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Learner Information:

Details Please Complete this Section

Name & Surname:
Facilitator Name:
Date Started:
Date of Completion:
Key to Icons
The following icons may be used in this Learner Guide to indicate specific functions:

This icon means that other books are available for further
information on a particular topic/subject.


This icon refers to any examples, handouts, checklists, etc…


This icon represents important information related to a specific

topic or section of the guide.

This icon helps you to be prepared for the learning to follow or

assist you to demonstrate understanding of module content.
Shows transference of knowledge and skill.

This icon represents any exercise to be completed on a specific

topic at home by you or in a group.
An important aspect of the assessment process is proof of
competence. This can be achieved by observation or a portfolio
of evidence should be submitted in this regard.
An important aspect of learning is through workplace
experience. Activities with this icon can only be completed once
Workplace a learner is in the workplace

This icon indicates practical tips you can adopt in the future.


This icon represents important notes you must remember as part

of the learning process.


Learner Guide Introduction
About the Learner This Learner Guide provides a comprehensive overview of the
Guide… Conduct Skills Development Facilitation., and forms part of a
series of Learner Guides.

The series of Learner Guides are conceptualized in modular’s

format and developed for National Certificate: Occupationally
Directed Education Training And Development Practices at NQF
Level 5, worth 120 credits.

They are designed to improve the skills and knowledge of

learners, and thus enabling them to effectively and efficiently
complete specific tasks.

Learners are required to attend training workshops as a group or

as specified by their organization. These workshops are presented
in modules, and conducted by a qualified facilitator.

Purpose The purpose of this Learner Guide is to provide learners with the
necessary knowledge related to Conduct Skills Development
Outcomes At the end of this module, you will be able to:
 Provide information and advice regarding skills
development and related issues
 Define target audience profiles and skills gaps
 Conduct skills development administration in an
 Coordinate planned skills development interventions in an
 Develop an organisational training and development plan
 Conduct an analysis to determine outcomes of learning
for skills development and other purposes
Assessment Criteria The only way to establish whether a learner is competent and has

accomplished the specific outcomes is through an assessment
Assessment involves collecting and interpreting evidence about
the learner’s ability to perform a task.
This guide may include assessments in the form of activities,
assignments, tasks or projects, as well as workplace practical
tasks. Learners are required to perform tasks on the job to collect
enough and appropriate evidence for their portfolio of
evidence, proof signed by their supervisor that the tasks were
performed successfully.
To qualify To qualify and receive credits towards the learning program, a
registered assessor will conduct an evaluation and assessment of
the learner’s portfolio of evidence and competency
Range of Learning This describes the situation and circumstance in which
competence must be demonstrated and the parameters in
which learners operate
Responsibility The responsibility of learning rest with the learner, so:
 Be proactive and ask questions,
 Seek assistance and help from your facilitators, if required.


Number Title Level Credits

15221 Provide information and advice regarding skills 5 5

development and related issues

123396 Define target audience and skills gaps 4 5

15217 Develop an organisational training and 5 6

development plan

15218 Conduct an analysis to determine outcomes of 6 4

learning for skills development and other purposes

15232 Coordinate planned skills development 5 6

interventions in an organisation

15227 Conduct skills development administration in an 4 4


The purpose of this program is to equip Skills Development Facilitators (SDF) with
the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes to facilitate the skills development
processes in the selected workplace(s) as prescribed in the Skills Development

The functions of the SDF

The following are the specific functions of the skills development facilitator:

1. Assist the employer and workers with the development of a workplace

skills plan

2. Submit the workplace skills plan to the relevant SETA

3. Advise the employer on the implementation of the workplace skills plan

4. Assist the employer with the drafting of an annual training report in

relation to the approved workplace skills plan

5. Advise the employer on the quality assurance requirements as set by the

relevant SETA

6. Served as a contact person between the employer and the relevant SETA

The skills development facilitator should be registered with the SETA, and should
be able to meet the competency guidelines for a skills development facilitator.

Who can be a SDF?

An employer must appoint a competent skills development facilitator who is

able t perform the functions stated above and who is one of the following:

1. an employee, or

2. a formally contracted, external person, or

3. a person who is jointly employed by a number of employers to assess the

skills development needs of the group of employers and workers


 South African Qualifications Authority Act 55 of
US15221: Provide information and advice
1998 – will be replaced in 2009 by the NQF
regarding skills development and related
 Skills Development Act 97 of 1999 – to be

Legislation related to the Skills amended

Development Strategy  Skills Development Levies Act 9 of 1999 –

 Employment Equity Act 58 of 1998
 Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995 as amended

ETQA’S Quality Council for Trades and Occupations

will replace the ETQA’S at the 23 seta’s

QA functions have not been finalised

National Skills Authority  The NSA:

 Advises the Minister of Labour on the nature and
implementation of Skills Development Policy and

 Liaises with and oversees the workings of Sector

Education and Training Authorities (SETAs)

Standard Generating Bodies (SGBs)  Generate unit standards and qualifications in sub-
fields and levels and recommend these to SAQA

 Recommend criteria for registration of assessors

and moderators

Sector Education and Training Have the following functions:
Authorities (SETAs)
 To develop a strategic focus and sector skills

 Establish and register Learnerships

 Perform ETQA functions

 Allocate grants

 Monitor education and training


Agriculture (Agri-SETA)

Banking SETA

Chemical Industries (Chieta)

Clothing, Textiles, Fabrics and Leather

Industries (CTFL SETA)

Construction (CETA)

Education, Training and Development

Practices (ETDP SETA)

Energy Sector (ESETA)

Food and Beverages Industry (Foodbev


Forest Industries (FIETA)

Health and Welfare (HWSETA)

Information Systems, Electronics and

10 | P a g e
Telecommunication Technologies

Insurance (INSETA)

Local Government, Water and Related

Services (LDWSETA)

Media, Advertising, Publishing, Printing

and Packaging (MAPPP)

Mining (MQA)

Manufacturing, Engineering and

Related Services (MERSETA)

Safety and Security (SASSETA)

Public Services (PSETA)


Tourism, Hospitality and Sports (THETA)

Transport (TETA)

Wholesale and Retail (WRSETA)

11 | P a g e
Skills Development Act 97 of 1999 – Purpose:
to be amended
 To improve the skills of the workforce

 To increase investment in education and


 To promote the workplace as a learning


 To improve the prospects of those who were

previously disadvantaged

 Improve productivity of South African workers

 To encourage competitiveness

To encourage self-employment

 Skills Development Levies Act 9 of  WHO PAYS THE LEVY?

 All employers with a payroll of more than

 R500 000 per annum


 1% of their total payroll



 20% Goes to the National Skills Fund

 80% to the SETA

 SETA Retains 10% for admin and operational

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 50% Can be distributed to constituent

employers, based on ART

 10% is distributed as a discretionary grant

 EMPLOYMENT EQUITY ACT  Introduced to prevent discrimination in the

workplace on the basis of:

 Race, Age, Gender, Sexual Preference,

Physical or Mental Handicap and Social Class

12 FIELDS OF LEARNING 1. Agriculture and Nature Conservation

2: Culture and the Arts

3: Business, Commerce and Management

4: Communication Studies and Language

5: Education, Training and Development

6: Manufacturing, Engineering and Technology

7: Human and Social Studies

8: Law, Military Sciences and Security

9: Health Sciences and Social Service

10: Physical, Mathematical, Computer and Life

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11: Services

12: Physical Planning and Construction








 A Notional Hour is an indication of the time
it will take the average learner to achieve
competence in the unit standard



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Increase in Quality
Doctoral Degrees 10 N
Masters Degrees 9
Postgraduate Degrees (Honors)
Professional Qualifications
Bachelor Degree O DOL
Advanced Diploma N
6 A N
Advanced Certificates
Advanced National L A
Higher Certificates 5 F
Certificate Vocational T
National Senior Adult National National Certificate:
4 O I O
Certificate (Grade 12) Senior Certificate Vocational Level 4
National Certificate: C O U
Vocational Level 3 C N N
National Certificate:
Vocational Level 2
General Education & DOE Adult Basic P L
1 A
Training Certificate Certificate of Education A
(Grade 9) T S




Qs Cs

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Process Overview

An overview of the process of claiming Skills Development Levies are illustrated


 Determine Employer Affiliation with CONDUCT SKILLS AUDIT

 Obtain appointment as SDF Obtain input via training committee to staff
 Complete and submit SDF registration members
form to relevant SETA
Compile a skills matrix

SUBMIT TO SETA Identify training interventions

Identify training providers

ATR Claim Form (Mandatory Grants)
Compile a budget for training
Authorization page
Obtain business detail according to WSP
Proof of SDL contribution format

Attendance registers Determine beneficiaries for relevant skills

year according to skills matrix and
Receipts for training done include this in WSP

Obtain authorization and emplo yee

Collect proof of training (attendance) WSP Claim Form (Mandatory Grants)

Obtain authorization from management Authorization Page

and employee representation
Proof of SDL contribution
Use relevant SETA form
Confirmation of client bank details

Before 30 June each year


Assist in identification and interpretation Identify and prioritise learners’ learning

of quality assurance requirements

Plan, prepare and assist in the design of Plan and organize learning interventions
a quality management system for skills
development practices Coordinate learning interventions

Collate and store data related to skills Review and report on learning interventions

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US15217: Develop an organizational training and development


The ideal way to approach the development of an Organisational training
and Development Plan (TDP) or Workplace Skills Plan (WSP) is to treat the plan
not as an isolated administrative chore to track and facilitate training but as
a key business tool to examine the direction of the business as a whole and
lace training in its strategic place within that context. Although this implies a
bit more work that just doing the bare minimum to get your skills development
levy grant back, you will see the benefits impact your whole business and
ensure that every cent you spend on training is a cent added to the
momentum of your company’s chosen forward direction. For ease of
reference we will use the term workplace skills plan (WSP) throughout this

A WSP is a document that outlines the planned training and education

interventions for a specific organisation in the coming year. It is created out
of and in-depth evaluation of the business goals and an understanding of the
challenges and forces at work both for and against the organisation in the
wider business environment. The WSP should cover all skills development
training and refers to:

 Strategic priorities for skills development

 Sectoral/national skills plans
 Linkages to employment equity

Key stakeholders in the process

1. Training Committee

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A training committee is a selected group of people from within an organisation
that help to create, write and implement the Workplace Skills plan for that

Any organisation that has more than 50 employees is obliged to form a training
committee. The committee should be constituted in line with the occupational
categories and levels in the Employment Equity Act to ensure representation of
all employees within the company. Where there is a recognised trade union in
place within the organisation, a trade union should nominate its own
representatives using their own nomination structure. A representative from the
HR department and the training department should also be included on the
training committee. Don’t forget to include representatives for both hourly and
monthly paid employees when formulating representation on the training

Companies with less than 50 employees may still find it useful to appoint one or
two employees to the training committee to make it more representative of the
needs of learners and to help the SDF by giving feedback on the calibre of
training provided and the effectiveness of training interventions. A training
committee is necessary because a Workplace Skills Plan will carry no credibility or
organisational commitment unless it has been formed with the input and
contributions of all those who will be affected by it.

They will also help develop the Workplace Skills Plan in line with SETA
requirements and consult with employees in the workplace on training needs.
They ensure that feedback is given to employees in the workplace on skills
development and keep accurate training records.

In the past, companies decided on their training strategies with little or no

consultation beyond top management. This is part of the reason why South
African companies have found training to be generally ineffective learning

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interventions that are imposed on people. They used to have considerably less
impact than those where learners play some role in the choice of learning
program content, venue times or means of assessment. Furthermore, before the
NQF came into being, training was provided with little thought as to how it could
benefit the learners’ long term career prospects. Now that training and
education have to take place in the context of quality assurance, life-long
learning and the impact from training interventions. But to make the new
training system work, there must be a closer partnership than before between
management and employees – hence training committees.

2. Sector Education and Training Authorities (SETA)

SETAs will assist in a number of ways:

 They will encourage and help employers to prepare workplace skills plans.
They will also pay a grant to an employer who prepares a plan. The SETAs
will monitor these plans and their implementation. A workplace skills plan
matches strategies and activities in the workplace to the skills that workers
 The SETAs will liaise with the skills development facilitator so that each
employer knows about skills development. The facilitator will be the point
of contact between the employer and SETA.
 SETAs will also be involved in the implementation of the National Skills
Development Strategy. Each will agree the contribution its sector will
make to the achievement of the national targets. A SETA will need to be
actively encouraging employers to ensure that these targets will be met.

3. Organisations
Organisations that prepare and submit workplace skills plans have the
following obligations:

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 They must appoint a training committee, and get collaboration for their
workplace skills plans from everyone in the organisation at all levels
 Ensure that the workplace skills plan forms an integral part of the human
resource development program of the organisation, and is not simply a
paper exercise aimed at getting levy money back
 Make sure that systems and processes are in place to monitor the
implementation of the workplace skills plan and that training results in
return on investment for the organisation
 Identify and record challenges to implementation of the workplace skills
 Monitor the cost of training and keep track of funds paid out for training
and skills development in the organisation.

4. The Skills Development Facilitator (SDF)

In addition to having a good understanding of the National Qualifications

Framework, the SDF will be expected to perform the following functions:

 Conduct a Training Needs Analysis and develop organisation’s Workplace

Skills Plan
 Compile reports on the organisation’s implementation of its Workplace
Skills Plan
 Prepare, submit and steer the organisation’s application for accreditation
as a training and development site or to manage the contracting out of
training and development to accredited providers
 Advise on and monitor implementation of the workplace skills plan
including training delivery assessment and quality assurance.

21 | P a g e


You need to carefully plan a skills audit you will undertake in your organization.
You must ensure that the necessary resources and people will be available to
conduct a meaningful skills audit.

The plan must also state how you will gather the data. For example through
questionnaires, interviews etc as well as how the information will be recorded.
Target dates for completion of the skills audit are also important since the SETA’s
require the workplace skills plan to be submitted by a certain date.

1. Questionnaires (usually used in larger organisations)

These can be used to obtain information regarding biographical particulars,

typical behaviour and attitudes. The questions should focus on the specific
issue being investigated and provision should be made for each and every
possible response. For example, when asking employees what they think is
the most important skill lacking in their development it is best to use an open-
ended question. Questionnaires that are developed by the organisation itself
should preferably be tested in a pilot study.

2. Interviews (usually used in smaller organisations)

Structured Interviews:

In a structured interview the interviewer puts a collection of pre-planned

questions to the respondent and records the latter’s responses. The
interviewer is restricted to the questions and has little freedom to deviate from
the schedule of questions. The interviewer should be familiar with the
questions so that they can make use of semi-structured interviews, which can
be used when the research topic is very sensitive and when the respondents

22 | P a g e
come from diverse background. Interview guides are used and the
interviewer may adapt the questions.

Unstructured Interviews:

Unstructured interviews can also be used to try and penetrate revelations of

feelings by interviewees on a specific topic. No structure will be provided for
an unstructured interview.

US15218: Conduct an analysis to determine outcomes of

learning for skills development and other purposes


Analyse Current Skills

 Before you can compile a WSP, you need to analyse your current training
and skills situation.
 You will begin by gathering information on the sector and your
organisation regarding legislation, trends, strategies and business
Conduct A Skills Audit

 Secondly you need to to determine the skills development needs of

people in your workplace.
 You will then use all this information to compile a WSP.

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Developing a Skills Matrix

1. The Purpose of a Skills Matrix:

A skills matrix:

 Identifies the skills needed in the organisation

 Matches them to possible unit standard titles
 Allows for matching of skills to nationally registered unit standards
 Identifies standards to be written for the organisation, if they are not
available nationally
The skills and titles matrices may be used for various different human resource
purposes in the workplace:

 The development of job profiles

 The creation of learning pathways
 The identification of possible learnerships
 The alignment of learning interventions
 The development of assessment guides
 Recruitment
 Performance management
 The alignment of HR systems
2. Compiling the Skills Matrix

The methodology requires the use of focus interviews and workshops. It is

dependent on the participation of subject matter experts (SMEs), high
performers and senior managers. Stakeholders must identify those key
competences and key indicators of success that enable them to perform
effectively. The critical incidents technique is used. Senior managers or
executives are able to identify future trends and strategic requirements or
changes within the functions that should also be recorded. The process is
very reliant on the input from the implementing organisation and the
construction, planning and preparation for each part of the process is critical
to the overall success of the functional analysis process.

