Power Xpert Meters 4000/6000/8000
Power Xpert Meters 4000/6000/8000
Power Xpert Meters 4000/6000/8000
1 Communications LED
2 Events LED
3 320 x 240 pixel backlit LCD graphic display
6 Display measurements
• Height: 9.00 inches (228.6 mm)
• Width: 7.80 inches (198.1 mm)
5 • Depth: 2.00 inches (50.8 mm)
• Shipping weight: 2.1 lbs. (0.95 kg)
1 3 6
4 1 Power Xpert
5 device type icon
2 2 3D function
button bar
3 Time stamp
7 4 Event LED
8 5 Drop-down
menu for
L meter selection
6 Picture of device
9 or graphic of
7 3D “mercury-
K M filled” voltage,
frequency, power
0 factor gauges
8 3D arrowhead
N pointing to
P present value
Q 9 Measurement
O parameters
0 Underlined
Web links
K Demand profile
Easily upgrade your Power Xpert Meter 4000 chart
Eaton understands that our customers’ needs change over time. That’s why we’ve developed
health index
meters that can grow with you. Once a Power Xpert Meter 4000 is purchased, you have
the ability to upgrade to a Power Xpert Meter 6000.
Once upgraded, the Power Xpert Meter 4000 will have all its original features, plus all of the
Power Xpert Meter 6000 capabilities.A The added capabilities include: M 3D LEDs for
PQ temperature
• The Power Quality Index Enhanced Version N Active,
View a quick display of the “temperature” of your power quality; includes standard index plus unacknowledged
sag level, swell level and flicker events
• Interharmonics O One millisecond
See the effects of loads that are not multiples of 60 Hz time stamping
• ITIC performance curve
P Quick links to
See how much (or how little) voltage your IT equipment can sustain without damage,
meter setup
over what length of time
Q Button to upgrade
• Events Calendar view to the Power
View the frequency of power events and gain insight that helps detect reoccurring problems Xpert Meter 6000
The Power Xpert Meter 4000 The Power Xpert Meter 8000
This meter provides all the core functions for monitoring power This meter adds the ability to capture very fast transients by
consumption and power quality along with 2 GB of data storage. sampling at 6 MHz—100,000 samples per cycle. That’s a sample
This unit uses Delta Sigma technology to sample circuits at 4,096 every 166 nanoseconds—six samples every millionth of a second,
samples per cycle for extremely accurate measurement of power across three input channels as well as neutral-to-ground. In addition,
factor and energy consumption. the meter has a capacity of 8 GB for data storage.
Symmetrical components:
zero, negative, positive
n n n Analyze possibly unbalanced three-phase power systems
K-factor n n n Review the ratio of eddy current losses, e.g., when driving
non-linear and linear loads
Crest factor n n n Review the peak-to-average ratio of the waveform
Secure 5 level user access privileges n n n Define appropriate security access level per user
A Delta Sigma A/D oversampling rate.
NOTE: These specifications are subject to change without notice and represent the maximum capabilities of the product with all options installed. This is not a complete feature list.
Features and functionality may vary depending on selected options and product model. Please refer to the technical data sheet and User Manual for detailed specifications.
NOTE: These specifications are subject to change without notice and represent the maximum capabilities of the product with all options installed. This is not a complete feature list.
Features and functionality may vary depending on selected options and product model. Please refer to the technical data sheet and User Manual for detailed specifications.
