Heath Care
Heath Care
Heath Care
Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (Fuzzy AHP), Health Care Establishment (HCE), India, Quality Model
The multi criteria decision model (MCDM) such as Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is a hierarchy
or a set of structure at integrated levels and is empirically constructed for complex problems with
criteria and sub-criteria of multiple nature therein to achieve the intended objectives of the organization
(Talib et al., 2011a; Talib and Rahman, 2015a; Hassanien et al., 2015). It thus, seeks consistency
of judgment with a user-friendly approach. Along with operations research techniques it may also
deal with intricate problems to find appropriate solutions (Azam et al., 2015). Multiple criteria thus,
can be dealt with relative ease (Dura’n and Aguilo, 2008; Hassanien et al., 2014). AHP however, is
DOI: 10.4018/IJSSMET.2017100105
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International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology
Volume 8 • Issue 4 • October-December 2017
found to be deficient to deal with the ambiguity creeping in due to conceptual aspects as a result of
subjective judgment attributable to the human beings (Talib et al., 2011a). This deficiency resulting
vagueness may be rectified through the Fuzzy AHP method. The quality aspects of any Health Care
Establishment (HCE) is important both from the point of view of clients as also from the point of
view of managers. The judgments in AHP are likely to be faced with human cognitive problems due
to subjectivity creeping therein. This problem however, is avoided in Fuzzy AHP method which is
combined with Fuzzy set theory as an extension of AHP model.
In recent past studies, a number of approaches have been proposed to assess the performance
of service organizations. They can be broadly classified into three fundamental clusters: stated
importance methods (SIMs), derived importance methods (DIMs) and the MCDM based approaches
(Lupo, 2016). As regards to the above techniques, MCDM methodologies such as AHP, Technique
for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS), Interpretive Structural Modeling
(ISM) and others are recognized as favorite development approaches which have ability to evaluate
and/or select service alternatives (Lupo, 2016; Saaty, 2008; Li et al., 2014; Chang, 2014; Talib and
Rahman, 2017; Kumar and Talib, 2017; Faisal and Talib, 2016a, 2016b; Khanam et al., 2016). Several
recent applications of MCDM based approaches especially Fuzzy AHP in the HCEs are described and
implemented by researchers. Few of them are as follows. Lupo (2016) applied a fuzzy framework to
evaluate service quality in the public healthcare sector based on SERVQUAL disconfirmation paradigm
and incorporated the AHP method to draw out reliable estimates of service quality expectations. Aloui
and Touzi (2015) developed a new flexible querying approach using fuzzy ontological knowledge based
platform. This approach presents fuzzy clustering algorithm (FCA) based methodology for building
ontologies from scratch then integrating them intelligently through the fusion of conceptual clustering,
fuzzy logic and FCA. Kouah and Saidouni (2015) developed a large dynamic system named as fuzzy
labeled transaction refinement tree which provides a formal specification framework for designing
multi agent systems among other collection and internal agent’s behavior. Salama and Hassanien
(2014) proposed a modified fuzzification of Euclidian space calculated for the Fuzzy C-means and
support vector machine techniques based on the ranking of features extracted from evaluating the
features. Ghallab et al. (2014) studies the analysis, classification, mining and predictions based on
fuzzy as an intelligent system called the strictness petroleum prediction system (SPPS). Ho (2012)
developed a construct factor evaluation model of health management center selected by customers
with fuzzy AHP. He made the weight assessment on evaluation indexes of health management center.
Five major perspectives for customer’s selection of health management center were used. They are:
health management department, personal management department, health examination service
department, market department and environment department. Hillerman et al. (2017) presents a
model for the analysis of suspicious claims data from healthcare providers with the use of different
clustering algorithm and the application of the AHP multicriteria method for prioritizing the identified
suspects entitles for subsequent auditing. Handayani et al. (2015) studied the strategic hospital services
quality in Indonesia by analyzing the dimensions that are required by the hospital to increase the
quality of hospital services to meet the stakeholders needs and expectations. Woldegebriel et al.
(2015) proposes a fuzzy logic integrated with AHP to consider the uncertainties to prioritize service
quality improvement in the healthcare by considering the SERVQUAL dimensions. Ahmadi et al.
(2014) identified, categorized and analyzed meso-level dimensions for the adoption of Electronic
Medical Records (EMR) in the healthcare establishments and developed a MCDM framework and
adoption of EMR in HCE. Similarly, in the area of healthcare quality evaluation, several research
works described by Akdag et al. (2014), Buyukozkan and Cifci, (2012), Cebeci (2009); Lin et al.
(2008) are of interest too.
In light of the above studies, a novel evaluation model is herein developed and presented to
overcome the know weaknesses with the aim of evaluating the quality in HCEs. In this study, it
has been attempted to present Fuzzy AHP method analyzing an integrated quality model for HCE
with its components, factors and sub-factors developed earlier by the authors (Azam et al., 2012b).
International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology
Volume 8 • Issue 4 • October-December 2017
Thus, Fuzzy AHP method has been utilized as a quality evaluation method to select the best HCE
among the HCEs under study. Fuzzy AHP therefore provides a mechanism to select potentially the
best HCE among alternative available choices of HCEs, with the ability to avoid vagueness. Fuzzy
AHP mechanism enables the clients to confidently select and enjoy the services of a potentially best
HCE. It also provides opportunities for the managers to improve any deficiency of service of HCE
by allocating scarce resources appropriately to improve it (Ryan et al., 2014). At the same time it
further also validates the specifically designed integrated quality model for the HCE by the authors
(Azam et al., 2012a, 2012b).
