Ubd Unit Planning Template - 325
Ubd Unit Planning Template - 325
Ubd Unit Planning Template - 325
1. Developing Thinking:
Students will explore reproductive and human development by applying prior, current, and future knowledge about the ideas that constitute life science.
Having several assignments (mitosis and meiosis had outs, punnet squares), labs (banana lab, genetic lab) and projects ( cell poster, genetic handout)
and lastly a science news letter will not only help students understand the concepts and information of reproduction and human development. Students
will be given multiple opportunities to participate in class discussions, group works, and individual work in order to analyze, understand, and strengthen
their learning. Students will be able to support their thinking by discussing and building on knowledge and information learned in class, and be able to
think and learn creatively, critically and contextual thought assignments, videos and questions proposed in lectures.
3. Developing Literacy:
Students will develop knowledge related to scientific literacy Students will develop knowledge and an understanding of scientific concepts and processes
required in science It incorporates reading and writing, and visual learning which will strengthen student’s scientific literacy. This unit will provide multiple
opportunities for students to practice and improve on their literacy skills. Students will be able to construct knowledge from different sources. Students will
be able to pull information from the material, videos labs and assignments done in class. The labs and final unit project allow students to use technology
as a way to express their learning and understanding of the material, as well as writing skills through lab reports and assignments.
Learning Outcomes
What relevant goals will this unit address?
(must come from curriculum; include the designations e.g. IN2.1)
RE9.1 Examine the process of and influences on the transfer of genetic information and the impact of that understanding on society past and present.
(CP, DM)
RE9.2 Observe and describe the significance of cellular reproductive processes, including mitosis and meiosis. (CP, SI)
RE9.3 Describe the processes and implications of sexual and asexual reproduction in plants and animals. (SI)
RE9.4 Analyze the process of human reproduction, including the influence of reproductive and contraceptive technologies. (SI, DM)
PGP Goals:
1.2 Ethical behavior and the ability to work in a collaborative manner for the good of all learners;
- There is a cellular process in which genetic information is transferred - How is genetic information transferred and where does it happen?
- There are dominant and recessive traits which impact things differently - How do dominant and recessive traits work?
when combined in different ways - How can cells genetic information be changed?
- There are factors that can change a cell’s genetic information - How can I understand genetics and what do I need to know?
- We have to understand chromosomes, genes and DNA as well as - What is cell division and why is it important?
reproduction in order to understand genetics - Why is the nucleus important in cellular process?
- There are ways to observe and describe cell division - Why is science always changing?
- Cell theory is a theory that explains cell division but theories can change as - How is a theory important in science and how does cellular theory
understanding develops describe cell division?
- ·Mitosis is different from meiosis in many ways but similar in some ways too - How are mitosis and meiosis the same and different?
-Cancer can be understood through an understanding of cellular processes - How do plants and animals reproduce? Why is it different in species?
- That plants and animals can reproduce sexually and asexually, depending - How are sexual and asexual reproduction similar and different? What are
on the species advantages and disadvantages of them?
- That each type of reproduction is unique with its own processes, - What are hormones and how do they work?
advantages and challenges - Why is human reproduction controversial?
- That there are different ways to reproduce sexually and asexually too - How do human develop and reproduce?
- That human reproduction has many controversial elements - What are biotechnologies and what is the purpose of them?
- That hormones play a role in human growth and development
- That there are known stages of human development from conception to
birth FNMI, multicultural, cross-curricular…
- That there are many technologies associated with contraception and
reproduction - Discuss the circle of courage with the students first day of class
- Independence – working on materials on your own
Related misconceptions… - Belonging – make sure everyone is/feels welcome in the classroom,
works together in their groups
- Science is for smart kids - Mastery – Developing knowledge/think like a scientist
- Mitosis and meiosis are the same thing - Generosity – positive attitudes, conversations, feedback
- Science takes place in a lab -
- All living reproduces the same way, sexually
Knowledge: Skills
What knowledge will student acquire as a result of this unit? This content What skills will students acquire as a result of this unit? List the skills
knowledge may come from the indicators, or might also address pre-requisite and/or behaviours that students will be able to exhibit as a result of their
knowledge that students will need for this unit. work in this unit. These will come from the indicators.
- Genetic conditions and treatments/technology used to treat them - Recognize that the nucleus of a cell contains genetic information and
- What inherited traits are – eye color, ear lobes identify the relationship among chromosomes, genes, and DNA in
- Vocabulary – genetics, condition, nucleus, cell, dominant, recessive, transmitting genetic information.
traits, inherit, environmental factors, reproductive biology, gene therapy, - Identify examples of dominant and recessive traits in humans and other
genetic engineering, population, disease, chromosome, gene, DNA living things.
