Sikloheksanol Revisi 1

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Kapasitas(ton/tahun) 500000

Harga jual produk(ton) $ 50,000.00

Purchased Equipment $ 2,204,975.11
Land $ 59,435.50
sales per year $ 25,000,000,000.00
Pemegang saham 0.7
Pinjaman Bank 0.3
Bunga 0.3
OSE 0.9
pajak 0.3
salvage Value $ 0.30
umur pabrik 10

Direct Cost Fraction

Purchased Equipment 1
Piping 0.5
Electrical 0.125
Instrumentation 0.225
Utilities 0.525
Foundations 0.095
Insulation 0.03
Painting, fireproofing, safety 0.05
Yard improvements 0.6
Environmental 0.1
Buildings 0.2
Land 0.05

Indirect Cost Fraction

Construction, Engineering 0.525
Contractors 0.235
Contingency 0.475

Direct Cost $ 7,717,412.88
Indirect Cost $ 2,723,144.26
Total $ 10,440,557.14

Other Cost
Komponen Faksi
Off Site Facilities 0.15
Start Up 0.075
Working Capital 0.15

Komponen harga
TPC $ 10,440,557.14
Other Cost $ 3,915,208.93
Total $ 14,355,766.07
harga tanah dikalbar (kualamand$ 2.62
harga jual(C6H12O) dipasaran $ 50.00

kapasitas 500000
luas tanah 22668
pajak 30%
kurs Rp thd $ (18 november 2016)
Tarif Listrik/febuari 2016
Upah minimum Kerja PTK 2015 $ 45.71
Nilai Sisa ( Salvage Value) $ 18,733.00
gas, proceed and fuel 32.9
katalis and chemical 1.56
electricity 200
labor 5

$ 2,204,975.11
$ 1,102,487.55
$ 275,621.89
$ 496,119.40
$ 1,157,611.93
$ 209,472.64
$ 66,149.25
$ 110,248.76
$ 1,322,985.07
$ 220,497.51
$ 440,995.02
$ 110,248.76
$ 7,717,412.88

$ 1,157,611.93
$ 518,169.15
$ 1,047,363.18
$ 2,723,144.26

$ 1,566,083.57
$ 783,041.79
$ 1,566,083.57
$ 3,915,208.93


Purchased Equipment reaktor 5
agitator 5
Evaporator 10
distilasi colum 3
pump 10
healting 5
tangki 15

raw material cylohexane 2200

caustik soda 180
catalis 1.56

utilitas Elektricity 200

Steam 7300
Refgieneration 66
Cooling water 101

Labor Cost
Labor, operations/shif (5 klmpk) 5 orang / shif $ 35,968.00
Payroll overhead 0.3 $ 10,790.00
Supervisory 0.15 $ 5,395.00
Laboratry Charges 0.15 $ 5,395.00
total $ 57,548.00
ce index 1987 320
2016 556.8
faktor instalasi size exponent bahan 1987 2016
1.7 1.8 1.2 $ 30,000.00 $ 52,200.00 $ 958,392.00
1.22 0.42 1.19 $ 10.00 $ 17.40 $ 53.05
2.09 0.7 2.93 $ 180.00 $ 313.20 $ 13,425.60
1.72 3.05 2.1 $ 17,000.00 $ 29,580.00 $ 977,613.08
1.58 0.79 5.7 $ 110.00 $ 191.40 $ 13,617.61
1.61 0.39 1.1 $ 3,800.00 $ 6,612.00 $ 22,834.21
1.88 0.62 2 $ 3,600.00 $ 6,264.00 $ 219,039.55
$ 2,204,975.11

$ 200.00 $ 440,000.00
$ 170.00 $ 30,600.00
$ 49.00 $ 76.44
$ 470,676.44

$ 0.14
$ 1,392.00
$ 113.10
$ 6,695,925.00
$ 6,697,430.24
Capital Related Costs
Komponen Fraksi
Maintenance 0.06
Operating Supplies 0.0175
Environmental 0.0275
Depreciation 0.075
Local taxes, insurance 0.04
Plant overhead costs 0.03

Sales Related Costs

Komponen Fraksi
Patents and royalties 0.025
Packaging, storage 0.035
Administrative costs 0.06
Distribution and sales 0.06
R&D 0.0225

