Sikloheksanol Revisi 1
Sikloheksanol Revisi 1
Sikloheksanol Revisi 1
Direct Cost $ 7,717,412.88
Indirect Cost $ 2,723,144.26
Total $ 10,440,557.14
Other Cost
Komponen Faksi
Off Site Facilities 0.15
Start Up 0.075
Working Capital 0.15
Komponen harga
TPC $ 10,440,557.14
Other Cost $ 3,915,208.93
Total $ 14,355,766.07
harga tanah dikalbar (kualamand$ 2.62
harga jual(C6H12O) dipasaran $ 50.00
kapasitas 500000
luas tanah 22668
pajak 30%
kurs Rp thd $ (18 november 2016)
Tarif Listrik/febuari 2016
Upah minimum Kerja PTK 2015 $ 45.71
Nilai Sisa ( Salvage Value) $ 18,733.00
gas, proceed and fuel 32.9
katalis and chemical 1.56
electricity 200
labor 5
$ 2,204,975.11
$ 1,102,487.55
$ 275,621.89
$ 496,119.40
$ 1,157,611.93
$ 209,472.64
$ 66,149.25
$ 110,248.76
$ 1,322,985.07
$ 220,497.51
$ 440,995.02
$ 110,248.76
$ 7,717,412.88
$ 1,157,611.93
$ 518,169.15
$ 1,047,363.18
$ 2,723,144.26
$ 1,566,083.57
$ 783,041.79
$ 1,566,083.57
$ 3,915,208.93
Purchased Equipment reaktor 5
agitator 5
Evaporator 10
distilasi colum 3
pump 10
healting 5
tangki 15
Labor Cost
Labor, operations/shif (5 klmpk) 5 orang / shif $ 35,968.00
Payroll overhead 0.3 $ 10,790.00
Supervisory 0.15 $ 5,395.00
Laboratry Charges 0.15 $ 5,395.00
total $ 57,548.00
ce index 1987 320
2016 556.8
faktor instalasi size exponent bahan 1987 2016
1.7 1.8 1.2 $ 30,000.00 $ 52,200.00 $ 958,392.00
1.22 0.42 1.19 $ 10.00 $ 17.40 $ 53.05
2.09 0.7 2.93 $ 180.00 $ 313.20 $ 13,425.60
1.72 3.05 2.1 $ 17,000.00 $ 29,580.00 $ 977,613.08
1.58 0.79 5.7 $ 110.00 $ 191.40 $ 13,617.61
1.61 0.39 1.1 $ 3,800.00 $ 6,612.00 $ 22,834.21
1.88 0.62 2 $ 3,600.00 $ 6,264.00 $ 219,039.55
$ 2,204,975.11
$ 200.00 $ 440,000.00
$ 170.00 $ 30,600.00
$ 49.00 $ 76.44
$ 470,676.44
$ 0.14
$ 1,392.00
$ 113.10
$ 6,695,925.00
$ 6,697,430.24
Capital Related Costs
Komponen Fraksi
Maintenance 0.06
Operating Supplies 0.0175
Environmental 0.0275
Depreciation 0.075
Local taxes, insurance 0.04
Plant overhead costs 0.03
Total pinjaman $ 4,306,729.82
Tahun Pinjaman
1 $ 430,672.98
2 $ 430,672.98
3 $ 430,672.98
4 $ 430,672.98
5 $ 430,672.98
6 $ 430,672.98
7 $ 430,672.98
8 $ 430,672.98
9 $ 430,672.98
10 $ 430,672.98
Manufacturing Cost
Raw Material $ 470,676.44
Utilities $ 3,106,065.75
Operating Labor $ 57,548.00
Interest $ 1,722,691.93
Labor $ 57,548.00
Capital Related Costs $ 3,106,065.75
Sales Related Costs $ 5,062,500,000.00
Total $ 5,071,020,596.87
Original Plant Cost $ 10,330,308.08
Tahun Depresiasi
1 $ 983,030.81
2 $ 983,030.81
3 $ 983,030.81
4 $ 983,030.81
5 $ 983,030.81
6 $ 983,030.81
7 $ 983,030.81
8 $ 983,030.81
9 $ 983,030.81
10 $ 983,030.81
Cash Flow
Sales $ 25,000,000,000.00
Biaya Produksi $ 5,071,020,596.87
Keuntungan Kotor $ 19,928,979,403.13
Depresiasi $ 983,030.81
Keuntungan Setelah Depresiasi $ 19,927,996,372.33
Pajak $ 5,978,693,820.94
Keuntungan Bersih $ 13,949,302,551.39
Depresiasi $ 983,030.81
$ 13,950,285,582.19
Return On Investment
Keuntungan Bersih $ 13,949,302,551.39
Total Investasi $ 14,355,766.07
10 450
20 900
30 1350
40 1800
50 2250
60 2700
70 3150
80 3600
90 4050
100 4500
Sensitivity Analysis
Tahun Cash Flow
0 $ 14,355,766.07
0 -1 $ 13,950,285,582.19
1-2 $ 13,947,862,067.68
2-3 $ 13,947,952,508.30
3-4 $ 13,948,042,948.93
4-5 $ 13,948,133,389.56
5-6 $ 13,948,223,830.18
6-7 $ 13,948,314,270.81
7-8 $ 13,948,404,711.43
8-9 $ 13,948,495,152.06
9-10 $ 13,948,585,592.69
$ 626,433.43
$ 182,709.75
$ 783,041.79
$ 783,041.79
$ 417,622.29
$ 313,216.71
$ 3,106,065.75
$ 625,000,000.00
