Yao 2018

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Accepted Manuscript

Designer Fibers From 2D to 3D - Simultaneous and Controlled Engineering of

Morphology, Shape and Size

Zhi-Cheng Yao, Chunchen Zhang, Zeeshan Ahmad, Jie Huang, Jing-Song Li,
Ming-Wei Chang

PII: S1385-8947(17)31739-4
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2017.10.033
Reference: CEJ 17817

To appear in: Chemical Engineering Journal

Received Date: 6 July 2017

Revised Date: 14 September 2017
Accepted Date: 7 October 2017

Please cite this article as: Z-C. Yao, C. Zhang, Z. Ahmad, J. Huang, J-S. Li, M-W. Chang, Designer Fibers From
2D to 3D - Simultaneous and Controlled Engineering of Morphology, Shape and Size, Chemical Engineering
Journal (2017), doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2017.10.033

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Designer Fibers From 2D to 3D - Simultaneous and Controlled Engineering of

Morphology, Shape and Size

a,b a,b
Zhi-Cheng Yao , Chunchen Zhang , Zeeshan Ahmad c, Jie Huang d,

Jing-Song Li a, Ming-Wei Chang a,b,*

Key Laboratory for Biomedical Engineering of Education Ministry of China,

Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, 310027, PR China.

Zhejiang Provincial Key Laboratory of Cardio-Cerebral Vascular Detection

Technology and Medicinal Effectiveness Appraisal, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou,

310027, PR China.
Leicester School of Pharmacy, De Montfort, University, The Gateway, Leicester,

LE1 9BH, UK.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, University College London, London,


*corresponding author: Ming-Wei Chang, Ph.D., Assoc. Professor

Tel: +86(0)571-87951517, Email: mwchang@zju.edu.cn


Topography and surface morphology of micrometer and nanometer scaled fibrous

biomaterials are crucial for bioactive component encapsulation, release, promoting

cell proliferation and interaction within biological environment. Specifically, for drug

delivery and tissue repair applications, surface engineering provides control on both

aspects in tandem. In this study, the bioactive component (ganoderma lucidum spore

polysaccharide (GLSP)) was loaded into zein prolamine (ZP) fiber matrices via

coaxial electrospinning (CES) technique. During the CES process, various outer layer

enveloping fluids were used to modulate fiber topography in-situ (from 2D to 3D).

SEM and water contact angle tests indicate enveloping media impact electrospun fiber

diameter (ranging from 400 nm to 3.0 µm) and morphologies (from flat ribbon-like to

solid cylindrical structures), with the latter impacting GLSP release profile.

Furthermore, CCK-8 assay assessment indicates fibroblast cell proliferation (L929

cell line), while cell extension was also observed for modified ZP fibers. The results

demonstrate potential applications of modified fiber morphologies, which are tailored

in-situ without impacting chemical stability and encapsulation.

Key words: fiber morphology; zein prolamine; coaxial electrospinning; ganoderma

lucidum spore polysaccharide; biocompatibility.

1. Introduction

The electrospinning (ES) technique is a one-step preparation method for engineering

polymeric fibers on nanometer and micrometer scales; with extensive recent

explorations in filtration, encapsulation, scaffold and biomedical remits [1-3].

Non-woven mats fabricated via the ES process provide numerous advantages

conferred by high surface area, moisture permeability and random fiber arrangement

[4, 5]. Compared to conventional single-needle ES processes, coaxial electrospinning

(CES) has emerged as a valuable process to manipulate core-sheath microstructures

with two or more co-flowing phases using coaxial needle devices, specifically for

encapsulation applications [6].

CES effectively expands the capability of ES by enabling core-sheath nanostructures

through tailoring properties and functional performances of nanomaterials [7]. More

recently, the CES process has been modified; making use of solvent as the shell fluid

to facilitate the process and ultimately generating high quality monolithic nano-scaled

products [8]. The concept of exploiting shell solvent to modify dynamic working

interfaces during ES has led to the development of tri-axial and multi-fluid complex

processes [9, 10], indicating numerous possibilities for material design and

development via solvent layering during CES. However, simultaneous and controlled

engineering of fiber morphology (especially from 2D to 3D), shape and size remain

limited but form important aspects in emerging micron environment analysis.

Ganoderma lucidum (GL), an edible white rot fungus, was first indexed in the Shen

Nong’s Materia Medica (206BC-8AD), and has been exploited in traditional Chinese

medicine (TCM) for more than two millennia [11, 12]. The benefits of GL have been

reported in several fields, including potential therapies for hepatitis, chronic bronchitis,

gastritis, tumors, and immunological disorders [13, 14]. The main bioactive

components within GL are polysaccharides and triterpenoids, which are extracted

from fruit bodies, mycelia and spores [15]. Despite the aforementioned properties of

GL, ganoderma lucidum spores polysaccharide (GLSP) have been identified for

antidiabetic and tissue repair benefits, especially for the treatment of chronic

cutaneous wounds caused by diabetes mellitus and vascular indications (e.g. such as

diabetic foot ulcers), which carry the risk of limb amputation [16, 17]. In-vivo

experiments of GLSP present no toxicity, implying good biocompatibility, while in

practice, β-D-glucan (one form of polysaccharide isolated from GLSP) is highly

sensitive to oxidative degradation, including the reactions of active oxygen substances,

such as hydroxyl radicals [18]. Oxidation during the storage process limits GLSP

efficacy, which impedes its potential use in the pharmaceutical field [19, 20]. Thus, it

is crucial to protect extracted GLSP to preserve its bio-function.

