Soalan 1
Soalan 1
Soalan 1
Soalan 1/16
Rajah 1.1
Diagram 1.1
(b) Membran plasma ini telah didedahkan kepada racun respirasi. Pada pendapat anda,
apakah kesan racun respirasi terhadap pengangkutan bahan di membran plasma?
The plasma membrane has been exposed to respirational poison. In your opinion,
what is the effect of the respirational poison towards the transportation of substance
across plasma membrane?
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Aplikasi [2 markah]
Cell Q
Rajah 1
Kepekatan Peratus sel yang mengecut dan meletus
NaCl(g/100cm 3) Percentage of crenated cell and haemolyse cell
Larutan Concentration Mengecut Meletus
Solution of NaCl Crenated Haemolyse
R 0.35 - 52
S 0.40 - 28
T 0.47 - -
U 0.50 9 -
V 0.50 35 -
W 0.55 86 -
Jadual 1
i. Namakan sel Q.
Name cell Q
Mengingat [1 markah]
ii.Berdasar Jadual 1, nyatakan kepekatan natrium klorida dalam plasma darah.
Berikan sebab anda?
Based on Table 1, state the concentration of sodium chloride in the blood
Plasma.. Give your reason?
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Kefahaman [2 markah]
iii. Sel Q telah dimasukkan ke dalam air suling. Pada pendapat anda, apakah
yang akan berlaku kepada sel Q?.
Cell Q has been placed in distilled water. In your opinion, what will happen to
cell Q?.
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Aplikasi [2 markah]
ii 0.74g/100cm3 2
-No cell burst (or undergoi haemolysis) and no cell
become wrinkles(undergoes crenation)
Tiada sel yang meletus/haemolisis dan tiada yang