Guidelines For Treatment of Galvanized Cooling Towers To Prevent White Rust

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February, 1994

This guidelines document summarizes the best current state of knowledge regarding
the specific subject. This document represents a consensus of those individual
members who have reviewed this document, its scope, and provisions. It is intended
to aid all users or potential users of galvanized cooling towers.

Cooling Tower Institure

Water Treating Committee
White Rust Task Force


As a result of significant interest in the area of white rust, the

Cooling Tower Institute formed a Task Force to study the problem.
Much information was available and new studies were conducted
that were researched to provide the conclusions in the paper. White
Rust, as defined in the paper is a problem and must be considered
when utilizing galvanized cooling tower equipment.

Galvanized Steel Cooling Towers

Galvanized steel has been used to manufacture cooling towers for

many years. Galvanizing is simply the process of coating steel with zinc
for corrosion protection. The galvanizing process provides a tenacious
coating that is mechanically and chemically bonded to a steel substrate.
The zinc protects the underlying steel by providing a mechanical barrier
to the environment as well as electrochemical resistance to corrosion.
The major source of cooling tower corrosion is the warm circulating
cooling water which usually contains dissolved and suspended solids.
Galvanized steel also provides excellent corrosion protection in the non-
wet areas of the cooling tower.

Galvanizing has been performed consistently by steel mills and

independent contractors for the last 50 years. The earliest galvanized
steel process used in cooling towers was "hot dipped galvanizing"
(HDG). The HDG process involves submerging fabricated steel
components directly into a molten zinc bath until the zinc is fused onto
the steel surface. Hot dipped galvanizing is very durable because of the
coating's exceptional thickness. Average zinc coating is 1.5 oz./ft2
(457.5 g/m2 ) for steel under 3/16" (4.7 mm) thickness. Small cooling
tower components of heavy gage or welded together sections are often
HDG coated for corrosion protection on modern cooling towers. The
steel tubed coil assemblies used in evaporative refrigeration condensers
are typically HDG coated.

Most of the galvanized steel coating provided in modern cooling

towers today is "heavy mill galvanized" (HMG). HMG steel is produced
at the steel mill by continuously coating steel sheet with molten zinc. The
composition of HMG zinc coating is similar to HDG zinc coating with the
primary exception of coating thickness. HMG coated steel used in
modern cooling towers conforms to the industry standard coating class
G-210, which means the weight of zinc averages 2.1 oz./ft2 (640.5 g/m3
of steel sheet. HMG coated steel components have been commonly
used in cooling towers since the early 1970's. The G-210 HMG
classification is based on the total weight of zinc on both sides of the
sheet while weight of zinc for HDG surfaces is based on one surface
only. Major steel manufacturers have reported only minor changes in the
chemistry of steel, preparation, or zinc bath during the last 20 years.

Small steel components are also commonly coated with

electrodeposited zinc in the "electrogalvanizing" process (EG).
Electrogalvanized components are suitable for general service, such as
hardware or automotive parts exposed to atmospheric environment. The
relatively thin EG zinc layer of up to 0.2 oz./ft2 (60 g/m2) however is not
considered suitable for long service life inside operating cooling towers.

Most HMG coated steel produced today is post treated with a

chromate corrosion inhibitor rinse. This treatment is designed to protect
the galvanized steel sheet during storage and is reasonably effective in
preventing "water storage staining" if the sheets or rolls are stored
indoors. HMG steel sheets stored outdoors, however, are susceptible to
water storage staining if stacked with the sheets in close physical
contact. This staining is usually only detrimental from the visual aspect.

HMG zinc also includes small amounts of aluminum (typically less

than 0.3% by weight). Aluminum is added to enhance the ductility of the
coated steel allowing bending of the sheet steel. Without the aluminum
in the bath, the zinc coating formed is brittle and will break free. The
HMG product has been manufactured since 1960 by major steel

white Rust-The Problem Identified.

