The first section deals with the vast field of material alternatives and properties designers have today. We
are faced with thousands of materials that completely lack reference. Material gain intelligence, and it is
predicted that all our surroundings soon will be controlled by invisible, intelligent devices. The second
section demonstrates the advantages of integrating intelligent systems in our clothing. Here the link is
made between human skin qualities and intelligent textile. Section three provides an overview of the
different types of intelligent textiles and some of its application areas. What could be considered
intelligent is discussed in the beginning of this section.
The paper wishes to focus on electronic and interactive textiles, therefore the whole of section four is
dedicated to this. Definitions, alternatives, advantages and things you need to make a fully flexible
interactive textile, are included here. The whole article focuses much on wearable computing, but in
section five, other areas of applications are looked upon.
The paper wishes to give knowledge of where these research technologies are today and also give a good
overview of the intelligent textiles that exist. The viewpoint is technical, leaving e.g. social changes,
cultural references, economy and ergonomic aspects to other papers.
Wearable Computing, Ambient Intelligence, Intelligence, Phase Change, Shape Memory, Chromic,
Electronic textile, Flexible Interactive Products.
Technology is getting smaller and faster and we all located in space, tend to flow through time.” [1].
know the speed of this development is increasing. These materials can interact, communicate and
We see an ongoing miniaturization and production sense. Miniaturization not only means the
of materials equipped with special properties. It is production of smaller components, but the
possible to integrate properties of sensitivity, elimination of components. Mechanisms, that
information and intelligence into single materials. previously had to be manufactured by different
materials and as separate objects, can now be made
1.1 Intellectualization of materials of one single material. Examples of this reduction
of components and matter are; a light bulb where
The materials of our surroundings are being the separate materials are replaced by a single
“intellectualized”. Whereas, in the past, we needed electroluminescent surface, a complex sensor
several components to satisfy a certain function, system replaced by a piezoelectric film and the
technology today has allowed us to satisfy the same mechanical keyboard replaced by the membrane
function with less components. “The new keyboard.
generation of objects, rather than being solidly
The question remains: Is this liberating the designer The mobility aspect of wearables is what makes it
or just making things far too complex? The totality unique as a medium for communication. Today,
of a process is essential. Manufacturers, product mobility is a fundamental aspect of many services
developers and specialized professionals have to and devices. There is an almost unlimited number
work very close. While some have the deep vertical of application ideas, e.g. in the fields of health,
knowledge, designers should have a wide horizontal knowledge and entertainment. Health applications
one. include the monitoring of ill or high-risk persons,
people exposed to extreme conditions or people
Manzini [1] compares the designer with a surfer; the doing sports. This also applies to therapy and
wave of material transformation can be experienced improvement of physical abilities. A wearable
as a heavy and uncontrollable force. However, the computer is always on, should not hinder the user’s
high wave also provides vast opportunities for activities, can be aware of the user’s situation and
those who dare to ride it correctly. You cannot can display relevant information, augmenting ones
influence the wave too much, but rather maintain view of reality. The vision for wearable computing
your individual control. One should not is to be an integrated part of our everyday clothing
underestimate the knowledge of the technology’s serving us as intelligent personal assistants.
internal currents; it is the base of creativity.
In all sections, links are more or less made to
1.2 Ambient Intelligence clothing because it is a natural and obvious starting
point for textiles. Smart garments are intelligent
Our everyday life is being more and more regulated products that provide platforms for the
by intelligent devices. Is slowly changing the way we development of new innovative applications (more
live. Making a system of intelligent objects is one of in section 5). The first wearable computers were
the most important trends in contemporary developed for navigation and maintenance tasks.
engineering and design. Not only is it the priority There are also military applications as body-worn
area of many companies, many even claim that it is computational resources for soldiers. They need
When you warm a material, it absorbs heat while its The designers at Norrøna [11] have tested some of
temperature is rising continuously. When cooling it, the most known PCMs, like Outlast [12] and Frisby
the heat stored inside, is released into its [13]. Their experience is that it is expensive, and not
environment through a reverse cooling process, able to come close to their claims. “Lots of money
where the temperature decreases [9]. A normal is being pumped into the marketing. The phase
textile absorbs 1 kJ/kg with the increase of 1 degree change does occur, but not as controlled as they
Celsius. Due to a melting process during heat claim”, says Brad Boren at Norrøna, still keeping
absorption and crystallisation during release of heat, his optimistic view of the future.
