What is Ecological Waste Reuse will be efficient and hygienic if all dry
Color Coding Scheme
Management? and non-biodegradable are kept together in
an empty container.We all need to evaluate
Black non-biodegradable waste
It is the collection, transport, processing or our daily waste producing activities to
disposal, managing and monitoring determine which ones are essentials and Green biodegradable waste
of waste materials.Waste management is a which are not.
Red hazardous waste
distinct practice from resource
Reuse of bags, containers, paper, boxes,and
recovery which focuses on delaying the rate Yellow laboratory waste
other items available in school.
of consumption of natural reradioactive fall
within the remit of waste management Reduce Waste Reduction Scheme
sources. All waste materials, whether they
are solid, liquid, gaseous or . Reducing the waste by disposing.Reduce is
a practice that may be adopted in school to
Benefits of Ecological lessen the waste, and includes making 80% (Manufactured)
goods last longer. This practice in your
Waste Management school also saves the natural resources. Black and and fixable products. Select
1. More healthful and dignified work method Buy, maintain and repair durable with the
of garbage disposal through school most purposeful, least wasteful packaging. Green
organizations and clubs
Recycle Process of recycling (product buy and sell ,
2. No more ugly, foul smelling heaps and and compost fertilizer)
piles of uncollected waste mixed waste Converting trash into usable products and
will be spin-off benefits. Total recycling is 20% (Residue)
3. Gratifying involvement of the teachers the ultimate solution to the very expensive
Red and Yellow
students and parents in the solution of the dump sites and landfill sites.
school garbage problems Shredding to raw additives
Buy products that can be recycled and make
4. A clean, orderly, litterless, healthful and sure to recycled them.Use compost food and
productive community throughout everyday yard wastes.