Stage 1 - Begin With The End in Mind

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Unpacking the Curriculum

Stage 1 – Begin With the End in Mind

Big Ideas (What do we want students to remember 40 years from now?)

- How to enjoy outdoor activities in alternative environments alone or with others.

- What are some alternative environment activities that can be done alone or with others.

Active Living Skilful Movement Relationships

Enjoy and engage in healthy Enhance quality of movement by Balance self through safe and
levels of participation in understanding, developing, and respectful personal, social,
movement activities to support transferring movements concepts, cultural. And environmental
lifelong active living in the context skills, tactics, and strategies to a wide interactions in a wide variety of
of self, family, and community variety of movement activities movement activities.

Outcomes (Bold the verbs or skills, underline the nouns or noun phrases)

20.6 Choose, practice, and demonstrate, alone and with others, effective tactics and strategies to enhance the
enjoyment of self and others, while showing respect for the environment, while participating in a variety of
alternate environment activities.

Understandings from outcomes, Why or how it Essential Questions (Questions for deeper
connects to more information understanding that address the ideas and issues
students need to think about throughout the unit

- Have an appreciation and respect for the - Why is it important to respect the environment?
environment - How can we be active in alternate environments?
- Have the skills to live an active life in alternate - What are alternate environments we can be active in?
- What is a responsible use of technology in the alternate
- What are effective strategies to enhance enjoyments of
self and others while being active in alternate
Students need to know: What concepts and how And be able to do: What should they be able to do as a
do students need to know from the outcomes? What result of the knowledge and skills (see indicators)
key knowledge and skills will students acquire as a
result of this outcome?

- Applicable strategies and tactics pertaining to - Illustrate respectful treatment of the environment, safe
outdoor activities practices, and an awareness of-of surroundings at all
- How to respect the environment while being active time.
- Will need to know how to be active alone and with - Evaluate how alternate environments can contribute to
others one's overall well-being.
- Understand the different types of activity that can - Practice effective tactics and strategies in an alternate
performed in alternate environments. environment.

Understanding By Design Unit Template

Title of Unit Basketball Grade 9


Subject Physical Education Time 5 classes


Developed By Kori Herner & Madeline Humbert

Stage 1 - Identify Desired Results

Broad Areas of Learning

How are the BAL incorporated into this unit?

1. Building Lifelong Learners:

a. Building skills of aiming at a target
b. Teaches spatial awareness for evasion games that are applicable to a wide range of sports and

2. Building a Sense of Self and Community:

a. Game can be played socially with friends, peers, family and alone.

3. Building Engaged Citizens:

a. Can be participated in a variety of environments
b. Could get involved in the basketball community whether playing, coaching, reffing or volunteering.
Cross curricular Competencies
How will this unit promote the CCC?

1. Developing Thinking:
a. Support by discussing and building on strategic skills.

2. Developing Identity and Interdependence:

a. Understand roles and responsibilities, strengths and areas of improvement
b. Promote physical activity and modifications needed to create inclusive game.

3. Developing Literacy:
a. Promoting similar activities that can build skills (handball)

4. Developing Social Responsibility:

a. Promote responsibility of setup and clean up, rules and fair play, sportsmanship

Learning Outcomes
What relevant goals will this unit address?
(must come from curriculum; include the designations e.g. IN2.1

9.5 Complex skills

9.6 Games tactics and strategies
9.12 Respectful behaviour

Enduring Understandings Essential Questions

What understandings about the big ideas are What provocative questions will foster inquiry into the
desired? (what you want students to understand & content? (open-ended questions that stimulate thought and
be able to use several years from now) inquiry linked to the content of the enduring understanding)
What misunderstandings are predictable?
Students will understand that... Content specific….

- Strategies within basketball -Why is there a shortage of minor officials and coaches in
- How to work as a team to meet a common goal almost all sports played in Saskatchewan?
- Have the skills needed to play this game on their -Why do people stop playing organized sports
own such as shoot, dribble and pass.
-How to transfer skills of basketball into other activities.

FNMI, multicultural, cross-curricular…

- Teach the circle of courage.
- Independence-working on skills on your own
Related misconceptions… - Belonging-making sure everyone is welcome, act as a team
- Basketball can only be played on a organized - Mastery-developing basketball related skills
team Generosity-given positive feedback to each other.
- You must be tall to play basketball

Knowledge: Skills
What knowledge will student acquire as a result of What skills will students acquire as a result of this unit? List
this unit? This content knowledge may come from the skills and/or behaviours that students will be able to
the indicators, or might also address prerequisite exhibit as a result of their work in this unit. These will come
knowledge that students will need for this unit. from the indicators.

Students will know... Students will be able to…

- How to have positive social - Complex movement skills used in the activity (Hand eye
behaviours/relationships coordination, foot work, etc.)
- How to use feedback from classmates, teachers - To live a balanced active lifestyle
and self assessment strategies to determine - Develop and maintain safe and respectful relationships
- Be able to perform the skills (dribbling, passing shooting)
strengths and weakness in performance of
basketball skills.

Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence

Performance Task
Through what authentic performance task will students demonstrate the desired understandings, knowledge, and
skills? (describes the learning activity in “story” form. Typically, the P.T. describes a scenario or situation that
requires students to apply knowledge and skills to demonstrate their understanding in a real life situation. Describe
your performance task scenario below)
By what criteria will performances of understanding be judged?

GRASPS Elements of the Performance Task

G – Goal Goal: Understand and perform skills needed to be successful in basketball using various
What should students strategies and tactics.
accomplish by
completing this task?
Role: Individual player, teammate and opponent.
R – Role
What role (perspective) Audience: grade 9 Physical Education Students
will your students be
S-During game play but also formatively assessed throughout all the skills lessons.
A – Audience
Who is the relevant P-Gain a deeper understanding of the strategies related to basketball and develop skills
audience? needed to play this sport. Students will learn respectful behaviour and develop self-
awareness of aspects of being a good teammate.
S – Situation
The context or challenge
provided to the student.

P – Product,
will the student

S – Standards &
Criteria for Attach rubric to Unit Plan
Create the rubric for the
Performance Task

Other Evidence Student Self-Assessment

Through what other How will students reflect upon or self-assess their learning?
evidence (work
quizzes, tests,
journals or other
means) will students
achievement of the
desired results?
Formative and
assessments used
throughout the unit
to arrive at the

Students will be Students will self-assess their participation and sportsmanship after each class. 1 meaning
monitored did not participate and 5 being participated actively throughout the whole lesson.
throughout class
activities to see if
they are
knowledge and
application of skill,
strategy and tactics.

Skill Outstanding Satisfactory Needs Unsatisfactory


Student is able to Student is able to Student can dribble Student struggles with
Ball handling dribble the ball dribble the ball with successfully with control and technique
successfully both hands, controls dominant hand, while dribbling
maintaining control ball excellent with improving with non-
with both hands dominant hand, dominant hand,
improving on non- controls ball better
dominant hand with dominant hand

Student is able to Student is able to Student need Student is unable

pass the ball pass the ball further development to execute proper
Passing successfully using all successfully using all on technique and technique, accuracy
passes, is accurate passes, working on accuracy when and strength when
and can pass to accuracy and passing but there is passing
moving target throwing to moving improvement

Student excels at Student performs Student performs Student is incapable

performs layup with layup with proper layups of demonstrating the
Layups proper technique technique and inconsistently but proper footwork and
and footwork and is footwork consistently improving. Is able to technique when
able to use dominant and is attempting to use dominant hand performing a lay-up
and non-dominant work on non- and proper footwork
hand dominant hand

Game play Student participates Student In order to improve Student participates in

actively and sets a demonstrates an performance and game play and
good example of understanding of confidence level activities with little
energy, enthusiasm, rules and strategies. student needs to enthusiasm, or energy.
and pace of play in Student makes participate with
games and activities. meaningful greater energy and
Demonstrates contribution to commitment.
understanding of gameplay with Student doesn’t
rules. energy, illustrate
communication most understanding of
of the time. rules.

Sportsmanship and Student makes an Student Student makes little Student does not
Participation effort to be communicates with effort to illustrate fair play.
competitive and fair. students. Gives communicate with Student needs to
Student constantly positive feedback to teammates. Does demonstrate greater
communicates with teammates. not illustrate fair consideration of other
students and gives play. teammates.
positive feedback.
Student has taken
on a leadership role.

Stage 3 – Learning Plan

What teaching and learning experiences will you use to:
 achieve the desired results identified in Stage 1?
 equip students to complete the assessment tasks identified in Stage 2?

Where are your students headed? Where have they been? How will you make sure the students know
where they are going?
What experiences do the learners bring to the unit? How have the interests of the learners been
ascertained? Have the learners been part of the pre-planning in any way? What individual needs do you
anticipate will need to be addressed?
Learning environment: Where can this learning best occur? How can the physical environment be arranged
to enhance learning?