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Steps in the Process

The following steps need to be followed when developing a skills matrix:

Step 1: Workshop with a project team (include subject matter experts)

Step 2: Use outcomes analysis to derive skills/knowledge factors and unit

tandards titles

Step 3: Use results of outcomes analysis and value chain process to develop a
skills matrix and titles matrix

Step 4: Verify matrices with SMEs and finalise

Conduct an internal outcome analysis

When conducting an outcomes analysis you are trying to establish what skills,
knowledge and role outcomes are required to complete a specified job. The
role outcomes will assist with linking to possible Unit Standard.

There are two types of outcomes analysis:

1. Purpose Analysis

Analyses the function of a role, department, division or industry/education

sector, and represents these distinctly different groups of activities that
contribute to an operational purpose. This is considered to be a ‘top down’

For example, in a manufacturing sector there will be outcome areas dealing


 Product production and packaging

 Product distribution
 Sales
 Marketing
 Support services (eg finance and administration)

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These areas will be defined and then broken down into job roles. An
example of this is: Finance Department Bookkeeper, whose roles could be:

 Prepare journal
 Capture cash entries
 Download statements
 Prepare financial records

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2. Process Analysis

In process analysis, we identify the transformations that take place, and then
ask the question: “In order to achieve this transformation, what must a person
know and be able to do?”

This is considered a ‘bottom up’ approach.

If we take the same example of the finance department bookkeeper whose

tasks would include:

 Use PC to enter payments

 Type in all the payments that have been made
 Press f4 to transfer this information to make the journal entries
 Go into the journal screen and check the information

Using a combination of these two forms of analysis, enables teams to:

 Develop a skills matrix, and

 Derive a Unit Standards Titles Matrix (ie outcomes).
This is merely the start of the process of developing a skills matrix. The process
involves a lot of discussion, input from team players, endorsement and
refinement before the end result will be reached.

In order to start this analysis take the following steps and ask the following

Steps and Questions

1. Identify an industry, sector or discipline and ask:

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 What is the organisation’s main responsibility? (This will indicate area of
 What is the core business of the organisation?
2. Develop a key purpose statement by asking:

 What is the key purpose of this industry?

 What are the key outputs of the group? (This identifies purpose
information/use verbs to prefix)

3. Identify specific work roles/areas and ask:

 Do all individuals in the group achieve similar outputs? (This helps

identify similarities and differences, and channel the group’s activity)
 Why do you do this?
 What do your customers expect from you?

4. Identify the key purpose for each role by asking:

 What is it that you (each role holder) are trying to achieve?

5. Identify clusters of knowledge and skill items, by asking:

 What do you need to know and be able to do in order to achieve

your purpose?
 What results are you expected to deliver?
 What regulations and codes of practice must you adhere to?
 Do these knowledge and skills link to the role purpose?

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6. Generate Unit Standard titles/outcomes, by asking (in relation to knowledge
and skills identified):

 Why is it important that you are able to do this?

 What do you use this knowledge/skill to achieve?
 Are the US titles in line with SAQA format and principles? (use Critiquing
 NB – always ask why an activity is undertaken in order to get to the
outcome/result of that activity

7. Compile a skills and Unit Standard Titles Matrix from the information
generated. Check that tasks or methods have not been identified as

8. Verify these matrices with subject matter experts and make the necessary

9. Select nationally registered standards and conduct a

benchmarking/matching exercise of generated Unit Standards titles

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Examples of Skills Matrices

Skills Matrix – Manager

Leadership  Motivating
 Influencing
 Change management
 Delegating
 Systems thinking
 Managing diversity
 Managing stress/stress management
 Managing projects/project management
 Developing strategy
Interpersonal  Building relationships
 Listening
 Negotiating
 Team building
 Managing conflict/handling discipline
 Managing performance
 Networking
 coaching/counseling/assessing
Communication  Verbal communication
 Written communication
 Compiling reports
 Providing feedback
 Chairing/facilitating meetings
 Presentation
 Interviewing

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Planning  Prioritising
 Scheduling
 Managing time/ time management
 Analyzing
 Evaluating
 Co-coordinating
 Decision making
Organizing  Solving problems/problem solving

Controlling  Managing quality


The skills and knowledge listed above are not exhaustive. Employees may not
actually need certain skills and knowledge that have been indicated in this

Checklist for Skills Matrices

The following should be checked when developing a skills matrix:

 Skills needed are explained in detail

 List skills not tasks
 Check for duplication
 Use sub-headings eg communication, financial etc
 The tense is the same throughout
 Core skills are stated in the same way when used in more than one matrix
 Terminology has been used consistently between all generic skills matrices
and titles matrices
 Core skills or titles relate specifically to that role

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 Appropriate level of the skills or title documented eg simple, intermediate,
 If core skills or titles for a function have been included, eg for financial
secretary that these correlate with what you have for the generic skills or
titles for secretaries or admin roles
 Internal consistency between all matrices.
The following should be checked when developing a Unit Standards Titles matrix:

 Potential Unit Standards used should clearly link with the skills matrix
 Far fewer standards titles than skills
 Draft Unit Standards that have been identified are available
 Be realistic
When first generated, matrices are only about 60% correct. Stakeholder
endorsement and changes in role outcomes lead to constant refinement and
updating of matrices. As the Implementation Project Plan moves forward, each
phase will possible bring changes to the matrices, as new or overlooked skills and
outcomes are identified.



Once the skills matrices have been developed, one of the most effective ‘by-
products’ would be to compile skills based job profiles. These will assist the
organisation to align itself to SAQA and SDA legislation.

Job profiles:

 Identify outputs and output measurements for each role

 Identify the skills required for each job profile
 Assign specific Unit Standards to specific roles in the organisation
Completed job profiles will assist with the following:

 Determining training and assessment interventions

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 Developing learning pathways, career paths and learnerships
 Recruiting and inducting new employees
 Aligning organisational performance management and HR systems

Developing Skills Based Job Profiles

In order to develop job profiles the following steps need to be completed:

Step 1 Identify the jobs/roles to be profiled.

Step 2 Analyse the existing job information, such as job descriptions and
skills/titles matrices.

Step 3 Identify one job incumbent for each role and arrange interview time.

Step 4 Briefly explain purpose of interview, then obtain the information to be

included in the job profile from the job incumbent:

 Details of position, including purpose, context and customers

 Generate a comprehensive list of tasks/activities performed in the position

 Categorise the list into key functional areas (ie clusters of tasks that result
in certain job outputs)

 Allocate each task/activity to a category/key functional area

 Identify the output that results from the performance of tasks/activities in

each cluster

 Make a list of all people/groups of people who are direct recipients of

each output (ie the customers). List only those who receive or make use
of outputs listed previously

33 | P a g e
 Capture the benefits (advantages, value, assistance, profit to the
customer) of outputs

 For each output, identify the quality standards (ie accuracy, relevance,
customization, zero-defect and delivery) in measurable terms.

Step 5 Identify the Unit Standards applicable to each job through scrutinizing
information gathered, existing job descriptions, the titles matrix and by asking the
following questions:

 Which of the available unit standards are applicable to this job?

 Against which Unit Standards should the person holding this job be

Step 6 In order to be capable of doing a job effectively and efficiently, a job

incumbent needs specific skills, experience, underlying knowledge and personal
attributes. Develop a competence profile using existing information from the
skills matrix and new information gathered.

Step 7* (Optional) Identify the organisational/organisation values and

behavioral indicators applicable to each position.

Step 8 Consolidate all information into a single job profile document, as per
agreed format.

Step 9 Verify job profiles with supervisors/management and make adjustments

where necessary. This is a vital step in the process, as job incumbents often
exaggerate or conversely, limit their respo9nsibilities.

Step 10 Ensure job profiles are aligned to organisational strategy.

Job profiles need to be reviewed regularly. For administrative purposes it is

advisable to record the issue date and recommended review date.

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Steps to Follow when Conducting Job Profiling Workshops and
or Interviews

Ask the following questions to identify role outputs:


 What do you know most about your jobs?

 What is it that we do? Eg
- training needs analysis

- learning program design and development

- trainee selection

- training

- facilitation

- feedback


 What leaves your hand?

 What is it that you produce/make available?
 What is the end result of what you do eg
- Developed learning programs

- Trained staff


Cluster activities into common outcomes by asking;

 Why do you do this? Eg

- Design learning programs

35 | P a g e
- Train staff

When checking the skills matrix, you should look out for the following:

 Do not list tasks instead of outcomes

 Ensure that each outcome has at least two quality measures
 Link skills from the skills matrix
 Check that the internal customers have at least one output linked to them
 Check that all the skills are matched to the outputs and quality measures
 If you include behavioural indicators then include a measure
 Check that the job profiles are discrete and unique eg management job
profiles are different from an operator’s job profile
 Check that there is consistency in terminology, language between job
 Check that the same tense is used throughout

Example of a Job Profile

Key Functional Area Sales Support

Job Title Claims Capturer

Grade D3

Organisational Context Medical

Customers  Reps
 Suppliers
 Accounts Manager etc
Performance Specification Outputs Output Quality Requirements and
(what must I provide to my customer) Measurements

(What standard I must achieve)

36 | P a g e
Captured Medical Claims Captured Medical Claims

 Pre-checked claim details  Claims scanned and logged

 Verified claim details according to procedures, within
 Scanned and logged claims 24 hours of receipt and delivered
 Sorted and batched medical to correct team member
accounts  Scans to be clear and readable
 Additional claims requirements  All relevant details to be captured
 Documents allocated to 100%
specific queues  Rejected claims returned
 Quality control immediately to Call Centre or
 Reconciled system totals and claims capture team for update
manual totals on system
 Corrected claims processed
within 24 hours
Skills/Knowledge Specifications Standards/Qualifications

Knowledge:  See Underwriting Claims

 Information Technology Standards
 Product knowledge (Medical
Scheme and Provision Fund)
 Computer knowledge (PC and
Image system)
 Tariff codes/modifiers/codes
 Knowledge of business process


 Information scanning
 Memory
 Numerical fluency

37 | P a g e
Organisational/departmental Values Behavioural Indicators

 Service orientation  Process improvement proposals

 Results orientation  Provide feedback to other team
 Sense of urgency members when asked for ideas on
improvement initiatives
 Sense of urgency
 Meets serviced level agreements
and targets
 Follow-up on outstanding claims
 Phones medical suppliers, client or
consultant before sending written


US123396: Define target audience profiles and skills gaps

Defining a skills Audit

A skills audit is a systematic process that aims to identify the skills that actually
exist within a particular workplace, and compares these to the skills that are, or
will be, required for that workplace. Skills audits are a valuable strategy for
initiating change in establishing a well trained workforce who matches
appropriately to jobs.

38 | P a g e

Match to
Cluster Job Unit
Profiles Standard

Identify Match to Unit

Learnerships / RPL Standard

Integrate Align Learning

Performance Interventions

Aligning Key Legislation with Education and Training

The Figure above illustrates all the actions to be taken when aligning the SAQA
Act, the Skills Development Act and the Employment Equity Act with education
and training.

Key Stages to Skills Audit

There are three key stages to a skills audit:

Step 1: Determine Skills Requirements. Determine what skills each employee


Step 2: Audit Actual Skills. Determine which of the required skills each employee

Step 3: Determine Development Needs and Plan for Restructuring, analyse the
results and determine skills development needs

A gap analysis is the outcome of the skills audit process. The information that is
obtained will enable the organisation to compile a comprehensive and

39 | P a g e
meaningful training needs analysis. Information that is provided through the skills
audit can be used for the following:

 Training and development to individuals to cater for the skills gaps

 Internal employee selection. Ensure that the correct person is deployed in
each position
 External recruitment and selection
 Performance management
 Succession planning

Benefits of Conducting a Skills Audit

Key benefits of conducting a skills audit include:

 Improved skills and knowledge.

 Lower training and development costs because development efforts are
more focused.
 Information that can be used for purposes such as internal employee
selection and placement.
 Increased productivity as people are better matched to their positions

The results of a skills audit can be reported for each division to show individual
and divisional competency gaps against competency needs. This in turn, assists
in the collation of a WSP that complies with the provisions of the skills
development act and SETA regulations.

Skills Audit in the Context of SAQA Legislation

Competence in this new paradigm is defined as:

“Applied Competence is the union of practical, foundational and reflexive

competence”. (Source: Guidelines for the Assessment of NQF Registered Unit

40 | P a g e
It is broken down as follows:

Foundational Competence - The demonstrated understanding of what the

learner is doing and why. This underpins the practical competence and
therefore the actions taken.

Practical Competence - The demonstrated ability to perform a set of tasks in an

authentic context. A range of actions or possibilities is considered and decisions
are made about which actions to follow, and to perform the chosen action.

Reflexive Competence - The learner demonstrates the ability to integrate or

connect performance with understanding so as to show that the learner is able
to adapt to changed circumstances appropriately and responsibly, and to
explain the reason behind an action.

Competence includes the individual’s learning, understanding and ability to

transfer and apply learned skills and knowledge across a wide range of work

It is important to identify the key strategic competencies of the organisation and

the related strategic competencies for each division. This places a focus on how
each job in the organisation and division contributes to the achievement of the
company’s objectives.

Strategic competencies may relate to areas such as customer service, E-

business, market share and innovative products, amongst others.

It is the responsibility of the compiler of the skills matrix to identify the various
specific competencies for each job/ role under these strategic competency
headings. The skills audit identifies whether an individual has demonstrated
behaviour that provides evidence of such competence. The skills audit aims to
establish an individual’s current level of competence in the workplace, against
the identified skills matrix.

Skills audits may be conducted in a number of ways. Approaches include:

41 | P a g e
 A panel approach
 A consultant approach
 A one-on-one approach
The panel approach is regarded as the most valid and fair method of
conducting skills audit. The audit must be conducted in a fair and open fashion,
where the employee is provided with ample opportunity to provide evidence
and discuss the findings, in relation to their own self-audit.

Panel Skills Audit

The following process should be followed:

Step 1: Preparation

 Panel members are selected based on their knowledge of individual

employees and auditing skills, and trained.
 The panel team schedules a date, time and venue to conduct the skills
audit. Allow at least thirty minutes per individual employee. Each panel
member is to familiarise him or herself with the skills matrix competencies,
including the distinction between linear, intermediate and complex levels.
 Each member must review the completed self-audit forms
Step 2: Complete Skills Audit Form

 Work though the skills audit tool/ form for each employee allocated to
your panel
 Discuss each item and rate the individual against the scale provided.
 Where necessary, i.e. if panel members disagree on a particular rating,
provide comments in the appropriate column. This may include
comments such as: ‘displays competence but not at the established level
for the specific position’ (i.e. linear, instead of complex competence), or
‘Employee does not display competence due to …’ etc
 Where no agreement can be reached on a particular rating, identify
specific further evidence that the employee will be asked to produce that

42 | P a g e
proves competence. Ensure a panel member takes responsibility for
information and following up with the aforesaid employee.
 If an individual has produced evidence of competence, evaluate this
evidence against the VACCS checklist
- Is the evidence Valid?
- Is the evidence Authentic?
- Is the evidence Current?
- Is the evidence Consistent?
- Is the evidence Sufficient to inform rating decisions?
 Take the employee’s self rating and possible distorted self-perception into
account at all times
 Once completed, feedback must be provided to the employee that
allows for open discussion of the skills audit ratings. Agreement must be
reached with the employee. It is recommended that the employee’s
manager provide this feedback.
 Prior to sending the results to the relevant person, ensure that all panel
members, as well as the individual employee sign off the form.
 Principles of good assessment should be adhered to at all times.

