Scriven Et Al-1959-AIChE Journal
Scriven Et Al-1959-AIChE Journal
Scriven Et Al-1959-AIChE Journal
In connection with a study of the mechanism of gas absorption the problem arose of
predicting absorption rates into laminar liquid jets. A solution to the problem is presented
in this paper, which provides an example of the application of fluid dynamics to the analysis
of mass transfer in a complex flow system.
The water jets considered here issued from circular nozzles of about 1.5-mm diameter,
flowed intact downward through an atmosphere of solute gas at average velocities of
from 75 to 550 cm./sec. over distances of 1 to 15 cm., and were collected in a receiver
slightly larger in diameter than the nozzles. Equations describing the liquid flow near the
jet surface are deduced from measurements of jet diameter and analogy to related flow
situations. When one uses these equations, absorption rates are predicted from unsteady
state diffusion theory with the assumption of interfacial equilibrium. The predicted rates
for carbon dioxide at 25°C are in close agreement with experimental determinations over
the observed range of contact time of the liquid with gas, namely 0.003 to 0.04 sec.
(4, 5, I S , 18) have overlooked these
complications, with the exception of
Laminar liquid jets possess several except that end effects at the points at Cullen and Davidson (2), who discussed
attractive advantages over other types which the film is brought into and out qualitatively the influence of gravity
of apparatus for fundamental studies of of contact with the gas seem unavoid- insofar as it affects the axial velocity
the mechanism of gas absorption. To able, although they may be minimized distribution and who evidently suc-
obtain a valid experimental test of un- t o a certain extent through apparatus ceeded by judicious nozzle design in
steady state diffusion theory in a flow design and experimental technique. Un- greqtly reducing the influence of vis-
system, i t is imperative that the fluid fortunately the fluid dynamics of the oft- cosity. Contact area can be evaluated
dynamics of the system be known ac- employed wetted-wall column is usually readily from measurements of jet di-
curately. The area of contadt between complicated by rippling, which may be ameter. A particular advantage of jets
gas and liquid must be known, and either the cause or an indication of mix- is the wide range of liquid contact times
furthermore the nominal time of ex- ing within the falling liquid film (19). which can be achieved with them, down
posure of liquid to gas should be of the Rippling can be greatly decreased by to a few milli-seconds or even less.
order of 0.001 to 1 sec., since exposure the addition of small amounts of surface-
times of these magnitudes are en- active agents to the liquid feed or al-
countered in most contacting equipment together eliminated by reducing the APPARATUS
of practical interest. If there is departure length of the column sufficiently. How- Detailed descriptions have been given
from equilibrium at the interface, the ever the first p r a c t h raises new uncer- elsewhere of the gas-absorption apparatus
effect of an interfacial resistance on tainties on amount of possible interaction in which the jets of interest here were
absorption rates is likely to be ,greater between solute and surfacfant, while produced (16, 1 7 ) . I n brief, a jet of water
the shorter the period of exposure of the second promotes the end effects to issued from a circular nozzle about 1.5-
liquid to gas, simply because the shorter major importance (If). Recently the mm. I.D. flowed intact downward at an
the contad time the smaller the bulk- idea of carrying a liquid film on a moving average velocity of from 75 to 550 cm./sec.
phase diffusional resistance to mass solid surface has been put to use by over a distance of 1 to 15 cm. and was
transfer. Danckwerts and Kennedy (3) in their collected in a glass capillary receiver about
2 mm. I.D. The receivx and a nozzle
Bubbles of gas rising through liquid novel rotating-drum apparatus, which are shown in Figure 1. Between the nozzle
are manifestly unsuitable, for the flow appears to be nearly free of appreciable and receiver the surface of the jet was
regime in the vicinity of the bubble end effects for most operating conditions. exposed to an atmosphere of solute gas
surface is not well understood (1) and Laminar liquid jets, which have been confined within a glass chamber. The
probably is strongly influended by the utilized in surface tension studies for apparatus was similar to that used by
presence of traces of surface-active con- many years ( 1 4 , are well suited for Matsupma (IY), Manogue ( I $ ) , and
taminants (9). Falling droplets of liquid absorption measurements. By employing Eipper ( 6 ) .
likewise suffer the considerable short- long, fast-moving jets the end effects a t It was possible to collect the entire jet
coming of poorly understood fluid dy- the nozzle and the cbllection device can in the receiver for prolonged periods of
operation without entraining any gas
namics (10). A well-behaved moving be reduced to insignificance, but the bubbles in the liquid, provided the nozzle
film of liquid satisfies the requirements, influences of viscous drag in the nozzle and receiver were accurately aligned, the
and gravitational acceleration on flow resistance to flow downstream of the re-
and absorption must be assessed, as ceiver was carefully adjusted, and strong
L. E. Scriven is with the Shell Development
Company, Emeryville, California. they are herein. Previous investigators vibrations were eliminated. Operating
V g - yd U
A (14)
5, ** dX
- d YUdY Two boundary conditions appropriate to
the problem are
which, integrated once, gives
C = C, + A 1'e-" m
dz (25)
o og 02 03 0. 0s 06 or oa 0s 10
Bernoulli equation, the solution of which Now the local absorption rate must
is approach that into an ideal jet as viscous
U,(X) = 4(C, - C,)dBUqh drag in the nozzle and gravitational
(27) acceleration approach zero; therefore
JL 1 U , ( X ) dX
f(x)= 453
Approximate Solution for Absorption Rate P(0, 0) is unity. After evaluation a t
An exact prediction of absorption rate Xz = X F = 0, the various partial de-
Hence for any given surface velocity requires accurate knowledge of the ve- rivatives may be replaced by constants,
the reduced coordinate q is given by locity distribution near the surfahe of a say a,, PI, yll, etc., giving
jet affected simultaneously by viscous
n =
I.'I 1,( X )
drag in the nozzle and by gravitational N
- = -1 + (1 + alxl
+ 53 / U,(Xj dX
acceleration. The combined effect is not N*
Z3 accurately known; however the separate
effects can be assessed from the esti-
mates of surface velocity provided by
+ a23ZL2 + . . .) (37)
The constant B is evaluated by means
of Equation ( H a ) , which requires that
q ( X , Y ) -+ 03 in the limit as X -+ 0,
Equations (7) to (9) and can then be
combined to give a fairly accurate pre-
+ (1 + PlDIF + p2XF' f . ")
or else through some other boundary
condition in X.
diction of absorption rate. The method
of combination can be explained as
+ Y11XZXF + . * '
tional relationship in terms of dimension- fied) that for sufficiently small values
For an idealized jet throughout which less variables : of the nozzle drag and Froude numbers
velocity is constant (equal to Uo = the local absorption rate is given to a
4 q / r Do*)it follows from Equations (27) good approximation by
and (29) that
F, = .$*
Finally the total absorption rate of
solute gas by a jet of length h is ob-
tained by integration over jet length:
+ 3112
6= K U ( X ) N ( X >dX (32)
D O = 0.1535 cm., Uo = 271 cm./sec., 41= 0.352 cm., U, = 292 cm./sec. ACTUAL JET PROFILE