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GLI3D Interpreter Menus 1

GLI3D INTERPRETER Window................................................................................................... 4
File .............................................................................................................................................. 6
File/Open................................................................................................................................. 7
File/Open/Geometry ........................................................................................................... 8
File/Open/Geometry/Specify File Format .................................................................... 11
File/Open/Geometry/Survey Geometry........................................................................ 14
File/Open/Geometry/Geometry Parameters ................................................................. 15
File/Open/Model ............................................................................................................... 18
File/Save ............................................................................................................................... 21
File/Save/Model................................................................................................................ 22
File/Save/Control Points ................................................................................................... 26
File/Save/Statics................................................................................................................ 28
File/Save/Statics Report.................................................................................................... 30
File/Hardcopy ....................................................................................................................... 31
File/Hardcopy/Statics........................................................................................................ 33
File/Hardcopy/Velocity .................................................................................................... 35
File/Hardcopy/First Breaks............................................................................................... 36
File/Hardcopy/Earth Model .............................................................................................. 38
File/Hardcopy/Comments ................................................................................................. 39
View.......................................................................................................................................... 40
View/General ........................................................................................................................ 41
View/Statics .......................................................................................................................... 43
View/Velocity ....................................................................................................................... 46
View/First Breaks ................................................................................................................. 48
View/Earth Model................................................................................................................. 51
Project ....................................................................................................................................... 53
Project/Open ......................................................................................................................... 54
Project/Save .......................................................................................................................... 56
Project/Delete........................................................................................................................ 57

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Initial Model ............................................................................................................................. 59

Initial Model/Create new Initial Model ................................................................................ 60
Initial Model/Create new Initial Model/Read From File .................................................. 64
Initial Model/Create new Initial Model/Read From File/Specify File Format............. 67
GLI Inversion............................................................................................................................ 70
TOMO Inversion....................................................................................................................... 74
Inversion Steps.......................................................................................................................... 79
Inversion Steps/Next Iteration .............................................................................................. 80
Inversion Steps/Depth Update .............................................................................................. 82
Inversion Steps/Velocity Update .......................................................................................... 84
Inversion Steps/Short Wave Update ..................................................................................... 86
Inversion Steps/Automatic Edit ............................................................................................ 88
Calculate Statics........................................................................................................................ 89
STATICS ATTRIBUTES:.................................................................................................... 94
FLOATING DATUM:.......................................................................................................... 97
Display ...................................................................................................................................... 98
GLI3D OFFSET Window............................................................................................................. 99
Offset/View/Color .................................................................................................................. 101
Offset/View/General............................................................................................................... 102
Offset/Set Range ..................................................................................................................... 105
Offset/Model Parameters ........................................................................................................ 107
Offset/Control Points .............................................................................................................. 111
GRID Window ............................................................................................................................ 116
Grid/File/Hardcopy................................................................................................................. 118
Grid/File/Hardcopy/General ............................................................................................... 119
Grid/File/Hardcopy/Comments........................................................................................... 123
Grid/View ............................................................................................................................... 124
Grid/View/General.............................................................................................................. 125
Grid/View/Color/Change Color Key .............................................................................. 129
Grid/View/Color/Change Color Key/Load................................................................. 132
Grid/View/Color/Change Color Key/Save ................................................................. 135

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Grid/View/Color/Change Color Key/Window ........................................................... 138

VELOCITY-DEPTH Window.................................................................................................... 140
Velocity/File/Hardcopy .......................................................................................................... 142
Velocity/File/Hardcopy/General......................................................................................... 143
Velocity/View/Parameters ...................................................................................................... 144
HORIZONTAL VELOCITY Window ....................................................................................... 145
Velocity/View/Parameters ...................................................................................................... 147
Velocity/View/Set Depth........................................................................................................ 148
GLI3D PICKER Window ........................................................................................................... 149
File/Open Files........................................................................................................................ 151
File/Open Files/Specify File Format................................................................................... 154
File/Open Files/Survey Geometry ...................................................................................... 157
File/Open Files/Geometry Parameters................................................................................ 158
File/Open Files/Open SEGY File ....................................................................................... 161
File/Open Files/Open SEGY File/Specify File Format .................................................. 164
File/Open Files/OpenSEGY File/Specify File Format/Specify Line Header............. 167
File/Open Files/OpenSEGY File/Specify File Format/Specify Trace Header ........... 168
File/Open Files/OpenSEGY File/Specify File Format/View Trace Header............... 169
File/Save Picks........................................................................................................................ 170
View/General .......................................................................................................................... 171
View/View 1, 2, or 3............................................................................................................... 173
Set Model................................................................................................................................ 174
Set Model/Delete Control Points ........................................................................................ 176
Set Model/Parameters ......................................................................................................... 177
Pick Data/Automatic............................................................................................................... 179
Pick Data/Automatic/Shots to Pick..................................................................................... 182
Pick Data/Manual ................................................................................................................... 183
Select Shot .............................................................................................................................. 185

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The GLI3D INTERPRETER window is used to interpret first break picks, generate a near-surface
model, and calculate statics.

The commands available on the GLI3D INTERPRETER window are:

File: Read the input files required for the GLI3D interpretation process. Write output files from
the process. Produce hardcopy.

View: Set parameters that control the plotting functions and general appearance of this window.

Project: Save and restore files and parameters grouped as a project.

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Initial Model: Define or modify an initial geological model for the inversion process.

GLI Inversion: Perform a conventional GLI inversion, that is, modify the geological model in a
manner consistent with the input first break pick times.

TOMO Inversion: Perform a tomographic inversion to modify the geological model.

Inversion Steps: Perform a part of a conventional GLI inversion.

Statics: Set parameters concerning the calculation of statics, using the current model.

Display: Display various properties of the current model, using child windows.

Zoom: Change the current plot scales by a factor of 2.

Unzoom: Change the current plot scales by a factor of 1/2.

Each of these commands is explained in detail in the following pages.

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The File button on the GLI3D INTERPRETER window enables a series of commands that are
used to read files into GLI3D and write files from GLI3D. Because GLI3D stores its own
intermediate files, it is not necessary to use this button continuously throughout the GLI3D
session. Consequently, this option is normally used at the beginning of the interpretation of a set
of first breaks and at the end, when the user wishes to save the derived statics, and send the
results to another system or program. The File button also contains the hardcopy options.

The commands are:

Open: Read geometry and/or model files.

Save: Save the current model, statics, or statics report file to a named disk location.

Hardcopy: Produce a CGM plot file.

Exit: Close down the GLI3D program.

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Choosing the Open option on the File button causes a pullDown menu to appear with the
following options:

Geometry: This allows you to specify the file name containing both the geometry and the picks
for the dataset to be processed.

Model: This allows you to read a file, created in another GLI3D session, which contains the
parameters for a geological model.

The Geometry file must always be read before any other GLI3D operations can be performed.

There are three modes of reading geometry files:

new: Read the first geometry file into the project.

append: Append additional geometry files into the project.

merge: Merge additional geometry files into the project.

The purpose of the append option is when there is more than one survey in the same region and
you wish to load all the surveys into the same project and do all of the inversions at the same
time. This option would be used, for example, in the case where you have multiple 2D surveys.
You would load your first 2D survey into a new 3D project. Then you would load each
additional 2D survey using the Append option.

The purpose of the merge option is to merge geometry information that belongs to a single
survey but is contained in separate geometry files. This may be the case if you are using a 32 bit
machine and the original geometry file is > 2 GB. This also may be the case where you receive
additional geometry information at a later date and wish to combine (merge) that information
with what has already been loaded into GLI3D.

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Choosing the Geometry option on the File/Open button causes the Load Geometry menu to
appear. The Geometry file may be a single file or multiple files that contain the geometry
information and pick times for every trace in the survey. If a previous geometry file has already
been opened, then the effect of loading a new file will be to overwrite what was previously on
the screen.

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The items are as follows:

Specify file format: There are two geometry file formats that are always available to GLI3D.
The first is an ASCII file, containing the picks and geometry for each recorded trace, and
the other is a “header” file created in a previous GLI3D run. There may also be
additional formats, which are site-specific. The current default is shown in red, after the
words, Geometry File Format to Load. If you wish to change this setting, click on the
Specify File Format button.

Pressing this button causes a second menu to appear which allows you to specify the
format to be used in reading the Geometry file. If this button is not pressed, GLI3D will
assume that the geometry file is in the format specified in red.

Geometry File: This is the actual file (or files) that you wish to open and read to access
geometry and picks. This box may be filled in directly using the keyboard, or you may
select one of the files in the Geometry Files list.

If you have used the Specify File Format menu to select a multiple file geometry format,
there will be one box for each file required.

Directory and File Mask: This field contains a complete path and wild card specification that
is used to determine which files will be listed in the Geometry Files box. For example,
if you type:


and press the Filter button, those files in the directory “/home/gli3d/data” whose
extension is .geo will be listed. If you type:


and press the Filter button, all files in the “/usr” directory will be displayed. Note that
simply changing this field does not automatically cause the Geometry Files box to be
updated. You must press the Filter button.

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Directories: This box contains a list of possible directories. The current directory, which is
also displayed in the Directory and File Mask field, is at the top of the list with a (.) after
it. For example:


The next name on the list is the current directory followed by 2 dots (..). Highlighting
this field and pressing Filter will cause the current directory to move up one level. For
example, choosing this item:


will cause the current directory to change to:


All the items in this box are the subdirectories directly below the current directory. A
directory can be selected by highlighting its name and pressing the Filter button.

Geometry Files: This is the set of files from which you must choose one by clicking with the
mouse. The chosen file then appears in the Geometry File box. The particular files
shown in this box depend on the setting of the Directory and File Mask box. Depending
on the size of the complete menu box, this and the previous boxes may show sliders,
allowing you to scroll through a list of items.

Filter: Pressing this button causes the set of files displayed in the Geometry Files box to be
modified to reflect the current settings of the Directory and File Mask item.

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GLI3D Interpreter Menus 11

File/Open/Geometry/Specify File Format

When the Specify File Format button is pushed on the Load Geometry menu, the Specify
Geometry File Format menu appears. Note that there may be additional, site-specific formats
shown on this menu.

GLI3D reads geometry in at least two possible formats. Note that the “geometry” file is assumed
to contain the first break pick times along with the necessary geometry for each trace of the
dataset. The two general formats are:

1. ASCII format

This format is an ASCII file containing one line per trace of input data along with an
extra line for each shot. The file is shot ordered with a single line for each shot followed
by lines for each receiver of that shot. (Refer to the example below.)

All the lines are read in free field format, meaning that it doesn’t matter which columns
the numbers are placed in, as long as they are in the right order and there are spaces
between fields.

An optional line may be used to indicate the total number of shots and maximum number
of traces per shot in the survey.

a) “LINE” in columns 1 to 4
b) Total number of shots in the survey
c) Maximum number of traces per shot

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Each shot line contains the following information in the order indicated:

a) “SHOT” in columns 1 to 4
b) Shot station ID
c) X-coordinate of the shot station
d) Y-coordinate of the shot station
e) Z-coordinate of the shot station
f) Depth of the shot
g) Uphole time of the shot in milliseconds (optional)
h) V1, First layer velocity (optional)

The receiver lines contain the following information in the order indicated:

a) “TRACE” in columns 1 to 5
b) Receiver station ID
c) X-coordinate of the receiver station
d) Y-coordinate of the receiver station
e) Z-coordinate of the receiver station
f) First break time in milliseconds (A value of 0 indicates no pick, but traces that
are not picked can in fact be deleted from the file.)

Here is an example of an ASCII geometry file:

LINE 526 240

SHOT 101 687930 261033 442.80 10.00 5.0 1235.0
TRACE 103 687888 261062 441.20 60.00
TRACE 104 687882 261086 441.40 84.00
TRACE 105 687870 261107 441.00 102.00
TRACE 106 687858 261129 440.60 114.00
TRACE 107 687846 261150 440.20 120.00


TRACE 173 687494 262726 430.40 600.00

TRACE 174 687490 262750 430.40 606.00
SHOT 102 687909 261047 442.00 8.0 4.0 1304.5
TRACE 104 687882 261086 441.40 84.00
TRACE 105 687870 261107 441.00 90.00
TRACE 106 687858 261129 440.60 102.00


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GLI3D Interpreter Menus 13

2. GLI3D Header Format

The second geometry format supported by GLI3D is its own internal header format. This
is an ASCII file containing all the information of the previous ASCII file, as well as extra
information used by GLI3D in the inversion process. This file is created by GLI3D itself,
either in the interactive or the batch mode. For example, if you run the batch version of
GLI3D on a mainframe and wish to examine results or continue the analysis on the
workstation, you would read in the GLI3D header file created in the batch run.
Alternatively, if you have made a previous GLI3D run on the workstation and have saved
the header file, you could read it in to continue the process.

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File/Open/Geometry/Survey Geometry

After the Geometry file has been selected on the Load Geometry menu, and the Ok button
pushed, the Survey Geometry menu appears. This menu allows you to specify the type of
survey for the geometry file you have selected.

The items are:

SURVEY IS: GLI3D processes both 2D and 3D data using the same algorithm. However, it is
often beneficial to constrain the program to operate in a 2D mode for the purpose of
saving run time. In the 2D mode, GLI3D assumes that a (possibly crooked) line may be
drawn through the survey, and no model variation is permitted in a direction
perpendicular to the line. The 2-D/3-D toggles allow you to specify whether the dataset
will be processed in the 2D or the 3D mode.

The conventional GLI3D inversion method will not modify the velocity of the near
surface layer from what was defined when the initial model was created. Tomographic
inversion, on the other hand, does not have this constraint and will attempt to update
velocities of all cells. If the survey is marine, then the land/marine toggles ensure that
the water velocity will not be changed by the tomographic inversion.

Note that the marine option is ignored by the GLI inversion process.

The Ocean Bottom Cable option should be used for marine surveys acquired with
ocean-bottom cables. This option is valid for both GLI and tomographic inversions.
This option ensures that both the water velocity and water bottom are NOT iterated by
either the GLI or tomographic inversion algorithms.

In addition, specifying Ocean Bottom Cable also automatically forces the first layer of
the GLI Earth Model to coincide with the water bottom elevation.

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File/Open/Geometry/Geometry Parameters

After the Survey Geometry has been selected on the Survey Geometry menu, and the Ok
button pushed, the Geometry Parameters menu appears. This menu allows you to specify
parameters describing the geometry file you have selected.

The items are:

SELECT SHOTS: This section allows you to specify a range or subset of shots to use from the
input Geometry file. The main reason to do this is to shorten the time required to
produce an inverted model. For example, using every second shot will reduce
computation time but may still produce a good model. Note that no statics will be
calculated for the shots that have not been included.

Two methods of selecting shots are available:

1) Use the actual field shot point numbers for the selection.
2) Use the sequential numbering of shots as they appear in the file.

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BULK PICK TIME: This field specifies a time in milliseconds which will be added to all first
break picks read from the Geometry file.

SOURCE ARRAY: This field is used to specify a source array configuration to be used in
calculating the effective shot-receiver distance for each trace in the dataset. The array is
assumed to be represented by a rectangular box. If a source array is specified, it is
assumed that every shot in the dataset has the same configuration oriented in the same
direction. A length or width of 0 may be input to specify a linear array.

Length: Length of the array measured along some axis.

Width: Width of the array measured along the direction perpendicular to the length.

Angle: Angle in degrees measured clockwise from the positive x-axis of the earth (east)
to the “Length” axis.

RECEIVER ARRAY: This field is used to specify a receiver array configuration to be used in
calculating the effective shot-receiver distance for each trace in the dataset. The array is
assumed to be represented by a rectangular box. If a receiver array is specified, it is
assumed that every receiver in the dataset has the same array configuration oriented in
the same direction. A length or width of 0 may be input to specify a linear array.

Length: Length of the array measured along some axis.

Width: Width of the array measured along the direction perpendicular to the length.

Angle: Angle in degrees measured clockwise from the positive x-axis of the earth (east)
to the “Length” axis.

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CHECK SURVEY LIMITS: GLI3D will print a report to your terminal window showing the
minimum and maximum X and Y coordinates read from your geometry file. If this
button is pressed, you can specify a rectangle around your survey, and any shots or
receivers in the geometry file whose coordinates fall outside this rectangle will not be
loaded when the geometry file is read. There will also be a message displayed in your
console window indicating the number of shots and receivers that were ignored.

Xmin: Minimum X-coordinate of the user-defined rectangle.

Xmax: Maximum X-coordinate of the user-defined rectangle.

Ymin: Minimum Y-coordinate of the user-defined rectangle.

Ymax: Maximum Y-coordinate of the user-defined rectangle.

ROTATION ANGLE OPTION: In order to minimize the calculation effort, it is sometimes

useful to rotate the survey coordinate system. For example, in the 2D mode, it is always
advisable to rotate the survey such that the line falls parallel to the X-axis. The rotation
angle may be specified manually or you may choose to allow GLI3D to automatically
calculate an optimum rotation angle. For detailed information on how that angle is
calculated, see the Theory section of this documentation manual.

This field determines whether the rotation angle is input manually or automatically
calculated. If 2D processing has been selected, then GLI3D will calculate the optimum
rotation angle, which will override any user specified angle.

MANUAL ROTATION ANGLE: If the Manual Input option is chosen on the previous field, this
field allows you to specify the rotation angle. The effect is to rotate the entire survey
clockwise by this many degrees.

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Choosing the Model option on the File/Open button causes the Load Model menu to appear.
The Load Model menu is a standard Motif widget. Different model types can be loaded:

1. A GLI model file is a text file, containing information about the geological model
associated with a dataset which has been processed through a GLI type inversion.
A GLI model file carries a default file extension .mdl.This file is created by GLI3D in
either the interactive or batch mode. You would read in this file if you have run the batch
version of GLI3D and wish to plot results or continue the analysis on the workstation.
Alternatively, if you have made a previous GLI3D run on the workstation and have saved
the model file, you would read it in to continue the process.

2. A TOMO_ASCII model is a velocity grid issued by a previous tomographic inversion.

This file is an ASCII text file and carries a default extension .ascii.

3. A TOMO_SEGY model is also a velocity grid issued by a previous tomographic

inversion, but could also proceed from a previous depth migration process. As this file is
a SEGY file, its depth increment cannot exceed 32.767 m or feet, the latter limit being
imposed by the SEGY standard requesting that the sampling rate multiplied by 1000 be
stored as a 2 bytes integer. It carries a default file extension .sgy. If we intend to apply a
further tomographic inversion, a further restriction will apply: The contrast between
vertical and horizontal grid sizes should not exceed a factor 3, otherwise the correct
propagation of the seismic plane waves is not guaranteed.

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The items are as follows:

Directory and File Mask: This field contains a complete path and wild card specification used
to determine which file names will be displayed in the Model Files box. For example, if
you type:


and press the Filter button, all files in the directory “/home/gli3d/data/” (with extension
.mdl) will be displayed. Note that simply changing this field does not automatically
cause the Model Files box to be updated. You must press either the Filter button or the
RETURN key on the keyboard.

Directories: This box contains a list of possible directories. The current directory, which is
also displayed in the Directory and File Mask field, is at the top of the list with a (.) after
it. For example:


The next name on the list is the current directory followed by 2 dots (..). Highlighting
this field and pressing Filter, or double clicking on this field, will cause the current
directory to move up one level. For example, choosing this item:


will cause the current directory to change to:


All the other items in this box are subdirectories directly below the current directory. A
directory may be selected by highlighting its name and pressing the Filter button.

Model Files: This is the set of files from which you must choose one by clicking with the
mouse. The chosen name then appears in the Model File Selection box. Depending on
the size of the complete menu box, this and the previous boxes may show sliders,
allowing you to scroll through a list of items.

Model File Selection: This is the actual model file that you wish to open and work on. This
may be typed in directly using the keyboard, or you may click on one of the names in the
Model Files box.

Filter: Pressing this button causes the set of files displayed in the Model Files box to be
modified to reflect the current settings of the Directory and File Mask item.

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As indicated above, 3 types of model file can be input into GLI3D. All were saved from previous
inversion experiments. However the TOMO_ types could also contain a velocity grid produced
by an exterior process handling the immediate subsurface like depth migration. In the latter case,
the text header (.ascii file) or the EBCDIC header (.sgy file) must be manually inserted.
Please edit in exactly the following template:

Notes :

- GLI3D will reject a file, the first header line of which does not bear the string
“TOMO MODEL OUTPUT:” in capital letters.

- The order of the 11 lines should match the template, particularly the blank lines #2, #11.

