Vendor Management Strategies and Its Benefits
Vendor Management Strategies and Its Benefits
Vendor Management Strategies and Its Benefits
Nowadays, people are generating business through street vending and had helped
people to create an investment. Street Vendors has also added contributions to the growth of
economy around the world. According to, street vendor defined as: “A street
vendor is a person who offers goods or services for sale to the public without having a
permanently built structure but with a temporary static structure or mobile stall (or head-
load).” Aside from being a source of self-employment, Street vendors are also in demand for
range of services by informal workers, transport workers, tea sellers, market porters, security
guards, recyclers and more (Roever & Skinner, 2016). Although street vending is a form of
an illegal activity because they are not permitted by the authorities yet street vendors are
considered as beneficiary towards middle class group since they offer low range prices
(Bhowmik, 2005).
A study conducted by Morales (2009) states that street vendors boosts the quality of
life to urban areas and promote social interaction in which street vendors stimulate and
approach customers to purchase their goods. Street vending is also advantageous in endorsing
our culture and tradition other than being a profitable to the growth of economy.
Forthwith, in Portland, Oregon, cooking school graduates start their business in a chain
store with the exception of constructing expensive building that would create only a huge cost
for the expenses compared to street vending which a food cart is only being used and later,
their business expanded and now they have upgraded it into a restaurant (Deleye, 2010).
Lastly, Deleye (2010) claims that vendors can help to allure buyers because there have
been a boost of sales earned by shopfront businesses closeness to the number of street vendors.
Street vendors tend to compliment with the same business with their other fellow street
vendors to encourage customers that they can be in favour with other various businesses. We
can observe that there is an economic cooperation in which they can benefit with each other.
ABM students covers one of their major which is ABM. The outcome of this study will be
harnessed as a basis for the students and the street vendors who can read of their study to have
knowledge and to know what are outstanding strategies in vendor management to improve a
Theoretical Background of the Study
The researcher's theory for the study is the Vendor Management Theory which is the
possible and coherent set of tested principles, practices or propositions that act as an abstract
but scientific baseline for teaching, learning, implementing, and practicing the discipline
known as vendor management in what is generally considered to be acceptable, predictable
and appropriate manner.
The first theory in strategic management of vendors is the contingency theory: this
theory states that managing a small business has no best way as it has external and internal
factors that will affect the business. Usually, small business subjected to this theory because
their environment and their competitors frequently changes. This will affect small businesses
severely and quickly than of the large organization. Market change, regulations, customer's
needs and competitors are factors that managers of small firms should deal every day and set
management strategy to current situation (Rodriguez, 2010)
The second theory is the Chaos theory: this theory is mainly about the small firm's
certain changes in its operating cycle and its progress. Small business managers can use chaos
theory as they are more sensitive to changes in environment. In small firms, managers make
changes in their roles more often than large businesses to adopt new environment. When a
small firm faces a new challenge, manager should use his/ her limited resources to solve the
problem or change the roles (Mason, 2016)
The researchers also include Strategic Management Models that the end result of each model
is the strategy used up by vendor’s business owners.
The Rayport and Jaworski model considers setting goals premised on a business goals.
Driven by the need to do internal and external (industry) analysis, strategies are formulated
zeroing in on business strategies then down to a particular business unit. The set of strategies
is then implemented or executed followed by control and monitoring tasks to determine the
level of effectiveness of the strategies.
The model advocated by Pitts and Lei (2000) resembles that of Rayport and Jaworski
model that also considers the importance of analysis of external and internal environment
before missions and policies are set. The model comes in four tasks commencing with analysis
of the external/ internal environment as the first task followed by formation of strategy as the
second task. The model has implementation as its third task, followed by adjustment and
evaluation as the fourth task. In this model, feedback is encouraged at each level or task just
like the other models discussed.
Whichever of the strategic management models is used or looked upon, the end result
in going through the model is the strategy. More appropriately, the end result of a strategic
planning is often referred to as the strategic plan which is a must for all believers of strategic
management principles as part of the culture of the business organization.
Problem Statement
The purpose of this narrative case study is to explore what strategies have been
performed in order to succeed in business starting from a small vendor chain to a big store
from a renounce vendor and see how strategic planning can affect the growth of your
business. Specifically, it answers the following problems:
The study “Vendor Management strategies and its benefits” is significant to the
following beneficiaries.
First students will have an additional knowledge on how to start their future
businesses by knowing the strategies. This will serve as guide for students when they will
have an upcoming business.
Third, street Vendors especially those who failed in their business. And by knowing
these strategies, they will be aware on how to professionally handle their business again.
Last but not the least, the future researchers, through this study they will have more
knowledge in the course of business specifically the vendor management strategies. By this
study, they will create more improvements when in it comes to the process of conducting their
next study.
The study “Vendor Management strategies and its benefits” only focuses on a street
vendor who successfully managed his/her business. The renounce street vendor will explain
what strategies have been performed. The gathered data are analysed in a narrative way in
order to determine what management strategies is being performed in that particular business.
The primary data gathering method will be in depth-interviews and participatory observation.
Definition of Terms
Informal Sector - A sector which encompasses all jobs which are not recognized as normal
income sources, and on which taxes are not paid
Inventory - a complete list of items such as property, goods in stock, or the contents of
Retailer - a person or business that sells goods to the public in relatively small quantities for
use or consumption rather than for resale.
