Chirped Pulse Transform

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The document discusses the Fourier transform of a linearly-chirped Gaussian pulse. It represents such a pulse using a complex exponential and derives an expression for its spectrum by solving the Fourier integral.

The author represents a Gaussian pulse with a frequency chirp E(t) using a complex exponential with terms for the amplitude E0, decay constant a, frequency chirp b, and central frequency ω0.

The author uses Cauchy's Theorem, which states that the integral of an analytic function over a closed contour is 0, to move the integral representing the electric field spectrum to the real axis.

Fourier Transform of a Linearly-Chirped Gaussian Pulse

David J. Gibson
March 17, 2006

A linearly-chirped electric field has a frequency that changes linearly with time

ω(t) = ω0 + t = ω0 + bt
A Gaussian pulse with a frequency chirp can therefore be represented by
2 2 2
E(t) = E0 e−at e−iω(t)t = E0 e−at −i(ω0 +bt)t
= E0 e−(a+ib)t −iω0 t

with a corresponding intensity of

I(t) = E(t)E ∗ (t) = E0 e−(a+ib)t −iω0 t E0 e−(a−ib)t +iω0 t = E02 e−2at

To find the spectrum of this pulse we take the Fourier transform, defined as
Z ∞
f˜(ω) = F[f (t)] ≡ √ f (t)eiωt dt
2π −∞
Plugging in the electric field above,
Z ∞
1 2
Ẽ(ω) = √ E0 e−(a+ib)t −iω0 t eiωt dt
2π −∞
Z ∞
1 2
=√ E0 e−[(a+ib)t −i(ω−ω0 )t] dt
2π −∞
To solve this integral, we can complete the square in the argument of the exponent:

(αt + β)2 = α2 t2 + 2αβt + β 2 = (a + ib)t2 − i(ω − ω0 )t + β 2

Since the is to be true for all t, we can equate the coefficients

α2 = a + ib → α = a + ib
i(ω − ω0 ) i(ω − ω0 )
2αβ = −i(ω − ω0 ) → β = − =− √
2α 2 a + ib
and then rewrite the integrand
Z ∞
1 2 2 2
Ẽ(ω) = √ E0 e−[(a+ib)t −i(ω−ω0 )t+β −β ] dt
2π −∞
Z ∞
h i
i(ω−ω0 ) 2 i(ω−ω0 ) 2
− (a+ib)t2 −i(ω−ω0 )t+(− 2√a+ib ) −(− 2√a+ib )
=√ E0 e dt
2π −∞
Z ∞ “√
i(ω−ω0 ) 2 −(ω−ω0 )2

− a+ib t− 2√a+ib
=√ E0 e e 4(a+ib) dt
2π −∞
Z ∞ “√ i(ω−ω0 ) 2
1 −(ω−ω0 )2

− a+ib t− 2√a+ib
= √ E0 e 4(a+ib) e dt
2π −∞

Now, we change variables
√ i(ω − ω0 )
u≡ a + ib t − √
2 a + ib
du √
= a + ib
So we have i(ω−ω0 )
−(ω−ω0 )2
Z ∞−=[ √ ]
1 2 a+ib 2 du
Ẽ(ω) = √ E0 e 4(a+ib) e−u √
2π i(ω−ω0 )
−∞−=[ 2√a+ib ] a + ib
h i 2
which is a complex integral over the line =[u] = −< 2(ω−ω )
√ 0 . Because the integrand, e−u , is everywhere
analytic, we can use Cauchy’s Theorem to move the integral to the real axis. Cauchy’s Theorem states that
the integral of a complex function that is analytic in the domain D over the piecewise-smooth closed contour
C in D is 0: I
f (z) dz = 0
so in our case, tracing out a box,
I Z p Z p+iq Z −p+iq Z −p
2 2 2 2 2
e−u du = e−u du + e−u du + e−u du + e−u du = 0
c −p p p+iq −p+iq

Looking at the integrals over the line <[u] = p, we can make the substitution

u = p + ix
and so the integral becomes
Z p+iq Z q Z q
2 2 2 2
e−u du = ie−(p+ix) dx = i e−p e−2ipx ex dx
p 0 0

taking the limit as p goes to infinity of the integrand,

2 2
lim e−p e−2ipx ex = 0

because the second and third terms are finite, and the first term goes to zero. Because the integrand goes
to zero, we know
Z p+iq
lim e−u du = 0
p→∞ p

with a similar result for the line <[u] = −p. Now our contour integral becomes
Z p Z p+iq Z −p+iq Z −p 
2 2 2
0 = lim e−u du + e−u du + e−u du + e du
p→∞ −p p p+iq −p+iq
Z ∞ Z −∞+iq
−u2 2
= e du + e−u du
−∞ ∞+iq
Z ∞ Z∞+iq
2 2
e−u du = e−u du
−∞ −∞+iq

and so we can rewrite our electric field spectrum as an integral on the real axis
Z ∞
1 −(ω−ω0 )2 2
Ẽ(ω) = √ √ E0 e 4(a+ib) e−u du
2π a + ib −∞

What remains now is to evaluate the integral. We start with
Z ∞ sZ
∞ Z ∞
−x 2
e dx = e −x dx e−x2 dx
−∞ −∞ −∞
∞ Z ∞
= e−x2 dx e−y2 dy
−∞ −∞
∞ Z ∞
= e−(x2 +y2 ) dx dy
−∞ −∞

and change to polar coordinates (r, θ)

Z ∞ Z 2π Z ∞
e dx = e−r2 r dr dθ
−∞ 0 0
s Z ∞
= 2π e−r2 r dr
s ∞ s  
e−r2 1
= 2π = 2π
−2 0 2

= π

And so finally the electric field spectrum is

1 −(ω−ω0 )2
Ẽ(ω) = √ √ E0 e 4(a+ib)
2 a + ib
and the spectral intensity is
1 −(ω−ω0 )2 1 −(ω−ω0 )2

I(ω) = Ẽ(ω)Ẽ (ω) = √ √ E0 e 4(a+ib) √ √ E0 e 4(a−ib)

2 a + ib 2 a − ib
1 −(ω−ω0 )2 −(ω−ω0 )2
= √ E02 e 4(a+ib) + 4(a−ib)
2 a2 + b2
−a(ω−ω0 )2
= √ E02 e 2(a2 +b2 )
2 a2 + b2
We can write the FWHM pulse length and spectrum for these Gaussian intensities:
−ρ ∆x
2 1 ln 2
e 2 = → ∆x = 2
2 ρ

and for our gaussians

ρtime = 2a ρfreq =
2(a2 + b2 )

and therefore

r r h r h
2 ln 2 b 2
 i 2 ln 2 b 2
∆tFWHM = ∆ωFWHM = 2 2 ln 2 a 1 + a ∆νFWHM = a 1+ a
a π

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