- The sequence of spaces allows the scanner to read the correct numbers.

- Avoid scientific notation, which the scanner does not read properly.

- Be sure that the grid origin is absolutely correctly in place, otherwise the tomographic
algorithm could diverge, give NaN results and likely crash the program.

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Choosing the Save option on the File button causes a pullDown menu to appear with the
following options:

Model: This allows you to save the geological model that is currently on the screen along with
all parameters that were used to generate that model.

Control Points: This allows you to save to an ASCII file the set of control points that were used
to compute the current geological model. This enables you to start a new project,
loading exactly the same set of control points.

Statics: This allows you to create a Statics file to be used for the subsequent processing.

Statics Report: This allows you to save a file containing the layer thicknesses and velocities
for the current model and the statics components calculated from the model.

Each of these items causes a menu to appear allowing you to specify the output filename.

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Choosing the File/Save/Model/GLI Model option causes the Save Model File menu to appear.
The purpose of this menu is to specify the output filename. The model file is created during the
GLI3D run, and contains a complete specification of the near-surface geology, as well as the
parameters used to derive that geology. The model file is saved automatically with the project,
so that it is generally not necessary to explicitly save this file.

The items are:

Directory Path: This is the complete directory specification in which to create the file.

Model File Name: This is the name of the file that will be created. Note that it is not necessary
to append the extension, .mdl, since this will automatically be added. If this file already
exists, you will be prompted before overwriting it.

The option to save the tomo model as an ASCII file or a SEGY file is added to this category.
When File/Save/Model/TOMO Model is selected, the following menu pops up:

The default grid parameters refer to the actual grid issued by the tomographic inversion.
However, you may specify a finer or coarser grid. This process indeed issues a grid of grid.

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File Type: The tomographic grid can be output as an ASCII or a SEGY file.
The grid columns are either printed or issued as depth traces. The SEGY output
can be merged to a deeper velocity model and thus provide detailed and independent
weathering velocity information to ensure a more accurate depth migration.
The selection of ASCII or SEGY type automatically appends the .ascii or .sgy extension.

Data Format: The various floating point notations: IBM, IEEE, VAX or PC are supported.
This applies only to SEGY output.
Output Grid: This switch allows you to reset the X-, Y- and Z-Grid Size to the actual velocity
grid issued by the tomographic inversion.

The origin of the output velocity grid coincides with the origin of the tomographic grid, which,
by convention is the upper left corner of the grid.



SEGY trace


Z Depth

X-Grid Size: Grid constant along the x-axis. It controls the number of cross-Lines.

Y-Grid Size: Grid constant along the y-axis. It controls the number of in-Lines.

Z-Grid Size: Depth sampling rate. As the SEGY depth rate is stored multiplied by 1000.0
into a 2 byte integer, its value cannot exceed 32.767. This is not a restrictive condition,
as a finer depth sampling rate, just increases the computing rate.

The ASCII grid file looks like this:

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Grid Header

11 rows

GRID columns
inLine 1 xLine 1

inLine 1 xLine 2

inLine 1 xLine 3

The Grid Header describes the various grid parameters like the number of inLines and xLines,
the three grid constants and the grid origin.Then each grid column is listed by a GRID record
with the absolute coordinates of the column top followed by all column samples, i.e. the
tomographic velocities. Note that a 0 velocity means that the sample is located above the surface
elevation, i.e. in the air. The GRID records are listed in increasing xLine and Inline numbers.

The SEGY file has the same grid header inserted into the EBCDIC text line header and each grid
column is coded into a depth trace. The binary line and trace headers are coded accordingly.

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The console journal lists the header information and also provides additional information like the
patch angle which describes the orientation of the inLine survey axis (i.e. the x-axis) relative to
the absolute map X-axis.

The grid files enable the user to save several tomographic models issued from the same geologic
model and to re-enter some better one at a later stage for further inversion or statics calculation.

Note :
You are hereby advised not to edit the grid header which is used to reload the grid
parameters to GLI3D when re-entering the grid file. For instance GLI3D will reject a file the
first header line of which does not bear the string “TOMO MODEL OUTPUT:” in capital
letters.The row sequence is also important including the blank lines.

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File/Save/Control Points

Choosing the File/Save/Control Points causes the Control Point File menu to appear. The
purpose of this menu is to specify the output filename and the type of the item paired with
velocity. The file contains the set of control points that were used to compute the current
geological model.

The items are the following:

Control Point File Format: The HRS ASCII Control Point File Format is the default
format used to save control point files. If your company has a site-specific
control point file format, then the Specify File Format toggle will appear,
allowing you to choose the appropriate format.

Directory Path: This is the complete specification of the directory in which to create the

Control Point File Name: This is the name of the control point file that will be created.
Note that it is not necessary to append the extension, .cp, since this will
automatically be added. If this file already exists, you will be prompted before
overwriting it.

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GLI3D Interpreter Menus 27

Output Item Paired With Velocity: Each control point record contains Shot ID, X & Y
for each layer, a pair [v,item] and the bottom velocity. The item can be the following:

Time Intercept: The time at which the refraction line intercepts the time axis of
the first break plot(x,t). Although the refraction wave follows the bottom
of the layer vi , it travels with the next lower velocity vi+1, so that the
refraction line has the slope vi+1.

Layer Thickness: The thickness of the layer with velocity v. This is the most
descriptive way for a user to a enter a model; therefore, this is the default

Depth of Layer Bottom: The absolute depth of the bottom of the layer with
velocity v.

Each type of [v,item] pair is equivalent and can be converted into the other two.

GLI3D builds up the geological model using the [v, Time Intercept] pair.

For more details about the control point file structure or geological model, refer to
the sections, “Initial Model/Create new Initial Model/Read from File” and the
theory section 3.1.7 p.52.

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28 Hampson-Russell Software Services


Choosing the File/Save/Statics option causes the Save Statics File menu to appear. The
purpose of this menu is to specify the output filename(s). The Statics file contains the statics
calculated from the current model. If the statics have not been calculated before this option was
selected, the Calculate Statics menu will appear, and the statics will be calculated before a file
is saved. The format of the Statics file depends on your processing system and is usually
customized for your site.

The items are:

Floating Datum Calculation: When this toggle is selected, GLI3D will calculate a surface-
consistent floating datum for the statics calculations. The total statics will be divided into
a long wave component and a short wave component, and each component will be saved
into a separate file.

Statics File Format to Save: The HRS ASCII statics file format is the default format used to
save statics files from GLI3D. If your company also has a site-specific statics file format,
then the Specify File Format toggle will appear, allowing you to choose the appropriate

Directory Path: This is the complete specification of the directory in which to create the file.

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GLI3D Interpreter Menus 29

Statics File Name: This is the name of the statics file that will be created. This file will
contain the recently calculated static correction (see section Calculate Statics).

Note that it is not necessary to append the extension, .sta, since this will automatically be
added. If this file already exists, you will be prompted before overwriting it.

Floating Datum Statics File Name: This is the name of the short wave statics file that will be
created. This field is active only when the Floating Datum Statics option was selected.
Note that it is not necessary to append the extension, .sta, since this will automatically be
added. If this file already exists, you will be prompted before overwriting it.

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30 Hampson-Russell Software Services

File/Save/Statics Report

Choosing the File/Save/Statics Report option causes the Save Statics Report File menu to
appear. The purpose of this menu is to specify the output filename(s). The Statics Report file
contains the layer thicknesses and velocities for the current model and the statics components
calculated from the model.

The items are:

GLI/TOMO Statics: These toggles allow you to create a Statics Report file with model
parameters from either the GLI3D model or the tomographic model. Since the
tomographic inversion method does not create a model with discrete layers, the velocities
are saved into a separate file when you select TOMO Statics.

Directory Path: This is the complete specification of the directory in which to create the file.

Statics Report File Name: This is the name of the report file that will be created. If you have
selected TOMO Statics, the Statics Report file only contains information about the
statics calculated from the current model. Note that it is not necessary to append the
extension, .rpt, since this will automatically be added. If this file already exists, you will
be prompted before overwriting it.

Tomo Velocity Model File Name: If you choose TOMO Statics and select this toggle, this
field sets the name of the velocity model file that will be created. For every grid cell
location in the survey, this file contains the X, Y and Z coordinates of the center of the
surface cell and the velocities for every cell below that surface location.

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GLI3D Interpreter Menus 31


GLI3D allows you to create hardcopy plots of any combination of the four views that can be
displayed in the GLI3D INTERPRETER window. The plots are produced as a CGM metafile
which may be plotted later using software which can read and rasterize a CGM file.

Choosing the Hardcopy option on the File pullDown menu causes the Hardcopy Parameters
menu to appear. This menu and the subsequent menus allow the user to set parameters for the
CGM plot.

The items are as follows:

Output CGM File Directory: The Hardcopy option creates a CGM metafile, which can be
plotted later. This field specifies the complete path of the directory in which to place the
CGM file.

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32 Hampson-Russell Software Services

Output CGM File Name: This is the name of the CGM file to create.

Plot Title: Any title may be inserted here. This will be printed at the top of the CGM plot title

HARDCOPY TITLE BLOCK: This parameter allows the user to choose whether or not a title
block will be shown on the CGM plot.

GENERATE HARDCOPY FROM: This option allows the user to select the GLI3D views that
will be shown on the CGM plot. Plot parameter menus, similar to those on the View
pullDown menu, will be displayed for each view selected here, after the Ok button is
pressed. Note that hardcopy plots can be created only for views that have been displayed
on the screen, although it is not necessary that the view be visible when the Hardcopy
button is pressed.

PLOT DIRECTION: This parameter specifies the plotting direction, and can be either Left to
Right or Right to Left.

HORIZONTAL SCALE: This parameter sets the horizontal scale in meters (feet)/inch for all
views in the CGM plot. To change the value, double click in the box, then type a new

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GLI3D Interpreter Menus 33


If Statics was selected on the Hardcopy Parameters menu, then the Statics Plot Parameters
menu will appear. This menu allows you to modify the characteristics of the Statics plot. The
parameters selected on this menu will also be used to redraw the Statics view on the screen.

The items are:

TIME SCALE: This parameter controls the scaling along the vertical or time-axis. The units are
in inches of screen display per second of static time.

TIME AXIS DIRECTION: This parameter controls whether the time axis increases or decreases
in the upward direction. The choices are:

Positive: Time increases as you move up the axis.

Negative: Time increases as you move down the axis.

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34 Hampson-Russell Software Services

STATICS ATTRIBUTES: This field determines which combination of statics values will be

The names of the statics attributes are consistent throughout the program. A detailed
description of the various statics attributes is provided at the end of the GLI3D
INTERPRETER Window section.

Any number of these options may be chosen simultaneously. The choices are the

Long Wave + UH: Long Wave Component of the Statics.

Its calculation is model based and includes the up-hole term (UH)
that brings the shot record up to the surface.

UH: up-hole term = (Station Depth / Replacement Velocity)

UH ≠ 0 for shot station
UH = 0 for receiver station

Short Wave: Short Wave Component of the Statics.

Its calculation is based on the surface consistency assumption. This
component is derived using Gauss-Seidel iteration, assuming that the
short-wave and receiver statics are independent.

Elevation + UH: Elevation Correction + Uphole Term.

Elevation only : Elevation Correction.

This is the statics that appear under the column “Elevation Correction”
in the statics report.

Long + UH + Short Wave

Long + UH + Elevation These statics are a combination of the above statics.

Floating Datum (CDP): This statics will only appear if the user selected the Floating
Datum in the statics calculation menu. The detailed explanation
of the Floating Datum is presented in a special paragraph at the
end of the GLI3D INTERPRETER Window section.

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GLI3D Interpreter Menus 35


If Velocity was selected on the Hardcopy Parameters menu, then the Velocity Plot
Parameters menu will appear. This menu allows you to modify the characteristics of the
Velocity plot. The parameters selected on this menu will also be used to redraw the Velocity
view on the screen.

The items are:

VELOCITY SCALE: This parameter controls the scaling along the time axis. The units are in
meters or feet/second per inch.

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36 Hampson-Russell Software Services

File/Hardcopy/First Breaks

If First Breaks was selected on the Hardcopy Parameters menu, then the First Breaks Plot
Parameters menu will appear. This menu allows you to modify the characteristics of the First
Breaks plot. The parameters selected on this menu will also be used to redraw the First Breaks
view on the screen.

The items are:

TIME SCALE: This parameter controls the scaling along the time axis. The units are in inches
of screen display per second of time.

SHOT SPACING: The First Breaks Plot displays the first break picks on a surface consistent
basis. In order to fit overlapping shots on the same scale without interfering, it is
necessary to offset each shot plotted by a constant time from the previous shot. This
parameter sets this time offset in milliseconds.

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GLI3D Interpreter Menus 37

ERROR DETECTION THRESHOLD: If the difference between a first break time and the model
pick time is large, then GLI3D will display the pick in a different color. After ray tracing
through the current geological model, GLI3D calculates the average error. This
parameter sets a threshold value that will be multiplied by the average error to determine
which picks will be considered to be significantly different from the model.

PLOT MODE: The first breaks may be plotted in either of two modes:

Flatten Picks to Model: Each first break time is corrected by subtracting the model
time, that is, the time predicted by ray-tracing through the current geological
model. This mode provides a form of quality control on the model, since, ideally,
the result of this subtraction should be close to zero.

True Relative Time: The first breaks are plotted on a true time scale at their original
pick times.

BREAKS TO PLOT: Two options exist, to plot either the real first breaks, or to plot the model
breaks predicted by ray tracing through the current geological model.

FIRST SHOT: This item determines which sequential shot in the file to begin plotting first
breaks. Normally, this is set to 1, meaning to start plotting from the beginning. If this is
set to some other number, like 5, then all shots before this will not be plotted. This may
be used in conjunction with the next item to plot a subset of shots and thus simplify the
look of the plot.

INCREMENT: This item sets an increment on shots that will be plotted. For example, setting
this item to 3 will cause every third shot to be displayed.

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38 Hampson-Russell Software Services

File/Hardcopy/Earth Model

If Earth Model was selected on the Hardcopy Parameters menu, then the Earth Model Plot
Parameters menu will appear. This menu allows you to modify the characteristics of the Earth
Model plot. The parameters selected on this menu will also be used to redraw the Earth Model
view on the screen.

The items are:

VERTICAL SCALE: This parameter controls the scaling along the depth axis. The units are in
meters or feet of depth model per inch of screen display.

ANNOTATION: This field controls whether shot points and/or receiver locations will be
annotated on this plot.

OTHER ATTRIBUTES: This field allows the optional plot of either the processing datum
and/or the pseudo-datum.

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GLI3D Interpreter Menus 39


The Hardcopy Comments menu will appear only if the Display Title Block option was
selected on the Hardcopy Parameters menu. This menu allows you to type in any comments
that you would like to see printed on the final title block. These comments are typed in using the
keyboard and mouse pointer in the same way as any interactive text editor.

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40 Hampson-Russell Software Services


The View button on the GLI3D INTERPRETER window enables a pullDown menu with a series
of commands that allow you to change the look of the data being viewed. Up to three out of four
possible views may be displayed on the GLI3D INTERPRETER window at a time, and these are
called the Statics View, the Velocity View, the First Breaks View and the Earth Model View.
The General button is used to determine which views are showing, while the properties of each
of the views are set with the corresponding button on this menu. Note that the Velocity View
and Statics View both occupy the first (top) view. Therefore, these views cannot be shown

The items are:

General: Change the number of views being displayed and also such general parameters as plot
direction and plot scales.

Statics: Change the specific properties of the Statics view.

Velocity: Change the specific properties of the Velocity view.

First Breaks: Change the specific properties of the First Breaks view.

Earth Model: Change the specific properties of the Earth Model view.

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GLI3D Interpreter Menus 41


Pressing the General button on the View pullDown menu causes the General View Properties
menu to appear. This menu allows you to change general properties of all the views
simultaneously, as well as specify which views are visible on the main window.

The options are:

CURRENTLY SHOWING: This parameter allows you to specify the views to be displayed. The
choices are Statics, Velocity, First Breaks, and Earth Model. Any combination of the
First Breaks, Earth Model and one of either the Statics or Velocity views be displayed
simultaneously. If data appears in a view, and you remove that view, the data is not lost
permanently but can be redisplayed by selecting that view again. If specific properties of
a particular view are to be changed, use the Statics, Velocity, First Breaks or Earth
Model options on the View pullDown menu.

PLOT DIRECTION: This parameter specifies the plotting direction of the data in all views, and
can be either Left to Right or Right to Left.

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42 Hampson-Russell Software Services

HORIZONTAL SCALE: This parameter controls the scaling along the X-axis. The units are in
meters or feet of model per inch. Note that since a fixed scale is being used, the plot will
usually not fit entirely within the view window. In that case, sliders will appear on the
window allowing you to scroll through the data.

CROSS-SECTION LINE ON 3D SURVEY: This set of parameters is only used if the dataset is
being processed in the 3D mode. In that case, the GLI3D INTERPRETER window
displays a cross-section through the 3D volume. These parameters determine the
location and orientation of the cross-section.

The items are:

X-Coordinate of Point on the Line: You can specify the cross-section line by
providing the coordinates of a point on the line and the orientation of the line.
This parameter specifies the X-coordinate of a point on the cross-section line.

Y-Coordinate of Point on the Line: This is the Y-coordinate of a point on the

cross-section line.

Angle of the Line: This parameter specifies the azimuthal direction of the cross-section
in degrees anti-clockwise from east. An angle of 0o implies an east-west
cross-section, while an angle of 90o specifies a north-south cross-section.

Aperture Width of the Line: The cross-section plots a subsection of the model and
picks along a particular line through the 3D survey. In the case of some variables,
like first break picks or calculated statics, it is useful to think of the cross-section
as having a “thickness” or width. Any trace falling within this specified width
centered on the cross-section will appear on the plot.

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GLI3D Interpreter Menus 43


Choosing the Statics option on the View pullDown menu causes the Statics Parameters menu
to appear. The Statics view is one of the views that may be plotted on the GLI3D
INTERPRETER window and looks like this:

Note: In order to view the statics, the statics must have been calculated previously.
See Section “Calculate Statics”

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44 Hampson-Russell Software Services

This menu allows you to modify the characteristics of the Statics plot. The items are:

HORIZONTAL SCALE: This parameter controls the scaling along the X-axis. The units are in
meters or feet of model per inch. Note that since a fixed scale is being used, the plot will
usually not fit entirely within the view window. In that case, sliders will appear on the
window allowing you to scroll through the data.

A special option may be invoked by inserting the number 0.0 in this field. In that case,
the scale will automatically be set to fit the entire display within the window.

Since all the views on the GLI3D INTERPRETER window are plotted with the same
horizontal scale, changing this parameter will cause all views to be replotted with this

TIME SCALE: This parameter controls the scaling along the time axis. The units are in inches
of screen display per second of static time.

TIME AXIS DIRECTION: This parameter controls whether the time axis increases or decreases
in the upward direction. The choices are:
Positive: Time increases as you move up the axis.
Negative: Time increases as you move down the axis.

SHOT/RECEIVER SELECTION: The two check buttons SHOT and RECEIVER indicate that
the specified statics attributes are for shot and receiver
STATICS ATTRIBUTES: This field determines which combination of statics values will
be plotted.

The names of the statics attributes are consistent throughout the program. A detailed description
of the various statics attributes is provided at the end of the GLI3D INTERPRETER Window

Any number of these options may be chosen simultaneously. The choices are the

Long Wave + UH: Long Wave Component of the Statics.

Its calculation is model based and includes the up-hole term (UH)
that brings the shot record up to the surface.

UH: up-hole term = (Station Depth / Replacement Velocity)

UH ≠ 0 for shot station
UH = 0 for receiver station

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GLI3D Interpreter Menus 45

Short Wave: Short Wave Component of the Statics.

Its calculation is based on the surface consistency assumption. This
component is derived using Gauss-Seidel iteration, assuming that the
short-wave and receiver statics are independent.

Elevation + UH: Elevation Correction + Uphole Term.

Elevation only : Elevation Correction.

This is the statics that appear under the column “Elevation Correction”
in the statics report.

Long + UH + Short Wave

Long + UH + Elevation These statics are a combination of the above statics.

Floating Datum (CDP): This statics will only appear if the user selected the
Floating Datum in the statics calculation menu. The detailed explanation
of the Floating Datum is presented in a special paragraph at the end of the
GLI3D INTERPRETER Window section.

