PMDC Guidelines For CME PDF

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Continuing Medical
Education (CME)/

Continuing Dental
Education (eDE)

To practice Medicine/ Dentistry in Pakistan, all doctors are required by Law to be

registered and to have a license to practice

Good Medical Practice requires doctors to keep their knowledge and skills up to date
throughout their working and to maintain and improve their performance. Continuing Professional
Development (CPD) is a key for doctors to meet these professional standards and is one of the source of
information required for appraisal and revalidation/ recertification.

Medical Science is dynamic and it is essential for the doctor to become acquainted with the
advances in medicine. Continuing Medical Education (CME)/ Continuing Dental Education (CDE) is an
essence of this concept. Tremendous advances are taking place in the field of medical sciences,
continuously changing the concept, approach to management and the outcome of several diseases.

The term CPD acknowledges the wide-ranging competencies needed to practice high quality
medicine/ dentistry, including medical, managerial, ethical, social and personal skills. CPD therefore
incorporates the concept Continuing Medical Education (CME), which generally is taken to refer only to
expanding the knowledge and skill required by the doctors.

PM&DC has developed standards and guideline on use of CPD as a mandatory requirement
under section 16B of PM&DC (Amendment) Act 2012 for the renewal of license to practice.

According to which;

License to practice be given only to those medical/ dental practitioners/ specialists who have
completed at least 5 credit haurs/ years (for GPs) and 10 credit hours/ year (for specialists) of
training of eMf. These training shall be conducted by recognized DAI/ professional body.

Importance of credit hours and updating knowiedge of doctors has been globally accepted and
also been approved by all the Medical councils. This is necessary as the modern medical science is
growing leaps and bounds and the update for any medical doctor is necessary for overall societal
betterment. The doctrine of patient "deserves the best" has to be respected.

To establish a robust regulatory framework of compulsory CPD being part of legislation, the
Medical! Dental institutions/ organizations in Pakistan are invited to get registration as accredited
organization for CME/ CDE. These accredited organizations shall provide opportunities of continuing
professional development to the registered medical/ dental doctors. .-.

Certificate of Continuing Medical Education (CME) of only those DAI/ Institutions will be •
entertained which shall be registered with PM&DC.

No renewal of PM&DC registration will be considered without certificate of CME after

implementation of these CME/ CPD guidelines. Or once formally disseminated to the institution and
advancement and as displayed on the web site (whichever comes appear earlier).

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1 In the first phase, main professional, International, National, Provincial level

organizations, PG institutes/ universities will be accredited once they apply
for accreditation.


1 The accredited organization will be held responsible for any irregularity

while conducting CME/ CDE programs as stand alone or wherever they are
collaborating with other organization/ institute.

2 It will be the responsibility of accredited organizations to see that adequate

standards are maintained and also ensure that no excessive fee can be
charged from the delegates.

3 Fee of Rs 50,OOO/-will be charged for granting accreditation to it for 5 years.

Detailed form with undertaking to follow the rules and regulations in
conducting CME/ CDEis available on the website. CME/CDE Guidelines
Delegate fee charges should be intimated to PM&DC along with application
form granting for CME/ CDE credit points. Reasonable charges per point
should be charged. Prior permission from PM&DC will have to be taken in
case of higher fee and explanation pertaining to the justification of high
charges should be presented before PM&DC. In case any complaint
regarding unreasonable delegate registration fee by the accredited
organization, PM&DC will take strict action against that organization.

4 Yearly review (Performance Audit) will be done of such organizations by

PM&DC. Accreditation can be given maximum for 5 years subject to review
every year.

S List alongwith registration number be submitted to the PM&DC upon

completion of the Course/ Workshop/ Seminar, etc. duly attested by the
Head of the Institute.

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1 All organizations conducting CME/ CDE Programs at present should
approach the Pakistan Medical & Medical Council for accreditation for

2 Every branch of the organization/ organization will have to apply separately.

3 The other category will be Universities and PG teaching Institutions

recognized by the Pakistan Medical & Dental Council.

