Technical Information On Wire Ropes Bridon
Technical Information On Wire Ropes Bridon
Technical Information On Wire Ropes Bridon
38 BRIDON Crane
Technical Information
2T sin θ
pressures than do the larger wires in the less flexible
Load on bearing = constructions. If the calculated pressures are too high for
the particular material chosen for the sheaves or drums or
Assuming that the rope is supported in a well fitting groove, indentations are being experienced, consideration should
then the pressure between the rope and the groove is be given to an increase in sheave or drum diameter. Such
dependent upon the rope tension and diameter but is a modification would not only reduce the groove pressure,
independent of the arc of contact. but would also improve the fatigue life of the rope.
BRIDON Crane 39
Technical Information
Bend Fatigue
Bend fatigue testing of ropes usually consists of cycling a However, the benefit of such testing can be particularly
length of rope over a sheave while the rope is under a helpful to the rope manufacturer when developing new or
constant tension and as part of its ongoing development improving existing products.
programme Bridon has tested literally thousands of ropes
If designers or operators of equipment are seeking optimum
in this manner over the years on its in-house own design
rope performance or regard bending fatigue life as a key
bend testing equipment.
factor in the operation of equipment, such information can
Through this work, Bridon has been able to compare the be provided by Bridon for guidance purposes.
effects of rope construction, tensile strength, lay direction,
Service life curve for various D:d ratios
sheave size, groove profile and tensile loading on bend
fatigue performance under ideal operating conditions. At
the same time it has been possible to compare rope life to
R e la t iv e Ro p e Se r vi ce L if e
discard criteria (e.g. as laid down in ISO 4309) with that to
complete failure of the rope, i.e. to the point where the rope 80
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65
Number of bends to rope failure
D: d r ati o
5% MBL
minimum D:d ratio, it is generally accepted that at below
4:1 the effect on the strength of the rope needs to be
considered. Permanent distortions within the rope will occur
10% MBL
when using ratios of 10:1 and less and that a minimum ratio
of 16:1 be used for a rope operating around sheaves.
20% MBL
Approximate loss in breaking strength due to bending
30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
0.200 0.5
Ef f i ci e nc y % MB F
S hea ve D:d ra t i o
0.300 EB = 1 -
0.400 D/d
What needs to be recognised, however, is that very few
ropes operate under these controlled operating conditions,
making it very difficult to use this base information when 0.700
attempting to predict rope life under other conditions. Other 0.800
influencing factors, such as dynamic loading, differential
loads in the cycle, fleet angle, reeving arrangement, type of 0 10 20 30 40
coiling on the drum, change in rope direction, sheave D :d r at io
alignment, sheave size and groove profile, can have an
equally dramatic effect on rope performance.
40 BRIDON Crane
Technical Information
Rotating loads can put at risk the safety of those persons construction and lay type and direction, is given.
within a lifting zone during a lifting operation. For simplicity, the ropes are grouped according to their
rotational characteristics.
In order to reduce the risk of rotation the machinery
designer or user may find it may be necessary to Note 1: A swivel should not be used when installing a rope.
incorporate a swivel in the reeving system; however, it
Note 2: Further guidance on the use of swivels with six strand
should be recognised that excessive rotation could have an
and rotation-resistant ropes is given in ISO 4308 ‘Cranes
adverse effect on rope performance depending on the
and lifting appliances - selection of wire ropes - part 1
rope’s rotational characteristics.
To assist the machinery designer or user in determining
Note 3: Swivels have varying degrees of efficiency and may be
whether or not a swivel should be used in a lifting system,
either an independent accessory or an integral part of a
the following guidance, taking into account the rope type,
lifting accessory such as a crane hook.
Group 1
Both sets of ropes in this group have high values of rotation when loaded and must not be used unless both
ends of the rope are fixed and prevented from rotating however they must NOT be used with a swivel,
under any circumstances.
Group 2
With one end free to rotate, all of the ropes in this group will generate less rotation when loaded than those listed in
Group 1. However, such ropes are still likely to unlay and distort under this condition.
When used in single part reeving they may require a swivel to prevent rotation in certain operating conditions but this
should only apply when employee safety is an issue.
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Technical Information
Group 3
The ropes in this group incorporate a centre which is laid in the opposite direction to that of the outer strands and
are specifically designed to have a medium amount of resistance to rotation.
If it is necessary to use a swivel with any of these ropes in single part reeving to prevent rotation of the load, the
rope should operate within the normal design factor of 5, not be subject to any shock loading and be checked daily
for any evidence of distortion.
Where any of these ropes are used in multi-part reeving, the use of an anti-friction swivel at the outboard anchor
point is not recommended. However, a swivel which can be locked may be useful when optimising the reeving,
following rope installation or after subsequent changes to the reeving arrangement.