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46 Hampson-Russell Software Services


Choosing the Velocity option on the View pullDown menu causes the Velocity menu to appear.
The Velocity View is one of the views that may be plotted on the GLI3D INTERPRETER
window and looks like this:

This menu allows you to modify the characteristics of the Velocity View.

The items are:

HORIZONTAL SCALE: This parameter controls the scaling along the X-axis. The units are in
meters or feet of model per inch. Note that since a fixed scale is being used, the plot will
usually not fit entirely within the view window. In that case, sliders will appear on the
window allowing you to scroll through the data.

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GLI3D Interpreter Menus 47

A special option may be invoked by inserting the number 0.0 in this field. In that case,
the scale will automatically be set to fit the entire display within the window.

Since all the views on the GLI3D INTERPRETER window are plotted with the same
horizontal scale, changing this parameter will cause all views to be replotted with this

VERTICAL SCALE: This parameter controls the scaling along the time axis. The units are in
meters or feet/second per inch.

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48 Hampson-Russell Software Services

View/First Breaks

Choosing the First Breaks option on the View pullDown menu causes the First Breaks menu to
appear. The First Breaks View is one of the views that may be plotted on the GLI3D
INTERPRETER window and looks like this:

This menu allows you to modify the characteristics of the First Breaks View.

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GLI3D Interpreter Menus 49

The items are:

HORIZONTAL SCALE: This parameter controls the scaling along the X-axis. The units are in
meters or feet of model per inch. Note that since a fixed scale is being used, the plot will
usually not fit entirely within the view window. In that case, sliders will appear on the
window allowing you to scroll through the data.

A special option may be invoked by inserting the number 0.0 in this field. In that case,
the scale will automatically be set to fit the entire display within the window.

Since all the views on the GLI3D INTERPRETER window are plotted with the same
horizontal scale, changing this parameter will cause all views to be replotted with this

TIME SCALE: This parameter controls the scaling along the time axis. The units are in inches
of screen display per second of time.

SHOT SPACING: The First Breaks Plot displays the first break picks on a surface consistent
basis. In order to fit overlapping shots on the same scale without interfering, it is
necessary to offset each shot plotted by a constant time from the previous shot. This
parameter sets this time offset in milliseconds.

ERROR DETECTION THRESHOLD: If the difference between a first break time and the model
pick time is large, then GLI3D will display the pick in a different color. After ray tracing
through the current geological model, GLI3D calculates the average error. This
parameter sets a threshold value that will be multiplied by he average error to determine
which picks will be considered to be significantly different from the model.

PLOT MODE: The first breaks may be plotted in either of two modes:

Flatten Picks to Model: Each first break time is corrected by subtracting the model
time, that is, the time predicted by ray-tracing through the current geological
model. This mode provides a form of quality control on the model, since, ideally,
the result of this subtraction should be close to zero.

True Relative Time: The breaks are plotted on a true time scale at their original pick

BREAKS TO PLOT: Two options exist, to plot either the real first breaks, or to plot the model
breaks predicted by ray tracing through the current geological model.

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50 Hampson-Russell Software Services

FIRST SHOT: This item determines which sequential shot in the file to begin plotting first
breaks. Normally, this is set to 1, meaning to start plotting from the beginning. If this is
set to some other number, like 5, then all shots before this will not be plotted. This may
be used in conjunction with the next item to plot a subset of shots and thus simplify the
look of the plot.

INCREMENT: This item sets an increment on shots that will be plotted. For example, setting
this item to 3 will cause every third shot to be displayed.

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GLI3D Interpreter Menus 51

View/Earth Model

Choosing the Earth Model option on the View pullDown menu causes the Earth Model menu to
appear. The Earth Model View is one of the views that may be plotted on the GLI3D
INTERPRETER window and looks like this:

This menu allows you to modify the characteristics of the Earth Model View.

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52 Hampson-Russell Software Services

The items are:

HORIZONTAL SCALE: This parameter controls the scaling along the X-axis. The units are in
meters or feet of model per inch. Note that since a fixed scale is being used, the plot will
usually not fit entirely within the view window. In that case, sliders will appear on the
window allowing you to scroll through the data.

A special option may be invoked by inserting the number 0.0 in this field. In that case,
the scale will automatically be set to fit the entire display within the window.

Since all the views on the GLI3D INTERPRETER window are plotted with the same
horizontal scale, changing this parameter will cause all views to be replotted with this

VERTICAL SCALE: This parameter controls the scaling along the depth axis. The units are in
meters or feet of depth model per inch of screen display.

ANNOTATION: This field controls whether shot points and/or receiver locations will be
annotated on this plot.

OTHER ATTRIBUTES: This field allows the optional plot of either the processing datum
and/or the pseudo-datum.

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GLI3D Interpreter Menus 53


The Project button is used to save or restore project data. A project in GLI3D refers to the set of
all intermediate files, plots and parameters that exist on the screen at any time. To save a project
means to store all these results on disk under a user-specified name. To open a project means to
read the results that have been stored, and to set up the screen in the same state as it was when
the project was saved. To delete a project means to remove all files and data associated with a

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54 Hampson-Russell Software Services


When the Open command is chosen on the Project button, the Load a Project menu appears,
allowing the user to choose a previously saved project.

The Load a Project menu is a standard Motif widget. The items are as follows:

Directory and Project Name Mask: This field contains a complete path and wild card
specification used to determine which project names will be displayed in the Project
Names box. Note that a project name must always have the extension .prj to be a valid
name. For example, if you type:


and press the Filter button, all projects in the directory “/home/gli3d/data/” (with
extension .prj) will be displayed. Note that simply changing this field does not
automatically cause the Project Names box to be updated. You must press either the
Filter button or the RETURN key on the keyboard.

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GLI3D Interpreter Menus 55

Directories: This box contains a list of possible directories. The current directory, which is
also displayed in the Directory and Project Name Mask field, is at the top of the list
with a (.) after it. For example:


The next name on the list is the current directory followed by 2 dots (..). Highlighting
this field and pressing Filter, or double clicking on this field, will cause the current
directory to move up one level. For example, choosing this item:


will cause the current directory to change to:


All the other items in this box are subdirectories directly below the current directory. A
directory may be selected by highlighting its name and pressing the Filter button.

Project Names: This is the set of existing projects from which you must choose one by
clicking with the mouse. The chosen name then appears in the Project Name Selection
box. Depending on the size of the complete menu box, this and the previous boxes may
show sliders, allowing you to scroll through a list of items.

Project Name Selection: This is the actual project that you wish to open and work on. This
may be typed in directly using the keyboard, or you may click on one of the names in the
Project Names box.

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56 Hampson-Russell Software Services


Pressing the Save command on the Project button causes the Save a Project menu to appear.
This option is used to save all the current data, plots and parameters to a directory on the disk, to
be restored later.

The items are:

Directory Path: This is the name of the root directory under which the project directory will be

Project Name: This is the name to be associated with this project. This name should not
contain any extension, since GLI3D will automatically append the extension .prj. For
example, this would be a valid project name:


In this case, GLI3D would create a directory called “guide.prj” in which all the current
files would be stored. If this directory already exists, the data there will be overwritten
with the current data. It is normal practice to continually save the current information
with the same name, thereby reducing the amount of disk space used, and keeping only
the most recent project data.

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GLI3D Interpreter Menus 57


When the Delete command is chosen on the Project button, the Delete a Project menu appears,
allowing you to delete a previously saved project. Note that the current project, which is being
worked on, cannot be deleted and will not appear on the list.

The Delete a Project menu is a standard Motif widget.

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58 Hampson-Russell Software Services

The items are as follows:

Directory and Project Name Mask: This field contains a complete path and wild card
specification used to determine which project names will be displayed in the Project
Names box. Note that a project name must always have the extension .prj to be a valid
name. For example, if you type:


and press the Filter button, all projects in the directory “/home/gli3d/data/” (with
extension .prj) will be displayed. Note that simply changing this field does not
automatically cause the Project Names box to be updated. You must press either the
Filter button or the RETURN key on the keyboard.

Directories: This box contains a list of possible directories. The current directory, which is
also displayed in the Directory and Project Name Mask field, is at the top of the list
with a (.) after it. For example:


The next name on the list is the current directory followed by 2 dots (..). Highlighting
this field and pressing Filter, or double clicking on this field, will cause the current
directory to move up one level. For example, choosing this item:


will cause the current directory to change to:


All the other items in this box are subdirectories directly below the current directory. A
directory may be selected by highlighting its name and pressing the Filter button.

Project Names: This is the set of existing projects from which you must choose one by
clicking with the mouse. The chosen name then appears in the Project Name Selection
box. Depending on the size of the complete menu box, this and the previous boxes may
show sliders, allowing the user to scroll through a list of items.

Project Name Selection: This is the actual project that you wish to delete. This may be typed
in directly using the keyboard, or you may click on one of the names in the Project
Names box.

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GLI3D Interpreter Menus 59

Initial Model

The Initial Model button is used to set the properties of the initial model for GLI3D. Since
GLI3D is an iterative modelling system, an initial guess must always be made concerning the
geological model before GLI3D can perform its inversion. That model is set up in two steps:

1. Specify certain general parameters on a menu that will follow.

2. Build velocity/depth information tables at selected control points within the survey.
This second step is performed interactively using the OFFSET window. For details,
see the Display Windows section of the documentation manual.

The Initial Model button enables a pullDown menu with the following options:

Create new Initial Model: This option creates an initial model from scratch. It will bring up
the Model Parameters menu to allow you to set the general parameters, and then will
cause the Offset child window to appear, allowing you to set the control points.

Modify existing Model: This option is used if you wish to modify parts of an existing model,
such as adding or removing control points. It will always cause the Model Parameters
menu to appear, but the OFFSET window will only appear if you choose to add new
control points or modify existing control points.

Reset to Initial Model: This option is used if you have already performed an inversion, and
wish to start over from the initial model. Choosing this option does not cause any menu
to appear, but will overwrite any inversion results which currently appear on the screen.
Please note that any static calculation or static report referring to a “GLI Model” will be
erroneous, referring indeed to a raw, non-inverted earth model.

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60 Hampson-Russell Software Services

Initial Model/Create new Initial Model

When the Create new Initial Model option or the Modify existing Model option is chosen on
the Initial Model pullDown menu, the Model Parameters menu appears. This menu allows you
to set general properties of the model before defining it precisely using the control point menus.

The items are:

NUMBER OF LAYERS: The model for GLI3D must contain a fixed number of layers
throughout the survey. A layer may, however, pinch out to zero thickness, effectively
modelling the situation of a variable number of layers. Note that a 2-layer model actually
has 3 velocities specified, counting the velocity below the near-surface model:

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GLI3D Interpreter Menus 61

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SURFACE

Layer 1 V1

Layer 2 V2


Within each layer, the velocity is allowed to vary laterally, but not vertically.

The decision about how many layers to model is an important one. While there is no
limit to the number of layers which can be modelled accurately, the ability of GLI3D to
resolve the various layers depends on the first break picks and the acquisition geometry.
A good rule of thumb is to use fewer layers rather than more.

DEPTH SMOOTHER: Since GLI3D uses ray tracing to perform forward modelling, the
geological model must be smoothed to prevent instability. This field specifies a
smoother length in the units in which the survey is measured.

The decision about the smoother length relates to the tradeoff between stability and
resolution. A long smoother gives a very stable model, but a very smooth one with low
resolution. A shorter smoother gives higher resolution, but increases run time, and,
possibly, brings instability.

Fortunately, the use of a smoother does not mean that no short-wave statics are
calculated, since there is a separate short-wave calculation, which follows the
model-based calculation. To a large extent, the depth smoother length simply determines
how the static will be distributed between the long and short wave components.
However, experience has shown that the best results are generated with a relatively short

A good rule of thumb is to use a depth smoother length equal 1/5th of the longest
source/receiver offset in the typical shooting spread.

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Velocity Smoother: In addition to smoothing the depth model, a separate smoother is also
applied to the velocities within the model. Generally, the velocity smoother should be
made much longer than the depth smoother in order to guarantee stability. A second
reason for making the velocity smoother long is that there is a fundamental ambiguity
between the thickness and the velocity of each layer. Experience has shown that GLI3D
works best when the program forces all rapid variations to take place in the thickness and
not the velocity.

A good rule of thumb is to use a velocity smoother length equal to two times the longest
source/receiver offset in the typical shooting spread.

SMOOTHING OPTION: Two types of model smoothing may be performed by GLI3D:

thickness smoothing and elevation smoothing.

In thickness smoothing, the thickness of each layer is smoothed using the Depth
Smoother length specified above. A potentially undesirable consequence of this option
is that short-wavelength variations in the surface topography may be mirrored in the
underlying layer boundaries. On the other hand, since first break times do sample layer
thickness directly, this can be a very stable option.

In elevation smoothing, the absolute layer boundaries are smoothed. This is usually more
geologically meaningful than thickness smoothing.

Experience has shown that the derived statics are usually independent of the type of

CUBIC PATCH SYSTEM: The smoothing within GLI3D is handled by superimposing a series
of cubic splines onto the derived geological model. The splines can be thought of as a set
of “patches” which merge together continuously. Since there are far fewer patches than
there are underlying grid points, the effect is to reduce the complexity or smooth the

This parameter controls the method used to fit the cubic patches to the underlying grid.
The Least Squares Matrix procedure is the most accurate, but requires greater memory
use, and usually longer execution times. The Rectangular Smoother is a simplified
method, which applies a running rectangular smoother to the grid.

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GLI3D Interpreter Menus 63

Grid Points Per Patch: As explained above, the GLI3D model update can be thought of as a
two-stage procedure:

1. Determine velocities and thicknesses over a grid of points in the earth.

2. Smooth the result using the set of cubic splines.

This parameter sets the number of underlying grid points associated with each patch.
This does not, in fact, determine the resolution of the final model. That is controlled by
the smoother lengths. This parameter is associated with sampling and how many grid
points are required to adequately represent a patch without aliasing.

The number entered here is actually the number of points on a side of each patch. Since
each side is represented by a cubic polynomial of degree 3, the default of 9 points is more
than enough to sample adequately.

There is virtually no advantage to increasing this number. The advantage of decreasing it

is to reduce memory use and run time. Experience has shown, however, that reducing
this value below 6 points per patch will begin to produce aliasing artifacts.

CONTROL POINTS: The control point information can be specified using two (2) different

Read From File: The control points are read from an ASCII file. This new option
allows the user to design the geological model more accurately, without feeling
limited by the amount of points. GLI3D now can accept a “dense” number of
control points automatically prepared by a seismic processing system. It also
enables the user to start several projects with the same identical geological
model. After pressing OK, the Load Control Points menu is displayed, allowing
the user to specify the control point ASCII file to be read.

Pick from the Offset Window: This is the manual method of picking control points
from the offset window. It now can now be used to refine/edit a large set of
control points input from an ASCII file.

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Initial Model/Create new Initial Model/Read From File

Choosing the Read From File option on the Model Parameters menu causes the Load
Control Points menu to appear. This menu allows the user to specify the ASCII file
from which to read the control point information.

Specify file format: Presently, there is only an ASCII file format to enter control point
information into GLI3D. Later versions will also accept additional formats, which are
site-specific. The current default is shown in red, after the words, Control Point File
Format to Load. If you wish to change this setting, click on the Specify File Format

Pressing this button causes a second menu to appear which allows you to specify the
format to be used in reading the Control Point file. If this button is not pressed, GLI3D
will assume that the control point file is in the format specified in red.

Control Point File: This is the actual file that you wish to open and read to access control
points. This box may be filled in directly using the keyboard, or you may select one of
the files in the Control Points File list.

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GLI3D Interpreter Menus 65

Directory and File Mask: This field contains a complete path and wild card specification used
to determine which files will be listed in the Control Point Files box. For example, if you type:


and press the Filter button, those files in the directory “/home/gli3d/data” whose extension is
.cp will be listed. If you type:


and press the Filter button, all files in the “/usr” directory will be displayed. Note that simply
changing this field does not automatically cause the Control Point Files box to be updated. You
must press the Filter button.

Directories: This box contains a list of possible directories. The current directory, which is also
displayed in the Filter field, is at the top of the list with a “.” after it. For example:


The next name on the list is the current directory followed by “..”. Highlighting this field
and pressing Filter, or double clicking on this field, will cause the current directory to
move up one level. For example, choosing this item:


will cause the current directory to change to:


All the other items in this box are the subdirectories below the current directory. A
directory can be selecting by highlighting its name and pressing the Filter button.

Control Point Files: This is the set of files from which you must choose one by clicking with
the mouse. The chosen file then appears in the Control Point File Selection box. The
particular files shown in this box depend on the setting of the Directory and File Mask
box. Depending on the size of the complete menu box, this and the previous boxes may
show sliders, allowing you to scroll through a list of items.

Filter: Pressing this button causes the set of files displayed in the Control Point Files box, to be
modified to reflect the current settings of the Directory and File Mask item.

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First Layer Velocity: This velocity, also called V1 or weathering velocity, describes the
inhomogeneous layer located just under the surface, which is believed to be responsible
for the strong variations of the short-wave static corrections.

A more accurate specification of V1 should reduce the short wave statics.

There are several ways to specify V1:

1) Read From Control Point File (Default)

V1 is specified for each control point listed on the control point file.
See subsequent section ASCII Format.

2) Read From Geometry File

The V1 listed on the control point file (option 1) is overwritten by the V1
specified on the “SHOT” record of the geometry file. This value is usually taken
from a regional uphole survey.

3) Computed: Shot Depth / UpHole Time

The V1 listed on the control point file (option 1) is overwritten by:

V1 = Shot Depth / Uphole Time,

where “Shot Depth” and “Uphole Time” are specified on the “SHOT” record of
the geometry file.

This option is accurate as long as the whole shot depth stays within the V1 layer,
otherwise V1 would represent an average of the velocities V1, V2, …

Options 2 and 3 will accept only the control points for which V1 (respectively “Shot
Depth” and “Uphole Time”) is specified on the “SHOT” record of the geometry file.

Options 2 and 3 are enabled if at least one “SHOT” record of the geometry file specifies
V1, respectively Shot Depth and Uphole Time.

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GLI3D Interpreter Menus 67

Initial Model/Create new Initial Model/Read From File/Specify File Format

When the Specify File Format button is pushed on the Load Control Points menu, the Specify
Control Points File Format menu appears. Note that there may be additional, site-specific
formats shown on this menu.

GLI3D reads the control points in an ASCII format.

ASCII format
The control point ASCII file consists of one header line followed by the one line per control
point. All the lines are read in free field format, meaning that it does not matter which columns
the numbers are placed in, as long as they are in the right order and there are spaces between

[v,item] pairs with zero or negative values are considered missing values, thus causing the
control point to be ignored.

The following ASCII file specifies seven (7) control points with 2 layers [velocity, thickness]
Control Points 0 7 2
78 1906.000000 1800.000000 1000.00 24.6580 1908.00 60.3438 2257.00
103 1630.000000 402.0000000 1000.00 23.7958 1661.00 53.4956 2247.00
149 1359.000000 802.0000000 1000.00 17.9023 1832.00 77.2039 2272.00
224 1090.000000 1403.000000 1000.00 20.6088 1769.00 61.4102 2255.00
258 816.0000000 604.0000000 1000.00 20.2109 1849.00 53.4289 2218.00
298 549.0000000 1804.000000 1000.00 20.8179 1640.00 34.3400 2200.00
326 272.0000000 206.0000000 1000.00 20.1115 1749.00 53.5894 2231.00

while the next file supplies the same seven (7) control points, but with two (2) layers of
[velocity, intercept ] information.
Control Points -1 7 2
78 1906.000000 1800.000000 1000.00 24.0000 1908.00 60.0000 2257.00
103 1630.000000 402.0000000 1000.00 20.0000 1661.00 68.0000 2247.00
149 1359.000000 802.0000000 1000.00 12.0000 1832.00 64.0000 2272.00
224 1090.000000 1403.000000 1000.00 16.0000 1769.00 62.0000 2255.00
258 816.0000000 604.0000000 1000.00 16.0000 1849.00 50.0000 2218.00
298 549.0000000 1804.000000 1000.00 15.0000 1640.00 47.0000 2200.00
326 272.0000000 206.0000000 1000.00 15.0000 1749.00 56.0000 2231.00

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They are fully equivalent and will generate exactly the same geological model.

The header line contains the following general parameters:

1) Control Points

This title is compulsory with at least one space separating the two (2) words.

2) IntThickDepth = Type of item

This parameter is ESSENTIAL. It indicates to GLI3D, the type of items

associated to velocity in the [v, items] pairs.

