Quantum Theory and Group Representations: Peter Woit
Quantum Theory and Group Representations: Peter Woit
Quantum Theory and Group Representations: Peter Woit
Peter Woit
Columbia University
Peter Woit (Columbia University) Quantum Theory and Group Representations November 2017 1 / 30
Does Anyone Understand Quantum Mechanics?
Peter Woit (Columbia University) Quantum Theory and Group Representations November 2017 2 / 30
Does Anyone Understand Quantum Mechanics?
Peter Woit (Columbia University) Quantum Theory and Group Representations November 2017 3 / 30
Does Anyone Understand Quantum Mechanics?
While representation theory gives insight into the basic structure of the
quantum mechanics formalism, a mystery remains
The mystery of classical mechanics
We don’t understand well at all how “classical” behavior emerges when
one considers macroscopic quantum systems.
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Quantum Mechanics
v · w = v1 w1 + v2 w2 + · · · + vn wn
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Lie groups, Lie algebras, and unitary representations
[X1 , X2 ] = X1 X2 − X2 X1
is the commutator, and the higher order terms above can be written as
iterated commutators of X1 and X2 .
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Lie groups, Lie algebras, and unitary representations
Peter Woit (Columbia University) Quantum Theory and Group Representations November 2017 9 / 30
Lie groups, Lie algebras, and unitary representations
Peter Woit (Columbia University) Quantum Theory and Group Representations November 2017 10 / 30
Lie groups, Lie algebras, and unitary representations
Peter Woit (Columbia University) Quantum Theory and Group Representations November 2017 11 / 30
Lie groups, Lie algebras, and unitary representations
π 0 : X ∈ g → π 0 (X ) ∈ u(n)
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Lie groups, Lie algebras, and unitary representations
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Quantum Mechanics and Unitary Representations
G = U(1)
πN (e iθ ) = e iNθ
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Some Examples and Their Significance
Physics takes place in a space R3 . One can consider the Lie group G = R3
of spatial translations.
The quantum state space H will provide a unitary representation of this
group. The Lie algebra representation operators are called the
“momentum operators”
Pj , j = 1, 2, 3
and states can be decomposed into one-dimensional representations, which
now will be characterized by an element of R3 , the momentum vector.
When states ψ are taken to be functions on space (“wavefunctions”), the
momentum operators are related to infinitesimal translation by
ψ = iPj ψ
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Some Examples and Their Significance
Peter Woit (Columbia University) Quantum Theory and Group Representations November 2017 19 / 30
Some Examples and Their Significance
One can put together the two previous examples and consider the group
G = E (3) of all translations and rotations of R3 . Studying the possible
unitary representations of this group, one recovers essentially the usual
quantum theory of a free particle moving in R3 .
This generalizes to the relativistic case of four-dimensional space-time,
where the symmetry group is the Poincaré group. Its unitary
representations can be decomposed into pieces which correspond to the
possible quantum mechanical systems of relativistic free particles.
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Peter Woit (Columbia University) Quantum Theory and Group Representations November 2017 21 / 30
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Peter Woit (Columbia University) Quantum Theory and Group Representations November 2017 26 / 30
Dirac noticed the similarity of the Poisson bracket relation {q, p} = 1 and
the Heisenberg operator relation [Q, P] = i and proposed the following
method for “quantizing” any classical mechanical system
Dirac Quantization
To functions f on phase space, quantization takes
f → Of
O{f ,g } = −i[Of , Og ]
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Peter Woit (Columbia University) Quantum Theory and Group Representations November 2017 28 / 30
It turns out that if one tries to follow Dirac’s suggestion one finds
Bad News, Groenewold-van Hove
No-go theorem: there is a representation that quantizes polynomial
functions on phase space of degree up to two, but this can’t be done
consistently for higher degrees.
but also
Good News, Stone-von Neumann
The quantization of polynomials of degree ≤ 2 is unique, there is only one
possible unitary representation of this Lie algebra (fixing ~, and that
integrates to a representation of the group). This is what physicists know
and love as “canonical quantization”.
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Peter Woit (Columbia University) Quantum Theory and Group Representations November 2017 30 / 30