Total pinjaman $ 4,306,729.82
Tahun Pinjaman
1 $ 430,672.98
2 $ 430,672.98
3 $ 430,672.98
4 $ 430,672.98
5 $ 430,672.98
6 $ 430,672.98
7 $ 430,672.98
8 $ 430,672.98
9 $ 430,672.98
10 $ 430,672.98

Manufacturing Cost
Raw Material $ 470,676.44
Utilities $ 3,106,065.75
Operating Labor $ 57,548.00
Interest $ 1,722,691.93
Labor $ 57,548.00
Capital Related Costs $ 3,106,065.75
Sales Related Costs $ 5,062,500,000.00
Total $ 5,071,020,596.87

Original Plant Cost $ 10,330,308.08
Tahun Depresiasi
1 $ 983,030.81
2 $ 983,030.81
3 $ 983,030.81
4 $ 983,030.81
5 $ 983,030.81
6 $ 983,030.81
7 $ 983,030.81
8 $ 983,030.81
9 $ 983,030.81
10 $ 983,030.81

Cash Flow
Sales $ 25,000,000,000.00
Biaya Produksi $ 5,071,020,596.87
Keuntungan Kotor $ 19,928,979,403.13
Depresiasi $ 983,030.81
Keuntungan Setelah Depresiasi $ 19,927,996,372.33
Pajak $ 5,978,693,820.94
Keuntungan Bersih $ 13,949,302,551.39
Depresiasi $ 983,030.81
$ 13,950,285,582.19

Return On Investment
Keuntungan Bersih $ 13,949,302,551.39
Total Investasi $ 14,355,766.07

Break Even Point (setelah depresiasi)

BPT $ 628,123,345.02
BPV $ 879,260,723.62
Sales $ 25,000,000,000.00
Sales per ton $ 50,000.00
Depresiasi $ 983,030.81

Kapasitas Produksi Produksi (ton)

10.00% 50000
20.00% 100000
30.00% 150000
40.00% 200000
50.00% 250000
60.00% 300000
70.00% 350000
80.00% 400000
90.00% 450000
100.00% 500000

10 450
20 900
30 1350
40 1800
50 2250
60 2700
70 3150
80 3600
90 4050
100 4500

Sensitivity Analysis
Tahun Cash Flow
0 $ 14,355,766.07
0 -1 $ 13,950,285,582.19
1-2 $ 13,947,862,067.68
2-3 $ 13,947,952,508.30
3-4 $ 13,948,042,948.93
4-5 $ 13,948,133,389.56
5-6 $ 13,948,223,830.18
6-7 $ 13,948,314,270.81
7-8 $ 13,948,404,711.43
8-9 $ 13,948,495,152.06
9-10 $ 13,948,585,592.69
$ 626,433.43
$ 182,709.75
$ 783,041.79
$ 783,041.79
$ 417,622.29
$ 313,216.71
$ 3,106,065.75

$ 625,000,000.00
$ 875,000,000.00
$ 1,500,000,000.00
$ 1,500,000,000.00
$ 562,500,000.00
$ 5,062,500,000.00

Bunga Total Biaya Sisa Pinjaman

$ 1,292,018.95 $ 1,722,691.93 $ 3,876,056.84
$ 1,162,817.05 $ 1,593,490.03 $ 3,445,383.86
$ 1,033,615.16 $ 1,464,288.14 $ 3,014,710.87
$ 904,413.26 $ 1,335,086.24 $ 2,584,037.89
$ 775,211.37 $ 1,205,884.35 $ 2,153,364.91
$ 646,009.47 $ 1,076,682.46 $ 1,722,691.93
$ 516,807.58 $ 947,480.56 $ 1,292,018.95
$ 387,605.68 $ 818,278.67 $ 861,345.96
$ 258,403.79 $ 689,076.77 $ 430,672.98
$ 129,201.89 $ 559,874.88 $ 0.00

