AIRMAN-web Mini User Guide-V2 2
AIRMAN-web Mini User Guide-V2 2
AIRMAN-web Mini User Guide-V2 2
Objectives: 1
Flight details 15
Event details 19
Notifications 26
Search function 34
This user guide is dedicated to the presentation of all Health Monitoring Module (HMM) functionalities.
According to the offer you chose, you may not have access to all of them. Indeed, some functions are specific
to HMM Advanced or HMM Interface. Functions specific to HMM Advanced are underlined in green, those
specific to HMM Interface in red.
AIRMAN-web (AIRcraft Maintenance ANalysis) developed by AIRBUS is a tool for data analysis. Its
objective is to help airline maintenance departments to anticipate unscheduled maintenance events and to
make decisions in the frame of troubleshooting.
AIRMAN could be linked to other maintenance information systems to exchange and centralize some
information within a single application.
1- Ensure your Java J2SE Runtime Environment version is up to date and your work-station complies with
pre-requisites (refer to “Pre-requisites” section at the end of the chapter)
2- Approach your local AirbusWorld (UEA) focal point to ensure that you have proper login/password and
access to AIRMAN-web service.
3- Approach your local AIRMAN-web user account Administrator to have them grant AIRMAN-web the
proper grants and profile (refer to “user account management” section at the end of the document)
4- Launch AirbusWorld web page ( :
AIRMAN-web users can follow a training on-line using the eLearning modules. The modules are broken
down into different scenarios.
Users must have an AirbusWorld account to view the eLearning. You will find a short description of the
eLearning player at the end of this user-guide.
The AIRMAN-web eLearning tool is accessible through the AIRMAN-web Home page, from the ‘Useful
links’ box:
It can also be found there: AIRMAN-web eLearning or by typing/copying the following link:
The eLearning is composed of several sequences associated to a specific user profile, each dealing with a
particular subject
1 A progress bar with the slide show number;
2 The corresponding video of the slide show you are watching. You can change the video by selecting
a new video number;
3 Previous/next frame buttons
4 Replay button
5 Play/pause button
6 ‘Audiotext’ box: displays the text of the voiceover. The cross will allow to close the box
7 Change use case: Line mechanics, MCC, System Engineers to come
8 Access to block menu, dictionary, Audiotext, volume, help, print and zoom functionalities
Revision: May 2014 5
AIRMAN-web mini user guide
Depending on the screen where you are, the Save as format proposed will be different.
“Get Raw Data” will be available on Flight detail page and give you the access to the RAW messages
received from the aircraft.
AIRMAN-web has functions which can be divided into three main categories:
• Functions for Maintenance Control Centre (MCC) and Line Maintenance
• Advanced functions for MCC
• Functions for Engineering
This picture summarizes the main functions available per category and the navigation principle
• Search History
Stripped View ACMS Trend Monitoring
• CMS Events
• PFR / ACMS Reports
Extended View Open Works Monitoring • Works History
Flight Details
When selecting a flight leg AIRMAN-web will show in a unique Event Details page: the fault history case,
the defect history, the different identifiers and sources, an analysis and a suggestion of possible causes,
linked to the TSM and technical notes, the event priority, and finally offers the possibility to create work
orders, to add notes or to request specific information on the aircraft (according to the subscribed
2 ‘Striped’ view: more detailed view. Up to 30 aircraft can be displayed in the same page,
3 ‘Extended’ view: the more detailed view. The priority is given to the events most important details.
1 ‘Departure airport’ and ‘time’,
2 ‘Flight Number’,
3 Aircraft ‘Tail Number’,
4 ‘Arrival airport’ and ‘time’,
5 AOC Information: ‘OOOI’ (Out, Off, On, In),
6 ‘Priority’ (High, Medium, Low),
7 ‘Dispatch Status’ (X: Not OK, : OK)
8 ‘CFR’ in light blue or ‘PFR’ in dark blue,
9 ‘PRF’ available,
10 empty ‘PFR’ icon:
11 Aircraft in Maintenance ‘Check’
12 ‘Aircraft Data Request’ processing
Dragging the mouse over a box displays a pop-up window with an overview of:
1 Flight comments,
2 ‘AOC’ information,
3 The ‘Prioritized Events’,
4 Number indicating how many times the information has been received
The technical status of an aircraft evolves according to the message received and has a direct impact on the
next aircraft dispatch.
