Riemannian Exercise 04
Riemannian Exercise 04
Riemannian Exercise 04
Jesse Ratzkin
O(n, 1) = {A ∈ Gl(n + 1, R) : ⟨⟨A(x, t), A(y, τ )⟩⟩ = ⟨(x, t), (y, τ )⟩⟩}.
We also let
S = {(x, t) ∈ R(n,1) : |x|2 = t = 1.}.
(a) Show that S is a smoothly embedded submanifold that is diffeomorphic to Sn−1 and that the induced
metric i∗ ⟨⟨, ⟩⟩ is isometric to the usual round metric.
(b) For each p ∈ S we denote by ⟨p⟩ the line in R(n,1) the line through p and the origin. Show that for
each A ∈ O(n, 1) the image line A(⟨p⟩) is a single point. We define this to be the action of the group
O(n, 1) on the sphere S.
(c) Show that the action described above is a smooth, transitive action.
(d) Show that each A ∈ O(n, 1) is a conformal diffeomorphism. Is it an isometry?
2. (Problem 4-6 from Lee’s book) Let M be a smooth manifold and let ∇ be a connection on T M . Define
the torsion tensor field τ by
τ : X (M ) × X (M ) → X (M ), τ (X, Y ) = ∇X Y − ∇Y X − [X, Y ].
dεj = εi ∧ ωi j + τ j ,
4. (Problem 5-2 from Lee’s book) Let (M, g) be a Riemannian manifold, let ∇ be the Levi-Civita connection
and let ωi j be the connection one-forms associated to a local frame {E1 , . . . , En } defined in the previous
exercise. Show that
dgij = gjk ωi k = gik ωj k
and conclude that the matrix [ωi j ] is skew-symmetric.