HS 5 Digital Optimised
HS 5 Digital Optimised
HS 5 Digital Optimised
Issue #05
April 2018
9 772515 514006
Issue #05 £6
Welcome to
Features Editor
Andrew Gregory
Critical Media
If you’re reading this, then there’s a good chance you like criticalmedia.co.uk
Head of Design
making stuff. And, that means you need bits and pieces to Dougal Matthews
make your builds out of, whether it’s electrical components, Designer
Lee Allen
fully populated PCBs, or bits of wood and metal. We
makers are also Brian O’Halloran,
Few other groups of shoppers are as likely consumers, and we’re Exposure Photo Agency
Editor ben.everard@raspberrypi.org London EC1A 9PT
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Except where otherwise noted,
content in this magazine is licensed
under a Creative Commons
ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-
SA 3.0). ISSN: 2515-5148.
Contents 18
06 Top Projects 32 Inside Adafruit
The Tate Modern of DIY projects Limor Fried’s guide to making great stuff for hackers
16 Objet 3d’art
Pretty (and pretty useful) 3D prints 46 How I Made: Neural Network
Link lights intelligently to map a thinking algorithm
18 Meet the maker: Joseph Casha
The man who’s printing lost bits of Malta
50 Enable Makeathon
22 Columns Hardware hacking for the public good
54 Raspberry Pi 3B+
24 Letters Faster, higher, stronger: the new Raspberry Pi
Do makers even need a Guild anyway?
Everything you ever wanted to know about
how to create your own world-beating
hardware company
ZX Spectrum Next
Development Kit
90 Tutorial Cheerlights
Join the world’s biggest IoT project 118 Best of Breed
Gesture sensors: for when commands get a little hand-wavy
92 Tutorial Dremel workbench
May your cuts be ever straight and true 122 Can I Hack It?
Every home needs a hacked wireless doorbell
96 Tutorial Slack-powered On-Air sign
Maintain silence the smart way
124 Review Brown Dog Crazy Circuits
98 Tutorial The sheet bend An accessible kit for playing with electronics
Learn the only knot you’ll ever need
126 Review ZX Spectrum Next Development Kit
102 Tutorial Node-RED The home computer that launched a thousand games companies
Flow-based coding to control your home
Some of the tools and techniques shown in HackSpace Magazine are dangerous unless used with skill, experience and appropriate personal protection equipment. While we attempt to guide the reader, ultimately you
are responsible for your own safety and understanding the limits of yourself and your equipment. HackSpace Magazine is intended for an adult audience and some projects may be dangerous for children. Raspberry
Pi (Trading) Ltd does not accept responsibility for any injuries, damage to equipment, or costs incurred from projects, tutorials or suggestions in HackSpace Magazine. Laws and regulations covering many of the topics
in HackSpace Magazine are different between countries, and are always subject to change. You are responsible for understanding the requirements in your jurisdiction and ensuring that you comply with them. Some
manufacturers place limits on the use of their hardware which some projects or suggestions in HackSpace Magazine may go beyond. It is your responsibility to understand the manufacturer’s limits.
Top Projects
herb box
By Walter Heger hsmag.cc/JIfBqI
he main intention to create the herb box ecosystem
was to manage the humidity of my plants and
connect everything up via the internet, (my herbs
always went dry or suffered from over-zealous
watering). I wanted to combine handcraft with
electrical engineering and software development
for the best result in usage and design. The box should work
autonomously without any need for interaction.
The box holds up to three plants from the supermarket, to keep
feeding as simple as possible. It measures the humidity of each and
allows automatic or manual irrigation, based on the configuration of
a website. To enable good growing also in winter, a plant growing
lamp can be switched on or off. With Alexa, the status can be asked
after, and all actions are controlled.
Arduino, Alexa and
a bit of woodwork
come together to
keep Walter’s herbs
in good condition
Top Projects
DIY interactive
LED coffee table
By Marija Nikolovska creativityhero.com
’ve done a few LED projects so far, but this interactive
LED coffee table is definitely my favourite.
My living room needed an update, so I came up with
the idea to build a unique coffee table with some really
interesting features.
I wanted this table to be modern, useful, and to fit my
personality at the same time. So, I made exactly what I was looking
for! This coffee table creates a wonderful atmosphere and takes my
living room to a whole new level.
To build the body of the table, I used MDF for the box, pine for
the legs, and a frosted glass for the top. The inner part consists of
an Arduino board, a Bluetooth module, LEDs, proximity sensors, and
a bunch of wires.
It is controlled via a custom-made Android application, so I can
easily change the reactive colour, as well as the background colour,
and I can even adjust the brightness.
These features are possible thanks to Dejan Nedelkovski, from
HowToMechatronics.com, who created the source code of the
program and the Android application.
My woodworking skills, and Dejan’s knowledge in electronics,
turned out to be a perfect combination for creating such a very cool
piece of furniture.
This table took ten
days of hard work,
including cutting,
soldering, and
adjusting all the parts
Top Projects
Laser-cut Toolbox
By James Hyde hsmag.cc/clUeNm
ast year, I started acquiring more precision
measuring tools and decided to build a toolbox to
safely store everything. I wanted to build the box as
quickly and easily as possible, while also using this as
a chance to test out the laser cutter at HackPittsburgh.
The design has nine compartments, with eight drawers
and the upper compartment.
The drawers are designed to lock into the toolbox using cams
so they cannot be accidentally pulled out, spilling potentially
expensive tools. A drawer lock can be added to lock both the upper
compartment and seal the drawers in place. This toolbox has been
very useful for carting tools and parts between my apartment and
HackPittsburgh for the past year.
James’ glorious
toolbox is made
entirely from 1/4-inch
Baltic birch
Top Projects
Raspberry Pi
magic mirror
By Saral Tayal saraltayal
hether you want to catch up on your day’s
calendar while brushing your teeth in the
morning, perhaps check the weather as
you head out the door, or maybe even
watch a viral YouTube video as you stare
at yourself, the smart mirror can do it all.
Straight out of science fiction, the smart mirror is surprisingly simple
to make, requiring just a one-way mirror, a screen, a computer or
Raspberry-Pi, and a frame to house it all.
The smart mirror works by allowing the graphics of the display to
shine through, while maintaining a mirror shine on the surface. With
support for voice commands, widgets for news, Spotify, YouTube,
weather, stocks, public transport timing, and any widget you
want, this is the ultimate smart appliance project.
Detailed build
instructions for
Saral’s magic mirror
can be found at
Top Projects
White Rabbit
Nixie clock
By Jack Edjourian hsmag.cc/JgZrNR
ixies are considered obsolete as they are
no longer in production, and the Nixies we
purchase tend to have been produced in the 70’s
and 80’s. Due to the nature and lifespan of a Nixie,
we wanted to design a housing which will allow the
owner to close it and de-energise the six time-telling
Nixies, allowing for a longer life for all the Nixie tubes.
On the White Rabbit clock, we had access to a laser cutter for the
first time and took full advantage of the wonderful machine. After a
few prototypes in acrylic, we cut the parts for the final clock in dark
walnut, maple, cocobolo, Padauk, spruce, and Russian ply.
The clock was not a simple cut, glue and done project; wood grain
direction in relation to each part and its function was very important,
and tests were done to stress the wooden mechanical load-bearing
parts to find the optimum grain direction for each part. Cocobolo
was our wood of choice for the mechanicals as it’s dense, can be
tapped, and is also beautiful! Parts had to be sanded and adjusted,
and some parts were cut from wood blocks and shaped. We also
decided to inlay wood on all the external covers, and finally add a
high gloss finish.
The electronics were put together and the harness routed. An
internal microswitch detects the clock’s open or closed condition
and powers up or puts the Nixies to sleep. The blue LEDs are very
common now in these clocks, we always build in a switch to turn
these on or off, as sometimes they can become very distracting. As
with our cyclops clock, when we turn the lights out, the room looks
like there’s a close encounter of the third kind taking place!
External components
have three layers of
catalysed automotive
lacquer – internal
parts are left with a
natural finish to keep
tight tolerances
Objet 3d’art
Objet 3d’art
3D printed artwork to bring more beauty into your life
Supplied by
Head to 3dhubs.com/book
to check out the
ince the dawn of time (well, #1 3D printing book on Amazon
since 1985), humanity has
loved Super Mario Brothers. A
simple tale of pipes, turtles, and
mushrooms, it spoke a deep truth
to us that transcends mere gamers into
something more fundamental. And since
the Industrial Revolution, we’ve loved to
enhance our surroundings with little bits of
greenery, as a reminder of what we’ve lost
by cutting ourselves off from nature.
These two loves come together in 3D
printed format in this Mario Bros planter,
by graphic designer and Thingiverse user,
Flowalistik. It’s available in dual and single
extrusion versions, so you can use a
different colour filament for the question
mark, and of course you can make it with
or without drainage holes. Best of all, it’s
part of a triptych of works inspired by Crash
Bandicoot, Mario, and Pokémon.
etric measurements make
sense to anyone who
can divide by ten, which
hopefully is everyone
reading this. But Imperial
units are mostly nonsense. Some of
them are okay, but even then, pints, and
miles, and ounces come in different sizes,
depending on what you’re measuring and
where you’re measuring it.
This is exactly why we need this
measuring cube, by iomaa. The cube
measures a cup, 1/2 cup, 1/3 cup, 1/4 cup,
1/8 cup, 1 tsp, 1/2 tsp, 1/4 tsp, 1 tbsp, and
1/2 tbsp. If that’s gibberish to you, one of
these might come in handy. Just make sure
that you use a food-safe printing method if
you want to use this in the kitchen.
Meet The Maker
By Jen Botezat
fter posting his first video just over measured voice of a masterful educator, it was easy
a year ago, 3D maker Noob (less to see the personality in 3D maker Noob that attracts
well-known as Joseph Casha), has thousands of devoted fans.
already become one of the leading His steel-trap memory for technical details,
go-to channels for everything in 3D model numbers, and programming specs were no
printing. He broadcasts live builds, less impressive.
3D printer reviews, and all sorts of tutorials to legions Here, he shares his rollercoaster ride in the world
of eager makers around the world. All from his home of 3D printing in his own words.
in an unlikely small town in Malta.
We sat down with the Noob himself on the FROM THE BEGINNING
Below beautiful island of Malta. He took off his helmet after I started by watching some amazing 3D printing
The 3D printing farm, riding his scooter across the island to meet us. With channels that existed already. 3D Printing Nerd (Joel
with everything set up
and ready for action the towering presence of Vin Diesel and the smooth, Telling) offers great technical details and projects.
Maker’s Muse (Angus Deveson) is a fantastic
designer. Thomas Sanladerer has awesome guides
and reviews. They first inspired me, and I was in awe
of their knowledge.
But I also felt that something was missing – a
unique and less technical perspective that I could
bring. I wanted to look at 3D printing through the eyes
of a complete noob, someone who was interacting
with the technology for the very first time, and learn
about it together with my audience.
I bought my very first 3D printer, the Original Prusa
i3 Mark 2 kit, and I was super-excited. I had never had
a 3D printer or used one before, and it was fascinating
to me. I couldn’t wait to open up the boxes! So
unboxing and reviewing the Prusa i3 became my first
YouTube video.
Now, I have 50 printers. Most of them are not
enclosed, and they are fairly affordable. Desktop 3D
printing has opened up manufacturing to people in their
homes, so that now they can experiment and tinker with
making their own things. That’s largely my audience.
Joe’s home-made 3D
printer, put together
from a variety of parts
Meet The Maker
The YouTube channel alone isn’t enough, so I do World War II. Below
many other 3D printing projects outside it. I always I love this country. I want to keep promoting it and You can see all
of Joe’s videos at
keep myself busy! putting it on the map. hsmag.cc/ZffKgl
Lucy Rogers
Share the
Who puts all the information on the internet?
he collective term for a It’s so easy to share things on the
group of badgers is a cete. web – and an unscientific Twitter poll
I only know this because I of my followers suggested that over
looked it up on the internet. 70% of them do already. We can all
Who put that information do something. It can be simple, such
online? I have no idea. But as answering a question or posting
when I want to know something, I can an inspiring photo. With a bit of
access most of the world’s knowledge planning, we can do something more
with just a few clicks. complex, such as a series of how-tos
As a maker, or a beautifully
this has helped edited film. Each
Bunnie Huang
y now you’ve probably should be liable for these bugs, under the
heard about Spectre/ ‘fitness for purpose’ theory.
Meltdown, a series of Open hardware makers should be deeply
CPU bugs that affect concerned. Consider if the Raspberry Pi
CPUs with aggressive were found vulnerable, and the only fix
speculation capabilities. was to recall hardware units and replace
For better or for worse, the Raspberry them with a new board. If you had baked a
Pi’s CPU doesn’t feature the performance Raspberry Pi into your product, what would
optimisations that trigger these bugs, happen to your business?
so Raspberry Pi users are safe – today. Now consider that open review of
However, the public backlash triggered documentation greatly increases the rate
Bunnie Huang against many CPU makers highlights a
of bug discovery. Does it make business
sense to share
in open source documentation
that threatens with a customer
transparency base that will
Andrew ‘Bunnie’ Huang is a Open source software
in the surely sue you for
hacker by night, entrepreneur developers benefit
hardware world. the favour?
by day, and writer by
Open source from licences that There’s no right
procrastination. He’s a
software answer to this
co‑founder of Chibitronics,
developers benefit absolve them of any situation. We need
troublemaker-at-large for the
from licences liability whatsoever transparency to
MIT Media Lab, and a mentor
that absolve them make more secure,
for HAX in Shenzhen.
of any liability trustworthy, bug-
whatsoever. free systems, but
Should a buggy library you develop be consumers also need to make sure they
used in a home automation appliance are not being sold a lemon. The Spectre/
that later causes a house to catch fire, Meltdown question merely begs the
you get to walk away scot-free, thanks question, but offers no guidance on the
to the expansive limited-liability clauses correct answer. If you think transparency
that are baked into every open source is important to safety and security,
software licence. rewarding hardware makers for sharing
Unfortunately, hardware makers documentation by voluntarily reducing
don’t get to enjoy that same luxury. their liability can create a measurable
Beyond guaranteeing a product free economic incentive, thus encouraging
from workmanship or material defects, more sharing. On the other hand, if you
consumer protection law often requires feel a guarantee for fitness is paramount,
an implied or express ‘fitness for purpose’ then you must accept that what you don’t
guarantee – that a piece of hardware is know can’t hurt you – until it does. In other
capable of doing what it’s advertised to words, if your policy is to sue developers
do. The latest controversy over Spectre/ over bugs, you can’t in the same breath
Meltdown indicates that more people blame them for making bugs harder to find
than not feel CPU makers like Intel by closing their source.
If you have something you’d
like to get off your chest (or
even throw a word of praise
in our direction) let us know at
GROW UP Thanks for the Adafruit CPX! I subscribed
Lucy Rogers’ assertion that the from Issue 1 so I thought I’d missed out;
maker movement has grown up is, then it arrived completely out of the blue.
in my opinion, a bit silly at best and It’s a great bit of kit, so cheers!
insulting at worst. It’s as if, for the
years I’ve been working away in my John
shed I’ve been messing, rather than Hartlepool
running a serious business, paying
tax, insurance, all the rest of it.
Now there’s a Guild of Makers,
making is all of a sudden a proper
WE ARE SAILING industry? How condescending.
Please extend a hearty salutation to Josh,
the maker whose boat you featured in Robert
Issue 4. It doesn’t look practical, or fast, or Birmingham
warm, but that it’s put a massive grin on
his face will do for me. People will always Ben says: I’m not sure that’s the
pay for things that make them happy, so point. The Guild of Makers is
good luck to him. there to help other people get to
the point that you’re at; where tax,
Amy insurance, and other business
London admin is just routine stuff to
do, rather than terrifying and
Ben says: My favourite bit about that unknown. And the point about the
build is that you can see the join maker movement growing up is
between two pieces of wood in the just that: the movement growing
hull, like two pieces of a jigsaw fitting up, not the makers.
together. Lovely.
Crowdfunding now
When backing a crowdfunding
campaign, you are not purchasing
a finished product, but supporting
a project working on something
new. There is a very real chance
that the product will never ship
and you’ll lose your money. It’s
a great way to support projects
you like and get some cheap
hardware in the process, but if
you use it purely as a chance to
snag cheap stuff, you may find
that you get burned.
The world’s first hackable coffee maker
From $150 hsmag.cc/vxVkrm Delivery: Nov 2018
hile there are lots of coffee makers that can
be hacked, prodded, and generally twisted to
make coffee in just the way that’s right for you,
Mugsy is the first one we’ve come across that’s
designed from the ground up to be customisable.
While most coffee makers make espresso-style coffee by
forcing pressurised hot water through the grounds, Mugsy uses
the pour-over technique which, as the name suggests, involves
pouring hot water over the ground coffee. This method is
becoming popular among hand-made coffee aficionados, but is
still a rarity in the automatic coffee maker world.
Mugsy requires just whole beans and water to create your
drink, and it lets you customise almost everything about how the
two are combined, from how much coffee is used to the pattern
in which the hot water is poured over the grounds. Of course,
not everyone knows enough about coffee to select the perfect
options. Fortunately, Mugsy’s linked up to a database of different
coffees with recipes for each one. Just scan the bar-code of your
beans and you’ll get the recommended settings automatically.
Alternatively, if you’ve got the settings you like, you can link them
to an RFID tag (two keyring fobs come with Mugsy), and you can
get the perfect cup each time, and not be infected with other
people’s inferior settings.