4 Organizations fulfilling the criteria can apply through an application

available on PM&DC website. After scrutiny and approval of application,
PM&DC will inform the organization accordingly and thereafter the
approved organization will have to pay the prescribed fee IRs.50,OOO]and
then will be granted certificate of accreditation for maximum 5 years.
Application form is available on the website & can also be submitted online.

S On receipt of application, PM&DC can seek additional information or may

inspect the applying organization before granting approval. There will be a
fee prescribed for inspection of institute. For initial accreditation PM&DC
can grant recognition on the basis of documents only.

Purpose of accreditation for conducting CMEI COE program

1 CME/ CDE programs meant for graduate doctors should have a brief session
on national health programs on relevant subjects I.e. community oriented
preventive medicine, etc., along with adequate exposure to recent
advances, changing modalities of treatment, adequate exposure of
consumer protection and medical insurance laws, record keeping,
community oriented preventive medicine and medical audit.

2 The Organization should have all the requisite and demonstrated ability to
plan and impiement CME/ CDE programs to cover the targeted group
(General practitioners & specialists, medical teachers (administrative and
Vertical National Health Program officials) etc.

3 The organizations should provide the schedule (in detail) of each CME/ CDE

4 Organizations should make arrangements for advance publicity to the

targeted group of participants.

5 The methodology of feedback evaluation program by a standard feedback

form [of each delegate] duly signed by organizing secretary and observer
should be maintained by each organization.

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6 The organization should undertake to publish handouts, bring out a brief
report of each CME/ CDE and also prepare a list of participants and
delegates. The Attendance sheet [with registration numbers] duly signed by
organizing secretary and observer should be sent to PM&DC within 15 days
of completion of the CME/ CDE Program.

7 The certificate of each CME/ CDE program will be considered relevant to

updating the knowledge of the medical! dental practitioners by way of latest
medical advances, National Health Program, and the local needs of the
Area/ Zone/ State.

S Credit points will be granted to CME/ CDE.

9 The organization should evaluate CME/ CDEto indicate the benefits accrued
to participants by way of updating of knowledge, upgrading their ability and
benefit to the patients.

10 Accreditation shall be for a period of maximum five year. After 5 year

renewal will be done for further five year. Accreditation may be cancelled
for valid reasons.

11 PM&DC will appoint maximum 2 observers for each CME/ CDE.

Only for recognized institutions for CME/ COE

1 There will be arrangement for online submission of application for CME/

CDE with facility for uploading the data. The certification will preferably be

2 It will be responsibility of the organization arranging the CME/ CDE to

deposit requisite PM&OC dues as prescribed. Clearance of dues will only
permit the organization to arrange for accreditation of their CME/ CDE

3 Manual application will have to be made preferably one month in advance.

Minimum 15 days in advance application will be required. President/
Accreditation Committee will have powers to waive this time limit in some
specific circumstances.

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Guidelines for CME/ CDE

1 Credit hours to be awarded will be the sole discretion of the organization and
will depend upon the subject matter, Status of the speaker, Quality of the
papers to be presented in the CME/ CDE/ Conference.

2 Any professional organization or body or institution making to hold CME/

CDE should apply for accreditation to the PM&DC. The Council on verifying
the credentials of the organization will give certificate of accreditations to
those bodies to hold CM E/ CDE.

3 The office bearers of the Organization/ Organization will apply to the PM&DC
on a designed application form. The application should be accompanied by
the Complete program of the CME/ CDE /Conference including the names,
designation and Country of the speakers and the subject of speech.

4 Accredited bodies which hold regular CME/ CDE will have to inform Pakistan
Medical & Dental Council, the date & time of the CME/ CDE, at least is days
in advance, so that the PM&DC can send observers for the CME/ CDE.

S In the application sent to PM&DC, duration given to each speaker should also
be mentioned along with the topic of the lecture while applying for the credit
6 Credit hours will be based on the composition of the faculty participation,
quality and the contents of the subject matter.

7 Associations/ Organizations should strictly issue the certificate to the

delegate who has attended the CME/ CDE. No certificates should be
distributed on the first day at the time of registration for the CME/ CDE/
Conference. The certificates should be distributed/ awarded only on the last
day after completion of CME/ CDE/ Conference/ Workshop.

