H:/IELI - WORK/sarah - Gigger/pns/shannon Warne Sample Answer

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Su Yin Lee

Sister in Charge
Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre
695 Hampstead Road
Greenacres, 5029

12th June, 2007

Dear Ms Lee

Re: Mr Shannon Warne

I am writing to you regarding Mr Shannon Warne, a 23 year old 3rd year architecture student who
was involved in a car accident three months ago. He sustained a broken neck and a fractured
pelvis in the accident, and has probable neurological damage which is affecting his mobility,
speech and memory. Mr Warne has been at this hospital for the past three months and is now
ready to be transferred to the Hampstead Rehabilitation Hospital.

Although he has been suffering from bed sores, these have been improving since he has begun
using a wheelchair. He suffers from frequent headaches which are managed with Nurofen (please
refer to the Medications Chart). Prior to his accident, Mr Warne lived independently, but will now
require long term rehabilitation. His parents anticipate that he will eventually return home and are
willing to care for him. He is eligible for a disability pension.

Whilst Mr Warne has made good progress during his stay at the RAH, he needs to continue with
daily physiotherapy, twice weekly hydrotherapy, and thrice weekly speech therapy.
Understandably, he is now also suffering from depression; activities and interests like reading and
writing, and contact with his university, possibly to continue his studies externally, and with people
his own age maybe through community access, should help to alleviate this problem. Could you
please arrange these things for him? He has no special dietary requirements.

Please do not hesitate to contact me should you require any further information regarding this

Thank you for your assistance in this matter.

Yours sincerely

Sarah Gigger
Ward Sister

H:\IELI_WORK\sarah_gigger\pns\Shannon Warne Sample answer.doc

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