Strategic - relating to the identification of long-term or overall aims and interests and the
means of achieving them.
Vendor- a person or company offering something for sale, especially a trader in the street.
Chapter 2
Street vendors, according to Bhowmik (2005), are business owners without stable
economic structure. Though there are many sellers who sell products, there are still street
vendors who sell products, as well as provide service (Bromley, 2000).
According to Cross (2000), informal economy deals with people without any legal
backing, illegal occupation of place in business, absence of tax returns, no employment
contract and no legal contract among suppliers and clients. In the same vein, Baumann and
Kaiser (2012, pp. 3-4), have catalogued features associated with informal sector: Lack of legal
protection, limited access to formal/ regulated markets and subsidies, high interest rates for
loans, no separation of person and business entity, contracts are not written and earnings are
consumed directly.
Street vendors uses multiple undifferentiated market strategy in where the vendors sell
two or more goods at the same time using the same promotional package like advertising. Its
targeted buyer is everybody as they think that all customers need their goods or they have
similar needs (Amoah-Mensah, 2016). However, according to Bateman and Snell (2011),
customers can demand lower prices, higher quality, unique product specifications or better
service. They also can play competitors against one another, as occurs when a buyer collects
different offer and negotiates for the best price.
The results revealed in the study of Amoah-Mensah (2016) that vendors sell
convenient products. These are goods that are less expensive and readily available to purchase.
The vendors sell these convenient goods for two main reasons- as a strategic reason because
goods can be easily sold and has a low capital. Selling convenient products also suggest that
street vendors want to meet the needs of a customer. But, as years pass by, the importance of
quality and the standards for acceptance quality have increased. Customers now demand high
quality goods and services and often they will accept nothing less. Historically, quality
pertained primarily to the physical goods that customers bought, and it referred to
attractiveness, lack of defects, reliability and long-term dependability (Bateman and Snell,
In the study entitled "Street vending and Competitive Advantage towards building a
theoretical framework" by Amoah-Mensah (2016), vendors cease up the operation, depending
on the circumstances in which may force to engage in "dying and resurrecting". They are also
indicated that they normally come back to business after some time. The span of time during
break gives the owner an opportunity to plan strategies and to get back to business with
renewed energy and vigour. It emerged from the study that some vendors genuinely exhilarate
business because of management reasons, economic hardships or competition. This supports
the assertion of Kamunge, Njeru and Tirimba (2014) that management is always the main
factor in business failure. However, this is not always the case, as study finds the vendors do
business for specific purpose after which they told up.
One strategy of street vendors is employing changes of goods and services sold. The
shift to a new product selling or both items depends on the occasions. Similarly, Dharma and
Sushi (2010) also infer that in order for the business to compete efficiently, they have to be
productive and develop strategies to adopt the prevailing conditions. In the same vein,
Walsh (2010) asserts that some vendors are flexible and therefore vary their products
and location of doing business. The business must adopt to change in customers’ demands and
to new competitors at doing valuable things for your customers. Products don’t sell forever;
in fact, they don’t sell for nearly as long as they used to, because so many competitors are
introducing so many new products all the time. Business must innovate, or it will die.
Likewise, you have to be ready with new ways to communicate with customers and deliver
product to them. Sometimes the most important innovation isn’t in the product itself but the
way it is delivered (Bateman and Snell, 2011).
Vendors noted one major strategy they adopt is the exploitation of flexible operating
hours. Thus, they do not have specific hours of working, rather, they decide to work long or
short depending on the circumstances. In addition, owners should be more flexible than large
firms in order to be able to responds customer's needs and develop strategic planning to adopt
prevailing conditions (Sharma and Sushi, 2010). This supports the assertion of Bateman and
Snell (2011), that rapid execution, response, and delivery of results – often separates the
winners from the losers. Business cannot get sloppy in your quest to be first. But other things
being equal, faster companies are more likely to be the winners, slow ones the losers. Speed
is no longer just a goal of some companies; it is a strategic imperative.
Another strategy adopted by vendors is the cost-based pricing strategy in which case
determines the selling price of the items. These include the expenses, made in purchasing
goods, the profit margin, and the type of good sold (Amoah-Mensah, 2016). But according to
Bateman (2011), it is not only for the profit margin and type of good sold but offer a desirable
product at a lower price that it is more likely to sell. Managing your costs and keeping it down
requires being efficient: accomplishing your goals by using your resources wisely and
minimizing waste.
Street vendors embark upon sales promotion as a strategic mechanism. This suggests
that sales promotion is a profitable venture for street vendors. According to Kotler and
Armstrong (2008), firms conducted sales promotion so that more goods are sold and disposed
of faster.
Street vendors get their goods either from retailers or wholesalers and pay at a future
date as agreed upon by both parties. This strategy is called Trade Credit which basically based
on trust. This claims that vendor has cheaper sources which are from retailers and wholesalers.
According to Demirguc-Kunt and Maksimovic (2002) defines trade credit as an alternative to
bank credit and is important source of finance in business. Similarly, Miwa and Ramseyer
(2005) asserts that vendors or business owners choose trade credit strategy as it easily secure
the money of operation.