It should be noted that if a swivel is used in conjunction with these ropes, the bending fatigue life may be reduced
due to increased internal deterioration between the outer strands and the underlying layer.
Group 4
The ropes in this group are designed to have extremely low levels of rotation when loaded and, if necessary, may
operate with a swivel in both single and multi-part reeving systems.
Any induced rotation which might normally result from any fleet angle or loads cycle effect would be expected to be
relieved when the rope is used with a swivel.
Testing has also shown that when used with a swivel at normal design factor of 5 and zero fleet angle, no reduction in
either rope breaking force or bending fatigue life would be expected.
42 BRIDON Crane
Technical Information
Fleet Angle
Of all the factors which have some influence on the winding At the sheave
of a rope on a smooth drum, the fleet angle, arguably, has
Where a fleet angle exists as the rope enters a sheave, it
the greatest effect.
initially makes contact with the sheave flange. As the rope
Fleet angle is usually defined as the included angle continues to pass through the sheave it moves down the
between two lines, one which extends from a fixed sheave flange until it sits in the bottom of the groove. In doing so,
to the flange of a drum and the other which extends from even when under tension, the rope will actually roll as well
the same fixed sheave to the drum in a line perpendicular as slide. As a result of the rolling action the rope is twisted,
to the axis of the drum. (See illustration). i.e. turn is induced into or out of the rope, either shortening
or lengthening the lay length of the outer layer of strands.
Illustration of Fleet Angle
As the fleet angle increases so does the amount of twist.
parallel-closed ropes the fleet angle should be limited to 1.5O.
Floating sheaves or specially designed fleet angle To calculate the torque generated in a particular rope when
compensating devices may also be employed to reduce subjected to a tensile load, multiply the load by the torque
the fleet angle effect. value and conbine the units.
Example:- For 20mm dia. Dyform 34LR Lang’s Lay at 75kN:
BRIDON Crane 43
Technical Information
Rope Torque
The torsional characteristics of wire rope will have the effect Angular displacement of block
of causing angular displacement of a sheave block when
To predict the amount of angular displacement by which a
used in multi-fall reeving arrangements.
sheave block may turn under the influence of rope torque:
The formula below gives a good approximation under
such arrangements. sin θ = (4 000 L. Tv)
S2 = 4000L. Tv
sin θ (for even number of falls)
Where S is the rope spacing in mm The equations assume that rope is torque-free in the no-
load condition, therefore, induced torque during or
L is the length of each part in the reeving
immediately after installation will adversely influence the
Tv is the torque value of the rope
θ is the angular displacement of the sheave block
calculated effect.
L = S2
4 000 . Tv
= 3602
Note: For hoisting arrangements in which the rope falls are
4 000 . 0.36
not parallel an average rope spacing should be used.
= 90 metres
Uneven Number of Falls
From the crane designer’s viewpoint a safety factor against
(Rope Termination at Bottom Block)
‘cabling’ should be recognised (angular displacement
Rope Plan limited at 30O) hence the practical height of lift is
approximately 45 metres.
Stable condition if
S > 6 000 . L. Tv
44 BRIDON Crane
Technical Information
Bridon supply a range of ‘Endurance’ High Performance steel wire ropes specifically designed and manufactured to meet
the needs of today’s cranes and the demanding applications to which they are exposed. High performance ropes are
normally selected by customers when they require the specific characteristics of improved performance, high strength,
low extension or low rotation.
Extension Rotational
characteristics characteristics
Rotation Resistant
Dyform 18 & 18-PI 71.0 0.558 95 0.1 3 4.5 4 6.25 x Nom. rope dia.
Endurance 50DB 63.0 0.495 97 0.24 n/a 3.6 3 6.5 x Nom. rope dia.
Low Rotation
Dyform 34LR & 34LR-PI 74.0 0.581 99 0.05 0.8 1.8 0.7 6.0 x Nom. rope dia.
Endurance 35LS 63.9 0.502 102 0.1 0.8 1.8 0.7 6.0 x Nom. rope dia.
Conventional Constructions
Blue Strand 6 x 19 iwrc class 57.2 0.449 103 0.15 7 9 50 6.5 x Nom. rope dia.
Blue Strand 6 x 36 iwrc class 58.6 0.460 104 0.17 7 9 60 6.5 x Nom. rope dia.
The figures shown in the above table are nominal values given for the product range and are for guidance purposes only,
for specific values please contact Bridon.
The above modulus vales are based on the nominal rope metallic area
BRIDON Crane 45
Technical Information
Guide to Examination
The continued safe operation of lifting equipment, lifting Some of the More Common Types of Wire
accessories (e.g. slings) and other systems employing wire Fractures Can Include:
rope depends to a large extent on the operation of well
programmed periodic rope examinations and the A Severed B Tension C Fatigue D Corrosion
by wear fatigue
assessment by the competent person of the fitness of the
rope for further service.