After the introduction of the subject paper, in the subsequent section of the paper research
objective of the study is presented. Thereafter, an extant literature review on Fuzzy AHP has been
brought out. After literature review section, a detailed methodology adopted for this study is explained
followed by results and discussion sections. The paper ends by highlighting some recommendations,
limitations, future scope and prospects in conclusion section.
To enable clients to select potentially the best HCE among group of HCEs a simple and reliable
selection methodology avoiding vagueness of human subjective judgment is required to be evolved
to evaluate the quality aspects of the available alternative HCEs. The following objective therefore,
has been considered for this research work along with literature review:
• To develop an empirical model as an evaluation method using Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchal Process
(Fuzzy AHP) combined with Fuzzy Set Theory, by utilizing Integrated Quality Model factors
for HCEs which have already been validated with the application of an AHP model (Azam et
al., 2015).
AHP (Saaty, 2000) as a process has been utilized successfully to seek solutions for unstructured
decisions of complex nature (Partovi, 1994; Talib et al., 2011a). AHP is a process with number of
steps. The first step is to construct hierarchies of components, sub component of the multiple criteria.
The second step is to achieve comparative judgment and in the last step the priority synthesis and
consistency checking is undertaken. In AHP one faces vagueness due to cognitive and language
perception of the observer and bias on account of his/her emotional feelings which may be empirically
affecting their judgment itself. Thus, the overall results may be affected. It has been emphasized that
the fixed value judgments are difficult to arrive at in comparison to interval judgments which may be
presented reliably, (Chan and Kumar, 2007). It is also difficult to evaluate the service quality concept
being intangible phenomenon with a number of criteria. However, in such situations, the ‘Fuzzy AHP’
approach may adequately deal with the human preferences and the uncertainty associated with them.
By combining the Saaty’s AHP with the ‘Fuzzy Set Theory’ evolved by Zadeh (1965) the process of
AHP is extended and is called as Fuzzy AHP methodology. Fuzzy set theory deals the classes whose
boundaries are vague and notwell defined, (Azar, 2010a, 2010b; Azar and Vaidyanathan, 2015; Ayag,
2005). In a fuzzy set an element has a degree of membership (Negoita, 1985; Zimmermann,1985; Zhu
and Azar, 2015) where the vagueness and uncertainty is mathematically represented. The problem of
vagueness and uncertainty in real life situations are thus resolved through use of Fuzzy AHP method
with effective decisions (Chan and Kumar, 2007) along with utilization of Fuzzy set theory (Azar,
2012) and ‘Triangular Fuzzy Numbers” for criterion preferences. Thus, imprecision in decision
making is avoided by use of Fuzzy AHP as has been brought out in relevant studies and literature
thereof (Kahraman et al., 2004; Ayag, 2005; Fu et al., 2006; Chan and Kumar, 2007; Kang and Lee,
International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology
Volume 8 • Issue 4 • October-December 2017
2007; Dura’n and Aguilo, 2008; Huang et al., 2008; Celik et al., 2009; Cebeci, 2009; Chamodrakas
et al., 2010, Golpira, 2015).
Constructing hierarchies; comparative judgment and priority synthesis with consistency checking
similar to AHP methodology are three broad steps of the Fuzzy AHP model too considering the
decision problems. These steps in detail have been explained and presented in the study of AHP to
select best HCE among available alternatives by Azam et al. (2015). Use of ‘Triangular Fuzzy Numbers
(TFN)’, ‘Fuzzy Set Theory’, ‘Priority synthesizing’ and ‘Consistency checking’ in Fuzzy AHP with
standard formulae, processes and techniques are described in detail within Appendix A attached.
The most important objective of the present research is to identify best HCE among alternative
HCEs with Fuzzy AHP method. The Fuzzy AHP method is utilized to avoid vagueness of human
judgment by constructing an empirical model. This has been achieved by extending the model of
AHP further through the use of Triangular Fuzzy Numbers with Fuzzy Set Theory. For achieving
the stated objective of this research study following methodology was adopted:
1. An in-depth literature review has been undertaken as above explaining the Fuzzy AHP approach
through the use of Triangular Fuzzy Numbers with Fuzzy Set Theory (Appendix A). The same
has been utilized for empirical evaluation of multiple criteria with regard to decision making,
avoiding thus, the vagueness and uncertainty of human preferences.
2. Quality Model for HCE (Azam et al., 2012a, 2012b) was selected for the study through Fuzzy
AHP method. This quality model for HCE with the components, parameters, factors, sub-factors
and criteria therein as evaluated earlier by the authors within their study of AHP to select best
HCE (Azam et al., 2015) was fully adopted for the present study. The same has been attached
as Appendix B depicting the designed quality model along with the codes for its components,
parameters, factors, sub-factors and criteria therein with groupings in accordance with their
relative importance (see Tables 3, 4, and 5).
3. Three HCEs formed the subject of current study. The profile of HCEs and relevant details are
attached as Appendix C. The HCEs which formed the subject of this study have been designated
as HCE-A, HCE-B and HCE-C. This has been done to maintain the confidentiality aspects of
the results of the study which may affect their business reputation.
4. Seniorexperts in Medicine, Surgery and Community Medicine with Hospital Management
qualifications were chosen to evaluate various aspects of quality parameters, factors, sub-factors
and criteria therein as per Appendix B.
5. To the quality parameters, factors, sub-factors and criteria of various HCEs as observed and
evaluated by the experts the standard Fuzzy AHP formula with use of Triangular fuzzy numbers
have been applied for bringing out the preferences of one criterion over another along with
utilization of Fuzzy Set theory in AHP. This process with the application of ‘Standard Fuzzy AHP
method’ as brought out within the above-mentioned Appendix A was used with the objective to
eliminate vagueness on account of human cognition factors.
