Maritime Management Students 2011: The Image of Maritime Industry As Seen by New Maritime Management Students
Maritime Management Students 2011: The Image of Maritime Industry As Seen by New Maritime Management Students
Maritime Management Students 2011: The Image of Maritime Industry As Seen by New Maritime Management Students
Nico Soukka
The purpose of this thesis was to find out the profile of the new Maritime Manage-
ment students and what they think about the maritime industry. The work was done
by making a survey which was then given to the class to fill on their first school day.
This thesis consists of 3 parts; first I explain the backgrounds that lead me to select
the questions into the survey. Then I describe how the survey was made and used.
Lastly I explain the results collected with the survey.
The thesis succeeds in forming a profile of the new Maritime Management students
and gathers some insight into how the new students see the maritime industry and
what they expect from it in the future.
This Thesis was commissioned by the Finnish Shipowners’ Association due to their
interest in the notability of the portal amongst the new students.
Filed at: The examination work is available either at the electronic library
or in the Novia library.
Syftet med detta examensarbete är att bilda en profil av första årets Maritime Mana-
gement studerande, samt att undersöka deras förhandsåsikter om sjöfartsbranschen.
Undersökningen utfördes med en frågeenkät, som tilldelades åt klassen under deras
första skoldag.
2 Background......................................................................................................................................... 4
2.5 11
3 Survey ................................................................................................................................................ 11
4 Results ............................................................................................................................................... 13
5 Conclusions ...................................................................................................................................... 23
References ................................................................................................................................................. 26
1 Introduction
Onboard ships new students entering their training period always hear discussion
about the young trainees seeing themselves as only a few years short of being compe-
tent master mariners. Whether this is just legend or a sad circumstance that takes
place on numerous ships annually, is investigated in this study. It is common belief
among more experienced maritime professionals that many new students in the mar-
itime schools are not fully aware of what work environment and career prospects
they are truly entering. Lacking more reliable sources of information, new students
might base their perceptions about a captain’s career path on hearsay or the degree’s
official length of 4.5 years of study time.
There are multiple reasons why it is difficult to form a clear image of the profession:
the lack of reliable information sources, the abundance of misleading information and
the legendry circulating amongst seafarers and wannabe seafarers. The subscriber of
this thesis, Finnish Shipowners’ Association, has interest in the awareness of the
Seaventures-portal amongst the new students. So I have included it as a part of my
work when looking for the information sources the new students have used to gain
knowledge of the profession and maritime industry.
Lately I have been intrigued by what is the general perception of the maritime profes-
sion amongst those seeking to become maritime professionals. Does it coincide more
with reality or a romanticized image based on popular culture. Do the students arriv-
ing from foreign countries have a similar perception as those from Finland?
There have been relatively few studies made in Finland about maritime students and
their knowledge and vision of the profession. My study is focusing on the maritime
management students who began their studies in fall of 2011 in Turku. Due to the
substantially small population of this study, the conclusions to be made of the ques-
tionnaire results are unfortunately quite narrow. I have high hopes that if the ques-
tionnaire is done annually, follow up studies with more interesting conclusions can be
The questionnaire and the theory it is based on was done in cooperation with Bernt
Lindell who studies the national maritime students who began their studies in the fall
of 2011.
The aim of this thesis is to find out the social background of new Maritime Manage-
ment students and where they got the information about the industry. Also it is good
to know what kind of image the students get from the information sources as a result.
With the social background I mean where the students are from, what age they are,
their mother tongue, their parents’ education, occupation and more. Further objec-
tives of this study is to find out how many of the new students have sailors in the fam-
ily and whether it has affected the new student’s educational choices. Are there stu-
dents that expect to be sea captains after four and a half years of studying; this is to be
determined. The subscriber of the thesis is interested if the new maritime manage-
ment students are aware of the Seaventures-portal and if they have used it for infor-
mation seeking. For this reason the respondents were asked a few questions about it.
New student’s background: Age, hometown, educational level, social background and
are there any relatives as seamen. What kind of image do the new students have of
the seaman’s profession? What made them to select the maritime education? What
career prospects are the students expecting?
How well do the new students know the seaman’s profession? Where did they get
information about the seaman’s profession? Are the new students familiar with the
Seaventures–portal? Have they used it to find information of the profession? Do the
results to these questions differ between foreign and Finnish students?
