Accreditation of CME Programme As Approved by Governing Body of U P Medical Council, Lucknow On 11 April 2012
Accreditation of CME Programme As Approved by Governing Body of U P Medical Council, Lucknow On 11 April 2012
Accreditation of CME Programme As Approved by Governing Body of U P Medical Council, Lucknow On 11 April 2012
Fast changing medical science and research makes in mandatory for doctors to
attend continued medical education programme so that they remain well abreast with
the recent developments is medical science. This is not only necessary to enhance
the knowledge of clinicians but to extend its benefit to their patients too. It is widely felt
that CME programmes are earnestly needed to impart recent knowledge and skills in
systematic manner to update the existing proficiency of doctors. This will definitely
improve the patient care, patient confidence and patient satisfaction.
The Central Government of India has notified the new Ethics regulations in the
Gazette of India on April 16, 2002, provides that “ A Physician should participate in
professional meetings as part of Continuing Medical Education Programs, for at least
30 hours every five years, organized by reputed professional academic bodies or any
other authorized organisations. Looking into the public interest and the need of hour,
it has become necessary for the U. P. Medical Council to consider the whole matter
and issue necessary guidelines in regard to its implementation and to accredit
identified organisations so that the certificates of attendance at CME issued by them
can be taken as valid by mentioning the number of credit hours as accredited by U P
Medical Council.
1. All recognized Medical Colleges
Procedure of Accreditation
On receipt of duly filled application with all the formalities, U. P. Medical Council
will refer the application to accreditation committee after pre-screening
U. P. Medical Council will inform the organization about number of credit hours
allotted for CME
Organization shall mention the number of credit hours allotted in their certificate
mentioning the name of council
Registers to be maintained by the Medical Councils
7. Associations/ Organizations should strictly issue the certificate to the
delegate who has attended the C.M.E. No certificates should be
distributed on the first day at the time of Registration for the
C.M.E./Conference. The certificates should be distributed/ awarded only
on the last day after completion of C.M.E/ Conference/Workshop.
8. Associations/ Organizations will be duty bound to send the feedback of the
delegates and the list of the delegates who have attended the
C.M.E./Conference. A separate list for the delegates belonging to State of U.
P. and delegates of the other states be submitted to the U. P. Medical Council.
9. In case it is found by the council that the certificate is false then the accreditation
certificate of issuing Association / Organization will be cancelled.
6. Speakers / Chairperson / Moderator at any conference/ CME/ Workshop/
training program will be given one credit hour in addition to the credit hours
7. Director, joint director medical education & research/ Director, Joint director
health services and Deans of medical colleges will be awarded 4 credit hours
per year .They will have to produce certificate to U. P. Medical Council regarding
8. Doctors working as medical teachers can claim 4 credit hours per year after
producing certificate from their head of institution indicating that, they are taking
9. Doctors doing Post Graduate courses e.g. Diploma M.D., M.S., D.N.B., M.Ch.,
D.M., etc. from recognized/ reputed institutions will get 4 credit hour per year
for the duration of the courses. e.g. First year 4 credit hour. Second Year 4
10. The doctors may attend the International C.M.E.’s/ Conferences held overseas
11. Any paper published in index National/ International Medical journal will entitle
professional bodies will entitle the author/ coauthors for credit hours.
04 credit hours/day/speaker
04 credit hours/day/participant
Guidelines for issuing credit hours for Published Medical text book / chapter in
text book / Research Papers in International & National Index Medical Journals
and Participation in International Conferences / CME’s / Workshops.
S. No. Papers Published in National Indexed Journals Credit Hours
1 Original article 6 Hours
2 Case Report 4 Hours
3 Letter to Editor 2 Hours
Duration of Continuing Medical Education Programme it is decided that all
registered Modern Medicine doctors should attend 30 hours of Continuing Medical
Education Programme within every 5 years in order to renew their registration in the
U. P. Medical Council.
For the doctors who are registered up to 31-12-2011, all programmes attended by
them after their registration will be considered for their first time renewal. The doctors
who register from 1-1-2012 have to produce accredited CME certificates within 5 years
of their registration for renewal.