AWS D1.1 Comments

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1. Where possible, all examinations shall be made from FACE A and in LEG – I, unless otherwise specified
in this table (6.1).

2. Root areas of single groove weld joints which have backing not requiring removal by contract, shall be
tested in LEG – I, where possible with FACE A being that opposite the backing. (Grinding of the weld
face or testing from additional faces may be necessary to permit complete scanning of the root.)

3. Examination in LEG – II or III shall be made only to satisfy provisions of this table (6.1) or when
necessary to test weld areas made inaccessible by an unground weld surface, or interference with other
portions of the weldment, or to meet the requirements of

4. A maximum of LEG – III shall be used only where thickness or geometry prevents scanning of the
complete weld areas and HAZ in LEG – I or LEG – II.

5. On TENSION WELDS in CYCLICALLY LOADED STRUCTURES, the top quarter of the thickness
shall be tested with the final leg of sound progressing from FACE B towards FACE A, the bottom quarter
of thickness shall be tested with the final leg of sound progressing from FACE A towards FACE B;

i.e., the top quarter of thickness shall be tested either from

FACE A in LEG – II or from FACE B in LEG – I as the CONTRACTOR’S OPTION, unless otherwise
specified in the contract documents.

1. FACE A in LEG – II

Face 'A' 70° & 60° Probe

70° & 60° Probe Face 'A'

t Leg - I
Leg - II t

Face 'B' Face 'B'

1/2 Skip 1 Skip

2. FACE B in LEG – I

Face 'A' Face 'A'

t Leg - I t

Face 'B' Face 'B'

70° & 60° Probe
1/2 Skip 1/2 Skip 70° & 60° Probe

6. The weld face indicated shall be ground flush before using procedure 1G, 6, 8, 9, 12, 14 or 15. FACE A
for both connected members shall be in the same plane.

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