Santanelli - Hypnosis Notes First Part of Book

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A word of itself puts no thought into action, though a series of word picturing may.
Thoughts are made up of associated ideas through the different senses; two senses must be
affected to put a thought in action. I must arouse a sight memory (picture), a feeling memory
(picture), as well as a sound through words, to have my reader gain a thorough understanding.
Though having accredited with an extensive vocabulary and having a large dictionary at
hand, I will have trouble in making you comprehend.
There are no synonyms, as no two things are the same. Therefore all words used here
must have but one meaning. The following words and phrases will be used to mean only the
here affixed definitions.

Suggestion - anything that arouses an action (environment, bodily or external)

Hypnosis - a simulated sleep, the subject having the “thought of sleep”
Inspiration - a thought forced by an operator after hypnosis has been induced. Man is ruled by
suggestion; we inspire a hypnotised subject
Personal suggestion - where a thought is deliberately forced upon a person free from hypnosis -
exemplified by Christian and Mental scientists
Post hypnotic suggestion - a misnomer. It is a deferred action, and will not happen if the subject
is actually awakened.
Inspired awakening - the “thought of being awake”, the opposite to hypnosis, the thought of
being asleep; commonly known as the waking state
Autosuggestion - can only mean a sleepwalker
Pre-inspiration - an act decided upon by the subject to be done after hypnosis has been induced
(erroneously called auto-suggestion)
Mind - the consensus of all actions acquired during gestation, and seated in the sympathetic
system. As it is inconceivable for anything to happen without an intelligence to guide it, I believe
that intelligence to be within all matter, call it Mind and show its actions to be forced by external
(the only kind) suggestion
“Mind” - what is commonly believed to be the seat of intelligence
Sympathetic system - all brain matter contra-distinguished from the cerebrum
Thought - two or more associated ideas. Thoughts are forced not chosen
Idea - a percept through any sense. Ideas transformed into action
Thinking - transforming of energy - man only realises
Memory - registration of ideas. Man never forgets, but fails to recall
Negation - an inconceivable word. Everything is positive, positive for or positive against
Abnormal - impossible. Everything is normal or a natural result from the cause
Objective mind, subjective mind - mere words
Authority - a conceited juggler or words
Bad - perverted good
Good - natural response
Hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting, feeling - the correlation of the different nerve-end stimuli of
the respective organs
Degenerate - above (plus) or below (minus) what is considered average man. Seemingly the
same irritation may produce either extreme subservient to external environment
Everything is a combination of attributes; ie one thing an impossibility
Matter - is comprehensible only to the the degree it affects the senses, and to be conceived
must affect two senses. To be comprehended, three or more.
Form is comprehensible (when acquired) only when it affects sight and feeling
Form is the outline of matter - and but transitory, only matter is appreciable
Man can conceive of nothing greater nor worse than his individual experience
Wil (will power) - I cannot comprehend it, though everyone prides himself on possessing it
Instinct - a word used to express intelligence in animals, in contraindication from intelligence in
man. Man reasons! Animals do not (?)
Law of Nature - a phrase that conveys no meaning. If you can comprehend the phrase “Law of
Nature” then you will know the Law of Suggestion, and it will be a useless waste of time to read
the following pages

Hypnosis is a slowed down state of observing how “unhypnotised” people behave - an
observable display of cause and effect
During hypnosis - cerebrum is believed to be entirely inactive?
Words only have meaning in that they trigger perceptual data that forms the concept of the thing
I.e the word tree has little meaning to a foreigner unless we associate the sight, feeling (use)
and sound of a tree, and then the word tree becomes meaningful
To be conceived, all matter must affect two senses, to be comprehended - three or more.
Round is a combination of the sight of something round, the feeling memory of a round object
and the word round
We can comprehend nothing that doe not affect the senses (we can conceive of human activity
but not of the force of nature that causes a seed to sprout)
Sensory registration is automatic and involuntary. Man does not think - he realises this sensory
data is all
The action taken due to the suggestion is ruled by the previous associations formed
Telling someone to jump out of their chair would likely lead them to remain seated. If the subject
had the thought to jump out of their chair, the action would have taken place and no verbal
command by an operator could have prevented it. If the expression of the operator conveyed
fear and the facial expression matched - then the call to jump would have elicited the thought of
jumping out of the chair by the subject, and the ensuing action would have been automatic
Everything in life is positive - a man is sitting, not “not standing”. A hand is down, not “not up”. A
command that “you cannot take your hand from your face” - the phrase must convey the hand
being stuck to the face. The statement must be affirmative
Real sleep has an unknown cause and mechanism. Hypnotic sleep involves (under normal
1. An easy, relaxed position for the subject
2. An inactive mind (a very “small” thought - i.e the thought of sleep)
3. The eyes being rolled up or converged
4. and then the eyes must be closed

The thought of sitting up is active to the extent of the resultant action of holding or retaining the
muscles in tension, whose action is imperceptible

The dimmer/fainter the perceptual input, the dimmer the thought of it.
Man must stop doing or thinking of one thing before he can start doing or thinking of a second.
There is a “dead centre” point of pause between the transition. This can be barely perceptible
depending on the speed of the transition, but a wheel in revolution must stop at 180 degrees
from its original starting point before it is now going “up” rather than “down”
Hypnosis is the dummy thought of sleep, holding the space of what would usually be an active
thought sandwiched between two “dead centres” of transition. The key is the operator’s voice.
The subject is free from his environment and therefore there is no shifting of thoughts
One is not asleep when dreaming, since there is a thought in the mind. A dream is the passing
through the conscious mind (cerebrum) of a thought without action taking place in the
sympathetic system.
The law = surround a man with every suggestion or attribute of sleep and he will be asleep.
Surround him with every attribute of virtue and he cannot help being pure, and no credit is due
to him. Surround him with attributes of crime and he will be a criminal and in no manner should
be held responsible
Every suggestion must have 2 positives, one for and one against. The body is the closest

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