Final FDP Brochure
Final FDP Brochure
Final FDP Brochure
11th and 12th DECEMBER, 2010
Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi (Deemed University) was founded by the
philanthropist, industrialist Late Sh. B.M. Birla, and established in 1955 as a pioneering
institution of technical education and research. BIT has 10 campuses across India and Middle
East with over 10,000 students. It is one of the premier academic Institutions in the Indian sub-
continent with repute of academic excellence for over 50 years in the field of Engineering
Technology, Management, Bio-Technology, Space & Rocketry and Pharmacy. It is the first
University in the country to provide degree courses in Animation and Multimedia.
BIT, Noida Campus is one of the key extension centers of Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra
Ranchi, The Campus Offers MCA, M.Tech. (CS), MBA (Full-Time and Part Time), Masters in
Animation Design, BCA, BBA, BBA (Business Economics) and B.Sc. (Animation &
Multimedia). The campus also registers scholars for Ph.D. programs in Management and
Computer Science.
With an increase in the complexity of business operations and business problems it has become a
necessity to understand research methodology. Research methodology is a structured framework
of conducting management research in order to address various issues and to solve problems in a
scientific and rational manner. For this, quantitative as well as qualitative data analysis using
contemporary statistical techniques for conducting management research for better decision-
making is an absolute necessity. This program is primarily targeted at Faculty Members of
Management Institutions, PhD Scholars and Other professionals who are engaged in research in
the area of business and management. It will also be very useful for those teachers who are
teaching Research Methodology and Marketing Research.
The Major objective of this programme is to equip Management Faculty and Research Scholars
with various statistical tools which are widely used in Management Research with applications
of relevant software. Further to make Research Scholars aware, regarding thesis writing and
research papers writing.
Session I
Research fundamentals- Selection of Research Problem, Practical tips to pick up and design a new,
innovative and attractive topic for research, Selection of Research design, Selection of basic research
Session II
Objectives and Hypothesis: Objectives Design, Hypothesis formulation and testing techniques,
Rationale for selection of a particular data analysis tool for a particular research Problem, Basics of Data
processing and data analysis
Session III
Sampling: Selection of Sample Design, Defining target population, Selecting sampling framework.
Practical Problems in Sampling and Data Collection for PhD Scholars
Session IV
Data Collection: Scaling Fundamentals, Scaling Techniques, Use of appropriate scaling technique to use
a particular statistical tool, Questionnaire Design and Overview of designing other data collection tools.
Session V
Data analysis through SPSS-I: (With specific Case Studies and special attention for the problems of
PhD Scholars) - Descriptive Analysis, hypotheses testing- Chi Square Test, t-test, ANOVA.
Session VI
Data Analysis through SPSS-II Factor Analysis, Cluster Analysis, Conjoint Analysis, Multidimension
Scaling and other statistical tools.
Session VII
Report writing-General Research Report Writing, PhD Thesis Writing and Research Papers Writing.
Literature Review: Sources of Literature Review, Importance of Literature review in Business research.
Writing Literature Review in Research Papers and PhD Thesis, Cauterization of Literature Review in
PhD Thesis. Practical tips to write a good literature review.
Session VIII
General Issues in Research: General Issues of Research in Marketing Management, General Issues of
‘Research in Financial Management, General Issues of Research in Human Resource Management Topic
Selection, Rationale of the Study, Literature Review, Data Analysis and Findings.
At the end of the programme, each participant will be awarded a certificate of Birla Institute of
Technology - Faculty Development Program on Research Methodology. There are Limited
20 seats for the programme and will be filled on ‘First Come First Serve’ basis.
Day – I Timings Day II
11 Dec. 2010 12 Dec. 2010
Registration 09:00-09:45
Session 1: Research Fundamentals 09:45-11:15 Session V: Data analysis through SPSS-I
Tea Break 11:15-11:30 Tea Break
Session II : Objectives and Hypothesis 11:30-01:00 Session VI: Data analysis through SPSS-II
Lunch Break 01:00- 01:45 Lunch Break
Session III: Sampling 01:45-03:15 Session VII: Report Writing
Tea Break 03:15-03:30 Tea Break
Session IV: Data Collection 03:30-05:00 Session VIII: General Issues in Research
Rs. 3500/- (Three thousand five hundred only) per participant. The fee includes VAT, all
program material, coffee breaks, and lunches. Fees can be paid in cash during working hours of
the institute or through DD in favour of ‘Birla Institute of Technology’, Payable at Noida.
Last Date of Receipt of duly filled Registration forms and Fee: 30th Sep. 2010
All entries may be addressed to: