Quality Perception - A Hierarchical Modelling Approach
Quality Perception - A Hierarchical Modelling Approach
Quality Perception - A Hierarchical Modelling Approach
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Quality Perception -
A Hierarchical Modelling Approach
* Dr Juhi Kamakoty, Dr. Sandeep Singh
* Acropolis Faculty of Management & Research, Indore
Abstract:- SERVQUAL has been widely studied across may be accrued to the systematic evolution of research in
various industries including health care sector by this area is the well established link between service quality
researchers world wide. Most of these studies have used and business performance
general linear model to draw their findings. However
using GLM to study service quality in various hospitals II. LITERATURE REVIEW
amounts to shear violation of the basic assumption of
independence of observations as the data are nested and Service quality is an assessment of how well the
clustering in data could be easily observed which was service delivered meets the client’s expectation. It may
ignored by researchers. This study seeks to plug this means the quality of deliverables to some, while to some
loophole by using Hierarchical modeling on R software. others it may means the human interactions involved at the
Data from 250 patients was collected from Big and service encounter yet to others it may mean the experience
Small hospitals from the commercial capital of central involved at the time of availing the service. The quality of
India and analyzed. They showed the existence of 5 service is thus a relative concept having different meaning at
factors quiet in accordance with Parasuraman (1988) different times.With the advent of globalization service
findings. There after hierarchical modeling was applied quality has all of a sudden caught attention of both
with these factors as dependent variables. Findings researchers as well as practitioners (Abdullah, 2005). In
showed that on Tangibility there is no significant order to survive in business, it is service quality alone that
difference in perception across gender, age, annual can give a competitive edge to business and thus ensure
income and education qualification. Findings further survival (Bitner, 1993). Services have its own idiosyncratic
shows that Reliability, Assurance, Responsiveness and characteristics and are therefore difficult to design, measure
Empathy varies across gender. and maintain. Services are heterogeneity,perishable
intangibles and production & delivery of the services are
Keywords:- Servqual, Service, Quality, Health Care, concurrent. Moreover the outcome quality is contingent to
Regression, Clustering , Hierarchical Modeling. the situational inputs. The quality of service is thus an
abstruse concept that takes on different meaning depending
I. INTRODUCTION on the inputs and the service partners.
The gradual shift of economy from manufacturing to The latent concept of service quality may be measured
service base and the fight for survival in razor sharp by measuring the factors or determinants of service quality.
competition all of a sudden brought quality of service in The determinants may be technical, functional, process
focus . In the seminal works of Parsuraman et. related, human related, behavioral constructs , image , IT
al.(1985,1988) in the decades of 1980’s service quality has based , experiential and so on (Parsuraman et al., 1985;
been conceptualized, defined and measured using the gap Groonos, 1984; Cronin & Taylor, 1992; Mattson, 1992;
model. Service quality gap is computed as the difference Teas, 1993). The literature on service quality is flooded with
between percepti on and expectation. Servperf (Cronin & various frameworks and models to asses service quality of
Taylor, 1992) is another such universal construct that various services like telecom, healthcare, hospitality, public
measures the service quality in various service settings but services, aviation, education , tourism, banking
unlike the Servqual gap model, this captures service quality etc.(Nwabueze and Mileski,2008; Rhee and Rha,2009;
perception only.Servqual and Servperf the two scales that Shamdasani et al.,2008; Sunindijo et al., 2014;Kamakoty et
dominate service quality researches, as they are simple and al., 2015 ). These models largely measure the service
easy to administer and requires minor semantic modification quality from the service user’s perspective or service
to customize it to industry specific settings. Service quality providers perspective and offers useful insights about
has always been a fancy amongst the researchers and the enhancing service quality by judiciously using business
literature has been replete with service quality frameworks, resources. The most popular instruments used for
models, factors, constructs, antecedents, consequents, measuring the service quality are Servqual and Servperf
determinants etc. Research in the area of service quality has scale or customized variants of these scales . Table 1
given important insights to managers for improving quality given below summarizes Servqual based research on
by judiciously using their resources. An obvious reason that service quality.
