the elbows until you are under the bar, then straighten your
arms out until you are in a dead hang. This is basically like performing a muscle-up negative.
The hard way is to flip forward over the bar and return to the inverse front hang position and
lever back down to a dead hang. In other words, this is a negative of the straight arm pull into

Regressions: 1) move into tuck front lever on the way up to the bar, then extend into
inverse front hang; 2) bend at the waist and roll over the bar before your elbows are bent at a
90 degree angle; 3) work on the straight arm pull by itself.

Read the article “Dead hang gymnastics pullovers” in my full guide for more details on
exercises in this progression.

Owen Johnston -

Specialization progression – dragon flags

I have a video on the Dragon Flag progression. Visit my YouTube channel to view my
training videos and playlists:

List of exercises in the video, in order of performance - seated knee tucks, flat knee
raises, flat bent leg raises, flat frog raises, flat straight leg raises, shoulderstand squat to
shoulderstand and slow dragon flag negative, kick up to shoulderstand and slow dragon flag
negative, bent leg dragon flag with slow dragon flag negative, dragon flag with slow negative
and short isometric hold.

Seated knee tucks – 3x50
Bench shoulderstand squat – 2x20

Beginner: Flat knee raises - 3x40

Flat bent leg raises - 3x30
Flat frog raises - 3x20
Flat straight leg raises - 2x20

Intermediate: Bench candlestick hold – 2x15 seconds

High intermediate:
Dragon flag negatives – 2x15
Dragon flag holds (isometrics) – 2x15 seconds
Tuck Dragon flag - 2x15

Bent leg Dragon flag - 2x12

High advanced:
Dragon flag (fully locked out) - 2x10

Elite goals include, but are not limited to:

Hanging Dragon flag – hold for 15 seconds

Owen Johnston -

Notes on performance

Beginner and novice exercises.

Lie flat on the bench, reach back with your hands, and grip the bench. Start generating
the tension needed for Dragon flags by locking the bench into your shoulders and bracing
your abdomen. As you perform the early exercise of choice, keep the tension as high as you
can throughout the movement and take deep breaths. Over time, you will be able to generate
more tension. If needed, work through the midsection hold progression to assist with
development of full body tension.

Bench shoulderstand squat.

The shoulderstand is also known as candlestick. Lie flat on the bench, reach back with
your hands, and grip the end of the bench. The shoulders will act as the fulcrum point for the
exercise. Start actively engaging the shoulders and abdominals. Bend at the knees by sliding
or stepping your heels, until they are at a 45 degree angle or less to your hamstrings. In one
motion, press through your heels and kick off the bench, then fold at the hips and roll your
knees backwards as you fold into an “upside down squat”. Continue gripping the bench during
the entire movement. Try to get your back vertical and the knees on either side of your upper
torso. This is the bottom position.

Extend the knees and hips until you are in a shoulderstand. The is the top position. It
will look very similar to the candlestick position in gymnastics. Reverse the movement under
control until you reach the bottom position.

Bench candlestick hold.

You may use the same movement as above to get into the candlestick position, then
hold for time. Build up to one or both of the below ways to get into candlestick, which are
closer to full Dragon flag in difficulty and technique:

From the bent knee position, kick up and immediately extend straight up into

From a flat straight leg position, leg raise and thrust straight up into candlestick.

Owen Johnston -

Dragon flag negatives.

Lie flat on the bench, reach back with your hands, and grip the end of the bench. The
shoulders will act as the fulcrum point for “leveraging” the body upwards. Kick up or leg raise
and thrust into a candlestick hold then lower as slowly as you can into the bottom position.
The goal is to lower under control until your feet are an angle of about 30 to 45 degrees to
your bench. This will be the bottom position. As your form improves, add range of motion
until your legs are just above the bench.

When you come out of the hold, land softly under control. If you’re having a hard time
controlling the movement, have a spotter help you on the way down and cue you to keep your
hips locked during the negative (the lowering phase). Throughout the entire negative, you will
need to maintain full body tension, control your breathing, and keep your hands, shoulders,
and hips locked in.

