Jurnal Highlight
Jurnal Highlight
Jurnal Highlight
Purpose: This study was performed to quantitatively evaluate the prevalence and risk factors of cataracts
in Korean patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Methods: Eight hundred fifty patients (males: 342, mean age: 58.07±8.60 years) with diabetes who
underwent ophthalmologic evaluation were studied retrospectively. Diabetic patients were classified into a
cataract group and control group (i.e. a group without cataracts). Risk factors like sex, age, duration of
diabetes, fasting blood sugar, HbA1c, BUN, creatinine, and total cholesterol were compared between patients
with and without cataracts.
Results: Four hundred twenty-five patients (50.00%) had cataracts at evaluation. Females were more
common in the cataract group than the control group. The mean age did not differ between the two groups.
Total cholesterol, triglyceride, and LDL cholesterol levels were not different between the two groups. Duration
of diabetes was significantly longer in patients in the cataract group than in the control group (13.03±6.96
years vs. 7.03±6.04 years, p<0.001). The patients in the cataract group also had higher levels of HbA1c,
BUN, creatinine, and fasting blood sugar than those in the control group. Multiple regression analysis
revealed that the duration of diabetes (p<0.001) was significantly correlated with the presence of cataracts.
Conclusions: The duration of diabetes was the most significant risk factor for cataracts in patients with
diabetes. This finding indicates that the accumulated effect of hyperglycemia is related to lens transparency
in patients with diabetes. Korean Journal of Ophthalmology 20(4):201-204, 2006
Diabetes mellitus has been reported as the most critical populations.13 Accordingly, it is expected that the incidence
factor causing visual loss. Among the various complications and risk factors for cataracts in diabetes mellitus are different.
of diabetes mellitus in the eyes, diabetic retinopathy has been Furthermore, recent studies have reported that various
regarded as the most common cause of visual loss.1-3 complications such as cardiovascular, nephrologic, and
Diabetes mellitus is also known as an important risk factor ophthalmologic diseases could be prevented by controlling
for cataracts. In epidemiologic studies published in European glucose in diabetic patients. Therefore, we conducted research
countries, factors such as a long duration of diabetic disease, on the frequency and risk factors of cataracts in Korean
advanced age at the time of clinical diagnosis, advanced patients with diabetes.
retinopathy, treatment with diuretics, and poor control of From January 2004 to December 2005, 850 patients with
blood sugar level are reported as risk factors for cataract in type 2 diabetes mellitus of the Diabetes Center of Eulji
diabetics.4-11 Medical Center at Eulji Medical University were evaluated
However, reports about the prevalence and risk factors of retrospectively. All patients underwent an ophthalmologic
cataract in diabetes are limited for Korean patients.12 Most evaluation including slit lamp biomicroscopy and indirect
diabetes mellitus cases in Korea are type 2, with a shorter ophthalmoscope fundus examination. Three hundred and
duration than in European countries. The incidence and forty-two patients (40.2%) were male and the mean age of
prevalence of type 1 diabetes mellitus and juvenile-onset all patients was 50.87±8.60 years.
diabetes mellitus is lower in Korea than that of European A diabetic patient was defined as one who had a serum
glucose concentration of more than 120 mg/dl while fasting
more than twice or who had greater than 200 mg/dl when
Received: June 30, 2006 Accepted: October 2, 2006 measured within two hours after a meal more than twice. The
Reprint requests to Sung Jin Kim, MD. Department of Ophthal- diabetic period was defined from the diagnosis of diabetes
mology, Eulji General Hospital, #280-1 Hagye-1-dong, Nowon-gu, mellitus to the day of the indirect ophthalmoscope fundus
Seoul 139-711, Korea, Tel: 82-2-970-8271, Fax: 82-2-970-8272.
E-mail: ksj4107@eulji.or.kr
examination. The fasting serum glucose concentration used in
Korean J Ophthalmol Vol.20, No.4, 2006
this analysis was the one examined closest to the day of the p<0.001).
fundus examination. In addition, we investigated HbA1c, total Biochemical analyses of the two groups are shown in
cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, Table 2. Total cholesterol, triglyceride and LDL cholesterol
BUN, and creatinine. Each patient underwent best-corrected were not different between the two groups. The level of
distance visual acuity measurement with a Snellen chart. blood sugar after fasting was higher in the cataract group
Visual acuity was defined as the average value of the than in the control group (178.88±81.23 mg/dl vs. 162.01±
corrected visual acuity of both eyes before examination. An 63.59 mg/dl; p=0.001). The level of HbA1c was higher in
ophthalmic examination was performed with slit lamp the cataract group than in the control group (8.28±1.89% vs.
biomicroscopy and indirect ophthalmoscope fundus examina- 7.80±1.80%; p<0.001). The level of HDL-cholesterol was
tion after the pupil was maximally dilated with 1.0% tropica- lower in the cataract group than the control group (44.32±
mide (Mydriacyl) and 2.5% phenylephrine hydrochloride 12.32 mg/dl vs. 46.12±11.37 mg/dl; p=0.026). The level of
(Neosynephrine). BUN was higher in the cataract group than the control group
Diabetic patients were classified into a cataract group and (18.68±11.88 mg/dl vs. 15.32±5.30 mg/dl; p<0.001). The
a control group without cataracts. We compared clinical data level of creatinine was higher in the cataract group than the
and ophthalmologic results between the cataract group and control group (1.13±0.83 mg/dl vs. 0.93±0.36 mg/dl; p<
the control group. Risk factors for cataracts, including sex, 0.001).