During the last several years there have been increases in the
number of galvanized steel cooling towers reported to be experiencing
premature corrosion, generally identified as "white rust". The term "white
rust" refers to a type of corrosion product affecting galvanized surfaces
characterized as "an accumulation of white, fluffy, or waxy non-
protective zinc corrosion product" which adheres to the zinc surface of
galvanized steel. With this non-protective porous reaction product in
place, the surface is not passive to future zinc reaction and rapid
corrosion may continue. The apparent higher frequency of white rust
problems may be related to the demise of chromate treatment programs
and the increased popularity of high alkalinity, no pH control water
treatment programs.

White rust can become very destructive if allowed to advance

untreated. Typically, white rust appears suddenly and progresses rapidly
over the wetted galvanized areas of cooling towers. The term "wetted"
refers to areas of cooling tower structures that are continually or
occasionally wetted. Untreated, white rust corrosion can seriously
damage the galvanized zinc coating and shorten the life of the cooling
tower. Once the zinc layer has been consumed, corrosion of the mild
steel may progress rapidly.

It has been observed that under most normal cooling tower operating
conditions, HMG steel provides excellent corrosion resistance. The zinc
coating performs as a sacrificial anode which protects the steel
galvanically. It also forms a barrier to a continuous ongoing reaction.
When galvanized steel is exposed to a neutral pH moderately hard water
environment (example range: a minimum 100 ppm calcium as CaCO3,
bicarbonate alkalinity of 100-300 ppm as CaC03, and pH 7.0 to 8.0) a
surface barrier of non-porous zinc carbonate/zinc hydroxide believed to
be 3Zn(OH) ZnCO3 H2O forms to prevent further rapid galvanic
corrosion of the zinc coating. Because zinc is a very reactive metal, the
protective "basic zinc carbonate" barrier must be formed for the HMG
steel component to achieve full service life.

White rust is also a form of zinc carbonate. The difference is the rate
of formation and the density of the layer. Rapid formation results in a
porous deposit that allows continued corrosion of the non-passive
surface if left unchecked.

Changing water treatment programs without full consideration of

potential impact on galvanized surfaces should be avoided. Inadequate
control of cooling water chemistry may also result in conditions that
initiate formation of white rust. This must be monitored by routine
inspection of the cooling system. Consultations with qualified water
treatment specialist are advised.

Low hardness water chemistries can be aggressive to galvanized steel.

If calcium hardness as CaCO3 is <50 ppm in the recirculating water,
accelerated zinc corrosion may result. Anions of sulfates, chlorides, and
nitrates at levels >250 ppm as the ion may accelerate loss of zinc. High
concentrations of free halogens such as chlorine (or bromine) may be
corrosive to zinc galvanizing. Typically chlorine levels of 0.5 ppm free
residual or less are sufficient for microbiological control without causing
damage to zinc galvanizing. Chemical treatments in very high levels may
also be a contributing factor in corrosion of zinc.

Neutral or near neutral cooling water pH chemistry may be the best

insurance against corrosive damage to galvanized cooling towers. As
federal and local regulations increasingly restrict the use of inorganic
corrosion inhibitors (such as chromates), water treatment Systems have
begun to shift to more alkaline water chemistries to help control corrosion
rates. Some disagreement seems to exist about the actual cause of the
increasing frequency of white rust reports. The consensus of water
treaters tends to conclude that some of the newer, higher alkalinity
treatment chemistries actually inhibit the formation of protective films on
the galvanized surface, thus allowing formation of white rust. One of the
worst cooling tower operational conditions can be soft water (<50 ppm
calcium hardness as CaCO3) when combined with water treatment
programs resulting in high alkalinity (usually >300 ppm alkalinity as
CaC03) and pH values above 8.3.

Prevention of White Rust in New Cooling Towers

White Rust of galvanized steel cooling towers can be a difficult and

expensive problem. Prevention of white rust is a function of initial cooling
water chemistry and management of the water treatment program to
support the viability of the protective basic zinc carbonate layer.