2 3 4
$ 470,676.44 $ 470,676.44 $ 470,676.44
$ 6,697,430.24 $ 6,697,430.24 $ 6,697,430.24
$ 57,548.00 $ 57,548.00 $ 57,548.00
$ 1,593,490.03 $ 1,464,288.14 $ 1,335,086.24
$ 57,548.00 $ 57,548.00 $ 57,548.00
$ 3,106,065.75 $ 3,106,065.75 $ 3,106,065.75
$ 5,062,500,000.00 $ 5,062,500,000.00 $ 5,062,500,000.00
$ 5,074,482,760.46 $ 5,074,353,559.57 $ 5,074,224,358.67

$ 983,030.81
$ 1,966,061.62
$ 2,949,092.42
$ 3,932,123.23
$ 4,915,154.04
$ 5,898,184.85
$ 6,881,215.66
$ 7,864,246.46
$ 8,847,277.27
$ 9,830,308.08

2 3 4
$ 25,000,000,000.00 $ 25,000,000,000.00 $ 25,000,000,000.00
$ 5,074,482,760.46 $ 5,074,353,559.57 $ 5,074,224,358.67
$ 19,925,517,239.54 $ 19,925,646,440.43 $ 19,925,775,641.33
$ 983,030.81 $ 983,030.81 $ 983,030.81
$ 19,924,534,208.73 $ 19,924,663,409.63 $ 19,924,792,610.52
$ 5,977,655,171.86 $ 5,977,693,932.13 $ 5,977,732,692.40
$ 13,946,879,036.87 $ 13,946,969,477.50 $ 13,947,059,918.12
$ 983,030.81 $ 983,030.81 $ 983,030.81
$ 13,947,862,067.68 $ 13,947,952,508.30 $ 13,948,042,948.93

Payback Period
TCI $ 14,355,766.07
Working Capital $ 1,566,083.57
Cash Flow $ 13,948,585,592.69
PP (tahun) $ 0.00
Sales BPV Biaya Produksi Total
$ 2,500,000,000.00 $ 87,926,072.36 $ 716,049,417.38
$ 5,000,000,000.00 $ 175,852,144.72 $ 803,975,489.74
$ 7,500,000,000.00 $ 263,778,217.09 $ 891,901,562.11
$ 10,000,000,000.00 $ 351,704,289.45 $ 979,827,634.47
$ 12,500,000,000.00 $ 439,630,361.81 $ 1,067,753,706.83
$ 15,000,000,000.00 $ 527,556,434.17 $ 1,155,679,779.19
$ 17,500,000,000.00 $ 615,482,506.53 $ 1,243,605,851.55
$ 20,000,000,000.00 $ 703,408,578.89 $ 1,331,531,923.92
$ 22,500,000,000.00 $ 791,334,651.26 $ 1,419,457,996.28
$ 25,000,000,000.00 $ 879,260,723.62 $ 1,507,384,068.64

716.05 50 1847.96
803.98 100 4347.96
891.90 150 6847.96
979.83 200 9347.96
1067.75 250 11847.96
1155.68 300 14347.96
1243.61 350 16847.96
1331.53 400 19347.96
1419.46 450 21847.96
1507.38 500 24347.96

Fa (annual) Present Value Fa (continous)

1.3 $ 18,662,495.88 1
0.7692307692 $ 10,730,988,909.38 0.7408182207
0.5917159763 $ 8,253,172,821.11 0.5488116361
0.4551661356 $ 6,348,635,643.29 0.4065696597
0.3501277966 $ 4,883,597,545.23 0.3011942119
0.2693290743 $ 3,756,637,854.62 0.2231301601
0.207176211 $ 2,889,740,163.78 0.1652988882
0.1593663162 $ 2,222,891,462.25 0.1224564283
0.122589474 $ 1,709,927,596.49 0.0907179533
0.0942995954 $ 1,315,337,448.89 0.0672055127
0.0725381503 $ 1,011,804,598.01 0.0497870684
5 6 7
$ 470,676.44 $ 470,676.44 $ 470,676.44
$ 6,697,430.24 $ 6,697,430.24 $ 6,697,430.24
$ 57,548.00 $ 57,548.00 $ 57,548.00
$ 1,205,884.35 $ 1,076,682.46 $ 947,480.56
$ 57,548.00 $ 57,548.00 $ 57,548.00
$ 3,106,065.75 $ 3,106,065.75 $ 3,106,065.75
$ 5,062,500,000.00 $ 5,062,500,000.00 $ 5,062,500,000.00
$ 5,074,095,157.78 $ 5,073,965,956.88 $ 5,073,836,755.99