As well as ordering up a brew using the standard controls, you
can also text, tweet, Slack, email, or Alexa yourself up a cup of
hot caffeine.
All the mechanicals are controlled by a Raspberry Pi that you
can control to bend the machine to your whim, whether that’s
tweaking parameters to the standard software, or writing your
own code to take control of the hardware.
Hackspace of the month
Kwartzlab’s Artist in
Residence program
has seen a great
range of inspiring
artists come
through the doors
for three-month
Yes, that’s a giant
game of Connect Four
Hackspace of the month
Kwartzlab has around
2 400 sq ft of space, split
into four areas:
Front room
Event space, work
tables, 3D printer, digital
projector, laser printer,
piano, photo booth
Laser room
Laser cutter, 3D printers,
drinks fridge
Wood/metal working, Mike Robertson (left) and Chris Bruner of Kwartzlab working on Prometheus,
shop sink, garage door which we hope to use as a standard base for hobby robot enthusiasts.
Kitchen, craft/sewing
area, electronics bench, Don Leibold is creating a giant sphere out of laser-cut plywood and hair elastics.
member storage, TV, This structure will eventually serve as a sit-in pod that floats near-frictionlessly on a
and game systems cushion of air. Think ‘awesome flight simulator’ and then think beyond that.
We’d love you to get in
touch to showcase your
makerspace and the
things you’re making.
Drop us a line on Twitter
@HackSpaceMag or
email us at hackspace@
with an outline of what
makes your hackspace
special, and we’ll take it
from there.
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How Adafruit builds hardware
Add sci-fi lights for the most demanding users
to an artificial brain
50 PG
Red Cross join forces with Bringing life to the creative
makers to improve the world juices of the young folk
54 PG PG
68 72
Now with an extra slice
Build bridges, shoot your
The flashing, blinking,
of networking speed foe, and draw grey lines illuminating semiconductor
Limor Fried: Making for makers
Adafruit has been making great maker hardware for over a decade
– here are the secrets the team has learned along the way
eople have been hacking are commercially successful. Keeping money
around with electronics for coming in means more hardware for hackers
as long as there have been and makers. This is something that’s been
electronics to hack about recognised outside of the geek world, and in
with, but in the last decade 2012, Entrepreneur magazine named her as
it’s gone from a niche Entrepreneur of the Year.
pursuit of a few geeks to the edge of In 2016, Limor was named a White House
mainstream culture. Champion of Change – an opportunity for
This popularisation of DIY technology is the White House to feature individuals
due to a lot of factors, but one of the largest doing extraordinary things to empower and
must be the companies putting out great inspire members of their communities.
hardware to hack on, from kits that you Perhaps a large part of this success has been
can build to hardware designed for makers.
Of this new breed of hacker companies,
Adafruit, led by Limor Fried (aka LadyAda)
must be the most iconic. WHITE HOUSE CHAMPION OF
It’s easy to forget that Adafruit hasn’t CHANGE – AN OPPORTUNITY
been around that long. Back in 2005,
LadyAda started Adafruit in her dorm
room at MIT where she was a graduate FEATURE INDIVIDUALS DOING
Engineering student. EXTRAORDINARY THINGS
From this modest beginning the
company has continued to grow. In 2009,
in recognition of the fact that all Adafruit’s Limor’s engagement with the wider making
hardware is released under an open source community, and Adafruit’s live-streams are
licence, the Electronic Frontier Foundation a staple part of the week for many makers.
(EFF) awarded her the Pioneer Award. Since 2010, Limor and partner Philip Torrone
Limor’s particular genius seems to be have been hosting Ask An Engineer at 8pm
melding the geek world of interesting (New York time) every Wednesday.
hardware and open source designs with the We caught up with Limor to find out what it
business world that means these designs takes to make great hardware for makers.
Limor Fried:
Making for makers
Make hardware the Adafruit way with Limor’s advice for making great products
akers are a demanding
market for hardware
companies. While
people building consumer
products can hide their
circuitry behind fancy
plastic covers that are glued shut in an
attempt to keep prying eyes away, and
dodgy code can be hidden in proprietary
software, when you’re making stuff for
makers, there’s nowhere to hide. The bare
circuit boards expose all your wiring, and
open source software will be prodded and
pulled apart.
Every limit of your hardware will be
tested by people pushing more volts in,
pulling excessive current from pins, trying
to run on the minimal possible power
and just about every other indignity an
electrical component can experience will
be experienced by poor hardware built for
makers. Through it all, your little device
has to function as well as possible in
the circumstances.
We’ve been asking Limor to share her
hard-won advice to help more people design
hardware for makers. Take it away Limor:
“Pretty much since I graduated school,
I’ve spent my time designing hardware
for makers – whether they be projects for
myself or kits to sell. It’s been more than
12 years and I’ve learned a lot about what
makes for a good kit. Here are some of my
top tips for hardware design – from detailed
power supply suggestions, to the zen of
regression testing…”
hh, the humble power
supply – this is the
oft-neglected part of
hardware design. Nobody
loves to build the power
supply: it’s just something
you ‘have to do’ so everything else works.
But that doesn’t mean it isn’t important: most
customer problems stem from power supply
woes. Since it’s your gateway to the world,
there are a lot of ways things can go wrong
here, but a really good power supply section
will keep mistakes from turning into disasters.
Limor Fried:
Making for makers
hances are your project Have a way to test each part Chances
uses a microcontroller are you’re going to be gluing together
or microcomputer. parts from various datasheets, open
Good idea! You can cram source projects, product examples,
a whole lotta code into GitHub repositories… each part of your
chips these days. This is project is going to have its own code
where the fun really is… and hardware requirements but those
can cause problems with other parts!
Go with what you know Are you a big It’s imperative you have code you can
Arduino Artist? Maybe a Pythonista at use to test each section to make sure
heart? Or an FPGA Fan… Sometimes it works. That way, if something goes
it seems like there’s a lot of choices, amiss, you can re-load your testing
paralysingly so. Don’t worry about suite, and check that each element at
getting the perfect design first round. least works on its own.
Use whatever you’ve got to create a
sketch of the hardware you want to Read the errata This didn’t used to be
build. Even if it takes too much power a huge deal, but more often, I find the
(and you want it to be portable) or is chips come with pretty big errors that
too tough to build, it’s best to get a don’t appear in the main datasheet – so
prototype running with what you know. look in the errata! Likewise check that
Then you can… the datasheet you have is the latest –
we’ve had datasheets with incorrect Below
The Feather range
Optimise at the end A wise man pin-out information that was then gives you a choice
by the name of Knuth once said ‘silently’ corrected in a later version. of different
processors in the
“premature optimisation is the root (Shakes fist at clouds!) same form factor
of all evil (or at least most of it) in
programming.” That applies to making
and hardware as well. It’s far easier
to design your project in a high level
language, with an overpowered
microcontroller/computer, then slowly
Below optimise and speed it up, to reduce
The ATtiny on
the Trinket is a the cost and parts list. I try to remind
great way of adding myself of this daily because the urge to
Arduino compatibility
for low cost optimise early is strong – resist it!
nce you’ve built a project
and got it working, you’ll
want to save all the hard
work you did and make
your project permanent.
Or at least, long lasting. If
you do a good job at this stage, your invention
will last for many, many years.
Limor Fried:
Making for makers
How the Circuit Playground Express came together
fter Limor gave us her were planning to support the ATSAMD21
top tips, we asked her family, and if I made a Playground with
to walk us through one one, it would be straightforward to add
of her designs, and the support. Since I’d had experience with
process that went into the chip as a core-Arduino-compatible
one piece of hardware. in the Feather M0 line of development
Here at HackSpace magazine we’re massive boards, it was not too hard to swap in the
fans of the Circuit Playground Express – it main processor chip. Then at the same
packs a huge amount into a tiny space and time, MicroPython had been ported to
it’s just good fun to use, so that was the the Micro:Bit and I was like “Wait, you
obvious choice. can fit it into that small a chip? Well, the
SAMD21 is about the same amount of
1 Form Factor One thing I noticed with memory, 256 kB FLASH and 32 kB RAM
the Flora is that people were sewing so let’s try it!” And we were able to! So
it into wearable projects, but far more now I’ve got a chip that is a ‘triple-threat’
people were using alligator/croc clips. – it can be used with MakeCode, which
And we were getting feedback from is great for beginners, CircuitPython
teachers and parents letting us know which is super fun and easy to learn, or
that the school couldn’t afford solder as an Arduino with official support in the
tables, or breadboards were too difficult Arduino IDE when you’re ready for C++!
for young kids to use. I liked that
thought, of skipping over breadboards 3 Lighting Before there was NeoPixel,
completely, and I think the round we had the Flora Pixel, which was a
shape makes it friendlier for people to little sewable PCB with a chip on one
hold, and the big holes are good for side (WS2811, used for LED strips and
attachment points as well. signs) and a 5050 RGB LED on the other.
They worked quite well and solved the
2 Brains The original Playground was
based on the ATmega32U4, which is
an 8-bit 32 kB FLASH, 2 kB RAM chip.
It’s a happy little chip but can only really We asked Limor why the CPX doesn’t have any SPI pins. Was it that she doesn’t
think SPI is needed or didn’t it fit into the design?
run straight-compiled code like C / C++
/ Arduino. But, around the time I was “Ahh, there is SPI, we just hide it. The SAMD21 has the concept of SERCOMs,
thinking about how I could improve it, I which are configurable pins that can be I2C, UART or SPI. Now, as all engineers
met Jacqueline Russell from Microsoft. quickly find out, I2C and UART really need hardware peripheral support, they are
a royal pain to bit-bang. But SPI? It’s quite forgiving, you can always bit-bang it,
She was the manager for the PXT (now
if slowly. So, you can use any three pins, really, for SPI, or you can use one of the
MakeCode project) and really liked the SERCOMs for hardware support. We just don’t have to be so careful about forcing
Circuit Playground Classic, but MakeCode a SERCOM since bit-banging is an option…”
only supported ARM core chips. They
6 7
8 5 MAKE
c April 2018
Issue #05
9 7725
RASPBE 15 514006
Faster proce 3B+ Apr.2018
‘how to get your clothing all blinky’ detection, I2c or SPI support, free-fall DREM
all your
with one
manufacture. Eventually, the WS2812
Bring your
to life with
LED and, to differentiate it from the figured that it would always be a little
original ‘Flora Pixel’, NeoPixel was born. hotter than the environment. A 10 K FREE
[Adafruit’s] Resident Creative Engineer thermistor is cheap (only two cents), so CIRCUIT
PaintYourDragon (Phil Burgess) coined it’s an easy ‘YES’! PLAYGROUND
this very memorable term!
7 Light Like the thermistor, this is a very When you subscribe to
4 Noise First off, the 8 mm speaker with low-cost sensor, maybe 10 cents. I HackSpace magazine.
a class D amp is a total abuse of this think light and temperature are sort of See hsmag.cc/
subscribe for details
little speaker. It’s really designed for the minimum sensors to be able to do
beeps only, but you can drive it a little environmental sensing. This just happens
hard and give a little audio playback to be the cheapest one I could find!
device. The toughest part was finding
a good tiny class D chip. We went with 8 Microphone On the Playground classic,
the PAM8301, which is a SOT-23-6 so this is an analogue mic with an opamp.
very small, and has an enable line. The On the CPX, we got to take advantage
SAMD21 has a true analogue output, so of the I2S/PDM interface. PDM mics
pipe that in and Bob’s yer uncle! are very inexpensive and don’t require
an analogue opamp. But you have to
5 Accelerometer Ahh the LIS3DH, it’s get the data out via DMA and then
an accel and honestly you kinda need perform a sinc filter to turn the digital
a three-axis one these days. Great for PDM data into analogue. In Arduino
detection motion and tilt. It’s not the you can even perform FFT to get
cheapest accel but has some nice frequency components – it’s fun to have
features: IRQ output, tap and double-tap something that can react to music!
Limor Fried:
Making for makers
Limor explains how a bit of Adafruit hardware goes from idea to reality
moved to NYC in 2006 to take several designs in the works at once. On
part in an Artist/Engineer in Wednesday we panellise up all the PCB
Residence program at an art and order prototypes.
gallery in Chelsea. And, being A week or so later, the prototypes and
lazy, I never left! I moved from sample chips come in, and the R&D team
a tiny apartment to a small puts together the prototypes, hand-
apartment, to a larger apartment to, now soldering all the components. We use
over 12 years later, a 50 000 square foot fine tweezers, microscopes, syringes
factory with multiple floors in SoHo. with paste, and hot air tools to do the job.
It’s been quite a journey! But, you may It’s good to make maybe three of each,
wonder, what on earth do we need all that usually one or two will make it through.
space for…? Now we start ‘bringing up’ the design,
First, pretty much everything Adafruity soldering wires and headers from the
happens here. We’ve ony got one location, breakout to a microcontroller, then writing
so if you’ve ordered from our website, C and/or Python code to communicate
it’ll ship from here. We do have a wide with the sensor, and learn its secrets!
range of distributor shops though, so We’ll go through this step a few times,
you can always order from your local revising until it feels done.
electronics supplier.
Okay, this sensor breakout design is
good to go, only took two tries. Now
SET-UP EXPENSE WHEN it’s time to manufacture! This is where
OUTSOURCING. IT’S PERFECT we differ from most electronics design
companies – it’s much more common to
WHEN YOU HAVE ONE OR do the design in-house but then outsource
TWO PRODUCTS, BUT WE all the manufacturing. But that takes a
MAKE 300 OR SO… lot of time, and we want to move fast.
There’s also a lot of set-up expense when
outsourcing, so it’s perfect when you
Say there’s a fancy new sensor coming have one or two products, but we make
out… let’s take the last one I did as an 300 or so, and you have to pay for all the
example, it’s the SGP30 air quality sensor. changeovers. With the PCB design done,
We saw this on DigiKey’s ‘new products’ we panellise the circuit board. This way
webpage and the specs looked good, we manufacture 40 at a time, using our
so I requested the Purchasing team to machinery. We’ll order about 20 panels to
order up 10 samples and, after reading start, so that’s 800 total PCBs.
the datasheet, get to work designing a This is when the Fabrication group Right
The pick and place
breakout board in PCB CAD software kicks in! The Fabrication Production machine populates
(we use EagleCAD & KiCad). That only Management team schedules a Work bare PCBs with the
components that
takes maybe a few hours, we often have Order (WO) – let’s start with 400 boards give them life
Limor Fried:
Making for makers
Reels of components
waiting to be
loaded into the Pick
and Place
to start. Once all the SKUs for the work is fed into the stencilling machine. This
order are in stock, we get a notification to machine takes a laser-cut metal stencil
start the building process. (we have those manufactured in New
On the day of the build, the Machines Jersey right after we order the PCBs),
team starts by loading the original CAD and squeezes a thin layer of tin silver goo
file for the board into the Pick and Place through the laser-cut holes. Each hole
(P&P) machine. The P&P is the machine lines up with a metal pad on the PCB
that will ‘pick’ up tiny little chips, LEDs, upon which a component will be placed. If
resistors, capacitors, and other parts, then you’ve ever done a spray-paint stencil, or
‘place’ them on the PCB. It needs to know silk-screened a T-shirt, its just like that but
what all the parts are and where they go the goo is made of tiny little balls of metal
– luckily you can just give it the CAD file so it looks like silver-grey icing.
and the software is very smart and will After stencilling, each pad
calculate all the movements. has a very thin layer of
In order to pick the parts up sticky metal paste, and
consistently, we have to present them to is shuttled into the
the machine in reels. Each reel is just what
is sounds like, a very, very long ‘tape’ with
little pockets, each pocket containing a
part. We try to schedule the work orders
so that they share components throughout
the day, minimising feeder change-
overs. It’s a little like doing an acrostic or
sudoku puzzle!
Now, all programmed up, we’re ready
to rumble! We put the stack of panellised
PCBs into a small destacking machine
which will pop out one panel at a time, like Above
The new sensor that
a circuit-board PEZ dispenser. The panel all this is for!
from £55:
UK: £55 per year
EU: £80 per year
US: £90 per year
RoW: £95 per year
Visit: hsmag.cc/subscribe
Visit: hsmag.cc/subscribe
How I Made: Neural network
How I Made
Learning how we learn with robotic brains
By Zack Akil
ublic interest in artificial partly because neural networks are
intelligence (AI) is soaring infamously black box (see ‘Black Box
higher than ever thanks Algorithms’). Making a visualisation of a
to movies and news neural network that intuitively lets you see
stories about incredible how its internal configuration is adapting
applications of the could give some extra insight into how
technology. The specific technique it’s actually learning.
utilised in a lot of the applications What I built was a physical
we hear about is a type of fibre-optic neural network. As a
machine-learning algorithm network is being trained, the
known as a neural network (a fibre optic glows different
biologically inspired machine- colours to represent the
learning algorithm that is internal state of the neural
capable of learning complex network. The colour of the
non-linear patterns). Even light represents the internal
though these algorithms weights being optimised. The
already have an aura of RGB neural network hangs
science-fiction about them, on my wall and communicates
Hollywood has been a bit with my laptop over the local
guilty of portraying the training WiFi network. On my laptop I
and using of these algorithms to have standard machine-learning
be more visually appealing than it tools and libraries that I normally
actually is in real life. They tend to use. When I want to use the RGB
show intense organic fibrous structures neural network for visually inspecting a
of light to visualise AI, when in reality network, I just import a special library and
a machine-learning engineer will get a add one line of code into my training script
command-line interface (or a line graph if which takes the current state of the neural
they are feeling particularly extravagant). network on my laptop and sends it to the
I wanted to make something that is RGB neural network on the wall. I’m then
closer to the movie representation of treated to a visual symphony of fluctuating
AI, partly because it’s a lot more visually light that is a one-to-one mapping of my
appealing than the command line, and neural network’s state.