46 BRIDON Crane
Technical Information
Troubleshooting Guide
Typical examples of Wire Rope deterioration
BRIDON Crane 47
Technical Information
Troubleshooting Guide
The following is a simplified guide to common wire rope problems. More detailed advice can be obtained from any Bridon
distributor. In the event of no other standard being applicable, Bridon recommends that ropes are inspected/examined in
accordance with ISO 4309.
Problem Cause/Action
Mechanical damage caused by the rope contacting the • Generally results from operational conditions.
structure of the installation on which it is operating or an
• Check sheave guards and support/guide sheaves to
external structure - usually of a localised nature.
ensure that the rope has not “jumped out” of the
intended reeving system.
Opening of strands in rotation resistant, low rotation and • Check sheave and drum groove radii using sheave
parallel closed ropes - in extreme circumstances the rope gauge to ensure that they are no smaller than nominal
may develop a “birdcage distortion” or protrusion of inner rope radius +5% - Bridon recommends that the sheave
strands. and drum groove radii are checked prior to any rope
Note - rotation resistant and low rotation ropes are designed
with a specific strand gap which may be apparent on • Repair or replace drum/sheaves if necessary.
delivery in an off tension condition. These gaps will close
• Check fleet angles in the reeving system - a fleet angle
under load and will have no effect on the operational
in excess of 1.5 degrees may cause distortion
performance of the rope.
(see page 43).
Broken wires or crushed or flattened rope on lower layers • Check tension on underlying layers. Bridon
at crossover points in multi - layer coiling situations. recommends an installation tension of between 2% and
10% of the minimum breaking force of the wire rope.
Wire breaks usually resulting from crushing or abrasion.
Care should be taken to ensure that tension is retained
in service. Insufficient tension will result in these lower
layers being more prone to crushing damage.
48 BRIDON Crane
Technical Information
Troubleshooting Guide
Problem Cause/Action
“Pigtail” or severe spiralling in rope. • Check that the sheave and drum diameter is large
enough - Bridon recommends a minimum ratio of the
drum/sheave to nominal rope diameter of 18:1.
Two single axial lines of broken wires running along the • Check sheave and drum groove radii using sheave
length of the rope approximately 120 degrees apart gauge to ensure that they are no smaller than nominal
indicating that the rope is being “nipped” in a tight rope radius + 5% - Bridon would recommend that the
sheave. sheave/drum groove radii are checked prior to any
rope installation.
One line of broken wires running along the length of the • Check to see if the groove diameter is no greater than
rope indicating insufficient support for the rope, generally 15% greater than the nominal rope diameter.
caused by oversize sheave or drum grooving.
• Repair or replace drum/sheaves if necessary.
Short rope life resulting from evenly/randomly distributed • Bending fatigue is accelerated as the load increases
bend fatigue wire breaks caused by bending through the and as the bending radius decreases (see page 40).
reeving system. Consider whether either factor can be improved.
Fatique induced wire breaks are characterised by flat • Check wire rope construction - Dyform ropes are
ends on the broken wires. capable of doubling the bending fatigue life of a
conventional steel wire rope.
Short rope life resulting from localised bend fatigue wire • Bending fatigue is accelerated as the load increases
breaks. and as the bending radius decreases (see page 40).
Consider whether either factor can be improved.
Fatique induced wire breaks are characterised by flat
ends on the broken wires. • Check wire rope construction - Dyform ropes are
capable of doubling the bending fatigue life of a
conventional steel wire rope.
BRIDON Crane 49
Technical Information
Troubleshooting Guide
Problem Cause/Action
Broken rope - ropes are likely to break when subjected to • Review operating conditions.
substantial overload or misuse particularly when a rope
has already been subjected to mechanical damage.
Wave or corkscrew deformations normally associated • Check sheave and drum groove radii using sheave
with multistrand ropes. gauge to ensure that they are no smaller than nominal
rope radius +5% - Bridon recommends that the
sheave/drum groove radii are checked prior to any
rope installation.
Free to
50 BRIDON Crane
Technical Information
Troubleshooting Guide
Problem Cause/Action
Core protrusion or broken core in single layer six or eight • Caused by repetitive shock loading - review
strand rope. operating conditions.
Rope accumulating or “stacking” at drum flange - due to •Review drum design with original equipment
insufficient fleet angle. manufacturer - consider adding rope kicker, fleeting
sheave etc.
Sunken wraps of rope on the drum normally associated •Check correct rope diameter.
with insufficient support from lower layers of rope or
•If grooved drum check groove pitch.
•Check tension on underlying layers - Bridon recommend
an installation tension of between 2% and 10% of the
minimum breaking force of the wire rope - Care should
be taken to ensure that tension is retained in service.
Insufficient tension will result in these lower layers being
more prone to crushing damage.
Short rope life induced by excessive wear and abrasion. •Check fleet angle to drum.
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