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Kcoba Constitution

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The name of the Association shall be “KING’S COLLEGE OLD BOYS’


The colour of the Association shall be Royal Blue and White.


The objectives of the Association shall be:
a) To inculcate and sustain interest in the well-being of King’s College,
Lagos (“the College”) among Old Boys.
b) To promote social interaction between its members and the College.
c) To support the College in every possible way.
d) To promote the King’s College Spirit among Old Boys.

a) Any student who enrolled at the College and completed the prescribed
certificate courses or spent at least one academic session shall be eligible
for membership of the Association.

b) Any person, not being an Old Boy of the College, who has shown
sufficient interest in the affairs of the College and is adjudged to be of
unimpeachable moral character, may be considered by the Executive
Committee for admission as an Honorary Member of the Association.

a) The annual subscription shall be fixed at a General Meeting of the
Association upon the recommendation of the Executive Committee.
b) The annual subscription shall become due on the 1st of January of each
year and shall be paid not later than 31st March of that year.
c) Members whose annual subscriptions are not paid by 31st of March of
each year shall not be eligible to vote or be voted for at any meeting of the


a) There shall be a body corporate to be known as the REGISTERED

known as “The Trustees”) incorporated pursuant to the Companies and
Allied Matters Act, Laws of Federation of Nigeria, 1990.

b) The registered address of the Trustees shall be King’s College Lagos, or

any other place so designated by the Association.

c) The Trustees shall have a common seal consisting of the College

Mermaid crest and the inscription “KING’S COLLEGE OLD BOYS’

d) The common seal shall be kept in the custody of the Secretary to the
Trustees who shall produce it when required for use by the Trustees.

e) The Trustees shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the

Association, upon the recommendation of the Executive Committee.

f) There shall at all times be a minimum of five Trustees provided that the
number of Trustees shall not exceed a maximum of nine.

g) Where a vacancy occurs in the membership of Trustees, such vacancy

may be filled at the next General Meeting.

PROVIDED THAT where the number of Trustees falls below the minimum
number of five, the Executive Committee shall appoint the number of
Trustees required to meet the minimum number, subject to confirmation
at the next Annual General Meeting.

h) The Trustees may hold office for life but a Trustee shall cease to hold
office if he:

i) resigns his office;

ii) becomes insane;
iii) is officially declared bankrupt:

iv) is convicted of a criminal offence involving dishonesty by a

court of competent jurisdiction;
v) is recommended for removal from office by two thirds
majority vote of members present at any General Meeting of
the Association or
vi) fails to attend three consecutive meetings of the Trustees.

i) The role and functions of the Trustees shall be as follows: -

i) The Trustees shall have the custody of the Certificate of

Incorporation of the Association.
ii) The Trustees shall hold all real property belonging to the
iii) The Trustees shall execute all title documents pertaining to
real property for and on behalf of the Association.
iv) The Trustees shall act as Advisers to the Association, upon
the request of the Executive Committee.
v) The Trustees shall act as Mediators in any dispute involving
the Association and/or any of its members, upon the
request of the Executive Committee

j) The Trustees shall elect one of their number as Chairman for a single
term of five years only and the General Secretary of the Association shall
serve as Secretary to the Trustees.

k) The Trustees shall meet at least once in a year and three members shall
be sufficient to form a quorum at any time. The Chairman shall preside
at all meetings of the Trustees and in his absence any other member may
be elected to preside over the meeting. The Chairman shall have a second
or casting vote.

l) Every matter shall be determined by a majority of votes of the Trustees

present and voting on the question.

m) The Trustees shall provide and keep a minute book in which shall be
pasted minutes of the proceedings of meetings of the Trustees.