1.3 Demarcation
This study is limited to apply to students who began their Maritime Management
studies in autumn 2011 at Novia University of Applied Sciences (henceforth Novia).
All students who had begun their studies earlier were demarcated out. The study was
limited even further by carrying it out at the earliest possible stage of the new stu-
dents’ studies, on the beginning of the students’ first school day. I considered it im-
portant that their thoughts and beliefs don’t get influenced by older students’
thoughts about this occupation and their opinions of the Finnish maritime future.
Previous researches and studies concerning precisely this subject and ones that relate
to seafaring are rare if not downright nonexistent. However, there are studies and
researches related to maritime training, student’s social background and what kind /
where to find information of the maritime industry. Below I list some of the most cen-
tral studies I use in this thesis.
Leena Rossi “Koulun kautta merille” (1994) is a study of maritime training in Finland
from 1813 to 1988. The survey is very comprehensive and includes title divisions by
subjects, students’ social backgrounds and more. From this work I have concentrated
on maritime students’ background on the postwar period between the years 1944
and 1988.
MKK / Centre for Maritime Studies (2004) have made a study of the student counci-
lors’ knowledge of the maritime industry. The study also included research of the im-
age of maritime profession amongst ninth graders. From this work I’ve focused on the
information sources that potential students have about the maritime profession.
Katja Nurmio’s master’s thesis “Merimiehen Blues” describes the changes in the sea-
man’s life from the end of 1950’s to 2004. This source I’ve used to form a picture how
seamen are seen universally in Finland.
Jan Tarpila from KyAMK has made a thesis of impressions about the maritime profes-
sions, even though the topic suggests it would relate to my thesis I’ve disregarded it
due to its inferior quality and questionable source references.
2 Background
In this chapter I deal with sea captains’/maritime students base education level since
the Second World War, Finnish university students’ social background and seaman’s
professions and maritime industry’s image in Finland. Since World War II, the general
level of education has increased in Finland, which was also visible in the students ap-
plying to maritime education. (Rossi 1994, page 319) The time period also includes
significant changes in basic schools due to the school reform in 1970s and in the
maritime schools during early 1990s when the universities of applied sciences (UAS)
were formed. (Rossi 1994, page 82; Anttila & Salmenhaara 2011, page 26; personal
interview with Karlsson P-O, 14.2.2012) The formation of universities of applied
sciences meant a total change in maritime education. The change from the old
education system in which studies went on gradually in three different degree steps
between school and work on board, into a sigle degree at a polytechnic meant that the
officer programme was no longer divided into mate and captain –lines, but pooled
into a master line which contains both studies and practical training. (personal
interview with Karlsson P-O, 14.2.2012)
The rise in the general level of education also elevated the percentage of students in
maritime schools who had a high school diploma. In maritime schools in the mainland
there have been a few students with high school diplomas since the mid-1940s. The
proportion of students with high school diplomas increased sharply in the 1960s and
1970s; at the end of 1970s the rate was up to 40% of students in maritime schools in
Turku and Rauma. At the end of the 1980s about half of the students in maritime
schools in mainland Finland had a high school diploma as base education. (Rossi
1994, pages 319-322) 16 students (69,6%) of the first class in Sydväst University of
Applied Sciences in 1996 had high school diplomas and 7 pieces had vocational
school as base education. (Åbo Navigationsinstitut)
Since the mid-1940s to the late 1980s, four fifths of maritime students come from
South-Western and Southern Finland. The main recruitment area for maritime
schools in Finland has been Finland Proper and Satakunta (together one third of
students) and Uusimaa (one third of students). The most common places of origin for
maritime students were the four maritime school cities, Turku, Rauma, Kotka and
Maarianhamina, together with Helsinki. These cities accounted for two fifths of the
students. Maritime school in Turku had over haf of its students from Finland Proper.