- What parts of the cell are related to the transfer of genetic information - Observe, collect, and analyze class and/or family data of human traits
- Examples of dominant and recessive traits that may be inherited from parents
- How to do punnet squares - · Describe careers in Saskatchewan or Canada that require an
- How to research effectively from a variety of sources understanding of genetics or reproductive biology.
- related careers - Observe and describe cell division (e.g., binary fission, mitosis, and
- How to collect data and analyze data in making a baby lab meiosis) using microscopes, prepared slides, and videos.
- Types of cell division – mitosis, meiosis binary fission - Create a visual of cell division including information on what is
- How to use a microscope and create a slide (mitosis lab) happening in the stage
- Vocabulary – binary fission, mitosis, meiosis, cell cycle, cell membrane, - Compare binary fission, mitosis, and meiosis – similarities and
nucleus, cellular process, cell growth, cell theory, diploid & haploid cells differences
- How to make observations and create a scientific drawing - Explain the cell theory
- Understand asexual and sexual reproduction how it takes place in plants - Be able to create your own slide and create a scientific drawing
and animals - Identify questions to investigate about sexual and asexual reproduction
- Methods of asexual reproduction (budding, spore reproduction, in plants.
fragmentation) in plants and sexual reproduction - Compare advantages and disadvantages of sexual and asexual
- Methods of asexual reproduction in animals – budding, parthenogenesis reproduction for individual plants and animals, and for populations.
- Examples of hermaphroditic animas –snails, earthworms - List and describe several methods of asexual and sexual reproduction in
- vocabulary: sexual and asexual reproduction, species, pollination, bud, plants and animals
binary fission, spore, fragmentation - State questions about the process of human reproduction.
- Reproductive (embryo transfer, in vitro fertilization) and contraceptive - Compare the structure and function of the male and female human
technologies (condoms, pill, sterilization) reproductive systems, including the role of hormones.
- Male and female reproductive systems - Describe the major stages of human development from conception to
- stages of pregnancy birth
- cultural perspectives- places to look for information - Provide examples of scientific knowledge that has resulted in the
- hormones and their roles development of reproductive technologies and contraceptive technologies
- vocabulary: reproduction, hormone, conception, fetus, embryo, - Acknowledge differing cultural perspectives, including First Nations and
contraceptive Métis perspectives, regarding the sacredness, interconnectedness, and
beginning of human life.
- Examine social and cultural issues related to the use of reproductive
and/or contraceptive technologies in humans and defend a given position
on an issue related to the use of reproductive and/or contraceptive
technologies in humans.
Performance Task
Through what authentic performance task will students demonstrate the desired understandings, knowledge, and skills? (describes the learning activity in
“story” form. Typically, the P.T. describes a scenario or situation that requires students to apply knowledge and skills to demonstrate their understanding
in a real life situation. Describe your performance task scenario below)
By what criteria will performances of understanding be judged?
GRASPS Elements of the Performance Task
G – Goal Goal: Understand and develop intelligence of knowledge of life science though class notes, videos, labs and
What should students accomplish by assignments.
completing this task?
R – Role
What role (perspective) will your students Role: Individual throughout class lecture notes and, groups during labs and or assignments (can be individual
be taking? too)
A – Audience
Who is the relevant audience? Audience: Grade 9 Science
S – Situation Situation: During the unit, students will be provided labs, quizzes and a final exam/project
The context or challenge provided to the
Product/ Performance: Gain a deeper understanding of the four outcomes in the life science unit, and be able to
P – Product, Performance relate information they have learned to themselves and daily lives. Students will learn to think like scientist
What product/performance will the throughout labs/assignment, and develop a greater understanding of science in general
Attach rubric to Unit Plan. For each assignment such as the plant reproduction, cell poster project, case study,
S – Standards & Criteria for Success genetic condition and the final project, students will have input in creating the rubric. What they think should be
Create the rubric for the Performance Task included and what goes under each value from (ex: 1-45). Allowing students to help create the rubric will ensure
their understanding of the assignments, and know what is expected from them to be successful.
- Within the lecture notes, there are several questions presented to test the - Students will be able to self-assess at the beginning of the unit by filling
students understanding of the material. For some topics there are labs that out a KWL chart
will be implemented, as well as a few assignments/activities for student’s to -Students will self-assess themselves at the end of the unit by filling out
demonstrate their knowledge on the material. their own rubric on their final project
- Labs: Banana lab, Mitosis lab, Genetic lab – these labs are all focuses on
the material students have learned the class before. The students will be in
groups, given a lab book with instructions and procedures to follow,
followed by pre and post questions that will be marked. Through out these
results I will be able to see if my students have understood the outcome
being taught.