How I Made: Neural network
RGB neural network
system diagram
LED MAPPING 11 and 16 on the diagram. This is because and inspect the objects created by the
One of the more tedious parts of the I wanted to keep the building process package. Extracting out the weights of a
project was writing the code that maps simple and just make multiples of the neural network is done by calling ‘.coefs_’
a weight in the neural network being exact same component, even if it meant on the neural network object, which will
trained on my laptop to the LEDs it wasting a couple of LEDs. return a list of the weights for each layer
corresponds to on the in the neural network.
RGB neural network. I say Mapping a single number
‘LEDs’ because a single Sending serial messages to an value to an RGB colour
weight maps to multiple is handled by a Python
LEDs. The reason for this Arduino from a Raspberry Pi library called ‘colorsys’.
is because I wanted the The coloursys library has
fibre-optic tubes to glow
as bright and as uniformly
is surprising painless the functionality to convert
HSV (hue saturation value)
as possible. To achieve to RGB, so I just create
this there needs to be a light source at a new HSV colour, using the weight as
both ends of the fibre-optic tubes. There THE NEURAL NETWORK LIBRARY the hue value, and converted that value
are also multiple LEDs in the body of the The software used to train the neural to RGB using the coloursys.hsv_to_rgb
nodes to increase their brightness, as network on the laptop is ‘Sci-Kit Learn’, function. To give more flexibility in the
shown in the LED map above. One thing which is a widely used open source choice of colour mapping, I could have
that is also shown in the LED map is that machine learning Python package. The spent time integrating compatibility for the
there are redundant LEDs that are not whole package follows the ethos of colour mapping presents from matplotlib,
linked to any fibre optic tubing e.g. LEDs Python and it is therefore easy to extend which is a widely used Python chart-
plotting library. With the current system,
the colour map is hard-coded to be red for
low values, blue for close to zero values,
and green for high values.
The physical nodes are 3D printed in
transparent PETG plastic. I designed and
printed multiple versions of the node in
order to find the best one for letting light
shine through. The final version was printed
with just three solid layers of plastic on
the top window section, which lets plenty
of light diffuse through whilst still holding
its shape.
The LEDs were cut from the original
strip and mounted inside each node with
hot glue. In an effort to make my life in
First iteration of
node design, bottom
– final design with
thin body window
All nodes
connected with
fibre optic
Node fitted with
addressable LEDs
Nodes daisy-
chained for testing
Making the world accessible
Making the
Accessible The Enable Makeathon aims to help 20
million disabled people living in rural India
ndia has seen phenomenal growth of the The Enable Makeathon is an intensive innovation
maker movement over the last decade, with programme set up by the International Committee of
the community garnering support from the Red Cross (ICRC), supported by the Global
universities, non-profits, corporations, and the Disability Innovation Hub and other partners, to develop
government. Hundreds of makerspaces and affordable solutions to the challenges faced by persons
hackathons have appeared across the country, with disabilities in India, with a particular focus given to
Cameron Norris helping makers to pursue their ideas with enthusiasm. those living in rural areas.
In addition to this, social entrepreneurship has attracted The programme aims to crowdsource innovative
ever-growing amounts of talent, money, and attention new ideas in assistive devices, while sling-shotting
– with extraordinary people coming up with brilliant the most promising concepts from ideation to action
Cameron is a
technology and new products and services that dramatically improve through a co-creation camp with mentors, experts,
communications people’s lives, while driving social change that creates a and makers to develop a solid business plan and
specialist, passionate
lasting, transformational benefit to society. prototype in just 90 days.
about the use of open
source hardware for
social innovation.
He has spent the
last four years
providing community
building and digital
marketing expertise
to tech startups,
while developing new
technologies to improve
the lives of disabled
people from low-income
and rural communities in
developing countries.
Good products are
the result of good
© R&A Collaborations
Worldwide assistance
Disabled people in more than 48 countries have
benefited from the ICRC’s physical rehabilitation
services and the provision of over 1.4 million assistive
devices, including repair and maintenance, since 1979.
Making the world accessible
Working hard doesn’t
mean you shouldn’t
be enjoying yourself
Aesthetics can be
an important part
of functionality, as it
can help children feel
more comfortable
using the devices
NOBODY GETS LEFT BEHIND Sign Language. “The queries we receive are spread
Carley Booker from the GameAble development team across a plethora of subjects. From general
explained how there are over 600 000 children in the knowledge and politics to current affairs and English
UK with fine motor control issues, preventing them learning, we’re asked anything and everything,”
from being able to play computer games with their explains Nupura. “And we ensure that we respond to
friends. “That’s one in twenty children in the UK who every query.”
can’t play computer games with their friends. Our Nupura and Jahnavi are already planning their next
product can help change that by turning large steps: “we aim to collaborate with corporate
movements into keyboard presses, so children companies across the banking, healthcare, and
without fine motor control aren’t left out from play.” e-commerce sectors, and make their content
25-year-old Nupura of Bleetech explained how, accessible for our audience,” says Nupura.
“one of the biggest hindrances people with hearing During the co-creation event in London, Iain
disabilities face on a regular basis is inaccessible McKinnon, Head of Inclusive Design and Co-founder
knowledge.” Through their app, Nupura, Jahnavi, and of the Global Disability Innovation (GDI) Hub,
Bleetech team provide answers to questions in Indian described how millions of people remain in need of
better quality assistive devices and that people in
low-income countries were at a particular
disadvantage. “There is no reason that this should be
the case, every individual should have the assistive
devices required to meet their needs,” he said. “The
challenge is doing that in a way that is appropriate, “The vision of the
affordable, and accessible. That’s what this program is GDI Hub is to build
all about.” a movement to
“By having a competition-based process where you accelerate disability
filter out a lot of applications to get the best quality Innovation, and the
Enable Makeathon
ones you can, you can put them in a very intensive
is exactly the type
period with a lot of support to get them to a stage of partnership and
where they can deliver. It can seem like quite a harsh programme that will
filtration process, but that’s the only way you can do it achieve this.”
to get the best ideas and the best chance of success.
Cathy Holloway
The exciting thing about the Enable Makeathon is the Academic Director,
encouragement of grassroots innovation and getting Global Disability
many more people to realise their ideas can make Innovation Hub
a difference.”
You can find out more at enablemakeathon.org.
The Raspberry Pi 3B+
The Raspberry Pi
here’s a new Pi in town: the Raspberry The second big change is also hidden behind
Pi 3 Model B+. It’s an upgrade to the metal. The Pi logo conceals a CY43455 chip, which
previous version 3 Model B. For controls the wireless networking. This chip works
followers of this little board, its form with both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz networking (802.11
factor will come as no surprise – it’s the b/g/n/ac), meaning that the Pi 3B+ can connect to a
layout that’s remained more or less wider range of WiFi networks than earlier
unchanged for almost four years. However, within this generations, as this allows you to avoid the more
Ben Everard form, there’s some important developments. congested 2.4 GHz range, giving you the potential for
The most obvious changes on the new board are the a network speed-up (take a look at the WiFi
shiny bits of metal hiding a couple of chips. The largest Channels boxout for more details).
of these covers the System on a Chip (SoC). While this The third big change is the introduction of Gigabit
Ben has a secret stash
of every model of contains the same quad-core processor as on the Pi Ethernet thanks to a Microchip LAN7515 controller.
Raspberry Pi. He hopes 3B, there’s a change in the design of the substrate, and This network connection runs over the board’s
they keep making them more efficient heat dispersal through the heat internel USB 2.0 bus which limits the top speed, but
this small because he’s
running out of space. spreader. These improvements mean it’s now clocked if your networks router and other hardware supports
at 1.4 GHz (up from 1.2 GHz on the Pi 3B). Gigabit Ethernet you should find that the new board
runs up to three times faster than the previous
Display Serial
Interface (DSI)
Cortex-A53 Quad
core SoC running
at 1.4GHz with 1Gb
RAM and Video Core
Camera Serial
Interface (CSI)
3.5 mm
analogue audio/
video jack
Power over
Ethernet headers
Gigabit networking
The Raspberry Pi 3B+
Make the most of the 3B+’s faster networking HOME SERVER
The low power usage of the Raspberry Pi makes it a
great option for a home server and can run a lot more
than Pi-hole. A few of our favourites are:
Nextcloud is a suite of tools for collaboration and
sharing. There’s email, file synchronisation, web-
based document editing (via Collabora Office Online),
calendars, and more. All this can run on a Raspberry
Pi, and allows you to take control of your own data.
FreeNAS / OpenMediaVault
Network-attached storage (NAS) systems provide
shared disk space available to all computers on your
network. It’s a little bit like Dropbox or Google Drive
but run on computers you control. There are a few
options for this on the Raspberry Pi, but FreeNAS and
OpenMediaVault are a couple of the most popular.
Web server
You can run most modern web software on a
Raspberry Pi, so anything you want to put on the web
can probably be run off a Raspberry Pi provided the
number of visitors doesn’t go too high. You can even
run this from your home network, as long as you set
ost people these days run a up port forwarding on your router, and use a dynamic
Above DNS system if necessary. If you do make it publicly
Point your web home network with a router
browser to the IP distributing a single internet available though, you’ll need to ensure that you
address of your Pi properly secure the Pi to protect your network.
-hole and you can see connection to all their devices,
graphs of how many from mobile phones to TVs to
ads you’ve blocked
computers. Most internet
packages come with a router that does all the basics The DNS provider is what converts a domain name
to get your house online. However, you don’t have to (such as hsmag.cc) into the IP address which
blindly use the default settings you get from your uniquely identifies the computer that serves up the
internet provider, and with a little of your own relevant content for that website. Most internet
infrastructure you can control how your devices adverts are served up by domains associated with
Below access the internet. One such option is to run your particular advertising agencies. Pi-hole does this
The pinout.xyz
website has an own ad-blocking DNS server, such as Pi-hole. While converting of domains to IP addresses normally,
interactive guide to
GPIO pinouts for the
that may not sound that exciting, it does one except any time a website requests content from a
new Raspberry Pi important thing: it allows you to block web adverts on domain flagged as belonging to an advertiser, when
all your devices with only one setting. Pi-hole simply serves up blank content.
The result is that all devices connected to this
network get ad blocking without any additional
software needing to be installed. Given that such a
large proportion of internet traffic can be adverts,
using Pi-hole can speed up your internet browsing
speeds on any Pi. However, the new model should
give you DNS results quicker, especially if you live in
an area where there’s a lot of traffic on the 2.4 GHz
WiFi network.
Get the extra processing power playing games
ost maker projects don’t tax the
processor too much, but retro
computing is one of the
exceptions. Emulating hardware
is a complex process, and it can
take a surprising amount of
computing power to recreate the effects of older
hardware. The new Pi’s extra clock speed should give
retro-gamers a little more headroom for running older
games and adding effects.
Many retro computer emulators are open source
and can be compiled on the Raspberry Pi; however all time, the Super Nintendo
the easiest way to get started is with RetroPie. This is Entertainment System [rather than the
a software package (also available as an SD card Commodore 64, as has been erroneously reported
image) that bundles together emulators for 52 classic elsewhere], and gives them an easy to use interface.
games consoles, including the best games system of You’ll need a controller, and RetroPie can work with
most USB game pads, or you can build your own.
ROMS AND LEGALITIES Essentially, a controller is just a set of buttons and the
circuitry needed to translate these into commands
that your computer understands (usually via USB).
Playing older games can put you in a legally ambiguous Above
position. While there are vast packs of ROMs (game You can build a one-off microcontroller board, or use a It’s not essential
to disguise your
files) available online, these are usually posted without specially designed controller such as PetRockBlock’s Raspberry Pi as a
the copyright-holder’s consent. Legal jurisdictions vary GamepadBlock, which does most of the work, leaving retro computer, but it
does feel good
and most of the issues around playing old games exist in you to design the housing and attach the buttons.
a legal grey area of ‘Fair Use’ in copyright law that’s not While it’s not essential to build your system into a Below
been tested in court. The RetroPie display
period-accurate case – maybe by utilising the casing is easy to navigate,
You can still play retro-style games without having to even without a
worry about the intricacies of copyright law by playing from an old console, or perhaps an arcade cabinet – it keyboard or mouse
games that have been released for emulators. You can find does add a certain extra pleasure to do so. plugged into the Pi
a wide range of such games at pdroms.de.
Perhaps the best technical solution to this legal
quandary is to read the games directly from the cartridges.
You can get a device called a Retrode, which lets you
read console cartridges via USB from dragonbox.de
(they were out of stock at the time of writing, but a new
shipment should have arrived by the time you read this).
Many old games cartridge connectors are simply
address buses to the memory, and you can read in the
game data bit-by-bit as you need it. For example, there’s
code and circuitry to read SNES roms on a Raspberry Pi
here: hsmag.cc/DxWffc.
The most challenging bit is usually physically
connecting to the cartridge, as this can often require the
original connector desoldered from an old console. This
level of hacking can feel a little sacrilegious, but can mean
that your game collection will find a new home.
Ruth Amos
HackSpace magazine meets…
Engineer, entrepreneur, and custard superhero
ake two engineers, add
the creativity of countless
5–11-year-olds, then sit
back and watch the fun.
That’s Kids Invent Stuff.
Kids Invent Stuff is a
YouTube channel that does exactly what
it sounds like it should: it’s a showcase
for kids to show off their ideas. Best
of all, the ideas get turned into real
gadgets built by two real, grown-up,
professional engineers: Ruth Amos and
Shawn Brown.
We spoke to one half of this team,
Ruth Amos (who, like Shawn, is a
former winner of the Young Engineer
of the Year Award), to find out what the
hardest thing is about building kids’
creations, why it wouldn’t work with
adults’ ideas, and the ridiculous fun of
using an angle grinder.
M Above
Time and space are
difficult, so we only
got to talk to Ruth.
Sorry Shawn!
Ruth Amos
HACKSPACE Kids Invent Stuff is such into starting an engineering venue… all RA Having done that sort of thing
a brilliant idea that it’s hard to imagine sorts of things. In 2016, Shawn and I sat before for other production companies,
nobody had thought of it before. How did down and started brainstorming what we I realised that people don’t usually just
you get started bringing the inventions of could do. One of the things that had always take your word for it that you can build
children to life? held us back from doing something on a kids’ invention. Most people think you
the scale of Kids Invent Stuff, in the sense can’t, and so we knew that we needed
RUTH AMOS First, we’re not the only of video, was getting the right platform. to have an example to show people,
ones doing this: Dominic Wilcox has Little Through our research, we realised that 90% because if companies and foundations
Inventors (www.littleinventors.org). They of 5–11-year-olds were watching content were going to give us money to do this
do projects and then he has a team of on YouTube. We thought that we should STEM outreach work, they had to know
designers who bring the inventions to life. be using that, putting our content on there we could do it.
We weren’t aware of what Dominic was and – for them, that’s their TV. It was also for our benefit; we weren’t
doing until after we started Kids Invent I’d love to have a great story about how entirely sure of the format exactly. We
Stuff, but anything that encourages kids to we came up with Kids Invent Stuff, but filmed the first one ourselves and didn’t
invent is fantastic. it just came out of probably five or six really have any filming help, which made
I personally fell into engineering. meetings where we decided that kids us realise that we needed another person
Growing up I wanted to be a barrister. Part invent the best things… why not set a to help us film. It was useful to help
of my GCSE Resistant Materials us work out the logistics of
project, I invented something the process.
called the StairSteady, which is a I’ve ended up being an Also it’s a funny cycle
specialist handrail to help people engineer, my sister’s an in the way that we release
walk up and down their own videos. We do a weekly video,
stairs. With that product I won engineer, my brother’s an but obviously kids need
the title of Young Engineer of engineer, but I never saw three weeks to submit their
the Year, which totally changed invention ideas. We do a video
my career path. Part of that myself as being an engineer to invite idea submissions,
is working on different STEM then there’s the video where
initiatives, and being a trustee of we choose what to make, the
a charity that supports engineering, and challenge each month for us to build, and video where we do the build, and the
working with the Government on getting we could film it, and put it on YouTube? video where we test the invention out.
more women into engineering. I tried to That’s kind of where the idea came from. Sometimes there’s an extra Saturday, and
think about things that we could do that In June of 2016, Shawn and I reached out to we’ll do either stuff that kids can make at
weren’t necessarily just classroom-based. friends and organisations that we knew. home or… we’re in the process of trying
I met Shawn in 2010. He’d won the same We set the challenge for superhero to create some content around some of
award that I’d won and we met through gadgets, got inventions sent in, and we the stuff that we’ve already built. We’re
that competition. We got talking about how decided to make Lucy’s (aged seven) building on that. It’s interesting and very
there are some great STEM initiatives and custard-firing super suit. We filmed it, as highly responsive.
showcases on engineering, but some of we would do the normal series, as a pilot
them are very much set in the dark ages. to show people the concept. When that HS You’ve got 2,700-odd subscribers now.
There’s some great work, but we felt that was ready, we shared it out to different We just assumed you’d been going for a
there could be more. people to try and raise sponsorship to be lot longer. Also it’s highly awesome stuff.
