Chakra Acupuncture
Chakra Acupuncture
Chakra Acupuncture
Chakra acupuncture has been developed by the author as a method of Energy Medicine
that extends and supplements Chinese acupuncture, joining both approaches into one
practice as well as integrating the Indian concept of the chakra system.
The basic concept of Chinese acupuncture is to dissolve blockages and stagnation in the
channels and organs by harmonizing the flow of qi. Conditions that are either deficient
or excessive are balanced by achieving a harmonious interplay of yin and yang. Chakra
acupuncture uses traditional acupuncture points and complements them by adding the so
called 'chakra points'. These are points that lie near the chakras. Stimulating these
points and spaces through acupuncture is called 'opening of the chakras', because it
activates them and increases the flow of vital energy within them.
Receptive insight
of the Third Eye means the ability to look into the nature of things (e.g. diseases) and
understand how they are interrelated. Every kind of visual recognition, of seeing –
including the ability to perceive energies – is a function of the Third Eye and belongs
here. It means looking beyond the surface of things and realizing the meaning of a piece
of art, for example, or the meaning of dreams. The ability to perceive energies can be
directed toward energy fields that are stable, radiant and healthy as well as to blocked
and stagnant energy fields.
First, the needles are inserted into the traditional acupuncture points as well as the
chakra acupuncture points. The points used most frequently to open the chakras are
baihui (Du-20), in the centre of the crown chakra, and sishencong (M-HN-1)
surrounding baihui. Further relevant chakra points are yintang (M-HN-3) and yamen
(Du-15) for the sixth chakra, shanzhong (Ren-17) and shendao (Du-11) for the Heart
chakra, and taixi (KI-3) and sanyinjiao (SP-6) for the base chakra.
Secondly, the patient is asked to place his awareness on the chakras one by one, starting
with the crown chakra. After a while the patient may feel a slight tingling or a gentle
flow of energy. These indicate the opening of the chakra. The sensations should be
observed during the entire session. Should the patient not feel the opening, he should
start breathing deeply into the chakra. Breathing deeply furthers the opening of the
chakra and intensifies the flow of life force through it.
Thirdly, the therapist directs his awareness to his own chakras simultaneously. He
repeatedly reminds the patient to be aware of the crown chakra, to
‘ Open this area’, and to
‘ Observe the flow of energy from the top of the head downwards’.
When the patient feels a distinct flow of energy through the crown chakra he should
move to the Heart chakra and proceed in the same way as described above. He focuses
awareness on the heart chakra and breathes deeply until the opening of the chakra is felt,
mostly as a widening, a charge, a flow of warm energy in the area.
The combination of acupuncture and awareness is important and makes the treatment
more efficient.
The Chakras how they are related to acupuncture points and Chinese Organs
Acupuncture points:
huiyin (Ren-1)
The position of the base chakra corresponds to the point huiyin Ren-1, ‘meeting of yin’,
where the yin qualities of the body gather.
Function: sexuality
Acupuncture points:
front: qugu (Ren-2) to guanyuan (Ren-4)
back: yaoshu (Du-2) to mingmen (Du-4)
The polarity chakra balances yin and yang inside and outside the body; a balanced
polarity chakra is the basis for harmonious sexuality, i.e. yin and yang in balance and
exchange with another person. The first and second chakras form a unit and correspond
to the Kidney and the lower jiao of the sanjiao.
Acupuncture points:
The manipura chakra regulates personal will in the upper part of the body and
emotional expression in the lower part. When imbalanced it is responsible for striving
for power, anger, rage, and addiction.
Acupuncture points:
The Heart chakra is the most important healing chakra, much more so than all the other
chakras. Its main qualities are compassion, love, tolerance, and joy. Being located
between the three upper and the three lower chakras, the heart chakra forms the centre
from which the energies of all other organs are influenced. This makes it the essential
chakra for integration.
Fifth or throat chakra, vishuddha
Location: throat
Acupuncture points:
Strength and expressiveness of speech and creativity are related to the throat chakra.
Acupuncture points:
Acupuncture points:
baihui (Du-20),
sishengong (M-HN-1)