Conducting a Skills Gap Analysis

Once the organisation has a clear picture of where it is in terms of skills (skills
audit), and a clear vision of where it needs to be in terms of strategic
development (skills matrices), what remains to be done, is to conduct a gap

Skills development is one method for addressing deficiencies that have been
identified. However, it is important to note that not all deficiencies are best
addressed by training and education interventions. Also, the type of skills
development activity to be used needs to be the most relevant to the skills being

43 | P a g e
Skills Gap

Skills Skills Audit


US15217: Develop an organizational training and development




The Role of the SDF

The Skills Development Facilitator (SDF) plays a major role in the compilation of
the WSP with the Training Committee; it is also their responsibility as the SDF to
submit the WSP to the applicable Seta. The SDF plays a major role in the
compilation of the WSP to the Seta.

Involvement of Key Stakeholders

It is of utmost importance that the WSP be developed in consultation with

employees from all levels of the organisation. Therefore, the WSP needs to be
signed off by a number of parties, as you will shortly see. The actual consolidation
of the WPS is very simple and you as SDF must ensure that you have a clear
understanding of the format of the WSP as well as the expectations of the SETA
about the information contained in the WSP. The content framework for the WSP.
The content framework for the WSP does not differ much from one SETA to the
next. The SDF should Endeavour to complete the WSP in as complete a manner
as possible.

44 | P a g e
Considering priorities and addressing needs

The training and development (TDP) or workplace skills plan (WSP) should focus
on addressing the priorities that have been identified first. One way of trying to
ensure that this is done efficiently is to only make use of accredited training
providers; otherwise the training will bear no credits and will as such add no
value in terms of the financial resources expended. The organisation should also
keep in mind that in today’s world it is no longer enough to provide employees
only with the skills they need to do their current job. The employee should also be
provided with skills that he/she could use in future jobs, especially since very few
organisations can today offer a “job for life”. It is a fact that today most people
will have three to four career changes in their working life.

WSP Preparation Checklist

In order to prepare for completion and submission of a WSP, companies need to

complete a number of steps. The latest WSP Template and Guidelines
documents can be accessed via the ETDP website,

The following information needs to be gathered, analyses and discussed. Certain

decisions need to be made in terms of current training plans for the levy year:

1. Company details
2. Details of the Skills Development Facilitator
3. Details of the training committee or consultative forum involved in the
development of the WSP
4. A total qualifications profile of all employees against NQF levels

5. Company strategic priorities for the year

6. Annual company skills development (education and training ) priorities for

current year

45 | P a g e
7. The NQF level planned skills priorities, i.e. the proposed level at which the
course/ program/workshop is aimed

8. Beneficiaries of skill priorities related to occupational, population and gender


9. Nature of learning interventions, i.e. in-house, external, formal educational

Analysis of Past Skills / or Training Plans and Records

1. Gather information relating to previous workplace skills or training plans and

2. Analyse and discuss these documents. List positive results of these documents
and make use of these for future planning
Correlate Data Obtained and work through WSP Format

Obtain all information relating to your Seta’s templates and guidelines. Correlate
all information gathered.

Obtain Endorsement and Submit Plan to ETDP SETA

1. Obtain management and training committee endorsement.

2. Submit plan within Seta deadline.
Strategic business priorities must be accounted for in the determination of skills
priorities. Business priorities refer to the interventions needed to ensure the
development of the business and all the employees. Needs forecasting involves
the analysis of internal and external conditions. It requires an understanding of
future human resource requirements netted against future human resource

In order to do strategic skills planning, the company must engage in Human

Resource (HR) planning. HR planning describes the intended actions of the
organisation to ensure that the organisation has the right number and the right

46 | P a g e
mix of people at the right time and place to efficiently achieve present and
future Organisational goals. HR planning is a part of total business planning. HR
environmental constraints and internal HR capability, and business managers
must communicate their business needs for this plan to be functional and


The SDF as Project Manager

Project management is the planning, organizing, directing and controlling of

resources for a relatively short-term objective that has been established to
complete specific goals and objectives. Project management utilises a systems
approach to management by having functional personnel assigned to a
specific project.

Every project goes through five phases. These phases are summarized in the
table that follows:

Phase Summary

1. Initiation Work with the client to determine the

goals, objective and deliverables. This
phase is ended with the construction of
the Project Charter

2. Planning Work with your team in order to

determine the WBS, task relationships
and dependencies.

You will also create a realistic budget

47 | P a g e
3. Production Finish a connected series of tasks in
order to complete a deliverable

4. Monitoring Measure progress toward the goal and

against the plan

5. Completion The final report is written, team

members are reassigned and the
project books are closed. This is also
the time to learn from your mistakes,
and celebrate your team’s success


The activities that should be performed in each project phase are indicated in
the table below:

1. Initiation Establish the goals.

Develop rough objectives and deliverables

Identify primary constraints (key elements that will restrict

the project)

48 | P a g e
1. Time:

a. How long is the schedule?

b. Is the release date already set?
c. Is there any flexibility

2. Budget:

a. Is the amount of money you can spend already

b. Does the organisation have uncommitted reserves?
c. Is there any flexibility?

3. Quality:

a. Are the required components already set?

b. What are the customer’s expectations
c. What is the marketing position?

Establish project deliverables (tangible items such as

products, processes, reports or events) based on the goals,
objectives and expectations that you clarified with the

2. Planning a. Assemble the project team

b. Begin to set up the budget

49 | P a g e
3. Production a. Create the deliverables that the client specified

4. Monitoring a. Track budget usage; compare it to the percent of

work completed
b. Watch progress along the critical path; look for
bottlenecks that would delay completion of the
c. Adjust the plan in response to activities and
unforeseen complications

5. Completion 1. Notify vendors and suppliers of deadlines for

submitting invoices.
2. Set a schedule for making final payments and
closing the books
3. Release or reassign team members as the
production curve begins to swing downward
4. Run the project post mortem
5. What went right during the project?
6. What went wrong during the project?
7. Write the project report, which includes:
 Project Scope Document and Project Charter
 Project schedule
 Costs – Budget versus actual
 Change orders
 Recommendations for improvement

50 | P a g e
Setting Goals

When you are creating goals, make sure that they are S.M.A.R.T.

Specific: Does everyone know what the goal really means? What do
you actually want to achieve?

Measurable: Can the goal really be tested?

Agreed upon: Are you and the client in agreement as to what the goal

Realistic: Goals must be possible

Time limited: Precisely when does the goal need to be completed?

The scope of your work as SDF also follows a process. In the same way as a
project needs a manager, so the cycle of claiming skills development levies will
need close management by you as SDF. The skills development levy claiming
process will now be discussed briefly to give you an indication of the scope of
your work as SDF for your organisation.

US15232: Coordinate planned skills development interventions

in an organisation



The Skills Development Facilitator is the person who gives advice on and helps
plan skills development for a workplace.

51 | P a g e
The professional SDF is in effect a consultant to the key stakeholders/role players
involved in the skills development process.


Management Manager

Employees Manager

SDF Employment
Skills Equity Manager

Trade IR
Unions Manager

Evaluating Existing Human Resource Structures

When evaluating existing human resource structures, a great deal of effort is put
into new human resource efforts, but little energy is put into coordinating these
efforts so that they reinforce one another. For this reason, career development
programs must be integrated into the existing human resource structure; that is
the policies, procedures, practices, or formal systems within the normal
organisational umbrella of human resources, keeping in mind external structures
put into place to guide the skills development process.

A career development system acts as a clearinghouse for collecting and sharing

information that can increase the effectiveness of human resource decisions. A

52 | P a g e
career development system coordinates and better utilises a variety of
seemingly separate human resource practices.

Individual Needs for Skills Development

The skills analysis should determine the following:

 Is the individual performing to standard?

