2002concept Generation
2002concept Generation
2002concept Generation
Development Process
Kevin Reeder,
Assistant Professor, Industrial Design Program
Georgia Institute of Technology
The paper/presentation will describe the two most critical elements of creative problem
solving within the concept development process: problem definition and criticism of the
concept. The paper describes the value and the need for the Industrial Designer to generate
innovative solutions to the design problem and the importance of creative problem solving
techniques in fulfilling that goal. The paper describes the importance of clearly defining the
design problem when the Industrial Designers is generating conceptual solutions and the
necessity to withhold criticism during the concept generating process. Failure to follow
these two practices will surely lead to difficulties in generating salient concepts. The paper
uses two examples from industry to support this premise and examples the use of techniques
to aid the definition of the design problem and control the premature criticism of the design
A primary activity of the Industrial Designer is to develop alternative solutions to the design
problem in order to design innovative, new products that offer improved function, new
technology, and a more attractive appearance to a target market. In Industrial Design
education, projects are constructed to mimic this activity so the students can develop their
abilities to generate concepts and develop new product ideas and as such enhance their
potential in the work place and project the profession forward. There are many
conceptualization techniques that are valuable in the classroom but none are more important
to the success of a project and the development of the student designer than the definition
of the product and controlling criticism. Without these primary techniques, additional
concept generation practices will not be as useful and the project will not reach its greatest
This paper addresses the two key techniques of concept generation: defining the product and
controlling criticism and identifies techniques that can be used to enhance the concept
generation process. The paper concludes with detailed descriptions of the design process at
Zura Sports and Greybridge—two organizations where strong concept generation
techniques were employed and resulted in innovative products that positively impacted the
Within the process of generating concepts and developing alternative solutions the two most
important practices are starting with a well defined product and controlling when a product
concept will be criticized and evaluated. When these practices are not emphasized, it is
much more difficult to address the problem/design objectives and to generate new solutions
that will lead to innovation.
Problem/Product Definition
The design of a new product is a compromise among how the product functions, how it is
made, what it looks like, how much it will cost and who will buy it/use it. These attributes
or objectives must be defined clearly because it is nearly impossible to generate a solution to
an undefined problem. In addition, the objectives must be prioritized, as not all of them can
be resolved completely or perfectly, and a prioritization will enable the development of a
product with the strongest attributes. Moreover, prioritizing objectives assists the concept
generation process in that prioritizing enables designers to focus on one objective at a time.
Product definition and objective prioritization depends on the experience of the design
team and the information gathered in the Research/Definition Phase. In academic
situations the research is completed by members of the design team with goals to gather as
much information as budget and schedule will allow. Design research techniques are critical
to the process of defining the product and may range from ethnographic research and
observational studies to user interviews and role playing exercises. For the student designer
it is useful to define the product in terms of questions or statements. Examples of this
technique are:
Can basic objectives be determined, such as what does it do, what does it look like,
how does it work, how is it made, who will use it, who will buy it, how much will
they pay for it, how can it be broken or fixed, and/or how can it be recycled?
Can the product’s most important element be described? For instance, a bicycle
must roll first and foremost, unless the goal is to display it.
Can the product definition be addressed as a four year old might, constantly asking
the question “Why?”
Is the product a new idea or will it compete in an existing market? Visiting stores or
websites can help to locate and compare competitive products by feature and cost?
Are there publications and market specific magazines that can add pertinent
Are there government regulations that will influence the design of the product?
Try to think innocently and ask, “what if it could do that.”
Create a scenario or story board for a specific task, clearly describing the steps that
people will take in completing the task.
Try to describe the purchasers of the product according to their age, ability and
In this manner the design team can construct a clear product definition and a prioritized list
of design objectives that specifically describe what the new product must do first and
foremost and what additional features and attributes will aid its success in the market.
Describing the product in a clear fashion in the Research /Definition Phase of the project is
mandatory for the success of the nest phase, the Concept Generation Phase.
Concept Generation
The goal in designing a new product is to create an innovative solution that will be sold in
the marketplace and produce revenue. The goal of concept generation is to produce new
ideas by looking at different ways to solve a problem. There are many activities and
techniques that aid in the generation of ideas, but none is more important than controlling
the criticism and evaluation of the concepts.
It is vitally important to evaluate product concepts in order to determine the solutions that
will result in the best possible product. However, evaluation is best conducted in terms of
the design objectives and at the conclusion of the Concept Development and the
Refinement Phases. At these points, product concepts are sufficiently developed enough to
be judged and improved to the next phase. Criticism or evaluation before the conclusion of
the Concept Development Phase impedes the focused and uninhibited sort of thinking that
is needed to generate new ideas. If ideas are criticized as they are generated it becomes very
difficult to think conceptually. In that case, the person generating ideas will concentrate
more on the judging criteria and less on forming ideas. Criticizing and evaluating new ideas
can act as a correctness filter at a stage in the process that requires loose, quick, not fully
developed ideas in order to avoid reapplying existing solutions.
Criticism here includes self as well as team criticism. Self-criticism occurs for several
reasons. One reason is that self-criticism may provide a way to avoid others’ criticism or
being embarrassed by others’ criticism. Another reason is that self-criticism may be based
on the drive to be competitive and the thought that an idea is not useful or “no good” if it is
not seen as a “winner.”
In concept generation exercises it is critical to withhold evaluation and all types of criticism
until an appropriate number of ideas are generated or a predetermined time has past. In this
way students gain valuable experience in generating ideas freely, exploring alternative
solutions and synthesizing strong, fuller solutions. Some techniques that will aid student
designers to control and relocate criticism/evaluation during concept generation activities
are as follows:
Think of ideas as not having value and that the task at hand is to generate a quantity
of ideas.