We realised that some of the things able to continue the series. We launched in The custard video, even though it was the
that influenced us were in the media. I’ve January 2017 and, since then, every single first one, it really looks like you’re having
ended up being an engineer, my sister’s month we’ve set a different invention loads of fun.
an engineer, my brother’s an engineer, but challenge. 5—11 year-olds have submitted
I never saw myself as being an engineer, loads of invention ideas. RA It was ridiculous amounts of fun. We
because in all the TV shows that I watched, went and bought loads of custard from
there were very few women who were HS I’d never realised that you’d have Asda, went to an old disused quarry, and
practically getting on and making. That’s to make a pilot to get people on board. ran around firing custard at each other all
one of the things that we wanted to look at. I think people forget that just because day long, on probably one of the hottest
We were talking about this for probably you’re on YouTube you still have to days ever in Cornwall.
about seven years on and off… discussing jump through hoops (unless you’ve got Every single build and test is loads of
things that we could do, projects, we looked deep pockets). fun. We want it to be a spectacle.
The Kids Invent
Stuff duo work out
of Concept Shed, a
studio in Falmouth
These are cucumber
plants, growing in
water contaminated
with varying amounts
of arsenic
Ruth Amos
This LED-festooned
jacket took a whole
weekend of sleep
deprivation to build
We want kids to look at it and think “That’s RA No, it’s not. I’m still involved with the pictures and we have videos, and we
my idea”, or “that could be my invention”, StairSteady, and I do lots of speaking keep an eye on inventions coming in.
to inspire them to really think about and other bits of consultancy work as It’s the hardest part because we like
inventing and making. well. Shawn works on other projects; to choose inventions that maybe adults
For example, the fire and water shooting he’s currently involved with the Man would look at and be like: “Oh no, why
piano: where do you test a piano that Engine, which is the largest mechanical would you make that? Why would
shoots fire and water up into the air when puppet in Britain. you want to create shoes that walk on
you play it? Obviously you test it on a That’s based in Cornwall, but it’s going water? Or, why would you want to make
clifftop in Cornwall and get a drone to fly on tour across the UK this year. He a jam-firing rocket?” But they’re the
overhead filming it. The logistics of that also does loads of STEM workshops in sort of things that really capture kids’
were challenging: if anyone’s ever moved a schools and things like that. So it isn’t imaginations. We want to celebrate that.
piano you’ll know it’s not the easiest object a full-time job for either of us. When we There’s the added thing of being able
to move from A to B. sit down to work out the projects — and to physically make them and doing
The builds have to be quick and in a way the logistics of where we live justice to them as well. We have a set
responsive. We never really amount of time and budget,
know what we’re going to be and want that child to feel like
making next. For example, we’ve made their invention
our most recent challenge We manage all the social properly. That’s the hardest
closed yesterday, and we’re media, all the editing. thing when we’re making
in the process of working out it. We’re constantly aware
which one of these inventions We build and test but we that we don’t want to let that
we’re going to make, ordering also do everything else, child down. You don’t want
in parts. We’ll be filming to have them disappointed
tomorrow and a little bit on
apart form the filming with what you’re creating. We
Saturday, we’ll release on want to capture other kids’
Saturday, and then next week imaginations, but we want the
we’ll start that build process, so we don’t make it work better — we have to have child whose idea it was to know that
have a lot of time to think about what we’re set amounts of time that we can devote we’ve done a good job.
going to build and how we’re going to test it. to working on things, which works
But so far it’s all managed to work. really well. We set ourselves some really HS That’s the most heartwarming thing
The day before we did the underwater key targets I’ve ever heard.
dolphin, we didn’t even have anywhere Although it isn’t our full-time job,
to test it. Luckily in Cornwall a lot more that’s how we manage to get stuff done. RA It’s funny, because that’s the biggest
people have pools than they do in other We manage all the social media, all the pressure when we’re building. [After
parts of the country. We sent a plea out at editing. We build and test but we also do we’re finished] we’ll get a nice email
6pm the night before we were due to film everything else, apart from the filming. from a parent of that child and be so
the test – we were really flying by the seat relieved. The interesting thing about
of our pants to get stuff sorted and made. HS That sounds like a hell of a lot of choosing the invention is that it’s not
And things don’t work, we have a very work. How do you choose between the about the neatest drawing or the person
limited amount of time to build. Just ideas that the kids put forward? who has explained it the most, it’s about
a handful of days when we’re building the idea. We often have parents who
everything. With the crazy jackets we RA That’s the hardest bit. It really does say that their child doesn’t succeed
made, we were going to sew the LEDs, and depend on the competition; sometimes academically or doesn’t enjoy school,
then they didn’t work on the jackets and it we have people who regularly submit, but they’re really creative and this has
was a Saturday night, no shops were open, but we also have some different encouraged them to feel like they are
so we were frantically wiring through the challenges, or maybe it fits in with what able to contribute and their ideas are
night. That build took 48 hrs solid to get a school class is doing, so a whole class valued, and that’s amazing.
it ready to test on the Sunday. It’s lots and will send their ideas in. It can really It’s something that’s really important
lots of fun, but it is also very ‘interesting’. fluctuate, especially if a teacher submits to us. Shawn’s dyslexic, and he really
30 kids’ work, or a whole year’s worth struggled at school, and we really want
HS Is this your full time job? It sounds of drawings, and suddenly that can add to celebrate those creative skills that
like a lot of pressure and time to get lots of other inventions into the mix. It’s aren’t celebrated as much within the
things done. the hardest bit because we have these school system.
Ruth Amos
Shawn’s working on
the School Spinner
– an invention by
9-year-old Alisha
Attention: safety
equipment is
essential when
building kids’
M 65
Improviser’s Toolbox: Pencils
Dubbed the ultimate tool for expression, it’s often said that all
you need is a pencil and a dream to go anywhere and build anything
encils are amazingly versatile. They impurities. A machine then shapes the mixture into
can scribble underwater and even in large square blocks, which are then either baked
zero gravity, and have been fulfilling in a kiln or squeezed in a machine to remove any
our impulse to record, create, and moisture. The mixture is then ground into a fine
share knowledge for over 400 years. powder and made into a soft paste by adding water.
It’s a common misconception This paste is then shaped through a metal tube into
Mayank Sharma that the core of the pencil is made of lead. The spaghetti-like strands that are cut into pencil-length
writing bit of a pencil is actually made with a non- pieces and dried. Finally, they are soaked in oil or
toxic mineral called graphite. Modern-day pencil wax to add smoothness. The outer shell of the
cores are, in fact, a mix of graphite and clay, fired pencils is most often made from wood – the most
Mayank is a Padawan together in a kiln at more than 800 degrees Celsius. common woods used for pencils being incense-
maker with an The misnomer originated in 1564, when some cedar and basswood.
irrational fear of drills.
He likes to replicate
shepherds from Borrowdale, England stumbled
electronic builds, upon a massive deposit of pure graphite. Back
and gets a kick out then, the material was misidentified as a rare form PENCIL GRADES
of hacking everyday
objects creatively. of plumbago, which is the Latin word for lead ore.
It wasn’t until three centuries later, in 1789, that it So, we know that pencil cores are primarily
was rechristened as graphite using the Greek word made up of graphite and clay, and it is the
‘graphein’ meaning ‘to write’. formulation of this mixture that determines its
Graphite is very soft and brittle, and back in lead grade. The hardness or lightness of the
mark made on the paper is dependent on the
the day early users wrapped it with string to keep
ratio of the two. So if there’s more clay, the
it together. Later on they started sawing it into pencil will be harder and lighter. Similarly, if
thin rods placed between pieces of wood. When there’s more graphite, the pencil will be darker
France declared war in the 1790s, it lost access and softer. There are two grading systems
to Borrowdale’s excellent graphite. With pencil for pencils – American and European. The
supplies dwindling in 1795, the French Minister American system is numerical and ranges from
1 to 4. The European system uses the letters H
of War asked one of his officers, named Nicolas-
and B to note how hard or soft a pencil is. The
Jacques Conte, to come up with a substitute. He HB pencil is the standard writing pencil today.
came back with a kiln-baked mixture of graphite The HB grading is named for Hardtmuth and
powder and clay, which turned out to be so good Budejovice, after the location of the company
that it’s still in use today. that produced the graphite.
Modern-day pencil cores are produced by first
processing the graphite and clay to remove any
Project Maker
Ebenezer Wood
Project Link was the first to
pencil barrels in the
19th century.
Peter says it took him
three tries to get that one
ring turned and filmed
f you want a unique piece of jewellery orders for coloured pencil rings on his Etsy shop.
to show your love for pencils, follow But he hasn’t made another one because he could
Peter Brown’s lead. Peter glued twelve never figure out how to make them thin enough to
pencils together in two rows of six. He be pretty, yet strong enough
then measured the size of his finger and drilled a hole to last.
between the glued pencils using a drill bit. Next he
cut a rough shape using the scroll saw to take the
edges off and make it easier to turn.
To mount the pencil cut-out on the lathe for turning,
he made a quick jam chuck from a piece of pine.
While turning, he used chisels to shape the wooden
ring. Once he was done shaping, Peter used
sandpaper to get a nice smooth feel to
the ring and to trim it down. Peter
advises you to be careful while
sanding the ring so as to not smear
the colours. He finished the ring with
two coats of spray lacquer.
After the video of him doing this went
viral, Peter says he received more than 1000
Improviser’s Toolbox: Pencils
Project Maker GameMom is a useful blog that’s chock full
IGAMEMOM of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering
and Maths). After witnessing a demo of the
Project Link Da Vinci bridge, the blog’s creator decided to
hsmag.cc/RrfYfu replicate the marvel of mechanical engineering design
using pencils.
They start out the blog post with a link to a video of
a father and son duo building a Da Vinci bridge with
pencils. When they started to build their own, they
failed because the pencils didn’t have enough friction
to hold them in place. So they looped rubber bands
on the spots where the pencils intersect to create
the required friction. They’ve detailed the assembly,
along with images as well as tips, to help you build
one. You’ll need a minimum of twelve pencils to build
the bridge. Once you’ve got the hang of the basic
construction, you can create a longer bridge by adding
more pencils. However, even with twelve pencils,
the assembly will require two pairs
of hands. When completed, the
bridge is impressively sturdy:
even their twelve-pencil version
is strong enough to hold
upwards of 3 kg.
Pencil Above
Sharpeners were
outlawed during the
Second World War
due to concerns
over wastage of
wood and lead.
Project Maker
arah McClelland also blogs about STEM
projects over at her blog called Little Bins SARAH
for Little Hands. The goal of her blog is to McCLELLAND
help her readers realise how cool science can
be. To demonstrate some basic concepts of physics and Project Link
mathematics, Sarah built an easy-to-assemble catapult
from some pencils and rubber bands.
Sarah takes a handful of number 2 pencils (as
explained, the American equivalent of the HB pencil),
and ties them together with rubber bands to create
a catapult. She has detailed step-by-step instructions
on her blog, along with images to help you craft the
various components of the catapult and assemble
them together in the correct order. In her build, Sarah Left
has used eraser pencil toppers to launch from the Besides pencils,
Sarah has made
catapult, but you can use something else like the catapults from LEGO,
plastic spoons,
cotton balls that Nicola Duffy used when she created popsicle sticks, and
the catapult in her craft class.
even marshmallows
o keep a handful of boys aged three to Project Maker
eleven occupied during a family trip, MARIE
Marie decided to build mini crossbows
to help their target practice. While she Project Link
had seen several mini crossbow builds on Pinterest,
she decided to make one using pencils for simplicity.
Each crossbow is made with four pencils, two thick
rubber bands, two push pins, and one binder clip.
Marie has detailed the construction and assembly
on her blog with images for every step. The design is
simple and can be replicated by anyone in under half
an hour. Be careful during the step where you attach
the rubber band to the pencil using pins. Marie has
used pencils with erasers at the end, so pushing the
pin on one side will be easier than pushing it into the
wood on the other side. Her crossbow uses a pencil You can vary the length and
as an arrow, and she advises you to always make stretch of the rubber bands
to change the distance and
sure the eraser points towards the target. speed of the projectiles
LEDs, the good, the bad and the blinky
They light up our projects, but how do they work
he venerable LED, aside from its why diodes only let current flow one way, and why
place in everyday life across the your circuit won’t work if you connect an LED
world, has had a strong career in the backwards. These P-N junctions are used in all
maker industry. Few electronics semiconductors – transistors, integrated circuits, and
enthusiasts’ benches are without processors. You’ve probably got thousands of them in
drawers, pots, tins, or bags of the your house – or even your pocket.
Archie Roques ubiquitous luminaires we know and love. They These produce light when the electrons jump
illuminate crazy cosplay creations and innocent between energy levels, which happens when they
@archieroques blinking ‘hello world’ electronics projects alike, as well flow from the n-type to the p-type and begin to fill the
as being responsible for meeting a significant portion holes. This involves some pretty complex quantum
By day a humble A level
of the world’s lighting demands. physics, but simply, an electron jumps up an energy
student, by night a
hardware engineer, level, and then falls down again, and when it falls
Norwich Hackspacer, THE BASICS down again it releases a photon. Photons are the tiny
and general projects
man. Also blogs at LEDs are a kind of diode, and diodes are a kind of packets of energy which make up visible light.
roques.xyz. semiconductor. So in order to understand how LEDs Depending on how much energy the electrons lose
work, we need to dive down to the atomic level. when changing energy levels, different wavelengths
The basic premise of semiconductors is that a of photon are emitted, and different wavelengths of
semiconducting element like gallium (as is used in photon are what make up different colours of light.
many LEDs) is ‘doped’ with some atoms of another Each doped semiconductor has its own ‘band gap
element. These other atoms either introduce extra energy’ (the difference in energy between the p- and
electrons or take them away, creating two types of n-type), so different energy levels produce different
semiconductor with either an excess of electrons or colours. Almost all diodes produce light, but to get
an excess of ‘electron holes’ (a lack of electrons). visible light out of them, and ensure it isn’t absorbed
by the diode itself, requires certain materials.
A SEMICONDUCTOR SANDWICH In order to make other colours (you might
LEDs, like all diodes, are basically a sandwich of the sometimes see pink and purple LEDs), a variety of
two types of semiconductor: ‘n-type’ allows negative methods can be used. Sometimes, phosphors can be
charges to flow and ‘p-type’ allows positive charges added to the semiconductor to alter the wavelength
to flow. Current will only flow from the side with lots of light given out, and sometimes multiple LEDs are
of electrons to the side with few electrons, which is combined to make new colours (more on that later).
Putting theory into practice
EDs are great for a number of reasons. and a blue LED to the same coin battery, only the red
Traditional filament light bulbs LED will light. This is because the red LED has a Voltages
generate light by incandescence – forward voltage of only 1.8 V, whereas the blue LED
using heat to generate light. This has a forward voltage of 3 V or more. The current will Different colours of
LEDs have different
works, but is woefully inefficient: usually, flow at 1.8 V, but this isn’t enough for the blue LED so
forward voltages.
just 2% of the energy input into an it won’t light. Usually, red and
incandescent bulb is output as useful light. LED bulbs yellow LEDs have
use electroluminescence meanwhile, and their NEVER GIVE AN LED MORE forward voltages of
efficiency is closer to 50% – which, although it could VOLTAGE THAN IT LIKES around 1.8 V, with
be improved, is still a marked difference. If you give an LED a voltage that is too high, however, blue, green, and
white closer to the
LEDs are also low-voltage and use direct current it won’t like it and is likely to burn out. Whilst this is
3 V mark.
(DC), which, whilst it’s an inconvenience for mains fun to try once, it can get in the way of projects! A
lighting (where AC must be converted to DC), is very resistor is normally needed when connecting LEDs to
useful for mobile applications. An LED can run off a other things, to limit the current passing through it.
couple of AA batteries for many hours, which makes The value of resistor you need varies depending on
old incandesant bulbs pale in comparison. your LED and what it’s connected to – there are lots
LEDs are also much more robust than conventional of helpful LED resistor calculators online.
bulbs, and can be made in much smaller packages. You can connect LEDs in series or in parallel. If you
The average LED is as small as just 0.8 mm in connect them in series, you will need to add the Below
There are few things
diameter, and yet smaller sizes are available. Also, voltages of each LED, but the current will be the that can’t be made to
they aren’t made of glass, so can be dropped without same as for one LED. If you connect them in parallel look better with the
addition of a copious
too much of an issue. it’s the opposite way round – you’ll need a higher quantity of LEDs
They’re also significantly cheaper at the component current but the same voltage as for one single LED.
level than traditional bulbs. At the time of writing, a
well-known component supplier could supply its
smaller packages
LEDs, the good, the bad and the blinky
Getting more lights for your pins
ultiplexing is a way of driving
Right multiple LEDs with a reduced
The internals of a number of control pins (on an
NeoPixel with the
microcontroller and Arduino, Raspberry Pi, or your
three LEDs development board du jour). It’s
all very well controlling a couple of
them with their own pin, but if you want to do that 8×8
matrix you’ve always promised yourself, things start to
get a little tricky. That’s where multiplexing comes in.
Multiplexing uses the fact that LEDs will only work
in one direction to its advantage. When we say voltage,
what we really mean is potential difference. This isn’t
really an important distinction for most makers, but the
word ‘difference’ is fairly vital here. If you were to plug
in a 3 V LED to a supply with 230 V and 233 V, it would Charlieplexing – allows you to control huge numbers
still run fine. That’s because the difference in electrical of LEDs with few pins. There’s even an equation to
potential is 3 V, which is what the LED needs. work this out! The number of LEDs you can control =
Conversely, if you were to connect both the anode and number of pins × (number of pins minus 1). So, with a
the cathode to 3 V, it wouldn’t do anything, because the normal Raspberry Pi it would be possible to control
difference is 0 V. over 750 LEDs (if you were insane enough to wire 750
You can connect two LEDs between two LEDs in this way and didn’t exceed the current limits).
microcontroller pins. If you put them both low or both Problems start to arise if you try to light two LEDs at
high, nothing will happen as there is no difference. If once (other LEDs will light up too), but this is easily
they are in different states, however, different LEDs solved by pulsing through the rows and columns faster
will light. This is pretty useless for just two LEDs, but than the eye can see, so it looks like all the required
you can easily connect more and more LEDs between LEDs are on all of the time. There are even specially
more and more pins. This technique – known as available chips that do this for you.
750 LEDs (if you were insane
enough to wire 750 LEDs)
LEDs When you absolutely
have to have the
most blinking lights
he coveted WS2812B LED strip is an super-precise timing on their data line. This is fine
often-used staple of many creative when using a microcontroller, but when working with
electronics projects. More commonly single-board computers like the Raspberry Pi, the
known by the trade name NeoPixel, timing can become a bit of a sticking point.
along with its distant cousin the
APA102 it makes up a large majority of
the blinkenlights in the maker world.
Addressable LEDs combine a teeny driver chip with
three LEDs (red, green, and blue), which can be
6 V
+ -
controlled to make any colour you desire. The basic Left
from the microcontroller down a data bus (yes, it’s themselves in
really called a data bus!), and then from LED to LED, = 40 mA different colours
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Arduino programming: Seven-segment displays and multidimensional arrays
Arduino programming:
Seven-segment displays
and multidimensional arrays
Get meaningful output out of your projects and master interdimensional data storage
Graham Morrison
Graham is a veteran
Linux journalist who is
on a life-long quest to
find music in the perfect
arrangement of silicon
Arduino Uno
7 × 220 ohm You can get RGB
resistors seven-segment
displays that have
Breadboard separate pins for the
red, green, and blue
Connectors LEDs in each segment
hen it comes to programming A seven-segment display is really little more than QUICK TIP
the Arduino, one of the most seven LEDs in a single package, or eight if you
As the specification
important skills to master include a decimal point. Pins alongside two edges will for our display allows
is taking a physical problem correspond to either the negative or positive input pins for 5 V per segment,
and then constructing a for each LED, dependent on whether your display uses we don’t need to use
solution that can be expressed a common anode or common cathode path. This type any resistors. But
efficiently in code. This gets easier with hardware difference dictates whether a segment/LED is lit by yours might not be
the same.
and code experience, but it’s important to note that either grounding the pin, or by providing it with 5 volts
whether you’re an expert or a complete beginner, (respectively). In our example, we’ll be using the more
your first solution is highly unlikely to be the best, and usual ‘common cathode’ type, but the wiring can be
in most cases a project may be completely rewritten simply inverted if you find yourself with the opposite
once, twice, thrice, even four times. Each successive kind of display.
rewrite will incorporate the experience learned from the
previous version, as you begin to better understand how
to make your solution work. A seven-segment display is
This is what makes variable types, and the related really little more than seven
subject of data structures, so important. Not only do
LEDs in a single package,
they enable you to write code that makes the most
efficient use of your hardware, they allow you to more or eight if you include a
accurately define your solutions in code. For example,
it’s perfectly acceptable to use an ‘int’ type to store decimal point
which Arduino digital pin to use for an LED. But, as the
typical Arduino only has around 14 digital pins, using a WIRING UP
variable capable of holding any whole number between Getting the polarity of an LED correct is vital, and
-32 768 and +32 767 is considerable, especially when the same is true with a seven-segment display. The
Arduinos have so little RAM. And there’s a variable type only real difference is that with a seven-segment
that works the same and takes less space: the ‘byte’ display, all seven of those LEDs are fused into either
type holds an 8-bit unsigned number and, if you can common anode or common cathode, and you need to
remember your binary mathematics, this works out to get this correct for the whole thing to work. Only the
be a number between 0 and 255. It’s not perfect, but specification of your displays will tell you which way Below
For a common
it’s more memory-efficient and easier for readers of around you’ll need to wire the display and which pins are cathode display,
your code to understand and modify because you’ve used for common ground or power, but it should still be Arduino digital
pins 2,3,4,5,6, and 7
set limits on how the variable should be used. Creating a very simple circuit to wire. With our specific hardware, should connect with
structures that have limits is one of the cornerstones of one pin connects to ground (GND) on the Arduino while segments a,b,c,d,
e,f,g respectively,
object-oriented programming. the majority of the remaining pins connect to Arduino plus ground
To put this idea into practice, and explore further
how variables are used in a working example, we’re
going to create a simple foundation project that can
A3 2
A5 RX0 0
Arduino programming: Seven-segment displays and multidimensional arrays
a series of values, all of the same type, encapsulated
into a single variable. By defining an array, you don’t
have to go through the lengthy process of creating
and assigning values separately, plus the compiler
that turns your code into a binary file can usually
make more efficient use of an array. It can ask for ten
consecutive chunks of memory, all of the same size,
for example, rather than ten individual requests that
may be scattered about in memory. The consecutive
nature of data stored within an array is often reflected
in the way a programming language will let you
automatically step through one, or access values within
an array via an offset.
You define an array just like any other variable, except
you need to specify the size of the array (so that the
memory can be reserved for the correct number of
values), and the values for each position within the array.
For example, the following creates an array called
segPin that holds seven values, each of the type ‘byte’:
Multiple seven-
segment displays may
be multiplexed, and
this allows them to
run on fewer pins at
the expense of more
complex code
void setup(){
purely to do with the way we wired the circuit, and
for (int i=0; i<=7; i++){
more organised builders would surely connect 1 to a, 2
pinMode(segPin[i], OUTPUT);
to b, and so on. We, however, got our cables crossed
at some point and this is reflected in the order of the
array. If you wire them in order, simply replace the array
with {1,2,3,4,5,6,7}. And because these pin assignments We’ve tucked the above code within the setup()
aren’t going to change while the code is running, we’ve function, as this is called automatically when your
made the type ‘constant’, as covered in HackSpace #4. sketch starts. It’s perfect for doing initialisation,
An array can be used just like any other variable such as setting pin modes, which is exactly what
except that rather than using the name of the array we’re doing here. We’ve replaced the specific
alone, you need to also target a specific element within element value of the array, 0, with a variable called
the array within square brackets. To set the pin mode i. This variable is initialised within the arguments
of the first element within the array to ‘OUTPUT’, for of the for command, which is probably one
instance, you’d use this: of the most common logical constructs of any
programming languages. The for statement will
pinMode(segPin[0], OUTPUT);
simply repeat through the code that follows within
Infamously, arrays and lots of other sequential the curly braces for as many times as defined by an
programming elements start at zero rather than one, increment counter initialised within the brackets.
so the above code is setting the pin mode of the first This initialiser always seems a little arcane, but
element (coincidentally, digital pin 1) to OUTPUT. So regardless of language, it’s only ever really saying,
far, this is no different to using a regular variable. We “take this variable, check it doesn’t meet these
could copy this line seven times and update the array requirements, and increment (or decrement) until it QUICK TIP
reference number to run through the list of pins, just hopefully does.” A seven-segment
as we would with variables. But the array reference In our example, we’re creating the variable i with display is actually
number is a clue. By making this a reference to another an initial value of 0. The for loop will then run while i capable of
representing 127
variable which we then increment to step through remains less than 8 (our array holds elements 0 to 7,
different patterns
every element of the array, we can construct a much so the loop will stop before i gets to 8) and after each – enough to
smaller and more efficient loop. Here’s the code that run will increment i by 1. This is what i++ means; ++ create your own
does exactly that: and -- are special kinds of operators, known alphanumeric code!
Arduino programming: Seven-segment displays and multidimensional arrays
Seven segments not
enough? You can
display a full range
of alphanumeric
characters on a
14-segment display
” A seven-segment display is capable of generating the first element in the array with i. It shouldn’t take
much to guess that as for loops over each iteration
lots of recognisable output, easily showing the of i, this value will step through 0,1,2,3,4,5,6, and
numbers 0–9 and the characters a–f
7, assigning all the Arduino pins we’ve configured to
output with a single line. That’s why arrays can be
so powerful and why, as your projects become more
as compound operators, that take a single operand complex, you can save yourself a lot of time and pain
and either increment or decrement the value by by simply choosing the best data structures. Such as
1. They’re almost shorthand for i = i + 1 or i = the one in our next step – two-dimensional arrays!
i - 1 with one exception: if the ++ is placed after
the variable, the variable is incremented after any THE SECOND DIMENSION
evaluation. If the ++ comes before the variable, the So far, we have used an array to store the pin
variable is incremented before any evaluation. The allocation for the connections to the seven-segment
following code should make this clearer: display. The next step is to send on and off signals
to the various elements within the display to create
1. i = 1;
some meaningful output. As you will already know,
2. j = i++;
despite being only a grouping of LEDs, the layout
3. j = ++i;
and design of these means a seven-segment display
On line 2 above, j is assigned the value of i is capable of generating lots of recognisable output,
before i is incremented, making j equal to 1 while easily showing the numbers 0–9 and the characters
i equals 2. On line 3, i is incremented before any a–f. This perfectly corresponds to the base 16 or
evaluation and then assigned to j, making both i and hexadecimal numeral system, with characters (a–f)
j equal 3. representing the values (10–15) respectively, and
The only code executed within the curly braces this is what we’re going to code our display to show.
after the for definition is a single line, almost We could easily use an array to store each of
identical to the line we used earlier to set the mode these 16 characters. For example, the following
of pin 0. The difference is an individual character creates an array of type ‘bool’ to hold either an on (1)
where we’ve replaced the absolute value of 0 for or off (0) value for each pin connected to the display:
bool segNum[7]={1,1,1,1,1,1,0};
whenever we need the number 4 displayed, rather
If you were to display the above using a for loop than repeating the same old code. Within the function,
similar to the one we created earlier, you would see the for loop steps through a counter for each pin, only
the number 0, which you can guess because there’s this time there’s an extra if and else command. These
only one element not lit – the middle element of the reference our two-dimensional segPin array to check
seven-segment display. whether a pin should be set to on (HIGH) or off (LOW),
We could go on and create arrays for every character and they do this using the two sets of the same
we want to display along with for loops and functions square brackets used to create the array. Only this
to handle them. But this would be horribly inefficient time, rather than setting the size of the array, they’re
and tedious to implement and maintain. You might used to reference a specific element. Keeping with
think that we’ve already played the array card, but they our two-dimensional line theory, this is equivalent to a
have the answer once again. Just like a line on a single specific x and y location. The trick is that this location is
axis is said to have a single dimension, an array has a defined by the number passed to the function, used to
single dimension if it only has one set of elements. But point at the character we want to draw, and the value
like a line with two dimensions, x and y co-ordinates of i which is being incremented by the for loop so that
for example, an array can have two dimensions and each pin can be set separately.
even more. All that is now left to do is write the central loop
Here is the code for an array with two dimensions, function that the sketch calls automatically and use this
the first for the 16 characters we want the array to call the new displayNum function, ideally stepping
to store and the second for the seven on/off pin through all the characters we can now step through on
configurations for each character: our seven-segment display:
Light up your wardrobe
ith a few modifications, one this one, you’ll just need to update the number of
circuit can make many different pixels specified in your project’s code.
projects. Here are three The Adafruit Gemma M0 microcontroller is great
wearable ideas all built from for wearable projects, as it comes with an on/off
one simple circuit. First, we’ll switch and a JST battery connector on board. We’ll
make an LED headband from make use of the Gemma M0’s built-in capacitive
Sophy Wong
start to finish. Then, we’ll use the same circuit to touch function, and program it using beginner-
@sophywong make both a Star Trek-inspired combadge, and a friendly Circuit Python.
light up hoodie.
Sophy Wong is a In all three builds, we’ll play with capacitive touch
designer, maker,
and make a button using conductive fabric. This is
and avid creator. Her
projects range from a great technique for wearables, and the Gemma
period costumes M0 from Adafruit makes it easy to incorporate into
to Arduino-driven
wearable tech. She projects. Let’s get started!
can be found on her
YouTube channel THE CIRCUIT
and at sophywong.
com, chronicling her This circuit is basically a strand of NeoPixels
adventures in making. controlled by a Gemma M0 microcontroller. It’s
simple enough to be used for many different
projects, but we’ve given it a fun twist and
added a soft ‘button’ made of conductive
fabric. Touching the fabric changes the
colour of the NeoPixels from red to green
to blue.
NeoPixels come in several different
forms: strips, circles, sewable
singles, and more. In most
cases, the different
form factors are
With simple
projects like
Light up your wardrobe
NeoPixels are great
when you’ve only got
a small number of
GPIO pins
Gemma M0
Needle and
Left Above
sewing thread Get everything ready before The small size of the
you start and you won’t Gemma makes it a
Clips or need to mess around with great choice for
clothes pins wire-cutters when soldering projects like these
Left Below
Conductive fabric You can choose wire to
allows you to sew stand out or blend in,
capacitive switches into depending on your
loads of wearables fashion taste
Light up your wardrobe
numpix = 5
Attaching the Gemma and switch with velcro makes it
easier to wash your hoodie
Use this design in foam to make a firm base for your combadge
This Star Trek-inspired combadge pin is a fun way to
use the conductive fabric button. Tapping the centre
of the badge changes the colour of the LEDs, which
is satisfyingly next generation. The circuit is built Above
The conductive
in the same way as the previous two projects, but fabric should fit
snugly between
instead of chaining together individual NeoPixels, the NeoPixels
we’ll combine two NeoPixel sticks to make two sides
of the triangular badge. Select the right-
Cut both triangles out of foam, and cut the smaller sized LiPo and
everything will fit
triangle out of conductive fabric as well. Use the same behind the badge
method described in the headband tutorial to create a
sew loop in a small piece of wire, and attach it to the Ready to boldly
explore the universe –
back of the conductive fabric triangle. just don’t wear a red
Glue the conductive fabric to the smaller foam shirt, obviously
triangle, making a hole for the wire to pass through to
the back side.
Chain the two NeoPixel sticks together in the same
way that we chained the individual sewable NeoPixels
together: solder wires between the sticks to connect
power, ground, and data (data out to data in). Solder
wires to the input side for data in, ground, and power,
but don’t connect the Gemma M0 just yet.
Glue the small triangle in place, making a hole for the
wire to pass through to the back of the large triangle.
Glue the NeoPixel sticks in place, making another hole
for the wires to pass through to the back.
On the back of the badge, solder the input wires to
the Gemma. Attach the Gemma M0 with hot glue. Use
small squares of adhesive-backed velcro to attach the
battery to the badge, and plug it into the Gemma M0.
Then, attach a pin at the top of the badge with hot glue.
The code for this project is exactly the same as the
code we’ve been using, but again, we’ll need to update
the number of NeoPixels specified in the code. Go back
into your code and change the ‘numpix’ value to 16.
Save the file, and your badge should light up completely.
Pin the combadge on your chest and enjoy tapping it
like they do on the Enterprise NCC-1701-D!
What else can you make this universal circuit into?
Show us your builds at @HackSpaceMag!
Connect to your fellow makers with CheerLights
e’re going to dive into IoT
and collaborate in one of the
biggest IoT projects on the
internet – CheerLights.
An IoT project created by
Hans Scharler, CheerLights is
Bruno Santos a network of devices people have created that set
their colour based on an API. You can see the current
colour at hsmag.cc/dYalRJ. This can be updated
Linux and Raspberry
by anyone via Twitter: just tweet to @cheerlights,
Pi lover, systems including a colour in your tweet, and suddenly
administrator, devices all over the world will change to that shade.
programmer, kind of a
nerd! Loves to create It’s part art project, part a way of learning about the
things that may or not Internet of Things, and part a way of feeling a little
work, but could help more connected to the global maker community.
the world someday!
You can use almost any hardware with a network
connection and the ability to change colour in a
CheerLight, but we’re going to use a Raspberry Pi
YOU’LL NEED and a strip of eight NeoPixels.
A Raspberry PI NeoPixels are RGB LEDs that include a
(any will do – we’re simple controller and networking so that you
going to use a Pi
Zero W) can connect a strip of them to a single GPIO pin
and drive it. The actual networking protocol is a
NeoPixel (a stick
or a strip – we’re
little complicated, but there are libraries for most
going to use a common maker controllers including the Arduino
NeoPixel stick) and Raspberry Pi. We’re going to use Adafruit’s
3 × jumper cables, NeoPixel library that you can download and install
female-female from hsmag.cc/kWkKii.
This library allows quite a lot of control
over the lights – you can change the colour of
individual lights in the strip in any order you
like to create quite complex effects using the
setPixelColor(pixel_number,color) method.
We’re using this to set all the NeoPixels to the same
colour, but for other projects you could use any
combination of colours you like.
Right With NeoPixels, you need to be a little careful of
Cheerlights running power draw. Each pixel contains three LEDs, each of
on two different
projects. It’s up to which can draw up to 20 mA. While this isn’t a lot, it
your imagination to can quickly add up. We’re using eight pixels, which
come up with ideas
for enclosures can draw up to 480 mA. This can be drawn from
With the CheerLights API, we can get the latest colour
in two ways: hexadecimal value or the name of the
colour. Each one can come in three possible formats:
JSON, XML, or text.
# import libraries
import time
from neopixel import *
import requests
proxies = {
‘http’ : ‘http://<your_proxy_server>:<port>’,
‘https’ : ‘https://<your_https_proxy_server_ip>:<port>’
} The schematic for
Replace the requests.get instruction with this one (replace the url): this CheerLight
couldn’t be simpler.
r = requests.get(<api_url_in_the_code>,proxies=proxies) It just needs power,
ground, and a single
GPIO pin
Make a Dremel table saw
ccurately cutting small female pin
headers, PCBs, threaded rods and Your completed tool might not be quite as powerful as a full
suchlike with a hand-held Dremel table saw, but it can make precision-cutting thin material easy
Ensure the wood
securely holds your
Dremel in place
MDF 40 × 11
× 1.2 cm
4 × Wood 10 × 4.4
× 1.8 cm
4 × M6 threaded
rod 30 cm
20 × M6 nuts
be aligned so the cut spans both pieces of wood
perfectly symmetrically, with the centre point of the
PROJECT FILES 6 × M6 wingnuts
drill right in the middle. The .DXF and .SVG design files for the acrylic (or MDF)
1 × M6 washer
table parts can be found at hsmag.cc/cfOFsq.
YOU KNOW THE DRILL They are eminently tweakable to suit your own needs.
If you’re using a different multi-tool or have no flexible 2 × A4 sheet of
You’re going to use lengths of M6 threaded rod to
adaptor, you might want to adjust the table cut-out to 3 mm Acrylic or
hold the clamps to the base and retain the Dremel better fit your tool. thin MDF
securely, so we need to drill holes for this. With the See below for the default version: a layout of the hobarts.com
two wood pieces correctly aligned and clamped or table and fence SVGs…
taped together, drill 6 mm holes (~1 cm from each Dremel or
end) right through both pieces. Do this for both multitool (ideally
with a flexible
clamps. If you have a long enough drill bit, you can ‘snake’ adaptor)
do this in one operation. Otherwise drill as far as the
Drill + 6 mm
bit will allow, then remove the top part, then carry on
(1/4”), 9.5 mm
through the bottom part. (3/8”), 19 mm
Next, place the bottom half of the first (outer) (3/4”), 25 mm (1”)
clamp on the base about 4 cm from the left-hand end. drill bits
Trial-fit the Dremel and use it to place the bottom half 10 mm spanner,
of the other clamp correctly. Once satisfied, use a adjustable
few blobs of hot glue to hold the bottom halves to the spanner, saw,
glue gun,
base temporarily. Drill four 6 mm holes through the
hacksaw, file,
MDF base, using the bottom halves of the wooden clamps and general
clamps as a guide. workshop tools
Gently remove the clamps, flip the base over, and
Router with 1/4”
counter-bore the four holes you just made using a cutter or laser
9.5 mm (3/8”) diameter bit to a depth of 5–6 mm. If cutter (for cutting
you have a 3/8” Forstner bit, these make a lovely flat- slots in acrylic fence)
The 9.5 mm hole is deliberately a bit too small for the
nut. This lets us make it a ‘captive nut’ so it won’t try Left
Securely clamp your
to rotate when in use. Here’s how to insert it in the wood before drilling
MDF base… to ensure clean holes
Make a Dremel table saw
Thread an M6 rod into each of the four table
• Take one of the M6 threaded rods support holes and add an M6 nut to ‘lock’ the rod
Above in place. Don’t fully tighten it yet. Repeat for all
You can use this style
of clamp to hold all • Thread an M6 nut onto the end so it’s four table supports. Thread a further two M6 nuts
sorts of round objects
securely in place
completely on the rod onto each rod. The top of the uppermost nut should
be 50 mm from the base. Tighten the two nuts
• Push the other end through the underside of together to lock them in position. This sets the
the base table height 50 mm above the base.
QUICK TIP • Add the two halves of the wooden clamp (this
To mark your clamp aids alignment) Below
block for carving, The ‘table’ for our mini table saw is held in place
with M6 thread and nuts
use a felt-tipped pen
on protruding parts • Place an M6 washer over the rod and on top of
of the Dremel, then the wooden clamp
press the blocks
together, thus • Thread an M6 nut all the way down to
marking them. the washer
Shorten the
threaded rods so
that they stick up • Tighten the top nut with a 10 mm (or adjustable)
proud of the clamps spanner until the nut at the bottom of the base
by only ~15 mm. has been pulled completely into the base
Once cut, you
may need to dress • Make sure that neither the bottom nut nor the
the ends of the threaded rod end are protruding from the base
threaded rod with
(or your work surface will be scratched)
a file. Then use
M6 wingnuts to
secure the clamps • Repeat for each of the remaining three
conveniently. clamp holes
If one of the
threaded rods gets
in the way when
you’re cutting,
shorten it, remove
it or lower it down
through the base.
The encased blade
is held securely for
more accurate cuts
Check that the table top fits over and lines up
correctly with the threaded rods. If needed, you If you’re following the plan exactly, you will need
can push and ‘persuade’ the threaded rods slightly four M6 threaded rods 8.5 cm long for the table
positioned correctly, tighten the bottom lock nuts
at the base, ensuring the rods are not sticking length will change accordingly
out underneath.
Remove the table top, reinstall the Dremel clamps
and Dremel, with cutting disc fitted. Peel off any protective film from the acrylic and
Now place the table top back on the supports but enjoy the glorious look of your shiny new table surface.
not in contact with the cutting disc. Switch on the In use, you should set the final table height so
Dremel to a medium speed. Now use the cutting disc that enough of the disc is protruding for you to make
to cut its own ‘zero clearance’ slot in the table top by your cut.
gently pushing the table top down onto the supports.
It may be necessary to stop part-way through and ADD A FENCE
clear out any accumulated debris. Repeat this process Next attach the fence using the two right-hand table
until you have cut a slot for the disc. Avoid contact support posts and two M6 wingnuts. The fence
with any other part of the Dremel other than the disc. position can be adjusted according to your required
Set the table height by adjusting the top two nuts on cut length.
each support as required. If you want to use a push stick to protect your
fingers, there’s a 3-piece ‘slot-and-glue’ design in the
project files: hsmag.cc/cfOFsq. Enjoy the Dremel table
NOT LASER-CUTTING? saw and may your cuts be ever straight and true.
3 mm acrylic laser cuts beautifully, but can also be
worked very nicely with woodwork tools if you prefer.
The table top could just as easily be made out of MDF,
but it must be fairly thin or you won’t get much cut depth
with your 38 mm diameter Dremel discs.
If you’re not laser-cutting the table parts, print out the
files and use them as a template for drilling and cutting.
If you’re not laser-cutting the fence part, you’ll need
to rout the two slots carefully (using a fence, guide or
router table) with a 6 mm or 1/4” bit. It’s advisable to do
this in two passes. If you try to cut full depth in one pass,
breakages can occur. (Been there, done that!) You need never have
wonky cuts again
with your encased
Dremel table saw
Slack-controlled On Air sign
On Air sign
Build your own Particle Photon-powered ‘On Air’ sign that can be
controlled via Slack, to alert friends and colleagues that you are busy
We used a local
company to
create a custom
vinyl sticker for
the sign
Wesley Archer
The sign,
Digital Account including colour,
Manager for Silktide is controlled via
by day, and maker in slash commands
his spare time. Also a
regular contributor to
sent via Slack
The MagPi Magazine.
n a busy office, it can be difficult to let acrylic to complete the look. To maximise the light
your colleagues know that you are on an output, we applied some foil tape to the inside of the
important phone call other than ‘shushing’ frame, and added a 20 × 20 cm acrylic mirror, found
them, which is not very polite. This is on eBay, to the back plate so all the light would be
particularly challenging when you have a team reflected out through the lettering, making the sign
of developers working on the floor above, more visible.
who regularly come to the kitchen on the ground
floor to get their caffeine kick or lunch! In this guide, STEP 2
we will show you how you can build your own CONNECT YOUR NEOPIXEL STRIPS
‘On Air’ sign, powered using a Particle Photon and The NeoPixels strips are connected in series using
controlled via Slack. three wires (GND to GND, DOUT to DIN, and 4-7 V
to 4-7 V), then stuck to the frame using double-sided
STEP 1 foam pads. The last NeoPixel is connected to the
PREPARE THE FRAME Particle Photon. We used the D2 pin for the data
The RIBBA frame is cheap and easily available (any D, or digital, pin can be used, but be sure to
from IKEA. We did not need the glass front, as our update the code to use the pin you chose), along
custom-sized, frosted-acrylic cover would replace with the GND and 5 V pins. We tried to keep the
it. The vinyl sticker was designed in Photoshop and length of wire used to a minimum, as we did not
printed by a local sign company, then applied to the want too much excess wire inside. You can just use
The Particle Photon
is attached using a
double-sided foam
pad, and wires taped
in place
some electrical tape to safely secure the wire to the be given a token (needed in the next step), and you
frame, as we did. will be asked for a URL that will perform the action
of the command. This can be any web app, but we’ll
STEP 3 host ours as an Amazon Web Services (AWS) Lambda
FLASH THE CODE TO THE PHOTON function (see next step). This is a commercial service,
Thankfully, there is a very good NeoPixel library on but you should stay in the free tier provided you don’t
the Particle Photon IDE already. We adapted this switch the sign excessively. Set the method to ‘POST’
to make it work with our sign, including set colours and save the integration.
and a breathing pattern when the sign is on. You can
change the colours by adjusting the values in the
code, (you’ll need the breathing-slack-on-air.ino file The vinyl sticker was designed in Photoshop
from our GitHub repo), but we chose simple colours
and printed by a local sign company, then
for ours. You can flash the code as per the official
documentation: hsmag.cc/UcJwkA. Once uploaded, applied to the acrylic to complete the look
the NeoPixel sticks should be ready.
You can add custom integrations with Slack – it’s one In order to control the Photon via Slack, we need
of the best things about the tool – and we needed to to configure a Lambda function to translate it. Ours
create a custom slash command (which is called like was hosted on AWS and can be found in the GitHub
/somecommandhere in any Slack chat). You can create repo (called onAirSlackLambdaTrigger.js), but be YOU’LL NEED
these commands at hsmag.cc/WmcnHT. You will sure to update the relevant parts in the code, such Particle Photon
as your Slack token, your Particle device ID (found in store.particle.io/
the Particle IDE) and your Particle Access Token (also 23 × 23cm RIBBA
found in the Particle IDE). You will need the URL of frame (IKEA)
the function, so copy that and add it to the URL field
4 × NeoPixel
in the slash command from the previous step. Sticks (8 LEDs
per stick)
Sheet bend: The most useful knot
Sheet bend:
The most useful knot
One knot that can perform most tasks you ever need
here are several thousand different reefing lines on a sailing ship), the sheet bend
knots, each of which serves a doesn’t require both ropes to be the same. It can
particular purpose in a unique way, join thinner ropes to thicker ropes, although there is
however, there is only one great a limit on how different the ropes can be, the only
generalist knot: the sheet bend. real way of telling is to try to tie the knot and see if
This knot can perform almost any job it slips or not.
Ben Everard you need of a knot, and it’s secure and easy to tie. We’re going to look at three ways of using this
In other words, if you only know one knot, it should versatile knot that cover most cases when you
be this one. need to knot rope.
The most basic use of the sheet bend is joining
Ben has very strong two ropes together. Unlike the more famous reef
opinions on knots, and
people tend to avoid knot (a knot which, while widely taught, doesn’t
mentioning anything actually do any jobs well, other than securing the
involving rope or string
in his presence so
they don’t get lectured
in the finer points of
cord typing.
Start with the
stiffer rope (which
will usually be the
thicker rope) – we’ll
call this rope 1 –
and bend it into a U
shape, with a little
STEP 2 bit of rope left over
on one end.
Take the other rope
(which we’ll call
rope 2) and push it
up through the base
of the U.
Wrap rope 2 behind
both uprights of the
U in rope 1.
Figure of eight
This is tied by taking a U of rope, twisting this U
through one complete turn, and pushing the loose
end through the loop created by this twist. If it’s done
correctly, this should look like a figure of eight. The
figure of eight is a good way of keeping the end of a
rope tidy and stops it slipping through any pulleys or
eyes. It can be tied on a doubled-up section of rope to
create a secure loop that’s often used by climbers.
Sheet bend: The most useful knot
loop we’re creating,
erhaps the most famous use of the
sheet bend isn’t for joining two STEP 2 it’s part of the knot,
so keep this around
ropes, but for tying one rope back 2 or 3 cm in diameter.
on itself to create a loop. In this
configuration, it’s known as a bowline, STEP 2
but it’s exactly the same knot. Take the loose
We do have to tie this knot slightly differently end and push it
because one end of the rope isn’t accessible, (as it’s up through this
not an end at all but a part of the loop). loop. This creates a
second loop (which
STEP 1 STEP 3 is the loop we’re
making), so adjust it
to the size you want.
Move the loose
end under the long
end and back down
through the loop. It
should sit alongside
the rope that went
through the loop in
the previous step.
Pull the knot
tight and you
now have your
completed bowline.
Bundling up STEP 1
Tie a small bowline.
Secure packages with a bowline and two half hitches It doesn’t really
matter how small
– if you’re using
string you might
want a diameter of
hile the bowline is great for a centimetre or so,
creating a loose loop, it’s if using rope you
very difficult to tie tightly might find that about
around an object; this makes 5 cm is as small as
it useful for bundling together you can manage.
material, tightly attaching one Loop the long end of
object to another, or properly securing a package the rope around the
with string. objects you want to
This is similar to a butcher’s knot that’s used to bundle then though
secure a roasting joint, though the butcher’s knot is the bowline to
quicker to tie but less secure. create a noose.
We’re cheating a little with this one as it’s a
sheet bend with an additional two half hitches. STEP 2
In this configuration, the bowline acts both as a Pull the noose tight,
pulley (allowing you to tie the bundle tightly), and as then wrap the loose
something to tie the half hitches against. The result is end around the now-
a way of securing the bundle, but not too tightly. tight rope going into
the noose, and back
STEP 1 STEP 3 over itself to create a
half hitch.
Repeat step three
to create two half
hitches. This second
knot makes the
bundle far less likely
to slip than if you
leave it with a single
half hitch.
Pull the knot tight
and your bundle is
now secure.
Building smart devices with Sonoff switches and Node-RED
onoff produces a range of WiFi-
enabled mains switches that are
powered by hackable ESP8266
modules. They’re available from
Amazon, eBay, and direct-from-China
shops for just a few pounds each.
David Floyd They’re in-line relays, which means that you
GeekDayUK connect them directly to the power cable of what you
want to control, and they turn the power on or off.
David always loved This way they can be used to link almost anything up
technology, started with to your network, provided that it can be controlled
a KIM1, still had a Mac
128K (but hacked to with a simple switch. Lamps (and other lighting) work
512K), and an original really well, but anything that needs some input after
IBM PC. He loves the
being powered on will be more difficult.
description ‘polymath’,
and would like to live In this tutorial we’re going to look at how to
up to it. control these using Node-RED, a browser-based
programming system that’s available for the
Raspberry Pi, Windows, and macOS.
Node-RED programs are created with drag-and-
WARNING drop nodes in your browser, joining them together Above
Hello World with Node-RED is an injection node that’s used to
This project uses with links. The nodes are effectively pre-written create the data, and a debug node that displays the message
Building smart devices with Sonoff switches and Node-RED
Figure 2 Tasmota WiFi setup
The Sonoff switches
are programmable
With the new firmware loaded and with the Sonoff-
using the Raspberry Tasmota device still powered by the Raspberry Pi, we
Pi’s universal
asynchronous are going to need to configure the Sonoff to connect to
receiver-transmitter your WiFi. We start the process by pressing the button
on the Sonoff four times quickly – this will put the
Sonoff into WiFi access point mode.
Remember that you should never connect your
Sonoff device to the mains while connected to another
computer or with the case off.
The LED on the Sonoff will blink during
configuration; a single button press at this point will
abort the process if you need to start again. See can also enter a second alternate SSID and password if
hsmag.cc/fmquaD for more information on this and needed. Now press the Save button and the device will
other configuration options. restart after a few seconds.
On your Raspberry Pi, click on the WiFi icon to display If this all goes horribly wrong, just hold down the
the list of local WiFi access points; we are looking for an button on the Sonoff device for over four seconds, and
access point called sonoff -???? , Where ???? is a four- you can then restart this part of the process.
digit number for your device. You many need to refresh Now reconnect to your local WiFi network and with
the list a few times before it joins the list, but once it is the new device hopefully connected, we now need to
available, click on it to connect. find its IP address so we can talk to it.
Once connection is established, open your web The process for getting this depends a little on your
browser and enter the IP address and network setup. Most home routers use DHCP to
press RETURN. It should open up a page called Sonoff allocate a unique IP address to each device, and you can
Basic Module. see this by logging into the router’s web interface (this
On this page you can enter your required WiFi is often found at, though you may
network name (SSID), and password. In our setup this need to check your router’s manual if this doesn’t work).
is homenetG, but you need to enter your own here. You If you can’t get the IP address details from
your router, you can scan your network to find all
the devices attached to the LAN using software
You can add more Sonoff switches to your such as Fing (hsmag.cc/uMHJlA), or an app on
network – just remember that each one will have your smartphone.
