A Research Presented to
The Faculty of Binalbagan National High School
Senior High School
September 2019
Abstract of the Study
In this project our team conduct an innovative type of research entitled Nature-
Bricks: The Sturdiness of Bricks mixed with Plastic Bottles. The main purpose of this
research is to eradicate the higher amount of waste aplastic bottles in our society and
making a cheaper bricks with a simple and easy-to-find materials. This innovation show
that plastics bottles today are not meant to be a garbage or waste but it can be use and
This research would not be possible without the help and support of the following
individual and institutions. With this, we acknowledge the Solid Waste Action Board
Binalbagan (SWAB) for supporting and letting us to used their Shredding Machine for
free and wholeheartedly. We also acknowledge the head of this institution Mr. Omar
Angelo Rivera for giving us the positive view about our research.
We also give our deepest acknowledgement to all people who become part of this
research. To our research adviser John Mark E. Abilo, to the School Principal Ulysses S.
Zulueta, to all students of Binalbagan National High School, and to our very supportive
parents for supporting us and for acknowledging our research to become successful.
Contents Page
Title Page---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i
INTRODUCTION----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
Schematic Diagram----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
METHODOLOGY--------------------------------------------------------------------- 7
Research Design------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7
Materials---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7
Equipment-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7
Procedure--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8
Experimental Treatment-------------------------------------------------------------- 10