IntThickDepth item

-1 Time Intercept

0 Layer Thickness (Default)

+1 Depth of Layer Bottom

IMPORTANT: An incorrect IntThickDepth assignment will yield wrong conversions to the

other items, which will create a completely erroneous geological model. Each of the above item
types can be converted into the other ones. For more details, refer to the section File/Save
Control Points and the theory section 3.1.7, p52.

3) nctrl = Number of Control Points

Instructs GLI3D to read the first nctrl records of the file, not necessarily the whole

4) nlay = Number of Layers

Instructs GLI3D to read the first nlay layers of the information, from each control
point record, not necessarily the whole record.

NOTE: The value set in the file NUMBER OF LAYERS of the Model
Parameters menu, prevails over this nlay.

The items 1) and 2) are compulsory, while 3) and 4) can be determined by a dummy first reading
of the control point file.

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NOTE: For geophysical reasons, it is easier to describe and visualize a control point model
using the thicknesses or the depths as paired items, but for computational reasons, GLI3D
converts these items to time intercepts and from them generates the initial guess of the
geological model.

Each control point record consists of the following parameters:

1) Shot ID
2) X-Coordinate
3) Y-coordinate
4-5) [v1, item1]
6-7) [v2, item2]
Previous: Last) [vnlay, itemnlay]
Last) vbottom


Shot ID, X, Y are necessary to identify each control point with an existing shot station.
Non-matching control points are ignored.

Units of v, X, Y, depths, thicknesses must be compatible, (i.e. metric or imperial).

GLI3D does not check units at all.

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70 Hampson-Russell Software Services

GLI Inversion

Choosing the GLI Inversion option on the GLI3D INTERPRETER window causes the GLI
Inversion Parameters menu to appear. GLI Inversion means performing a complete set of
generalized linear inversion steps starting with the initial model. This is equivalent to a run of
the batch version of GLI3D. If a previous inversion has been run already, it is usually desirable
to reset the initial model to its original state by choosing Initial Model/Reset to Initial Model.

The items are:

Geological Model Iterations: By definition, a geological model iteration is defined to be a

modification of all the velocities and all the thicknesses within the model. The update is
actually performed on a layer by layer basis in the order described in the Theory section
of this documentation manual.

Experience has shown that the convergence rate for the refraction case is very fast, and
that 3 - 5 iterations are generally sufficient.

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Conjugate-Gradient Iterations: Within a single model iteration, GLI3D modifies the thickness
and velocity of each layer. The thickness update is performed by solving a large system
of linear equations, using a conjugate-gradient calculation. Since there is a stopping
criterion built into the conjugate-gradient algorithm, the iterations may actually be
stopped before this number is reached. Experience has shown that usually less than 10
iterations are performed. The only value in reducing this number is to decrease run time.
However, this is not normally recommended.

Minimum Offset: This parameter sets the smallest source/receiver offset that will be used in
the inversion. Any trace whose offset is less than this will be ignored for the inversion
process. However, a static value will be calculated for that trace.

Maximum Offset: This parameter sets the largest source/receiver offset that will be used in the
inversion. Any trace whose offset is greater than this will be ignored for the inversion
process. However, a static value will be calculated for that trace.

Thickness Variation: This field allows you to set a value that defines the maximum deviation
allowed during a single iteration with respect to the thickness of any layer. Each layer
can have its own thickness deviation. For example, if the thickness deviation for layer 2
is set to 50, then after any iteration, the thickness of layer 2 at any point will differ from
its value at the beginning of that iteration by no more than 50.

The box entitled “at Layers” shows the current settings for the maximum deviations for
each layer in the model. To change one of these, click on the appropriate item. This
value will now appear in the box entitled Maximum Deviation. This may now be edited
using the mouse and keyboard.

Interval Velocity Variation: This field allows you to set a value that defines the maximum
deviation allowed during a single iteration with respect to the interval velocity of any
layer. Each layer can have its own interval velocity deviation. For example, if the
interval velocity deviation for layer 2 is set to 100, then after any iteration, the interval
velocity of layer 2 at any point will differ from its value at the beginning of that iteration
by no more than 100.

The box entitled “at Layers” shows the current settings for the maximum deviations for
each layer in the model. To change one of these, click on the appropriate item. This
value will now appear in the box entitled Maximum Deviation. This may now be edited
using the mouse and keyboard.

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Automatic Editing: The set of parameters under this heading controls the ability of GLI3D to
automatically remove or edit first breaks. This is performed as follows. GLI3D performs
one or more iterations with the original first breaks. The residual error is then calculated.
This is the root-mean-square deviation between the actual first breaks and the model first
breaks. Finally, any break whose error is greater than a threshold times the RMS error is
considered “bad” and is removed from further inversion calculations.

If, for example, the average or RMS error turned out to be 13 ms and the threshold was
set at 2.0, then all breaks whose error was greater than 26 ms would be deleted.

After the first breaks are deleted, the entire inversion process is restarted with the reduced
set of breaks from the original initial model.

Iterations Before Editing: This parameter determines how many iterations will be
performed before the breaks are examined for editing. If this is set to 0, no first
break editing will be done.

Threshold for Deleting Picks: This parameter is a multiplier that determines the bad
pick threshold. If this number is T, then the threshold is:

Threshold = T * RMS

where RMS is the average error. A recommended value is 2.0.

Short Wave Statics: The set of parameters under this heading controls the calculation of short-
wave statics within GLI3D. GLI3D calculates two sets of statics. The first set is called
the long-wave statics and refers to those statics derived from the geological model. The
reason why this set of statics is not complete is that smoothers have been used which
limit the high-frequency variation in the model. This means that after GLI3D has derived
the best model consistent with these smoothers, there will still be some short-wave
surface consistent components left in the first breaks. The purpose of the short-wave
statics calculation is to correct for those components using the delay-time method of
calculation. This calculation uses Gauss-Seidel iteration, which alternately removes the
shot component, then the receiver component at each iteration step. The final static that
is passed on to the subsequent processing is usually the sum of the long and short-wave
static components.

Short Wave Iterations: This is the number of iterations that will be performed by the
Gauss-Seidel calculation. There is never any disadvantage to using more
iterations, except that the run time increases.

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GLI3D Interpreter Menus 73

Minimum Fold Ratio: In order to reduce the effect of low surface coverage in the
short-wave static calculation, GLI3D uses an algorithm which has the effect of
damping the short-wave statics calculated in low-fold areas. Effectively, this
works by constraining the division in the Gauss-Seidel calculation. At any point
in the calculation, the static value at a receiver location is determined by dividing
the total residual error at that location by the “fold” or number of traces at that
receiver. This field sets a minimum value to the number for that divisor. For
example, if the number 0.5 is entered here, then the divisor for any receiver can
never be less than 0.5 times the average receiver fold. Effectively, this means that
short-wave statics will be gradually tapered to zero as the fold is reduced.

Short Wave Interpolation: This field determines how GLI3D handles the problem of missing
first break picks in the short-wave static calculation. If picks have been deleted or were
never present, a problem can arise if there are no live picks for a particular shot or a
particular receiver. In that case, short-wave statics would not be available.

This field allows you to optionally fill in the missing statics by interpolating between live
receiver locations.

NOTE: A side effect of using this option is to force all short-wave shot and receiver
statics to be equal if they occur at the same surface location. For this reason, this option
is not normally recommended.

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74 Hampson-Russell Software Services

TOMO Inversion

Choosing the TOMO Inversion option on the GLI3D INTERPRETER window causes the
Tomography Inversion Parameters menu to appear.

The items are:


GLI Model: Use the current GLI model to generate a tomographic inversion initial
model. The GLI model can be either the initial model or an inverted model.

TOMO Model: If a tomographic velocity model exists, use this model as the initial
model for further tomographic inversions.

GLI3D May 2008

GLI3D Interpreter Menus 75


Geological Model Iterations: By definition, a geological model iteration is a

modification of all velocities and all thicknesses within the model. The update is
performed on a layer by layer basis in the order described within the theory
file.(See gli3d_theory.pdf). Experience showed that the convergence rate is
relatively fast, generally 3 - 5 iterations are sufficient.

Shots/Iteration: This parameter is only active when the Inversion Method has been set
to SIRT. If the number of shots/iteration is less than the total number of shots,
these shots will be selected randomly, thus enabling the inversion process to
emulate a method between ART and SIRT.
Note that if 1/n th of the total number of shots are used per iteration, it is wise to
multiply the number of Geological Model Iterations by n to maintain a similar
convergence rate for the inversion.

Minimum Offset:
Maximum Offset: We specify the smallest, respectively largest Source/Receiver offset
to be used in the inversion. All trace with exceeding offset will be ignored by the
inversion, nevertheless a static correction will be calculated.


We hereby control the smoothing applied to the model. We specify the number of grid
cells to smooth across.

Initial Horizontal/Vertical: We specify the horizontal and vertical smoothing windows

to be applied to the initial velocity model before the Inversion. If the window size
is set to 1, no smoothing will be applied to the initial velocity model.

Update Horizontal/Vertical: After each iteration velocity updates are calculated.

Before applying them to the velocity model, these updates are smoothed over
horizontal and vertical windows specified by these parameters.
If these parameters are set to 1, no smoothing is applied.

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Horizontal Grid Spacing: This parameter is used to set the dimensions of a grid cell in
the horizontal direction. The default value is determined by calculating the
minimum spacing between adjacent receiver stations.

Vertical Grid Spacing: This parameter is used to set the dimensions of a grid cell in the
vertical direction. The default value is the minimum elevation difference between
adjacent receiver stations.

Model Depth: This parameter controls the depth of the tomographic model. The
default value is 1.5 times the difference between the maximum surface elevation
and the deepest refractor elevation of the GLI initial model. The model depth is
generally larger than the depth to the deepest refractor, so that the inversion will
be able to update the velocity cells completely.

Inversion Method: There are two choices for this option: ART and SIRT.
The ART method (Algebraic Reconstruction Technique) updates the velocity
model after each shot calculation.
Differently the SIRT method (Simultaneous Iterative Reconstruction Technique)
updates the velocity model only after all shots have been calculated.

Gain: This parameter sets the gain factor for velocity updates. The gain factor
determines how much the velocity update depends on travel time error. It ranges
from 0 to 1, a value of 0 meaning that the velocity will not be updated, and 1
setting the update to the maximum allowed by the algorithm.

Momentum: This parameter sets the momentum factor for velocity updates. The
momentum factor determines how much the velocity update depends on the
previous update. It also ranges from 0 to 1, a value of 0 meaning that the current
velocity update will have no dependence on the previous update, while 1 sets
complete dependence on the previous update.


The set of parameters under this heading controls the ability of GLI3D to automatically
remove or edit first breaks. This is performed as follows. GLI3D performs one or more
iterations with the original first breaks. The residual error is then calculated. This is the
root-mean-square deviation between the actual first breaks and the model first breaks.
Finally, any break whose error is greater than a threshold factor times the RMS error is
considered “bad” and is removed from further inversion calculations.

If, for example, the average or RMS error turned out to be 13 ms and the threshold was
set at 2.0, then all breaks whose error was greater than 26 ms would be deleted.

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GLI3D Interpreter Menus 77

After the first breaks are deleted, the entire inversion process is restarted with the reduced
set of breaks from the original initial model.

Iterations Before Editing: This parameter determines how many iterations will be
performed before the breaks are examined for editing. If this is set to 0, no first
break editing will be done.

Threshold for Deleting Picks: This parameter is a multiplier that determines the bad
pick threshold. If this number is T, then the threshold is:

Threshold = T * RMS

where RMS is the average error. A recommended value is 2.0.


The set of parameters under this heading controls the calculation of short-wave statics
within GLI3D. GLI3D calculates two sets of statics. The first set is called the long-wave
statics and refers to those statics derived from the geological model. The reason why this
set of statics is not complete is that smoothers have been used which limit the
high-frequency variation in the model. This means that after GLI3D has derived the best
model consistent with these smoothers, there will still be some short-wave surface
consistent components left in the first breaks. The purpose of the short-wave statics
calculation is to correct for those components using the delay-time method of calculation.
This calculation uses Gauss-Seidel iteration, which alternately removes the shot
component, then the receiver component at each iteration step. The final static which is
passed on to the subsequent processing is usually the sum of the long and short-wave
static components.

Short Wave Iterations: This is the number of iterations that will be performed by the
Gauss-Seidel calculation. There is never any disadvantage to using more
iterations, except that the run time increases.

Minimum Fold Ratio: In order to reduce the effect of low surface coverage in the
short-wave static calculation, GLI3D uses an algorithm which has the effect of
damping the short-wave statics calculated in low-fold areas. Effectively, this
works by constraining the division in the Gauss-Seidel calculation. At any point
in the calculation, the static value at a receiver location is determined by dividing
the total residual error at that location by the “fold” or number of traces at that
receiver. This field sets a minimum value to the number for that divisor. For
example, if the number 0.5 is entered here, then the divisor for any receiver can
never be less than 0.5 times the average receiver fold. Effectively, this means that
short-wave statics will be gradually tapered to zero as the fold is reduced.

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78 Hampson-Russell Software Services

Short Wave Interpolation: This field determines how GLI3D handles the problem of
missing first break picks in the short-wave static calculation. If picks have been
deleted or were never present, a problem can arise if there are no live picks for a
particular shot or a particular receiver. In that case, short-wave statics would not
be available.

This field allows you to optionally fill in the missing statics by interpolating
between live receiver locations.

NOTE: A side effect of using this option is to force all short-wave shot and
receiver statics to be equal if they occur at the same surface location. For this
reason, this option is not normally recommended.

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GLI3D Interpreter Menus 79

Inversion Steps

Choosing the Inversion Steps option causes a pullDown menu to appear listing the Inversion
Steps items which can be chosen. A full inversion consists of a series of processes, each of
which is performed several times in a specific order. The Inversion Steps option allows you to
perform a single individual process on the current model and see the result plotted on the screen.

The items are:

Next Iteration: Pressing this button causes a complete iteration to be performed. This means
updating the velocity and thickness of every layer.

Depth Update: This option modifies the thickness of a single layer.

Velocity Update: This option modifies the velocity of a single layer.

Short Wave Update: This option calculates short-wave residual statics based on the current

Automatic Edit: This option automatically deletes bad picks based on the current model.

Each of these items causes a submenu to appear, allowing you to specify the parameters for that

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Inversion Steps/Next Iteration

Choosing the Next Iteration option on the Inversion Steps pullDown menu causes the Next
Iteration menu to appear. A single iteration in GLI3D means an update of the velocity and
thickness of each layer in the model, except for the first or “weathered” layer whose velocity is
never modified. Applying the Next Iteration option means to update the model as it currently
exists. This is a useful way of adding one more iteration to a previously generated inversion

The items are:

Conjugate-Gradient Iterations: Within a single model iteration, GLI3D modifies the thickness
and velocity of each layer. The thickness update is performed by solving a large system
of linear equations, using a conjugate-gradient calculation. Since there is a stopping
criterion built into the conjugate-gradient algorithm, the iterations may actually be
stopped before this number is reached. Experience has shown that usually less than 10
iterations are performed. The only value in reducing this number is to decrease run time.
However, this is not normally recommended.

Minimum Offset: This parameter sets the smallest source/receiver offset that will be used in
the inversion. Any trace whose offset is less than this will be ignored for the inversion
process. However, a static value will be calculated for that trace.

Maximum Offset: This parameter sets the largest source/receiver offset that will be used in the
inversion. Any trace whose offset is greater than this will be ignored for the inversion
process. However, a static value will be calculated for that trace.

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GLI3D Interpreter Menus 81

THICKNESS VARIATION: This field allows you to set a value that defines the maximum
deviation allowed during a single iteration with respect to the thickness of any layer.
Each layer can have its own thickness deviation. For example, if the thickness deviation
for layer 2 is set to 50, then after any iteration, the thickness of layer 2 at any point will
differ from its value at the beginning of that iteration by no more than 50.

The box entitled “at Layers” shows the current settings for the maximum deviations for
each layer in the model. To change one of these, click on the appropriate item. This
value will now appear in the box entitled Maximum Deviation. This may now be edited
using the mouse and keyboard.

INTERVAL VELOCITY VARIATION: This field allows you to set a value that defines the
maximum deviation allowed during a single iteration with respect to the interval velocity
of any layer. Each layer can have its own interval velocity deviation. For example, if the
interval velocity deviation for layer 2 is set to 100, then after any iteration, the interval
velocity of layer 2 at any point will differ from its value at the beginning of that iteration
by no more than 100.

The box entitled “at Layers” shows the current settings for the maximum deviations for
each layer in the model. To change one of these, click on the appropriate item. This
value will now appear in the box entitled Maximum Deviation. This may now be edited
using the mouse and keyboard.

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82 Hampson-Russell Software Services

Inversion Steps/Depth Update

Choosing the Depth Update option on the Inversion Steps pullDown menu causes the Update
Depth Model Parameters menu to appear. This option allows you to update the thickness of a
single layer. Applying this option means to update the model as it currently exists, possibly
modifying a previously generated inversion result.

The items are:

Update Layer: This is the layer number to update. Layers are numbered starting from the
surface. Layer 1 is also called the “weathered” layer. Note that a 2-layer model actually
has 3 velocities specified, counting the velocity below the near-surface model:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SURFACE

Layer 1 V1

Layer 2 V2


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GLI3D Interpreter Menus 83

Thickness Variation: This field allows you to set a value that defines the maximum deviation
allowed during a single iteration with respect to the thickness of any layer. Each layer
can have its own thickness deviation. For example, if the thickness deviation for layer 2
is set to 50, then after any iteration, the thickness of layer 2 at any point will differ from
its value at the beginning of that iteration by no more than 50.

Conjugate-Gradient Iterations: Within a single model iteration, GLI3D modifies the thickness
and velocity of each layer. The thickness update is performed by solving a large system
of linear equations, using a conjugate-gradient calculation. Since there is a stopping
criterion built into the conjugate-gradient algorithm, the iterations may actually be
stopped before this number is reached. Experience has shown that usually less than 10
iterations are performed. The only value in reducing this number is to decrease run time.
However, this is not normally recommended.

Minimum Offset: This parameter sets the smallest source/receiver offset that will be used in
this update. Any trace whose offset is less than this will be ignored for the update

Maximum Offset: This parameter sets the largest source/receiver offset that will be used in this
update. Any trace whose offset is greater than this will be ignored for the update

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84 Hampson-Russell Software Services

Inversion Steps/Velocity Update

Choosing the Velocity Update option on the Inversion Steps pullDown menu causes the
Update Velocity Model Parameters menu to appear. This option allows you to update the
velocity of a single layer. Applying this option means to update the model as it currently exists,
possibly modifying a previously generated inversion result.

The items are:

Update Layer: This is the layer number to update. Layers are numbered starting from the
surface. Layer 1 is also called the “weathered” layer. Note that a 2-layer model actually
has 3 velocities specified counting the velocity below the near-surface model:

--------------------- SURFACE

Layer 1 V1

Layer 2 V2


In GLI3D, the velocity of Layer 1 is never updated, since there is a fundamental ambiguity
between the velocity of Layer 1 and its thickness.

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GLI3D Interpreter Menus 85

Velocity Variation: This field allows you to set a value that defines the maximum deviation
allowed during a single iteration with respect to the interval velocity of any layer. Each
layer can have its own interval velocity deviation. For example, if the interval velocity
deviation for layer 2 is set to 100, then after any iteration, the interval velocity of layer 2
at any point will differ from its value at the beginning of that iteration by no more than

Minimum Offset: This parameter sets the smallest source/receiver offset that will be used in
the velocity update. Any trace whose offset is less than this will be ignored for the
update calculation.

Maximum Offset: This parameter sets the largest source/receiver offset that will be used in the
velocity update. Any trace whose offset is greater than this will be ignored for the update

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86 Hampson-Russell Software Services

Inversion Steps/Short Wave Update

Choosing the Short Wave Update option on the Inversion Steps pullDown menu causes the
Short Wave Statics Parameters menu to appear. This option allows you to calculate the
residual short wave statics for the current model.

GLI3D calculates two sets of statics. The first set is called the long-wave statics and refers to
those statics derived from the geological model. The reason why this set of statics is not
complete is that smoothers have been used which limit the high-frequency variation in the
model. This means that after GLI3D has derived the best model consistent with these smoothers,
there will still be some short-wave surface consistent components left in the first breaks. The
purpose of the short-wave statics calculation is to correct for those components using the delay-
time method of calculation. This calculation uses Gauss-Seidel iteration, which alternately
removes the shot component, then the receiver component at each iteration step. The final static
that is passed on to the subsequent processing is usually the sum of the long and short wave
static components.