According to Walsh (2010), some street vendors are flexible and so vary their products
and location of transacting business to new places where business may be booming. It emerged
that the vendors situate themselves in strategic location in order to attract people to buy more.
The street vendors, especially the mobile one, immediately relocate themselves to new places
where they think would be best.
Street vendors should continue to adopt situations and the environment, to enable them
serve their customer better. As stated by Golden and Powell (2000), flexibility as strategy and
operation procedures will react efficiently to known and unknown changes in the market.
Having multiple undifferentiated products strategy will be a big help assisting vendors
to cut down cost as the same advertising strategy. According to Mcdaniel, Lam Jr., & Hair, Jr.
(2007), that in the marketing literature, the term undifferentiated strategy is used to denote the
practice where a firm targets everybody and sells one product with marketing mix.
Katz and Green (2009) states that the strategy may be for planning or a standard to
compete action against. Either way, strategy defines you, your customers and your
competition how your business operates. Strategy in small businesses is special because most
small businesses are more than innovative.
A study entitled: 'Exploring the benefits of vendor managed inventory' considers the
concept of vendor managed inventory (VMI). It shows the implementation of vendor
managed inventory program has the capacity restriction of suppliers that should be taken into
consider even though they have not participated in the planning. There is a condition that if
the retailer does not provide additional information to the distributer to resolve doubts in the
firm, it would create reductions in the savings of market demand realized by VMI. Overall,
VMI provides nearly the same level of performance increase as long as the ratio of the
retailers lead time to that of the suppliers remains constant (Sari, 2007)
A study of Liu and Benhard (2005) examines the customer value perceptions when
sourcing from multiple vendors. The study is entitled 'Vendor managed inventory: a fashion
fad or important supply chain strategy?'. This shows that there are sourcing behaviour
proposing that customer value, customer satisfaction, and perceived switching cost influence
these share of business purchase decisions. Asserts that valuing customer for business service
has three dimensions: economical value, value of core services and value of support services.
It suggest that in newer relationship, the most critical factor, influencing share allocation is
the customer value. In older relationships, customer value are all important in allocating small
Another literature on supply chain management entitled 'A contingent approach to the
design of vendor selection systems from different types of cooperative customer/supplier
relationship'. Masella and Rangone (2000) integrates about the stressingly needing for the
cooperation and integration among suppliers and customers, highlighting the role of the
supplier to the overall performance of the purchaser. The paper proposes four different
vendor systems depending on the time span it takes (short term or long term) and the content
(logistical or strategic) of the relation between customer and supplier. The suggested vendor
systems consider, hierarchy process framework, sets of measure, depravity from a
nonconventional/model of the supplier based on the dynamic systems and on the resource-
based approach.
Study examines the strategies adopted by street vendors or hawked in Ghana in a bid
to gain competitive advantage. This study is entitled ' Street Vending and Competitive
Advantage: towards building a theoretical framework' finds that 10 strategies were adopted
by the street vendors- networking, multiple undifferentiated market strategy, the sale of
convenient products, "dying and resurrecting" (strategic exit and return into business),
regular changing of goods and services, exploitation of flexible operating hours, cost-based
pricing strategy, sales promotion, trade credit and vocational advantage- to gain the desirable
competitive advantage. Using the different strategies, theories of street vendor's competitive
strategies are developed (Mensah, 2016)
Another was of a study entitled 'Towards a Design theory for customer satisfaction-
oriented IT vendor management'. The study asserts that positive customer experienced with
supplied products and service rendered to achieve customer satisfaction is important.
Customer's experience refers to the viewpoint and feelings towards a product, system or
service as a result of direct interaction (McCarthy and Wright, 2004). Customer experience
is influenced by subjective antecedents such as sensual and emotional factors, customer
expectations and perceptions, experiences, and product or service quality (Bitner 1990; Brady
and Cronim Jr., 2001). The study suggest that in order to address customer satisfaction
challenges related to in the action planning phase- a vendor management system (VEMS)
which is a competitive set of principles that seek to enhance customer satisfaction by
addressing customer experience.
A study entitled: 'Exploring the benefits of vendor managed inventory' considers the
concept of vendor managed inventory (VMI). It shows the implementation of vendor
managed inventory program has the capacity restriction of suppliers that should be taken into
consider even though they have not participated in the planning. There is a condition that if
the retailer does not provide additional information to the distributer to resolve doubts in the
firm, it would create reductions in the savings of market demand realized by VMI. Overall,
VMI provides nearly the same level of performance increase as long as the ratio of the
retailers lead time to that of the suppliers remains constant (Sari, 2007)
A study conducted by Liu and Benhard (2005) examines the customer value
perceptions when sourcing from multiple vendors. The study is entitled 'Vendor managed
inventory: a fashion fad or important supply chain strategy?'. This shows that there are
sourcing behaviour proposing that customer value, customer satisfaction, and perceived
switching cost influence these share of business purchase decisions. Asserts that valuing
customer for business service has three dimensions: economical value, value of core services
and value of support services. It suggests that in newer relationship, the most critical factor,
influencing share allocation is the customer value. In older relationships, customer value are
all important in allocating small businesses.