Zein prolamine (ZP), a major protein (with varying molecular weight) extracted from

corn maize, is a natural polymer with several biological functions [21]. Apart from its

biodegradability and biocompatibility, ZP possesses low hydrophilicity, high thermal

resistance, and perfect membrane forming behavior which eludes to its potential use

in biological and biomedical applications, such as coating materials in the food

industry [22], carriers for drug compounds [23] and bio-scaffold components in

regenerative medicine [24]. In addition, ZP has also been used as a matrix polymer to

encapsulate bioactive compounds such as essential oils, colorants and antioxidants via

both single-needle and coaxial ES [25, 26]. However, the protein is difficult to process

during single-needle ES, due to high viscosities of ZP solutions. Typically,

interactions between ZP and the spinneret nozzles orifice result in semi-solid blockage

[27]. Previous research has, however, reported that by deploying additional solvents

or non-spinnable organic sheath solvents intermittent clogging can be overcome and a

continuous ES process is achievable [23, 28]. Nevertheless, additive components may

impact bio-interactions such as cell attachment and active molecule release.

In this study, the loading of GLSP into electrospun zein matrices is shown for the

development of bioactive membranes with a view for skin applications. Nozzle

blockage was regulating without additive inclusion (in process formulations) and a

transition from ribbon to cylindrical fibers is demonstrated by deploying ethanol

based formulations as enveloping fluids during the coaxial ES process. Based on the

2D-3D zein fiber type, controlled release of GLSP is shown and furthermore matrices

show improved biocompatibility. While there is much data on modulating fiber

surface properties we are showing controlled transition from 2D-3D aspects, which

are more suited to interact with cells. These also improve cellular interaction since

there is greater scope for interaction in more dimensions with greater depth. The

development of such structures, and a method which enables such transitions, is

crucial and timely based on advances in 3D micron-environments and the manuscript

demonstrates a method for controlled engineering. This has been clarified in the


2. Materials and methods

2.1. Chemicals and materials

Zein prolamine (ZP) (Z 3625) was purchased from Sigma Aldrich (St. Louis, Mo.,

USA). Ethanol and phosphate buffer saline (PBS, pH=7.4) were obtained from

Sinopharm Chemical Reagent Co., Ltd (Shanghai, China). High purity-grade

wood-log cultivated GLS were obtained from TianHe Agricultural Group (Longquan,

Zhejiang, China). A Millipore Milli-Q Reference ultra-pure water purifier (USA) was

used to prepare deionized water (DI water) for operation. All chemicals were

analytical grade, and used without further purification.

2.2. Extraction of GLSP from Ganoderma Lucidum spores

GLS was added to water to achieve a 5 w/v % mixture which was subsequently mixed

using an ultrasonic device (KS-300 EI, Keshen Co., Ltd, Zhejiang, China) for 50 min

at 70 °C (ultrasound irradiation, υ=40 kHz), followed by centrifugation for 15 min at

12000 rpm. The supernatant was removed and stored. The above steps were repeated

three times. All stored supernatant was placed into a flask, and then rotary distillated

at 50 °C for 6 h. The resulting sample was freeze dried to fabricate solid


2.3. Fabrication of electrospun fibers

ZP powder was dissolved into aqueous ethanol (80 v/v%) to prepare 45 w/v% ZP

solution. During the dissolution process, a magnetic stirrer (VELP ARE heating

magnetic stirrer, Italy) was used to ensure complete dissolution of ZP powder, the

solution was mechanically stirred at 300 rpm under ambient temperature (25°C) for 1

h. Ethanol was mixed with DI water to achieve different concentrations (20, 40, 60,

80 v/v%), and used as the outer enveloping liquid during the CES process.

In order to investigate the impact of enveloping liquids physical properties on fiber

morphology; the viscosity and electrical conductivity of all enveloping media were

measured. 2 mL of each liquid sample was added into the pre-defined stainless steel

wells of the viscometer (LVDV-II, Brookfield, USA), and then, viscosity was

obtained at 25 °C using a S21 spindle at 140 rpm. Electrical conductivity was

measured using a YSI 3200 electrical conductivity meter (YSI, USA) at 25 °C. All

measurements were operated in triplicate and mean values were obtained.