The start up program for a new galvanized steel cooling tower should
incorporate the following guidelines to prevent white rust. Minimize
mechanical damage to the zinc coating during installation. This is
especially important in the flooded interior of the cooling tower where
aggressive water chemistry is most likely. Areas that are abraded or
significantly damaged can be repaired with cold galvanizing paint for
satisfactory protection. Before tower start-up, the tower should be made
free of debris by sweeping or flushing with water. During the cleaning
process do not use cleaning chemicals of extreme pH (below 6.0 or
above 8.0) as this can initiate zinc corrosion or strip the coating
completely. Concentrated treatment program chemicals should not be
added to areas where direct contact with tower surfaces can occur.
Always add chemicals to an area of turbulence.
White rust will form rapidly in new galvanized steel cooling towers if
operated with the cooling water in an unfavorable chemical condition.
Galvanized surfaces are sensitive to several chemical conditions.
Generally speaking, pH levels <6.0 or >9.0 will increase zinc corrosion
significantly. The amount and type of alkalinity present is also important.
Carbonate and hydroxide alkalinity are the most corrosive toward zinc.
Acid conditions are to be avoided. White Rust may be prevented by
several methods including:

a. Pretreatment with an inorganic phosphate passivation

program (requires a minimum of 100 ppm calcium as CaCO3
and 400-450 ppm PO4.

b. Operating with the cooling water initially for 45-60 days in the
pH range of 7.0-8.0, moderate hardness levels of 100-300
ppm as CaCO3, and alkalinity levels of 100 - 300 ppm as

There is evidence that pretreatment of the cooling tower water with

an inorganic phosphate system will provide initial passivation that may
enhance the formation of a protective passivation layer. Many water
treaters suggest that corrosion inhibitor treatments of the
phosphate/polymer/phosphonate type do not tend to promote the
formation of white rust in cooling towers. The selection and application
of a corrosion inhibitor pretreatment ought to be performed under the
proper chemical conditions. This may be recommended by a responsible
water treatment company. Microbiological control is also critical.
Although microbiological organisms do not produce "White Rust", failure
of the galvanized surfaces may certainly be increased by metabolism
products of some organisms. Acceptable control methods/practices
must be employed for control of microbiological activity.

If the cooling system must be flushed with acid or caustic type

cleaners it is imperative that a bypass piping loop which isolates the
cooling tower be installed to prevent damage to the tower. Additionally,
soft water ('less than 50 ppm calcium hardness as CaCO3) must be
avoided as should cooling water of high alkalinity ~reater than 300 ppm
as CaCO3 and above pH 9.0). The best practice for successful cooling
tower start up is to operate the tower for at least 45 to 60 days with a
cooling water of pH between 7.0 and 8.0. This should be adequate time
for the protective basic zinc carbonate layer to form.

In most situations rely on the judgment of the water treatment

specialist concerning the initial operation of the cooling tower. The water
treatment program must take into account the impact on all equipment
in the system, not just the tower. Applied good treatment practices will
prevent the formation of white rust in the new galvanized cooling tower.
Consider the following information when planning start-up of a new
galvanized steel cooling tower:

The chromate ion is extremely effective at preventing zinc corrosion.

Although chromate cooling water treatment is generally prohibited
by environmental regulations the HMG steel used in cooling
towers is normally treated with a chromate rinse after
galvanization. This post treatment provides initial corrosion
protection for the zinc surrace and assists in the formation of the
basic zinc carbonate barrier during tower start up. However, this
protection is very temporary and is not intended as an
environmental exposure protection mechanism.

The primary variable which allows white rust corrosion to occur is

the presence of excessive carbonate anion in the bulk water,
which is related to pH values above 8.3. Therefore, mitial tower
operation must control the cooling water alkalinity to prevent the
onset of white rust.

Proper pretreatment of new cooling Systems is as important for

protecting galvanized cooling towers as it is for protecting carbon
steel components. Inorganic phosphates can be used for
protective pretreatment for both metallurgies.

Cleaning debris out of tower basins and equipment is also important

in the housekeeping aspect of initial passivation. When debris
removal is required, care must be exercised to prevent damage
to zinc coatings.

Prevention and Elimination of White Rust in Existing Cooling


If an existing galvanized cooling tower is found to exhibit what is

suspected to be white rust, a qualified consultant should be contacted.
The removal of white rust deposits by mechanical or chemical means
should be carefully considered. The white deposit that is suspected to
be white rust may in tact be a passivation layer. If a deposit exists that
could result in plugging problems, removal with a soft brush is
recommended. The first consideration should be to pursue the
pretreatment passivation procedures that are outlined for the new
cooling tower startup procedure. The use of alkaline or acid cleaners in
galvanized cooling towers is to be avoided.