S Associations/ Organizations will be duty bound to maintain the feedback of

the delegates and the list of the delegates who have attended the CME/
CDE/ Conference for S years. In case it is found by the Council that the
certificate is false then the accreditation certificate of issuing Organization /
Organization will be cancelled.

9 Associations/ Organizations will be duty bound to maintain the feedback of

the delegates and the list of the delegates who have attended the CME/
CDE/ Conference for 5 years.

10 In case it is found by the Council that the certificate is false then the
accreditation certificate of issuing Association / Organization will be

11 If required PM&DC can seek additional information or inspect the applying

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organization before granting accreditation.


One Credit Point is equal to 2 credit hours

One Credit Hour is equal to 3 hours session

Maximum 6 hours duration per day shall be 2 credit hours is equal to one credit point

1 CME/ CDE workshop of minimum three hours duration shall be eligible for
maximum of one credit hour.

2 CME/ CDE workshop of six hour duration shall be eligible for two credit

3 Presently many organizations of doctors are organizing international

Conference/ CME/ CDE/ workshop in PM&DC.

4 Speaker at any conference/ CME/ CDE/ workshop/ training program will be

given one credit hour per iecture given. If they attend the whole CME/ CDE
as a delegate, then they will be given the approved points ofthe CME/ CDE.

S The doctors may attend the international CME/ CDE Conference held
overseas as delegates. On the production of the certificate of attendance.
CME/ CDE credit hours will be given as per equivalence formula.

6 Medical Officers/ General Practitioners - all the official training programs

conducted by Provincial/District department of health (Directorate of Health
Services) should be granted credit points. All relevant departments should
apply for recognition as per PM&DC rules and then shall inform about the
details of training programs well in advance to PM&DC to avail points.

7 It will be responsibility of the organization arranging the CME/ CDEto deposit

requisite Fee to PM&DC as prescribed.

8 Online/ Manual application will have to be made preferabiy one month in

advance. Minimum 15 days in advance, application will be required.
President or members with delegated powers will have power to waive this
time in some specific circumstances.

9 The institutions should be responsible for deciding/ designating credit hours

for each activity as the degree of engagement of candidates varies with the
type of activity e.g. lecture, workshop. The level of competency achieved in
one hour session for a skill training workshop is different from the one
achieved through a one hour seminar.

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CMEI CDEwhich will not be accredited

1 The CMEI CDE organized solely by a drug I equipment company for

promotion of the drug! equipment will not be entertained Iconsidered.

2 Credit shall not be given to Live Operative Workshop (LOW) performed by

foreign faculties in Pakistan unless they obtain temporary registration from

CMEI CDE Committees

1 PM&DC will have an Accreditation Committee who will monitor, control and
audit the CMEI CDE.
They will also cooperate in overseeing proper conduct of CMEI CDE in
accordance to PM&DC Rules.

2 These committee will help for smooth decentralized implementation of CMEI


3 PM&DC will form a Central level and provincial levels CMEI CDE Committee.


SPECIALTYDISTRIBUTION (Which specialty doctor can attend with subject CME/CDE)

5#. Particulars Specialty CME/ CDE

1. General Practitionersl Any Clinical CMEI CDE, BLS,AClS
2. Pre-clinical Anatomy, Physiology, BiD-chemistry ,
Pharmacology, etc.
3. Para-clinical Pathologyl Micro-Biologyl Community Health
Sciences, Dental materials, dental pathology,
4. Surgical Surgical and Allied discipline (medical/dental)
S. Medical Medicine and Allied discipline(medical/dental),
6. Gynae/Obst. Gynae., Gen. Surg., Gen. Medicine,
Anaesthesia, Gyane. Sub Specialty Radiology &
7. Multi-specialty CMEI CDE BlS, ACLS,Any specialty or general practitioner

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Guidelines for issuing credit hours for Published Medical text book! chapter in text book! Research
Papers in International & National Index Medical Journals and Participation in International
Conferences! CME! COE! Workshops.