A research conducted by Palvia et. al (2010) a study about 'The capability, Quality and
Performance of offshore IS vendors: A theoretical Framework on Empirical Investigation'.
The study talks about having information systems (IS) offshoring for some business firms
that becomes a practice strategic choice for many firms. The vendor's perspective is equally
important as offshore IS vendors need to make necessary decisions in terms of the operation
and strategic planning and the aligning of resources and processes in order to meet or exceed
targeted goals. The study claimed that there are three levels of capability-quality-performance
theoretical framework to understand vendor outcomes and their antecedents. First level
represent three vendor capabilities: relationship management, contract management and
information technology management. The second has three mediating variables representing
quantity: partnership, service, and deliverable quality. The third level has dependent variables
corresponding vend outcomes: operational performance, strategic performance and
satisfaction. Results supports that CQP framework; vendor capabilities are significant
predictors of intermediate quality measures, which in term affect vendor outcomes
Masella and Rangone (2000) states that there is another literature on supply chain
management entitled 'A contingent approach to the design of vendor selection systems from
different types of cooperative customer/supplier relationship'. The study integrates about the
stressingly needing for the cooperation and integration among suppliers and customers,
highlighting the role of the supplier to the overall performance of the purchaser. The paper
proposes four different vendor systems depending on the time span it takes (short term or
long term) and the content (logistical or strategic) of the relation between customer and
supplier. The suggested vendor systems consider, hierarchy process framework, sets of
measure, derivate from a nonconventional/model of the supplier based on the dynamic
systems and on the resource-based approach.
A study examines the strategies adopted by street vendors or hawked in Ghana in a bid
to gain competitive advantage. This study is entitled ' Street Vending and Competitive
Advantage: towards building a theoretical framework' finds that 10 strategies were adopted
by the street vendors- networking, multiple undifferentiated market strategy, the sale of
convenient products, "dying and resurrecting" (strategic exit and return into business),
regular changing of goods and services, exploitation of flexible operating hours, cost-based
pricing strategy, sales promotion, trade credit and vocational advantage- to gain the desirable
competitive advantage. Using the different strategies, theories of street vendor's competitive
strategies are developed (Mensah, 2016)
Sixth, the study entitled 'Towards a Design theory for customer satisfaction-oriented
IT vendor management'. The study asserts that positive customer experienced with supplied
products and service rendered to achieve customer satisfaction is important. Customer's
experience refers to the viewpoint and feelings towards a product, system or service as a
result of direct interaction (McCarthy and Wright, 2004).
Raj (2017) in his case study titled “Indigenous Management Practices- A Case Study
on Street Vendor” he mentioned seven successful practices of a substinence vendor which
are the following: network, providing value propositions, effective word of mouth,
adaptivity, critical need identification, localized productions or sourcing, and proximity and
flexible terms of purchase. Network refers to have a close knit relationship between the
sellers and buyers. Interaction between a buyer and seller plays a bigger role compared to
product and service because there is a significance of mixing the economic and social
relationships. Second is Providing value propositions, which is to identify the customer’s
need and satisfaction. Third is effective word of mouth, which refers to having a good
communication skill in promoting your product or service. Fourth is adaptivity, which refers
to be tolerant in accepting for a change in assessing the customer’s need. Fifth is to examine
the customer’s critical needs which refers to adjusting the cost of the product to your
customer’s income that will offer them a reasonable price. Sixth is localized productions or
sourcing that refers to purchase your products by a wholesaler or manufacturer to offer low
prices to your customers and lastly which is proximity and flexible terms of purchase, An
ability and the will to offer credit-short term and long terms to your customers .
Similar to the study of Rupolia and et. al., (n.d.) they also mentioned strategies that
street vendors from Mumbai, India have used in promoting their products which are the
following: attractive display, pamphlets, calling-out, attractive offers, word of mouth and
personal selling. Among all the strategies, the most effective one for street vendors in Mumbai,
India is the ‘word of mouth’ that means a customer is urged to buy your products that a story
expands exponentially.
Another strategy conducted by Milgram (2011) that street vendors have used to
maintain a space for business is to expect the schedules of regulars. In the northern
Philippines, Baguio City, street vendors during the morning will start from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m.
while in the afternoon will start at 12 p.m. until 1 p.m. and in the evening, 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
and will only close when regulars are not to be expected.
Alice Escalante de Cruz (2002) in her article "The Street Food Sector in Asia and the
Pacific" reported on the growth of the Street vendors and the growing number of urban poor
and the mobilization of women into the work force. Street foods are not only far cheaper than
restaurants or fast food joints, but actually much more cost-effective than even home prepared
food. Many women are participating in the economy and this has constrained their ability to
prepare elaborate meals for their families at home, this necessitating them to procure street
foods as a supplement to other home cooked food. The street food trade provides numerous
employment opportunities. Street food vending has been known to generate income a few
times above those on the poverty line in many developing countries. The street foods trade
has provided income to many small farmers who supply these food vendors with local
produce thus stimulating and generating employment in the agricultural sector. The consumer
generally welcomed street vended foods as a source of easy accessibility, relatively safe,
affordable, nutritious and delicious, be it snacks, supplement or full meal.3'
Overall, the literatures and related studies provide information related to the strategic
management of vendors. Also, it gives the business and researcher the opportunity to assess
the mille and specify strategies to achieve their goals. Strategic planning helps organization
to stay focused. Furthermore, strategic planning helps reduce the chances of committing
mistakes, thus, increasing the business’ efficiency. While strategic planning has its
advantages, it also has its limitation. Although conducted yearly or even more after, the
strategic plans prepared in some instances are good only “in paper”. Some businesses fail to
follow faithfully their prepared strategic plans. If in cases these strategic plans are followed
religiously, some business’ may not be flexible enough to make the needed adjustments and
realignments due to inevitable or forthcoming external and internal challenges.
Chapter 3
Research Design
The research design of the researcher’s study “Vendor Management and its strategies
and benefits” is a qualitative research. Qualitative research interprets and analyze the
particular encounters of the respondents in a study. In collecting the data, we use in-depth
interviews and participatory observation as our instruments to distinguish the street vendor’
strategies and benefits on managing the business. The data collected will come from the
answers of the respondent.
This type of study is narrative study because it illustrates the respondent’s knowledge
and their awareness about the topic. Narrative study gathers information that is written or
spoken by someone that expresses opinion about a certain topic. The researchers choose this
type of study to deliver and to know more of the things that this study seeks to answer and to
only rely to the information coming from the persons who are responsible for this study.
Research Setting
Research setting is the location where the respondents correspond to the interview.
This research was conducted outside the University of Cebu namely: Brgy Apas, Cebu CIty.
In which the street vendors in Apas were chosen because the respondents were used to be
street vendors and now owns a legal and permanent business. The chosen research setting
contributes and fits our study since the environment of this location is filled with business
Research Participant
The research participant are the person who are involved who are capable of answering
the questions. According The University of Arizona Human Subjects Protection Program
(HSPP) A research participant is also called a human subject or study participant. It is a person
who participates in human subject research by being the target of observation by researchers
(n.d., para. 2).
These participants are renounce street vendor and eventually has their own formal
business. The participants of this study are three street vendors who are business owners
located in the Brgy. Apas, Cebu City. The respondents are chosen because they have the ability
to answer and impart knowledge to this study,
Research Instrument
This study of Vendor Management Strategies and its Benefits uses the following
instrument: observation and interview or survey.
First, observation in which the researchers gather data in the act of carefully watching
and listening to the respondent's activities. The researchers will be conducting an observation
to oversee the actions of a vendor business owner during the transaction to distinguish and to
be aware to the strategies done by the owner.
The research instruments aids the researcher the data and information to fullfil the
study and make it reliable, credible and satisfactorily to the people and community.
Interview Questions
12. Do you make decisions on your own without input from others? When do you seek
advice from others when making decisions.
13. How do you ensure that task are successfully completed? Are they any steps to you
14. How do you remain consistency as a business woman/man
15. What specific strategies have you used in running the business
16. What methods do you utilize to resolve problem?
Research Procedure
The Study’s proposal components will be drafted and undergo initial submission early
in semester. The team wants to acquire approbation of the research topic and the proposed
methodology after the semi-final of second (2nd semester). The data for this research were
collected through interview. The interview was created using a formal and realistic questions
formed by the researchers. The questions were composed of different thoughts and opinions
that are related to the statement problem. After the research teacher approved the interview
questionnaires, the researchers began to interview the Business owner regarding to their
strategies towards service failure. The researchers assured open conference to the business
owner since it is important to make the interview results factual and reliable. The researchers
also understood that business may encounter such typical problems according to its service
Data Analysis
Data Analysis is the process of bringing order, structure and meaning to the mass of
collected data. It is a messy, ambiguous, time-consuming, creative and fascinating process. It
does not proceed in a linear fashion; it is not neat. Qualitative Data Analysis is a search for
general statement about relationship among categories of data.
After conducting the interview, the researcher would analyse data answered by the
respondents by interpreting or summarizing the information given by the respondents. The
researcher would only state the management strategies and benefits contributed by the
respondents according to their experiences as a vendor business owner. The researchers would
want to know the how they executed their business that it maintains consistency. Also the
researcher would like to know the answers of the sub-problems stated in this study.
Chapter 4
Management styles and strategies are the principles that bridge business owners even
vendors to cope and comprehend with the nature and challenges acquired by the business.
With the choses respondents of the researchers, the stated expectations are for the vendor
business owner to lay out different management strategies. The questions presented will help
the researchers to know more of the things that they study seek to answer.
Flexion " now we have Most business
branches here in owners produce
cebu" branches to
promote their
business more to
customers in other
able to buy house they have provided
and lots because of all of their needs.
this business.”
“I able to have
more branches
throughout Cebu
City and houses
for my parents”
" I was able to
save money to buy
house for myself
and my parents"
Pursuance "our The business
strategy/management owner's strategy is
style is to convince through
customers through convincing her
building relationship customers to buy
with the customers their products.
until they become
our wholesaler"
7. How would your past experiences translate into success in this job?
Code Response Interpretation Coding Pattern
Learnedness “It gives me the the business
knowledge in more owners are
things related to persistent in
business and learn managing their
not to give up” businesses and
“It makes me learn they never give up
to not give up and so that they will
strive more after have a successful
learning mistakes business.
in the past for the
better future”
"I have learned
that this business
is going to be
stable as much as
possible and
always maintain
"It does not matter.
