Overdet 3
Overdet 3
Overdet 3
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(A) Mental events cause, and are caused by, physical events.
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Given that mental events do interact with physical events, and given that
causal relations require strict laws covering such events and furthermore,
that there are no strict psychological laws subsuming these events, it
follows that mental events must fall under physical laws. If an event is
subsumed by a physical law, then it must be a physical event. Thus, all
mental events are physical events.
Two points require emphasis. First, psychological predicates are anom
alous, hence psychological laws are not the laws which satisfy the nomo
logicality of causation. Thus there cannot be causal relations between
events merely in virtue of a psychological generalization. That is to say,
we cannot conclude that two events are causally related from the mere
fact that they satisfy a psychological law (given that such laws are ce
teris paribus). Secondly, physical predicates are nomological, that is to
say, there are strict laws couched in a physical vocabulary; hence causal
relations may obtain in virtue of there being a true physical generalization.
We may conclude, therefore, that if two events are causally related, they
satisfy a strict law from physics. This asymmetry between the roles of
physical and psychological predicates marks Davidson's philosophy as a
form of nonreductive physicalism, and it is this asymmetry that has worried
his critics. The physicalist point is that only physical predicates can sat
isfy the necessary conditions on causation. Without this claim, Davidson's
argument for token physicalism is blocked.
But is this conception of causation plausible? Do causal relations be
tween events require that these events are subsumed by strict laws, or by
something less, say ceteris paribus laws: laws that admit of exceptions?
I am unconvinced. I see little reason for such a restriction on causation.
Certainly our folk-conception of causation does not entail such a claim.
Second, ceteris paribus laws appear to be invoked in our causal explana
tory practice. If a ceteris paribus law is invoked to justify a causal claim
regarding two events, in practice, that is sufficient reason for taking the
causal claim to be true (assuming, of course, you think that the law
statement is itself true). To justify a causal claim regarding two token
events, for example, the rise in the rate of poverty and the rise in the rate
of crime, we may need recourse to a ceteris paribus economic law that
poverty causes crime. There is little reason to think that, were we to fail in
discovering an underlying exceptionless law subsuming these two events,
we would have to retract our causal claim. In practice, economics provides
us with the law needed to secure belief in the causal claim, yet that law is
not an exceptionless law.
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Given the truth of (1) and (2) and the fact that (4) is unacceptable, unac
ceptable because it entails that no mental event is causally relevant to any
physical event, we are led to the view that we must reject (3). Pluralism, it
would seem, is false.
The first thing to note about this argument is that the target for the re
ductio is premise three, a claim regarding the independence of mental and
physical events. As stated, the exclusion argument works against "radical"
pluralists (and dualists like Descartes) who deny the dependence of mental
events upon physical events. This is not the version of pluralism that I wish
to defend. Rather, I am defending pluralism within the context of event
supervenience. Hence, this version of the exclusion argument is consistent
with pluralism and event supervenience. But pluralism is a more subtle
claim, one consistent with the dependence of mental events upon physical
But this situation is rather puzzling. Kim seems to accept the possibility
that mental events are non-identical with physical events, thus permitting
a nonreductive event pluralism. Consider the following passage:
Cl is reducible to, or supervenient on, C2. This sort of relationship might obtain, for
example, on some accounts of the mind-body relation, which, though eschewing an out
right psychophysical identification, none the less recognizes the reductive or supervenient
dependency of the mental on the physical. In such a case, the causal relation involving the
supervenient or reduced event must itself be thought of as supervenient or reducible to the
causal or nomological relation involving the 'base' event. In this sense, the two explana
tions are not independent; for the one involving the reduced causal (that is, explanatory)
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relation is dependent on the one representing the 'base' causal relation (Kim, 1987/1993,
This passage is fairly explicit in permitting the existence of non
identical but supervenient mental events. Does this show that Kim is
comfortable with the position I am defending? Certainly not, for pluralism
is the claim that mental events are non-identical with the physical events
they supervene upon, and Kim is a token and type physicalist.4
What the above formulation of the argument reveals is that the exclu
sion argument does nothing, on its own, to attack the pluralism considered
here. Non-physical but supervenient events are not excluded from being
causes of the events their subvenient events also cause. This is rather
surprising, for others have certainly thought that the exclusion argument
was supposed to be an argument against this moderate form of pluralism.