Other major recruitment areas for maritime school in Turku were Uusimaa (about
one third of students) and Ahvenanmaa(about one tenth of the students). Maritime
schools in Rauma and Kotka had similar trends as the school in Turku. The most
important recruitment for both schools was their own province. Over half of the
maritime education students in Rauma was from Satakunta, while just under half of
the students at Kotka maritime school were from Kymi. Both schools had one fifth of
their students from Uusimaa. (Rossi 1994, pages 328-329) Of the students who began
their seacaptain studies in Sydväst University of Applied Sciences in Turku during the
fall of 1996, nearly half were from Finland Proper, about one sixth from Uusimaa and
one eighth from rest of Finland. (Åbo Navigationsinstitut)
Even though the absolute number of foreign degree students has increased
throughout the 2000s, their relative share of students in higher education (4%) is by
international standards still below the OECD average (6,9%). (Garam 2009, page 2)
At the turn of the millennium the focus in internationalizing shifted even more to the
recruitment of degree students. The strategy for international operation, published in
the 2001, was the first time when national objectives for the amount of foreign degree
students were set. Together with the recruitment of degree students also the focus for
Also a new area is the domestic internationalization which means to create an inter-
national atmosphere domestically. It’s been under discussion previously, but in prac-
tice the share of Finnish students in foreign language based programs has grown rap-
idly only in the last few years. One factor influencing this might have been the unreal-
istic expectations about the popularity of foreign exchange among students. Now that
the reality is recognized, possibilities for internationalization domestically are
searched. Additionally the quality of the Finnish students’ English skills is nowadays
generally quite good, so the foreign language is no longer a threshold. (Lahtonen &
Pyykkö 2005, page 13)
In Finland Novia is the only school that offers sea captain’s degree in a foreign lan-
guage. (National Board of Education)
Currently 133 degrees in a foreign language are offered in Finnish Universities of ap-
plied sciences. (Study in Finland) During summer 2008 the number was only 79.
(Garam 2009, page17) The amount of foreign language programs has almost doubled
in 4 years as a result of the internationalization strategy.
A foreign student that comes to Finland expects from his international studies clear
added value to his degree, something that can’t be obtained from his home university
and can be used as a career speeding factor. Due to the fact that English language has
become the lingua franca of business and science, the demand for especially English
language based education is largest. Of course the student can be attracted by various
other reasons as well. For example the image of the exchange destinations interesting
way of life or other social factors can influence the decision. (Lahtonen & Pyykkö
2005, page 15)
Clearly the most important recruitment channels for foreign students are the pro-
gram’s webpages in English. The results confirm the perception obtained from previ-
ous studies that the internet and different kinds of personal acquaintances are the
most important information and recruitment channels. The superiority of the
webpages as a recruitment channel implies also that systematic and targeted market-
ing in the programs has only a small influence. (Garam 2009, page 41)
Foreign language degree programs are not designed with a view that they would give
readiness to find employment primarily in Finland. Only a fifth of the programs aim at
this. In addition according to those responsible for the programs, fewer than half of
the programs provide readiness to find employment in Finland or both to Finland and
abroad. The rest of the programs prepare students primarily to foreign labour
markets or they didn’t take a stance on the issue. (Garam 2009, page 81)
In many programs it is also not clear to which labor market the students are being
trained – or atleast this is not defined as destination countries. Just under half of the
programs did not know how to define if the degree gives readiness for employment in
Finland or abroad. (Garam 2009, page 81)
Median age of the Finnish university students as they begin their studies is 21 years,
while the average of age is 23 years. The average is greater than the median because
it is sensitive to extreme values, in this case old students. (Saarenmaa, Saari &
Virtanen 2010, page 17) In technology, communication and transport field’s, in which
the captain’s program belongs to, as with the natural science fields at the Finnish
universities of applied sciences the male students represent 80% of the total amount
of students. In comparison, generally in Finnish universities only 45% of the students
are male while 55% are female. (Saarenmaa, Saari & Virtanen 2010, pages 16-17)
Almost two thirds of the Finnish university of applied sciences students has a high
school diploma, while three tenths have completed a vocational degree and three
percent have completed another university degree prior to their studies. (Saarenmaa,
Saari & Virtanen 2010, page 19) When looking generally at Finnish university
students’ parents, mothers are slightly more educated than the fathers. 23% of
university of applied sciences’ students’ fathers have a folks’-, middle- or elementary
school background, while 15% of mother have similar educational backgrounds. 46%
of fathers and 54% of mothers have a vocational education. University degree or
higher is possessed by one fourth of fathers and more than one fourth of the mothers.
(Saarenmaa, Saari & Virtanen 2010, pages 25-26)
The word seaman consists of the words, sea and man and tells in itself the essential, a
man that works at sea. Terminology is also similar in many other languages and con-
sists of the same parts, such as in Finnish merimies (sea and man), Swedish sjöman
(sjö and man), and German seeman (see and man). Seaman’s job description varies
greatly depending on the ship type and traffic area in question. There are also per-
sons that judicially are categorized as seamen, but in fact have nothing to do with
shipping, such as service personnel on passenger ships; they are a category of their
own and outside the scope of this study. The only thing in common with these groups
is their migratory work. (Vartiainen 1995, page 27; Anttila & Salmenhaara 2011, page
Seaman’s profession has changed significantly since World War II. In the first half of
the 20th century the last sail ships were superseded by first steam and then motor
driven vessels. In the 1960s and 1970s ro-ro ships and container ships became more
common. Development led to reduced port times and more urgency in ports, which
meant that there was hardly time to go ashore. (Pietikäinen 1994, pages 208-209;
Sipilä & Wirrankoski 1994, pages 313-315; Vartiainen 1995, pages 24-25) Due to the
ships’ technological development crew sizes decreased and job assignments were
reorganized. Todays ships with high level of technology and automation are planned
for smaller crews. This means that high professional skills, extensive technical
knowledge and good social qualities are required from seamen today. The small
crews also leads to much shift work that makes the seaman’s profession physically
demanding. (Vartiainen 1995, pages 24-25; Anttila & Salmenhaara 2011, pages 112
and 114) This conception is also popular amongst ninth graders, guidance counselors
and employment office educational counselors. However according to MKK is faulty
due to modern day technical equipment which make the work physically less
demanding. MKK though admits that due to smaller manning and increased hurry has
added the mental pressure on seamen. (Helminen & Aaltonen 2004, page 22)
According to the Finnish shipping companies the shipping industry’s image is cur-
rently moderately good and better than elsewhere in Europe (Anttila & Salmenhaara
2011, pages 96, 101-102). However Anttila and Salmenhaara (2011, page 105) are of
the opinion that currently the shipping industry’s image is not very good in Finland
partly due to outflagging in recent years. Interest groups in the maritime sector be-
lieve that the sector will not attract new students due to wage development and work
characteristics such as long periods away from home. (Anttila & Salmenhaara 2011,
page 95)
The image of seafaring and maritime industry is diverse. The romanticized image of
the seaman has its origins in the sailing time, and it was largely created on land. In the
romanticized image of the seaman his escapades and misfortunes change to adven-
ture and romance, which rarely have anything to do with reality. (Riimala 1995, page
15; Vartiainen 1995, page 27) This romanticized image of the seamen has lived
among the Finnish people and even among members of Parliament, who have atleast
on two occasions tried to make seamen pay pleasure tax on the basis that they get to
travel so much abroad through their work. (Vartiainen 1995, page 33; Sylvänne 2011,
page 39) These days also popular culture influences the romantic image of the
seaman. Finnish schlager music, such as Juha Vainio’s Albatrossi, and contemporary
television shows from cruise ships, such as Love Boat, affects to some extent to the
image of seafaring profession that the students who apply to maritime education
have. (personal interview with Uola K., 20.3.2012) Romantic seamans notions such as
yearning for freedom, dreams, demanding work, foreign lands and the sea are
according to Salmenhaara and Uola (personal interview with Uola, 20.3.2012) factors
that lead young people today to apply for this occupation. (Joki 2011)
The perceptions of family and friends about universities affect the potential new stu-
dents’ choice of university and education. However, also the image and reputation of
the universities affects somewhat the potential new student’s choice of educa-
tion/university. Therefore the families and friends’ support influences the new stu-
dents’ courage to apply to another location for education. (Tuominen 2011, page 99)
The parents’ position and background/education and occupation affects children’s
MKK’s report from 2005 considers that the best sources of information for teens and
young adults on seaman’s profession and maritime education is expert presentations
and internet pages. Internet is especially suitable as an information source since it’s
independent of geographic position. However it is important that the information on
the web pages are current and up-to-date. Information on maritime education and
maritime profession should be addressed to potential new students, guidance
counselors in middle schools and highschools. (Helminen & Aaltonen 2004, page 20;
Kauppi, Suotmaa, & Haikka 2005, page13 and 15)
All four Finnish universities of applied sciences that offer captain’s education an-
nounce the study time length to be 4,5 years. (Högskolan på Åland; KyAMK; SAMK;
Yrkeshögskolan Novia) Of the schools only Novia informs potential students that in
addition to a captain’s degree, also work experience as an officer on ships in interna-
tional traffic is needed to get a master mariner’s certificate. (Yrkeshögskolan Novia)
For those who began their studies in autumn 2011, it takes at least 10 years until they
receive their master mariner’s certificate. Of this time it takes the studies themselves
about five years. (Anttila & Salmenhaara 2011, pages 99 and 114) In addition to a
captain’s degree and master mariner’s certificate, general work experience in deck
officer’s duties is expected before employed as master of a ship in international
traffic. This will more than likely prolong the time before the new student gets his
first captain’s job. There are certain exceptions in regard to the requirements to be
captain, for example in small tonnage ships on the Baltic Sea traffic area where the
chief officer certificate and statutory work experience is enough to hold captain’s
position (Valtioneuvoston asetus aluksen miehityksestä ja laivaväen pätevyydestä,
2010). Today increasingly many graduates seek employment directly on land instead
of seagoing work onboard ships (Anttila & Salmenhaara 2011, page 99). This
phenomenon is supported by one third of students at maritime universities of applied
sciences that say they tried shipping and that their goal is occupation on land (Anttila
& Salmenhaara 2011, page 106). However it seems that maritime students are aware
that Nordic seafarers are highly appreciated and that there is especially demand for
officers on international markets. (Anttila & Salmenhaara 2011, page 102)
3 Survey
The population of this study is the new Maritime Management students who began
their studies in autumn 2011. Nationally speaking the amount of maritime students is
small (Anttila & Salmenhaara 2011, page 118). From this we can deduct that the
amount of Maritime Management students who began their studies this autumn is so
small, that it is practically possible to make a total survey and take a sample which
includes the whole class. Another option could’ve been to make a sample survey,
where I would’ve taken a sample of the population. The sample would’ve then repre-
sented the whole population (Körner & Wahlgren 2002, pages 28-30). I decided it is
more convenient to make a total survey.
For the study of this thesis, I have chosen to use a questionnaire in which I combined
multiple choice questions, likert scaled questions and open questions. In the likert
scaled questions I used a scale of one (1) to five (5). Where number one (1) accounted
for very poor and hardly, while number five (5) accounted for very good and definite-
ly. The multiple choice questions were chosen in order to be able to make statistical
comparison of the answers. The acquired answers were examined in accordance with
statistical key figures. I favored open questions in order to minimize the chance of
steering the respondents’ answers and to gain deeper insight into the respondents’
choice of maritime training and beliefs about the seafaring profession. The open an-
swers were examined through qualitative substance analysis. All questions in the
survey are based on my own perceptions and source theories that allow adequate
comparison between their results and mine. The source theories I mostly used con-
sists of former researches and studies.
The questionnaire was tested with the first class of watchkeeping officer students at
Axxell vocational school in August 2011, after which it was revised slightly. Some of
the questions were more detailed, so that the respondents could better understand
them and more detailed response could be achieved. The questionnaires last two
questions are developed together with the subscriber of the thesis. These questions
concern the training and recruitment portal
The questionnaire was distributed in Novia to the entire present Maritime Manage-
ment class during a supervised time at the end of August 2011. This was the group’s
first day of school and they were given 45 minutes to answer the survey in the morn-
ing. After the respondents returned the surveys I separated the answer sheets from
the sheets that contained the respondents’ contact details. Later turned out that the
total amount of new students who began their studies that fall rose up to 14 and thus
the response rate fell to 85,7%. Response rate is high enough to make conclusions of
the specific maritime management class in question but since the overall population
of Maritime Management students is so small that it is not fertile ground for large
scale academic conclusions.
4 Results
In this chapter I take a look at the answers collected with the survey. I begin with the
respondent backgrounds and dig in deeper to look at the foundations from where
these respondents have climbed up to their present state as maritime management
students. I then continue to look for their connection with maritime industry and
what they think of it. I proceed to take a look at what expectations the respondents
have from this new path they have taken. I also show the respondents’ knowledge
level of the profession and in the end I look from where they gathered their infor-
mation from.
The age profile shows that the average age of a new Maritime Management student is
21,58 years which is lower than the average new university student in Finland (23
years). The median age of the respondents was 22 years which is higher than the me-
dian of new university students in Finland (21 years). The average age is more sus-
ceptible to extreme values than the median. (Saarenmaa, Saari & Virtanen 2010, page
17) In the EU region the largest entry age to Higher Education is 19 years.