6. The results finally obtained have been utilized for comparative evaluation of various quality
components, parameters, factors, sub-factors and criteria of HCEs according to the Quality
Model for HCE (Azam et al., 2012a&b) with application of Fuzzy AHP along with Fuzzy set
theory. Thus avoiding vagueness on account of human cognition factors, the best HCE quality-
wise could be empirically selected among the HCEs forming the subject of current study.
International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology
Volume 8 • Issue 4 • October-December 2017
The quality components of HCEs which were evaluated using Fuzzy AHP along with Fuzzy set
theory therein have been undertaken after disintegrating them at various hierarchal levels as shown
within Figure12 (Appendix C). Thereafter, at each level, pair wise matrices for comparison have been
formed. Thus, at level II seven quality components have been pair-wise compared as per matrices.
Further, the sub-components of above mentioned seven quality components have also been pair-wise
compared at level III matrix. The results of which are depicted in Table 6, 7 and 8 (Appendix D).
The composite relative weights and global weight of each quality components of potential HCEs
along with their overall ratings were thus obtained using standard Fuzzy AHP method as shown in
Tables 9 and 10 (Appendix D).
Based on their overall ratings, the HCE-A, HCE-B and HCE-C could be easily compared and
assessed for selecting the best HCE among them. The respective ranks of HCE-A, HCE-B and HCE-C
could thus be indicated clearly as is discernible with in Table 10 (Appendix D). The likely vagueness
therefore, which creeps in AHP model could be avoided by use of Fuzzy AHP. According to ratings
and rankings of HCEs as shown in Figure 1 below, it could be observed that the HCE-A(0.3848)>
In the present case study, HCE-A may be selected when compared to HCE- C and HCE- B.
Thus, it is easy for the clients to choose the best HCE among the alternative HCEs by comparing
them according to their ratings and rankings. Managers too could improve their respective HCEs by
detecting the deficient aspects and allocating the resources appropriately.
The clients and managers of the HCEs often face the difficult situation to choose the best HCE
quality wise from among various HCEs. It is due to the fact that the functional structure of any HCE
is a complex matrix of a number of quality components, sub-components criteria and sub - criteria
factors therein. The functional structure of a HCE involves not only the core subjects of medical
International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology
Volume 8 • Issue 4 • October-December 2017
sciences but also the managerial aspects of it with inherent quality factors required to be maintained
keeping pace with contemporary knowledge of the applicable subjects. Thus, considering the quality
dimensions of the HCE a reliable mechanism is required to be developed to comparatively assess
the HCE especially from functional quality point of view (Talib and Rahman, 2015b; Talib et al.,
2011b). The procedure will require a quality model for HCE covering the functional areas of HCE
well integrated. Keeping in view this aspect therefore, an integrated quality model for a HCE as
described by the authors (Azam et al., 2012b) was selected after an in-depth review of literature on
the subject. The other aspect is to apply a reliable methodology to obtain the relative ratings of the
HCEs so that clients may easily choose the highest ranking HCE among the alternative HCEs obviating
vagueness thereof likely to be there due to human cognition problems of judgment. To achieve this
objective therefore, an appropriate methodology of Fuzzy AHP model has been chosen. The chosen
Fuzzy AHP methodology was further applied to the duly coded quality components, sub-components
criteria and sub - criteria factors of the selected integrated quality model for the study. In case of
Fuzzy AHP the fuzzy numbers are utilized to achieve pair wise comparisons of the quality criteria
and the sub-criteria at various hierarchal levels. Through this method weights for the comparative
rankings of HCE are obtained and the best HCE may then be selected easily. The earlier study of
authors (Azam et al., 2015) utilizing AHP model has thus been extended to this study of Fuzzy AHP
model in combination with Fuzzy set theory where triangular fuzzy numbers are applied.
The degree of membership (Negoita, 1985; Zimmermann, 1985) of an element within Fuzzy set
theory being a theory of classes with boundaries which are not well defined (Ayag, 2005) helps in
clearing vagueness due to process of human cognition. There are intrinsic numerical methods within
Fuzzy set theory to obviate vagueness, uncertainty and imprecision of problems. Chan and Kumar
(2007), emphasized the importance of Fuzzy AHP to achieve results with effective decision making
process. To achieve several theoretical results, Fuzzy set theory in AHP has been utilized (Kahraman
et al., 2004; Ayag, 2005; Fu et al., 2006; Chan and Kumar, 2007; Kang and Lee, 2007; Dura’n and
Aguilo, 2008; Huang et al., 2008; Celik et al., 2009; Cebeci, 2009; Chamodrakas et al., 2010).
The quality evaluation of HCEs applying the Fuzzy AHP methodology has distinct advantages.
The multiple quality criteria of HCEs are quantified after coding of factors/sub-factors therein,
followed by application of standard formula of Fuzzy AHP and integration of Fuzzy set theory with
mathematical precision. The results of the study are thus obtained with clear rankings of HCEs,
indicating that quality wise HCE A > C > B. Therefore, a choice regarding best HCE i.e. HCE- A
may be accordingly recommended by the management.
The results of various factors/ sub-factors may also be compared and shortcoming thus found, may
be improved with prioritization of allocation of resources to the deficient areas of the organization.
Thus, improvement of service quality of concerned HCE may then be achieved.
The main focus of this research work thus has been to formulate Fuzzy AHP based methodology
as an extension of AHP model along with use of Fuzzy set theory and Triangular Fuzzy numbers.
The objective was to find overall priority and rank of the respective HCEs understudy to select the
best HCE among them. This has been achieved successfully in three broad steps i.e. constructing
hierarchies; comparative judgment and priority synthesis with consistency checking.