The items are:

Number of Iterations for Short Wave: This is the number of iterations that will be performed
by the Gauss-Seidel calculation. There is never any disadvantage to using more
iterations, except that the run time increases.

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GLI3D Interpreter Menus 87

Ratio to Determine “Error Fold”: In order to reduce the effect of low surface coverage in the
short-wave static calculation, GLI3D uses an algorithm which has the effect of damping
the short-wave statics calculated in low-fold areas. Effectively, this works by
constraining the division in the Gauss-Seidel calculation. At any point in the calculation,
the static value at a receiver location is determined by dividing the total residual error at
that location by the “fold” or number of traces at that receiver. This field sets a minimum
value to the number for that divisor. For example, if the number 0.5 is entered here, then
the divisor for any receiver can never be less than 0.5 times the average receiver fold.
Effectively, this means that short-wave statics will be gradually tapered to zero as the
fold is reduced.

SHORT WAVE INTERPOLATION: This field determines how GLI3D handles the problem of
missing first break picks in the short-wave static calculation. If picks have been deleted
or were never present, a problem can arise if there are no live picks for a particular shot
or a particular receiver. In that case, short-wave statics would not be available.

This field allows you to optionally fill in the missing statics by interpolating between live
receiver locations.

NOTE: A side effect of using this option is to force all short-wave shot and receiver
statics to be equal if they occur at the same surface location. For this reason, this option
is not normally recommended.

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Inversion Steps/Automatic Edit

Choosing the Automatic Edit option on the Inversion Steps pullDown menu causes the
Automatic Trace Pick Editing menu to appear. This allows you to perform automatic editing
of bad picks using the current model as a guide.

This is performed as follows. GLI3D performs one or more iterations with the original first
breaks. The residual error is then calculated. This is the root-mean-square deviation between
the actual first breaks and the model first breaks. Finally, any break whose error is greater than a
threshold times the RMS error is considered “bad” and is removed from further inversion

If, for example, the average or RMS error turned out to be 13 ms and the threshold was set at 2.0,
then all breaks whose error was greater than 26 ms would be deleted.

The items are:

Threshold for Deleting Picks: This parameter is a multiplier that determines the bad pick
threshold. If this number is T, then the threshold is:

Threshold = T * RMS

where RMS is the average error. A recommended value is 2.0.

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GLI3D Interpreter Menus 89

Calculate Statics

Choosing the Statics option on the GLI3D INTERPRETER window causes the Calculate the
Statics menu to appear. Statics are calculated continuously within the GLI3D process for the
purpose of plotting within the Statics View. The current model at any given time is used to
perform the statics calculation. In addition, the derived statics may be output to a disk file using
the File/Save option.

The purpose of this menu is to set the parameters for all subsequent statics calculations.

The items are:

STATICS CALCULATION METHOD: GLI3D uses three procedures for statics calculation.

1. Base of geological model:

The most common method is to downward continue from the surface of the earth,
through the derived model to the base of the deepest layer, and upward continue to
the processing datum. This procedure effectively replaces the derived model with an
equivalent thickness of material at the replacement velocity.

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2. Pseudo datum:
The second procedure downward continues to a flat subsurface datum, called the
pseudo-datum, and then upward continues to the processing datum. The
pseudo-datum is input manually, the default being calculated as the deepest point
penetrated by the derived model. The advantage of this procedure is that the derived
statics are less dependent on the replacement velocity parameter. On the other hand,
there is a greater dependence on the sub-weathering velocity.

If the pseudo-datum is higher in elevation than the deepest refractor, all refractor
material below the pseudo-datum is ignored in the statics calculation. This method is
the method referred as “pseudo-datum but not deeper” proposed by earlier versions of

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GLI3D Interpreter Menus 91

3. Floating pseudo datum:

This new method specifies a pseudo-datum that closely follows the topography of the
surface. There are two user input parameters for this option. Depth Below Surface
specifies the depth of the pseudo datum. Smoother specifies the smoothing window

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STATICS CALCULATION OPTIONS: This field allows you to set the various combinations of
static that will be added together and written to the input statics file. The components are
defined as follows:

The names of the statics attributes are consistent throughout the program. A detailed
description of the various statics attributes is provided at the end of the GLI3D
INTERPRETER Window section.

Any number of these options may be chosen simultaneously. The choices are the

Long Wave + UH: Long Wave Component of the Statics.

Its calculation is model based and includes the up-hole term (UH)
that brings the shot record up to the surface.

UH: up-hole term = (Station Depth / Replacement Velocity)

UH ≠ 0 for shot station
UH = 0 for receiver station

Short Wave: Short Wave Component of the Statics.

Its calculation is based on the surface consistency assumption. This
component is derived using Gauss-Seidel iteration, assuming that the
short-wave and receiver statics are independent.

Elevation + UH: Elevation Correction + Uphole Term.

Elevation only : Elevation Correction.

This is the statics that appear under the column “Elevation Correction”
in the statics report.

Long + UH + Short Wave

Long + UH + Elevation These statics are a combination of the above statics.

MODEL CHOOSING: This field allows you to select the model to be used for the statics
calculations. If you have performed tomographic inversion, the model can be either the
GLI model or the tomographic model. Otherwise, only the GLI model will be available.

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GLI3D Interpreter Menus 93

REPLACEMENT VELOCITY: This field determines the replacement velocity that will be used
to calculate statics from the current model. There are two options here:

1. Specify the velocity. This is most commonly used.

2. Allow GLI3D to automatically calculate a replacement velocity. This option should
only be used with the pseudo-datum method of statics calculations. See the Theory
section for details on the automatic calculation of the replacement velocity.

FLOATING DATUM: This provides you the option to output an auxiliary file that contains the
statics shift to put datum back to the smoothed surface. For this option the user needs to
input an additional parameter on the Smoother window length. General rule of thumb
for this smoother length is the length of the cable. More details are provided in the
paragraph “Floating Datum” at the end of the GLI3D INTERPRETER Window section.

DATUM ELEVATION: This field specifies the processing or “datum” elevation for the statics

PSEUDO DATUM ELEVATION: This field specifies the pseudo-datum elevation, which is used
for those statics options requiring the pseudo-datum. This can be either input manually
or GLI3D can calculate it automatically. The automatic calculation consists of setting the
pseudo-datum to the deepest elevation of any point in the current GLI3D model.

PARAMETER SELECTION: GLI3D always uses the actual parameters coded into the
respective fields: Pseudo Datum Elevation, Replacement Velocity, Datum Elevation,
Depth Below Surface and Smoothers. There are three ways to select parameters:

1. Calculate Velocity Only:

For a TOMOgraphic model, the replacement velocity is set to the average velocity
calculated over the pseudo-datum surface. If a GLI model is used, GLI3D will
calculate the replacement velocity internally, while computing the statics, and
the replacement velocity field is ignored, set to 0.0 and disabled.
2. Set To Defaults:
Defaults values are calculated for all fields:
Pseudo Datum elevation: Minimum Elevation
Replacement Velocity: Like for option 1.
Datum Elevation: Maximum Elevation
Depth Below Surface: 1.1 (Maximum Elevation – Minimum Elevation)
Smoothers: 1000.0
3. Use Recent Parameters:
The most recent values existing before clicking on options 1 or 2 are recoded.

If the statics calculation method or the model type are changed, while the parameter
selection is set to option 1 or 2, all default values are changed accordingly. But the user
can always modify them manually.

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94 Hampson-Russell Software Services


The purpose of this document is to provide a detailed description of the various statics attributes
issued by the "Statics" command and displayed by the "View/Statics" command.

Before proceeding, let us introduce some definitions:

Ed = Datum elevation
Es = Surface elevation
hs = Ed - Es
d = Shot burial depth in 0-layer
v0 = velocity within 0-layer
h0 = thickness of 0-layer
v1 = velocity within 1-layer
h1 = thickness of 1-layer
v2 = velocity within 2-layer
h2 = thickness of 2-layer

Vr = Replacement velocity
Removes effect of geological model, brings receivers to surface, leaves shots down hole:

"1" = h 2
− h2
)+ (h1Vr − h1 v1)+ (h0Vr − h0 v0)
UH Term: uphole correction, brings shots to surface:

( Vr ) = UH
"2" = d

Elevation correction: brings shots and receivers to datum:

"3" = (hs / Vr )

"S" = Residual Short Wave statics calculated by GLI3D

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GLI3D Interpreter Menus 95

The following table lists the options offered by the "Calculate the Statics" menu and their
content as well.


Long Wave + UH "1"+"2"

Short Wave "S"

Elevation + UH "2"+"3" Shot

"3" Receiver

Elevation only "3" Shot

"3" Receiver

Long + UH + Short Wave "1"+"2"+"S"

Long + UH + Elevation "1"+"2"+"3"

Total (Long + UH + Short + Elevation)


Float Datum (CDP) ---

UH = UpHole correction:
The previous version 4.0 had confusing option names which did not describe correctly their
content. As reference, the following table compares the contents of the new and old options.

This Version Old Version 4.0

Option Content Option Content

Long Wave + UH "1"+"2" Long (No Elevation) "1"+"2"
Short Wave "S" Short Wave "S"
Elevation + UH "2"+"3" Shot ---
"3" Receiver ---
Elevation only "3" Shot Elevation only "3" Shot
"3" Receiver "3" Receiver
Long+UH+Short Wave "1"+"2"+"S" Long+Short (No Elev) "1"+"2"+"S"
Long+UH+Elevation "1"+"2"+"3" Long Wave "1"+"2"+"3"
Total "1"+"2"+"S"+"3" Long + Short "1"+"2"+"S"+"3"
Float Datum (CDP) ---

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The statics report lists "Elevation Only" under the "Elev Corr" column, like in version 4.0. As
most clients use this report as input to their statics application software, the following
consistency rule is respected and makes a lot of sense:

Long Wave + Elev + Short = 1-Way

Shot Corr Wave Total
Static Static Corr

LAYERS TO USE: This field allows you to select the number of top layers to use, when
computing the static corrections. The default is the whole model, the total number of
layers of which is indicated in the menu text.

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GLI3D Interpreter Menus 97


Floating Datum is an intermediate datum used in some processes such as velocity analysis. The
purpose of using floating datum is to put datum right at the surface so as to avoid the bulk shift.
The bulk shift from the surface to the datum may cause difficulty in velocity analysis.

For this purpose, the floating datum is defined at every location (CMP location) of the surface,
and applied only to the CMP gather at that location. Figure 1 indicates two CMP locations, and
at each location we use a different datum, datum1 at CMP1 and datum2 at CMP2. The statics of
the two traces with the same receiver belong to different CMP gathers and will be different
because of the different datum used.

Bulk shift Bulk shift


Surface CMP1

Figure 1

Therefore, the floating datum statics is not surface consistent in nature. It cannot be separated
into shot and receiver statics as we normally do. To help the user resolve this issue, a separate
file containing the bulk shift from the given datum to the surface at every CMP location is
output. To apply the floating datum statics, user should first calculate statics at a given datum
and apply to the data as normally done; second, apply the bulk shift to each CMP gather to shift
from the Datum back to the surface (figure 1).

Since the second step is applied to each CMP gather, GLI3D cannot implement it. However,
GLI3D provides the necessary information, that is the bulk shift at each CMP location. Users
should write their own routine to apply this bulk shift.

The output floating datum statics file contains the bulk shift time at each surface location (or
station location). The positive shift means to add the time to the trace, the negative shift means to
subtract the time from the trace. This bulk time shift amounts to twice the elevation correction
calculated from the smooth surface (smoothed according to the smoother window to a given

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98 Hampson-Russell Software Services


The Display button on the GLI3D INTERPRETER window is used to produce a series of
displays, which appear in child windows. These displays are described in the Display Windows
section of this documentation manual.

The items are:

Grid: This option produces a grid or color contour map of some property of the derived model.
This option is only available for 3D datasets.

Offset: This option produces a plot of first break picks on a graph of time versus offset. This
display is used to set the control points that initialize the GLI3D model.

Tomo Initial Velocity: This option produces two windows that display the initial model used
for tomographic inversion. The Velocity-Depth window shows the vertical model as a
cross-section, and the Horizontal Velocity window shows the velocity model for a given
elevation in map view. This feature is available only after running tomographic

Tomo Final Velocity: This option produces two windows that display the final model
calculated from the tomographic inversion. The Velocity-Depth window shows the
vertical model as a cross-section, and the Horizontal Velocity window shows the
velocity model for a given elevation in map view. This feature is available only after
running tomographic inversion.

Report: This option produces a printed report of some aspect of the GLI3D solution.

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GLI3D Interpreter Menus 99


The OFFSET window in GLI3D is a child window that is used to display first break picks on a
time versus offset scale. Because this window is a child window, it may be displayed at the
same time as the GLI3D INTERPRETER window, and has the same resize capabilities. There
may, in fact, be any number of offset windows on the screen at the same time.

The OFFSET window is initiated either by choosing the Display/Offset option on the GLI3D
INTERPRETER window, or by changing the initial guess model with the Initial Model button on
the GLI3D INTERPRETER window. The main uses of the OFFSET window are:

1. Monitoring the quality of input first break picks.

2. Setting the initial guess parameters for GLI3D, including the number of layers, the
offset range to process, and the velocity/intercept values for each layer.

3. Evaluating the quality of the final inversion result.

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Selection of Control Points in 3D mode:

Once the Offset Window is shown, the control points can be selected by clicking within the
survey map displayed by the Grid Window. The control points will be set to the shot point
nearest to the click location. The cursor is shown in the grid window as a square, the size of
which indicates the control point range. The buttons Next Range and Previous Range
becomes useless, therefore they are not shown in 3D mode.

The items are:

Set Range: This button causes a menu to appear which determines the range of first break
picks which appear on the plot. The range is a square patch located within the survey.
All picks whose shots or receivers fall within this patch will be displayed.

Next Range: This button is not shown in 3D mode. When a range dimension has been set
using the Set Range menu, this button allows you to step easily to the next range and
produce a new plot. Ranges are ordered in the following way. In the 2D mode, the Next
Range is a step along the line in the direction towards East.

Previous Range: This button is not shown in 3D mode. Pressing this button causes the
OFFSET window to be redrawn, using the previous range. The range ordering for this
procedure is the reverse of the Next Range option.

Model Parameters: Pressing this button causes the Model Parameters menu to appear,
allowing you to set or change general model properties.

Control Points: Pressing this button causes the Set Control Points menu to appear. A control
point consists of detailed information about the near-surface model at one point in the
survey. The complete model is derived by interpolating one or more control points.

Zoom: Pressing this button causes the plot scales to increase by a factor of 2.

Unzoom: Pressing this button causes the plot scales to shrink by a factor of 2.

File: Close the OFFSET window.

View: Pressing this button causes a menu to appear which allows you to set parameters
controlling the look of the screen and how the data is plotted.

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Like each display window, the offset window has a color key display and color editing

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Pressing the View button on the OFFSET window causes the Offset Window Parameters menu
to appear. This menu allows you to change parameters which control the way data is plotted
within the window.

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The items are:

DISPLAY ATTRIBUTES: As a scattering of points, the OFFSET window displays one attribute
per trace for each trace within the chosen range. The options are:

Display First Breaks: This is the input first break time for each trace.

Display Model Breaks: This is the predicted first break for each trace, calculated by
ray tracing through the current model.

Display Deleted Picks: This option displays only those first breaks that have been
deleted during the course of the inversion process.

Display Model Error: This option displays the input first breaks after subtracting the
model first breaks. This display shows the “error” remaining in the first breaks
after modelling.

OPTIONS: In addition to the scattering of pick times, the OFFSET window may display one or
more average or trend lines through the scatter. The options are:

Average First Break Curve: This line is the average pick time at each offset.

Average Model Curve: This line is the average model time for each offset, calculated
by ray tracing through the current near-surface model.

Show Spread of Picks: If this item is enabled, two lines appear showing the RMS
spread of first break picks about the mean for each offset. The spread lines show
the 1-standard deviation points.

Average Model Error Curve: This option displays the average error, or difference,
between the trace pick and the model pick, for each offset.

HORIZONTAL SCALE: This item sets the horizontal plot scale in the units of meters or feet of
source/receiver offset per inch of screen display.

TIME SCALE: This item sets the vertical plot scale in the units of inches of screen display per
second of first break time.

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DISPLAY MODE: There are two ways of displaying the scatter of first break picks. They are:

Weighted Grid of Picks: The display screen can be thought of as a grid which is filled
with first break picks. Each grid point is plotted with a color that presents the
density of first break picks falling within that grid point. This mode is especially
useful when there is a large density of picks.

Weighted Azimuth: The display screen can be thought as a grid which is filled with first
breaks. Each grid point is plotted with a color representing the azimuth of the
corresponding receiver. For the 2D case, the possible azimuth angles have only
two values differing by 180 degrees. This allows the separation of the positive
from the negative offsets.

Individual Picks: In this mode, every pick is plotted at its exact time/offset location.
The advantage of this procedure is its high accuracy, but the disadvantage is that
if the density of picks becomes high, they may all blur together on the plot.

GRID CELL WIDTH: For the case where the DISPLAY MODE is set to Weighted Grid of
Picks, this and the next parameter set the size of a grid cell. This field sets the horizontal
cell width in Meters or Feet.

GRID CELL HEIGHT: This field sets the vertical cell height in milliseconds.

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Offset/Set Range

Pressing the Set Range button on the OFFSET window causes the Range Selection menu to
appear. The “range” determines the set of traces that are plotted on the OFFSET window. A
range is a square patch centered at some particular shot point within the survey. A trace is
plotted if its shot location or receiver location falls within the patch.

The items are:

SELECTION MODE: This field determines the selection process. The options are:

Shot: Plot every trace whose source position falls within the selected range.

Receiver: Plot every trace whose receiver position falls within the selected range.

CENTER OF RANGE: This item determines where the range patch is located on the 3D survey.
If the SELECTION MODE is Shot, the center of the range will always be at the location
of a shot point defined in the geometry file. If the center does not match a known shot
point, then GLI3D will move the range so that it is centered at the defined shot point with
the nearest number.

If the SELECTION MODE is Receiver, the center of the range will always be at the
location of a receiver station defined in the geometry file. The center of a receiver range,
however, may deviate from the station number entered in this field, because GLI3D puts
control points at a shot point. As a result, the program determines which shot point is
closest to the specified receiver, and then centers the range at the station closest to that

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RADIUS OF RANGE: This item determines the size of the range patch. The patch is a square
whose side is equal to 2 times the number entered here. This field behaves like the
“radius” of a circle centered on the shot point specified above.

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Offset/Model Parameters

Pressing the Model Parameters button on the OFFSET window causes the Model Parameters
menu to appear. This menu allows you to set the general parameters concerning the GLI3D

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The items are:

NUMBER OF LAYERS: The model for GLI3D must contain a fixed number of layers
throughout the survey. A layer may, however, pinch out to zero thickness, effectively
modelling the situation of a variable number of layers. Note that a 2-layer model actually
has 3 velocities specified, counting the velocity below the near-surface model:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SURFACE

Layer 1 V1

Layer 2 V2


Within each layer, the velocity is allowed to vary laterally, but not vertically.

The decision about how many layers to model is an important one. While there is no
limit to the number of layers which can be modelled accurately, the ability of GLI3D to
resolve the various layers depends on the first break picks and the acquisition geometry.
A good rule of thumb is to use fewer layers rather than more.

DEPTH SMOOTHER: Since GLI3D uses ray tracing to perform forward modelling, the
geological model must be smoothed to prevent instability. This field specifies a
smoother length in the units in which the survey is measured.

The decision about the smoother length relates to the tradeoff between stability and
resolution. A long smoother gives a very stable model, but a very smooth one with low
resolution. A shorter smoother gives higher resolution, but increases run time, and,
possibly, brings instability.

Fortunately, the use of a smoother does not mean that no short-wave statics are
calculated, since there is a separate short-wave calculation, which follows the model-
based calculation. To a large extent, the depth smoother length simply determines how
the static will be distributed between the long and short wave components. However,
experience has shown that the best results are generated with a relatively short smoother.

A good rule of thumb is to use a depth smoother length equal 1/5th of the longest
source/receiver offset in the typical shooting spread.

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GLI3D Interpreter Menus 109

VELOCITY SMOOTHER: In addition to smoothing the depth model, a separate smoother is

also applied to the velocities within the model. Generally, the velocity smoother should
be made much longer than the depth smoother in order to guarantee stability. A second
reason for making the velocity smoother long is that there is a fundamental ambiguity
between the thickness and the velocity of each layer. Experience has shown that GLI3D
works best when the program forces all rapid variations to take place in the thickness and
not the velocity.

A good rule of thumb is to use a velocity smoother length equal to two times the longest
source/receiver offset in the typical shooting spread.

SMOOTHING OPTION: Two types of model smoothing may be performed by GLI3D: thickness
smoothing and elevation smoothing.

In thickness smoothing, the thickness of each layer is smoothed using the Depth
Smoother length specified above. A potentially undesirable consequence of this option
is that short-wavelength variations in the surface topography may be mirrored in the
underlying layer boundaries. On the other hand, since first break times do sample layer
thickness directly, this can be a very stable option.

In elevation smoothing, the absolute layer boundaries are smoothed. This is usually more
geologically meaningful than thickness smoothing.

Experience has shown that the derived statics are usually independent of the type of smoothing.

CUBIC PATCH SYSTEM: The smoothing within GLI3D is handled by superimposing a series
of cubic splines onto the derived geological model. The splines can be thought of as a set
of “patches” which merge together continuously. Since there are far fewer patches than
there are underlying grid points, the effect is to reduce the complexity or “smooth” the

This parameter controls the method used to fit the cubic patches to the underlying grid.
The Least Squares Matrix procedure is the most accurate, but requires greater memory
use, and usually longer execution times. The Rectangular Smoother is a simplified
method, which applies a running rectangular smoother to the grid.

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110 Hampson-Russell Software Services

GRID POINTS PER PATCH: As explained above, the GLI3D model update can be thought of
as a two-stage procedure:

1. Determine velocities and thicknesses over a grid of points in the earth.

2. Smooth the result using the set of cubic splines.

This parameter sets the number of underlying grid points associated with each patch. This does
not, in fact, determine the resolution of the final model. The smoother lengths
control that. This parameter is associated with sampling and how many grid
points are required to adequately represent a patch without aliasing.

The number entered here is actually the number of points on a side of each patch. Since each
side is represented by a cubic polynomial of degree 3, the default of 9 points is
more than enough to sample adequately.

There is virtually no advantage to increasing this number. The advantage of decreasing it is to

reduce memory use and run time. Experience has shown that reducing below 6
points per side of patch will begin to produce aliasing artifacts.

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GLI3D Interpreter Menus 111

Offset/Control Points

When the Control Points button is pressed on the OFFSET window, the Control Points menu
appears. Since GLI3D is an iterative modelling system, an initial guess must always be made
concerning the geological model before GLI3D can perform its inversion. That model is set up
in two steps:

1. Specify certain general parameters on the Model Parameters menu.

2. Build velocity/depth information tables at selected control points within the survey.
The final model is constructed by interpolation between the control points.

The Control Points menu is used to perform the second step above. Note that the number of
layers in the model has already been set in the Model Parameters menu. If you wish to change
that, use the Model Parameters button.

The Control Points menu is used in conjunction with the OFFSET window and always appears
together with that window. As you change items on the Control Points menu you will see
changes on the OFFSET window and vice versa.

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112 Hampson-Russell Software Services

The items are:

CONTROL POINTS: This set of parameters allows you to manipulate the set of control points
that have been created so far. The items are:

Shot: This is the shot point at the center of the range that is currently displayed on the
OFFSET window. This may or may not be one of the control points on the List
below. If it is not on the list, then all the values showing on the rest of this menu,
as well as the various lines drawn on the OFFSET window have been calculated
by interpolation. This number may be changed in several ways. The first way is
to click on this box and type in a new shot point number. The second way is to
click on one of the numbers in the List box. The third way is to press the Next or
Previous Range button. In each of these cases, the effect is to redraw the
OFFSET window while adding the current shot to the Control Points List.

List: This is the set of control points created so far. The shot point number closest to
the center of the range at which the control point was defined identifies the
control points.

Add To List: Pressing this button causes a new control point to be created with the
information shown on this menu.

Delete From List: Pressing this button causes the control point shown in the Shot box
to be deleted from the List. If the control point in the Shot box is not present in
the List, then nothing happens.

Next CtrPts : This button behaves exactly like the Next Range button on the OFFSET
window. A range is a square patch located within the survey. Any pick whose
shot or receiver falls within the patch is displayed on the OFFSET window. The
size of the patch has been set using the Set Range button on the OFFSET
window. This button allows you to step easily to the next range and produce a
new plot. In the 2D mode, the Next Range is a step along the line in the direction
towards East. In the 3D mode, the control is passed to the next control point in
the list. The ordering proceeds in this fashion, moving West to East, and South
to North.

Previous CtrPts: Pressing this button causes the OFFSET window to be redrawn, using
the previous range. Note that the range ordering for this procedure is the reverse
of the Next Range option. In the 3D mode, the control is passed to the previous
control point in the list.

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GLI3D Interpreter Menus 113

The next two buttons are shown only in 3D mode. They control the input/selection of the control
points by clicking with in the grid window.

Input Control Points: A click in the grid window will create a new control point at the
shot point closest to the click point. This new control point will also be displayed
in the offset window, with its first breaks ready for interpretation. This is the
default mode.

Select Control Point: A click in the grid window will select the existing control point
that is closest to the click point. This control point is ready for re-interpretation.

FIRST LAYER VELOCITY: This velocity, also called V1 or weathering velocity, describes the
inhomogeneous layer located just under the surface, which is believed to be responsible
for the strong variations of the short-wave static corrections. Note that a 2-layer model
actually has 3 velocities specified, counting the velocity below the near-surface model:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SURFACE

Layer 1 V1

Layer 2 V2


The first layer velocity V1 is special in that the first breaks usually do not provide that
velocity, since direct arrivals are required. For this reason, the inversion process will not
update the first layer velocity.

A more accurate specification of V1 should reduce the short wave statics. There are
several ways to specify V1:

1) Input Manually (Default)

Enter manually a velocity of your choice into the text field First Layer Velocity.
A spatial average of all selected control points is proposed as default value.
A robust procedure is to use a constant First Layer Velocity for the entire survey.

2) Read From Geometry File

Clicking on this option will enter the V1 specified on the “SHOT” Record of the
geometry file. This value is usually taken from a regional uphole survey.
This option is disabled if no V1 is specified on the geometry file for this control

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114 Hampson-Russell Software Services

3) Computed: Shot Depth / UpHole Time

Clicking on this option will compute V1 as

V1 = Shot Depth / Uphole Time,

where “Shot Depth” and “Uphole Time” are specified on the “SHOT” record of the
geometry file. This calculation assumes that the shot holes do not penetrate through
the first layer. Since the derived statics depend critically on the first layer velocity,
the Uphole method should be used with care. This option is disabled if “Shot
Depth” and/or “Uphole Time” are invalid or not specified on the geometry file for
this control point.


These groups of parameters specify the model values other than the first layer velocity.
In the 2-layer model shown above, there are two items in each List box. The VELOCITY
item 1 refers to the velocity encountered by refraction along the base of layer 1, while the
INTERCEPT TIME item 1 refers to the intercept time for refraction along the base of
layer 1. The THICKNESS item 1 refers to the thickness of layer 1.

The values show the state of the current control point model. If the shot point number in
the Shot field is from the List of control points, then these fields show the values that
have been entered. If the Shot point number is not from the list, then these numbers have
been calculated by interpolation.

There are two ways to change the values. One way is manually: to do this, click on the
item to be changed within one of the List boxes. Then click on the Item box above it and
type in the new value.

The second way to change these values is graphically. Each of the items within the List
boxes refers to refraction along the base of a layer, and a line corresponding to that
refraction is drawn on the OFFSET window. To redraw that line, choose one of the items
by clicking on it within one of the List boxes. Note that the corresponding line turns red
on the OFFSET window. Now redraw the new line by using the “rubber band method”.
This means: point to where you would like the line to be. Press the left mouse button and
hold it. Move the mouse, noting that the “rubber band” connects the pointer to the
original mouse position. Release the mouse, and a new line is drawn, while the tables are

Redraw: Pressing this button causes the GLI3D INTERPRETER window to be updated with the
current control point information. Note that this is still not a permanent condition, and
Reset and Cancel will undo all the changes made in this session.

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GLI3D Interpreter Menus 115

Important note regarding the OBC Geometry Mode:

If the GLI3D project was created with the OBC geometry mode, this will enforce some
restrictions on the control points. The main restriction is that the first layer of the Earth Model
will automatically be defined as the thickness of the water.

This means that the THICKNESS of the first layer will be the difference between the water
surface and the receiver elevation at that control point’s location. You will not be allowed to
change this value, either manually or graphically.

This restriction is in place due to the ray tracing algorithm that is used by GLI3D, which assumes
that the first layer in the GLI Earth Model is defined by the water layer.

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GRID Window

The GRID window in GLI3D is a child window that is used to display properties of the GLI3D
model on an areal basis. As a child window, the window can be displayed simultaneously with
the GLI3D INTERPRETER window. It can also be resized and moved. The GRID window is
created automatically when the geometry file of a 3D survey is read. Choosing the Display/Grid
option on the GLI3D INTERPRETER window will also produce a GRID window, if one is not
already visible.

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GLI3D Interpreter Menus 117

The items are:

File: Produce hardcopy. Close the GRID window.

View: Pressing this button causes a menu to appear, allowing you to change the properties of
this window, including the data values that are being plotted.

Zoom: Pressing this button causes the plot scales to increase by a factor of 2.

Unzoom: Pressing this button causes the plot scales to reduce by a factor of 2.

Select Section: After you press this button, you can choose a new position for the
cross-section plot that is displayed in the GLI3D INTERPRETER window. The new
location is defined by dragging a rubber-band line on the GRID window. The orientation
of the new cross-section must be either parallel or perpendicular to the current one when
you use this option. If you would like to choose a different azimuth for the cross-section,
you must specify the angle on the View/General menu in the GLI3D INTERPRETER

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GLI3D allows you to create hardcopy plots from any of the contour plots that can be displayed in
the GLI3D GRID window. The plots are produced as a CGM metafile which may be plotted later
using software which can read and rasterize a CGM file.

Choosing the Hardcopy option on the File pullDown menu causes the Hardcopy Parameters
menu to appear. This menu and the subsequent menus allow you to set parameters for the CGM

The items are as follows:

Output CGM File Directory: The Hardcopy option creates a CGM metafile, which can be
plotted later. This field specifies the complete path for the directory in which to place the
CGM file.

Output CGM File Name: This is the name of the CGM file to create.

Plot Title: You can provide a title for the CGM plot in this field. The title will be printed at the
top of the CGM plot title block.

HARDCOPY TITLE BLOCK: This parameter allows you to choose whether or not a title block
will be shown on the CGM plot.

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GLI3D Interpreter Menus 119


After the Ok button on the Hardcopy Parameters menu has been pressed, the Grid Plot
Parameters menu appears. This menu allows you to specify parameters for the Grid CGM plot.

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The items are:

ATTRIBUTES TO PLOT: This field determines what is being plotted. Each of these items
refers to a property of the current model. In some cases it is a property of a specific layer
of the model, which is defined below. The choices are:

Elevation: This is the absolute elevation at the top of a layer. The layer numbering in
GLI3D is defined as follows:

-------------------- SURFACE

Layer 1 V1

Layer 2 V2


Note that the “elevation” for Layer 1 is actually the surface elevation. Even though the
model shown above is a 2-layer model, we can get the elevation of the base of Layer 2 by
specifying the Elevation of Layer 3.

Velocity: This is the velocity of a chosen layer.

Thickness: This is the thickness of a chosen layer.

Statics: This is an areal plot of the derived statics. If this option is chosen, a series of
parameters below is used to determine the type of statics plot.

Error: This is an areal plot of the error or “misfit” in the GLI3D model. As a result of
the GLI3D inversion process, a model is produced which has the property that the
modelled first breaks are approximately equal to the real first breaks. The error
for any trace is the difference in ms between the real and model breaks. This plot
shows the distribution of that error.

Datum: This is a plot of the processing datum. This plot is meaningful when the
floating datum option has been used to calculate statics.

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GLI3D Interpreter Menus 121

MODEL ATTRIBUTES: This set of parameters is only used if one of the model parameters,
(Elevation, Velocity, Thickness) is chosen above. The items are:

Layer Number: This is the layer number corresponding to the attribute. Note that an
ambiguity exists in the definition of a model in GLI3D. By definition, a 2-layer
model requires one extra velocity, corresponding to the velocity below the
deepest refractor:

-------------------- SURFACE

Layer 1 V1

Layer 2 V2


STATICS ATTRIBUTES: This field determines which combination of statics values will be

The names of the statics attributes are consistent throughout the program. A detailed
description of the various statics attributes is provided at the end of the GLI3D
INTERPRETER Window section.

Any number of these options may be chosen simultaneously. The choices are the

Long Wave + UH: Long Wave Component of the Statics.

Its calculation is model based and includes the up-hole term (UH)
that brings the shot record up to the surface.

UH: up-hole term = (Station Depth / Replacement Velocity)

UH ≠ 0 for shot station
UH = 0 for receiver station

Short Wave: Short Wave Component of the Statics.

Its calculation is based on the surface consistency assumption. This component is
derived using Gauss-Seidel iteration, assuming that the short-wave and receiver
statics are independent.

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122 Hampson-Russell Software Services

Elevation + UH: Elevation Correction + Uphole Term.

Elevation only : Elevation Correction.

This is the statics that appear under the column “Elevation Correction” in the statics

Long + UH + Short Wave -

Long + UH + Elevation - These statics are a combination of the above statics.
Total -

Floating Datum (CDP): This statics will only appear if the user selected the Floating
Datum in the statics calculation menu. A detailed explanation of the Floating
Datum is presented in a special paragraph at the end of the GLI3D
INTERPRETER Window section.

ANNOTATION: In addition to plotting the desired attribute, you may plot either of the
following as a series of superimposed points:

Shot Points
Control Point

SCALE: This parameter sets the plot scaling in both lateral and vertical directions. The units
are in meters or feet of plot per inch of screen display.

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GLI3D Interpreter Menus 123


The Hardcopy Comments menu will appear only if the Display Title Block option was
selected on the Hardcopy Parameters menu. This menu allows you to type in any comments
that you would like to see printed on the final title block. These comments are typed in using the
keyboard and mouse pointer in the same way as any interactive text editor.

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124 Hampson-Russell Software Services


The View button on the GLI3D GRID window is used to change the properties of the data plot as
well as the attribute being plotted. Two levels of pullDown menus appear. The items are:

General: Change general view properties such as plot scales and attributes being plotted.

Color/Display Color Key: Display the color key showing the numerical values for the colors

Color/Change Color Key: Display a menu, allowing the color settings to be modified.

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GLI3D Interpreter Menus 125


Choosing the General option on the View pullDown menu causes the Grid Window
Parameters menu to appear. This menu is used to change the main parameters that affect the
contents and appearance of the GRID window.

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126 Hampson-Russell Software Services

The items are:

ATTRIBUTES TO PLOT: This field determines what is being plotted. Each of these items
refers to a property of the current model. In some cases it is a property of a specific layer
of the model, which is defined below. The choices are:

Elevation: This is the absolute elevation at the top of a layer. The layer numbering in
GLI3D is defined as follows:

-------------------- SURFACE

Layer 1 V1

Layer 2 V2


Note that the “elevation” for Layer 1 is actually the surface elevation. Even though the
model shown above is a 2-layer model, we can get the elevation of the base of Layer 2 by
specifying the Elevation of Layer 3.

Velocity: This is the velocity of a chosen layer.

Thickness: This is the thickness of a chosen layer.

Statics: This is an areal plot of the derived statics. If this option is chosen, a series of
parameters below is used to determine the type of statics plot.

Error: This is an areal plot of the error or “misfit” in the GLI3D model. As a result of
the GLI3D inversion process, a model is produced which has the property that the
modelled first breaks are approximately equal to the real first breaks. The error
for any trace is the difference in ms between the real and model breaks. This plot
shows the distribution of that error.

Datum: This is a plot of the processing datum. This plot is meaningful when the
floating datum option has been used to calculate statics.

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GLI3D Interpreter Menus 127

MODEL ATTRIBUTES: This set of parameters is only used if one of the model parameters
(Elevation, Velocity, or Thickness) is chosen above. The items are:

Layer Number: This is the layer number corresponding to the attribute. Note that an
ambiguity exists in the definition of a model in GLI3D. By definition, a 2-layer
model requires one extra velocity, corresponding to the velocity below the
deepest refractor:

-------------------- SURFACE

Layer 1 V1

Layer 2 V2


Display Attribute/Display Weight: For each of the model attributes, you have the
choice of displaying the attribute itself or displaying the weight associated with
that attribute. The weight is the relative density of rays that have been used to
derive the attribute in the GLI3D inversion process. A higher density of rays
indicates a high level of reliability for that attribute. The areal display of weights
provides a measure of the reliability of the model at various locations within the
3D volume.

STATICS ATTRIBUTES: This field determines which combination of statics values will be

The names of the statics attributes are consistent throughout the program. A detailed
description of the various statics attributes is provided at the end of the GLI3D
INTERPRETER Window section.

Any number of these options may be chosen simultaneously. The choices are the

Long Wave + UH: Long Wave Component of the Statics.

Its calculation is model based and includes the up-hole term (UH)
that brings the shot record up to the surface.

UH: up-hole term = (Station Depth / Replacement Velocity)

UH ≠ 0 for shot station
UH = 0 for receiver station

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Short Wave: Short Wave Component of the Statics.

Its calculation is based on the surface consistency assumption. This
component is derived using Gauss-Seidel iteration, assuming that the short-
wave and receiver statics are independent.

Elevation + UH: Elevation Correction + Uphole Term.

Elevation only : Elevation Correction.

This is the statics that appear under the column “Elevation Correction” in the statics

Long + UH + Short Wave-

Long + UH + Elevation- These statics are a combination of the above statics.
Total -

Floating Datum (CDP): This statics will only appear if the user selected the Floating
Datum in the statics calculation menu. The detailed explanation of the Floating
Datum is presented in a special paragraph at the end of the GLI3D
INTERPRETER Window section.

ANNOTATION: In addition to plotting the desired attribute, you may plot either of the
following as a series of superimposed points:

Shot Points
Control Points

SCALE: This parameter sets the plot scaling in both lateral and vertical directions. The units
are in meters of plot per inch of screen.

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GLI3D Interpreter Menus 129

Grid/View/Color/Change Color Key

Choosing the Change Color Key option on the View pullDown menu of the GRID window or
the VELOCITY window causes the Edit Color Scheme menu to appear. This menu allows you
to modify the color used on the GRID window, as well as setting the amplitude values at which
the colors change.

The items are:

Color Scheme: This set of options, at the top right of the Edit Color Scheme menu, allows you
to customize the color scheme shown on the left-hand side of the menu.

Load: Pressing this button allows you to choose a color scheme from a number of
pre-existing schemes and load it as the current scheme.

Save: Pressing this button allows you to save the current scheme so that it can be
loaded at a later time.

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Number of Colors: This parameter sets the number of colors in the color scheme shown on the
left-hand side of the main menu. To change the number of colors, click in the box to the
right of this option, and type a new number. Note that the effect of this change will not
be seen on the GRID plot until the Apply button is pressed.

Edit Color: The following options allow the user to edit a color.

Palette: The palette consists of a group of 9 squares. All of these squares except for the
bottom right square (with the three dots on it) are colors that can be chosen to
replace a color on the color scheme shown on the left of the menu. Clicking on
the lower right hand square will toggle the user through a number of different
color palettes.

To use the palette, first click on a color on the color bar to the left. A red arrow
will point at this color. Then, move to the palette and click on the chosen color
from the palette.

Color System: The options in this box allow you to customize a color by mixing
various amounts of Red, Green, and Blue (RGB) or by describing the color by its
Hue, Lightness, and Saturation (HLS). First, choose the scheme to use by
pressing the diamond to the left of either HLS or RGB. Then click on a color on
the color bar. Note that the sliders move to show the current mix of RGB or HLS
in the chosen color. Finally, adjust the “mix” by moving sliders to the right of the
three components (Red, Green, Blue, or Hue, Lightness, Saturation). To move a
slider, click the mouse on the button and hold the button down while moving the

Interpolate Colors: The option in this box allows you to interpolate between two selected
colors on the color bar. To use this option, first press the Start button. Then, select the
first color in the interpolation by clicking on that color on the color bar to the left.
(Notice that the Start button name has changed to Select). Then, click on the second
color. The button now changes to Interpolate. Press this button and the colors are
interpolated. The interpolation can be done in RGB or HLS, depending on which option
has been selected in the Color System box.

Edit Scale Amplitude: This option allows you to change the amplitudes on the color board.

Interpolate scale: This allows you to change the amplitude scale by interpolating
between two pre-selected values. First, click on the Start button. Then, select the
first amplitude by clicking on a scale value to the right of a color on the color
scheme and typing a new number. Then, select the second amplitude by the same
method. The button now reads Interpolate. Press this button to interpolate the
amplitude scale.

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GLI3D Interpreter Menus 131

Amplitude Histogram: The amplitude histogram serves two purposes. It allows you to have a
visual display of the range of amplitudes present in the displayed data, and it also allows
you to change the amplitude scale interactively.

Window: Clicking on this button allows you to change the window over which the
histogram analysis is performed. Pressing this button will bring up the
Histogram Parameters menu.

Histogram: The histogram is shown in the bottom right corner of the menu and is a plot
of the frequency of occurrence of an amplitude against the amplitude value. To
change an amplitude value, click on any division and drag the bar that appears to
a new value.

Apply: Apply the color bar that has just been created to the data.

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Grid/View/Color/Change Color Key/Load

Pressing the Load button on the Edit Color Scheme menu causes the Load Color Scheme
menu to appear. This is used to restore a color scheme that has been saved. A color scheme is a
set of selected colors and their corresponding amplitudes. If no color schemes have been saved,
then the only choice is the <system default> which appears in the Current list box. If color
schemes have been saved, they will appear in the box. You must choose one either by clicking
on the appropriate name in the Current list box, or by typing the name directly into the Load
scheme from box.

The Current List box only shows color schemes that were saved within the current GLI3D
project. If you have schemes saved to an ASCII file from another project, you can add the
scheme by pressing the Import Scheme button.

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GLI3D Interpreter Menus 133

Grid/View/Color/Change Color Key/Load/Import Scheme

Pressing the Import Scheme button on the Load Color Scheme menu causes the Color
Scheme File Selection menu to appear.

The items are:

Filter: This field contains a wild card specification used to determine which files will be listed
in the Files box. For example, if you type:


and press the Filter button, those files in the current directory whose extension is .clr will
be listed. If you type:

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and press the Filter button, all files in the current directory will be displayed. Note that
simply changing this field does not automatically cause the Files box to be updated. You
must press either the Filter button or the RETURN key on the keyboard.

Directories: This is a list of the current directory and its subdirectories. Clicking on the two
dots [..] changes to the next directory above the current directory. Clicking on any other
name changes to that directory.

Files: This is the set of possible files in the current directory from which you must choose one
by clicking with the mouse. The chosen file then appears in the Selection box.

Selection: This is the actual file that you wish to open. This may be filled in directly using the
keyboard, or you may click on one of the files in the Files box.

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GLI3D Interpreter Menus 135

Grid/View/Color/Change Color Key/Save

Pressing the Save button on the Edit Color Scheme menu causes the Save Color Scheme
menu to appear. This is used to save the current color scheme under a user-specified name,
which can be restored at a later time. A color scheme is a set of selected colors and their
corresponding amplitudes. If color schemes have been previously saved, their names will appear
in the Current list box. If you click on one of these names, it will then appear in the Save
scheme to box, indicating that you wish to overwrite that name with the current scheme.
Alternatively, you may type a new name into the Save scheme to box.

You can save the current color scheme as an ASCII file by clicking on the Export Scheme to
file button. A color scheme that is saved to a file can be loaded into another GLI3D project,
while the color scheme shown in the Current list: box can only be accessed within the current

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Grid/View/Color/Change Color Key/Save/Export Scheme

Pressing the Export Scheme to file button on the Save Color Scheme menu causes the Color
Scheme File Selection menu to appear.

The items are:

Filter: This field contains a wild card specification used to determine which files will be listed
in the Files box. For example, if you type:


and press the Filter button, those files in the current directory whose extension is .clr will
be listed. If you type:

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GLI3D Interpreter Menus 137

and press the Filter button, all files in the current directory will be displayed. Note that
simply changing this field does not automatically cause the Files box to be updated. You
must press either the Filter button or the RETURN key on the keyboard.

Directories: This is a list of the current directory and its subdirectories. Clicking on the two
dots [..] changes to the next directory above the current directory. Clicking on any other
name changes to that directory.

Files: This is the set of possible files in the current directory from which you must choose one
by clicking with the mouse. The chosen file then appears in the Selection box.

Selection: This is the actual file that you wish to open. This may be filled in directly using the
keyboard, or you may click on one of the files in the Files box.

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Grid/View/Color/Change Color Key/Window

This option allows the user to create an amplitude histogram of data within a specified window.
This means to make a plot of frequency of occurrence of a particular amplitude (vertical axis)
versus amplitude (horizontal axis.) The plot is color coded according to the current color bar.
The parameters are:

First x coord. to use: Minimum x-coordinate to be included in the histogram analysis.

Last x coord. to use: Maximum x-coordinate to be included in the histogram analysis.

First y coord. to use: Minimum y-coordinate to be included in the histogram analysis.

Last y coord. to use: Maximum y-coordinate to be included in the histogram analysis.

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Minimum amplitude: The minimum amplitude to use in the histogram calculation.

Maximum amplitude: The maximum amplitude to use in the histogram calculation.

Number of divisions: The number of amplitude divisions to use. A small number will speed
up the computations but give a coarse result. A large number will slow the computations
but produce a fine result.

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The Velocity-Depth window in GLI3D is a child window that is used to display the velocity-
depth model created by the tomographic inversion method in GLI3D. As a child window, the
window can be displayed simultaneously with the GLI3D INTERPRETER window. It can also
be resized and moved. The Velocity-Depth window is created automatically when tomographic
inversion is used. While the inversion proceeds, the Velocity-Depth window is updated to
reflect the current model. Choosing the Display/Tomo Initial Velocity option on the GLI3D
INTERPRETER window will produce a Velocity-Depth window showing the initial velocity
model. Similarly, choosing Display/Tomo Final Velocity will produce a Velocity-Depth
window showing the final velocity model.

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The items are:

File: Produce CGM plot files. Close the Velocity-Depth window.

View: Pressing this button causes a menu to appear, allowing you to change the plot scales and
colors of this window.

Zoom: Pressing this button causes the plot scales to increase by a factor of 2.

Unzoom: Pressing this button causes the plot scales to reduce by a factor of 2.

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GLI3D allows you to create hardcopy plots from any of the plots that can be displayed in a
GLI3D VELOCITY window. The plots are produced as a CGM metafile which may be plotted
later using software which can read and rasterize a CGM file.

Choosing the Hardcopy option on the File pullDown menu causes the Hardcopy Parameters
menu to appear. This menu and the subsequent menus allow you to set parameters for the CGM
plot. The items on this menu are described under Grid/File Hardcopy.

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GLI3D Interpreter Menus 143


After the Ok button on the Hardcopy Parameters menu has been pressed, the Grid Plot
Parameters menu appears. This menu allows you to specify parameters for the Velocity CGM

The items are:

HORIZ_SCALE: This parameter sets the plot scaling in the lateral direction. The units are in
meters of plot per inch of screen display.

VERT_SCALE: This parameter sets the plot scaling in the vertical direction. The units are in
meters of plot per inch of screen display.

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Choosing the Parameters button on the View pullDown menu causes the Velocity Depth
Window Parameters menu to appear. This menu allows you to change the scales used to plot
the Velocity-Depth window.

The items are:

ANNOTATION: In addition to plotting the velocity map, you may plot either of the following as
a series of superimposed points:

Shot Points

Xscale: This parameter sets the plot scaling in the lateral direction. The units are in meters of
plot per inch of screen display.

Yscale: This parameter sets the plot scaling in the vertical direction. The units are in meters of
plot per inch of screen display.

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GLI3D Interpreter Menus 145


The Horizontal Velocity window in GLI3D is a child window that is used to display a map view
of the velocity model created by the tomographic inversion method in GLI3D at a given depth.
As a child window, the window can be displayed simultaneously with the GLI3D
INTERPRETER window. It can also be resized and moved. The Horizontal Velocity window is
created automatically when tomographic inversion is used. While the inversion proceeds, the
Horizontal Velocity window is updated to reflect the current model. Choosing the
Display/Tomo Initial Velocity option on the GLI3D INTERPRETER window will produce a
Horizontal Velocity window showing the initial velocity model. Similarly, choosing
Display/Tomo Final Velocity will produce a Horizontal Velocity window showing the final
velocity model.

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The items are:

File: Produce CGM plot files. Close the Horizontal Velocity window.

View: Pressing this button causes a menu to appear, allowing you to change the plot scales and
colors of this window.

Zoom: Pressing this button causes the plot scales to increase by a factor of 2.

Unzoom: Pressing this button causes the plot scales to reduce by a factor of 2.

Up: Pressing this button causes the velocity map to move up by 1/16th of the vertical grid cell

Down: Pressing this button causes the velocity map to move down by 1/16th of the vertical grid
cell size.

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Choosing the Parameters button on the View pullDown menu causes the Velocity Depth
Window Parameters menu to appear. This menu allows you to change the scales used to plot
the Horizontal Velocity window.

The items are:

Xscale: This parameter sets the plot scaling in the east-west direction. The units are in meters
of plot per inch of screen display.

Yscale: This parameter sets the plot scaling in the north-south direction. The units are in
meters of plot per inch of screen display.

ANNOTATION: In addition to plotting the velocity map, you may plot either of the following as
a series of superimposed points:

Shot Points

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Velocity/View/Set Depth

Choosing the Set Depth button on the View pullDown menu causes the Velocity Depth
Window Parameters menu to appear. This menu allows you to change the scales used to plot
the Horizontal Velocity window.

The items are:

Min_depth/Max_depth: These parameters display the minimum and maximum depths defined
by the tomographic model. The value for the desired depth of the map, specified in the
next field, must fall within the range defined by these values.

Depth: This parameter allows you to select the elevation of the velocity surface to be mapped.
This surface will be horizontal, and at the specified depth relative to the point of
maximum surface elevation in the 3D survey.

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GLI3D Interpreter Menus 149


The GLI3D PICKER window is used to pick or edit first break times from seismic data. The
GLI3D INTERPRETER window uses these picks to derive a near-surface model for statics
calculations. The GLI3D PICKER window requires two types of information, contained in two
input files:
1) The geometry information for each trace, along with pick times, if picking has
already been done.
2) The seismic data file.

The first step in using the GLI3D PICKER window is always to read in these files using the
File/Open Files command.

If picks have already been made, and you do not wish to edit them, you may read the geometry
file directly into the GLI3D INTERPRETER window.

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After using the GLI3D PICKER window to pick or edit first breaks, you may save the picks to a
file using the File/Save Picks command. The GLI3D INTERPRETER window is automatically
updated with any changes made to the picks, so you can also proceed directly to building a
geological model from the picks.

The commands available are:

File: Read the input files required for the GLI3D PICKER. Write output files from the process.

View: Set parameters that control the plotting functions and general appearance of this window.

Set Model: Define a time/offset model, which is used to flatten the displayed seismic data and
guide the automatic picking.

Pick Data: Set parameters for manual and automatic picking.

Next Shot: Advance all displayed seismic views by one sequential shot position.

Previous Shot: Move back all displayed seismic views by one sequential shot position.

Select Shot: Move displayed shot views to an arbitrary location in the dataset.

Flatten On: Display the seismic data flattened on the first break picks, the offset dependent
model defined by the GLI3D PICKER, or the model created within the GLI3D

Display: Display the model created within the GLI3D INTERPRETER window or the GLI3D
PICKER window, if either is available.

View 1/2/3: Toggle any of the three possible view windows on or off.

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GLI3D Interpreter Menus 151

File/Open Files

Choosing the File/Open Files option causes the Load Geometry menu to appear. The
Geometry file may be a single file or multiple files, which contain the geometry information and
pick times for every trace in the survey. If a previous geometry file has already been opened,
then the effect of loading a new file will be to overwrite what was previously on the screen.

The items are as follows:

Specify file format: There are two geometry file formats that are always available to GLI3D.
The first is an ASCII file, containing the picks and geometry for each recorded trace, and
the other is a “header” file created in a previous GLI3D run. There may also be
additional formats, which are site-specific. The current default is shown in red, after the
words, Geometry File Format to Load. If you wish to change this setting, click on the
Specify File Format button.

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Pressing this button causes a second menu to appear which allows you to specify the
format to be used in reading the Geometry file. If this button is not pressed, GLI3D will
assume that the geometry file is in the format specified in red.

Geometry File: This is the actual file that you wish to open and read to access geometry and
picks. This box may be filled in directly using the keyboard, or you may select one of the
files in the Geometry Files list.

If you have used the Specify File Format menu to select a multiple file geometry format,
there will be one box for each file required.

Directory and File Mask: This field contains a complete path and wild card specification that
is used to determine which files will be listed in the Geometry Files box. For example,
if you type:


and press the Filter button, those files in the directory “/home/gli3d/data” whose
extension is .geo will be listed. If you type:


and press the Filter button, all files in the “/usr” directory will be displayed. Note that
simply changing this field does not automatically cause the Geometry Files box to be
updated. You must press the Filter button.

Directories: This box contains a list of possible directories. The current directory, which is
also displayed in the Directory and File Mask field, is at the top of the list with a (.) after
it. For example:


The next name on the list is the current directory followed by 2 dots (..). Highlighting
this field and pressing Filter will cause the current directory to move up one level. For
example, choosing this item:


will cause the current directory to change to:


All the items in this box are the subdirectories directly below the current directory. A
directory can be selected by highlighting its name and pressing the Filter button.

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GLI3D Interpreter Menus 153

Geometry Files: This is the set of files from which you must choose one by clicking with the
mouse. The chosen file then appears in the Geometry File box. The particular files
shown in this box depend on the setting of the Directory and File Mask box. Depending
on the size of the complete menu box, this and the previous boxes may show sliders,
allowing you to scroll through a list of items.

Filter: Pressing this button causes the set of files displayed in the Geometry Files box to be
modified to reflect the current settings of the Directory and File Mask item.

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File/Open Files/Specify File Format

When the Specify File Format button is pushed on the Load Geometry menu, the Specify
Geometry File Format menu appears. Note that there may be additional, site-specific formats
shown on this menu.

GLI3D reads geometry in at least two possible formats. Note that the “geometry” file is assumed
to contain the first break pick times along with the necessary geometry for each trace of the
dataset. The two general formats are:

1. ASCII format

This format is an ASCII file containing one line per trace of input data along with an
extra line for each shot. The file is shot ordered with a single line for each shot followed
by lines for each receiver of that shot. (Refer to the example below.)

All the lines are read in free field format, meaning that it doesn’t matter which columns
the numbers are placed in, as long as they are in the right order and there are spaces
between fields.

An optional line may be used to indicate the total number of shots and maximum number
of traces per shot in the survey.

a) “LINE” in columns 1 to 4
b) Total number of shots in the survey
c) Maximum number of traces per shot

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Each shot line contains the following information in the order indicated:

a) “SHOT” in columns 1 to 4
b) Shot station ID
c) X-coordinate of the shot station
d) Y-coordinate of the shot station
e) Z-coordinate of the shot station
f) Depth of the shot
g) Uphole time of the shot in milliseconds. (optional)
h) V1, First Layer Velocity (optional)

The receiver lines contain the following information in the order indicated:

a) “TRACE” in columns 1 to 5
b) Receiver station ID
c) X-coordinate of the receiver station
d) Y-coordinate of the receiver station
e) Z-coordinate of the receiver station
f) First break time in milliseconds. (A value of 0 indicates no pick, but traces
that are not picked can in fact be deleted from the file.)

Here is an example of an ASCII geometry file:

LINE 526 240

SHOT 101 687930 261033 442.80 10.00 5.0 1235.0
TRACE 103 687888 261062 441.20 60.00
TRACE 104 687882 261086 441.40 84.00
TRACE 105 687870 261107 441.00 102.00
TRACE 106 687858 261129 440.60 114.00
TRACE 107 687846 261150 440.20 120.00


TRACE 173 687494 262726 430.40 600.00

TRACE 174 687490 262750 430.40 606.00
SHOT 102 687909 261047 442.00 8.0 4.0 1304.5
TRACE 104 687882 261086 441.40 84.00
TRACE 105 687870 261107 441.00 90.00
TRACE 106 687858 261129 440.60 102.00


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2. GLI3D Header Format

The second geometry format supported by GLI3D is its own internal header format. This
is an ASCII file containing all the information of the previous ASCII file, as well as extra
information used by GLI3D in the inversion process. This file is created by GLI3D itself,
either in the interactive or the batch mode. For example, if you run the batch version of
GLI3D on a mainframe and wish to examine results or continue the analysis on the
workstation, you would read in the GLI3D header file created in the batch run.
Alternatively, if you have made a previous GLI3D run on the workstation and have saved
the header file, you could read it in to continue the process.

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GLI3D Interpreter Menus 157

File/Open Files/Survey Geometry

After the Geometry file has been selected on the Load Geometry menu, and the Ok button
pushed, the Survey Geometry menu appears. This menu allows you to specify the type of
survey for the geometry file you have selected.

The items are:

SURVEY IS: GLI3D processes both 2D and 3D data using the same algorithm. However, it is
often beneficial to constrain the program to operate in a 2D mode for the purpose of
saving run time. In the 2D mode, GLI3D assumes that a (possibly crooked) line may be
drawn through the survey, and no model variation is permitted in a direction
perpendicular to the line. The 2-D/3-D toggles allow you to specify whether the dataset
will be processed in the 2D or the 3D mode.

The conventional GLI3D inversion method will not modify the velocity of the near
surface layer from what was defined when the initial model was created. Tomographic
inversion, on the other hand, does not have this constraint and will attempt to update
velocities of all cells. If the survey is marine, then the land/marine toggles ensure that
the water velocity will not be changed by the tomographic inversion. Note that a marine
survey acquired with ocean-bottom cables should be loaded as a land survey, if we use
the GLI Inversion, but as Ocean Bottom Cable survey, which ensures that both water
velocity and water bottom are not iterated by the tomographic inversion.

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File/Open Files/Geometry Parameters

After the Survey Geometry has been selected on the Survey Geometry menu, and the Ok
button pushed, the Geometry Parameters menu appears. This menu allows you to specify
parameters describing the geometry file you have selected.

The items are:

SELECT SHOTS: This section allows you to specify a range or subset of shots to use from the
input Geometry file. The main reason to do this is to shorten the time required to
produce an inverted model. For example, using every second shot will reduce
computation time but may still produce a good model. Note that no statics will be
calculated for the shots that have not been included.

Two methods of selecting shots are available:

1) Use the actual field shot point numbers for the selection.

2) Use the sequential numbering of shots as they appear in the file.

BULK PICK TIME: This field specifies a time in milliseconds which will be added to all first
break picks read from the Geometry file.

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SOURCE ARRAY: This field is used to specify a source array configuration to be used in
calculating the effective shot-receiver distance for each trace in the dataset. The array is
assumed to be represented by a rectangular box. If a source array is specified, it is
assumed that every shot in the dataset has the same configuration oriented in the same
direction. A length or width of 0 may be input to specify a linear array.

Length: Length of the array measured along some axis.

Width: Width of the array measured along the direction perpendicular to the length.

Angle: Angle in degrees measured clockwise from the positive X-axis of the earth
(east) to the “Length” axis.

RECEIVER ARRAY: This field is used to specify a receiver array configuration to be used in
calculating the effective shot-receiver distance for each trace in the dataset. The array is
assumed to be represented by a rectangular box. If a receiver array is specified, it is
assumed that every receiver in the dataset has the same array configuration oriented in
the same direction. A length or width of 0 may be input to specify a linear array.

Length: Length of the array measured along some axis.

Width: Width of the array measured along the direction perpendicular to the length.

Angle: Angle in degrees measured clockwise from the positive X-axis of the earth
(east) to the “Length” axis.

CHECK SURVEY LIMITS: GLI3D will print a report to your terminal window showing the
minimum and maximum x and y coordinates read from your geometry file. If this button
is pressed, you can specify a rectangle around your survey, and any shots or receivers in
the geometry file whose coordinates fall outside this rectangle will not be loaded when
the geometry file is read. There will also be a message displayed in your console window
indicating the number of shots and receivers that were ignored.

Xmin: Minimum X-coordinate of the user-defined rectangle.

Xmax: Maximum X-coordinate of the user-defined rectangle.

Ymin: Minimum Y-coordinate of the user-defined rectangle.

Ymax: Maximum Y-coordinate of the user-defined rectangle.