Three pre-defined priority levels are available, based on the Airbus MMEL. It can be customized by your
AIRMAN-web administrator (according to your MEL for instance).
The three levels are:
L – Low – Low Maintenance impact / No operational impact,
M – Medium – Medium operational impact,
H – High – No Go.
This view is based on a tabular layout and displays two additional pieces of information in addition to what is
displayed in the ‘Tiled’ view:
1 A bar providing information on the ‘Flight Progression’,
2 ‘Last Event’ occurrence time.
This view is more event-oriented and provides an overview of the prioritized events (CMS and ACMS) for
each flight:
1 Select or not ‘Prioritized events’
Un-tick the box to see only prioritized events
Tick the box to see all the events on the aircraft.
2 ‘Priority’
3 Event details (CMS and/or ACMS alerts or events)
Note: While the “Real time events” view is active, each minute, the systems gets data from HMM database
aircraft data according to current “filter by” and “sort by” criteria, and displays refreshed result on active view.
Only data that changed in this time interval are refreshed.
1 Click on ‘Preferences’
2 Then go to the ‘General’ menu.
3 Select your default page when you open HMM.
4 Select your preferred Fleet Real Time Events view
5 Select the preferred view for the Notification windows
6 Select the Tracking, Troubleshooting or Monitoring default view when using ‘Events / CMS’,
7 Select the Report Monitoring or Parameter Monitoring default view when using ‘Events / ACMS’,
8 Select the default event you want to search on by clicking on ‘History / Search’,
9 Select the notification Rules management by default view,
10 Tick the box to automatically mask the criteria after result display,
11 To select the tabs, you can choose to automatically select by “Rolling over” a tab.
12 Select the Alert for which you want a “Bip” when the event appears on one A/C.
13 Click on Apply to make your changes effective
What are the impacts of the display options in “Real Time Events”?
1 Activate the check box ‘show only Aircraft with Events < 6 hours’ if you want to display only A/C
with events arrived during the last 6 hours.
Events < 2 hours: displayed normally
Events < 4 hours: 33% of transparency
Events < 6 hours: 66% of transparency
Events > 6 hours: hidden.
2 Activate the check box ‘Show only Alerts’ to only show A/C with events associated to a priority
received during the last flight.
3 Activate the check box ‘Show ground movements’ to display the aircraft having a Technical
Status set to ‘On Ground’
The dispatch status will be automatically updated with the last status published.
4 Servicing information, only for A330 & A340 (to be configured carefully to avoid displaying spurious
5 ACMS data: the ACMS having triggered a priority are displayed in this section, and a link ‘ACMS
without Priority’ provides access to the search of all the ACMS (without and with priority),
6 Flights comments (see previous chapter).
7 ‘Trend’ link, leads to the ACMS report monitoring window
8 For an event detected by the ‘Fault Tracking’ function, the icon appears in the PFR (for more
information on the fault tracking, refer to the dedicated chapter).
9 ‘History’ panel represents previous legs of the selected aircraft (each square represents one leg,
“0” being the last leg). Clicking on a leg gives access to the corresponding CFR and PFR (if
available). This function allows to easily navigate between legs directly from the Flight Details
‘P’ means that the PFR is empty.
10 ‘Aircraft data request’ function: ask the aircraft for ACMS report or Cockpit alerts that are not in
Which kind of information can I get access to through the ‘CMS data’ section?
AIRMAN-web is able to analyze the events received in the raw PFR and to display fault cases by correlating
fault messages and warnings that are linked together. This feature simplifies the analysis of the PFR and
reduces the number of troubleshooting actions to be performed.
1 Fault messages in light blue / grey,
2 Warnings in yellow,
3 Fault Cases are separated by a dark blue line,
4 Putting the mouse over each ‘Occurrence History’ will provide the flight phase details,
Each “square” is associated to a leg and the last 15 legs are shown, ‘0’ being the current leg.
5 A click on the ‘Occurrence History’ bar gives access to the ‘History Search’ for the selected event.
For more information on the ‘History Search’ function, refer to the ‘Monitor History’ detailed in the ‘AIRMAN-
web for MCC AND LINE ENGINEERS’ section.