This study of HCEs with application of Fuzzy AHP method coupled with Fuzzy set theory
therefore, is unique with utilization of novel quality model developed and tested with AHP model
earlier by the authors (Azam et al., 2012 b and Azam et al., 2015). The present Fuzzy AHP study
thus has been essentially undertaken to obviate the cognition error of observers to improve reliability
of results.
Managerial Impact
The Fuzzy AHP has clear advantage for clients as well as for management elaborated as under:
International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology
Volume 8 • Issue 4 • October-December 2017
The focus of the present study is to ensure that the evaluation of HCEs is undertaken without any
vagueness on account of imprecision due to human cognition process of the evaluating experts which
is likely common problem of any evaluation methodology. The vagueness aspect in the study has been
taken care of by avoiding it through adoption of Fuzzy AHP process with the Fuzzy set theory where
the evaluation parameters, criteria and sub criteria factors of a HCE are mathematically converted to
numerical values. Thus comparisons, allocation of overall priority and rankings of various HCEs are
achieved avoiding the vagueness and the best HCE may be chosen in a most reliable manner. This is
an improvement by extension of AHP model through application of Fuzzy AHP and Fuzzy set theory
to avoid vagueness. Potential HCE if selected through the Fuzzy AHP method obviating vagueness
allows the clients to enjoy quality services and at the same time, it also enables the management
to improve shortcomings enhancing reputation of the HCE. Thus, management is able to improve
business opportunity and help to grow in the global market in the long run.
The standard Fuzzy AHP method along with the designed integrated quality model for the HCE
(Azam et al., 2012 b) is recommended for evaluation of HCEs to help the clients to select potentially
the best HCE to enjoy its quality services. It is also recommended for use by the managers to help
them to determine shortcomings of service quality at various hierarchal levels and functional areas
of the HCE. It will thereby help the managers to allocate resources appropriately to improve the
quality of affected services. Thus, managers may optimize costs improving profitability to enhance
the reputation as well as the business of the HCE.
The HCEs practically utilizable by the clients especially on account of accessibility factors may
be studied in short period of time to select the best HCE through Fuzzy AHP method. However, to
find the best HCE among a large number of HCEs a long-term study as a project work only may be
International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology
Volume 8 • Issue 4 • October-December 2017
International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology
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Volume 8 • Issue 4 • October-December 2017
, and f (x ) stands for the membership degree of x in A
is the membership function of A .
A i i
and strong α-cut A
The ∝ -cut A of the fuzzy set A
in the universe of discourse, X is defined
∝ ∝+
∝ i A { i i }
= x \ f (x ) ≥∝, x ∈ X , Where ∝∈ 0, 1
A (1)
Figure 2.α -cut operations and membership function of triangular fuzzy number (TFN)
International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology
Volume 8 • Issue 4 • October-December 2017
∝+ i A{
= x \ f (x ) >∝, x ∈ X , Where ∝∈ 0, 1
A i i } (2)
of the universe of discourse X is convex if and only if every A
A fuzzy set A is convex, that
is close interval of ℜ . It can be written as
is A∝
0, x < a1 ,
(x − a1)
, a1 ≤ x ≤ a 2 ,
fA (x ) = (a2 − a1 ) (4)
(a − x )
3 , a2 ≤ x ≤ a 3 ,
(a 3 − a2 )
0, x > a3,
Let A and B be two triangular fuzzy numbers parameterized by the triplet (a , a ,a )and (b ,
∝ 1 2 3 1
b2,b3) respectively, and then the operational laws (Zimmermann, 1985) of these two triangular fuzzy
numbers are as follows:
A (+) B = (a1, a2 , a 3 ) (+)(b1, b2 , b3 ) = (a1 + b1, a2 + b2 , a 3 + b3 ) (5)
A (−) B = (a1, a2 , a 3 ) (−)(b1, b2 , b3 ) = (a1 − b3 , a2 − b2 ,a 3 − b1 ) (6)
(×) B = (a , a , a ) (×)(b , b , b ) = (a b , a b , a b )
A (7)
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 1 2 2 3 3
(÷) B = (a , a , a ) (÷)(b , b , b ) = a1 , a2 , a 3
A (8)
1 2 3 1 2 3 b b b
1 2 3
= (ka , ka , ka )
kA (9)
1 2 3
International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology
Volume 8 • Issue 4 • October-December 2017
−1 1 1 1
(A = , , (10)
a 3 a2 a1
∀ ∝∈ (0, 1)
(∝) (∝)
a1 − a1 a3 − a3
=∝, =∝,
a 2 − a1 a 3 − a2
a1 = (a2 − a1 ) ∝ +a1 (11)
a 3 = (a 3 − a2 ) ∝ +a 3
may be obtained.
A∝ = a1 , a 3
(∝) (∝)
= (a2 − a1 ) ∝ +a1, − (a 3 − a2 ) ∝ +a 3
A∝ = a1 , a 3
(∝) (∝)
A∝ = 4 ∝ −5, 2 ∝ +1
(0.5) (0.5)
A0.5 = [a1 , a 3 (14)
The main operations for positive fuzzy numbers are described below (Cheng and Mon, 1994):
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International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology
Volume 8 • Issue 4 • October-December 2017
1. A pair wise comparison matrix is constructed using a scale of relative importance. The judgments
are entered using the fundamental scale of the AHP proposed by Saaty (1980). Using pair wise
comparison intensity of relative importance between two criteria can be established using Table
1 and the same is also depicted in Figure 4.
Assuming M criteria, the pair wise comparison of criterion i with criterion j gives a square matrix
A1M ×M where aij denotes the relative importance of criterion i with respect to criterion j.
In the matrix aij = 1, when i = j and aji = 1/aij
2. Find the relative normalized weight (Wi) of each criterion by calculating the geometric mean of
ith row and normalizing the geometric mean of rows in the comparison matrix.
GM i = ∏aij (20)
j =1
GM i
Wi = M
∑ j =1
GM j
International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology
Volume 8 • Issue 4 • October-December 2017
Figure 4. Fuzzy membership function for linguistic values for attributes or alternatives
A2 = W1,W2 ,W3 , …..Wt ,WN (22)
4. Find out the maximum Eigen value λmax which is the average of matrix A4.
5. Calculate the consistency index
The smaller the value of C.I., the smaller is the deviation from the consistency.
6. Obtain the random index (R.I.) using Table 2, according to the number of criteria used in decision
making. Average R.I. based on matrix size is shown in Table 2.
CR = CI / RI (24)
International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology
Volume 8 • Issue 4 • October-December 2017
n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
RI 0 0 0.52 0.89 1.11 1.25 1.35 1.40 1.45 1.49
(Source: Saaty, 1980)
Step1. Evaluation framework: The Fuzzy AHP is utilized to find the best healthcare establishment
among the alternative choices of available HCEs with basic objectives to avoid vagueness of
human judgment due to problems of cognition.
For this study, three alternative HCEs of north India as in earlier study by the authors (Azam et al.,
2015) regarding the use of AHP model to select the best HCE were chosen for evaluating and selecting
the best HCE among them through Fuzzy AHP method also. Criteria components of the integrated
quality model for the HCE, designed and developed by Azam et al., (2012a&b) were similarly utilized
for the evaluation purposes. The attached Appendix B as above reproduced from the earlier study by
the author (Azam et al., 2015) regarding AHP model to select best HCE provide details of various
parameters, factors and sub-factors pertaining to the components of the above suggested integrated
quality model for HCE. These have been utilized with specific codes as essential criteria and sub-
criteria along with their groupings in order of relative importance to develop the requisite hierarchy
for the proposed Fuzzy AHP model.
For maintaining the confidentiality of the HCEs and to protect their market reputation due to
their comparative assessment within the study their profiles have been described labeling them as
HCE -A, HCE- B, and HCE- C the details of which are reproduced from the earlier study by the
authors (Azam et al., 2015) as under:
HCE – A: It is a government hospital of North India located in the city of Roorkee. The hospital
established in July 1947 with an initial bed capacity of 100 grew in stages over a period of time to
440 beds by the year 1989. It has 22 major departments providing multispecialty hospital services
with adequate logistics support. There are approximately 40 specialists including general duty doctors
with adequate number of nursing staff and other paramedical staff working round the clock to provide
comprehensive health care to dedicated government employees of central government, their dependent
parents as well as children and other relatives as per government rules. It has on an average, a patient
Table 3. Summary of codes for components and parameters of the designed integrated quality model for HCE
International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology
Table 3. Continued
Components of Code Parameters
Integrated Quality
Model for HCE with
KM-6 KM-6 Application for Use of specialized Overall State
State of Application performance of tasks System for application-
of Knowledge (professional/ technical/ Integrated Performance
management) and Support system
KM-7 KM-7 Discovery of new Managerial Field Automation/ data Overall State
State of Creation of Knowledge by insight: mining tools/ query
Knowledge a) Professional/ tools
Technical Field
KM-8 KM-8 New Product New Services Overall State
State of Selling of
Volume 8 • Issue 4 • October-December 2017
associated supportive
quality parameters
CQ: CR- 1 CQ:CR- 1 Structured patient Client satisfaction of
State of Conceptual oriented treatment on treatment
requirement of Core the basis of thorough
quality Parameters diagnosis
AQ: OSR-1 AQ:OSR-1 Treatment tuned to Client can express his Clinic is free for all Clinic is only for Excellence of
State of operational client requirement needs and wishes clients those who can pay information flow in
stakeholders health care process
Associated supportive
Quality parameters
AQ: OSR-2 AQ:OSR-2 Optimal budget Respectful treatment of Image of health care Image of health care Clients image of Satisfaction of
allocated for each clients and treatment of establishment /clinic hospital clients (patients)
treatment clients
International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology
Table 3. Continued
Components of Code Parameters
Integrated Quality
Model for HCE with
PAM: OT-3 PAM:OT-3 Dynamic Maintenance Dynamic inspection and Purchasing all state Improving Measures for prevention
Efficient OR/OT programme for maintenance of OR/OT of the art equipment Bio Medical of hospital borne
equipment in Total with proper record. Engineering infection
Productive Maintenance Department with
frame work. standardization
PAM: PAM: Use of accident and Treatment on time Decreased adverse On time On time consultation- On time On time consultation- Effective
Cas.D(A&E)-1 Cas.D emergency by the patient outcome consultation- Motivated Doctors consultation- Recruitment, Team patient disposal
Priority Areas (A&E)-1 population Motivated Nurses Motivated Support building and training with Problems
Management for Staff activities for all of related units
critical care: State of Nurses, Doctor, solved
Quality attributes in Support Staff
Volume 8 • Issue 4 • October-December 2017
Causality Department
(Accident and
PAM: PAM: Efficient pre-hospital Adequate material Adequate material Adequate material Adequate material Adequate material
Cas.D(A&E)-2 Cas.D services resources- Optimum resources- Adequate resources- State of resources- Adequate resources-
State of Quality (A&E)-1 layout consultation rooms art equipment supply of drugs IT based
Attributes in communication
Casualty Department infrastructure
(Accident and
of infrastructure
PAM: PAM: State of equipment Free/fully subsidized by Partially subsidized Prepaid insurance Reimbursement after Full out of pocket State of total cases
Cas.D(A&E)-3 Cas.D Organization/ Govt. by the Organization/ insurance expense by patient referred and/ total
Referral & Evacuation (A&E)-1 Govt. family. deaths in last one year
of patient (Ambulance in transit
Services and In-transit
Treatment Facilities
during evacuation/
transfer of patient)
PAM: ICU-1 PAM: Satisfaction level of State of Services in ICU Reduced Adverse
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International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology
Table 3. Continued
Components of Code Parameters
Integrated Quality
Model for HCE with
Treatment chain TCM: IC-1 Outpatient to Outpatient to Investigation Investigation
management quality Investigation Investigation to outpatient to Outpatient
in HCE (TCM) Departments: To Departments: To departments: From departments: From
TCM: IC-1 Laboratory Radiology Laboratory Radiology
Treatment chain
management quality
in HCE: Internal
customer Inputs
between Outpatient
departments to
Volume 8 • Issue 4 • October-December 2017
& Vice-versa:
(Treatment Chain
Management inputs
through Doctor’s
core competence for
various departments
to which the patient
is referred during
management process)
TCM: IC-2 TCM: IC-2 Inpatient to Inpatient to Investigation Investigation
Treatment chain Investigation Investigation to Inpatient to Inpatient
management departments:To departments: To departments: From departments: From
quality in HCE/ Laboratory Radiology Laboratory Radiology
referral among
internal customers;
professional Doctors:
Inpatient Departments
to Investigation
Departments& vice
International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology
TCM: IC-3 TCM: IC-3 Inpatient to operation Operation theatre to Out patient/ Inpatient Institutional to home/ Referral (General
Treatment chain theater inpatient department. Inpatient to Intensive convalescence domiciliary care/ to Specialty
management Care Units (ICUs) to Rehabilitation convalescence Department to
quality in HCE/ Unit/ Super Specialty to
referral among physiotherapy other Specialized
internal customers: Centers).
Doctors (Other
treatment chain
including with other
hospitals & specialty
International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology
Table 3. Continued
Components of Code Parameters
Integrated Quality
Model for HCE with
PE (emp)-6 PE (emp)-6 Obtain feed back from Complaint resolution 24 Hours service Doctor/staff Doctor/staff should
Patient Expectation of patients. promptly. availability should have understand the specific
services: Empathy patient’s best needs of patients.
interest at heart.
PE (acs & aff) – 7 PE (acs & Location accessibility Adequacy of parking Affordability of
Patient Expectation aff)-7 facilities. charges for service
of services: Access& rendered.
PE (per. fct)-8 PE (per. Outcome (achievement Responsiveness to Fair financing Over all rating of Health awareness and Outreach health
Patient Expectation of fct)-8 of better health) people’s expectation service provision education programmes programmes to
services: Performance homes
Volume 8 • Issue 4 • October-December 2017
Patient Perception PP (tan)-1 Up-to-date and Well Maintained Well maintained Clean and Doctor/staff Informative Privacy during Treatment
(PP) of services well maintained support service waste disposal comfortable professionals and Brochure/ booklet treatment. facilities
PP (tan)-1 medical facilities and (canteen, dietary, system environment with personnel neat in about services available
Patient Perception of equipments Laundry & linen, good directional Appearance (General/
services: Tangibility Telecom-munication) Sign. Multi-
PP (rel)-2 PP (rel)-2 Service should be Services should be Doctor/staff should Error free and
Patient Perception of provided at appointed carried out right the be professional and fast retrieval of
services: Reliability time. first time. competent. documents.
PP (fin)-3 PP (fin)-3 Consistency of charges Paid out of pocket while Sliding scale as per Insurance
Patient Perception (distributions of risk of utilizing service(Not ability to pay/income (Pre-payment,
of services: Fair cost of health system applicable in the level Reimbursement)
financing according to ability Government Hospital
to pay) except non entitled
PP (resp)-4 PP (resp)-4 Patient should be given Responsive doctors/staff Attitude of doctors/ Waiting time of Desired waiting time less
International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology
Patient Perception prompt services. staff should instill not more than one than half an hour
of services: confidence in hour.
Responsiveness patients
PP (asrc)-5 PP (asrc)-5 Friendly and courteous Doctors possess a wide Patient treated with Thoroughness of
Patient Perception of staff / doctors spectrum of knowledge dignity and respect explanation of
services: Assurance medical condition
to patient
PP (emp)-6 PP (emp)-6 Obtain feed back from Complaint resolution 24 Hours service Doctor/staff Doctor/staff should
Patient Perception of patients. promptly. availability’ should have understand the specific
services: Empathy patient’s best needs of patients.
interest at heart.
PP (acs & aff)-7 PP (acs& Location accessibility Adequacy of parking Affordability of
Patient Perception aff)-7 facilities. charges for service
of services: rendered.
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Table 4. Summary of codes for components, parameters and their relative importance (RI) in respect of the designed integrated
quality model for HCE
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Volume 8 • Issue 4 • October-December 2017
Table 5. Summary of codes for components and parameters of the designed integrated quality model of HCE along with
groupings in order of relative importance(RI)
Priority Areas
Treatment (PS) {Patient
Chain Expectation
of Operation
Core Management, & Patient
Room (OR/
Burden Qualities & Referrals Perception
Knowledge OT), Intensive Clinical
of Associated Evacuation (PE&PP) (by
Management Care Unit Governance
Disease Supportive (Ambulance Gap: PE&
RI-6 (ICU), Casualty RI-5
RI-7 Qualities services &in- PP) & overall
RI-4 transit care), (O) Patient
(Accident &
Maintenance of Perception
Records RI-2 of Hospital
(CD:A&E) RI-1
Services (PPO)}
BD-1 KM-1 AQ: CR-1 PAM: OT-1to 3 CG (i)-1 TCM:IC-1to 3 PE -1to8
PAM: Cas. D
BD-2 KM-2 to 4 CQ: CR- 1 CG (s)-2 TCM: EVC-1 PP -1to8
(A&E)-1to 3
BD3 KM-5&5a PAM: ICU-1to4 CG (p)-3 TCM: Doc&R-1 PPO
KM-6 &7 CG (o)-4
Note: RI - Relative Importance of components with highest being RI-1(refer Appendix B, Table 3 for details of components) The above groupings in
order of relative importance (RI) of components from RI-1 to RI-7 in decreasing order with highest being RI-1 have been indicated considering the potential
to save life and limb, importance of the management process and its impact on outcome of disease management affecting patient care and satisfaction.
These have been further summarized as shown in Appendix C so that the same could be conveniently utilized to develop an AHP model (Source:Azam et
al., 2015)
turn over of 600 to 800 per month, with seasonal variations. It is a training hospital for doctors and
paramedical staff. It has affiliated dental and health units. The hospital operates with assigned zonal
role including for disaster management under strict government rules and regulations. Facilities for
dedicated engineering services with adequate staff to maintain equipments avoiding any break down
has been provided with constant monitoring by the engineering staff. Strict auditing is carried out
regarding the financial grants received from the government to maintain the hospital. Higher authorities
both administrative as well as medical and health professionals carry out periodically their scheduled
inspection of the hospital to assess its functional status. The existing facilities for transfer of patients
to higher referral hospitals in chain with readily available transport including air transport on call at
short notice is also especially assessed to check the preparedness for any eventuality.
HCE – B: It is a large corporate hospital of metropolis of Delhi like the HCE- A with a total
bed capacity of 210 established in January 1984. There are 30 departments of the hospital providing
multispecialty services. The logistics support to sustain them is adequate. At any time a total number
of 30 specialists and doctors are working round the clock employed by the hospital. A patient turn
over of 1719 per month has been achieved by the hospital, however it has no integral dental or health
unit. Empanelled facilities for dental care have been arranged on as required basis.
HCE – C: This HCE is a private commercial hospital situated in the metropolis of Delhi.
Established in January 1997, it was started with a total bed capacity of 170. The 40 departments of
the hospital provide multispecialty services. Adequate logistics support has been created to sustain
and support these departments with a total of 75 specialists and doctors employed by the hospital,
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Volume 8 • Issue 4 • October-December 2017
however a number of specialists have been employed on call on as required basis according to type
of cases required to be dealt. A patient turn over of approximately 2000 per month has been achieved
however, dental or health units are not there. Dental cover is provided through referrals to other nearby
dental care establishments.
Step2. Decision making group: Doctors of several hospitals with specialist qualification and experience
of their own subjects including hospital working knowledge formed the decision making group
(Talib and Rahman, 2013). Thus, five experts of medicine, surgery, obstetrics & gynecology and
health expert in social and preventive medicine with sufficient experience of working as medical
officer in charge of hospital and at directorial level provided the data. Quality of the service in
healthcare sector was recognized as an important aspect by all these experts with experience as
doctors of accomplished hospitals (Talib et al., 2015). To avoid any ambiguity the author himself
administered the standard questionnaire prepared specifically for the study of fuzzy AHP and
interviewed the respondents and the department staff obtaining first hand information regarding
the functioning and the facilities of the HCE. Consensus of opinion existed among the expert
group. For the numerical evaluation Expert Choice software -2010 finally may be utilized. The
standard questionnaire for the study covered the overall goal of meeting criteria components of
integrated quality model to find out the best HCE. Similarly sub-criteria of component criteria
were individually dealt with as is coded and depicted in Appendices A, B and C. The Fuzzy AHP
method including above focused areas are described in detail hereinafter.
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Volume 8 • Issue 4 • October-December 2017
Within Appendices A, B and C as above are depicted the components, parameters, criteria and
sub criteria of the designed integrated quality model for HCE utilized for the study.
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At level III sub components of each of above quality parameters of level II have been shown
along with alternative potential HCEs under consideration have been depicted at level IV.
Figure 12. The Fuzzy AHP proposed model for selection of potential HCE
International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology
Volume 8 • Issue 4 • October-December 2017
Application of Fuzzy AHP Methodology with the Integrated Quality Model for HCE
The procedure adopted for application of Fuzzy AHP methodology involved disintegration of various
quality components of the quality model earlier developed by the author (Azam et al., 2012b). The
same has been shown within appendices A-C duly coded.
These quality components therein have been disintegrated at various levels and at each level pair
wise matrix for comparison have been formed. At level II seven quality components have been pair
wise compared as per matrices which are as depicted in Table 6, 7, and 8.
Further, the sub-components of above mentioned seven quality components have been pair
wise compared at level III matrix. The composite relative weights and global weight of each quality
components of potential HCEs were finally subjected to calculation for the purpose of finding their
overall rating based on which HCE-A, HCE-B and HCE-C could be assessed for selecting the best
HCE among them (Table 9 and 10).