(Bohonnek;Camilleri;Griga;Mühleck;Miklavic;& Orr 2010, page 33)
From Diagram 1 can also be seen that only one out of twelve students is female
(8,33%), this is in line with the general technology, communication and transport
fields gender profile which composes of 80% male students and only 20% female.
Generally Finnish universities have a gender distribution of 45% male and 55% fe-
male students. (Saarenmaa, Saari & Virtanen 2010, pages 16-17)
Nine of the maritime management students are from coastal regions (<50km to coast-
line) whereas three is from inland. This is in line with MKK’s assumptions that gener-
ally people from coastal regions are more prompt to pursue a career at sea.
(Helminen & Aaltonen 2004, page 7)
As can be seen on diagram 2 the population and henceforth the sample are very small
and heterogeneous, thus they are very difficult to be compared as such to other stu-
dent profiles in Finland. There are two respondents with dual citizenship which was
not apparent from the survey answers, one with Canadian and Hungarian citizenship,
and one with Finnish and Cypriot citizenship.
In diagram 3 can be seen that all of the maritime management students have at least
high school studies prior to the maritime school. Two foreign students had done uni-
versity studies before beginning the maritime school. All of the students have reached
the educational level their parents have and some have even exceeded them, this is in
line with the general progress in Europe. (Orr;Gwosc;& Netz 2011, page 47)
With most of the students’ parents the profession correlated with the educational
level. The parents’ professions varied greatly and can also be called heterogeneous. In
Finland different socioeconomic backgrounds are well represented among higher
education students. (Bohonnek; Camilleri; Griga; Mühleck; Miklavic & Orr 2010, page
There was only one student whose parent also worked at sea: his father works as a
pilot. Two students had other relatives at sea: one grandfather and an uncle. All in all,
25% of the students had relatives at sea.
In the questionnaire the respondents were asked this question: “Describe shortly,
what kind of image do you have of the seaman’s profession.” Most often mentioned
adjective was tough which was answered four (4) times. Then came demanding
which was mentioned twice. Also answers that imply the complete opposite of those
previously mentioned did come up. One respondent answered “peaceful profession”
and another answered “feet on the radar and a coffee cup in hand”. One respondent
also described his image of the seaman’s profession as complex due to odd working
The respondents were asked for reasons why they applied to maritime education and
later what affected their choice about the seaman’s profession. The answers to these
two questions combined gave a quite good picture of the motivators driving those
respondents to begin studying in Novia Maritime Management.
These questions were followed by: “Did your family or friends contribute to your
interest of going out at sea? If so in which way?” Most of the respondents declared
that their parents and friends had not influenced their interest towards going out at
sea. Four (4) of the respondents’ parents and friends had influenced by suggesting it,
supporting it or by giving information about it. One respondent: “My parents influ-
enced by giving me information about the industry”. This respondent’s father is a pi-
The respondents were asked about their expectations about the maritime education.
Four of them answered that they expect to receive the education they need to become
captains, another four emphasized the practical side of the studies over theoretical.
Three of the respondents expect the maritime education to be versatile and two of
them expect to gain knowledge of the profession. One respondent mentioned he is
expecting “versatility and high quality teaching”.
The respondents were asked where they think they’ll be working 15 years from the
moment they answered the survey. Ten (10) of them answered they hope they are
working on some type of ship and one respondent wishes to have his own company
by then.
The respondents had gained information about the seaman’s profession from some
acquaintances that worked at sea, or they had searched information on the internet,
some cases they had done both as a way to find information. Two Finnish respond-
ents had gained information about the seaman’s profession during their compulsory
military service in the navy. In addition on some cases the respondents had gained
information from television, library or from a guidance counselor.
The respondents were asked to evaluate their knowledge about the seaman’s profes-
sion and they averaged three (3) on a likert scale from very bad (1) to very good (5).
Since half of the respondents answered three (3) which indicates moderate, it seems
most of them were unsure of their knowledge level.
The next question was about how many years will it take to receive the first captain’s
job from the moment when the questionnaire was made. The idea was to see if the
respondents had understood the idea of qualification certificates being separate from
the school degree and how long it will take for them to get their first captain’s job.
The average of respondents’ answers to this question was 11 years which is possible
but it shows that half of the respondents were not aware that the degree is separate
from certificate. The shortest estimate time was 5 years, median 10 years and longest
estimate time was 22,5 years. A high estimate for getting the first captain’s job does
not necessarily mean the respondent is aware of the certificate requirements, a low
estimate however proves the lack of knowledge.