Stephen Yablo reads the argument in the following way:
Yablo then goes on to argue that ( 1 ) is false because there are relations be
tween mental and physical events such that the exclusion principle doesn't
apply to events so-related. Briefly and somewhat cryptically, Yablo holds
that supervenient events are "nested" in their subvenient events, in virtue
of the fact that the properties of the subvenient physical event are determi
nates of the determinable mental property. Such a relation between mental
and physical events (and the determinate/determinable relation between
physical and mental properties) is a dependency relation that captures
(event and property) supervenience.
Two things are worth pointing out here. First, Yablo simply doesn't
mention Kim's exclusion principle, for he fails to include in (1) the im
portant clause stating that the causes must be independent. Second, Yablo
proceeds to argue that when the causes are not independent (when the
properties of those events are related as determinate to determinable), there
is no problem of exclusion. But Kim's principle explicitly allows for this
kind of position. Given that Yablo concedes that mental events are super
veniently dependent upon physical events, he was never offering a view
inconsistent with Kim's stated exclusion principle.
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(2) For every physical event y, some physical event jc is causally sufficient
for y.
(3) For every physical event x and mental event jc*, x is distinct and
independent from jc*.
(4) Therefore: for every physical event y, no distinct mental event jc* is
causally relevant to y.
Given the truth of (1) and (2) and the fact that (4) is unacceptable, unac
ceptable because it entails that no mental event is causally relevant to any
physical event, we are led to the view that we must reject (3).
I will argue that (1) is false, and that a weaker reading of (1) that makes
reference to overdetermination, is unmotivated. The weaker reading of (1)
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his death. The firing of each bullet is sufficient, given relevant background
conditions, to kill Pedro. Such imaginary scenarios do not appear to vio
late any laws of nature, although they may not be common. Thus, there
are possible cases in which events are non-competitive with regard to be
ing sufficient cause. Thus, 'being a sufficient cause' is not a competitive
concept. If so, then it is false that, necessarily, if e\ is sufficient cause of
?2, then there is no further cause e^, that is sufficient for ?2- That is, the
exclusion principle (1) is false. Rather, it is nomologically possible for
e2 to have more than one distinct sufficient cause. The occurrence of ei
permits many winners in the causal-sufficiency game.
Perhaps, in defense of (1) we may weaken the letter of (1) but retain its
spirit. Admitting cases of overdetermination as special cases, as rare, meta
physical and scientific curiosities, is compatible with the general thrust of
the principle. Cases, such as those involving the unfortunate Pedro, will
be exceptions to the rule. It might be said, nevertheless, that the rule still
holds, despite these unusual cases. Overdetermination is rare.
Such a defense of (1) is plausible, but I argue below that even (1), ap
propriately re-interpreted is false. Certainly, cases such as Pedro's may be
hard to find. It does seem true that overdetermination of effects by events
from the same explanatory discourse, although nomologically possible, are
nevertheless hard to come up with. Overdetermination, however, is rarely
considered from the point of view of the various levels of explanation.
There may be many non-competitive causes for some effect, although we
may not find all these causes mentioned in the one science. We shall return
to this point below.
We have established that being a sufficient cause is not a competitive
concept. There are, no doubt, events which are causes that are competitive.
When this is so, it is not because these events are causes, but because of
some further property these events may possess. It may be that if e\ is a
sufficient cause of ^ then e^ cannot also be a sufficient cause of ei. This
fact, however, will not be traceable to the fact that they are sufficient causes
simplicitur. No doubt, when e\ does exclude e$ from being a sufficient
cause of e2, this is so in virtue of the causal properties possessed by e\
and e3. The sugar-cube's dissolution is caused by the cube's immersion in
water, and this excludes the cube's destruction from being caused by melt
ing from a flame of a relatively low heat, because the cube's immersion in
water is causally incompatible with the occurrence of the heat required to
melt a typical sugar-cube. Both causes cannot be simultaneously effective.
Put epistemologically, it is not that we already know a cause, suffi
cient for the effect, from which we conclude that the ice-cube was not
destroyed by melting. Rather, we already know a cause, sufficient for the
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effect, the properties of which we know are incompatible with the proper
ties possessed by the postulated second cause.9 These properties may be
incompatible with the event being present, or they may be incompatible
with the event being a cause of the effect (perhaps because a required
background condition is prevented from occurring). But either way, we
cannot argue from sufficiency of cause, to there being no further fully
sufficient cause. There are nomologically possible cases in which an event
has more than one entirely sufficient cause. Having established the rather
weak claim that overdetermination is possible, I now turn to showing that
we have reason to believe in its actuality and relative ubiquity.
But not everyone is happy with this view. How can we say that ment
events are sufficient for behavior and neurophysiological events are a
sufficient for the very same behavior? Isn't this simply overdeterminat
on a global scale?