Particulars Credit Points

On provision of certificate of CME

1. Participation In International/National Conferences

a. Guest Speaker in International/National Conferences 4 Credit point

b. Paper Presentation (Oral! Poster) in International/ 2 Credit point

National Conferences

c. Participation in International Conference as Delegate 2 Credit points

d. National Conference organized by Recognized accredited 2 Credit points
National Professional Organization

e. Outside CME! CDE/ Symposia organized by recognized professional 2 Credit points


One Credit Point is equal to 2 credit hours

One credit hours is equal to 3 hours Session

Maximum 6 hours duration per day shall be 2 credit hours is equal to one credit point

Requirement of Credit Points for Renewal

1 S credit hours! years of CME training from a recognized DAI/ professional

body is mandatory for General Practitioners.
2 10 credit hours! years of CME training from a recognized
DAI/professional body is mandatory for Specialists
3 No carry forward of extra credit points is permissible after 5 years.
4 For any CME/ CDE! Symposium! Conferences of any duration, not more
than 4 credit points will be awarded.
S Renewal cycle of 5 years is from the date of fresh registration or renewal
6 A criterion for recertification of medical/ dental practitioner license
should be established comprising of compulsion of BLS for each
candidate aspiring of recertification

Speakers & Observers for CME! COE

1 President PM&DC ! CME/ CDE committee may appoint observers in

consultation who will be having specialty knowledge of the concerned
subject. Stay & Transport to be borne by the organizers

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Speakers for CME/ COE

Guidelines for Organization

Observer for CMEI COE

a) PM&DC may nominal maximum 2 observers for each CME/ CDE.

b) Observers will be now in consultation with the CME/ CDE committee.
c) One Observer should as far as possible be from the concerned specialty of CME/ CDE.
d) The organization hosting the CME/ CDE will have to make the observers as Hon.
Delegate and arrange for hospitality including transport & stay wherever required.
e) Observers will have to authenticate the attendance sheet, Feedback forms & Excel sheet
(Summary of CME/ CDE) & submit it to PM&DC secretariat.
f) Observers will have to maintain highest standards of decorum and they will have to
ensure that the CME/ CDE is conducted properly and as per prescribed norms and there
is no false attendance and that excess fees is not charged.
g) Observers will be entitled for 1 extra point plus the concerned CME/ CDE points.
h) PM&DC Senior official! preferably can also be appointed as one of the observer as
recommended by President PM&DC.

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Application for obtaining Accreditation by PM&DC


The Registrar,
Pakistan Medical and Dental Council,


Our organization regularly conducts CME/ CDE programs/ workshops/ seminars
for updating knowledge of doctors and we have demonstrated ability to plan and above
programs to cover the targeted doctors. Brief details of our organization are as below:

Name of the Organization / / / /: _

Address: _

Anyother? (Detail about the organization)

I request to issue certificate of accreditation to our organization / / /. We

hereby agree to follow the rules prescribed by PM&DC to conduct CME/ CDE.

Thanking you


Signature/ stamp of office bearer

Name: _

Application to be sent on official letter head.
A bank draft of Rs. 50,000/- will be payable to PM&DC.
Recognition will be granted upon letter of approval received by PM&DC.
For recognition all proforma organized need to be produced certificate of registration from
office of the Registration Societies.

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The Registrar,
Pakistan Medical and Dental Council,


It gives us great pleasure to inform you that we are going to start the CME! CDE
programs! workshops! seminars for updating the knowledge of the doctors as per detail given

• Name of the organization: _

• Registration No of the organization allotted by PM&DC: _

• Postal Address of the organization: _

• Number of Faculty Members! Tutors: (List attached) .

• Number of participant doctors: (List attached) .

• Duration of the Program: From To

• Nature of Programs offered (Kindly Tick) CME! CDE or both _

• Programs specified for (Kindly Tick) GPs! Admin Specialists _

• Please specify specialty _

• Total number of credit hours offered: (program attached) .

With Best Regards,

Name! Signature! Stamp of the Organization

Name: _

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