It depends if the
customer likes to
9. What is the process of you typically followed to make a decision about a plan of
Code Response Interpretation Coding Pattern
Assistance “I first talk to my The business
husband and then owners need to be
to my people. accompanied and
Lastly, I rationalize cooperation from
things up to come others before they
up a better make a final
decision” desicion. They go
“I talk to people through a thorough
whom are credible process.
and knowledgeable
enough that will
help me decide
things up”
"I will increase the
stocks by
contacting our
supplier if there is
an increase of
10. When giving two or three equally viable paths to achieve an object, how do you decide
which path to follow?
Code Response Interpretation Coding Pattern
Decisions “I rationalize They go to a long
things up in which process of thinking
things will do in which they think
good or bad to my of possible
business” consequences of
“I first think of that certain
what that thing decision.
will do to my
business before
having a final
"I will choose the
right path"
11. Have you ever delayed a decision making? Then what were the consequences for your
Code Response Interpretation Coding Pattern
Procrastination ”Yes, and it Sometimes,
causes decrease of owners make a bad
our profit” decision and
“Yes, it causes further affect their
bankruptcy in our business. But still
business but still manage to revive
manage to revive and come up with
it” a solution for the
" Whenever I have consistency of the
a delayed decision business.
making. My
strategy is to sale
the products
through our social
12. Do you make decisions on your own without input from others? When do you seek
advice from others when making decisions?
Code Response Interpretation Coding Pattern
Consultation “I take advice owners can't
from my husband decide by
which is my themselves but
partner in this tends to seek help
business and from from others in
my people all the where they will be
time to make a guided to the better
better decision” decision.
“I always take
advice from
people that can
help me in making
Self-involved "yes, since i am Sometimes, owner
the only one likes to decide
manage this their own to avoid
business" complicacy to any
decisions she will
be making.
13. How do you ensure those tasks are successfully completed? Are they any steps to you
Code Response Interpretation Coding Pattern
Assurance “ We have Owners manage
inventory in which and control their
we can see the supply of product
inflow and outflow and service
of product as well through making an
as the gain and inventory.
“I ensure task by
controlling and
regulating the
product I invest in
the business which
I can easily access
to my inventories”
" i do inventory so
that I will know
what account is
15. What specific strategies have you used in running the business?
Code Response Interpretation Coding Pattern
Direction “Know the needs Business owner
and wants of the prioritize
customer in the customers'
specific area” necessities in that
“I specifically certain location
target customers’ and occasion.
Accessible “Sell convenient They sell products
products that are and services in an
readily and affordable and
available to sell” convenient to
“I sell cheap customer.
products but high
quality that are
convenient to
Alterability “We sometimes The owner have to
change the product change or add
depending on the products to
occasions” increase sales
“I change or add occasionally.
menu/ product in
my eatery
depending on what
the customers need
during that certain
Flexibility “Need to be They work from
flexible during time to time to
working hours” entertain and
“Work flexibly satisfy customers
because people with their service.
need to be
entertain all the
Elevation “Promote/ They advertise
advertise sales their product
through internet” through internet in
“I uploads photos which a lot of
and updates in our people will be
Facebook page to inform about the
promote our business.
Thematic Analysis
Along the course of researchers’ interpreting the date from the renounce street vendors
they are able to come up with these themes
This occurs when street vendors started from doing small businesses such as selling
along the streets and road. This is the way that they could earn a living by starting from a small
This means when a business started from small until eventually there are additional
extensions of the business and services for the customers.
In order to gain customer satisfaction, by knowing the needs and wants of a customer.
It is one of the strategy in businesses to maintain sales.
A strategy that a business applies is to lessen the amount of capital to lower the cost.
This technique is used when a cost is not predicted to be entirely consumed in the current
duration, but rather over an extended time frame.
It the state of being calm and in peace. In order to fully focus on the marketing strategies
is to propose solutions in making improvements for the business
Another strategy that a business applies is through lessening, reducting, and decreasing
the prices of the product or service. This will business owners to earn sales and to promote
their business.
Business owners was able to attain their financial means and needs of their family
because of the progress that their business has made.
Borrowing money is another way to start up a capital for their business. This is another
technique for business owners to start their own business.
Before a business owner can earn a capital for their business is to start being an
employee until they can have a start-up capital for their business.
In order to identify losses and gain of their business, business owners tend to record their
transactions and by providing inventories so that they will be aware if there is an net loss or
net income.
This means that there will always be failures and achievement in every businesses. They
use their past experiences to recover and still be persistent from the catastrophes they had as
a business owner.
There are complication in starting a business because as a business owner you still have
to inspect if the business will be effective and there will be an additional expense for
advertisements and promoting the business.
To decide is a complex part of a business owner because whatever decision they may
propose will have possible consequences. Business owners tend to have a long process in
planning a decision to be aware of what consequence they will be faced as much as possible
This occurs that business owners will also be delayed in making a decision. It is
inevitable to make bad decisions and thus will affect their business in spite of their decision
but eventually manages the business effectively.
Some business owners do not fully rely on their own decisions. They tend to seek help
or be consulted by others to be guided in order to come up with a suitable decision.