Our device was allocated, but yours
a different IP address and you’ll need to create
will probably be different. Enter the IP address of your
separate HTTP Request nodes for each one device into your browser and you should then get the
following web in Figure 3.
Node-RED set
up to control our
Sonoff relay
STEP 3 injection nodes are used to first trigger the action. You’ll
Remote control from Node-RED need four injection nodes, with each one linked to a
You can control the switch using the Tasmota website, HTTP Request node. The link in the HTTP Request
but you can get a little more power by linking it into a should point to a command on the Sonoff. The links are:
programming environment. You can use any that can
make HTTP requests, but we’ll be using Node-RED, as • http://<ip-address>/cm?cmnd=POWER ON
this allows us to easily create flow-based programs that • http://<ip-address>/cm?cmnd=POWER OFF
can turn things on or off based on inputs. • http://<ip-address>/cm?cmnd=POWER TOGGLE
While Node-RED is available for a variety of • http://<ip-address>/cm?cmnd=STATUS
devices, we’ll be using the Raspberry Pi (Node-RED
comes pre-installed in the latest version of Raspbian). These, as you may have guessed, are to turn the relay
Make sure you’re using an up-to-date image, then on, off, toggle the state, and get the status, respectively.
launch Node-RED with: Linking these to a debug node allows you to see
what’s going on. This is the basic setup for controlling
the Sonoff via Node-RED, and you can build it into any
The web-based interface will now be available at project you like. This will let you control your relay, but
http://localhost:1880. Here, you’ll have the ability to to make it do any work you’ll have to put it back in
drag and drop nodes into flows that perform actions. its case, then put it into the powerline of the device
We’ll set up our basic Node-RED test using injection your want to control. That means cutting the power
nodes, HTTP request nodes, and a debug node. The cord and wiring it up following the manufacturer’s
instructions – remember that you’re using mains
voltage, so don’t plug it in until you’re happy that it’s
SECURITY securely housed and safe. Consult a suitably qualified
The Tasmota web interface allows you to add a or experienced person if you’re not sure.
password to your device, and then you need to You can add more Sonoff switches to your network
append ‘user=admin&password=password’ to your – just remember that each one will have a different
HTTP commands. For example: IP address, and you’ll need to create separate HTTP
request nodes for each one. Using these, you can create
complex flows to turn your devices on and off using any
=password&cmnd=POWER ON
form of input you can get into Node-RED.
However, the security conscious of you will
notice that this is transmitted on the plain-text HTTP
protocol, so this doesn’t really add much security.
Essentially, any device on your WiFi network will be
able to see these requests and take control of your
Sonoff switches.
How much this concerns you depends on your
attitude to security and what devices the Sonoff
switches are powering. We would recommend Left
running the switches (or, for than matter, any smart There are more
features to Tasmota
devices) on a separate WiFi network and bridge than we’ve explored
the two using a trusted, secured device, such as a here, including the
Raspberry Pi running Node-RED. ability to control the
hardware with MQTT
Keep all your RPis updated with a single command
aspberry Pis and other small Linux and others – see hsmag.cc/tCpXWY for a full list
computers allow you to create a of devices. With its on-board WiFi, the Raspberry
fantastic range of smart gadgets, Pi 3 is one of the easiest to get started with, so
but keeping them all updated can we’ll use that. We should probably let you know
be a chore. Wouldn’t it be great if at this point that, whilst Resin.io runs well on the
there was a tool to take the pain out Raspberry Pi Zero W, it does restrict what you
Macdonald-Wallace of managing a fleet of these little computers? Well, can do with it as the resources are more limited
fortunately there is: Resin.io than usual.
@proffalken In this article we’ll show you how to use Resin.io The first thing to do is to create an account at
to manage any number of Raspberry Pis, and give Resin.io. This is reasonably straightforward so we
Matthew Macdonald- you a futuristic-looking clock at the same time. This won’t document it here; however, once you’ve got
Wallace is an
unashamed same technnique can be used to push any code to an account we’ll need to set up a new project, so
geek. He runs the computers, so you could use it to keep anything let’s do that now.
Mockingbird Consulting
in your smart home or fleet of robot assassins Once you’re logged in to the Resin.io Dashboard,
which helps running on the latest code. create a new project by selecting Raspberry Pi 3,
communities and You can use any of the devices supported (or other appropriate device if you’re not using a
organisations use the
IoT in their data-driven by Resin.io, which include the Raspberry Pi; Pi 3), from the Device Type drop-down, and give
decision making. BeagleBones Black, Blue, and Green; an Intel NUC; your application a suitable name.
Keep all your Pis updated with a single command
Make sure that you
click the ‘Ethernet
+ WiFi’ switch,
and then enter the
details of your WiFi
network for the
place you’re going
to deploy the clocks
” If you’re not using the command line, use Lots of code will scroll past your screen, and
then, if all goes well, you should be presented with
your client of choice to push the code up to
a unicorn and a message of success. Shortly after
the resin remote destination this, the status of your device in the Resin.io
control panel should change to ‘Updating’ and
the Raspberry Pi will start to download the image
If you’re using the Git command-line tools, then you’ve just created.
simply cut and paste this command into a window Give it a few minutes to download, and then you
in the existing Git project directory on your PC. If should see the Raspberry Pi restart, and finally the
you’re using another Git client, then add:
change variables at both the application and device
level, so let’s set this now. Your application will now
We want all of our devices to show the same
restart, and you should see
URL, so from the main page of your application
screen in the Resin.io dashboard, click on a clock instead of the audio
‘Environment Variables’. Add a new variable called player – congratulations on
‘URL’ (the case is important – this should be all
launching your first device
capital letters!), and set the value to
Resin.io is open source, but you do need an account
to use the software. Your first ten devices are free,
and this may be enough for many hobbyists. If you
need more devices you’ll need to pay for an account
(starting at $99 a month for 20 devices), which
includes support. This may put it out of reach for
personal projects, but the time savings can be huge if
you’re wrangling lots of computers.
Lithophanes - photos to 3D prints
Lithophanes –
3D printing images
Turn your pictures into 3D prints, in a few easy-to-follow steps
Mark Davies
Mark Davies is a
software consultant
by day, maker and
tinkerer by night.
If not making, then
he is typically doing
some form of DIY -
Your final image should
YOU’LL NEED look something like
this. You can download
A 3D printer the initial image from
3D printer
filament D printers are best known for printing • Typically, the more detail there is in an image,
(white is best, but
lighter colours things that are, well, 3D, but that’s the worse it will look. Go for simplistic images
can work) not the only use for them. Lithophanes with a uniform background.
Slicer software are 3D images created in varying
(Cura is used in transparency. This changing transparency • A lower resolution image can have
this guide)
creates a monochrome image that looks better results than a high-res image.
Experience of particularly impressive when back-lit. This article sets
using your 3D out to teach you the basics to get you started, and then • Select an image that is close to the print size
printer and slicer enable you to move onto grander prints. you want to make.
The image to NOT ALL IMAGES ARE EQUAL! There is a variety of software on the market that
accompany this
The first step is image selection. In the world of can transform your photos into STLs, some are free
guide (Figure 1)
3D-printed lithophanes not all images are created equal. and some cost. We will be using lithophane, which is
Internet Here are some key points to remember: hosted on 3dp.rocks; it’s a browser-based converter,
connection to
access the image
• High contrast pictures work best. A lithophane is so there’s no need to install anything.
to STL software basically printing in greyscale. So, images that rely Open a web browser and navigate to
used in the guide on colour do not work well. hsmag.cc/nFHdOx.
house down though)
impressive when back-lit
To help you follow along, we have made a simple best to err on the side of caution with more
image that will show the basic principles around detailed prints and slow the print speed down. Above
Starting with a good
printing your own lithophanes. We’ve found 40 mm/s works well. monochrome image
Navigate to the Images tab of the website to is the key to creating
good lithophanes
upload your image. When the image is imported, 3. Infill density should be set to 100%. If you
you want to make sure the lighter elements of the don’t do this then you will see a honeycomb Below
A positive image
image are the thinnest (or else you will end up with a effect (or the infill type you use) when you raise has the darker parts
negative print) the lithophane to the light. thicker to obscure
more light
SLICE AND DICE Once you have set the settings, save the gcode for
We’re using Cura, but other 3D printing software the model and get printing
should also work. Load the model into Cura and select So that is it, you have printed your first lithophane;
your desired filament setup. congratulations. With the skills learned from this
Selecting the correct filament is key: go for lighter guide, you should now be able to move onto some of
or natural colour filaments, and think about where you your own custom prints. Go mad and decorate your
will be displaying the finished piece. If the final print is house, office, cave etc, and remember lithophane
going to be mounted on a window, maybe use ABS or prints make great little gifts. QUICK TIP
PETG to avoid the warping that can happen with PLA
If you have the option
when it gets too warm.
of USB or SD card
To achieve better results when printing your printing, go with
lithophanes, you want to: SD card printing.
1. Use smaller layer heights (we go for 0.1 mm). Lithophane STLs can
You can go lower, but this will increase print be quite large and
times, and in our opinion, it does not give you USB transfer can
be slow, causing
much of a quality gain.
unneeded stops
and blobs whilst
2. Slow your prints down – this will reduce the instructions are
risks of blobs and stringing with the print. It’s transferred.
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plus all good newsagents and:
21ST–22ND APRIL 2018
Hacker gear poked, prodded, taken apart, and investigated
Ditch the batteries and
power your next build
with flames
Pulling apart a
Gesture Sensors: Getting user input
with the wave of a hand
modern knocker to
see if you can hack it
124 Crazy Circuits 128 Leveraxe
engine buggy
Convert heat into motion with a simple
external combustion engine
n 1816, Robert Stirling created a closed- Typically the hot side is heated by a flame, while
cycle air engine which worked by heating the cold side is left to cool to room temperature,
one side of the engine while the other though this doesn’t have to be the case. Theoretically,
remained cool. Air in the hot side heats up the hot side can be left at room temperature and
and expands, and is shuffled through to the the cold side cooled – provided you can get it
cold side where it contracts. This expanding cold enough, the engine will still run – or some
and contracting drives pistons, which in turn drive a combination of both heating and cooling.
fly-wheel which itself keeps the pistons in both sides There are a few different configurations available
(the hot and cold parts) moving in synchronisation. – the most mechanically significant difference is
It’s an external combustion engine in that the fuel and whether there’s one cylinder that holds both the
heat source are entirely outside the main engine, in cold and hot sides (beta type), or two cylinders,
a similar way to a steam engine. However, unlike a with one hot and one cold (alpha type). Beyond this,
steam engine, it’s a closed-loop system so you don’t there are dozens of different ways of mounting
need to top up the water (or any other fluid) – just them, though most are purely aesthetic, including
apply heat and you’re ready to go. propeller mounts and setups designed to look like an
Despite an unnerving
amount of rattling,
the buggy can propel
itself easily over
smoother terrain
Gesture sensors
The almost magical
gesture sensors roundup
Control your next project with the wave of your hand
ost electronic projects require Most of us have seen at least one sci-fi movie
some kind of user interface or where a character controls a computer interface
feedback. It might be as simple with a simple, although typically exaggerated, swipe
as a button, a potentiometer, or of their hand. And although we don’t quite yet have
switch, which allows you enter a the technology to make those computer screens
form of data or bit of feedback. But appear in thin air in front of us, as they typically do
what if you want something with a little more flair? Or in the movies, we do have the ability to interpret
how about the ability to hide the interface altogether, those waving hands to a fair amount of accuracy.
yet allow for incredibly complex user feedback? If so, a It’s one step closer towards bringing those sci-fi
gesture sensor might be just what your project needs. fantasies to life.
You might be wondering exactly what a gesture Keep in mind there are many different ways to
sensor is and how it works? It’s a good question, have a gesture input integrated into your project.
that involves a lot of variables. We’ll start with what a There are sensors and breakout boards like the ones
gesture is, as it relates to these sensors in our Best of we are reviewing, but there are also commercial
Breed review. A gesture is the action, or movement, products like the Leap Motion Controller, which packs
of your hand, and with one of the following sensors or some pretty amazing technology. You could also use
breakout boards your electronics project can interpret a simple webcam to capture your movements with
that movement to various degrees of accuracy. A simple fairly high precision, or a more specialised camera that
example would be the ability to wave your hand from can capture both movement and depth. Whichever
right to left indicating something similar to a button way you decide to add the ability for a gestural user Just add a
holographic display
press. Where it gets more interesting is the ability to interface in your project is ultimately up to you. The for your own sci-fi
recognise 3D movements in space or gestures. future is here – now go and make something. computer interface
f you’re interested in adding gesture
control to your project, it’s hard to go Left
wrong with either one of these Pimoroni The Pimoroni
Skywriter: 3D
boards. Both the Skywriter HAT and the Gesture Sensing
Skywriter: 3D Gesture Sensing Breakout board Breakout is a great
choice for anyone
feature well-documented code and simple working with
Raspberry Pi and
controls. The brains behind both of the boards is Arduino platforms
the Microchip MGC3130 sensor. Microchip claims
it’s the world’s first electrical field-based, three- Below
dimensional tracking and gesture controller. This The Pimoroni
Skywriter HAT
integrated circuit (IC), coupled with its patented is a little less
GestIC technology, allows for precise hand versatile, but still
a great choice
and finger tracking.
According to the Microchip datasheet, this IC Pimoroni LTD
should be capable of detecting movement up to
20 cm away, at a resolution of 200dpi. Although in
practice, the range was a little closer to 5 cm for the
Skywriter HAT and 10 cm for the Skywriter 3D board.
Those are still pretty impressive numbers that will
also allow you to embed, or hide, the boards behind
something non-conductive like a sheet of paper,
acrylic, or even a wood veneer. Think about the look Skywriter: 3D
of awe from someone interacting with your project Gesture Sensing
without any visible electronics. Breakout
Both boards have great documentation that can be A great choice in
found on GitHub, including a nice tutorial on how to gesture sensors
install the libraries and code. It’s not every day that Wiring up either board is fairly simple, although that supports
you see a developer include screengrabs and pinouts the HAT version simply plugs into your Raspberry Pi. Raspberry Pi
and Arduino
10/ 10
on their GitHub page, and I really appreciated the The full-size Skywriter has only six connections; GND
convenient single location for everything I needed to and VCC, along with four pins, GPIO 3, 2, 27, and
get the sensors up and running. 17. After you wire the board, or plug it in directly,
One thing that is very different with the boards is all you need is to run the installation script to get up
their levels of compatibility. The Skywriter HAT was and running. It’s really simple, even for someone
designed to work specifically with the Raspberry Pi, with just basic electronics knowledge. And if you Skywriter HAT
Pi 3, 2, B+, A+, Zero, and Zero W, while the Skywriter are interested in using the full-size board with your Not as versatile
3D is compatible with all Raspberry Pi boards, and Arduino, you can easily modify the code supplied as its big
it’s also just as happy working with your Arduino. with the library to be up and running in no time. brother, but still
The Python code for both of these sensor boards Pimoroni, the distributor for these boards, is doing a a great choice
8/ 10
is well documented, and so is the library when you great job not only developing its new products, but
want to use the Skywriter 3D with your Arduino- also in developing all the code and documentation
compatible board. that makes using the products easy and fun.
Gesture sensors
he Adafruit APDS9960 Proximity,
Light, RGB, and Gesture Sensor is
useful for gesture sensing and a
whole lot more. This little breakout
board uses an Avago Technologies
APDS-9960, which includes an
integrated IR LED and driver, along with four
directional photodiodes that are able to detect
the reflected IR energy from the onboard LED.
It can accurately sense movement up to a few
centimetres and at an 8-bit resolution. Coupled with
the included library, you can easily detect motion
from left to right, right to left, or up and down.
That should cover most of your basic needs. If Don’t let the size
not, you could always dive into the examples and of this sensor fool
you: it offers a lot
datasheets and write your own code for interpreting of features
movements like zig-zag motions and more.
hook up the board, Adafruit also included a 3.3 V
regulator and level shifting so it can be easily of 3.3 V or 5 V microcontroller
9/ 10
gest.js library (github.com/hdmchl/gest.js) to do
the heavy lifting. library for Arduino, which includes sample code,
or a similar packaged code that works with
Circuit Python.
SparkFun ZX Distance
and Gesture Sensor
SPARKFUN ZX $24.95 sparkfun.com
he ZX Distance and Gesture Sensor
from SparkFun is another type of
touchless sensor that can easily Left
Simple I2C or UART
be added to your next project.
makes this sensor
The sensor was developed by easy to use
SparkFun in conjunction with XYZ
Interactive, using its GestureSense technology and give feedback to your microcontroller or
to recognise not only the distance an object is computer via I2C or UART communications.
from the sensor, but also its location from side SparkFun has done a fantastic job documenting
to side across the sensor. What is particularly this board. There’s a very well written step-by-step
interesting about this breakout board is the range of guide that will get you up and running fast. You
movement, which is 30 cm above and 15 cm side- start by setting a few jumpers on the back of the
to-side. This is a substantially larger area of sensing board and then, like most other breakout boards, VERDICT
compared to some other products. solder in a few header pins or wires as described
Great for
The way the ZX sensor works is straightforward. in the tutorial. Once you have finished the simple
sensing objects
The board has two IR LEDs, one on each end, soldering procedure, you can download their library, up to 30 cm
which send out IR light towards the object to be and well-commented examples, to get started away
8/ 10
sensed. The IR light bounces off the object and sensing. Although this board is limited to two
is reflected onto the sensor in the middle of the directions of sensing, it makes up for it with a great
board. This sensor can then calculate the reading range and well documented code for easy setup.
