Course Handout Math-Ii (Ma 1004) PDF

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Course Handout

1. Course Code: MA1004

2. Course title: MATHEMATICS-II
3. L-T-P : Structure: 3-1-0
4. Course Coordinator: Dr.Mrutyunjay Das
5. Course faculty: Dr. Mrutyunjay Das
Course Faculty Name Section
Dr. Mrutyunjay Das A-18
6. Course Objective(s):
The objective of this course is to familiarize the students with series solutions of ODEs, Fourier series,
Laplace transforms, vector calculus and numerical integration. It aims to equip the students with
standard concepts and tools at an intermediate to advanced level that will serve them well towards
tackling various problems in the discipline.
7. Course (learning) outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be able to:

CO1: Concept of Power series and solution of ODEs by using power series method.
CO2: Provides the knowledge of Power series solution of special type of ODEs such as
Legendre and Bessel’s equations.
CO3: Provides a comprehensive study of Laplace transform and to solveIVPs byusing it.
CO4: Provides knowledge of periodic and non periodic functions andconcept offinding Fourier
CO5: Develop the geometrical/physical significance of Vector differentialand integral
CO6: Applications of Green’s theorem, Gauss Divergence Theorem &Stoke’s Theorem.
CO7: Apply numerical techniques in interpolation.
CO8: Evaluation of definite integral by numerical methods.

8. Course Contents:
Series Solution of Differential Equations: (14 hours)
Power series method, Legendre’s equations, Legendre’s polynomial and its properties, Frobenious
method, Special functions: Gamma function, Beta function; Bessel’s equations, Bessel’s function and
its properties.
Laplace Transforms: (12 hours)
Laplace Transform, Inverse Laplace Transform, Linearity, transform of derivatives and Integrals, Unit
Step function, Dirac delta function, Second Shifting theorem, Differentiation and Integration of
Transforms, Convolution, Solution of ODEs and Integral Equation by Laplace transform.
Fourier series: (8 hours)
Periodic functions, Even and Odd functions, Fourier series, Half Range Expansion.
Vector Calculus: (12 hours)
Gradient of a scalar field, Directional derivative, Divergence and Curl of a vector field, Line integral,
Double Integral, Green’s theorem, Surface Integral, Triple Integral, Divergence Theorem for Gauss,
Stoke’s Theorem.
Interpolation and Numerical integration: (10 hours)
Lagrange Interpolation, Newton's divided difference interpolation, Numerical integration by
Trapezoidal rule and Simpson's rule.
9. Text books
T1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Erwin Kreyszig, Wiley, INC, 10th Edition.
10. Reference books
R1.Grewal B.S., Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers, 36th edition.
R2.Dass H.K., Introduction to engineering Mathematics, S.Chand& Co Ltd, 11thedition.
R3.Ramana B.V., Higher Engineering Mathematics, TMH, 2007.
R4.Sinha Roy and S Padhy, A course on ordinary & partial differential Equation,Kalyani
Publication, 3rd edition.