The Secretariat shall be headed by a paid Chief Operations Officer, and his
functions shall be as follows:

a) To report to and receive directives from the Hon. General Secretary of the

b) To summon, on the instructions of the President or on requisition, the

Annual General Meeting, the Executive Committee Meetings, or other
Meetings of the Association.
PROVIDED THAT, upon a requisition, signed by not less than five
members of the Executive Committee, the Chief Operations Officer shall
summon a meeting of the Executive Committee and upon a requisition
signed by not less than fifty members of the Association, he shall
summon an Extra ordinary General Meeting of the Association.

c) To act as Secretary, record and keep minutes of all meetings of the


d) To write and dispatch circulars, letters and other correspondence of the

Association or the Executive Committee.

e) To keep a roll of members and an up-to-date list of officers of branches of

the Association.

f) To perform all other duties as may be allotted to him by the President or

Executive Committee or the Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting.

g) To be responsible for the general management of the Secretariat of the


h) To be a member of each and every sub-committee of the Association, or

delegate one of his assistants to deputise for him if he is otherwise

i) To be in constant touch with branches of the Association so as to ensure

that all members pay their annual subscription as prescribed by this

Constitution and other dues or subscriptions as may be determined by

the Annual General Meeting or the Executive Committee.

j) To prepare from time to time the list of members defaulting in the

payment of their annual dues.

k) To circulate such lists to the Annual General Meeting and the Executive

l) To collect and promptly pay all monies to the accounts of the


m) To publicize the activities of the Association.

n) To present the correct and progressive image of the Association to the


o) To organize the social activities of the Association.

p) To do all other things necessary for the effective administration of the

Secretariat as required by the Executive Committee.


a) The affairs of the Association shall be managed by an Executive
Committee which shall consist of:
i) All Officers referred to in Article nine (9) of this
ii) The Immediate Past President;
iii) The Immediate Past General Secretary
iv) Non office holding (Ex-Officio) members referred to in
Article ten of this Constitution;
v) All Branch Chairmen.

In constituting the Executive Committee, efforts shall be made to reflect,

as far as possible, the different generations of Old Boys as well as the
geographical spread of branches.

b) The Executive Committee shall have power to fill any vacancies which
may occur during its tenure subject to confirmation at the next Annual
General Meeting.

i) There shall be the following standing sub-committees of the
 Management Sub-Committee
 College Traditions & Culture Sub-Committee.
 Sports Sub-Committee.
 Membership Sub-Committee.
 Finance Sub-Committee.

ii) The Management Sub-Committee shall be headed by the

President and its membership shall be as follows:
 President
 Vice-Presidents
 General Secretary
 Treasurer

iii) All other standing Sub-Committees shall be headed by a

serving Vice-President and membership thereof shall be
open to the generality of the Association.

iv) The functions of these sub-committees shall be as follows:

 The Management Sub-Committee shall be charged
with the day-to-day supervision of activities at the
Association’s Secretariat.

 The College Traditions & Culture Sub-Committee

shall be charged with the responsibility of liaising
with the College on issues pertaining to College
tradition, rules and regulations.

 The Sports Sub-Committee shall be charged with the

responsibility of making provision for sports
development at the College with a view to
maintaining the supremacy of the College in sports.

 The Membership Sub-Committee shall be charged

with the responsibility of coordinating King’s College
Old Boys Association branches in Nigeria and the
Diaspora, maintaining the Old Boys database as well
as catering for the welfare of members.

 The Finance Sub-Committee shall be charged with

funding and budgetary issues of the Association.
PROVIDED THAT the Executive Committee may
assign other functions to these standing sub-
committees as may be considered necessary for the
effective management of the Association.

v) The Executive Committee may establish from time to time

such other ad-hoc sub-committees as may be considered
necessary for the discharge of its functions.


a) The Officers of the Association shall be as follows:


The President 1
Vice- Presidents 4


General Secretary 1
Assistant Secretary 2
Treasurer 1
Financial Secretary 1
Sport Secretary 1
Auditor 1
All Branch Chairman 1

b) At least one Vice-President shall come from outside Lagos Area.



a) The President: It shall be the President’s duties among others:

i) To preside at every Annual General Meeting and other meetings of

the Association and the Executive Committee.

ii) To cause summoning of the Annual General Meeting and other

meetings either on his own initiative or in accordance with the
decision of the Executive Committee or at the requisition of 5
members for summoning a General Meeting.

iii) To direct all other officers of the Association in the performance of

their duties.

iv) To serve as ex-officio member of all sub-committees of the


b) The Vice-President:

i) One of the Vice-Presidents shall in the absence of the President,

preside at all meetings over which the President, by Constitution,
has power to preside.