the temperature of a PCM and its surroundings
remains constant all the time. Therefore a PCM can 3.3 Shape Memory Materials (SMM)
absorb much more heat than a normal one. It
functions as heat storage. When absorbing e.g. 200 SMMs can deform from the current shape to a
kJ, a normal textile would increase its temperature previously set shape, usually due to the action of
by 200 degree Celsius, whilst the temperature of a heat. You may have seen this on TV; that a strip of
PCM will not change. Because of its solid/liquid metal is heated with a lighter and finds its original
state, the PCM in textiles is “enclosed into small shape. In garments the scale is smaller. When these
plastic spheres with diameters of only a few macro SSMs are activated (at a certain activation
meters”, called PCM-microcapsules. temperature), the air gaps between close layers of
clothing are increased. This is to give better
Think of a typical jacket for sporting activities. It insulation and protection against extremes of heat
should keep a balance in temperature at any or cold. In clothing, the temperatures for the shape
moment and intensity in activity, but many fail to memory effect to be activated should be near body
do so. PCM is therefore used as thermo regulating temperature.
in active-wear. When you get dressed for some
sporting activity on a cold winter night, the layers of SM Polymers are more flexible than the alloys.
air between the garment layers keeps the heat Thermoplastic polyurethane films have been made
Network unit: transmission of data within the E-broidery project, Courtesy of MIT
wearable computer and to external networks
Sensor unit: registration of biometric and The Wearable Motherboard [21] had a garment
environmental data and of user commands including electrically conductive fibres and plastic
Processing unit: calculating, analysing and optic fibres for transferring information from
storing data sensors to processing units. Each electrical fibre
Power unit: supplying energy (e.g. stainless steel, copper or doped nylon fibre) is
insulated with a PVC or polyethylene coating.
Action unit: adapting to situations, creating an
effect on the user, displaying data
Ellen Lupton says in her book Skin [4], that “in the
1920s/30s, the pioneers of industrial design created
hard shells around the mechanical guts of
appliances. Today, designers construct skins for
objects that are warmer, more responsive to touch.
Mario Bellini expanded the paradigm of industrial
design with his calculator for Olivetti in 1972. The
mechanical keys were wrapped in soft, elastic
rubber membrane (figure 2).
Elektex [5] is an active skin which translates Claes Oldensburg, Soft Typewriter, 1963
electronic impulses into digital data. It recognizes
the contact point and sends signals to e.g. a CPU. It
is less than 1 mm thick and can sense location on
three axes (X,Y,Z). It recognizes the contact point
of touch and can use this digital information. They
predict that “eventually, the material touches the
lives of people that don’t even know it’s there”.
A shift in consumer values has occurred; instead of We have seen that electronics can not only be
wanting the finest natural materials, people look at attached to textiles but also realized in form of
the engineered beauty, innovative design and the textile structures. Today, some performances
intelligent aspects of products. cannot be compared with conventional computer
technology. There are also some limitations
We are still far from taking full advantage of the concerning mass production and reliability.
potential of information technology services, but
the future for fully soft electonic products is very In the future it could become quite difficult to
attractive. And it requires a different, but interesting clearly separate electronic textiles from the
design approach. The geometric and mechanical aforementioned method of miniaturization plus
properties of textiles (large flexible area) differ attachment, because computers could be
strongly from conventional electronics and can miniaturized until they are molecule-sized. In this
create new computer designs and architectures. case ‘attachment’ to fibres or fabrics would also
lead to what we define as electronic textiles.
Firms that understand how to incorporate emerging
IET technologies into their new product strategies Plastic was a revolution, and nano-technology will
will establish and sustain financial and competitive probably be the next big change. There are a lot of
advantages. thoughts about what could be done if we were able
to manipulate, rearrange and build from molecules
To take the next step towards electronic clothing and atoms. Having a machine that changes a bicycle
(made of electronic textiles) research has to be tire into meat, self-cleaning carpets, changing state
carried out in the following areas: from rigid to flexible and visa versa.
Invisible Jacket
[3] Mann S, Wearable Computing: Toward Humanistic Intelligence, IEEE Intelligent Systems, May/June 2001.
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[13] www.frisby.com
[14] www.hydroweave.com
[15] www.diaplex.com
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