Each nurse is accountable to the public and Responsible for ensuring that her/his practice and conduct meets
legislative requirements and the standards of the profession.
Nurses are responsible for their actions and the consequences of those actions. They’re also accountable for
conducting themselves in ways that promote respect for the profession. Nurses are not accountable for the
decisions or actions of other care providers when there was no way of knowing about those actions.
Continuing Competence
Each nurse maintains and continually improves her/his competence by participating in the College of Nurses of
Ontario’s Quality Assurance (QA) Program. Competence is the nurse’s ability to use her/his knowledge, skill,
judgment, attitudes, values and beliefs to perform in a given role, situation and practice setting. Continuing
competence ensures that the nurse is able to perform in a changing health care environment. Continuing
competence also contributes to quality nursing practice and increases the public’s confidence in the nursing
Participation in CNO’s QA Program helps nurses engage in activities that promote or foster lifelong learning.
The program helps nurses maintain and improve their competence and is a professional requirement.
Each nurse understands, upholds and promotes the values and beliefs described in CNO’s Ethics practice
standard. Ethical nursing care means promoting the values of client well-being, respecting client choice,
assuring privacy and confidentiality,4 respecting the sanctity and quality of life, maintaining
commitments,respecting truthfulness and ensuring fairness in the use of resources. It also includes acting with
integrity, honesty and professionalism in all dealings with the client and other health care team members.
Each nurse possesses, through basic education and continuing learning, knowledge relevant to her/ his
professional practice. RNs, RPNs and NPs study from the same body of nursing knowledge. RPNs study for a
shorter period of time than RNs and NPs. They have a more focused or basic foundation of knowledge in
clinical practice, decision-making, critical thinking, research and leadership. RNs and NPs study for a longer
period of time to achieve a greater breadth and depth of knowledge in clinical practice, decision making, critical
thinking, research utilization, leadership, health care delivery systems and resource management. All nurses add
to their basic education and foundational knowledge by pursuing ongoing learning throughout their careers.
Knowledge Application
Each nurse continually improves the application of professional knowledge. The quality of professional nursing
practice reflects nurses’ application of knowledge. Nurses apply knowledge to practice using nursing
frameworks, theories and/or processes. They employ knowledge in the performance of clinical skills because
the technical and cognitive aspects of care are closely related and cannot be separated.
Each nurse demonstrates her/his leadership by providing, facilitating and promoting the best possible
care/service to the public. Leadership requires self-knowledge (understanding one’s beliefs and values and
being aware of how one’s behaviour affects others), respect, trust, integrity, shared vision, learning,
participation, good communication techniques and the ability to be a change facilitator. The leadership
expectation is not limited to nurses in formal leadership positions. All nurses, regardless of their position, have
opportunities for leadership.
Each nurse establishes and maintains respectful, collaborative, therapeutic and professional relationships.
Relationships include therapeutic nurse-client relationships and professional relationships with colleagues,
health care team members and employers.
Professional Relationships
Professional relationships are based on trust and respect, and result in improved client care.