- Students will gain an understanding of skills and tactics needed to play basketball individually or on a team
- Most students will likely to have previous exposure to basketball in prior physical education classes
- Students will know where they are going with clear objective for each lesson and feedback from peers and teacher
- Ask students if they have played basketball before and what their favorite basketball-related activities are.
- The students play a game of basketball successfully by following the rules of the game.
- Many skills from other activities such as handball, Ultimate Frisbee and rugby will apply to this sport
- Students will be given the opportunity to have a choice in regards to warm up and closing basketball-related
- The learning will take place in the gym. Lower the nets in the beginning if need to be for students to feel success.
How will you engage students at the beginning of the unit? (motivational set)

Explain that basketball is a sport that is played all over the world. That basketball can be played in a gym, outside, in
a wheelchair. Explain there are many opportunities to play basketball in Saskatoon whether it be on the school team,
with SMBA or a pickup game with friends.

What events will help students experience and explore the enduring understandings and essential
questions in the unit? How will you equip them with needed skills and knowledge?

# Lesson Title Lesson Activities CCCs Resources

1 - Introduction to basketball and Developing social

Ball Handling dribbling responsibility
- Warm up- snowman tag
- Explain basketball rules such as
travelling, double dribble,
- Ball handling-magic circle
- Pirates: evasion dribbling game
- Cone dribbling
- No ones out dribble war

2 - Introduction: passing Develop identity and

Passing - Warm up-pass tag independence
- Partner passing-teach bounce,
chest, push pass, skip pass,
- Triangle passing
- 3-person weave
- No dribbling basketball game

3 - Introduction: shooting Develop identity and

Shooting and - Teach BEEF-Balance, eyes, independence
layups elbow, follow through
- Form shooting not at a hoop, in
a circle.
- Carleton shooting
- Teach power layups, regular
layup, outside in lay up.
- Circle layups
- Around the world shooting
- Simple shooting

4 - Introduction: defense Developing literacy

- Happy feet drill, work on proper
- Zig zag drill
Defence and - Explain important rules of
offensive basketball such as fouls, number
strategies of fouls a game.
- 1 on 1
- 3 on 3 Shell defence working on
on ball, deny and help side

5 - Introduction: Game play Developing thinking

Game play and - 1 v1 Developing social
fun activities - 2v2 responsibility
- 4 on 4 half court tournament
- Closing end with no ones out

Assess and Reflect (Stage 4)

Considerations Comments

Required Areas of Study: Assessments should reveal how well students

Is there alignment between outcomes, performance have learned proper technique and skills for
assessment and learning experiences? passing a basketball while instruction ensures
that they learn it.
- For this to occur, assessments, learning
objectives, and instructional strategies need to
be closely aligned so that they reinforce one
Adaptive Dimension: For struggling students:
Have I made purposeful adjustments to the curriculum - Lowering the net when learning layups and
content (not outcomes), instructional practices, and/or the shooting
learning environment to meet the learning needs and - When passing have students stand closer
diversities of all my students? together
- During ball handling give modifications to moves
for example instead of between the legs do a
- During games have a competitive and
noncompetitive side.

For students who need a challenge:

- During passing have students take a step back
- During shooting have students shoot from farther
- During games have a competitive side
- During layups have more difficult layups to try
- Encourage them to dribble with non dominant

Instructional Approaches: -When teaching new skills have students be the

Do I use a variety of teacher directed and student demo
centered instructional approaches? -Ask students to explain certain skills such as the
footwork for a lay up or the acronym BEEF
-Try inquiry based where students may try an
activity, explain the strategies after and then play
the same game.

Resource Based Learning: - Give students information how to get involved in

Do the students have access to various resources on an basketball community such as SMBA, reffing or
ongoing basis? coaching.
- Give students links to various YouTube
basketball skill videos.

FNMI Content and Perspectives/Gender - All genders are allowed to play

Equity/Multicultural Education: - During game play students are able to place
Have I nurtured and promoted diversity while honoring themselves in competitive or noncompetitive side
each child’s identity? of play.
- Promote the circle of courage when teaching;
belonging, independence, mastery and generosity.

From: Wiggins, Grant and J. McTighe. (1998). Understanding by Design, Association for Supervision and Curriculum
Development, ISBN # 0-87120-313-8 (pbk)

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