Key Concepts 2 Heat Input
Key Concepts 2 Heat Input
Key Concepts 2 Heat Input
by R. Scott Funderburk
A Look at Input
Cooling Rate is a
Function of Heat Input
The effect of heat input on cooling rate
is similar to that of the preheat temper-
ature. As either the heat input or the
preheat temperature increases, the rate
of cooling decreases for a given base
metal thickness. These two variables
interact with others such as material
thickness, specific heat, density, and
Figure 2. The arc voltage is always lower than the machine voltage due to the
resistance of the welding cables.
Yield Strength 30%
input and cooling rate:
Tensile Strength 10%
R∝ Percent Elongation 10%
To H
Notch Toughness (CVN) 10%, for 15 < H < 50 kJ/in
50%, for 50 < H < 110 kJ/in
R = cooling rate (°F/sec or °C/sec)
Hardness 10%
To = preheat temperature (°F or °C)
H = heat input (kJ/in or kJ/mm)
* SMAW with a heat input range of 15 to 110 kJ/in.
The cooling rate is a primary factor
that determines the final metallurgical
structure of the weld and heat affected
zone (HAZ), and is especially impor- tied to the heat input, but is also signif- Welding Codes
tant with heat-treated steels. When icantly influenced by the weld bead
welding quenched and tempered size. As the bead size increases, As discussed previously, heat input
steels, for example, slow cooling rates which corresponds to a higher heat can affect the mechanical properties
(resulting from high heat inputs) can input, the notch toughness tends to and metallurgical structure in the weld
soften the material adjacent to the decrease. In multiple-pass welds, a and HAZ of weldments. The AWS
weld, reducing the load-carrying portion of the previous weld pass is Welding Codes have specific provi-
capacity of the connection. refined, and the toughness improved, sions related to heat input for this very
as the heat from each pass tempers reason. Below are the requirements
the weld metal below it. If the beads for heat input from AWS D1.1 and
How Does Heat Input are smaller, more grain refinement D1.5.
Affect Mechanical occurs, resulting in better notch tough-
Properties? ness, all other factors being even. AWS D1.1 Structural Welding
Code — Steel
Varying the heat input typically will Tests have been conducted with The AWS D1.1 Structural Welding
affect the material properties in the SMAW electrodes and procedures that Code — Steel controls heat input in
weld. The following table shows how provided heat inputs varying from 15 three areas: (1) qualified Welding
the listed properties change with kJ/in (0.6 kJ/mm) to 110 kJ/in (4.3 Procedure Specifications, (2) minimum
increasing heat input. An arrow point- kJ/mm) (Evans, 1997). This repre- fillet weld sizes and (3) quenched and
ed up, , designates that the property sents a very large heat input range, tempered steels.
increases as heat input increases. An which encompasses most applications