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... we would be saying that B is causally overdetermined by the two events, since either
one singly would have been sufficient to bring about B. But again this seems like an absurd
picture of the situation; it implies, for example, that every bit of rationalizable behavior
is overdetermined by both a mental cause and a physical cause. This could also involve a
violation of the closed character of the physical domain. (Kim 1990/1995, 125)12
Coming from Kim this passage is surprising for, apart from the worry
regarding the closed character of the physical domain (to be dealt with
below) there is no forceful argument for the absurdity of such global
overdetermination. Furthermore, we should not jump to the conclusion that
overdetermination is global, unless we have adequate causal explanations
of the same event that mention distinct causes. But as we have seen, it is
nomologically possible that there is more than one sufficient cause for an
event. What is so absurd about this possibility being actual? That there are
supervenient events that appear, as Kim grants, to be causally sufficient for
their effects, shows that there is every reason to think that overdetermina
tion is actual and as commonplace as the success of interdisciplinary causal
explanations. If the actuality of overdetermination is a problem, even if it's
possibility is granted, then we need to be given an argument for that claim.
If we read the exclusion argument as involving:
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Kim does raise a worry that is common among philosophers with physical
ist leanings. In the passage quoted above he says "This (overdetermination)
could also involve a violation of the closed character of the physical
domain". Kim does not expand on the point and it is not obvious how
overdetermination is incompatible with the closed character of the phys
ical. If physics is closed, then presumably every physical event has a
physical event as its cause, or every physical event is explainable by a
physical explanation. Global overdetermination is not in conflict with such
claims. Non-competitive overdetermination is the idea that there can be
more than one sufficient cause for an event, so it is perfectly consistent
with the idea that all physical events have physical causes; it is just that
they may have more causes beside. Believers in overdetermination and the
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In such a case, the causal relation involving the supervenient or reduced event must itself be
thought of as supervenient or reducible to the causal or nomological relation involving the
'base' event. In this sense, the two explanations are not independent; for the one involving
the reduced causal (that is, explanatory) relation is dependent on the one representing the
'base' causal relation". (1987, 240).
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I suspect that all instances of relations, causal or not, possess their relata
essentially.14 If supervenient events can be multiply constituted by distinct
aggregates of subvenient events, then it follows that in such cases there
would be a distinct instance of the causal relation subvenient to the causal
relation obtaining at the supervenient level. The supervenient causal rela
tion can, in such cases, "survive" the counterfactual constitutive changes in
the events that constitute the relata of the relation. The relata remain, and so
too does the causal relation between them, even if, counterfactually, the ex
act composition of these relata were different. Overdetermination does not
disappear, when numerically distinct causal relations are superveniently
Kim does not provide us with sufficient reason to reject overdetermi
nation however, overdetermination is not easy to understand. Consider
Pedro's death '?2', which is caused by two shootings 'e\ and '^3'. When
e\ and ?3 overdetermine ^ then we seem to be committed to the following
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the problem. Rather, these counterfactuals count as the data that a theory
of causation must accommodate and, perhaps, explain. Overdetermination
has been, to a great extent, ignored in much of the literature on causation.
The explanation for this is that overdetermination was thought to be rare, if
not simply a myth. I take overdetermination to be as common as interdisci
plinary causal explanations, for it is the success of these explanations that
lead me to postulate causes and causal relations. If the causes postulated
are distinct, and the events to be explained (by mentioning the causes)
are identical, then we have overdetermination. This should lead us to take
the phenomena of overdetermination more seriously in our metaphysical
theories of causation.
Nevertheless, there are still some nagging worries. For one SOD is
significantly different from the examples of overdetermination commonly
found in the literature. Pedro is shot simultaneously by two policemen; his
death is overdetermined by two distinct events. Had either one of the shoot
ings not occurred, the death would still have occurred. Typically, pairs of
counterfactuals like (C1 ) and (C2) (above) are true of such examples of
overdetermination (where e? and ?3 are shootings and ^2 Pedro's death).
However, in cases of SOD very different counterfactuals are true.
Consider a neurological event en and its supervenient mental event em.
Say we possess causal explanations that lead us to correctly believe that
both en and em are causes of some further behavioral event, e^. What coun
terfactuals are true of this situation? On analogy with Pedro-type cases of
overdetermination, we might expect the following:
(C3) Had en not occurred, then e?, would still have occurred.
Were SOD cases exactly analogous to cases like Pedro's shooting, then we
would expect (C3) and (C4) to be true in cases where both the mental and
neurophysiological events are causes of the same behavioral event-token.
