White Rust

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White Rust is the water treaters terminology for the adverse

syndrome of corrosion of the zinc based protective coating of
cooling towers. The corrosion of these protective coatings usually
appears as a white, waxy, adherent deposit on the coatings


Open evaporative cooling water circulation systems require

large amounts of cooling water. These cooling waters are
continually being evaporated through the cooling tower systems to
the atmosphere. This evaporation creates the need for make-up
water to replenish the evaporative loss.

Make-up water commonly contains impurities and

contaminants, including dissolved gases, dissolved chemical
compounds and suspended matter. Over time, with evaporation
loss and recurring make-up, the levels of these impurities
increase. With the increase in levels of these impurities comes an
increase in carbonate alkalinity and pH. This elevated carbonate
alkalinity and elevated pH result in corrosion of zinc based
coatings. This corrosion mechanism is referred to as White Rust.

White Rust is identified as a corrosion mechanism of

carbonate ions and zinc that produce the compound:
ZnCO3 - 3Zn(OH)2 H2O
This corrosion mechanism results in the loss of corrosion
protection of the ferrous metal substrate by the zinc coating of the
cooling tower.

White Rust corrosion of a tower quickly renders the

galvanized coating ineffective in its ability to perform as either a
sacrificial anode or as a barrier coating. Often times the corrosion
cells of White Rust induce localized corrosion cells on the
underlying steel substrate, resulting in ferrous metal corrosion (red
rust), which necessitates remedial action to avoid tower failure.


In the 1980 the process of galvanize manufacturing was changed


l Alloy metal changes including Al, Mg, Pb

l Removal of the chromate rinse stage
l Continuous sheet process instead of open-dip process

Environmental pressures necessitated the change from acid-

chromate cooling water treatment to alkaline based molybdates, organic
polymers and phosphonates.

The addition of polymeric scale inhibitors tend to accentuate the

White Rust corrosion problem. These scale inhibition polymers act to
chelate or sequester calcium ions and prevent a calcium rich film from
acting as a passivator. They also compete with carbonate for the calcium
ions, allowing the carbonate ions to freely associate with the zinc-
galvanized coating. The advanced polymers act as crystal modifiers to
most passivator films, leaving a more porous film on the zinc-galvanized

Molybdates are not fully able to inhibit white rust.


l Removal of White Rust

l Repair of the zinc-galvanized coating

l Passivation process

l Erosion control

l Interference

l Treatment adjuncts

l Treatments

White Rust Removal

Mechanical or chemical removal of white rust deposits is the

necessary first step in treatment. Chemical removal may be achieved
with the application of a mild inhibitive acid.

Repair of zinc-galvanic coating:

The repair of highly impaired surfaces is paramount to

maintaining the integrity of the cooling tower. Localized corrosion cells
attack the ferrous metal substrate quickly. Corroded ferrous surfaces
should be treated with a rust convertor coating to arrest the ferrous
corrosion. The convertor coatings, upon drying and curing are ready to
accept a zinc-galvanized treatment.

Zinc-galvanized treatments are available in liquid bulk and

aerosol formulations. These brush-on or spray-on zinc-galvanized
treatments are the equivalent to the hot dip galvanized process and
replace corroded surfaces. They are highly resistant to water and salt

Passivation Process

The passivation process is designed to provide inhibitive barrier

films that have the capacity to control white rust when the cooling
towers are exposed to alkaline water conditions. Specific passivation
products are employed that promote this production of the inhibitive
layer at the galvanized surface. These are aqueous based products that
are fed directly to the cooling system and controlled. Regular cooling
water treatments are suspended while this process is implemented.

Erosion Control

Suspended particulate matter in the recirculating tower water acts

to erode the zinc-galvanized surfaces. Reduction in concentrations of
suspended matter reduces the erosion potentials. Surfactants and/or
dispersants are employed as adjuncts to the regular treatment to control
these suspended particles for furtherance via bleed-off or mechanical


Oxidizing biocide treatments have great potential to damage

passivated films, when used in high dosages. Selection for biocides
should be made around reduction of halogen concentrations.

Treatment Adjuncts

Supplementary additives to existing scale and corrosion control

treatments may be used to effect greater corrosion control over zinc-
galvanizing. These adjuncts are compatible with most of the modern
conventional phosphonate/polymer programs.


There are basically two approaches to comprehensive treatment


i) control of the carbonate ion and pH levels

ii) control of the zinc-galvanize film directly

The former approach requires the control of pH generally

between7.5 and 8.3. This can be accomplished with a formulation that
does not build excessive alkalinity or pH. It can also be accomplished in
harder water conditions, by the supplementary feed of an acid control.
This approach targets elimination of the conditions that foster the white
rust syndrome.

The latter approach relies on formulations that passify zinc-

galvanize surfaces under higher alkalinity /pH conditions. This method
recognizes that attack of the zinc-galvanize surfaces is on-going, and
effects chemical barriers to negate white rust formation.


A passifying inhibited acid. Colour coded for visual interpretation.

Rust Coat
A rust convertor coating used on ferrous metal substrates. This is
applied when the corrosion from white rust has led to localized corrosion
of the underlying ferrous metals. The convertor process halts the on-
going ferrous corrosion and lays a protective barrier on the ferrous
metal. The surface is then ready to treat with a zinc-galvanize

Instant Zinc
A zinc-galvanizing treatment. Replenishes the film. Applied by
aerosol spray for small areas and in liquid bulk form for larger surface
areas. Fast drying, quick curing.

New Zinc
An aqueous based film renovator and passivator compound for
corroded zinc-galvanized surfaces.

Mud and silt removal compound. An aqueous based solution
designed to assist in the removal of suspended particulates, and
subsequent reduction in erosion potentials.

KT # 1215
A passivation adjunct for alkaline recirculating waters.

TRL # 37
A clear, temporary protective coating. Used in shut down and off-
season periods to provide a barrier film against moisture and
atmospheric corrosion. Easily sprayed or brushed on. Easily removed
with mild degreasers or quality coil cleaners.

KT # 813
A pH controlled passifying agent to control carbonate ions attack
of zinc-galvanized surfaces.

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