Service quality is as important in health care industry questionnaire and the scaled were easily understood by
as it is any where else. Quality of health services may be responders who were either patients or their attendants.
defined as the value that is being offered to the customer in
terms of quality of life, life expectancy , cure, prevention The data was personally collected by the researchers
etc. While quantitatively it can be measured in terms of with the help of well structured questionnaire after a detailed
counts, expectancies, reduction, risk factor etc ., debriefing of the respondent patients/attendants’ in
researchers have occupied themselves in developing hospitals. Five hospitals were selected for data collectiobn.
constructs to measure the qualitative aspects of services. The criteria for selection was as medical facilities offered,
There is a rich repository of literature where in one can find target segment and accessibility. A sample of 250 responses
various scholarly work to frame, measure, factorize was collected using convenience sampling. Data analysis
quality of services. The universal gap based Servqual model was done using R s/w. Intially the data was checked for
is by and large the most popular tool elicited in literature to anomalitie and missing values. Once the data was clean, it
measure the service quality of medical services, health was put to factor analysis. The extracted factors were
centres, hospitals across various countries/ communities by analyzed across demographic variables. The hospitals were
students, medical staff, research scholars etc. Griffith classified into two categories Big and Small on the basis of
(2002), Lehtinen and Lehtinen (1985),. John (1989), Bed capacity. Two hospitals qualified in Big category out of
Reidenbasch and Sandifer (1990) Babakus and Glynn 5. ‘t’ test and anova analysis was applied to study the
(1992), Bowers et. al. (1994), Youssef & Nel (1996), and perception expectation gap in the five extracted service
Lim and Tang (2000) Jabnoun and Chaker (2003). quality factors across gender, age, education, income . The
findings were then reported along with managerial
This paper attempts to study the service quality of implications.
hospitals of commercial capital of central India on the basis
of size. The data has been collected from 250 pateints IV. DATA ANALYSIS
dispersed across big abd small hospital. The patients are
nested in the hospital so hierarchical modeling had beed Total sample size was 250, out of which 46 were
used with patients at level at level 1 and hospital at level 2. missing values which were eventually imputed using
Servqual perception only scale is used to capture the data regression method. Out of 250 respondents 52.8% were
across the dichotomy of big and small hospitals. The data is male and 47.2% were female. About 40% of the respondents
then subjected to analysis to develop important insights on were below 30 years, 17% between 30-40 years, 14.4%
health care services. between 40-50 years and 28% were above 50 years.
Qualification wise 62.4% were undergraduates, 31.6% were
III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY graduates and 6% were post graduates. On Income basis
58.8% were below 1 lacs, 36.4 were between 1 – 2.5 lacs,
A through secondary research had been conducted to and only 4.8% were above 2.5 lacs per year.
identify the gap in literature. Various journals, news,
reports, conference papers had been studied to get useful Gender is coded as 1 for male and 2 for female. Age is
insights on the existing body of knowledge on quality of coded as 1 for patients below 30 years of age, 2 for patients
medical services. Once the gap had been identified , It was between 30 – 40 years, 3 for patients between 40 -50 years
decided to measure service quality across hospitals by and 4 for patients above 50 years of age. Qualification is
employing Servqual perception only scale. Sevqual scale coded as 1 for undergraduates, 2 for Graduates and 3 for
had been customized across health care setting to capture the post graduates. Coding of annual income is 1 for income
data from patients. or their attendants on a seven point less than 1 lacs, 2 for income between 1 – 2.5 lacs and 3 for
Likert scale (strongly disagree to strongly agree) along with annual income above 2.5 lacs.
demographic variables like age, income, gender etc . A pilot
study was undertaken in order to determine whether the Before subjecting the data for Factor Analysis, Bartlett
test was carried out to assess the factorability of the data.
Factor Analysis showed that Item 1 through 4 loaded on Factor 1 referred to as Tangibility, items 5 through 9 loaded on
Factor 2 referred to as Reliability, items 10 through 13 loaded on factor 3 referred as Responsiveness, item 14 through 17 loaded
on factor 4 referred as Assurance and lastly items 18 through 22 loaded on 5th factor called as Empathy. Reliability analysis
carried out showed all factors have Cronbach Alpha of above .70, which is quiet in keeping with international standards, therefore
a summated scale was created for all Factors and named accordingly for both Perception and Expectation.