Gradually build up your repetitions. This exercise could be done at the end of a
workout, especially on days that you’re heavily training abdominals. Aim for perfect practice
in each repetition!

Dragon flag holds (isometrics).

Hold the bottom position of a negative, and build up to at least a ten second hold. You
could also perform holds at different points of a Dragon flag.

Bent leg Dragon flag.

Lock in your hands and shoulders, tuck your feet in close to your hips, then slightly
bridge up by pushing through the feet. You will need to get your hips straight and locked in.
Take a deep breath and squeeze the abs tight while maintaining the tension in the arms,
shoulders, hips, and glutes. Start raising your knees up while keeping the hips locked in
straight and squeezing hard with the arms and abs. At the top position, straighten the knees.
Lower under control and hold the bottom position for a few seconds, then bend your knees
and place your feet back on the bench, and repeat the exercise for reps. Once you’ve built up
your reps in this exercise, tighten up form.

Dragon flag - fully locked.

Your knees will be locked out throughout the entire movement. Start with very low
reps, but very high concentration and intensity. Again, ask a spotter to help if needed while
you’re building your strength in this movement. As you improve, add a rep here and there.
Continue tightening up form. As you improve, start making each rep longer and more intense.

Owen Johnston -

Specialization progression – glutes / hamstrings

I have a video that includes some of the exercises in this progression, titled “Karate
Approach to Calisthenics”. Visit my YouTube channel to view my training videos and playlists:

Short bridges - 3x50 reps

One leg short bridges - 3x40 reps

Foot elevated short bridges - 3x30 reps

High Intermediate:
Foot elevated one leg short bridges - 3x20 reps
Hip thrusts - 2x20 reps

Foot elevated hip thrusts - 2x15 reps

Owen Johnston -

Other recommended progressions

Books and free videos

For more specialization progressions, purchase a paperback or e-book edition of

Convict Conditioning 2. Progressions included in the book – wrestler's bridge, front bridge,
calf raises, fingertip pushups, hang grip (includes towel work), and side levers (clutch flag,
press flag)

Convict Conditioning 3 includes progressions for back flip (aka back tuck), front flip
(aka back tuck), and more.

Overcoming Gravity includes many wonderful progressions for gymnastics strength. I

highly recommend the hand balancing progressions, especially those that utilize rings, and the
planche progression. You can purchase a paperback or e-book edition of Overcoming Gravity,
as well as high quality gymnastics rings.

Owen Johnston -

Calisthenics Training Programs
Workouts from remedial through advanced
Owen Johnston
This book contains calisthenics workout programs for beginners, as well as for
intermediate and advanced athletes. There are various types of programs covered, including
skill work, strength training, bodybuilding, and weighted calisthenics. There are dozens of
separate workouts! Calisthenics progressions are also detailed.

Progressive calisthenics is a minimalist and non-dogmatic approach to strength

training. Simple, minimalistic training using calisthenics work to build coordination and
neuromuscular strength. Like weight training, calisthenics can also be made progressively

In old school calisthenics, the goal is to build joint integrity, overall health,
coordination, and raw "brute" strength, using tested techniques. These techniques are treated
as skills to be worked diligently for as long as they yield coordination and postural
improvements, and strength gains. In this way, such training can benefit martial arts training.

You are encouraged to share the book, print it out, and upload it to other sites. I want
to change the world one life at a time, and help people ditch the gym! You can build muscle
and strength with just your bodyweight. Work out for free anywhere! Don't buy the scams and
misinformation of the fitness industry.

Short link to this book –

Short link to the full guide –
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You can order a professionally printed edition of the book through Simple Print
Service. Visit the page below, upload a PDF, and follow the simple ordering process. I do not
make a single cent from orders made through this service.

About the author

I am a calisthenics instructor. I offer discounts for groups and for class packages.

More about my classes -

YouTube Playlist Collection

I have curated a collection of strength training playlists on YouTube. There are quite a
few tutorials and progressions. This collection serves as a supplement to this guide.

Collection -
Short URL –

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