 If not, what is the gap between the current and desired standard of
Group Needs for Skills Development

The analysis process must include an investigation into the needs that are
common to a number of people. This could include groups which are
functioning together as a team and which perform the same kinds of work
activities, or different people in the organisation who happen to have the same
skills needs. Some key questions used to identify group needs are:

 What new categories of staff have been employed (e.g. telesales)

 Which groups are affected by changes that demand them to acquire the
same new skills (e.g. to operate the new IT system)
 What skills do all employees need as a group?
 What groups of people need to be specifically targeted for skills

Issues that Need to be Considered in Relation to Training Solutions

53 | P a g e
There are a number of issues that have to be thought through before embarking
on the design of new training interventions, including the following:

 Make sure that you have clearly described the actual skills (of head, hand
and heart) that need to be acquired.
 Identify what you already have that can be used as resources in the
training solution, e.g. existing programs or leaning materials
 Determine the nature and duration of the training intervention required,
e.g. a five-day formal learning program focusing on theory or a three-day
interactive and more practical work-based learning session.
 Identify whether any of your regular providers have suitable products that
could be used or modified to address the identified need
 Make sure that the available programs and material are at the
appropriate level and address the specific needs that were identified
 Determine whether the training solution can be presented as a skills
program or learnership, which has many additional benefits for individuals
and the organisation
 Prioritise the training programs that address critical organisation, group
and individual needs that have to be addressed as soon as possible.

Criteria for Ensuring Quality of Learning Solutions

You need to ensure that the programs selected are put together in such a way
that it results in a quality learning experience that develops the skills that were
identified in the needs analysis.

Six criteria are provided that is useful in making decisions about the design of
leaning programs or selecting appropriate programs.

54 | P a g e
1. The content and product
 Is the content of the program appropriate, complete and relevant?
 Is the product of the learning program appropriate?
 Is the program designed in such a way that the learner will actually be
able to do what the program promises?

2. The outcomes-based approach

 What are the outcomes of the program?

 Are they appropriate for addressing the skills needs identified?
 Have the outcomes been clearly described so that the facilitator, assessor
and learner understand what outcomes the program is designed to
 Which of the outcomes relate to registered unit standards, thus enabling
learners to gain credits on the NQF for completing the program?

3. The level of the outcomes

 Are the outcomes pitched at the correct or desired level?

 Is the learning program appropriate to the level of work and intellectual

4. The process and methods

 Do the learning processes integrate appropriate activities and

 Are they anchored in appropriate and relevant content?

55 | P a g e
 Do they involve methods that are guided by the outcomes and
standards described either in externally registered unit standards of

5. The way assessment is handled.

 Are learners always assessed against the predetermined and clearly

stated outcomes and assessment criteria?
 Is the assessment process fair, valid, reliable?
 Are learners assessed within the real context, or in simulated situations that
are very similar to the environment in which they will have to demonstrate
competence back in the workplace?

6.Quality of delivery.

This criterion relates to the quality of providers, and is important for insuring
that you select providers that have systems and process in place that
promote quality learning.

SETAs encourage organisations to select accredited training providers for the

programs included in the WSPs, where these are available.

56 | P a g e

Identifying Training Providers

 An accredited training provider is a provider who has registered with an

ETQA and has completed the process of final accreditation.
 Other providers may have only received a provisional form of
 This is no reflection on the calibre of the training company if they have not
yet received full accreditation.

57 | P a g e
Criteria to consider when selecting training providers:

 Depth of knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the services

 Approach to training, including aspects such as learner centredness and
outcomes-based practices.
 Proven track record, financial viability and resources necessary for
sustained involvement.
 Flexibility of service delivery, e.g. willingness and ability to adapt existing
training schedule and products to meet the delivery requirements of
 Quality management system that is appropriate to qualify for ETQA
accreditation for the services the deliver.
 Contextual relevance of their contribution to the specific training and
learner, e.g. whether their learning material on financial management is
relevant to the specific system used by the organisation.

Adapting career development to the Organisational culture

 It is important to consider the organisational culture when determining the

best way to implement skills development in the organisation.
 The key characteristic of the culture must be discovered, so that these
characteristics can be incorporated into any career development
 It is also important to discover which norms and practices are sacrosanct.
This means searching for the culture, distinguishing its elements,
pinpointing “the way we do things around here “ and unveiling patterns
that mean business as usual.
 Only through such an investigation of an organisation’s culture will you be
able to identify the career development programs that have the best
chance of chance of success because they are tailored to fit the
organisation’s patterns.

58 | P a g e
Four major data sources help us gain the sense of an organisation and how it is

 People. Talk to individual groups, particularly target groups, and ask them
a series of structured questions.
 Written documents. Read the available literature, including annual reports,
mission and objectives statements, business plans, newsletters,
newspapers, letters from the president, policy manuals, reports and
personnel statistics.
 Human resources structures. Examine the structures already in place,
including performance appraisal systems, job postings, training and
development programs, and plans for succession and compensation
 Informal systems. Observed and note the general landscape, including
workflow and communication patterns.


Once the workplace skills plan has been compiled and submitted, the skills
needs must be effectively developed.

This requires the participation or at least support of all role players, even those
outside the organisation. Consideration must be given to the manner in which
these learning interventions will be implemented and the systems that will be put
in place to record and mange the information that will be required in the
Implementation Report.

There are numerous types of learning interventions that organisations can use,
such as contact learning, on-the–job training, coaching, mentoring and many
more. Whatever the training intervention, the approach should always be
outcomes based and aimed at the improvement of competence of learners.

59 | P a g e
A framework for viewing employee interventions separates them into three
general approaches or broad categories:

 Group activities. Interventions in which individuals work in groups to learn.

Classroom-based learning interventions, workshops and project teams are
part of this category.
 Support-oriented activities. Interventions where one individual assists
another, such as on-the-job training, coaching and mentoring will fall
under this category.
 Self-directed activities. Interventions in which an employee working strictly
alone can undertake activities. Structured self-study manuals and
programs, background reading and computer-assisted learning will form
part of this category.
Record Keeping

As SDF, it is important that your records be kept up to date. You will have a
personal set of records that you keep according to your project plan, and the
records for training interventions will be kept by the organisation in line with SAQA
and ETQA regulations.


What is a Learnership?

A Learnership is a structured process for acquiring theoretical knowledge and

practical skills within the workplace. Learners learn on the job and they obtain a
nationally recognised qualification on completion of a Learnership.

Learnership strives to align training interventions (courses) more closely to labour

market needs.

Learnerships are designed to address skills shortages in South Africa as identified

by industry, providers and learners themselves.

A Learnership must:

60 | P a g e
 Relate to an occupation
 Consist of a structured learning component
 Include practical work experience
 Lead to a qualification
Benefits of Implementation Learnerships

Implementing Learnerships will prove beneficial to the organisation as a whole.

For employers, benefits include:

 A better skilled workforce

 Systems in place for skills development within the work force
 Skilled learners who will contribute to the economic growth and
development of the country.
Learnership Implementation process

1. 2. 3.

 Identity Learners  Train Assessors

 Identity Learnership  Train coaches/Mentors
 Apply for discretionary  Enroll learners
grant from Seta  Sign three party
 Identify training agreement
providers  Develop a workplace
learning schedule
 Implement Learnership
 Train Assessors program
 Train coaches/Mentors  Learnership

4. 5. 6.

 Prepare for SETA site  Submit learner reports

visits Monitor Learning to relevant role players
 Record Keeping Progress  Obtain national
certificates program

61 | P a g e
Employer’s Role

Strict procedures have to be followed when implementing a Learnership. The

employer needs to ensure that he/she complies with the following:

 Assessment processes/ system for Learnership implementation are

aligned with the SETA ETQA
 Contractual issues, learner workplace support and guidance,
workplace readiness, selection of learners, costs and learner
allowances are in place.
 A Learnership Agreement is entered into with both the provider and
 The employer initiates and participates in the registration,
development, preparation for, implementation of, monitoring and
evaluation of Learnerships.

Learnership Agreement


Employer Training provider

62 | P a g e
Rights and Obligations

The Learnership Agreement extends rights and obligations to both employer

and learner.