$ 875,000,000.00
$ 1,500,000,000.00
$ 1,500,000,000.00
$ 562,500,000.00
$ 5,062,500,000.00
2 3 4
$ 470,676.44 $ 470,676.44 $ 470,676.44
$ 6,697,430.24 $ 6,697,430.24 $ 6,697,430.24
$ 57,548.00 $ 57,548.00 $ 57,548.00
$ 1,593,490.03 $ 1,464,288.14 $ 1,335,086.24
$ 57,548.00 $ 57,548.00 $ 57,548.00
$ 3,106,065.75 $ 3,106,065.75 $ 3,106,065.75
$ 5,062,500,000.00 $ 5,062,500,000.00 $ 5,062,500,000.00
$ 5,074,482,760.46 $ 5,074,353,559.57 $ 5,074,224,358.67
$ 983,030.81
$ 1,966,061.62
$ 2,949,092.42
$ 3,932,123.23
$ 4,915,154.04
$ 5,898,184.85
$ 6,881,215.66
$ 7,864,246.46
$ 8,847,277.27
$ 9,830,308.08
2 3 4
$ 25,000,000,000.00 $ 25,000,000,000.00 $ 25,000,000,000.00
$ 5,074,482,760.46 $ 5,074,353,559.57 $ 5,074,224,358.67
$ 19,925,517,239.54 $ 19,925,646,440.43 $ 19,925,775,641.33
$ 983,030.81 $ 983,030.81 $ 983,030.81
$ 19,924,534,208.73 $ 19,924,663,409.63 $ 19,924,792,610.52
$ 5,977,655,171.86 $ 5,977,693,932.13 $ 5,977,732,692.40
$ 13,946,879,036.87 $ 13,946,969,477.50 $ 13,947,059,918.12
$ 983,030.81 $ 983,030.81 $ 983,030.81
$ 13,947,862,067.68 $ 13,947,952,508.30 $ 13,948,042,948.93
Payback Period
TCI $ 14,355,766.07
Working Capital $ 1,566,083.57
Cash Flow $ 13,948,585,592.69
PP (tahun) $ 0.00
Sales BPV Biaya Produksi Total
$ 2,500,000,000.00 $ 87,926,072.36 $ 716,049,417.38
$ 5,000,000,000.00 $ 175,852,144.72 $ 803,975,489.74
$ 7,500,000,000.00 $ 263,778,217.09 $ 891,901,562.11
$ 10,000,000,000.00 $ 351,704,289.45 $ 979,827,634.47
$ 12,500,000,000.00 $ 439,630,361.81 $ 1,067,753,706.83
$ 15,000,000,000.00 $ 527,556,434.17 $ 1,155,679,779.19
$ 17,500,000,000.00 $ 615,482,506.53 $ 1,243,605,851.55
$ 20,000,000,000.00 $ 703,408,578.89 $ 1,331,531,923.92
$ 22,500,000,000.00 $ 791,334,651.26 $ 1,419,457,996.28
$ 25,000,000,000.00 $ 879,260,723.62 $ 1,507,384,068.64
716.05 50 1847.96
803.98 100 4347.96
891.90 150 6847.96
979.83 200 9347.96
1067.75 250 11847.96
1155.68 300 14347.96
1243.61 350 16847.96
1331.53 400 19347.96
1419.46 450 21847.96
1507.38 500 24347.96
5 6 7
$ 25,000,000,000.00 $ 25,000,000,000.00 $ 25,000,000,000.00
$ 5,074,095,157.78 $ 5,073,965,956.88 $ 5,073,836,755.99
$ 19,925,904,842.22 $ 19,926,034,043.12 $ 19,926,163,244.01
$ 983,030.81 $ 983,030.81 $ 983,030.81
$ 19,924,921,811.41 $ 19,925,051,012.31 $ 19,925,180,213.20
$ 5,977,771,452.67 $ 5,977,810,212.94 $ 5,977,848,973.20
$ 13,947,150,358.75 $ 13,947,240,799.37 $ 13,947,331,240.00
$ 983,030.81 $ 983,030.81 $ 983,030.81
$ 13,948,133,389.56 $ 13,948,223,830.18 $ 13,948,314,270.81
x BEP Tercapai (ton) Keuntungan
26.08% 13040.7772461083 $ 1,847,961,137.69
13.04% 13040.7772461083 $ 4,347,961,137.69
8.69% 13040.7772461083 $ 6,847,961,137.69
6.52% 13040.7772461083 $ 9,347,961,137.69
5.22% 13040.7772461083 $ 11,847,961,137.69
4.35% 13040.7772461083 $ 14,347,961,137.69
3.73% 13040.7772461083 $ 16,847,961,137.69
3.26% 13040.78 $ 19,347,961,137.69
2.90% 13040.7772461083 $ 21,847,961,137.69
2.61% 13040.7772461083 $ 24,347,961,137.69
8 9 10
$ 25,000,000,000.00 $ 25,000,000,000.00 $ 25,000,000,000.00
$ 5,073,707,555.09 $ 5,073,578,354.20 $ 5,073,449,153.30
$ 19,926,292,444.91 $ 19,926,421,645.80 $ 19,926,550,846.70
$ 983,030.81 $ 983,030.81 $ 983,030.81
$ 19,925,309,414.10 $ 19,925,438,614.99 $ 19,925,567,815.89
$ 5,977,887,733.47 $ 5,977,926,493.74 $ 5,977,965,254.01
$ 13,947,421,680.63 $ 13,947,512,121.25 $ 13,947,602,561.88
$ 983,030.81 $ 983,030.81 $ 983,030.81
$ 13,948,404,711.43 $ 13,948,495,152.06 $ 13,948,585,592.69