11. Lesson plan and active learning activities

Lect. Learning Objective Learning Topics to be covered Article No./
No. Text Book
Series Solution of Differential Equations:
01 To understand the Basic concepts of Power series. 5.1 (T1)
02 concept of Power Simple examples of Power series method. 5.1 (T1)
03 series and solution of Legendre’s equation. 5.2 (T1)
04 ODEs by using power Problems based on Legendre’s equation. 5.2
series and Provides (T1)3(T1)
the knowledge of
Power series solution Legendre’s polynomial and its properties.
05 5.2 (T1)
06 of special type of Tutorial(Problem Solving).
ODEs such as Quiz Test-1
07 Legendre and Basic concepts of Frobenious method. 5.3 (T1)
08 Bessel’s equations. Examples based on Frobenious method. 5.3 (T1)
09 Examples based on Frobenious method. 5.3 (T1)
10 Tutorial(Problem Solving).
11 Special functions: Gamma function, Beta function. 5.4 &
Sec.A3.1 -
12 Bessel’s equation. 5.4 (T1)
13 Bessel’s functions and their properties. 5.4 (T1)
14 Tutorial(Problem Solving)
15 Assignment-1
Laplace Transforms:
16 To Provides a Laplace Transform. Linearity. First shifting 6.1(T1)
comprehensive study Theorem.
17 of Laplace Transform of derivative and Integrals. ODEs 6.2(T1)
18-19 transformand to solve Unit Step Function(Heaviside Function) and 6.3(T1)
IVPs by using it. Second Shifting Theorem.
20 Short Impulses. Dirac’s Delta Function. 6.4(T1)
21 Tutorial(Problem Solving)
22 Quiz Test-2
23 Convolution and Integral Equation. 6.5(T1)
24 Differentiation and Integration of Transform. 6.6(T1)
25 System of ODEs. 6.7(T1)
26 Tutorial(Problem Solving) 6.5-6.7(T1)
27 Assignment-2
Fourier series:
28-30 Provides knowledge Fourier Series. 11.1(T1)
31 of periodic and non Tutorial(Problem Solving) 11.1(T1)
32-34 periodic functions Arbitrary Period. Even and Odd Functions. Half 11.2(T1)
and concept of Range Expansions.
35 finding Fourier Tutorial(Problem Solving) 11.2(T1)
36 series. Quiz Test-3
Vector Calculus:
37 Develop the Gradient of a Scalar Field. Directional Derivative. 9.7(T1)
38 geometrical/physical Divergence of a Vector Field. 9.8(T1)
significance of Vector
39 Curl of a Vector Field. 9.9(T1)
40 differential and Line Integrals. 10.1(T1)
41 integral calculus and Path Independence of Line Integrals. 10.2(T1)
42 applications of Tutorial(Problem Solving)
43 Green’s theorem, Double Integral. Change of Variables. 10.3(T1)
44 Gauss Divergence Green’s Theorem in the Plane. 10.4(T1)
45 Theorem &Stoke’s Tutorial(Problem Solving)
46 theorem. Quiz Test-4
47 Surface for Surface Integrals. 10.5(T1)
48 Surface Integrals. 10.6(T1)
49 Triple Integrals. Divergence Theorem of Gauss. 10.7(T1)
50 Stoke’s Theorem. 10.9(T1)
51 Tutorial(Problem Solving)
52 Assignment-3
Interpolation and Numerical integration:
53 Student can apply Introduction to Interpolation. Existence and 19.3(T1)
numerical techniques Uniqueness of Interpolating Polynomial.
54 in finding the Lagrange Interpolation. 19.3(T1)
55 interpolating Newton Divided Difference Interpolation. 19.3(T1)
56 polynomials and real Tutorial(Problem Solving) 19.3(T1)
57 definite integrals. Introduction to Numerical Integration. 19.5(T1)
58 Numerical Integration by Trapezoidal Rule. 19.5(T1)
59 Error in Trapezoidal Rule. 19.5(T1)
60 Numerical Integration by Simpson’s Rule. 19.5(T1)
61 Tutorial(Problem Solving) 19.5(T1)
62 Critical Thinking
63 Tutorial(Problem Solving)
64 Old Question Papers Discussion
12. Assessment components:
Sl. No. AssessmentComponent Duration Weightage / Marks Nature of the
1 Mid Semester 90 min Closed Book
2 End Semester 3 Hours Closed Book
3 Problem Solving 1 week 15 Open Book
4 Quiz Test 15min 10 Closed Book
5 Critical Thinking 15 days 05 Open Book
13. Assessment plan for active learning activities:
Active learning Duration Weightage / Marks Nature of the
Sl. No Assessment Component
1 Assignment-1 1-week 5 Open Book
2 Quiz Test-1 15min 2.5 Closed Book
3 Quiz Test-2 15min 2.5 Closed Book
4 Assignment-2 1-week 5 Open Book
5 Quiz Test-3 15min 2.5 Closed Book
6 Assignment-3 1-week 5 Open Book
7 Quiz Test-4 15min 2.5 Closed Book
8 Critical Thinking 15 days 5 Open Book
14. Attendance:
Every student is expected to be regular (in attendance) in all lecture classes, tutorials, tests, quizzes,
seminars etc. and in fulfilling all tasks assigned to him / her. Attendance will be recorded and 75%
attendance is compulsory.
15. Makeup:
1) No make-up examination will be scheduled for the mid semester examination. However,
official permission to take a make-up examination will be given under exceptional circumstances such
as admission in a hospital due to illness / injury, calamity in the family at the time of examination.
2) A student who misses a mid-semester examination because of extenuating circumstances such
as admission in a hospital due to illness / injury, calamity in the family may apply in writing via an
application form with supporting document(s) and medical certificate to the Dean of the School for a
make-up examination.
3) Applications should be made within five working days after the missed examination.
16. Discussion of Mid Semester performance:
Performance of the mid semester examination will be discussed in the class room
17. Pre-end semester total marks: Please see the SAP portal link:
18. Course Management System:
SAP Portal is a software system designed to facilitate teachers in the management (instructional
content, assessment and documentation) of the courses for their students. Both teachers and students
can monitor the system. Though usually considered as a tool and often used to complement the
face-to-face classroom.
19. Chamber consultation hour for doubts clarification: Wednesday 4.00PM-6.00PM
20. Notices: All notices regarding the course will be displayed only on the School of Electronics
Engineering notice board.

(Dr. Mrutyunjay Das)

Course Coordinator

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