Course Handout Math-Ii (Ma 1004) PDF
Course Handout Math-Ii (Ma 1004) PDF
Course Handout Math-Ii (Ma 1004) PDF
(Deemed to be University)
Course Handout
CO1: Concept of Power series and solution of ODEs by using power series method.
CO2: Provides the knowledge of Power series solution of special type of ODEs such as
Legendre and Bessel’s equations.
CO3: Provides a comprehensive study of Laplace transform and to solveIVPs byusing it.
CO4: Provides knowledge of periodic and non periodic functions andconcept offinding Fourier
CO5: Develop the geometrical/physical significance of Vector differentialand integral
CO6: Applications of Green’s theorem, Gauss Divergence Theorem &Stoke’s Theorem.
CO7: Apply numerical techniques in interpolation.
CO8: Evaluation of definite integral by numerical methods.
8. Course Contents:
Series Solution of Differential Equations: (14 hours)
Power series method, Legendre’s equations, Legendre’s polynomial and its properties, Frobenious
method, Special functions: Gamma function, Beta function; Bessel’s equations, Bessel’s function and
its properties.
Laplace Transforms: (12 hours)
Laplace Transform, Inverse Laplace Transform, Linearity, transform of derivatives and Integrals, Unit
Step function, Dirac delta function, Second Shifting theorem, Differentiation and Integration of
Transforms, Convolution, Solution of ODEs and Integral Equation by Laplace transform.
Fourier series: (8 hours)
Periodic functions, Even and Odd functions, Fourier series, Half Range Expansion.
Vector Calculus: (12 hours)
Gradient of a scalar field, Directional derivative, Divergence and Curl of a vector field, Line integral,
Double Integral, Green’s theorem, Surface Integral, Triple Integral, Divergence Theorem for Gauss,
Stoke’s Theorem.
Interpolation and Numerical integration: (10 hours)
Lagrange Interpolation, Newton's divided difference interpolation, Numerical integration by
Trapezoidal rule and Simpson's rule.
9. Text books
T1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Erwin Kreyszig, Wiley, INC, 10th Edition.
10. Reference books
R1.Grewal B.S., Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers, 36th edition.
R2.Dass H.K., Introduction to engineering Mathematics, S.Chand& Co Ltd, 11thedition.
R3.Ramana B.V., Higher Engineering Mathematics, TMH, 2007.
R4.Sinha Roy and S Padhy, A course on ordinary & partial differential Equation,Kalyani
Publication, 3rd edition.