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Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani Instruction Division Second Semester 2017-18 Course Handout Part II

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Course Handout Part II
Date: 08/1/2018
In addition to part -I (General Handout for all courses appended to the time table) this portion gives
further specific details regarding the course.

Course No. : CE F343

Course Title : Design of Steel Structures
Instructor-in-charge : DIPENDU BHUNIA
Instructor : G. Muthukumar, Dr. Rajesh Kumar

1. Scope and Objective of the Course

The course intends to impart adequate analysis and design skills to common type of Civil Engineering
Steel Structures as found in practice. An understanding of theory, loads and stresses to be used as per
Indian standards for steel design work will be developed. The course deals with designing of tension,
compression, and flexural members of steel. Bolted and welded connections will be designed. Limit
State Method of design will be pursued. In addition, design of steel trusses; plate girder, Gantry girder,
and Purlins will be covered. Plastic design of steel structures will also be introduced.
At the end of the semester, students will be able to analyze and design the tension members,
compression members, flexural members of the framed structures such as trusses and rigid-jointed
plane frame members using both the Limit State Design Approach and Plastic Design Approach. Most,
importantly, students will be exposed to compute based design problems on Industrial Building
2. Text Book
(i) N. Subramanian, “Design of Steel Structures”, Oxford University Press, 2015.
Reference Book
i) S. K. Duggal, “Limit State Design of Steel Structures,” McGraw Hill Education (India) Ltd.,
New Delhi, 2014.
ii) A S Arya and Ajmani "Design of Steel Structures” Nemi Chand & Bros.
iii) P. Dayaratnam “Design of Steel Structures”, Wheeler Pub. 1992.
iv) E H Gaylord and C N Gaylord "Design of steel structures" McGraw Hill
v) P. Dayaratnam, “Handbook on design and detailing of structures", Wheeler Publishing 1994.
vi) IS 800:2007 "Code of practice for General construction in steel "B.I.S.?
vii) IS 875 :1987 "Code of practice for design Loads"
viii) Design of Steel Structures- S Ramamrutham & R. Narayanan, Dhanpat Rai, Publishing co., (P)
Ltd, New Delhi 110002, 2000.
(ix) B.C. Punmia, "Design of Steel Structures Volume I and II", Laxmi Publications (P) Ltd., New
Delhi, 1998 (Eight edition).
(x) Teaching Resource for Structural Steel Design, Volume 1, 2 & 3. Institute for Steel
Development & Growth, ISPAT Niketan 52/1A Ballygunge, Circullow Road, Calcutta 700019.
3. Course Plan:
Lecture Reference*
Learning Objectives Topics to be covered
Nos. Chap./Sec. #(Book)
Introduction, loads, structural elements,
connections, structural framing, structural
Steel Design
1-5 metals, factor of safety, load factors, steel vs. TB, Ch.1-2
concrete, standard specifications, introduction to
limit states and working stress design.
Introduction, Types of sections, Net area, Net
Design of Tension effective section for angles and Tees in tension,
6-9 TB, Ch. 3
Members Design, Lug Angles, Tension Splice, Shear Lag,
Example Problems
Design of bolted connection, Design of welded
Design of connections, Simple beam and end connections,
10-15 TB, Ch. 10 -11
Connections design of framed connections, design of stiffened
seat connection, eccentric connections
Behaviour of compression members, Elastic
buckling of compression members, Sections used
Design of
for compression members, Effective length of
16-21 Compression TB, Ch. 5
compression members, Design of compression
members, Built-up compression members,
Column bases and caps example problems
Plastic theory, Plastic collapse load, Conditions
of plastic analysis, Theorems of plastic collapse,
Plastic and Local
22-25 Methods of plastic collapse, Plastic design of TB, Ch.4
Buckling Behaviour
portal frames, special considerations, Local
buckling of plates, Cross-section Classification
Beam types, Lateral stability of beams, Effective
lengths, Design strength of laterally supported
26-31 beams in bending, Design strength of laterally
Design of Beams unsupported beams, Shear strength of steel TB, Ch.6
beams, Maximum deflections, Design for web
buckling and crippling, Design of purlins,
Design of beams

General considerations, Preliminary design

Design of Plate procedure, Web panel subjected to shear,
32-37 TB, Ch.7
Girders Behaviour of transverse web stiffeners, Design
of plate girders

Loading considerations, Maximum load effects,

Design of Gantry
38-42 Fatigue effects, Selection of Gantry girder, TB, Ch.8
Design of Gantry girder
4. Evaluation Scheme
Sr. Evaluation Component Duration Percentage Date & Time Remarks
No. weightage

1 Mid-term Examination (Closed 90 minute 35 5/3 9:00 - 10:30 AM

2 Tutorial (evaluation) - 10
3 Computer based Design and To be 15
Detailing Projects including quiz announced
in the class
4 Comp. Exp. (Open/Closed Book) 3 Hrs. 40 1/5 FN
(Note: It will be a 200 marks course comprising the components as indicated above)
5. Chamber Consultation Hour: To be announced in the class. Students must adhere to the
Announced timing.

6. Notice: Notice if any, concerning this course will be displayed on the Notice Board of
Civil Engineering Departments or communicated through registered e-mail.

CE F343

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