Soalan 1

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Koleksi Soalan KBAT Biology 2015

Soalan 1/16

Disediakan oleh Cikgu Azrie

Answer scheme translated by SPM Soalan

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Soalan 1

Rajah 1.1 menunjukkan satu model membran plasma.

Diagram 1.1 shows a model of plasma membrane




Rajah 1.1
Diagram 1.1

(a) i. Namakan struktur yang berlabel P, Q dan R pada Rajah 1.1.

Name the structures labelled P, Q and R at Diagram 1.1
Mengingat [3 markah]
ii. Terangkan proses yang berlaku pada R.
Explain the process that occurs at R.
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Kefahaman [2 markah]

(b) Membran plasma ini telah didedahkan kepada racun respirasi. Pada pendapat anda,
apakah kesan racun respirasi terhadap pengangkutan bahan di membran plasma?

The plasma membrane has been exposed to respirational poison. In your opinion,
what is the effect of the respirational poison towards the transportation of substance
across plasma membrane?

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Aplikasi [2 markah]

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. Larutan hipertonik adalah satu larutan yang mengandungi lebih bahan terlarut
daripada sel yang diletakkan di dalamnya.
Larutan isotonik merupakan satu penyelesaian di mana jumlah yang sama
bahan larut dan larutan itu boleh didapati di dalam dan di luar sel
Larutan hipotonik adalah satu larutan yang mengandungi kurang bahan larut
daripada sel yang diletakkan di dalamnya.
A hypertonic solution is a solution that contains more solute than the cell which
is placed in it.
An isotonic solution is a solution in which the same amount of solute and
Satu kajian telah dijalankan untuk mengkaji kesan larutan natrium klorida berlainan
solution isatas
kepekatan available
sel Q. inside and outside of the cell.
A Astudy has been
hypotonic doneistoa investigate
solution the
solution that effect ofless
contains different
soluteconcentration of natrium
than the cell which is
chloride on Q cell.
Rajah in it. Jadual 1 menunjukkan keputusan kajian tersebut.
1 dan

Diagram 1 and Table 1 shows the result from that study.

Cell Q

Rajah 1
Kepekatan Peratus sel yang mengecut dan meletus
NaCl(g/100cm 3) Percentage of crenated cell and haemolyse cell
Larutan Concentration Mengecut Meletus
Solution of NaCl Crenated Haemolyse
R 0.35 - 52
S 0.40 - 28
T 0.47 - -
U 0.50 9 -
V 0.50 35 -
W 0.55 86 -

Jadual 1

i. Namakan sel Q.
Name cell Q

Mengingat [1 markah]
ii.Berdasar Jadual 1, nyatakan kepekatan natrium klorida dalam plasma darah.
Berikan sebab anda?
Based on Table 1, state the concentration of sodium chloride in the blood
Plasma.. Give your reason?

............................................................................................................................. ....
Kefahaman [2 markah]

iii. Sel Q telah dimasukkan ke dalam air suling. Pada pendapat anda, apakah
yang akan berlaku kepada sel Q?.
Cell Q has been placed in distilled water. In your opinion, what will happen to
cell Q?.

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Aplikasi [2 markah]

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Cadangan jawapan Markah

a i P; phospholipid bilayer/fosfolipid dwilapisan 3
Q: pore protein/protein liang
R: carrier protein/protein pembawa

ii Process/Proses R – active transport/pengangkutan 2

-Substance diffuse from higher concentration to
lower concentration
-Against the concentraion gradient/
-Through carrier protein/
-Energy is required/

Pergerakan bahan dari kawasan berkepekatan

rendah ke kawasan berkepekatan tinggi
Melawan cerun kepekatan
Melalui protein Pembawa
Memerlukan tenaga

b -When the cell is exposed to the respirational 2

poison, respiration is unable to be carried out.
-Active transport does not occur.
-This is due to no formation of energy.

Jika sel didedahkan kepada racun respirasi

Pengangkutan aktif tidak berlaku
Racun akan merencatkan proses respirasi
Tiada tenaga dihasilkan

Ci Red blood cell (erythrocytes) 1

Sel darah merah/eritrosit

ii 0.74g/100cm3 2
-No cell burst (or undergoi haemolysis) and no cell
become wrinkles(undergoes crenation)
Tiada sel yang meletus/haemolisis dan tiada yang

iii -The cell will burst/Sel akan meletus 2

-The concentration of distilled water is hypotonic to
the red blood cell.
-Water molecules diffuse into the red blood cell
through osmosis.
-The cell bursts due to ansence of cell wall//cannot
withstand high osmotic pressure

Air suling adalah larutan hipotonik kepada sel darah

Molekul air meresap masuk ke dalam sel secara
Sel meletus sebab tiada dinding sel//tidak boleh
menampung tekanan osmotik yang tinggi
12 markah

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