age, the diabetic period, blood sugar in fasting, HbA1c, and As illustrated in Tables 2 and 3, risk factors, such as the
presence of diabetic retinopathy, were evaluated. diabetic period, fasting blood sugar, HbA1c, HDL-cholesterol,
To analyze how the risk factors affected the occurrence of BUN, and creatinine, were different between the two groups.
cataracts, chi-square analysis was used. To compare the In multiple regression analysis (Table 3), the diabetic period
difference of biochemical examination between the two (p<0.001) was the significant factor associated with cataracts
groups, Student’s t-test was used. Multiple regression analysis in patients with diabetes mellitus.
was performed to investigate the relationship between various
variables and the degree of lens opacity. A p-value<0.05 was Discussion
considered significant.
Kini, et al14 reported that senile cataracts caused visual loss
Results in 22% of the general population. In Korea, cataracts were
also reported as a main cause of the visual loss by 29.7%
The clinical characteristics of the patients are shown in to 31.2% of the general population.15,16 Persons with diabetes
Table 1. From a total of 850 diabetic patients, 425 patients have been found to be at increased risk of visual impairment
(50.0%) had cataracts. The mean patient age was 58.07± compared to non-diabetic persons.17,18
8.60 years old, the mean diabetic period was 10.03±7.17 Since the study on the cataracts of diabetic patients in
years, and the mean visual acuity was 0.69±0.27. 1798 by John Rollo, much research on cataracts has been
Gender differed significantly between the cataract group reported. Cataracts occur at a younger age in diabetics than
and the controls (p=0.025). There were more females in the non-diabetics. The incidence of cataracts increases propor-
cataract group than the control group [370 (63.5%) vs. 238 tionally with the degree and the period of the diabetes
(56.0%); p=0.025]. The mean age in each group was not mellitus.4-11 It is reported that most patients having lenticular
statistically different. The diabetic period was significantly opacity had diabetes mellitus for more than five years, and
longer in the cataract group than in the controls (13.03±6.96 that various types of opacities of the lens were developed in
years vs. 7.03±6.04 years, p<0.001). The mean visual acuity 64% of diabetic patients under treatment.19 Caird et al20
was significantly worse in the cataract group than in the reported that 10.7% of patients of senile cataract extraction
control group (0.58±0.27 vs. 0.79±0.22, p<0.001). More had diabetes mellitus and that the cataract extraction rate in
diabetic retinopathies were observed in the cataract group those cases was four to six times higher than the cases without
(321, 75.53%) than in the control group (159, 37.41%, diabetes mellitus. In these results, the cataract incidence rate
Table 3. Results of multiple regression analysis to assess influential factor on the degree of cataract.8,9 In diabetic
factors relevant to the cataracts patients, according to Kirby,19 diabetic retinopathy was found
in 40% of those without cataracts and 53% of those with
Standard regression
P-value cataracts. Our analysis shows that diabetic retinopathy appeared
37.41% of those without cataracts and 75.53% of those with
Duration 0.389 0.000 cataracts. Thus, it is predicted that many patients will have
FBS* 0.064 0.089 diabetic retinopathy when their cataracts have progressed.
HbA1c 0.064 0.090
HDL-cholesterol -0.053 0.091 Moreover, since the frequency of patients with diabetic retino-
BUN 0.064 0.164 pathy was highest in the cataract group, we can say that the
Creatinine 0.029 0.530 degree of impairment of internal organs due to diabetes
*FBS: fasting blood sugar. mellitus is related to cataracts.
In multiple regression analysis, we found that the duration
of diabetes was the most important risk factor for diabetic
is higher in diabetes mellitus patients. In this study, the mean cataracts, and the roles of fasting blood sugar level and
duration of diabetes mellitus in patients with cataracts was HbA1c as risk factors were ambiguous. Because we used the
13.03±6.96 years. fasting sugar level and other data that were checked on the
Patterson reported that there was lenticular opacity when day of the ophthalmic examination, these do not reflect the
the blood sugar was more than 225 mg%. The fasting blood average values during the patients’ diabetic periods. So,
sugar level was higher in the cataract group than in the except for the duration of diabetes, we could?not find the
control group (178.88±81.23 mg/dl vs. 162.01±63.59 mg/dl; exact relationship between the risk factors associated with
p=0.001). However, in multiple regression tests, the level of diabetes and cataract incidence.
blood sugar was not the significant factor associated with In conclusion, the duration of diabetes mellitus was the
cataract for diabetes mellitus patients in this study. Previous significant risk factor for cataracts. This study suggests that
studies reported that a direct relationship between glycated lenticular opacity incurred by a long duration of hypergly-
hemoglobin and cataracts was not found in the prevalence cemia is related to the incidence of cataracts, and that it
data; however, cataracts were associated with the duration of would be possible to prevent the disease by controlling
diabetes. It may be that the additional five-year duration was hyperglycemia.
necessary to observe the effect of glycemia. In this study,
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