Remember that innovation can come from reiteration and the more solutions
generated the greater the chance for a new solution.
Use a “worry sheet” to record distracting, outside concerns during the idea session
so your “worries” will not be ignored but addressed later.
Generate many ideas in order to understanding the interrelationships of the design
Remember that criticism at the right moment is a useful tool for idea generation and
that idea generation and selection is somewhat Darwinian, the most capable concept
will move forward.
Remember that preventing self-criticism takes practice. Start by recording the
amount of critical comments that creep into the concept generation process. Then
begin a concept generation session by wanting to not judge your ideas. There is not
a magic solution. It will take focus, effort, and practice to change the habit of early
Remember that it is nearly impossible to juggle different objectives of a product in
your mind simultaneously; therefore, an initial idea cannot be complete and, as such,
cannot be judged.
When the students are conducting group concept generation sessions there are useful
techniques that will aid the success of the activity. It is very useful to use an environment
that will allow one to five people to focus for an hour, have the participants well fed but not
sleepy, discuss the design objectives so that the group is better able to focus, and take as
many breaks as necessary. Additional techniques that will encourage success include:
Select one person to be aware of time, and help the group to remain focused.
Encourage the group to be open and share ideas and thoughts. Have the members
of the group share a personal thought or concern in order to encourage camaraderie.
Enforce the evaluation of the ideas in terms of the design objectives at the
appropriate time.
Focus on one particular aspect of an objective for a specific amount of time, +/-
twenty minutes to facilitate the generation of solutions.
Use a comfortable medium-- pen, pencil, tape recorder-- to record every idea.
Make a Problem Sign and put it in front of the participants in order to help the
group focus on the objective.
When the participants seem stuck or out of ideas, it is best to take a break, change
the subject, medium and/or location.
To conclude the session, ask the participants to consider the most ridiculous idea.
This will permit and encourage free thinking as the idea is considered useless from
the start.
There are countless examples from industry that show the benefit of successful concept
generation in the product development process. Two have been chosen for inclusion in this
paper. Both examples show the importance that product definition and concept generation
in a criticism-controlled environment can have on the process of developing new products.
From their research, the design team defined the tub product as being 1) safe (which meant
rounded corners in case the child would fall on it), 2) floatable in order to stay within a
seated child’s reach, 3) having a play pattern that would focus on the qualities of water, and
4) fun and educational. With the product defined, the team schedule several
brainstorming/idea sessions of three to four people with a moderator. In idea sessions,
critical comments were controlled by tallying the amount and asking the participants that
surpassed six such comments to leave the session. In addition to this, when voices or egos
became disruptive the session’s moderator would call for a break, change the discussion
topic or ask the participants to work individually for thirty minutes. The team worked
together and individually to produce concepts that were squeezable, wearable, washable,
drinkable and pourable. Concepts that were generated from the sessions ranged from
rainforest showers with twirlers, waterfalls with sparklers, water squirting fish and sea turtles,
boats and periscopes that explored, and suction-cupped water dishes and floating platforms
that channeled water for sound and color events.
The concepts were reviewed against the design objectives and from the review the team
decided on a concept of book pages that would float in the tub, produce different water
activities and, include a simple explanation in a story format. The concept was quickly
modeled and reviewed with parents. The team then refined the concept to emphasize a
story and, turned the concept into the Book in the Tub Club series. The book series was
accepted with enthusiasm by participants in market studies and by buyers at trade shows.
Based on their research, the design team defined the kickboard as being able to 1) enhance
the swimmer’s grip, 2) support the swimmer’s elbows, 3) encourage changes in kick patterns,
and 4) present a quick, aquatic image. With the product defined, the design team set to the
task of generating ideas. The designers pretended to swim in order to visualize practice
routines and encourage the generation of concepts. Pictures of fish were posted on the wall
as reference material for the development of forms and colors. The concept generation
sessions were focused and stayed to the prearranged schedules with critical comments being
noted and promptly negated. Additionally, all the participants in the concept generation
sessions agreed that the concepts would not be evaluated until the wall in the conference
room was filled with product ideas. This practice aided the group to focus on generating
many ideas and not generating a single, best idea. The concepts were wide-ranging; some
rugged and finned, others were dramatic, resembling a manta rey, others exhibited
pronounced grips or specific body contact areas. The team generated concepts that reflected
the vividness of the sport and the aquatic nature of the environment. After many
reiterations and tested study models, the design team built a near-production prototype and
introduced the Speed-Ray at a trade show. The response was beyond expectations and the
kickboard moved directly into production. The Speedray has been noted by Popular Science
magazine as the “Best of What’s New,” and has received an IDEA Gold Award from the
Industrial Designers of America and Business Week magazine. Zura Sports continues to
push for innovation and currently offers over twenty aquatic fitness products for swimmers
of all ages.
Speedray concepts Speedray, Concept Testing
In Industrial Design education, students learn that innovation is critical to the success of a
new product and that innovation can be accomplished through a design process that
facilitates the development of alternative solutions and the refinement and finalization of the
most appropriate product concept. Students also need to learn that a clear definition of the
product and diligent control of criticism is germane to the process of generating product
concepts. These two elements will not guarantee the product’s nor the student’s success in
the marketplace, but they will enhance the student’s concept generating activities, ensure
innovation in the product’s development, and enable the best possible solution to move