Learner’s rights include:

 The right to adequate training and education as set out in the

Learnership Agreement.
 The rights to negotiation – the timing, location, how the Learnership will
take place, and who will do the assessment, are open to negotiation.
 The right of access to all resources that are required and to quality
 If the learner is dissatisfied with the quality and standard of training, he/
she may (provided enough motivation is given) take it further by following
the procedures and mechanisms laid down by the SETA.
 A learner may give up his /her Learnership to another registered training
provider if the current training provider is dissolved, insolvent, or de-
 The right to a proper assessment of his/her performance in training and is
allowed to see his/her assessment results.
 A learner may continue training (provided his/her responsibilities are
fulfilled) until the period specified lapses or until he/she meets the
outcomes for the required unit standards, whichever comes first.
 The right to certification upon completion of his/her training program.
 The right to a fair hearing in the case of disciplinary matter.

Employers can expect the following from the learner:

 The learner must work for the employer as part of the Learnership
practice. If the learner fails to do so, the employer may ask the SETA to
terminate the Learnership Agreement and the employment contract.

63 | P a g e
 The learner must be available for all learning and work experience as
stated in the Learnership Agreement or employment contract.
 The learner must attend all study and learning sessions with the specific
training provider and work diligently
 If the learner fails to do so, the training provider may recommend that the
employer start disciplinary procedures which could lead to the end of the
Learnership Agreement and employment contract.
 The learner must obey the workplace policies and procedures such as
arriving at work and the wearing the correct clothing etc.
 The learner must complete any timesheets or any written assessment tool
given by the employer to provide related work experience.
 The learner must commit him/herself to lifelong learning.

The Learnership Agreements will terminate on the date stipulated in the

Learnership Agreement. It will terminate earlier if:

 The learner successfully completes the Learnership;

 The learner is dismissed by the employer for a reason related to the
learner’s conduct or capacity as an employee; or the employer and
learner agree to terminate the agreement; or the SETA approves a written
application to terminate the agreement by the learner or if good cause is
shown, by the employer.

Supporting the Learner

The Learnership will only succeed if the learning environment is both

supportive and enabling. Previously unemployed and employed learners may
not be familiar with the nature of work and may require additional support. This
should be provided by mentors and coaches

64 | P a g e

Mentors must be multi-skilled and fulfill a number of roles including that of:

 Sponsor
 Teacher
 Coach
 Sounding board
 Counsellor
 Buffer between the learner and the organisation
 Information provider
 Deliverer of painful home truths

The mentor’s role is to:

 Facilitate learning
 Enhance the learner’s analysis of situations in the workplace
 Unlock an individual’s own potential to maximise their performance and
 Influence the learner in achieving important goals.


Coaches also play an important role within the workplace. In order to coach
effectively coaches need to:

 Build on the learners strengths and self confidence

 Provide the learner with the freedom and independence to do the job
without you, challenge them to come up with their own solutions to
 Set standards and make performance expectations clear and specific
 Guide learners to follow the organisations values and rules
 Encourage the learner when he/she is discouraged

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 Provide appropriate training and support when needed and be
available for questions and concerns
 Serve as a good role model lead by example
 Maintain confidentiality
 Explain reasons for decisions and procedures and provide advanced
warning of changes wherever possible
 Give learners credit and praise learners for work well done
 Not blame the learner when the learner makes mistakes
 Empower learners to take control of their own development

Evaluating the Impact of the Learnership

The overall success of the Learnership project needs to be evaluated. The

Learnership will be deemed successful if:

 The learner achieves competence within stipulated time frame

 The Learnership has led to an increase in productivity levels
 Current employees have been able to progress in their career
 The learners have found placement following the Learnership – i.e. are
more employable

The employer should identify the criteria for success at outset: these needs to be
clearly understood by the learner.

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Managing Information

Systems must be in place to monitor progress. Information collated on the

Learnership will be important for feedback and also for evaluating the
Leadership’s overall success.

Originals or copies should be kept of the following:

 Learner Agreements/contracts
 Standards forms and reports (seta, employer or provider specific)
 Assessment guides
 Training manuals
 Employment contracts
 Code of conduct
 Certificates
 Grievance and appeal discussions/proceedings
 Progress reports
 Placements records

Compiling Reports

Details of assessments need to be recorded in line with ETQA requirements. All

records should be kept especially for appeal processes. The assessment results
need to be recorded and both the learner and assessor need to sign the
records. Moderators may request to view assessment reports.

When compiling reports it is necessary to ensure that:

 The data is valid and reliable

 The information is thorough and convincing
 Recommendations are practical and achievable
 Stakeholders suggestions and recommendations are included

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SWOT Analysis

Elements of SWOT analysis

Without clear analysis your organisation’s workplace skills plan you will not be in
a position to contribute clearly and correctly on factors impacting on the sector.
It is therefore important for you to do a proper analysis of the workplace skills
plan implementation and the learning interventions you have implemented
within your organisation and to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the
interventions. A simple, yet effective way of doing this is to draw up a SWOT

SWOT analysis is a very effective way of identifying your strengths and

weaknesses and of examining the opportunities and threats your organisation
faces. Carrying out an analysis using the SWOT framework helps you to focus
your activities into areas where you are strong and where the greatest
opportunities lie.

In relation to the workplace skills plan, it does this by assessing the organisation’s
Strengths (what an organisation can do in terms of skills development)
Weaknesses (what the organisation cannot do) opportunities (potential
favorable conditions for the organisation) and Threats (potential unfavourable
conditions for the organisation).

Once this is completed, SWOT analysis determines if the information indicates

something that will assist the organisation in accomplishing its objectives
(strength or opportunity), or if it indicates an obstacle that must be overcome or
minimised to achieve desired results (weakness or threat), which in turn will have
an effect on the learning interventions you select to address the skills needs in
your organisation.

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Strengths and Weaknesses

Relative to market needs and competitors characteristics, you must think in

terms of what strengths and weaknesses exist internally within an organisation or
in key relationships between the organisation and its customers. When writing
down strengths it is imperative that they be considered from both the view of
the organisation as well as from the customers that are dealt with. A well-
developed list of strengths should enable you to identify factors that you as an
organisation can capitalise on to get an edge in the market.

A well-defined SWOT analysis may also uncover an organisation’s potential

weakness. Although some weaknesses may be harmless, those that relate to
specific customer needs should be minimized if at all possible. Weaknesses
should also be considered from an internal and external point of view. It is
important that listing of an organisation’s weaknesses is truthful so that they may
be overcome as soon as possible.

The role of the internal portion of SWOT is to determine where resources are
available or lacking so that strengths and weaknesses can be identified. From
this the SDF can then develop strategies that match these strengths with
opportunities and thereby create new capabilities which will then be part of the
SWOT analysis. At the same time the SDF can develop strategies to overcome
the organisation weaknesses or find ways to minimize the negative effects of
these weaknesses.

Opportunities and Threats

Managers who are caught up in developing strengths and capabilities may

ignore the external environment. This could lead to an efficient organisation that
is no longer effective when changes in the external environment prohibit the
organisations ability to deliver value to its targeted customers. These changes
can occur in the rate of overall market growth and in the competitive
economic, political/legal and technological or socio-cultural environments.

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Social and cultural influences cause changes in attitudes, beliefs, norm, customs
and lifestyles. An organisation’s ability to foresee changes and provide training
in these areas can prove beneficial while failure to react to these changes can
be devastating. Regulatory actions by government agencies often restrict the
activities of companies in affected industries, for example, the new skills levies
and training–related legislation introduced. The organisation must not just look
at the negative impact but also see the opportunities arising from these laws to
make the most of the situations. It is important to identify political/legal threats
and opportunities in order to keep an edge on the market.

Various elements within an organisation’s internal environment can also have an

impact on marketing activities. Changes in the structuring of departments, line
of authority, top management or internal political climate can create internal
weaknesses that must be considered during the SWOT analysis as well as in the
development of workplace skills plan.

SWOT Analysis Template:


 Capabilities?  Gaps in capabilities

 Competitive advantages?  Lack of competitive strengths?
 Resources, assets, people?  Reputation presence and reach?
 Experience knowledge data?  Own know vulnerabilities?
 Financial reserves?  Timescales, deadline pressures?
 Innovative aspects?  Cashflow?
 Local and geographical?  Reliability of data?
Accreditation qualifications  Accreditation etc?
certification?  Processes and systems etc
 Management succession?
 Cultural attitudinal behavioural?

