Dretske - Laws of Nature
Dretske - Laws of Nature
Dretske - Laws of Nature
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Universityof Wisconsin
*ReceivedJune, 1976.
t For their helpful comments my thanks to colleagues at Wisconsin and a number
of other universities where I read earlier versions of this paper. I wish, especially,
to thankZaneParks,RobertCausey, MartinPerlmutter,NormanGillespie,and Richard
Aquillafor their critical suggestions, but they should not be blamed for the way I
'This is the position taken by Hempeland Oppenheim([10]).
quantities; they are not universal statements about the particular objects
and situations that exemplify these qualities and quantities. Universal
truths are not transformed into laws by acquiring some of the extrinsic
properties of laws, by being used in explanation or prediction, by
being made to support counterfactuals, or by becoming well estab-
lished. For, as we shall see, universal truths cannot function in these
ways. They cannot be made to perform a service they are wholly
unequipped to provide.
In order to develop this thesis it will be necessary to overcome
some metaphysical prejudices, and to overcome these prejudices it
will prove useful to review the major deficiencies of the proposed
alternative. The attractiveness of the formula: law = universal truth
+ X, lies, partly at least, in its ontological austerity, in its tidy portrayal
of what there is, or what there must be, in order for there to be
laws of nature. The antidote to this seductive doctrine is a clear
realization of how utterly hopeless, epistemologically and functionally
hopeless, this equation is.
If the auxiliary ideas mentioned above (explanation, prediction,
confirmation, etc.) are deployed as values of X in the reductionistic
equation of laws with universal truths, one can, as we have already
seen, render a satisfactory account of the opacity of laws. In this
particular respect the attempted equation proves adequate. In what
way, then, does it fail?
(1) and (2) are what I will call "epistemic" notions; they assign
to a statement a certain epistemological status or cognitive value.
They are, for this reason alone, useless in understanding the nature
of a law.9 Laws do not begin to be laws only when we first become
aware of them, when the relevant hypotheses become well established,
when there is public endorsement by the relevant scientific community.
The laws of nature are the same today as they were one thousand
years ago (or so we believe); yet, some hypotheses are highly confirmed
today that were not highly confirmed one thousand years ago. It
is certainly true that we only begin to call something a law when
it becomes well established, that we only recognize something as
a statement of law when it is confirmed to a certain degree, but
that something is a law, that some statement does in fact express
a law, does not similarly await our appreciation of this fact. We
discover laws, we do not invent them-although, of course, some
invention may be involved in our manner of expressing or codifying
these laws. Hence, the status of something as a statement of law
land heads all ten times. You express doubts. I proceed to "confirm"
my hypothesis. I flip the coin once. It lands heads. Is this evidence
that my hypothesis is correct? I continue flipping the coin and it
turns up with nine straightheads. Given the opening assumptionthat
we are dealing with a fair coin, the probability of getting all ten
heads (the probability that my hypothesis is true) is now, after
examinationof 90% of the total population to which the hypothesis
applies, exactly .5. If we are guided by probability considerations
alone, the likelihood of all ten tosses being heads is now, after nine
favorable trials, a toss-up. After nine favorable trials it is no more
reasonableto believe the hypothesis than its denial. In what sense,
then, can we be said to have been accumulatingevidence (during
the first nine trials) that all would be heads? In what sense have
we been confirmingthe hypothesis?It would appearthat the probability
of my conjecture's being true never exceeds .5 until we have exhaus-
tively examined the entire populationof coin tosses and found them
all favorable. The probabilityof my conjecture's being true is either:
(i) too low (_ .5) to invest any confidence in the hypothesis, or
(ii) so high (= 1) that the hypothesis is useless for prediction. There
does not seem to be any middle ground.
Our attempts to confirm universal generalizations of nonlimited
scope is, I submit, in exactly the same impossible situation. It is
true, of course, that after nine successful trials the probabilitythat
all ten tosses will be headsis greatlyincreasedover the initialprobability
that all would be heads. The initial probability(assuminga fair coin)
that all ten tosses would be heads was on the order of .002. After
ninefavorabletrialsit is .5. In this sense I have increasedthe probability
that my hypothesis is true; I have raised its probabilityfrom .002
to .5. The importantpoint to notice, however, is that this sequence
of trials did not alter the probability that the tenth trial would be
heads. The probabilitythatthe unexaminedinstancewouldbe favorable
remainsexactly what it was before I began flipping the coin. It was
originally .5 and it is now, after nine favorable trials, still .5. I am
in no better position now, after extensive sampling, to predict the
outcome of the tenth toss than I was before I started. To suppose
otherwise is to commit the converse of the Gambler'sFallacy.
Notice, we could take the first nine trials as evidence that the
tenth trial would be heads if we took the results of the first nine
tosses as evidence that the coin was biased in some way. Then,
on this hypothesis, the probabilityof getting heads on the last trial
(and, hence, on all ten trials) would be greater than .5 (how much
greater would depend on the conjectured degree of bias and this,
in turn, would presumablydepend on the extent of sampling). This
the Senate) can and cannot do. Their activities are subjected to this
modal qualification whereas the framework of laws from which this
modality arises is itself modality-free. The President (e.g., Ford) must
consult the Senate on matter M, but the relationship between the
office of the President and that legislative body we call the Senate
that makes Gerald Ford's action obligatory is not itself obligatory.
There is no law that says that this relationship between the office
of President and the upper house of Congress must (legally) endure
forever and remain indisoluble.