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ROTATION ANGLE OPTION: In order to minimize the calculation effort, it is sometimes

useful to rotate the survey coordinate system. For example, in the 2D mode, it is always
advisable to rotate the survey such that the line falls parallel to the x-axis. The rotation
angle may be specified manually or you may choose to allow GLI3D to automatically
calculate an optimum rotation angle. For detailed information on how that angle is
calculated, see the Theory section of this documentation manual.

This field determines whether the rotation angle is input manually or automatically
calculated. If 2D processing has been selected, then GLI3D will calculate the optimum
rotation angle, which will override any user specified angle.

MANUAL ROTATION ANGLE: If the Manual Input option is chosen on the previous field, this
field allows you to specify the rotation angle. The effect is to rotate the entire survey
clockwise by this many degrees.

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GLI3D Interpreter Menus 161

File/Open Files/Open SEGY File

The Open SEGY File menu appears automatically after the geometry file has been read. The
purpose of this menu is to read in a file containing the seismic data that is to be picked. The
seismic data must be pre-stack, shot-ordered, uncorrected data in SEGY format. When the SEGY
file is read, a check is done to ensure that there is geometry information for every trace of the
SEGY file. In other words, the Geometry file may contain more shots than the SEGY file, but
not vice versa. The checking is done by comparing the field shot point numbers from the SEGY
file with the shot point numbers in the Geometry file.

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The items are:

Change file format: Pressing this button causes a second menu to appear which allows you to
examine and specify the data format of the file currently chosen in the SEGY Files box.
While the input format is always assumed to be SEGY, there are various modifications
that you can make. If this button is not pressed, GLI3D will make reasonable
assumptions about the data. Note that a file must be picked from the SEGY Files box
before pressing this button.

Directory and SEGY File Mask: This field contains a complete path and wild card
specification that is used to determine which files will be displayed in the SEGY Files
box. For example, if you type:


and press the Filter button, those files in the directory “/home/gli3d/data” whose
extension is .sgy will be listed. If you type:


and press the Filter button, all files in the “/usr” directory will be listed. Note that simply
changing this field does not automatically cause the SEGY Files box to be updated. You
must press either the Filter button or the RETURN key on the keyboard.

Directories: This box contains a list of possible directories. The current directory, which is
also displayed in the Directory and File Mask field, is at the top of the list with a (.) after
it. For example:


The next name on the list is the current directory followed by 2 dots (..). Highlighting
this field and pressing Filter, or double clicking on this field, will cause the current
directory to move up one level. For example, choosing this item:


will cause the current directory to change to


All the other items in this box are the subdirectories directly below the current directory.
A directory can be selected by highlighting its name and pressing the Filter button.

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SEGY Files: This is the set of files from which you must choose one by clicking with the
mouse. The chosen file then appears in the SEGY File Selection box. The particular
file shown in this box depends on the setting of the Directory and SEGY File Mask box.
Depending on the size of the complete menu box, this and the previous boxes may show
sliders, allowing you to scroll through a list of items.

SEGY File Selection: This is the actual file that you wish to open into the GLI3D PICKER
window. This may be filled in directly using the keyboard, or you may select one of the
files in the SEGY Files box. This is also the file that will be examined if you press the
Change File Format button.

Filter: Pressing this button causes the set of files displayed in the SEGY Files box to be
modified to reflect the current settings of the Directory and SEGY File item.

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File/Open Files/Open SEGY File/Specify File Format

If the Change File Format button is pressed on the Open SEGY File menu, the Specify File
Format menu appears. This menu allows you to examine the format options currently set for the
chosen file, and to change them if necessary. Note that it is not necessary to do this for most
input files, since GLI3D can generally recognize the correct format automatically. Also, if this
does need to be set for a particular file, it will need to be done only once, since GLI3D creates a
small tag-along file (with the extension .RNG) which contains relevant information for each file

When this menu is on the screen, the parent (Open SEGY File) menu is disabled, indicating that
you must dismiss this menu box before proceeding.

The items are:

DATA FORMAT IS: This field is related to the source of the SEGY file and determines whether
byte swapping needs to be done. Selecting the wrong format can cause two types of
result. One possibility is that the program detects the wrong format and a warning
message appears. A second, more confusing, possibility is that the data is read and
plotted incorrectly. The error may be subtle. For example, if the correct format is IBM,
and you choose IEEE, the plotted data may be very similar to the correct data with some
clipping of the high amplitudes. In such a case, it is necessary to experiment with
different choices until the plot looks right.

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Line and Trace Header Information: These fields show the values of certain items in the line
and trace headers read from the default byte locations. You can then manually override
these values. The following general parameters may be input manually:

Sample Rate: This is the time sample rate of the SEGY file in microseconds. For
example, the value 2000 means that the sample rate is 2 milliseconds. If this
number is entered incorrectly, the data will be plotted with an incorrect time

Number of Samples per Data Trace: This is the number of samples per trace. If this
number is entered incorrectly, the data will be plotted with apparently erroneous
time shifts from trace to trace.

Data Sample Format Code: This identifies the type of data samples. The possibilities

Floating point (1)

4 Byte Fixed (2)
2 Byte Fixed (3)
4 Bt Fixed + gain (4)
1 Byte Integer (5)

If this number is entered incorrectly, either an error message will occur, or the
data will appear as random noise or with time shifts.

Trace Sorting Code: This determines whether the data is pre-stack or post-stack, and
how it is ordered. The possibilities are:

As Recorded (1) – This is the order expected by GLI3D.

CDP Gathers (2)
Single Fold (3)
Stacked Data (4)

If this number is entered incorrectly, it will cause plotting and annotation

problems, and may result in traces being duplicated on the screen.

Measurement System: This determines the units for the source-receiver offset values.

Meters (1)
Feet (2)

Start Time: This parameter sets the time in milliseconds for the first sample of the input
file. Changing this value effectively applies a bulk time shift to the data.

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Note that if any of these values is overwritten manually, the effect will not be to change
the original file, but simply to change the value within the accompanying tag-along file.
This means that the corrections will be remembered automatically the next time that the
file is read.

Specify Line Header: Pressing this button causes a pop-up menu to appear allowing you to
view and edit the default byte location of items found in the SEGY Line Header.

Specify Trace Header: Pressing this button causes a pop-up menu to appear allowing you to
view and edit the default byte location of items found in the SEGY Trace Header.

View Trace Header: Pressing this button causes a pop-up menu to appear allowing you to view
items from the SEGY Trace Header.

Apply: Pressing this button causes the specified changes to be made to the file format without
dismissing this menu. This allows you to look at the new information on the Line
Header and Trace Header menus to see if the changes are correct. You may reverse the
format changes by pressing the Reset or Cancel button. Changes become permanent
when the Ok button is pressed.

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GLI3D Interpreter Menus 167

File/Open Files/OpenSEGY File/Specify File Format/Specify Line Header

This menu contains information about the size of the EBCDIC and binary headers at the
beginning of the SEGY file and the byte locations at which specific values can be found.

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File/Open Files/OpenSEGY File/Specify File Format/Specify Trace Header

This menu contains information about the length of the header at the beginning of each trace and
the byte locations at which trace specific values can be found. Sometimes, it may be useful to
change these fields to overcome the problem of missing values in the SEGY Trace Header.

Data Type of Shot Point Number: This field specifies whether the shot point number is an
integer or a floating-point value. If you make the wrong choice, the only consequence is
that the shot point numbers will be annotated incorrectly.

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GLI3D Interpreter Menus 169

File/Open Files/OpenSEGY File/Specify File Format/View Trace Header

This menu displays information read from the SEGY Trace Header for the selected trace. The
trace can be selected by sliding the scroll bar at the bottom of this menu.

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File/Save Picks

When the File/Save Picks option is chosen, the Save Geometry File menu appears. The
purpose of this menu is to specify a file name in which to save the new geometry file with the
new picks. That new file may than be read into the GLI3D INTERPRETER window to create the
near-surface model and statics. The file will be created in the HRS ASCII format. For details of
this format, see the section File/Open Files.

The items are:

Directory Path: This is the complete directory specification in which to create the file.

Geometry File Name: This is the name of the file that will be created. Note that it is not
necessary to append the extension, .geo, since this will automatically be added. If this
file already exists, you will be prompted before overwriting it.

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GLI3D Interpreter Menus 171


Choosing the View/General option causes the General View Properties menu to appear. The
purpose of this menu is to set general properties for the data plotted in any of the views of the
GLI3D PICKER window.

The items are:

Plot Direction: This parameter specifies the plotting direction of the seismic data, and can be
either Left to Right or Right to Left.

Tied Scrollbars: When more than one view is visible, you may control whether or not moving
a slider on one view automatically moves the other views. The default condition is to
have the scroll bars “tied”, meaning that if any vertical scroll bar is moved, the
corresponding vertical scroll bars move on the other views. By pressing the button in this
field, the scroll bars may be “untied”, allowing independent scrolling between views.

Trace Scale: This parameter sets the horizontal trace plotting scale in traces per inch.

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Flatten Time: When the Flatten On: button is pressed on the vertical menuBar, the data is
replotted in “flattened” mode. This means that a time is subtracted from each trace,
which has the effect of aligning or flattening the first breaks. This field determines the
final plot time in milliseconds at which the flattened traces will be displayed.

Time Scale: This parameter sets the vertical trace plotting scale in inches per second.

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View/View 1, 2, or 3

Choosing the View/View 1, 2 or 3 option causes the View Properties menu to appear. The
purpose of this menu is to set parameters specific to the plotting of that particular view.

The items are:

Trace Scalar: This parameter specifies the trace excursion amplitude. When seismic wiggle
traces are plotted, a plot scale must be determined which relates the size of the trace
swings about the baseline as a function of the magnitude of the samples in the disk file.
This parameter allows you to override the automatic setting. The default value of 1.0
chooses the automatic setting. Inserting a value of 2.0 causes the plotted traces to swing
2 times as far as the default.

Trace Fill: This parameter allows you to turn the variable area trace fill On or Off.

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Set Model

When the Set Model option is chosen on the vertical menuBar, the Set Model menu appears.

The purpose of this option is to define a model as a series of time/offset pairs at one or more shot
points in the line. With this information, the program can generate a model time for every trace
of the dataset by interpolation. A model time is an “approximate” first break time, which is used
for two reasons.

1) It is used to flatten the displayed seismic data when the Flatten On: option is chosen
on the vertical menuBar.

2) It is used to guide the search window for automatic first break picking.

To set up a model, do the following steps:

1) Press the Set Model button.

2) Move the mouse cursor to the displayed seismic data. Point to the first breaks on one
side of the shot.

3) Press the left mouse button and hold it down while moving the mouse. Note that a
rubber band appears. Move the mouse while keeping the rubber band as close as
possible to the first breaks. When the mouse button is released, a line is drawn
showing the model that has been built so far.

4) Draw several line segments on the shot, effectively modelling all the offsets.

5) To move to a different shot, use the Select Shot button. It is not necessary to pick
the model times for every shot. Typically, a small number of control points is used,
allowing the program to interpolate the rest.

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The items are:

Delete Control Points: Pressing this button causes a new menu to appear; allowing you to
delete previously entered model control points.

Clear Picks: Pressing this button removes any model segments that have been entered for this

Parameters: Pressing this button causes a new menu to appear allowing you to set parameters
for the Set Model process.

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Set Model/Delete Control Points

When the Delete Control Points button is pressed on the Set Model menu, the Delete Control
Points menu appears. The purpose of this menu is to delete a previously entered model control
point. To use this menu, select one of the control points from the list by clicking on it.

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Set Model/Parameters

When the Parameters button is pressed on the Set Model menu, the Model Parameters menu
appears. The purpose of this menu is to set the parameters that will be used to define a model
control point.

The items are:

Action: This item toggles between two states: Pick is the normal state, which means that a
mouse click will cause a new time/offset pair to be added to the model for this control
pair. Delete means that a mouse click will cause a time/offset pair to be deleted.

Snap To: This item determines where a time/offset pair will be placed with respect to the
cursor location. The default is None, which means that the time/offset pair will be
defined at the cursor position. If it is set to Peak, the pair will be set at the nearest
positive peak. If it is set to Trough, the pair will go to the nearest negative trough. After
snapping to a peak or trough, the pick may move to the energy onset depending on the
setting of the Set Pick At item.

Set Pick At: For Vibroseis (zero-phase) data, it is usually best to assume that the pick is at the
actual peak or trough. For causal (dynamite) data, the pick should be set at the Onset of
Energy. In the latter case, the onset is defined in terms of the Onset Ratio.

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Onset Ratio: If the option Set Pick At: Onset of Energy is chosen, this parameter defines
what the “onset” is. For a given peak (or trough), the onset is the nearest sample before
that peak (or trough) whose amplitude divided by the peak amplitude is less than this

Mode: This item determines how groups of traces are selected for picking or deleting. The
choices are:

Rubber Band: In this mode, a group of traces is selected by pointing to a location,

pressing the left mouse button, and moving the mouse while holding the button
down. This creates a “rubber band” connecting the original point and the new
point. When the mouse is released, all traces within the rubber band will be
picked or deleted depending on the Action item. In addition, the rubber band
provides a guide as to where the model pairs should be. If the Snap To is set to
Peak, the nearest peak to the rubber band will be selected. This mode also
controls single point picking. If you point and click once, a single trace will be
picked or edited.

Right Repeat: In this mode, all traces to the right of the cursor position will be picked
or deleted.

Left Repeat: In this mode, all traces to the left of the cursor position will be picked or

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Pick Data/Automatic

Choosing the Pick Data/Automatic option on the vertical menuBar causes the Automatic
Picking menu to appear. The purpose of this menu is to allow you to set parameters for
automatic first break picking and start the process. Optionally you may test the picking
parameters on shots currently displayed on the screen by pressing the Pick Current Shot(s)
button. Automatic picking means that the program picks the first break times without
intervention and without displaying the intermediate results.

The automatic picking algorithm is a threshold detection algorithm that works as follows:

1. Each trace must have an associated model pick time which has been set up using the Set
Model option. This model pick time is a rough estimate of where the first break should
be. The actual first break is expected to be within a distance given by Search Window.

2. The trace is analyzed to find the peaks and troughs. Only those of the correct Polarity of
Pick are used.

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3. The peaks (or troughs) are analyzed in order starting from earliest times to find the first one
that satisfies three criteria:

a) Its amplitude exceeds the average amplitude of trace samples before it by the ratio
Signal to Noise Ratio.

b) Its amplitude divided by the maximum amplitude in the search window is at least
Minimum Amplitude 1st Peak.

c) The next peak (or trough) amplitude divided by the maximum amplitude in the search
window is at least Minimum Amplitude 2nd Peak.

4. If no peak (or trough) satisfies the three criteria, then no pick is made for this trace.

5. If a peak (or trough) is found, and the option Set Pick At is set to Onset of Energy, a search
is made back in time to find the nearest sample whose amplitude divided by the peak
amplitude is less than the Onset Ratio.

The items are:

Polarity of Pick: First break picks are associated with a Peak or Trough. This parameter
determines which of these two is used.

Set Pick At: For Vibroseis (zero-phase) data, it is usually best to assume that the pick is at the
actual peak or trough. For causal (dynamite) data, the pick should be set at the Onset of
Energy. In the latter case, the onset is defined in terms of the Onset Ratio.

Onset Ratio: If the option Set Pick At: Onset of Energy is chosen, this parameter defines
what the “onset” is. For a given peak (or trough), the onset is the nearest sample before
that peak (or trough) whose amplitude divided by the peak amplitude is less than this

Minimum Amplitudes: In order to be a valid pick, a peak (or trough) must have the property
that its amplitude divided by the largest amplitude in the search window is at least equal
to 1st Peak and the next amplitude divided by the largest amplitude is at least equal to
2nd Peak.

Search Window: Only peaks or troughs within a specified distance from the model time are
allowed. The model time has been set using the Set Model option. This parameter sets
the search distance in milliseconds.

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Signal to Noise Ratio: In order to qualify as an acceptable pick, a peak (or trough) must have
the property that its amplitude divided by the RMS (root mean square) amplitude of
samples preceding it in the window is greater than this threshold.

Shots to Pick: Pressing this button causes a new menu to appear; allowing you to specify the
range of shots which will be picked when the Ok button is pressed.

Pick Current Shot(s): Pressing this button causes the shots currently displayed on the screen
to be picked using the parameters on this menu. The menu is left on the screen. This
allows you to quickly test the current parameters before picking the entire data.

Model Picks From: This parameter allows you to choose whether the model to be used was
defined by either the GLI3D PICKER window (Picker) or the GLI3D INTERPRETER
window (Gli3d).

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Pick Data/Automatic/Shots to Pick

When the Shots to Pick button is selected on the Automatic Picking menu, the Shots to Pick
menu appears. The purpose of this menu is to allow you to specify which shots to pick in the
automatic picking run.

The items are:

First Shot: This is the first field shot number that will be picked.

Last Shot: This is the last field shot number that will be picked.

Increment: This is the sequential increment between picked shots. If the number “1” is
entered, every shot will be picked. If the number “3” is entered, every third shot will be

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Pick Data/Manual

When the Manual option is chosen on the Pick Data button, the Manual Picking menu appears.
The purpose of this menu is to set the manual picking parameters. Manual picking is the process
of picking individual first breaks using the mouse, as opposed to automatic picking, which takes
place without user intervention.

The basic operation of manual picking is either:

1) Point to a trace location at which you wish to see a pick. Press the left mouse button and
release. If there was already a pick on that trace, it will be replaced by the new pick.

2) Point to a trace location. Press the left mouse button and hold it down while moving the
mouse. This creates a rubber band over a range of traces. When the mouse is released,
all traces defined by the rubber band are picked.

To edit previous picks, it is not necessary to delete the old picks first – simply repick them.

The items are:

Action: This item toggles between two states: Pick is the normal state, which means that
mouse clicks will cause new picks to be inserted. Delete means that mouse clicks will
cause picks to be deleted.

Snap To: This item determines where a pick will be placed with respect to the cursor location.
If it is set to Peak, the pick will go to the nearest positive peak. If it is set to Trough, the
pick will go to the nearest negative trough. After snapping to a peak or trough, the pick
may move to the energy onset depending on the setting of the Set Pick At item.

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Mode: This item determines how groups of traces are selected for picking or deleting. The
choices are:

Rubber Band: In this mode, a group of traces is selected by pointing to a location,

pressing the left mouse button, and moving the mouse while holding the button
down. This creates a “rubber band” connecting the original point and the new
point. When the mouse is released, all traces within the rubber band will be
picked or deleted depending on the Action item. In addition, the rubber band
provides a guide as to where the picks should be. If the Snap To is set to Peak,
the nearest peak to the rubber band will be picked. This mode also controls single
point picking. If you point and click once, a single trace will be picked.

Right Repeat: In this mode, all traces to the right of the current cursor position will be
picked or deleted.

Left Repeat: In this mode, all traces to the left of the current cursor position will be
picked or deleted.

Set Pick At: For Vibroseis (zero-phase) data, it is usually best to assume that the pick is at the
actual peak or trough. For causal (dynamite) data, the pick should be set at the Onset of
Energy. In the latter case, the onset is defined in terms of the Onset Ratio.

Onset Ratio: If the option Set Pick At: Onset of Energy is chosen, this parameter defines
what the “onset” is. For a given peak (or trough), the onset is the nearest sample before
that peak (or trough) whose amplitude divided by the peak amplitude is less than this

Delete Picks: Pressing this button causes ALL picks in the dataset to be deleted. A warning
message will appear confirming that you really wish to do this.

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Select Shot

When the Select Shot button is pressed on the vertical menuBar, the Select Shots to Plot
menu appears. The purpose of this menu is to determine which shots will be plotted in the three
views of the GLI3D PICKER window.

The items are:

Shot Increment Between Views: This sets the sequential shot increment between the views.
For example, if the number “1” is entered, the shots displayed will be successive shots
from the file. If the number “3” is entered, the shot displayed in View 2 will be three
shots prior to that in View 1, etc.

Increment for Next/Prev Shot: This determines the behavior of all the views when the Next
Shot or Previous Shot button is pressed. If the number “1” is entered here, all views
will advance by one sequential shot. If the number “2” is entered here, all views will
advance by two sequential shots.

Shots Displayed: These fields allow specific shot numbers to be displayed. The shot numbers
are the field shot numbers read from the SEGY trace headers. Any ordering may be
entered here and these shots will be displayed. However, if the Next Shot or Previous
Shot button is subsequently pushed, the new displayed shots will reflect the Shot
Increment setting.

GLI3D May 2008

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