- Students will gain an understanding of the information and knowledge needed to be successful within class both individual, as a class, or in groups
- Most students will have a basic understanding of some of the material in this unit from previous science classes
- Students will know where they are going with clear objectives for each lesson, have feedback from the teacher, as well as several ways of learning and
understanding materials. With the assignments and labs throughout the unit, they will show me as the teacher where the students knowledge and
understanding of the material is at if we should review or continue learning.
- Ask students what they have learned in science classes from the past. Ask the students what they enjoyed doing in their past classes and incorporate that
into class (playing kahoot, group work)
- Pre-planning the students haven’t had a lot of input, but if they want review (kahoot), more videos, or notes they can voice their opinions.
- Students will be given the opportunity to have a choice in regards to when assignments are due, if they want longer time in class to learn material/review
- The learning will take place in the classroom. Incorporate several visuals and different ways of teaching to target all students learning needs.
How will you engage students at the beginning of the unit? (motivational set)
- Explain to the students that the focus of this unit is on life science, reproductive and human development.
- Discuss our outcomes of this unit, genetic information cellular reproductive processes (mitosis & meiosis), sexual and asexual reproduction in plants and
animals, and human reproduction
- Discuss with the students how life has evolved from science, and it is continuing to change everyday.
- Us, everything around us is made up of cells, we are an evolution of science that continues to change everyday.
- Talk about how important it is to think like scientists, use scientific terms, and the contribution science has on our world
- Show video of intro to characteristics of life to gain students attention
What events will help students experience and explore the enduring understandings and essential questions in the unit? How will you
equip them with needed skills and knowledge?
# Lesson Title Lesson Activities CCCs Resources
5 Outcomes & Indicators: RE9.2a, b, d, e, f Develop social
Mitosis Lab - Each group of students will have a microscope - have students working in groups of 2 or 3 responsibility,
(depending on microscopes) literacy,
- Hand out lab – this lab is designed for students to look at slides of each phase of mitosis. There thinking
are 5 pre set slides of an onion root that students will have to drawl and label For each phase
drawn have students label
- show students image and explain that all of the stages are happening all the time as the onion
root actually grows- Once students have completed the first section of the label, with their group
they will create their own slide of an onion root and hand in a scientific drawing.
- show students images of scientific drawings and how to do magnification count
6 Outcomes & Indicators: RE9.1c, RE9.2a, d, e, f Develop https://www.youtub
Meiosis - Show students video of meiosis thinking
- give students power point notes for the class, and explain to the students what the purpose of Develop
meiosis is. Explain how half (23) chromosomes come from your mother and the other half (23) literacy
come from the father (46 = 1 zygote cell) https://www.youtub
- In notes there will be blank slides again for students to draw in what is happening in each e.com/watch?
phase, make sure students have 2 color pens for drawing Ram1L2M&t=4s
- show a detailed video of meiosis
- give students multiple choice hand out with questions based on information learned in class to
strengthen students understandings –correct if have time if not start of next class
- If time remaining play Kahoot – Mitosis vs. Meiosis – If not review at the start of next class
7 Outcomes & Indicators: RE9.1g, RE9.2f, RE9.3a, b, c, d, e, f, g Develop https://www.youtub
Plant - show students crash course video of the plants & the bees: plant reproduction video thinking
reproduction - start PowerPoint slides, after the seed production show video of fertilization, and after birds and 294s
bees show plant reproduction methods of pollination
- after asexual slides show video of asexual reproduction and at the end of PowerPoint is the https://www.youtub
assignment slide. v=7zzp37y5DFg&t=
- This assignment students will choose a plant-based industry of their choice (forestry, wind and 14s
train, bees and fruit) and provide information on how these plants reproduce. They will Include
what types of plants are involved, how they reproduce, and how experts can use this information
- Allow the rest of class to work on project and decide a due date
8 Indigenous - Field trip to Wanuskewin – to learn about different types of plants, how they reproduce, what Develop
plants they are used for and cultural views on them. identity
- Students will engage in a class listening to a first nations person sharing their beliefs, stories,
and knowledge of the land.
- This lesson is for students to gain a cultural perspective
Students will either go over lunch or get permission from their following class teacher that they
can miss to take part in this learning experience
- Within this unit, each lesson covers what outcomes will be covered, as well as
assignments and labs. With the variety of learning opportunities students have within the
unit, their performance within the assessments will represent the students understanding
of the material, and stating what outcome the material is focused on will help myself keep
track of the outcomes that have been covered in the class
- Each lesson is directed towards the outcomes and indicators as listed above in the outline
of the lessons. Each lab and assignment also is targeted towards certain outcomes and
indicators. This unit covers all required areas of study and provided an optimal learning
experience for the students.
From: Wiggins, Grant and J. McTighe. (1998). Understanding by Design, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, ISBN # 0-87120-313-8 (pbk)