However, the situation is not so simple. Were we to ignore the fact that em
supervenes upon eflm then (C3) and (C4), would seem to be true. Taking
account of supervenience is not easy, but it would appear that in virtue of
supervenience we must, in fact, accept the following counterfactual:
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(and multiple constitution will add a further twist to the situation, but I shall
ignore this further twist until later). Taking these features into considera
tion, the picture of overdetermination we possess is significantly different
from Pedro-type examples. After taking supervenience into consideration,
it looks as if we are not committed to the truth of (C3) and (C4) taken to
gether. Had em not occurred, neither would en, so it looks as if e^ would not
occur after-all (for now it appears that there is no second cause sufficient
to bring it about). Similarly, had en not occurred, then neither would em,
and hence it looks as if ey, would again lack a second cause, so ey, would
not occur.15
These considerations should be welcomed. Counterfactuals such as:
(C7) Had en not occurred, then ?/7 would not have occurred
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(C8) Had e* not occurred, then <?** would not have occurred
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than one sufficient cause, and there are various possibilities regarding how,
if at all, those overdetermining causes may be related. If the numerically
distinct causes are related in some such way, should we refrain from calling
these causes overdetermining causes? I don't see why we must, they are
both sufficient causes, and that warrants the description 'overdetermining
causes'. What counterfactuals are true of a particular case of overdetermi
nation will depend on the further facts regarding the relations that obtain
(if any) between the causes.
There is one further feature of SOD examples that is worth mentioning.
Supervenience permits the supervenient event to be multiply constituted
by subvenient events. For example, I may have the very same belief-state17
token in counterfactual scenarios in which that state is constituted by a dif
ferent neurophysiological state. Furthermore, a belief-state token may well
survive replacement, over time, of its underlying neurophysiological states
(my brain states change relatively quickly compared to my psychological
states). These features of event supervenience add a twist to the account of
counterfactuals of SOD examples. If we consider the phenomena of multi
ple constitution, we can see that examples of SOD are a little more closely
related to examples like that of Pedro's death, than we may have initially
thought. In Pedro-type overdetermination cases, we take it that, had either
shooting not occurred, Pedro would still be dead. In SOD cases, we have
the possibility, permitted by multiple constitution, that the absence of the
subvenient event is consistent with the presence of the effect. Consider
these counterfactuals a second time:
(C6) Had em not occurred, then e?? would not have occurred.
Above I argued that these counterfactuals are true of many SOD cases,
and so they are. However, there are cases of SOD in which (C7) may be
false. Such an example draws upon the possibility of multiple realizability
or constitution. Here is how (C7) may turn out false in such a "special"
case of SOD. In the actual world em causes e?7 and is constituted by, en. In
the closest possible world in which en does not occur, em is constituted by
some further neurophysiological event. Thus, counterfactual
would be false, because em is still a sufficient cause for e??. Had I lacked
the neurophysiological state that constitutes my desire to run for the bus, I
would nevertheless run for the bus, for my desire would be constituted by
some further neurophysiological state.
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What this shows is that some cases of SOD will look much more like
Pedro-type cases than we initially thought; and that should help quell wor
ries about whether these cases are sufficiently similar to the Pedro-type
cases to count as genuine overdetermination. However, SOD examples are
genuine examples of overdetermination because they are cases in which
some one effect has two distinct sufficient causes.
How often are cases of SOD like the one above? That is, how common
is it, that in the closest worlds in which the neurophysiological event is
absent, there is another to take its place? That is difficult to say, for we
would have to go through the examples one by one. I suspect that they
are common, but I shall not attempt to show this here. Suffice to say,
overdetermination is as common as are our successful, interdisciplinary
causal-explanatory practice leads us to believe.
In this paper I have argued that Kim's exclusion principle misses its mark
and that the weakened version of that principle is also no threat to event
pluralism. Furthermore, I have urged that overdetermination is not to be
seen as a metaphysical anomaly, but as a commonplace feature of the
world, and that this is not a problem for a metaphysical theory, since
the very possibility of overdetermination shows that causation is a non
competitive concept. This is, I take it, the important point. There can be
many sufficient causes for a single event. Second, I argued that overde
termination is not merely possible, but that we have reason to think it
is actual and ubiquitous. Overdetermination adequately accounts for the
many causal explanations we can provide for a single event.18 To the extent
that interdisciplinary causal explanations attribute distinct causes to the
same effect, (as they appear to) they offer us prima facie reason to take
the pluralist ontology seriously. These two features, taken together, may
provide challenges to a theory of causation, for they are part of the data,
part of the phenomena that a theory of causation must capture.