In the ‘Flight Details’ window, click on the icon next to ‘ACMS report’ or ‘Cockpit Alerts’, according to the
request you want to send.
If you ask for an ACMS report:
1 Choose the report and click on ‘Request’
3 By clicking on this icon, you will see information on requests you made, specially the status (you can
also see this information in the ‘ACMS Alerts’ space)
3 Once the report is generated, it will be available to a new tab next to ‘CFR’ and ‘PFR’
For A330/A340, a click on the ‘Servicing’ section will provide information on the Servicing report
How can I get access to the ‘Work Order’ assistant and create a new work order?
From the ‘Event Details’ page, click on the event for which you want to create a work.
1 Click on the ‘Add a work’ icon
Click on the ‘Work’ icon then on ‘complete’. This dialog box opens:
1 In the ‘Action
performed’ dedicated space, the
selected TSM task appears.
2 You can add other
actions performed by ticking the
corresponding box.
When this task is done, you can
tick the ‘TSM Task Done’ box
3 Add ‘New LRU’
information if relevant
4 Add the airport
5 Click on ‘Close the
Work’ to finalize
6 The ‘Work’ icon will be
updated accordingly
Now you can click on the ‘Work’ icon to access the complete summary of the work history information:
Note: the ‘Work’ icon is also visible and accessible in the ‘Flight Details’ page:
Note: you can create as many notes as you want by repeating the same process.
The ‘Notifications’ menu gives you an access to the history of received notifications.
The ‘Events’ monitoring menu is dedicated to the ‘MCC Advanced’, and will help for the monitoring and
analysis of in-service maintenance events, through the anticipation and prioritization of maintenance
The ‘Fault Tracking’ function automatically highlights events at PFR reception according to rules predefined
by Airbus and customizable by the airline through the administration tool. It aims at detecting successive fault
messages or warnings occurrences, and at highlighting the events having a ‘nuisance’, ‘occurrence’,
‘repetitive’ or, only for A380, ‘significant’ behavior.
An event is tagged as ‘repetitive’ on a specific aircraft, when:
o For an aircraft, it has consecutively occurred more than N times on the last 15 legs (PFR).
o Or it occurred not consecutively but more than M times over the last 15 legs (PFR).
N, M: preset by Airbus and customized by your AIRMAN-web administrator.
The ‘occurrence’ highlights the events having a high occurrence rate on a specific aircraft compared
with the rest of the fleet,
The ‘nuisance’ detection highlights the events having a high occurrence rate, spread all over the
aircraft of a same fleet (A320, A330 for ex).
For A380 only, ‘significant messages’ detection tracks some PFR messages according to below
rules to highlight the most significant items:
1 ‘Message criteria’: select your message type (FM, FDCE or both), the report type (PFR or
CFR), the ATA and the message text if relevant, and, only for A380, the fault code.
2 ‘Date criteria’: the user can search the last occurrence, or by specific ‘legs’ or date
3 ‘Fleet criteria’: choose the fleet, the aircraft type and the aircraft registration number
4 The ‘Reason’: Nuisance, Occurrence, Repetitive, and Significant for A380 only, as defined
5 ‘Pending items’ only for A380
6 Click ‘Save criteria’ to save your selection or ‘Display events’ to display the results of your
The fault tracking function will display one line per event, even if there are several occurrences for one event.
For each event reported, you will have details on: the associated A/C ID, the Last Event Date, the ATA, the
Class, the Priority, the Message Title and Subtitle, the Source, and the Occurrence History over the past 30
legs. You can also link a note for each event.
Note: the information can be reorganized by dragging the columns and by sorting results on a specific
column. Text in italic means the message title is not known by the system (no link possible to
The ‘Monitoring’ function will allow the user to identify the events which occurred for a specific aircraft or
aircraft family.
The result is the list of messages displayed by fault cases as correlated in the PFR:
Clicking on an event will display the ‘Last occurrences’ panel. All functionalities of and details provided by
this panel are exactly the same as in the ‘Fault tracking’ function. Please refer FAULT TRACKING
FUNCTION for detailed presentation.
The ‘ACMS Report monitoring’ function will allow you to monitor one or several parameters of selected
ACMS reports. The parameters of the last 100 reports received are accessible.
