Newsletter 4-9

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What We’re Learning Important Dates

Reading and Writing – 2 Grade will


participate in a practice assessment called

April 9th- Barn Hill Preserve program
the Writescore the week of April 16th. It is
April 9th- Field Trip money and permission slips
modeled after Milestones in order to
provide students with practice. We will
April 27th- Field Trip
continue to practice an informational writing
piece in order to prepare them. We will also
begin fairy tales this week, beginning with
Word Study:
Math – We will continue studying even and We will be working on words with the
odd numbers and how to make even groups.
“aw” pattern. For example, claw and
We will also learn how arrays are used in
repeated addition.
Sight words are:
Social Studies – We will be learning all
about Juliette Gordon Lowe. Students will
learn who she was and why we study her. say
Reading: read for 15 minutes every night. Field Trip
Ask questions over what your child read.
Math: Remember to check folders for Our 2nd grade field trip is coming up!
Math homework. Students need to practice We are so excited for the
Math skills daily. opportunity to learn more about
Word Study: There will be homework
Georgia’s historical Savannah. If you
Monday –Thursday. The test will be Friday.
have not turned in your field trip
forms or money, please do so ASAP.
Thanks again!

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