Automobile Suspension System: by Kharde R.B. S.E. Mechanical, Div: A

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Automobile Suspension System

By Kharde R.B.
S.E. Mechanical, Div : A .
Function Suspension System
• Supports the weight.

•Provides a smooth ride.

•Allows rapid cornering without extreme

body roll.

•Keeps tires in firm contact with the road.

•Prevents excessive body squat.

•Prevents excessive body dive.

•Allows front wheels to turn side-to-side for steering.

• Works with the steering system to keep the wheels in correct alignment.
Types of Suspension System

1.Non-independent/Rigid suspension has both right and left wheel attached to th

same solid axle. When one wheel hits a bump in the road, its upward movement
causes a slight tilt of the other wheel.

2.Independent suspension allows one wheel to move up and down with minimal
effect to the other.
Suspension System

Coil spring is the most common type of spring found on modern vehicles.

Leaf springs are now limited to the rear of some cars.

Types of Springs

A. Coil spring
B. Leaf spring
C. Air spring
D. Torsion bar
Suspension System
Basic Parts

Control arm – movable lever that fastens

the steering knuckle to the vehicle’s
body or frame.

Steering Knuckle – provides a spindle or

bearing support for the wheel hub, bearings
and wheel assembly.
1 Wishbone Suspension
The suspension must be
designed in such a way as to
keep the wheel upright for Upper wishbone
maximum tyre contact
(vehicle control) and to
minimize tyre wear.
The upper wishbone is
short and the lower
wishbone is longer.
Both wishbones pivot points
and lengths are calculated to
provide the best operating
angle for a given suspension
Lower wishbone
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Advantages & Disadvantages of
Wishbone type independent suspension
Advantages Disadvantages

•Ride quality is good. •Initial cost is more

•Maintenance cost is more.
•Improve the steering
•Required frequent wheel
preciseness since the
alignment otherwise increase
wheel movement are not
tyre wear.
•Ground clearance

2 MacPherson Strut
This is a very popular and efficient form of
suspension. It has one control arm and a strut
assembly. A coil spring and shock absorber Strut
will normally form parts of the strut assembly. assembly

Coil springs may be mounted on

the control arm instead of being
around the strut. On this type,
the shock absorber connects
the knuckle to the frame.

This type of suspension strut is Knuckle

often also used on rear
suspension systems. Control
Coil spring 12 of 12
Front Suspension
(MacPherson Strut)
MacPherson Strut Suspension
The top of the strut is bolted to
a reinforced section of the Steering knuckle
frame structure.

The lower end of the strut is

attached to a steering knuckle. Strut

The control arm is also attached

to the steering knuckle. Frame

The control arms are mounted on Control

a cradle section of the frame. arm

An anti-roll bar links the two Cradle

control arms together to reduce
sway (body roll). Anti-roll bar
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Advantages & Disadvantages of
Macpherson strut suspension
Advantages Disadvantages
•Light in weight. •Not suitable for Heavy motor
•Camber does not change due vehicle.
to up & movement of wheels •Load caring capacity is less.
•Maximum Engine compartment
•Maintenance cost is less.
•Initial cost is less.
•Ride comfort is more.
•Improve road safety.

Solid Rear Axle Suspension
This type of rear suspension
Shock absorber
is typical for a rear-wheel
drive vehicle.
The axle is inside a springs
solid housing.

The shock
absorbers are Axle housing
Stabilizer bar
mounted between the
solid axle and the frame.

The springs are arranged between the

axle housing and the frame of the vehicle. Trailing arm

Trailing arms, or links, hold the rear axle in position.

A stabilizer bar and track bar are included to add vehicle stability.
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Independent Suspension System Parts
Basic Parts

Ball Joints – swivel joints that allow

control arm and steering knuckle to
move up and down and side to side.

Springs – supports the weight of the

vehicle; permits the control arm and
Wheel to move up and down.
Shock absorbers or dampeners – keeps
the suspension from continuing to bounce
after spring compression and extension.

Control arm bushing – sleeves that

allows the control arm to swing
up and down on the frame.
Coil Springs
Leaf Spring Assembly
Air Springs
Layout of Air Suspension
Schematic view of Air
Suspension System

Location of Air bellows

Location of Air bellows in Heavy

Motor Vehicles
Advantages & Disadvantages of Air
•Variable space for wheel Disadvantages
deflection is put for optimum
use for automatic height control •Higher initial cost
•Occupies more space.
•Head light alignment does not
•Maintenance cost is more
vary due to different loading
•Due lack of friction damping is
necessary due road shock
•It improve the ride comfort.
•Reduce noise in suspension

Applications:- Volvo Buses

Torsion Bar

The bar resists twisting action and acts

like a conventional spring
Torsion bar (large spring rod)

•One end is attached to the frame and the other to the lower control arm.

•Up and down of the suspension system twists the torsion bar.
•It will then try to return to its original shape, moving the control arm to its
original place.
Advantages & Disadvantages of Torsion
bar suspension
Advantages Disadvantages
•Light in weight. •It does not take accelerate &
Braking thrust so required
•Less space additional linkages
•Due lack of friction damping is
occupies . necessary due road shock
•Its maintenance cost •
is less.
•Initial cost is less.
•Ride comfort is more.

Applications:-SUV Tata Safari, Tempo

Suspension System
Shock absorbers

•Limits spring compression-extension

movements to smooth the vehicle’s ride.

•Without shock absorbers, the vehicle

would continue to bounce up and down
long after striking dip or hump in the road.
Shock Absorber Action
Sway Bar (Stabilizer Bar)

• Sway bar links connect the bar to the control arms

• The function of a sway bar is usually to prevent weight transfer from one side to the
other in cornering situations. By preventing weight transfer, the inside wheel in a
corner maintains more of its static weight.
• The sway bars main function is to equalize the suspension springs mainly when
cornering. Most sway bars are U-shaped and have two rubber bushings mounted in
metal brackets. Some sway bars also have rubber grommets on the end of the bars.
The rubber bushings will stay stationary as the sway bar flexes. The sway bar
bushings can wear out and periodically applying a lubricant can help to prolong their
Suspension System
Sway Bar (Stabilizer Bar)

•Used to keep the body from leaning excessively in sharp turns.

•Fastened to lower control arms. (rubber bushings are used)

•During cornering, centrifugal force makes the outside of body drop and inside raise.
•The bar’s resistance to twisting motion limits body lean in corners.
Advantages of stabilliaser bar

•It prevent the road shocks
•To provide safe guard to
occupied & passenger
•To provide stability to vehicle
during rolling pitching bouncing
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