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Volume 8 • Issue 4 • October-December 2017
Table 7. α-cuts fuzzy comparison matrix for the determinants (α= 0.5)
Table 8. Pair wise comparison matrix for the relative importance of the determinants (CR = 0.0995)
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Volume 8 • Issue 4 • October-December 2017
Table 9. Composite relative weights of Quality components of potential HCE using Fuzzy AHP
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Table 10. Overall all rating of potential HCE –A, HCE –B and HCE –C being considered for selection
Sr. Relative Sub factor Relative Global HCE HCE HCE HCE HCE HCE
No. Weights Code Weights Weights –A -B -C -A -B -C
BD-1 0.1160 0.0158 0.1409 0.2158 0.6433 0.0022 0.0034 0.0102
1 (BD) 0.1365 BD-2 0.5293 0.0722 0.6433 0.1409 0.2158 0.0465 0.0102 0.0156
BD-3 0.3547 0.0484 0.7044 0.1305 0.1651 0.0341 0.0063 0.0080
KM-1 0.1680 0.0183 0.0914 0.5063 0.4023 0.0017 0.0093 0.0074
KM-2 to 4 0.1511 0.0165 0.1080 0.1533 0.7387 0.0018 0.0025 0.0122
KM-5 & 5a 0.1359 0.0148 0.1409 0.2158 0.6433 0.0021 0.0032 0.0095
2 (KM) 0.1089 KM-6 & 7 0.1358 0.0148 0.1160 0.3547 0.5293 0.0017 0.0052 0.0078
KM-8 0.1397 0.0152 0.1160 0.3547 0.5293 0.0018 0.0054 0.0081
0.2695 0.0294 0.1080 0.1533 0.7387 0.0032 0.0045 0.0217
9b& 10
AQ: CR-1 0.1241 0.0180 0.0908 0.2493 0.6599 0.0016 0.0045 0.0119
CQ;CR-1 0.2669 0.0387 0.6433 0.1409 0.2158 0.0249 0.0055 0.0084
3 (CQ&AQ) 0.1451 AQ:OSR-1
0.5509 0.0799 0.1160 0.3547 0.5293 0.0093 0.0283 0.0423
0.0581 0.0084 0.1409 0.2158 0.6433 0.0012 0.0018 0.0054
to 5
0.1160 0.0196 0.1409 0.2158 0.6433 0.0028 0.0042 0.0126
to 3
PAM: Case.
4 (PAM) 0.1687 D 0.5293 0.0893 0.6599 0.0908 0.2493 0.0589 0.0081 0.0223
0.3547 0.0598 0.1160 0.5293 0.3547 0.0069 0.0317 0.0212
to 4
CG (i)-1 0.1241 0.0149 0.0769 0.3832 0.5399 0.0011 0.0057 0.0081
CG (i)-2 0.2669 0.0321 0.1409 0.2158 0.6433 0.0045 0.0069 0.0207
5 (CG) 0.1203
CG (i)-3 0.5509 0.0663 0.6599 0.2493 0.0908 0.0437 0.0165 0.0060
CG (i)-4 0.0581 0.0070 0.1160 0.5293 0.3547 0.0008 0.0037 0.0025
0.1160 0.0110 0.4134 0.5204 0.0662 0.0046 0.0057 0.0007
1to 3
6 (TCM) 0.0949 0.5293 0.0503 0.1160 0.5293 0.3547 0.0058 0.0266 0.0178
0.3547 0.0337 0.6433 0.1409 0.2158 0.0217 0.0047 0.0073
PE -1 to 8 0.1160 0.0262 0.5293 0.3547 0.1160 0.0138 0.0093 0.0030
7 (PS) 0.2256 PP -1 to 8 0.5293 0.1194 0.6433 0.1409 0.2158 0.0768 0.0168 0.0258
PPO 0.3547 0.0800 0.1409 0.2158 0.6433 0.0113 0.0173 0.0515
Overall priority 0.3848 0.2475 0.3677
Rank 1 3 2
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Volume 8 • Issue 4 • October-December 2017
Mohammad Azam is an MD (in Social and Preventive Medicine), MBA (with Hospital Management and Quality
Management as specialist subjects), LLB (with Administrative Law as specialist subject) and PhD from IIT Roorkee,
India (with specialization in Health Care Establishments and Hospital Management). He has a long experience
of over three decades in the practice of public health, community medicine and also as a hospital administrator,
being in charge of various Cantonment General Hospitals as well as Director of Health at various levels with
administrative jurisdiction over a number of hospitals while serving in the Indian Army(AMC). He has also held a
teaching appointment as Professor of Community Medicine while serving in the Army. He has a number of research
papers to his credit in National and International journals. After retirement as Colonel from the Indian Army he
had served as Consultant (Monitoring & Evaluation) of World Bank with Government of India Ministry of Health
(NVBDCP). Thereafter, he served as Professor of Community Medicine in the Department of Community Medicine
and as the Director Chief Medical Superintendent of the affiliated teaching Hospital of Career Institute of Medical
Sciences & Hospital, Lucknow (UP) India where he also held the appointment of Principal, Dean /Director of the
said Institute. Currently he is continuing to serve as Professor of Community Medicine and Director Chief Medical
Superintendent of the said medical institute at Lucknow (UP), India.
Mohamed Rafik Noor Mohamed Qureshi obtained a PhD from IIT Roorkee, Roorkee from MIED department. He is
an Associate professor in Faculty of Technology and Engineering, The MS University of Baroda, India. He obtained
his BE and ME in Mechanical Engineering from the same university. His research interests include supply chain
management, quality control, production and operations management. He has published more than 120 papers
in various international, national journals and conference proceedings.
Faisal Talib is Associate Professor in Department of Mechanical Engineering, Zakir Husain College of Engineering
& Technology, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, (U.P.), India. He holds
a PhD degree from IIT Roorkee and a Masters in Industrial Engineering from AMU. He has 20 years of teaching
experience and has more than 75 publications to his credit in national/international journals and conferences. His
work has been published and cited in various journals including Total Quality Management & Business Excellence,
International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, The TQM Journal, International Journal of Quality
Engineering, International Journal of Service Business, Service Marketing Quarterly, International Journal of
Productivity & Performance Management, International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, Asian Journal on
Quality, Benchmarking: An International Journal, and International Journal of Productivity & Quality Management to
name a few. His special interest includes Quality Engineering, Total Quality Management (TQM), Service Quality,
Quality Concepts, serving as an expert reviewer in the review panel of several International Journals of repute.