PeTa No.2 - Geologic Time Travel Brochure
PeTa No.2 - Geologic Time Travel Brochure
PeTa No.2 - Geologic Time Travel Brochure
ROLE: You are a group of travel specialists from Earth History Tours.
AUDIENCE: Your product will be evaluated by marketing specialists and content experts in the field of tourism.
SITUATION: Earth History Tours currently hired you create a travel brochure or flyer to entice tourist to take a trip to a given geological time which
aims to educate young learners to gain skills in using various resources for the brochure/flyer to understand the earth’s composition throughout its
PRODUCT / PERFORMANCE: You are to create an informative yet interesting travel brochure that will entice tourist into vacationing there. You
will also be given 5-6 minutes to present your output to your audience. This is a method to learn about the different entities that make-up each
geological period.
STANDARDS FOR SUCCESS: Your product will be evaluated based on the following standards:
Attractiveness and organization
Brochure originality
Graphics and Pictures
Content (Accuracy)
Packing List
Oral Presentation (Content and Preparedness)
Creativity of Presentation
Posture and Eye Contact
Use of Class Time
Speaks Clearly
UST-SHS Earth and Life Science
Category Excellent (4) Proficient (3) Average (2) Poor (1) SCORE
Attractiveness The brochure has The brochure has The brochure has a nice The brochure’s formatting and
and Organization exceptionally attractive attractive formatting formatting and organized organization of material are
formatting and well- and well-organized information. confusing to the reader.
organized information. information. /4
Brochure Several of the graphics One or two of the The graphics are made by No graphics made by the student
Originality used on the brochure graphics used on the the student, but are based are included.
reflect an exceptional brochure reflect on the designs or ideas of
degree of student student creativity in others.
creativity in their their creation and/or
creation and/or display. display. /4
Graphics & Graphics go well with Graphics go well Graphics go well with the Graphics do not go with the
Pictures the text and there is a with the text, but text, but there are too few accompanying text or appear to be
good mix of text and there are so many and the brochure seems randomly chosen.
graphics. that they distract “text-heavy.”
from the text. /4
Writing - There are no There are 1-2 There are 3-4 grammatical There are more than 4 grammatical
Grammar grammatical mistakes in grammatical mistakes mistakes in the brochure. mistakes in the brochure.
the brochure. in the brochure /4
Content All facts in the brochure 99-90% of the facts 89-80% of the facts in the Fewer than 80% of the facts in the
(Accuracy) are accurate. in the brochure are brochure are accurate. brochure are accurate.
accurate. /4
Packing List Packing list is creative, 3-4 items are present 2 items are present and fit 1 or no item are present and fit
fits with the properties and fit with the with the properties of the with the properties of the era.
of the era, and contains properties of the era. era.
at least five items. /4
Sources Careful and accurate Careful and accurate Careful and accurate Sources are not documented
records are kept to records are kept to records are kept to accurately or are not kept on many
document the source of document the source document the source of facts and graphics.
95-100% of the facts of 94-85% of the 84-75% of the facts and
and graphics in the facts and graphics in graphics in the brochure.
brochure. the brochure. /4
UST-SHS Earth and Life Science
Oral Presentation Shows a full Shows a good Shows a good Does not seem to understand the
(Content & understanding of the understanding of the understanding of parts of topic very well; student does not
Preparedness) topic; student is topic; student seems the topic; student is seem at all prepared to present.
completely prepared and pretty prepared but somewhat prepared, but it
has obviously rehearsed. might have needed a is clear that rehearsal was
couple more lacking.
rehearsals. /4
Creativity of Several of the parts used One or two parts One or two parts were The student did not make or
Presentation in the presentation used in the made or customized by customize any of the part of the
reflect an exceptional presentation reflect the student, but the ideas presentation.
degree of student student creativity. were typical rather than
creativity. creative. /4
Posture and Eye Stands up straight, looks Stands up straight Sometimes stands up Slouches and/or does not look at
Contact relaxed and confident. and establishes eye straight and establishes eye people during the presentation.
Establishes eye contact contact with contact with everyone in
with everyone in the everyone in the room the room during the
room during the during the presentation.
presentation. presentation. /4
Speaks Clearly Speaks clearly and Speaks clearly and Speaks clearly and Often mumbles or can’t be
distinctly all (100-95%) distinctly all (100- distinctly all (94-85%) at understood or mispronounces
at the time and 95%) at the time, but the time. Mispronounces more than one word.
mispronounces no mispronounces one no more than one word.
words. word. /4
Use of Class Presentation is 5-6 Presentation is 4 Presentation is 3 minutes Presentation is less than 3 minutes
Time minutes long. minutes long. long. OR more than 6 minutes long. /4