Gap was studied by taking the difference between Perception and Expectation summated scale. Positive value indicated
patients perception about hospital services are higher than what they expected and negative value showed just the opposite.
Thereafter descriptive statistics was carried out for the acquired factors as shown below in table. Output in the table clearly shows
that data is normally distributed with Skewness near zero and Kurtosis well below 3.0 (with low standard errors)
Square of Skewness
Above graph shows that the distribution of dependent y suggesting female are relatively more disgruntled with the
variables (RATER) show Beta distribution hospital empathy than male.
For data analysis, we have used Hierarchical Modeling On running the script for Tangibility as a response
using Generalized Linear Mixed Effect Model using R variable the output showed the evidence of Inter Class
software using packages like ‘lmer4’, ‘merTools’ and Correlation of 0.03 which is evidence of clustering (though
‘fitdistrplus’. The last on is used to asses distribution of weak) in the data for Big and Small hospitals, thereby
dependent variables. lending justification to the application of Hierarchical
Modeling. The output for Random Effect is shown as below
We have used various factors of SERVQUAL
perception scale as dependent variable and demographic Random effects:
descriptors – age, gender, annual income, and education Groups Name Variance Std.Dev.
qualification as predictors. Further we have divided the Big- Small (Intercept) 0.0069 0.0861
hospitals as Big – Small depending on bed capacity and this Residual 0.855 0.92
has been used for capturing random effect.
For Fixed Effect none of the values are significant at 5
On running the script for Empathy as a response % significance level. Findings shows that cutting across pati
variable the output showed the evidence of Inter Class ents of all age, gender, education qualification and annual in
Correlation of 0.07 which is evidence of clustering (though come there is no difference in the hospitals tangibility aspect
weak) in the data for Big and Small hospitals, thereby .
lending justification to the application of Hierarchical
Modeling. The output for Random Effect is shown as below On running the script for Responsiveness as a response
variable the output showed the evidence of Inter Class
Random effects: Correlation of 0.11 which is strong evidence of clustering in
Groups Name Variance Std.Dev. the data for Big and Small hospitals, thereby lending full
Big- Small (Intercept) 0.01853 0.1361 justification to the application of Hierarchical Modeling.
Residual 1.74854 1.3223 The output for Random Effect is shown as below’
For Fixed Effect Age (β= -0.165, t-value = -2.32) and Random effects:
Gender (β= -0.368, t-value = -2.214) have significant effect Groups Name Variance Std. Dev.
on empathy. Highly significant Intercept ((β= 5.95, t-value = Big- Small (Intercept) 0.07853 0.280
13.72). Findings show that as the patients’ age goes up his p Residual 0.299 1.731
erception goes down by 16% thus patients with higher age a
re more dissatisfied with the empathy of the hospital. On ge For Fixed Effect Gender (β= -0.553, t-value = -2.54) a
nder female perception is about 36% lesser than male, clearl nd annual income (β= -0.892, t-value = -3.62) have signific
ant effect on Responsiveness and age in nearly significant A
Random effects: For Fixed Effect Age (β= 0.311, t-value = -2.59) other
Groups Name Variance Std. Dev. predictors are insignificant. Findings show that as the patient
Big- Small (Intercept) 0.08 0.295 s age goes up his perception about hospitals reliability increa
Residual 1.129 1.062 ses by 31%. This shows that young patients find hospitals le
ss reliable than their younger counterparts.
For Fixed Effect Age (β= -0.144, t-value = -2.517) oth
er predictors are insignificant. Findings show that as the pati
Table above shows the model fit for various SERVQUAL factors. It can be clearly seen that model No 2 with Tangibility as
dependent variable has lowest AIC (Akaike's Information Criteria) and BIC (Bayesian Information Criteria).
Fig 3: Residual Plot
Figure above shows the residual plot against the fitted values a random pattern which is clearly indicative of a good fit.