Harmonics over-sampling
(4096 samples per cycle)
n n n Over-sampling enables the usage of anti-aliasing technology,
increasing accuracy
Anti-alias filtering n n n Technology to remove out-of-band signal components resulting
in more accurate data
Individual harmonics n n n Review individual harmonic levels directly on the meter
Total Demand Distortion (TDD) n n n Identify harmful harmonics in, e.g., lightly loaded variable-speed drive
environments where THD may be high but not relative
Interharmonics — n n Interharmonics allow you to see what is going on between the integer
multiples of the fundamental. View every 5 Hz instead of every 60 Hz
Sub-cycle disturbance capturing n n n Capture fast voltage changes/low frequency transient
(e.g., capacitor switching transient)
dV/dt triggers for sub-cycle
oscillatory transients
n n n Detect and record a large magnitude oscillation transient resulting in
equipment damage
Absolute threshold and dV/dt triggering n n n Detect and record if a surge suppressor is necessary
Power Quality Index—Standard
(includes dV/dt count, %TDDi and
n n n Complex power quality data put into simple graphic format
Power Quality Index—Enhanced
(includes Standard Index plus Sag level,
— n n Complex power quality data put into simple graphic format
(includes ITIC events and flicker calculations)
Swell level and Flicker)
Flicker calculations — n n Detect and quantify low frequency rms voltage variations causing
incandescent lighting flicker
Automatic trigger setting — n n Trigger thresholds are automatically set according to ITIC
(CBEMA) standard, no need to figure this out by yourself
Automatic event severity analysis — n n Automatically analyze the severity of the event with the ITIC
(CBEMA) performance curve plot, see where the event actually hit
Event severity counters — n n An ITIC (CBEMA) event counter keeps track of the number
of all sags, swells and transients
ITIC (Information Technology Industry
Council), previously CBEMA performance
— n n ITIC (Information Technology Industry Council), previously CBEMA
performance curve for easy power problem evaluation
Custom ITIC (CBEMA) plot with individual —
event magnitude and duration
n n Review custom ITIC (CBEMA) plots of individual events showing you
the actual and hit are in a simple graphical representation
Events Calendar view — n n The Events Timeline calendar view provides instant insight to the
frequency of power events and helps detect reoccurring problems
Events Timeline view — n n View and understand the sequence of events that have occurred
during a period of time
Sequence of events and events
plot on waveform
— n n Plot color-coded events on a captured waveform to gain insight into
the sequence of events cycle per cycle
Power Quality Index—Premium
(includes Enhanced Index plus counts
— — n Complex power quality data put into simple graphic format
(includes ITIC events and flicker calculations)
of impulsive transients)
High-speed transient capture and detection
6 MHz capture of impulsive transients — — n Capture impulsive transients by taking 6 samples every millionth
of a second
Transient capture duration:
~20 ms/6 MHz ~120 ms/1 MHz
— — n Record and analyze transients during a longer time frame
NOTE: These specifications are subject to change without notice and represent the maximum capabilities of the product with all options installed. This is not a complete feature list.
Features and functionality may vary depending on selected options and product model. Please refer to the technical data sheet and User Manual for detailed specifications.
One millisecond time resolution—most accurate time available administrator, these instruments will provide you with the level
of information you need, in an easy-to-understand graphical user
Harmonics, voltage fluctuations, transient overvoltage conditions
interface at astonishing speeds of up to six samples every millionth
and other power anomalies can wreak havoc on your equipment
of a second, if necessary.
and processes. It is essential to fully understand the quality of the
power that is being delivered throughout the facility. Detailed event Easy-to-use interface—demystifies power quality
information makes it possible to pinpoint the root causes of
problems—or prevent them from occurring. With up to one In designing these power quality instruments, Eaton set out
millisecond time stamping accuracy supported via GPS and IRIG-B to demystify power quality—to take highly specialized data and
time references when used with third-party device and I/O option, convert it into useful information that doesn’t require a power
Power Xpert Meters register the sequence of events in a time guru or consultant to understand. The result is an uncommonly
synchronized environment. Based on National Institute of Standards easy-to-use interface and graphical analysis of complex power
and Technology (NIST) atomic time, you can count on the most quality data—delivered via e-mail, over the Web and to third-party
accurate time available. In the past, basic power monitors were used applications. With these capabilities, your power team can predict
to identify existing conditions on an electrical distribution system and prevent power quality problems before they lead to equipment
or to evaluate past problems. If you wanted to detect fast voltage malfunction, overheated circuits and system failure.
