Monthly 2 Test Form 4 (Bio)

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Name:_______________________ Date:______________________

SECTION A (STRUCTURED): Answer all the questions

(1.) Diagram 1.1 shows a model of plasma membrane.
Rajah 1.1 menunjukkan satu model membran plasma.

Diagram 1.1
Rajah 1.1

(a) i. Name the structures labelled P, Q and R at Diagram 1.1.

Namakan struktur yang berlabel P, Q dan R pada Rajah 1.1. [3 marks / 3 markah]

ii. Explain the process that occurs at R.

Terangkan proses yang berlaku pada R.
............................................................................................................. ..................................................
.................................................................................. .............................................................................
[2 marks / 2 markah]

(b) The plasma membrane has been exposed to respirational poison. In your opinion, what is the effect
of the respirational poison towards the transportation of substance across plasma membrane?
Membran plasma ini telah didedahkan kepada racun respirasi. Pada pendapat anda, apakah kesan
racun respirasi terhadap pengangkutan bahan di membran plasma?
............................................................................................................... ........................ ........................
..................................................................................................... .......... ................................................
................................................. ...............................................................................................................
[2 marks / 2 markah]
A hypertonic solution is a solution that contains more solute than the cell which is placed in it.
An isotonic solution is a solution in which the same amount of solute and solution is available inside and outside
of the cell.
A hypotonic solution is a solution that contains less solute than the cell which is placed in it.

Larutan hipertonik adalah satu larutan yang mengandungi lebih bahan terlarut daripada sel yang diletakkan di
Larutan isotonik merupakan satu penyelesaian di mana jumlah yang sama bahan larut dan larutan itu boleh
didapati di dalam dan di luar sel
Larutan hipotonik adalah satu larutan yang mengandungi kurang bahan larut daripada sel yang diletakkan di

Table 1.1 shows the result from that study.

Solution Concentration of Percentage of crenated cell and haemolyse cell
Larutan NaCl (g/100cm3 ) Peratus sel yang mengecut dan meletus
Kepekatan Crenated Haemolyse
NaCl(g/100𝑐𝑚3 ) Mengecut Meletus

R 0.35 - 52
S 0.40 - 28
T 0.47 - -
U 0.50 9 -
V 0.50 35 -
W 0.55 86 -
Table 1.1 / Jadual 1.1
i. Name cell Q
Namakan sel Q.
..............................................................................................................................[1 marks / 1 markah]
ii. Based on Table 1, state the concentration of sodium chloride in the blood plasma. Give your
Berdasar Jadual 1, nyatakan kepekatan natrium klorida dalam plasma darah. Berikan sebab
[2 marks / 2 markah]
iii. Cell Q has been placed in distilled water. In your opinion, what will happen to cell Q?
Sel Q telah dimasukkan ke dalam air suling. Pada pendapat anda, apakah yang akan berlaku
kepada sel Q?.
[2 marks / 2 markah]

(2.) Diagram 2.1 shows a plant cell in normal condition, and two conditions of the plant cell when immersed
in different concentrations of sucrose solutions.
Rajah 2.1 menunjukkan satu sel tumbuhan dalam keadaan normal, dan dua keadaan selitu apabila
direndam di dalam larutan sukrosa berlainan kepekatan.

Diagram 2.1 / Rajah 2.1

(a) i. Name P, Q and R.
Namakan P, Q dan R.
P : ............…………………………………………………………………………………………….
Q : ……….………………….………………………………………...................................................
R : ..………………………….………………………………………..................................................
[3 marks / 3 markah]

ii. State condition Y of the plant cell.

Nyatakan keadaan Y sel tumbuhan itu
[1 marks / 1 markah]
(b) Explain how condition X and condition Y of the plant cell occur.
Terangkan bagaimana keadaan X dan keadaan Y sel tumbuhan itu berlaku.
Condition X :
Keadaan X :
Condition Y :
Keadaan Y :
[4 marks / 4 markah]

SECTION B (ESSAY): Answer all the questions

(1.) Explain briefly the following lipids:
Terangkan secara ringkas lipid yang berikut:
(a) triglycerides
(b) phospholipids
(c) steroids

Your explanation should include the following aspects:

Penerangan anda perlu meliputi aspek-aspek berikut:

i. the molecular structures of these lipids

struktur molekul lipid ini
ii. the properties of these lipids
sifat-sifat lipid ini
iii. the places where these lipids are found
tempat di mana lipid ini di dapati

Marks will be given for diagrams drawn.

Markah akan diberi bagi rajah yang dilukis.

[20 marks / 20 markah]

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