Overdetermination has usually been considered by offering examples
of events from the same explanatory domain: two doses of poison, two
deadly bullets and so forth. Cases like these are rare. But when we re
flect on how distinct sciences, (where one supervenes on the other, and in
which each science postulates numerically distinct events), attempt to give
explanations of the same phenomena, we can see that overdetermination is
Finally, although I have not provided thorough arguments for pluralism,
I have provided a defense of pluralism from the exclusion argument. There
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are large issues remaining: what are those arguments for the rejection of
token physicalism? How should we understand the relationship between
subvenient and supervenient events, when these token events are non
identical? To the last question, I would say that physical events are the
parts of mental events. To the first question, I would answer with reference
to the second: part/whole relations are non-extensional, thus the whole is
not identical with the sum of its parts because they lack the very same
modal properties. Clearly, these issues must be left for another day.
* Many thanks to the anonymous referees of Synthese for their critical comments on an
earlier draft of this paper.
1 It will become evident that a counterfactual analysis of causation will not be compatible
with my defense of overdetermination. Although some philosophers (Swain, 1978) have
tried to accommodate overdetermination within a counterfactual approach to causation, I
am not confident of their success.
2 I am granting, for simplicity, that behavioral events are correctly characterized as
physical, but this is by no means clear, given their intentional characterization.
3 Following Kim (1984) e* supervenes on e, if property F of e* supervenes on property
G oie.
4 Kim holds that mental properties are identical with their subvenient properties. Re
garding reductionism, Kim thinks that we can reduce human mental properties to human
physiological properties, while remaining skeptical regarding the possibility of reducing
mental properties generally.
6 Competition is compatible with both players failing to win. In chess, that is stalemate or
a draw.
7 Here I think of imaginative role playing in which children mimic, re-interpret, or invent
adult social relations. Given the imbalances in social roles, there is, I suppose, a sense in
which there are winners and losers in such games.
8 Someone may think that the principle should be interpreted as metaphysically necessary
since they may think that it is essentially constitutive of our concept of causality. If it is
constitutive, then cases of over determination appear to be counter-examples to the very
existence of causality. While these cases, or the possibility of such cases, cause headaches
for our theories of causality, we would be better advised to revised our concept than jettison
it. The concept is too embedded in practice and theory to be rejected without some very
fancy replacement.
9 To be more precise we should include the properties along with background conditions
and the relevant laws of nature.
10 Perhaps not in all cases, if we are willing to grant the nomological possibility that
events may be incompatible with their subvenient or supervenient events being causes.
For instance, my desires may be supervenient upon my brain state, but the properties of
certain chemicals may prevent those desires from being causes of behavior, e.g. when I am
intoxicated. Furthermore, there is a general question regarding "interactionism". Mental
events often cause and are caused by events that are not obviously physical; that is, they
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often cause events that are best understood as events from domains other than physics.
For example, "Watching pornography made John react less sensitively to female subjects"
may be a supposed causal explanation, but we would be hard-pressed to reduce the events
in question to physical events, despite those events involving middle-sized objects. A form
of Parallelism may be more common than philosophers have recently allowed.
11 It is important to remember that some causal explanations may mention properties of
causes. Other causal explanations take the form of stating that some event is the cause of
the effect (and that cause is picked out under some description). It is the latter form of
causal explanation that I am concerned with, not the former.
12 Note that the absurdity does not lie in the idea that the effect is rationalized and caused,
for few people object to the idea that reasons can be causes. Rather, the worry is that there
are two causes, one of which can rationalize the behavior, another which cannot. This is,
however, the pluralist position I am defending.
13 Whether multiple constitution is compatible with (epistemological or theoretical) re
ductionism is not to the point here. The pluralist is more daring and ambitious. Multiple
constitution offers modal reasons for ontological pluralism.
14 Consider instances of "jc is taller than y" (and let us ignore nominalist worries). "A is
taller than B", picks out a different instance of Taller than, than that expressed in "A is
taller than C". The property is identical in both cases, but the property-instances are not.
15 As I shall discuss below, this will not always be the case. Multiple realizability allows
us, in some circumstances, to recognize that the absence of the neurophysiological event
may not make a difference to the effect being present, for the supervenient event is realized
by another neurophysiological event and remains the second cause.
16 All things being equal.
17 Alio wing states to count as events.
18 Explanations that explain by citing causes, not one's that merely cite the properties of
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Department of Philosophy
McGill University
Montreal, Quebec
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