Cooling towers that are operating with no history of white rust are
much less likely to be affected by this type of corrosion than are new
cooling towers with fresh unpassivated zinc surfaces. The most
important white rust preventative is to continue with the proven effective
water treatment program. Most new galvanized towers successfully
develop the basic zinc carbonate layer during start up and thus are
resistant to occasional high alkaline cooling water. The ideal water
condition for galvanized cooling towers is a near neutral pH (between
6.0 and 8.0), chloride content (as chloride below 450 ppm), sulfate
content (as SO4) below 1200 ppm, and bicarbonate alkalinity(as
CaCO3) below 300 ppm and hardness levels of at least 50 ppm as
CaCO3. Cooling water that is excessively soft or acidic must be avoided
to prevent attack of the zinc coating which can lead to severe and
expensive damage.


Parameter: Range:
pH 7.0 - 8.0
Chloride as Cl Less than 450 ppm
Sulfate as SO4 Less than 1200 ppm
Alkalinity as CaCO3 50 - 300 ppm
Hardness as CaCO3 Minimum 50 ppm


In recent years, white rust corrosion has affected an increasing

number of galvanized steel cooling towers. White rust is preventable
through the application of appropriate water treatment programs that
allow formation of a protective basic zinc carbonate barrier layer. Correct
water chemistry is most important when the cooling tower is new
because the zinc surface is fresh and reactive. Water treatment
programs designed for cooling tower start-up should provide near
neutral pH for at least 45 - 60 days. Selection of a cooling water
treatment specialist experienced in corrosion protection of galvanized
steel is essential.

Lawrence E. Aytes
Cooling Tower Institute Committee -
Handling and Treating of Galvanized Cooling Towers to Protect Against
White Rust


1. Anonymous. "Hot Dip Galvanizing for Corrosion Protection of Steel

Products". American Hot Dip Galvanizers Association, Clarendon
Hills, IL (1986).

2. Anonymous. "Zinc Coatings". American Hot Dip Galvanizers

Association, Clarendon Hills, IL (1988).
3. Anonymous. "Wet Storage Stain". American Hot Dip Galvanizers
Association, Clarendon Hills, IL (1986).

4. Kunz, Robert G. and Donald W. Hines. "Alkaline Molybdate

Treatment in Galvanized Cooling Towers - A Case History of a
Close Call", Paper 147, Corrosion '89 National Association of
Corrosion Engineers, Houston, TX (1989).

5. Private Correspondence. Mr. Dave Hudok, Wierton Steel

Company, May 5, 1992.

6. Johnson, Keith M and Joseph B. Mihelic. "Update on White Rust

Corrosion and Control", Technical Paper, TP91-14, Cooling Tower
Institute, Houston, TX (1991).

7. Anonymous. "White Rust and Galvanized Cooling Towers",

Technical Paper No. TR-009, July 1992, Marley Cooling Tower

8. Townsend, H.E., L. Allegra, R. J. Dutton and S. A. Kriner. "Hot-

Dip Coated Sheet Steels - A Review", NACE Materials
Performance (1986).

9. Kunz, R.G. and D. W. Hines. "Corrosion of Zinc in Cooling Water",

Paper 348 presented at NACE Corrosion/'90, I-as Vegas, NV (April

10. Uhlig, H.H. and R.W. Revie. "Corrosion and Corrosion Control - An
Introduction to Corrosion Science and Engineering", Third Edition

11. Mansfield, Florian. "Corrosion Mechanisms" (1987).

12. Shastry, C.R. and H. E. Townsend. "Mechanisms of Cosmetic

Corrosion in Painted Zinc and Zinc-Alloy-Coated Sheet Steels",
Corrosion - Vol.45, No.2 (1989).

13. Pisigan, R.A. and E. J. Singley. "Effects of Water Quality

Parameters on the Corrosion of Galvanized Steel", Journal AWWA
(November 1985).

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