Over half of the students thought to have received enough information about the
seaman’s profession. Those students who answered no, or were undecided had with
one exception answered 10 or fewer years to their first captain’s job.
The last question regarding information sources was to determine what the respond-
ents believe to be the best source for information about the seaman’s profession.
Based on the respondents’ answers the best place to find information about the sea-
man’s profession is work within the industry, either the information seekers own
work or than some acquaintances work. The second next common information source
was thought to be the internet in the form of websites and forums. Two respondents
saw the library and books as good information sources and one respondent would
seek information from school.
he answered that he only took a glance at it and that it was too little to give a state-
ment about it.
The Maritime Management students are a very heterogeneous group of people and as
such compose a vivid class profile. All of the respondents have at least a high school
diploma prior to the maritime school and thus they surpass their parents’ educational
level. 25% of the respondents had relatives at sea. The seaman’s profession was seen
by most of the Maritime Management students as tough and demanding even though
the opposite descriptions were also given.
Finnish students compose the largest nationality group within the Maritime Man-
agement students. Even though the Maritime Management students came from vari-
ous parts of the globe, 75% of them came from coastal regions.
The biggest incentives to join the maritime profession is partially overlapping with
the romantic seamans’ notions such as ability to travel to foreign lands (mentioned by
four respondents) and the love of the sea (described by three respondents).
The respondents expect from the education the necessary practical and theoretical
skills needed to become captains, with the emphasis on the practical side.
Work within the industry and the internet were seen as best sources of information
about the maritime industry by the respondents. distinctively was not
mentioned as an information source and when directly asked about, only one student
knew the website.
When dividing the sample group results into Finnish and foreign groups, based on the
answers to the survey there is no significant difference with the groups. Both groups
gave similar answers to the questions dealt with in this survey.
5 Conclusions
The purpose of this thesis was to find out the profile of the new Maritime Manage-
ment students and what they think about the maritime industry. The work was done
by making a survey which was then given to the class to fill on their first school day.
The questions to the survey had been selected on the basis of my source theories and
own perceptions.
The backgrounds of new maritime students has changed significantly since the times
of the Second World War, this has been due to the reforms in Finnish basic schools
and Finnish universities of applied sciences. The latter one has probably also influ-
enced the new maritime students’ perceptions and knowledge levels of the profes-
The latest new thing is this new program called Maritime Management which recruits
part of its students from abroad. With these changes it is good to look at the back-
grounds of the students, where they got the information about the industry, what
kind of image they get from the information sources as a result, how many of them
have relatives as seamen, if the relatives and friends affected the educational choice
and are there students who expect to be sea captains after four and a half years of
The survey which included the questions in hand was tested before it was used on the
population under investigation. Unfortunately no deep analysis was made from the
test results so during the composing of the survey results many of the answers were
deemed too complicated to categorize for analysis. Regardless of the high reply rate,
accurate academic conclusions cannot really be determined from the received an-
swers due to the versatility of the answers. In retrospect, I would’ve changed many of
the questions in the survey in order to facilitate analyzing the results. This way more
definite results could have been achieved.
Personally the most interesting question on the survey was the question about the
time needed to get the first captain’s job. Judging by the answers I received I’d con-
clude that many of the Maritime Management students sees the sea captain’s degree
similar to that of a lawyer, engineer or even a physician. They earn their labor market
qualification the day when they graduate whereas at sea it takes another five years on
top of the study time to accomplish the certificates of competence. The students can-
not be blamed for not knowing since none of the schools websites explain thoroughly
the path to captain hood or very least the required amount of sea time to apply for the
highest certificates. Trafi and Finlex are the only websites that explain the require-
ments; other sources for the information could be from relatives and friends who
work on the profession. When school begins this information becomes apparent quite
promptly and might shatter an image based on romantic or false information.
Based on feedback from students the maritime schools give an overly idealistic image
of the maritime professions. During practical training the disappointment towards
the choice reduces interest towards the industry. This composes a risk that might
lead to students discontinuing their studies. (Anttila & Salmenhaara 2011, page 128)
I was surprised that based on the survey results the perception of the seaman’s pro-
fession does not differ between foreign students and Finnish students. If this survey is
done annually and follow-up research is conducted, more definitive conclusions could
be drawn.
One interesting follow-up study could be after a few more years the integration of the
foreign maritime management students. How many of them have learned the Finnish
language at least tolerably, stayed in Finland after finishing their studies and how
many of them found a satisfying job from Finnish ships.