Note: You can right click on a chart to access the options: ‘Properties…’ to customize the chart
presentation, ‘Save as’, ‘Print’, “Zoom in/Out’, ‘Auto Range’, and ‘Curve Display Options’ to show or hide
some parameters.
The ‘Parameter monitoring’ function allows the user to display a chart to show the evolution of selected
parameters (up to 4) within a selected ACMS report.
You can select other criteria, such as another leg or parameter, and then click on display. A new tab will
open in the chart.
Note: on an ACMS report, reachable from the ‘Flight details’ page for instance, you can click on a value to
open the related chart parameter monitoring feature.
This function is designed to ease the follow-up and the management of Work Orders.
One click on a ’work’ event will automatically open the assistant dialog box. Please refer on 2.3.3 EVENTS
DETAILS to see how the ‘Work order’ function works.
The ‘History’ menu will help the System Engineers to monitor systems’ performances and to launch
preventive maintenance actions through the analysis of historical data.
This functionality will allow the user to perform advanced search on all the AIRMAN-web historical data, and
to recover any stored data that correspond to the selected criteria.
The result is split by type of data and displayed in separated windows: ‘CMS’ (Fault/Warning), ‘ACMS’ data
and report, ‘Legs – PFR’, and ‘Works’.
1 ‘Message criteria’: ‘message type’ (FM, FDCE), ‘Correlated’ or not, and the message ‘Text’
and ‘ATA’ (for FM research, ‘Source’ and ‘Class’ are added).
2 ‘Date criteria’ : from two specific dates, or per period (‘week’ will display results from the last
3 ‘Fleet criteria’: ‘Fleet’, ‘Aircraft type’ and ‘Aircraft ID’
4 ‘Message occurrence criteria’: enter an occurrence rate or not
5 Click ‘Save criteria’ to save your selection or ‘Display events’ to display the results of your
6 When you click on ‘Display events’, this window opens, showing the list of the selected events
7 The Rate columns show the occurrence rates per PFR for an event:
‘Rate’: for a given aircraft, result calculated at the reception of each new PFR,
‘Airline rate’: rate for the whole airline’s fleet, calculated once a month,
‘Airbus rate’: rate for the whole fleet covered by AIRMAN-web, calculated once a month.
One click on any event will automatically open the related PFR in the Flight Details page.
1 ‘Message criteria’: ‘message type’, the ‘Report’ you want to search, and its ‘Trigger code’
2 ‘Date criteria’ : from two specific dates, or per period (‘week’ will display results from the last
3 ‘Fleet criteria’: ‘Fleet’, ‘Aircraft type’ and ‘Aircraft ID’
4 ‘Data request criteria’
5 Click ‘Save criteria’ to save your selection or ‘Display ACMS’ to display the results of your
6 When you click on ‘Display ACMS’, this window opens, showing the list of the selected reports
One click on any event will automatically open the related ACMS report.
One click on a flight line will open the corresponding ‘Flight Details’.
You can access a work details by clicking on the corresponding line item.
By clicking on a FDCE or FM line, the ‘ATA Reliability trend’ window will be displayed.
1 On the ‘Occurrence rate per PFR’ window, by clicking on a FDCE or FM line, the occurrence rate
sorted by message for the selected ATA will be displayed
2 By clicking on a Message line, you will open the history of the selected message. This allows you to
consult every occurrence of the selected message, with information such as flight number, flight
phase, the date, the priority level, if an action was performed or if it is correlated to another
3 You can open the corresponding Flight Details page by clicking on an occurrence.
A/C Aircraft
ACARS Aircraft Communication Addressing and Reporting System
ACMS Aircraft Condition Monitoring System
AOC Airline Operational Control
CFR Current Flight Report
CMS Centralized Maintenance System
FDCE Flight Deck Cockpit Issue
HMM Health Monitoring Module
LRU Line Replaceable Unit
MCC Maintenance Control Centre
MEL Minimum Equipment List
MMEL Master Minimum Equipment List
OOOI Out (gate), (Take-)Off, (Landing-)On, (Gate-)In
RMM Reliability Management Module
PFR Post Flight Report
TFU Technical Follow-Up
TSM Trouble Shooting Manual
UEA User Entity Administrator