It happens when a business owner can decide a choice on their own without depending
others. They do not necessary need help from anyone to be guided in their decision because
they can make up a decision by their selves.
This means to secure an inventory of the business to know gain and losses of the
business. This will help business owners to control and manage the supply of product and
service by proving an inventory.
Hard work
This happens when a business owner has goals for his or her business. This will
motivate them to work hard and meet their specific objectives.
This happens when a business owner aims to target the necessities of customers. This
will help the business owners to attract customer by knowing their needs.
This means that by selling affordable services and products to the customers. It will
be convenient for customers by offering low-priced services and products
This happens when there is an alteration of selling their services or products. They
tend to change or add something from their services and products to enlarge their sales
This means that you have to run the business according to the schedule of the
customers. They work from time to time to entertain and satisfy customers with their service.
This means that business owners raise their services and products through the use of
social networking sites. They advertise their product through internet in which a lot of people
will be inform about the business.
This happens when making a decision as a business owner is a crucial part of them.
They go through a long step by step process to come up with a better decision.
Chapter 5
Summary of Findings
1. The responses of the successful street vendors describe their experiences as a street hawker
in different ways. Findings relate to the assumption of Amoah-Mensah (2016) that vendors
cease up the operation, depending on the circumstances in which may force to engage in
‘dying and resurrecting”. They indicate that they normally come back to business after some
time to decide a strategic plan after a conflict. According to Walsh (2010), some street vendors
are flexible and so vary their products and location of transacting business to new places where
business may be booming. Respondents situate themselves in strategic location in order to
attract people to buy more. Street vendors did not avoid difficulties and challenges in the first
90 days of selling along the street but still able to cope with it and gains progress afterwards.
3. Progress and accomplishments were developed through practicing and following faithfully
their prepared strategic plans. Respondents have gain benefits and consistency through
management styles and strategies that is being followed religiously and being flexible enough
to make the needed adjustments in the operation overcomes difficulties and challenges.
Theory proposed by Rodriguez (2010) was a support to the conclusions of the
researchers which is the contingency theory that a small business has its external and internal
factors that will affect the business because of the competitors and customers frequently
changes. Another theory is the Chaos theory by Mason (2016) that is mainly about the small
firm’s certain changes in its operating cycle and its progress.
The researchers concluded that preparing a management style and strategies is
important in the business. These strategies include making of inventory, target customers,
cost-based pricing strategy, flexibility, advertisement and promotion of product, and adaption
to changes in internal and external environment of the business. To remain consistence and
gain benefits from the business, business owners needs to plan carefully their strategic
approaches. Therefore, strategic plans have to be prepared purposefully for effective and
efficient implementation of their set objectives.
1. Students to comprehend the nature of doing business. To be aware in the internal and
external factors in the business to effectively and efficiently cope with the business challenges
as a beginner.
2. Business owners to use the study as a guide to operative run of business. To understand
different types of situations and benefits in the business.
3. Vendors to recognize different strategies to be applied in the business to cope with the
different challenges from the business.
4. Future researchers should expand and improve knowledge possessed in this study. To add
more respondents and to look more theories for an efficient research study.
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Appendix A: Letter of Permission to Conduct Research Interview
January 26, 2018
We, the students of the Senior High School Department of University of Cebu – Banilad Campus are writing this letter to ask
permission to conduct a research interview in your department for our research Practical Research 1/ABM as a requirement
for graduation for the 2nd semester of the school year 2017-2018.
We hope that you will allow us to have three participants for this research. Due to the nature of the study, we hope to have
renounce street vendors for the said interview. Your approval to conduct this study will be greatly appreciated in your most
convenient time. Attached is the questionnaire for the interview.
Noted by:
Approved by:
Principal, Senior High School Department
University of Cebu – Banilad
Appendix B: Research Interview Consent Form
I confirm that I have read and understand the information sheet for the above
study and have had the opportunity to ask questions and clarifications on the
matter of the interview/anything that concerns me.
I agree to take part in the above study and share everything I know to contribute
to the success of the said research.
Research Title: Vendor Management Strategies and its Benefits
I confirm that I have read and understand the information sheet for the above
study and have had the opportunity to ask questions and clarifications on the
matter of the interview/anything that concerns me.
I agree to take part in the above study and share everything I know to contribute
to the success of the said research.
Research Title: Vendor Management Strategies and its Benefits
I confirm that I have read and understand the information sheet for the above
study and have had the opportunity to ask questions and clarifications on the
matter of the interview/anything that concerns me.
I agree to take part in the above study and share everything I know to contribute
to the success of the said research.