In matters pertaining to the offices, branches and agencies of
government the "can" and "cannot" generated by laws are, of course,
legal in character. Nevertheless, I think the analogy revealing. Natural
laws may be thought of as a set of relationships that exist between
the various "offices" that objects sometimes occupy. Once an object
occupies such an office, its activities are constrained by the set of
relations connecting that office to other offices and agencies; it must
do some things, and it cannot do other things. In both the legal
and the natural context the modality at level n is generated by the
set of relationships existing between the entities at level n + 1. Without
this web of higher order relationships there is nothing to support
the attribution of constraints to the entities at a lower level.
To think of statements of law as expressing relationships (such
as class inclusion) between the extensions of their terms is like thinking
of the legal code as a set of universal imperatives directed to a set
of particular individuals. A law that tells us that the United States
President must consult Congress on matters pertaining to M is not
an imperative issued to Gerald Ford, Richard Nixon, Lyndon Johnson,
et al. The law tells us something about the duties and obligations
attending the Presidency; only indirectly does it tell us about the
obligations of the Presidents (Gerald Ford, Richard Nixon, et al.).
It tells us about their obligations in so far as they are occupants
of this office. If a law was to be interpreted as of the form: "For
all x, if x is (was or will be) President of the United States, then
x must (legally) consult Congress on matter M," it would be incompre-
hensible why Sally Bickle, were she to be president, would have
to consult Congress on matter M. For since Sally Bickle never was,
and never will be, President, the law, understood as an imperative
applying to actual Presidents (past, present and future) does not apply
to her. Even if there is a possible world in which she becomes President,
this does not make her a member of that class of people to which
the law applies; for the law, under this interpretation, is directed
to that class of people who become President in this world, and
Sally is not a member of this class. But we all know, of course,
12Ifthe law was interpretedas a universal imperativeof the form described, the
most that it would permit us to infer about Sally would be a counteridentical:If
Sally were one of the Presidents (i.e. identical with either Ford, Nixon, Johnson,
. .), then she would (at the appropriate time) have to consult Congress on matters
pertainingto M.
this regard, but because its very real strengths have already been
made evident. Laws figure in the explanation of their instances because
they are not merely summaries of these instances. I can explain why
this F is G by describing the relationship that exists between the
properties in question. I can explain why the current increased upon
an increase in the voltage by appealing to the relationship that exists
between the flow of charge (current intensity) and the voltage (notice
the definite articles). The period of a pendulum decreases when you
shorten the length of the bob, not because all pendulums do that,
but because the period and the length are related in the fashion
T = 27r /L/g . The principles of thermodynamics tell us about the
relationships that exist between such quantities as energy, entropy,
temperature and pressure, and it is for this reason that we can use
these principles to explain the increase in temperature of a rapidly
compressed gas, explain why perpetual motion machines cannot be
built, and why balloons do not spontaneously collapse without a
Furthermore, if we take seriously the connection between explana-
tion and confirmation, take seriously the idea that to confirm a
hypothesis is to bring forward data for which the hypothesis is the
best (or one of the better) competing explanations, then we arrive
at the mildly paradoxical result that laws can be confirmed because
they are more than generalizations of that data. Recall, we began
this essay by saying that if a statement of law asserted anything
more than is asserted by a universally true statement of the form
(x)(Fx D Gx), then it asserted something that was beyond our
epistemological grasp. The conclusion we have reached is that unless
a statement of law goes beyond what is asserted by such universal
truths, unless it asserts something that cannot be completely verified
(even with a complete enumeration of its instances), it cannot be
confirmed and used for predictive purposes. It cannot be confirmed
because it cannot explain; and its inability to explain is a symptom
of the fact that there is not enough "distance" between it and the
facts it is called upon to explain. To get this distance we require
an ontological ascent.
I expect to hear charges of Platonism. They would be premature.
I have not argued that there are universal properties. I have been
concerned to establish something weaker, something conditional in
nature: viz., universal properties exist, and there exists a definite
relationship between these universal properties, if there are any laws
of nature. If one prefers desert landscapes, prefers to keep one's
ontology respectably nominalistic, I can and do sympathize. I would
merely point out that in such barren terrain there are no laws, nor
[1] Achinstein,P. Law and Explanation.Oxford:ClarendonPress, 1971.
[2] Ayer, A. J. "Whatis a Law of Nature." In [5], pages 39-54.
[3] Braithwaite,R. B. ScientificExplanation.Cambridge,England:CambridgeUni-
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[4] Brody, B. A. "Confirmationand Explanation."Journalof Philosophy65 (1968):
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[5] Brody, B. A. Readings in the Philosophy of Science. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.:
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[6] Bromberger,S. "Why-Questions."In [5], pages 66-87.
[7] Goodman,N. Fact, Fiction and Forecast. London:The Athlone Press, 1954.
[8] Harman, G. "The Inference to the Best Explanation." Philosophical Review
74 (1965):88-95.
[9] Harman,G. "Knowledge, Inferenceand Explanation."PhilosophicalQuarterly
18 (1968): 164-173.
[10] Hempel, C. G., and Oppenheim, P. "Studies in the Logic of Explanation."
In [5], pages 8-27.
[11] Hempel, C. G. "MaximalSpecificity and Lawlikenessin ProbabilisticExplana-
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[12] Kneale,W. "NaturalLawsandContrary-to-Fact Conditionals."Analysis10(1950):
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[14] Mackie, J. L. "Counterfactualsand Causal Laws." In Analytical Philosophy.
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[17] Popper,K. "A Note on NaturalLaws and So-Called'Contrary-to-Fact Condition-
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