1.Anatomy-Embryology MCQs Formatted - Copy Final
1.Anatomy-Embryology MCQs Formatted - Copy Final
1.Anatomy-Embryology MCQs Formatted - Copy Final
D. Centriole
Ans: C. 22+XX
Ref: BD Chaurasia’s Human Embryology, 2/E,
2. Identify the marked structure in the illustrated
p. 23
image shown below
4. Identify the sequence of the stages of early
development of embryo
A. Blastocyst ZygoteMorula
B. ZygoteMorulaBlastocyst
C. Morula ZygoteBlastocyst
D. Zygote BlastocystMorula
Ans: C. ZygoteMorulaBlastocyst
Ref: BD Chaurasia’s Human Embryology, 2/E, Ref: BD Chaurasia’s Human Embryology, 2/E,
p. 36 p. 46
Ans: B. Somites
A. Ectoderm, Endoderm
B. Mesoderm, Endoderm
C. Ectoderm , Mesoderm 13. The marked structure in the below image of the
D. Mesoderm, Ecetoderm developing embryo is
A. Reichert’s Cartilage
B. Thyroid Cartilage
C. Meckel’s Cartilage
D. Cricoid Cartilage
C. 1. Lens placode
2. Pharyngeal arches
3. Pharyngeal clefts
4. Pericardial swelling
5. Hand bud
D. 1. Pharyngeal arches
2. Lens placode
3. Pericardial swelling
A. Pharyngeal arches and Somities
4. Pharyngeal clefts
B. Pharyngeal arches and Neural tube
5. Hand bud
C. Pharyngeal arches and mesonephric
Ans: D. 1. Pharyngeal arches promience
2. Lens placode D. Pharyngeal arches and Notochord
3. Pericardial swelling
4. Pharyngeal clefts Ans: A. Pharyngeal arches and Somities
5. Hand bud
Ref: BD Chaurasia’s Human Embryology, 2/E,
Ref: BD Chaurasia’s Human Embryology, 2/E, p. 115
p. 61
19. Name the cartilage arising from the area marked
17. The marked structure in the below illustrated in the below illustrated image
image of embryo
D. 1. Maxillary branch
2. Mandibular branch
3. Opthalmic branch
A. Reichert’s Cartilage 4. Vagus nerve
B. Thyroid Cartilage 5. Central nervous system
C. Meckel’s Cartilage 6. Trigeminal ganglion
D. Cricoid Cartilage 7. Facial nerve
8. Glossopharyngeal nerve
Ans: C. Meckel’s Cartilage
Ans: B. 1. Mandibular branch
Ref: BD Chaurasia’s Human Embryology, 2/E, 2. Maxillary branch
p. 131 3. Opthalmic branch
4. Facial nerve
21. The marked structure in the below illustrated
5. Central nervous system
image of showing the nerves of pharyngeal p
6. Glossopharyngeal nerve
arches are ______ respectively 7. Vagus nerve
8. Trigeminal ganglion
A. 1. Trigeminal ganglion
2. Vagus nerve
3. Facial nerve
4. Opthalmic branch
5. Glossopharyngeal nerve
6. Central nervous system
7. Maxillary branch
8. Mandibular branch
B. 1. Mandibular branch
2. Maxillary branch
3. Opthalmic branch
4. Primary tympanic cavity
5. Thymus
6. Inferior parathyroid gland
7. Superior parathyroid gland
8. Palatine tonsil
9. Ultimobranchial body
B. 1. Auditory tube
2. External auditory meatus A. Nasolacrimal groove
3. Cervical sinus B. Meckel’s Cartilage
C. Lateral nasal elevation Ans: D. 1. Stomodeum
D. Medial nasal elevation 2. Frontonasal swelling
3. Cardiac bulge
Ans: C. Nasolacrimal groove 4. Nasal placode
5. Pharyngeal arches (2nd and 3rd)
Ref: BD Chaurasia’s Human Embryology, 2/E, 6. Mandibular swelling
p. 145 7. Maxillary swelling
25. The marked structure in the below illustrated Ref: BD Chaurasia’s Human Embryology, 2/E,
image of formation of face at 4th week are p. 145
A. 1. Nasal placode
2. Frontonasal swelling
3. Mandibular swelling
4. Stomodeum
5. Pharyngeal arches (2nd and 3rd)
A. 1. Nasal septum
6. Cardiac bulge
2. Nasal chamber
7. Maxillary swelling
3. Tongue
4. Palatine shelf
B. 1. Stomodeum
2. Pharyngeal arches (2nd and 3rd)
B. 1. Tongue
3. Mandibular swelling
2. Palatine shelf
4. Maxillary swelling
3. Nasal septum
5. Frontonasal swelling
4. Nasal chamber
6. Cardiac bulge
7. Nasal placode
C. 1. Nasal chamber
C. 1. Stomodeum
2. Nasal septum
2. Maxillary swelling
3. Palatine shelf
3. Nasal placode
4. Tongue
4. Cardiac bulge
5. Mandibular swelling
D. 1. Nasal septum
6. Pharyngeal arches (2nd and 3rd)
2. Palatine shelf
7. Frontonasal swelling
3. Tongue
4. Nasal chamber
B. 1. Pharyngeal arches
2. Arytenoid swellings A. Lingual swelling
3. Laryngeal orifice B. Foramen caecum
4. Eppiglottal swelling C. Epigollital swelling
5. Copula D. Arytenoid swelling
6. Foramen cecum
Ans: A. Lingual swelling
7. Tuberculum impar
8. Lateral lingual swelling Ref: BD Chaurasia’s Human Embryology, 2/E,
p. 136
C. 1. Tuberculum impar
2. Lateral lingual swelling
3. Copula 29. The marked structure in the below illustrated
4. Foramen cecum image of tooth development are
5. Laryngeal orifice
6. Eppiglottal swelling
7. Pharyngeal arches
8. Arytenoid swellings
30. The marked structure in the below illustrated 31. Identify the below illustrated image
image of tooth development are
32. The below illustrated image of _____palate Ref: BD Chaurasia’s Human Embryology, 2/E,
p. 150
Pharyngeal arch Cartilage/bone
A. 1-D, 2-A, 3-B 4-C
1. 1st arch A. Greater horn of hyoid
B. 1-C, 2-B, 3-B, 4-D bone
C. 1-B, 2-D, 3-A, 4-C 2. 2nd arch B. Cricoid cartilage
Ans: D. 1-D, 2-A, 3-B, 4-C Ans: B. 1-C, 2-A, 3-B, 4-D
Ref: BD Chaurasia’s Human Embryology, 2/E, p. 150 Ref: BD Chaurasia’s Human Embryology, 2/E, p. 137
Part of tongue Formation
4. Muscles D. Glossopharyngeal
2. Assertion (A): Dizygotic (fraternal) twins are A. Both A and R are true and R is the correct
developed from 2 zygotes . Reason (R): Result from explanation of A
fertilization of 2 different secondary Oocytes by 2 B. Both A and R are true but R is NOT the correct
different sperms explanation of A
Ans: A. Both A and R are true and R is the correct TRUE/FALSE MCQS
explanation of A
1. Feature in cell cycle 1.In meosis crossing over of
maternal and paternal chromatids occurs in
metaphase . 2. Centromere divide in anaphase of
mitosis Ref: BD Chaurasia’s Human Embryology, 2/E, p. 14
D. 1 false 2 true
Ref: BD Chaurasia’s Human Embryology, 2/E, p. 14
C. 1 true 2 false
D. 1 false 2 true