Appendix C: Survey-Interview Questionnaire
Interview Questions
Appendix D: Observation Schedule
The owner’s performance in their respective business
Appendix E: Transcription of the Coded Data
Code Response Interpretation Coding Pattern
Impoverishment “We sell Successfull
Magazine and business owners
Newspaper along started from selling
the road/ along the road as
sidewalk” vendors that earned
“We first started only a little profit
selling candies
and water along
the streets”
Extensions "Our business Business owners
started from a started from a
small shop and small firm until
now we had such time it grows.
extensions in our
Capitalization “When I encounter Business owner
conflict especially decreases their
in the number of capital to avoid
sales, I decrease losses in profit
the money for especially when
capital I use for a they encounter
certain period to conflict in
avoid losses in business.
house for myself
and my parents"
6. How would your past experiences translate into success in this job?
Code Response Interpretation Coding Pattern
Learnedness “It gives me the the business
knowledge in more owners are
things related to persistent in
business and learn managing their
not to give up” businesses and
“It makes me learn they never give up
to not give up and so that they will
strive more after have a successful
learning mistakes business.
in the past for the
better future”
"I have learned
that this business
is going to be
stable as much as
possible and
always maintain
8. What is the process of you typically followed to make a decision about a plan of
Code Response Interpretation Coding Pattern
Assistance “I first talk to my The business
husband and then owners need to be
to my people. accompanied and
Lastly, I rationalize cooperation from
things up to come others before they
up a better make a final
decision” desicion. They go
“I talk to people through a thorough
whom are credible process.
and knowledgeable
enough that will
help me decide
things up”
"I will increase the
stocks by
contacting our
supplier if there is
an increase of
9. When giving two or three equally viable paths to achieve an object, how do you decide
which path to follow?
Code Response Interpretation Coding Pattern
Decisions “I rationalize They go to a long
things up in which process of thinking
things will do in which they think
good or bad to my of possible
business” consequences of
“I first think of that certain
what that thing decision.
will do to my
business before
having a final
"I will choose the
right path"
10. Have you ever delayed a decision making? Then what were the consequences for your
Code Response Interpretation Coding Pattern
Procrastination ”Yes, and it Sometimes,
causes decrease of owners make a bad
our profit” decision and
“Yes, it causes further affect their
bankruptcy in our business. But still
business but still manage to revive
manage to revive and come up with
it” a solution for the
" Whenever I have consistency of the
a delayed decision business.
making. My
strategy is to sale
the products
through our social
11. Do you make decisions on your own without input from others? When do you seek
advice from others when making decisions?
Code Response Interpretation Coding Pattern
Consultation “I take advice owners can't
from my husband decide by
which is my themselves but
partner in this tends to seek help
business and from from others in
my people all the where they will be
time to make a guided to the better
better decision” decision.
“I always take
advice from
people that can
help me in making
Self-involved "yes, since i am Sometimes, owner
the only one likes to decide
manage this their own to avoid
business" complicacy to any
decisions she will
be making.
12. How do you ensure those tasks are successfully completed? Are they any steps to you
Code Response Interpretation Coding Pattern
Assurance “ We have Owners manage
inventory in which and control their
we can see the supply of product
inflow and outflow and service
of product as well through making an
as the gain and inventory.
“I ensure task by
controlling and
regulating the
product I invest in
the business which
I can easily access
to my inventories”
" i do inventory so
that I will know
what account is
14. What specific strategies have you used in running the business?
Code Response Interpretation Coding Pattern
Direction “Know the needs Business owner
and wants of the prioritize
customer in the customers'
specific area” necessities in that
“I specifically certain location
target customers’ and occasion.
“I change or add increase sales
menu/ product in occasionally.
my eatery
depending on what
the customers need
during that certain
Flexibility “Need to be They work from
flexible during time to time to
working hours” entertain and
“Work flexibly satisfy customers
because people with their service.
need to be
entertain all the
Elevation “Promote/ They advertise
advertise sales their product
through internet” through internet in
“I uploads photos which a lot of
and updates in our people will be
Facebook page to inform about the
promote our business.
Appendix F: Curriculum Vitae of Researchers
Personal Information
Name: Kirby Kent Pradilla
Age: 17
Birth date:
Religion: Roman Catholic
Status: Single
Educational Background
Senior High School: University of Cebu-Banilad
Strand: ABM
Junior High School:
Computer Skills
Appendix F: Curriculum Vitae of Researchers
Personal Information
Name: Megan Camille Florentino
Age: 16
Birth date: May 3, 2001
Religion: Roman Catholic
Educational Background
Senior High School: University of Cebu-Banilad
Strand: ABM
Junior High School: Mandaue City Comprehensive Narional High School
Computer Skills
Appendix F: Curriculum Vitae of Researchers
2x2 picture
Personal Information
Name: Mascarinas Charwyne
Age: 16
Birth date: August 10, 2001
Religion: Roman Catholic
Status: Single
Educational Background
Senior High School: University of Cebu-Banilad
Strand: ABM
Junior High School: Father Saturnino Urios University
- Computer Skills
- Written and Verbal Communication
Appendix F: Curriculum Vitae of Researchers
2x2 picture
Personal Information
Name: Rose-Anne R. Seballo
Age: 17
Birth date: March 10, 2001
Religion: Roman Catholic
Status: Single
Educational Background
Senior High School: University of Cebu- Banilad Campus
Strand: ABM
Junior High School: Apas Integrated Senior High School
Computer Skills
Communication Skills
Appendix F: Curriculum Vitae of Researchers
2x2 picture
Personal Information
Name: Marissa Tan
Age: 16
Birth date:
Religion: Roman Catholic
Status: Single
Educational Background
Senior High School: University of Cebu-Banilad
Strand: ABM
Junior High School: Oprra National High School
Computer Skills
Writing Skills