Sample Model Letter 4
Sample Model Letter 4
Sample Model Letter 4
The Director
Department of Veterans’ Affairs,
GPO Box 777
Brisbane 4001
Dear Sir/Madam
I am writing to request a home visit by DVA staff to Mr Jim Middleton and his wife Olga to assess their
eligibility for a DVA pension and/or other assistance that your department provides. Their address is Alexander
Street, Belmont, Brisbane 4153. Their phone number is (07) 6946 5173.
Mr Middleton, a Second World War veteran, was also a prisoner of war. He does not receive any government
pension or other assistance. He was discharged from hospital on 9 July after a successful inguinal hernia
operation. His physical activities are currently limited and he cannot drive for at least six weeks.
Prior to discharge, Mr Middleton’s wife Olga spoke to me about their ability to manage their own home without
assistance. Their income is not sufficient to pay for home or garden help. Olga does not drive and there is no
nearby public transport. She is in good general health but finds phone conversation difficult due to hearing
problems. A home visit to discuss their eligibility for assistance would be appreciated.
Please contact me on (07) 3947 2987 should your require any further information
Yours sincerely,