Degree / Transcript Degree / Transcript Degree / Transcript Degree / Transcript
Degree / Transcript Degree / Transcript Degree / Transcript Degree / Transcript
Degree / Transcript Degree / Transcript Degree / Transcript Degree / Transcript
Bill No. 9828 Date 12-10-2017 Bill No. 9828 Date 12-10-2017 Bill No. 9828 Date 12-10-2017 Bill No. 9828 Date 12-10-2017
Student Name: Anas Mujaddidi Student Name: Anas Mujaddidi Student Name: Anas Mujaddidi Student Name: Anas Mujaddidi
CNIC: 35202 1192011 7 ID: 12U03043 CNIC: 35202 1192011 7 ID: 12U03043 CNIC: 35202 1192011 7 ID: 12U03043 CNIC: 35202 1192011 7 ID: 12U03043
BBA (Hons.) with Double Major in Finance and Marketing BBA (Hons.) with Double Major in Finance and Marketing BBA (Hons.) with Double Major in Finance and Marketing BBA (Hons.) with Double Major in Finance and Marketing
Class/Degree: Fourth Year Class/Degree: Fourth Year Class/Degree: Fourth Year Class/Degree: Fourth Year
Sr. Description. Rate Nos. Amount Rs. Sr. Description. Rate Nos. Amount Rs. Sr. Description. Rate Nos. Amount Rs. Sr. Description. Rate Nos. Amount Rs.
1. Degree Fee 1000.00 1.00 1000.00 1. Degree Fee 1000.00 1.00 1000.00 1. Degree Fee 1000.00 1.00 1000.00 1. Degree Fee 1000.00 1.00 1000.00
Sales Tax on Fee @ 16% 160.00 Sales Tax on Fee @ 16% 160.00 Sales Tax on Fee @ 16% 160.00 Sales Tax on Fee @ 16% 160.00
Total Payment 1160.00 Total Payment 1160.00 Total Payment 1160.00 Total Payment 1160.00
Depositor's Signature. Authorized Signature. Depositor's Signature. Authorized Signature. Depositor's Signature. Authorized Signature. Depositor's Signature. Authorized Signature.
(A) Cash (B) MCB Cheque (C) Payorder / Draft of any bank (A) Cash (B) MCB Cheque (C) Payorder / Draft of any bank (A) Cash (B) MCB Cheque (C) Payorder / Draft of any bank (A) Cash (B) MCB Cheque (C) Payorder / Draft of any bank
Payable at any MCB branch in Pakistan Payable at any MCB branch in Pakistan Payable at any MCB branch in Pakistan Payable at any MCB branch in Pakistan
MCB Branch Manager Contact No. 0333-4977987 MCB Branch Manager Contact No. 0333-4977987 MCB Branch Manager Contact No. 0333-4977987 MCB Branch Manager Contact No. 0333-4977987
Printed on 10/12/2017 02:02:47 pm Printed on 10/12/2017 02:02:47 pm Printed on 10/12/2017 02:02:47 pm Printed on 10/12/2017 02:02:47 pm