transients, you had to bring in expensive, portable power quality
monitors that usually required an outside consultant. Multiple gigabyte storage capability—store and trend
10–25 years’ worth of data
Built-in graphing—up to six samples every millionth of a second
Having enough storage capacity is a critical factor at this level of
Power Xpert Meters 4000/6000/8000 redefine the art of measuring power quality instrumentation. How long can I store data locally
and monitoring power quality. Thanks to the latest technologies, on the power quality meter before the system will have to start
these metering instruments are able to measure, trend, analyze overwriting previously captured information? A Power Xpert Meter
and capture waveforms while serving Web pages to users over 4000 provides 2 GB of storage; the 6000, 4 GB; and the 8000,
the Internet, along with simultaneous FTP downloading and 8 GB. In a typical power quality environment this would provide
comma-separated values (CSV) exporting capabilities. No matter storage capability for 10–25 years depending on the meter model.
whether you are a PhD-level power quality engineer or an IT system
Built-in ITIC performance curve analysis
Takes the guesswork out of understanding the severity
of IT Power Quality events
The ITIC (Information Technology Industry Council) curve describes
how much (or how little) voltage your IT equipment can sustain
without damage, over what length of time (nanoseconds to
seconds). When you can plot power events in this broader
context—relative to multiple variables—you can identify trouble
that could cause damage or may be brewing. Of the few meters
that can plot events on an ITIC curve, most require special software
to do it. Eaton’s Power Xpert Meters 4000/6000/8000 require no
special software. Out of the box, these meters provide crisp graph-
ics on minimum, maximum, average trends, measurement gauges,
waveforms both on the local LCD display and the Web interface.
ITIC curves
The Power Xpert Meter 6000 and 8000 models automatically plot
events on the ITIC curve. The user can drill down on any specific
event and get information on where exactly the event hit and what
was its magnitude and duration. Using a network time server, all
events get time stamped at a 1 millisecond synchronized resolution.
The ITIC Web page includes counters to track the occurrence of
disturbances and a pass/fail summary. In addition, selecting any
disturbance counter links to a detailed event view of the disturbances
in that ITIC category. Disturbance waveforms can be viewed from
the browser. ITIC Curves
Sample ITIC curve as displayed by the Power Xpert Meter
Modbus RTU Master Modbus RTU Master Power Xpert Web Modbus
Software Browser TCP Master
Modbus RTU LCD Display Sub-Network Modbus RTU LCD Display Sub-Network
Rack Monitoring
Open Door/Tamper Switch
Mounting options
• Back-to-back mount
• IQ Analyzer retrofit mount
Communication expansion card
• Reduced LCD display mount
An optional communication expansion card supports remote
communications with the onboard Web server application over your
LAN/WAN, or the Internet via standard Ethernet 10/100Base-T and
fiber-optic connection. Modbus is supported over TCP, RS-485 RTU
and RS-232 ASCII ports.
I/O card
The Power Xpert Meter I/O Card is extremely flexible and can be
used in a large variety of different applications. Digital inputs and
relay outputs can be programmed to interact during various condi-
tions defined by the user. Various third-party devices, such as alarm,
pulse meters, trip units, sensors can be easily integrated to the
Power Xpert Meter. Triggers and events can be easily tied into the
meter’s standard functions, such as e-mail, logs and trends.
PXM 8 0 5 1 A 1 B B
Example 1: PXM8251A1BB (PXM 8000 Meter, w/ VAUX, Std pwr, Com. Exp. and I/O Cards)
Example 2: PXM6251A1BA (PXM 6000 Meter, w/ VAUX, Std pwr, Com. Exp. Card)
Eaton Corporation
Electrical Sector
1111 Superior Ave.
Cleveland, OH 44114
United States
877-ETN-CARE (877-386-2273)
Power Xpert and PowerChain Management
© 2010 Eaton Corporation are registered trademarks of Eaton
All Rights Reserved Corporation.
Printed in USA
Publication No. SA02601002E / Z9864 All other trademarks are property of their
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