A WiFi-controlled doorbell?
his month we take a look at a smart The plate also covers three ports, 12 V power, a relay
home device which promises to connection, and a ‘network’ connection.
automate letting people into our To power the smart doorbell, we have an included
homes, stream live video from the DC 12 V 1A power supply with a 5.5mm male jack,
front porch, and catch the last ever centre positive. As it’s only 12 V, we can easily power
Yellow Pages being delivered to our the unit from alternative sources (solar batteries, bank
Les Pounder door. The DANMINI 720P Smart Doorbell can detect of 18650s, and suitable boost converter).
@biglesp movement, see in the dark, and let us communicate The included power supply has a woefully short lead
with the post person from the comfort of our sofa of around one metre, so users will need to position
Les Pounder is a maker thanks to a handy app. the smart doorbell near a socket, or create their own
and author who works While rated for IP55 water resistance, this smart power lead.
with the Raspberry Pi
Foundation to deliver doorbell has a few open spaces where moisture can
Picademy. He also intrude, even when used with the included cowl, so it SENSING CHANGE
helps teachers/learners
would be prudent to ensure it is sheltered before use. The camera is a two-part mechanism. First we have
to become creative
technologists. He blogs The smart doorbell can be safely secured to a wall via the lens, a 2.8 mm fixed-focus lens – fixed using a
at bigl.es the included screws and wall plugs. Around the back thread lock-type glue which can be easily broken off, if
we have a removable metal plate that is used to careful. The sensor is part of a GM8135S system on a
secure the camera to a wall and enable the chip (SoC) made for CCTV / IP cameras. The SoC has
camera to be removed for maintenance. a built-in ARM 600 MHz CPU and 512 MB DDR RAM.
The GM8136S also has IO ports for USB OTG (On
The Go, as used with mobile devices), SD interface,
Measuring just 14.5 cm × I2S (audio), I2C and limited GPIO pins. These pins are
6.5 cm × 3.5 cm, the unit not broken out for general use, but that will not stop
can be easily attached to
most walls and doors using the determined hacker. So if you are handy with SMD
the included mounting kit
soldering, then you could quite easily attach your
own devices to the camera. The camera board also
features a photo resistor that uses light levels to alter
its resistance and form a crude motion sensor with
around a two metre range. Finally, around the camera
we have four infrared LEDs used to illuminate the
visitor at night, ready for the camera and its ISO6400
sensor to relay video. Also present is a connector for a
two-pin electret microphone which is used to interact
YOU’LL NEED with any callers. The speaker connection, to enable
DANMINI 720P the caller to hear us via the companion app, is located
WiFi Video Smart
at the bottom of the unit and connects to the power
board PCB.
The internal design of the smart doorbell is modular,
WHERE with two boards present. These boards are for the
amazon.co.uk camera, and the relay / power supply. The boards
Smart doorbells are not that difficult to build. All they
really are is two forms of input: a sensor and button.
Once pressed, these trigger the camera to life and
send video to a waiting device on the network. A maker
could fabricate their own version for around the same
price using a Raspberry Pi Zero W and camera, and
the web streaming video is easy to do, thanks to the
Picamera Python library: hsmag.cc/qunoja – take a
look in the Advanced Recipes for ‘Web Streaming’ for
a starter script.
are connected using small two-pin connectors for is a microSD card slot used for recording images and Above
The power board
power and basic input / output, as well as a ribbon video locally for security purposes, but the companion houses the DC power
connector similar to those used for the Raspberry Pi’s app also records video and images to your suitable interface, a relay
for our door lock,
camera port. The power supply board has the 5.5 mm mobile device. network access, and
female DC input, a four-pin ‘network’ connection, a MediaTek WiFi chip,
enabling the device to
and a connection to a relay. The relay is rated up to MAKING CONNECTIONS connect to your WiFi
a maximum of 250 V 3A AC, and 30 V 3A DC, which WiFi connectivity is thanks to a MediaTek MT7601U
is useful as it’s there to control remote door-locking chip offering A,B,G and, N connectivity.
mechanisms such as magnetic locks, commonly A smart doorbell is not very smart without an app.
used with automated entry systems. Using the relay The DANMINI companion app is called WiFi DoorBell
connections, we can have the relay keep a circuit and it is used to set up the doorbell. When first set
closed until the door release is triggered, which up, the smart doorbell acts as a wireless access point,
breaks the circuit and the power to a lock for around 3 enabling us to directly connect to it and then configure
seconds. The reverse is also true for an open circuit, WiFi, passwords etc. Once configured, the app has
closed when the lock is triggered. The relay can be two basic notifications: detecting movement around
connected to any device that you see fit, acting as your door and indicating that a person has rung the
a simple switch mechanism, so we could use an bell. When a visitor arrives you can talk to them, ignore
ESP8266 to send a tweet or anything else using IFTTT them, watch them without their knowledge, and then
(If This Then That). Also present on the power board let them in (by triggering the relay), all from the app.
So can it be hacked? In a word, ‘yes’. The camera
would be trivial to hack if you had access to the
Below GM8135S datasheet and a steady soldering iron.
The camera PCB uses a GM8135S system on a chip (SoC) The modular nature of the smart doorbell also lends
powered by an ARM CPU. It also offers a USB interface and I2C
for those with the soldering skills to hack! itself to further hacks with replacement, with enough
space for small microcontrollers such as the ESP8266,
Arduino Micro, ATtiny85, and access to a stable 5 V
power supply via the two-pin connectors dotted
around the boards. So as well as a notification on your
smartphone, a clever hacker could have the image of
the caller sent to them via DM over Twitter.
The unit could also find its way into being used as
an interactive prop for 2001: A Space Odyssey fans,
• ARM 600 MHz
as the unit does bear a resemblance to HAL and, with
a little 3D printing and painting, could be hacked into a • MicroSD card
slot used for
more suitably inspired case. secure images
The unit isn’t cheap, but it offers an interesting
insight into how consumer smart devices can be • Enough space
for ESP8266
made using cost-effective components from the big
Brown Dog Crazy Circuits
Brown Dog
Crazy Circuits
From $50 browndoggadgets.com
rown Dog Crazy Circuits is a set of your circuits. Once you’ve got everything working the
components on breakout boards, way you like, you can then move on to incorporating
designed to help young makers learn this in a physical product in a variety of ways.
the basics of electronics. The breakouts The connectors are arranged in the same pattern
have large circular connectors that you as the bumps on the tops of Lego bricks, and the kit
can use to connect up your circuit in includes the connectors needed to wire up your brick-
a number of ways. The most basic option is using based masterpieces. The Lego connections work with
crocodile clips. This enables you to quickly prototype braided tape made of nylon, nickel, and copper. This
runs along the Lego bumps and, when a component
is pressed down into place, the metal pad on the
breakout board is held against the tape, creating a
connection. Using this tape as wire, you can connect
up any circuit. The large holes also work well with
conductive thread and you can sew the components
into fabric for wearable designs.
The broken-
out Teensy LC
gives plenty of
processing power
to your projects
Crocodile clips are the easiest way
to prototype with Crazy Circuits
this via the Arduino IDE in the same way you can
any other Teensy board. It’s powered by an ARM
Cortex-M0 processor, which should provide enough
power for most maker projects.
As the name suggests, the pins on the Touch
Board can take capacitive touch input on eleven of
its pins. This gives you a wide range of options for
manipulating your builds with your fingers.
Perhaps the most exciting kit for us is the Robotics
Kit ($150) that comes with a broken-out Arduino Nano
and a set of Lego-compatible servo brackets for the
four servos (two continuous rotation). This gives you
quite a powerful set of tools for automating things
you’ve made with Lego.
Brown Dog also makes kits with squishy circuits,
sewable, robotics, conductive paint, and others,
but these are built on the same technology as the breadboards, but this extra expense is justified by the
other kits. extra options that the form-factor allows. Above
The storage box
We’d love to have some networking options, While the Crazy Circuits hardware is all based on keeps everything
as this would give you options for building an IoL existing technology like the Teensy LC and Nano, tidy when you’re
not using it
(Internet of Lego) network. There are some pins it’s great to see that Brown Dog has put together a
available via male headers, which does give you the comprehensive set of documentation specifically for
option to hook this up to, for example, an ESP8266 this product. As well as user guides that cover the
for network access, but this adds another level basics of how to use the hardware, there’s a projects
of complexity to your projects. section on the website, with a good selection of
None of the methods for working with Crazy projects for you to try. These show off the different
Circuits is particularly suitable for complex features and provide a good basis for planning your
schematics. Whichever method you’re using, own projects. VERDICT
(crocodile clips, Lego tape or conductive thread) We really like the effort that Brown Dog has gone
An electronics
tends towards chaos as you make more and more to to make it easy to work with, from a simple circuit kit with great
connections. This is the price paid for circuits that demonstration to integrating this into a device – of options for
integrate well with Lego and clothing, and it’s a price course, device in this context is something built by incorporating
worth paying for getting young people excited about young makers. A simple circuit making an LED flash circuits into
intermingling electronics and physical things. may not be that exciting on its own, but when it’s physical builds
Crazy Circuits may look expensive when powering, for example, the lights on top of a Lego
compared to electronics kits that come with just police car or making stars twinkle on a Christmas
bare components, such as those for working with jumper, it’s much more attractive to learners.
ZX Spectrum Next development kit
ZX Spectrum Next
development kit
£142.80 (inc. VAT) specnext.com
inclair’s original ZX Spectrum, gate array (FPGA), a chip that can be programmed
launched in 16kB and 48kB flavours to replace almost any other chip. Using files known
in 1982, was the great success as ‘gateware,’ this FPGA acts as the Z80 along with
story of the British computing the other components that made up the original
industry. Selling five million units Spectrum and, with the press of a key, any of its
over its lifespan, the low-cost colour various successor devices.
microcomputer is credited with launching the With plenty of room to spare – the Z80 being a
careers of some of the biggest names in gaming. relatively simple device by modern standards – the
The ZX Spectrum Next, by contrast, is a device FPGA is also used to power some of the Next’s
unlikely to sell five million units. The brainchild additional features, which range from an SD Card
of Henrique Olifiers, its production funded by a slot from which programs can be saved and loaded,
barnstorming Kickstarter campaign last year, the to a trio of FM sound synthesis chips, which
ZX Spectrum Next is, at its heart, a clone of the ZX upgrade the original Spectrum’s beeps and boops
Spectrum – one officially licensed by Sky In-Home to multi-channel audio.
Services, the current holder of the Spectrum and The Next isn’t an emulator, though. Each of
Sinclair Computers intellectual property – with these FPGA ‘cores’ is a functional recreation of the
some serious upgrades. original chip, running exactly like real hardware.
Where the original ZX Spectrum was based on a
Zilog Z80-compatible 8-bit processor, the Next
uses a modern field-programmable
Warning: The ZX
Spectrum Next may
cause feelings of
extreme nostalgia
The ZX Spectrum
Next is a dream
machine for fans of
Sinclair’s original
while there’s space for a real-time clock module to
be soldered in place. An ‘accelerator’ header even Using the Next is by and large a pleasure. FPGA
allows a Raspberry Pi Zero to be connected to the
cores and the custom-written NextOS operating
Next for use as a co-processor board – albeit one
which dwarfs the system’s primary hardware in system are loaded onto a full-size SD card
speed and memory capacity.
Using the Next is by and large a pleasure. FPGA
cores and the custom-written NextOS operating colours at once and control hardware sprites, these
system are loaded onto a full-size SD card and features are limited to simple demos.
inserted into the Next, which is then connected A bigger issue than unfinished software is a
to a 9 V power supply – not, sadly, included in the hardware flaw in the board revision – 2A – sent
bundle, and woe betide anyone trying to use an to crowdfunding backers, whereby a lack of
original Sinclair power pack, as a switch in polarity smoothing capacitor on the 9 V regulator causes
means you’ll be left with a dead Next. noise on the power lines bad enough, in some
With power, display, and a keyboard connected, cases, to cause instability. Thankfully, that’s a
the Next boots into its operating system and relatively simple fix and one which is fully resolved
displays a friendly menu through which the BASIC in the 2B variant, which will be shipped to new
programming language, CP/M operating system, customers and to those picking up the cased VERDICT
or image files from tapes or disks can be loaded. version of the Next, housed in a keyboard chassis
A promising,
As a fully-compatible Spectrum clone, there’s also custom-designed by Sinclair’s own industrial though niche,
an option to load original media: the 3.5 mm audio designer Rick Dickinson. device that
jacks are present and correct, allowing for easy At £142.80 uncased, and £252 cased (both inc. just needs a
connection to a tape deck. VAT), the Next is an expensive trip down memory little longer in
Original Spectrum software runs perfectly on the lane – but one which ticks an awful lot of boxes the workshop.
Next, and two accelerated modes – which switch and, with a little work on the software front, could
the Z80 core from its stock 3.5 MHz to 7 MHz or bring joy to hackers of a certain vintage for many
14 MHz, with a planned 28 MHz mode temporarily years to come.
Leveraxe Classic MX
Leveraxe Classic MX
€89 leveraxe.com
he axe is possibly the world’s first the Leveraxe to do its trick, but after a little practise,
power tool – depending of course on we’re able to get into the routine of relaxing the grip
how you choose to define ‘power’ on impact.
and ‘tool’. It builds up kinetic energy The twisting of the axe-head can knock the wood
as it travels downwards and imparts over, so it’s necessary to hold it in place as you split it.
this in a small strip of wood that’s The recommended technique is to fill a car tyre with
unfortunate enough to be in line with the blade. As wood you want to split and use this to hold it all in
the arc continues into the wood, the wedge shape of place as you work. Without this, you’ll be constantly
the axe uses the mechanical advantage of the crack putting the wood back upright.
to lever the two sides apart. It’s a brilliant design We tested the wood with some straight wood
that’s survived almost 50 000 years of technological (which should have been easy to split), and some
advancement more or less intact. However, can this twisted and knotted wood for an extra challenge,
basic design be improved? from a range of different tree species. We found it
The Leveraxe works in a fundamentally different split the straight wood without too much difficulty, but
way to previous generations of axes for splitting struggled at the tougher jobs. When something really Below
The asymmetric
wood (known as mauls). It still has a sharp edge that needs a big wallop, the Leveraxe just didn’t seem to axe-head is unlike
comes swinging down and embeds itself into the be able to do the job. any other axe and
it transfers the
wood. However, unlike previous axe designs, the At 6 lb (2.7 kg), the Leveraxe Classic MX is on downward swing
head isn’t symmetrical. The blade travels down a few the light side of splitting axes (and there are lighter into a rotation to
push the sides of the
centimetres into the wood, then stops and starts to versions of this axe), and performs reasonably without log apart
rotate. The user has to let the handle twist in his or too much force. However, for anyone comfortable
her hand to allow this to happen. The crack is levered using a heavier maul, we remain unconvinced that
apart, and this splits the wood more efficiently than a this design is a significant improvement over the old
traditional axe – at least, this is the theory. tried-and-tested models.
Handling the Leveraxe is a bit of a struggle at first
because it feels so unnatural to let the handle twist
in your hands. Years of axe handling have led us to
instinctively grip the handle tight, which doesn’t allow
Easier to
swing than a
traditional maul,
The twisting of the axe-head but struggles
can knock the wood over, so on twisted or
tough wood
6/ 10
it’s necessary to hold it in
place as you split it
Making Time
Making Time
Bob Clagett Kindle £3.74 Paperback £7.47 iliketomakestuff.com
aking Time looks at the journey weekly ‘Making It’ podcast, along with Jimmy Diresta
from hobby maker through and David Picciuto. Until 2015, Bob balanced all of
to professional YouTuber, and this with a full time job in software.
how Bob runs his channel The first section of the book is an autobiography.
and business. As a child, Bob liked to build things from cardboard
Bob Clagett is a professional boxes. He also used his construction toys to enhance
maker on YouTube, with the channel ‘I Like To Make other toys, such as making spaceships and forts.
Stuff’. He’s made over 200 videos about his projects His grandfather was an inspiration, and Bob used
which include CNC, tools, furniture, and a Raspberry to watch and help him in the workshop. Bob’s high
Pi Arcade machine. He also has the Maker 101 school and college life was also influential and, as
series in which he looks at the basics of electronics, well as helping him achieve a software career, it
Arduino, and 3D printing. Bob also co-hosts the bi- also provided some of the skills he’d need to be a
professional maker.
One of the things we enjoyed about Bob’s story
is that you can see how he’s picking up skills along
the way. Each of these small pieces fits together to
provide him with a complete toolkit to achieve his
The second part of the book covers Bob’s
thoughts on his current maker business. He looks
at how he deals with feedback and interacting with
the community, and how he stays productive and
produces quality content. Sometimes he needed to
stick with an idea and some he changed if they were
not working. Bob shares his purpose and the impact
he has had on others.
The process of making good videos every week
requires planning, so Bob takes us through his
process and what tools he uses. VERDICT
There are useful thoughts on how to make money An inspirational
from being a maker, and when to say no. book for anyone
Like many makers, Bob is continuously learning looking to take
as he goes. But he’s also getting in help where it their hobby to
makes sense. Bob sees this journey as the first step the next level.
9/ 10
for his new business, and finishes the book with a
few inspirational thoughts on what you, the reader,
might do.