ii) He shall perform all other duties which the President, owing to ill-
health, or absence or any other cause is unable to perform, or as
shall be ascribed to him by the President, the Executive
Committee or General Meeting.

iii) In absence of the President, and the Vice-Presidents, members of

the Executive Committee present shall nominate one of their
number to preside.

c) The General Secretary:

i) He shall be the Chief Executive of the Secretariat, and shall

supervise the Chief Operations Officer in the discharge of his
duties enumerated in Section 7, (a – p).

ii) He shall submit a General Report of the activities of the

Association at the Annual General Meeting.

d) The Assistant Secretaries:

i) The Assistant Secretaries shall assist the General Secretary in the

performance of all secretariat duties and one of them shall, in the
absence of the General Secretary, act in his place.

e) Treasurer: The duties of the Treasurer shall be as follows:

i) To receive, collect and pay to the Association’s Bankers all monies


Collected for the Association

ii) To carry out any decision or directive of the Annual General

Meeting and the Executive Committee in matters relating to the
budget or finances of the Association.

iii) To prepare or cause to be prepared and circulated to every

member of the Association at or before every Annual General
Meeting, the audited Balance Sheet and Annual Statement of
Account as well as an Annual Report of the Association.

iv) To invest the money of the Association in such securities as may

be approved by the Executive Committee.

v) To prepare or cause to be prepared and submit for the approval of

the Association, an Annual Budget containing estimated revenue
and expenditure of the Association.

f) The Financial Secretary: The duties of the Financial Secretary shall be

as follows:

i) To be in constant touch with branches of the Association so as to

ensure that all members pay their annual dues as prescribed by
this Constitution and other dues or subscriptions as may be
determined by the Annual General Meeting or the Executive

ii) To prepare from time to time the list of defaulting members.

iii) To circulate such lists to the Annual General Meeting and the
Executive Committee.

iv) To collect and promptly pay all monies to the Treasurer.

g) The Social Secretary: The duties of the Social Secretary shall be as


i) To publicise the activities of the Association.

ii) To present the correct and progressive image of the Association to

the public.

iii) To organise the social activities of the Association.

h) The Sports Secretary:

i) The Sports Secretary shall organise all the sporting activities of

the Association.

i) The Auditor:

i) The Auditors shall audit annually, or as and when required by the

Executive Committee or the Annual General Meeting, the books of
accounts and documents of the Association.


a) Every officer is eligible to hold office for not more than (5) consecutive
terms of one year each. This provision is without prejudice to a person,
being elected for another office subsequently.

A person may also be re-elected to the same office after a break of at

least one term.


a) The Executive Committee of the Association shall provide books of

accounts in which shall be kept all proper accounts of all monies
received or paid on behalf of the Association.

b) The Executive Committee of the Association shall arrange for the

accounts of the Association to be audited yearly by a firm of Chartered
Accountants appointed at an Annual General Meeting of the Association.


a) The Annual General Meeting shall be the principal organ of the

Association and shall be held in the month of September of each year.

b) A mandatory twenty-one days notice convening the meeting shall be

published in a National daily Newspaper and posted on the
Association’s official website.


a) An Extra-ordinary General Meeting may be summoned by the Executive

Committee as may be deemed necessary.

b) Upon a written requisition signed by at least fifty members of the

Association, representing a minimum of at least five decades of Old Boys,
for the holding of an Extra-Ordinary General Meeting, the Executive
Committee shall summon a General Meeting for the discussion of the
matter specified in the requisition for such meeting,
PROVIDED THAT no other matter shall be discussed at the meeting.

c) A mandatory notice of at least seven days shall be given for the purpose
of convening an Extra-ordinary General Meeting.


a) Members of the Executive Committee shall be elected at an Annual

General Meeting.

b) The Notice of the Annual General Meeting shall stipulate the positions to
be declared vacant and which shall be vied for at the said meeting.

c) All intending contestants for the offices to be declared vacant shall

indicate their interest to the Executive Committee through the Chief
Operations Officer of the Association at least seven days to the Annual
General Meeting.

d) Immediately prior to the election, all offices to be contested for shall be

declared vacant.

e) Elections shall be conducted by two Returning Officers, appointed by the

Annual General Meeting, who shall declare that they have no interest in
any offices being contested for.