Certain things about the survey results still circulate my mind but generally I’m
pleased with the end result. The survey was the right length and the topic it covered
has interested surprisingly many instances. I have high hopes that similar comparable
data will continue to be collected from new students in the future and fruitful new
studies will follow.
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We are currently doing a thesis about the student profile of Maritime Management
students and their previous knowledge about the maritime career. Please answer
these following questions thoroughly and honestly, there are no wrong answers. We
assure every questionnaire is handled anonymously and you are not obligated by it in
any way. We collect your name and contact information solely for the purpose of pos-
sible further studies.
Information om enkäten
Tietoa kyselykaavakkeesta
Name/Namn/Nimi: ____________________
E-mail/E-post/Sähköposti: ____________________
Yours sincerely:
___________________________ ______________________________
1. Age _________________________
2. Sex _________________________
4. Nationality _________________________
5. Mothertongue _________________________
Other: _________________________
Mother _________________________
B.Parents’ education:
8. Have any of your relatives worked as a seaman? If so, what is your kinship? (for
example grandfather, uncle, father, cousin)
9. Describe shortly, what kind of image do you have of the seaman’s profession.
1 2 3 4 5
11. Estimate from this moment forward, how many years will it take for you to get
your first captain’s job.
Appendix 1 Page 3
12. Where did you get information about the seaman’s profession?
13. What do you think is the best place to find information about the seaman’s profes-
14. Do you think you received enough information about the seaman’s profession?
1 2 3 4 5
16. Where do you think you will be working 15 years from now?
Appendix 1 Page 4
17. Why did you apply to maritime education?
19. What factors affected your choice about the seaman’s profession?
20. Did your family or friends contribute to your interest of going out at sea? If so in
which way?
Appendix 1 Page 5
21. 20 years from now I will be working as:
Deck crew 1 2 3 4 5
Ashore (generally) 1 2 3 4 5
A finnish ship 1 2 3 4 5
A foreign ship 1 2 3 4 5
Ashore 1 2 3 4 5
Appendix 1 Page 6
1. Ålder ____________________
2. Kön ____________________
3. Hemkommun ____________________
4. Nationalitet ____________________
5. Modersmål ____________________
Mor ____________________
B.Föräldrarnas utbildning:
8. Har Ni sjömän i Er släkt? I så fall vem (till ex. morfar, farbror, far)?
1 2 3 4 5
11. Från denna tidpunkt framåt om hur många år tror du att du får ditt första jobb
som kapten?
Appendix 1 Page 7
12. Var fick du information om sjömansyrket?
1 2 3 4 5
Appendix 1 Page 8
17. Vad fick dig att söka till sjöfartsutbildningen?
20. Inverkade din familj, släktingar eller vänner på att du valde sjömansyrket? I så fall
på vilket sätt?
Appendix 1 Page 9
21. Om 20 år kommer du att arbeta som:
Högre däcksofficer 1 2 3 4 5
Lägre däcksofficer 1 2 3 4 5
Däcksmanskap 1 2 3 4 5
I land (generellt) 1 2 3 4 5
I land 1 2 3 4 5
Appendix 1 Page 10
1. Ikä ____________________
2. Sukupuoli ____________________
3. Kotikunta ____________________
4. Kansallisuus ____________________
5. Äidinkieli ____________________
Äiti ____________________
B.Vanhempien koulutus:
1 2 3 4 5
11. Arvioi tästä hetkestä, kuinka monta vuotta kuluu ennekuin vastaanotat ensimmäi-
sen kapteenin työsi.
Appendix 1 Page 11
12. Mistä sait tietoa merimiehen ammatista?
1 2 3 4 5
Appendix 1 Page 12
17. Miksi hait merenkulkualan koulutukseen?
20. Vaikuttivatko vanhempasi tai ystäväsi valintaasi merille lähdöstä? Jos kyllä, niin
Appendix 1 Page 13
21. 20 vuoden kuluttua työskentelen:
Ylemmässä päällystössä 1 2 3 4 5
Alemmassa päällystössä 1 2 3 4 5
Kansimiehistössä 1 2 3 4 5
Maissa (yleisesti) 1 2 3 4 5
Suomalaisella aluksella 1 2 3 4 5
Ulkomaisella aluksella 1 2 3 4 5
Maissa 1 2 3 4 5