5 6 7
$ 25,000,000,000.00 $ 25,000,000,000.00 $ 25,000,000,000.00
$ 5,074,095,157.78 $ 5,073,965,956.88 $ 5,073,836,755.99
$ 19,925,904,842.22 $ 19,926,034,043.12 $ 19,926,163,244.01
$ 983,030.81 $ 983,030.81 $ 983,030.81
$ 19,924,921,811.41 $ 19,925,051,012.31 $ 19,925,180,213.20
$ 5,977,771,452.67 $ 5,977,810,212.94 $ 5,977,848,973.20
$ 13,947,150,358.75 $ 13,947,240,799.37 $ 13,947,331,240.00
$ 983,030.81 $ 983,030.81 $ 983,030.81
$ 13,948,133,389.56 $ 13,948,223,830.18 $ 13,948,314,270.81
x BEP Tercapai (ton) Keuntungan
26.08% 13040.7772461083 $ 1,847,961,137.69
13.04% 13040.7772461083 $ 4,347,961,137.69
8.69% 13040.7772461083 $ 6,847,961,137.69
6.52% 13040.7772461083 $ 9,347,961,137.69
5.22% 13040.7772461083 $ 11,847,961,137.69
4.35% 13040.7772461083 $ 14,347,961,137.69
3.73% 13040.7772461083 $ 16,847,961,137.69
3.26% 13040.78 $ 19,347,961,137.69
2.90% 13040.7772461083 $ 21,847,961,137.69
2.61% 13040.7772461083 $ 24,347,961,137.69

Present Value Fb Present Value

$ 14,355,766.07 1.1661960253 $ 16,741,637.32
$ 10,334,625,743.00 0.8639392644 $ 12,052,199,463.97
$ 7,654,749,001.38 0.6400219486 $ 8,926,937,859.72
$ 5,670,814,305.38 0.4741399212 $ 6,613,281,102.88
$ 4,201,069,803.72 0.3512514928 $ 4,899,270,906.91
$ 3,112,249,236.98 0.2602135059 $ 3,629,492,689.77
$ 2,305,625,891.79 0.1927709064 $ 2,688,811,750.73
$ 1,708,060,745.75 0.1428081999 $ 1,991,933,652.59
$ 1,265,370,727.07 0.1057949165 $ 1,475,670,312.39
$ 937,415,768.64 0.0783748018 $ 1,093,210,543.40
$ 694,459,184.54 0.0580614812 $ 809,875,540.71
8 9 10
$ 470,676.44 470676.44 $ 470,676.44
$ 6,697,430.24 $ 6,697,430.24 $ 6,697,430.24
$ 57,548.00 $ 57,548.00 $ 57,548.00
$ 818,278.67 $ 689,076.77 $ 559,874.88
$ 57,548.00 $ 57,548.00 $ 57,548.00
$ 3,106,065.75 $ 3,106,065.75 $ 3,106,065.75
$ 5,062,500,000.00 $ 5,062,500,000.00 $ 5,062,500,000.00
$ 5,073,707,555.09 $ 5,073,578,354.20 $ 5,073,449,153.30

8 9 10
$ 25,000,000,000.00 $ 25,000,000,000.00 $ 25,000,000,000.00
$ 5,073,707,555.09 $ 5,073,578,354.20 $ 5,073,449,153.30
$ 19,926,292,444.91 $ 19,926,421,645.80 $ 19,926,550,846.70
$ 983,030.81 $ 983,030.81 $ 983,030.81
$ 19,925,309,414.10 $ 19,925,438,614.99 $ 19,925,567,815.89
$ 5,977,887,733.47 $ 5,977,926,493.74 $ 5,977,965,254.01
$ 13,947,421,680.63 $ 13,947,512,121.25 $ 13,947,602,561.88
$ 983,030.81 $ 983,030.81 $ 983,030.81
$ 13,948,404,711.43 $ 13,948,495,152.06 $ 13,948,585,592.69

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