The quorum at meetings of the Association shall be as follows:

a) For any General Meeting, twenty-five members shall form a quorum.


b) For an Executive Committee Meeting, eight members shall form a



a) The President shall have a right to a casting vote in addition to his

ordinary vote at General, Executive Committee and Management
Committee meetings of the Association.


a) The President, the Treasurer and the General Secretary shall be

signatories to the Association’s Bank accounts.

b) The signature mandate for Association’s accounts shall be any two of the
three aforementioned signatories.


a) Members residing in every town or city outside Lagos area may form a
branch with the approval of the Executive committee. No branch shall be
recognized until it has a minimum of twenty members.

b) Members of the Association in an institution of higher learning shall be

entitled to form a sub-branch.


a) As an integral part of the Association, Class-sets shall appoint one of

their number to liaise with the National executive Committee.



KING’S COLLEGE OLD BOYS ASSOCIATION however derived in respect
of the trust shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the objects of
the Association, as set forth in this Constitution and no portion thereof
shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividend
bonus, or otherwise however by way of profit to he members of the

b) PROVIDED that nothing herein shall prevent the payment in good faith
of reasonable and proper remuneration to any officer or servant of the
Association in return for any service actually rendered to the Association,
but so that no member of the Executive Committee shall be appointed to
any salaried office of the Association or any office of the Association paid
by fees, and that no remuneration or benefit in money or monies shall be
given by THE REGISTERED TRUSTEES or any member of the Executive
Committee except repayment of out-of-pocket expenses, or reasonable
and proper rent for premises demised or let to the Association provided
that the provision last aforesaid shall not apply to any payment or any
money to a member of the Association on behalf of a company in which
such member shall not be bound to account for any share of profits he
may receive in respect of any such payment.

c) NO ADDITION, alteration or amendment shall be made to or in the

Constitution for the time being in force, unless the same has been
previously submitted to and approved by the appropriate authority.

d) The Association may be wound up following a unanimous vote of

members at a General meeting specially convened for that purpose
PROVIDED ALWAYS that in such event the winding-up provision of the
SPECIAL CLAUSE of the Constitution shall apply.

e) In the event of a winding-up or dissolution of the Association if there

remains, after the satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities any property
whatsoever, the same shall not be paid to or distributed among members
of the Association, but shall be given or transferred to some other
institutions having objects similar to the object of THE REGISTERED
body or bodies are prohibited from distributing its or their income and
property among its or their members to an extent at least as great as is
BOYS ASSOCIATION before the time of dissolution and if so far as effect
cannot be given to the aforesaid provision, then to some charitable


a) All amendments to this Constitution shall be adopted on the vote of 2/3

of those present and voting (fractions being approximated to the nearest
whole number) at an Annual General Meeting of the Association. The text
of a motion for any such amendments shall have been circulated by the
General Secretary by publishing same in a National daily newspaper and
posting it on the Association’s website at least twenty-one days before the
date fixed for the Annual General Meeting.


a) This amended Constitution shall come into effect on the ……..… day of


1). "Floreat Collegium" shall our motto be,

Let us shout it boldly, for her sons are we,
Nurtured in her classrooms in our early youth
Where we learn to cherish chilvary and truth
Learn to pull together each one with the rest
Playing up and striving each to do his best


This shall be our watchword, "Always play the game"

Sound the old school's praises, trumpet forth her fame
Though of many nations we will not forget
That we all are brothers with a common debt
Let us pay it by giving, as we forge ahead,
Service to the living, honour to our dead.

2). This is what they teach in the good old school

"Only by obedience may you learn to rule".
If you fail look closely, seek the reason why
You are power to conquer if you only try
Other went before you and attained the light
Where they wait to cheer you, victors in the fight.


This shall be our watchword …

3). Present, Past and Future from one mighty whole

Shining forth emblazoned on one muster roll.
When the call is sounded all must answer "HERE"!
Voice and bearing showing neither shame nor fear
Pointing to our honour, which untarnished stands
Bright as when we took it from our founder's hands.


This shall be our watchword …

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