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 Market developments?  Political legislative effects?

 Competitor’s vulnerabilities?  Environmental effects?
 Industry or lifestyle trends?  Market demands?
 Technology, development and  New technology services ideas?
innovation?  Vital contracts partners?
 New markets?  Sustaining internal capabilities?
 Global influences?  Obstacles faced?
 Business and product  Insurmountable weaknesses?
development?  Loss of key staff?
 Information and research?  Economy - home and abroad?
 Partnerships agencies?  Seasonality weather effects?
 Seasonal weather fashion
It is important to compile a table such as the one above relevant to your own
organisation and address the issues raised in the example or add to it with issues
unique to your own organisation. This should leave you with a comprehensive list
of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that can be linked to the
skills development that took place during the course of the year. This should
enable you to determine issues that need to be addressed in the workplace
skills plan for the year ahead.

Always remember that you are doing a SWOT analysis on the workplace skills
plan submitted for the year and the training interventions you have presented.

Improvements of learning interventions

When you conducted some form of evaluation you will find there were aspects
that could be improved on for the next cycle of planning. You need to
determine how to go about making these recommendations:

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 If certain things were not up to standard, how, to whom and in what form
would you have these recommendations made?
 If certain aspects were up to standard, produced exceptional results and
had a major impact, again: where how and who do you report to?

This means that you need to set up approved mechanisms to make

recommendations out of the skills planning process. This must happen at the best
time, with the people involved who can make decisions to support
improvements. You must use the strongest ways available to communicate to
the widest audience possible throughout the organisation what has happened
well, what changes have come about as a result of implementing the workplace
skills plan. This communication could also say how things will be done the next
time around.

The following questions could be adapted into a checklist with a column for
actions that need to be taken:

 What results from evaluation of the implemented plan and the planning
process itself lead to recommendations for improvements?
 What is the most appropriate level and vehicle within the organisation for
making recommendations?
 How should any recommendations approved and/or decided on be
 What structures, processes or systems need to be modified to ensure
improvement during the next planning cycle?

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US15227: Conduct skills development administration in an





Throughout this section, we will look at how able the organisation is to implement
the training that was planned in the workplace skills plan, and how to report on
progress made with skills development in the 12 months. Monitoring systems
include the following:

 Project management systems are being correctly used.

 Ordering, receiving, delivering, checking systems are in place and being
used - whether simple manual systems and IT-based systems.
 Keeping track of learner attendance, their submission of projects,
assessment results, feedback provided to them etc
 Giving information to line managers and other representatives of groups
who have a valid interest in the training.
 Feeding information into record systems to keep track of each planned

Remember that without careful monitoring, reporting becomes a nightmare and

far less cost-effective.

Storage of Data

Every organisation will be required to demonstrate that they have a system and
the facilities for maintaining and updating detailed information about members
in training programs. This is essential in order to be able to meet the ETQA
reporting requirements and should include the following learner information:

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 Name and unique learner number (ID or SAQA generated number)
 Contact details
 Demographic information (age, race, gender, geographical location,
 Education and training background and experience
 Special learning needs e.g. interpreter needed, disability etc
 Additional learning needs (necessary experience and knowledge of
relevant technology)
 Resources factors (place and time of learning, access to resources
including electricity and technology, financial resources for additional
learning materials)
 Motivation for entering a program of learning
 Programs for which the learners is registered
 Performance during the program (internal and continuous assessment)
 Achievement during and at the end of the program (internal and
external assessment, final assessment, award achieved)

In addition to enabling the ETQA and SAQA to maintain accurate information on

national learner and learning profiles, this information can serve many of the
quality requirements for the company including the evaluation of its policies and

Knowledge of the learners and their needs is essentially what drives the purpose
and policies of the company. This information is also used to design learning
programs and learner support systems and services. Updating and reviewing this
information in a formal and regular way allows the company to develop a
flexible and learner-centred approach to training.

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Learner Confidentiality

One of the issues that must be borne in mind by all companies, both in designing
systems to store learner information and for reporting, is that of learner
confidentiality. Such systems should be designed taking the needs of different
users into account.

Reporting and information storage requirements need to address at least two

broad groupings. The first grouping deals with quality assurance. The first user
would be the learner him/herself. Then, in direct relation to the quality of the
learning interaction, would be the teacher, tutor, lecturer or trainer. Closing the
information loop would be the company.

The information transfer to the SETA needs to be designed with the security of the
learner information in mind. Companies have to have policies in place for the
learner information they release.

With respect to reporting on learners and learner achievements, the

constitutional right to privacy needs to be taken into account when designing
what and how information will be stored for each learner.

Monthly report format

The following is an example of a monthly report format based on learning

outcomes (taken from ‘The nuts and bolts business series: Managing learning
processes and quality):

For month of May 200x

Outcomes achieved (successfully assessed.)

 Qualifications
Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

75 | P a g e
 Unit standards
Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

 Learning outcomes in individual programs not reflected in any of the

previous figures
Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

 No. of learners with learning programs

 No. of learners who have been assessed for:

Unit standards

 Learning outcomes
 No. of learners who engaged in a structured learning intervention
 No. of learners who were engaged in workplace experience (based on
registered learning programs)
 No of learners who have made little progress in the review period

Problems encountered

Costs related to learning during May 200x

 Direct
 Indirect
 Assessment
Performance benefits reported

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From a management perspective, such a report gives a clear indication of the
level of activity, the level of progress, measures of effectiveness, etc. It becomes
easier to manage the learning process simply because the focus is on the
outputs which are quantifiable.

Continuously drawing up reports such as the one mentioned above will help you
as skills development facilitator to determine the impact of the training and
development the organisation engages in on the performance or productivity of
the organisation.


Annual Training Report

Submitting the annual training report is an administrative procedure. You need to

fall back on the policy and procedure of the SETA to which you are affiliated.
Before submitting the report, it is important to establish that you have completed
each section correctly and comprehensively. Only organisations that have
completed workplace skills plan to claim a planning grant will be eligible for an
implementation grant.

Remember that submission of the annual training report will enable the
organisation to access funding when participating in Skills Development Act
processes. Now, let’s have a look at the format of the workplace skills plan

Section A: Administrative details and organisation profile.

The template requires you to give the name of the organisation, skills levy
number, addresses and general contact details of the organisation. It is also
requires private organisations to provide the total number of employees and
total annual salary payroll.

Section B: Skills development facilitator details.

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As with the workplace skills plan, various questions are asked to establish the
profile of the skills development facilitator within the organisation, such as
personal details, period of time functioning as SDF, registration as SDF, etc.

Section C: Employment profile.

This section (also similar to the workplace skills plan) seeks to obtain information
regarding the employment profile of members in the organisation. Once again,
occupational groups must be reported on in respect of race, gender, and
disability profile.

Section D: Report on training provided to beneficiaries.

This table must be completed in order to record which beneficiaries received

training by learning programs. Once again, occupational groups must be
reported on in respect of race, gender and disability profile and reported on by
course name. Actual cost must also be noted, whether internal or external. The
section also has a table on variances of training provided against the workplace
skills plan. After starting what training has taken place throughout the year, you
must now state what the differences are between the training planned and
training implemented. This will give the SETA an idea of the organisation’s ability
to implement training and bring to their attention any problem areas that might
exist within the sector. Cost factors are also addressed.

Section E: Annual training report development.

This section requires you to describe the process used to develop the training
report on how the workplace skills plan was implemented.

Section F: Employment equity compliance, consultation and authorisation


This section seeks to establish what the organisation is doing about employment
equity and also what the composition of the training committee is. Details
regarding the training committee as well as the skills development facilitator
must be supplied and members of the committee must sign the report.

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Identification of problems and improvements

In organisations, the future continuous improvement is crucial and this is true for
the information management system as well. It might be a good idea to keep a
register with the person who is responsible for managing the information system
where individuals seeking information can record shortcomings in the system. This
can range from the time needed to access information to information that is
lacking in the system. The SDF should revise this register frequently and provide
feedback to relevant parties with regards to improvements to be made.
However, these improvements should be within limits and should always take
cognisance of the principles of confidentiality.

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