Modified ZP fibers were fabricated using a CES apparatus, as shown in Fig. 1a. The

device includes a high power voltage supply (Glassman high voltage Inc. series FC,

USA), two precision syringe pumps (KD Scientific KDS100, USA), a coaxial

stainless steel needle and a collector connected to the grounded electrode. The CES

system comprises two enveloped needles. The inner and outer diameters of the inner

needle are 0.2 and 0.4 mm, while the outer needle possesses dimensions of 0.9 and 1.2

mm, respectively. Individual ZP solution was loaded into 5 mL plastic syringe, and

propelled from the syringe via silicon tubing into the inner inlet of the coaxial device

(flow rate: 0.8-1.2 mL/h). Ethanol solutions with different concentrations (enveloping

liquids) were individually loaded into a separate syringe and perfused into the outer

needle of the coaxial system at a flow rate of 1.0 mL/h. An electric field (14-16 kV)

was applied between the coaxial needle and grounded electrode. Aluminum foil was

used as the fiber collector substrate, contacted with grounded electrode, and placed

directly below the needle exit at a distance of 15 cm. The ES jetting modes were

observed using a high-speed camera (Baummer TXG03C, Germany). All experiments

were performed at the ambient temperature (25 °C). Different conditions are listed in

Tab. 1 for fabricating ZP fibers.

2.4. Fiber morphology, and water contact angle measurements

Scanning electron microscopy (SEM, FEI Quanta 650, Utrecht, Netherlands) was

used to assess morphology, diameter and size distribution of fabricated fibers. SEM

images were obtained at an accelerating voltage of 20 kV. All samples were assessed

on metallic stubs by double-backed conductive tape, and sputter-coated with a thin

layer of gold using a desktop sputter coater (108 Auto coater, Cressington Scientific

Instruments, Herts, UK) for 60 s at a current intensity of 25 mA to prevent sample

charging. The micrographs were assessed using ImageJ software (National Institute of

Health, MD, USA) to measure fiber diameter. Aspect ratio (AR) was used to

determine the cross section of ZP fibers (and their shape) by measuring the minor and

major axes, and was calculated using Eq. (1):

Minor axis of the fiber cross section

Aspect ratio %= ×100% (1)
Major axis of the fiber cross section

For each sample, 100 random fibers were assessed. All data as exported for analysis,

and statistical graphs were plotted using Origin software (OriginLab, USA).

In order to investigate hydrophobicity/hydrophilicity of ES fibrous membranes, water

contact angle (WCA) measurements were obtained with an optical contact angle

meter (SL200KB, KINO Industry Co. Ltd., USA). Fibrous non-woven samples with

thickness of ~0.1 mm were collected and subsequently layered onto an object slide.

The measurements were performed using a 3-axis horizontal tilt stage and observed in

the sessile drop mode at 25 °C. A water droplet (~10 µL) was pipetted on to each

membrane sample. The mean value of left and right WCAs on each sample was

recorded 2 s after droplet release, when the droplet status acclimatized. The mean of

three measurement readings was obtained.

2.5. FTIR spectroscopy

Chemical interactions and material stability of ES fibers were assessed using a Fourier

transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometer (IR Affinity 1, Shimadzu, Japan). 2 mg of

each sample was mixed with 200 mg KBr powder by grinding in a mortar. The

mixture was then pressed into a transparent pellet under a pressure of ~20 MPa. Each

spectrum was acquired from 20 scans. A scanning range of 4000-400 cm-1 was used,

when the resolution was 4 cm-1.

2.6. GLSP loading and in-vitro release

ZP composite membranes were washed using PBS for 30 s to obtain the quantity of

un-encapsulated GLSP, which was mainly distributed on the surface of the membrane.

Loading capacity (LC) of GLSP presents the quantity of GLSP encapsulated within

ZP matrix, and was determined using Eq. (2) [29, 30]:

Amount of GLSP content entrapped in fibrous membranes (mg)

LC %= ×100% (2)
Weight of fibrous membranes (mg)

The un-encapsulated GLSP was dissolved in PBS. Thus, the encapsulation efficiency

(EE) of GLSP within ZP membranes was determined using Eq. (3) [29, 30]:

Amount of GLSP content entrapped in fibrous membranes (mg)

EE %= ×100% (3)
Theoretical total amount of GLSP (mg)

The quantity of GLSP entrapped in ZP was determined by calculating the difference

between the total quantity of GLSP added into the ZP matrix and the amount of

washed-GLSP. The GLSP content in PBS solution was determined by measuring

absorbance at 221 nm (the characteristic UV-Vis absorption of GLSP) in triplicate

using a UV-2600 spectrophotometer (Shimadzu, Japan).

For in-vitro release, approximately 50 mg of individual ZP/GLSP composite fiber

membranes (engineering formulation: single-needle ES ZP fiber; coaxial ES ZP-40,

60, and 80 fibers) were placed into 10 mL PBS and incubated at 37 °C. At designed

time intervals, 2 mL of supernatant was removed from the assessment medium and

replaced with 2 mL of fresh test medium. The supernatant was filtered (0.45 µm

Millipore), and assessed using UV-Vis analysis. The percentage of GLSP released was

calculated using Eq. (4) [18]:

GLSP release %= ×100% (4)

Here, Qt is the quantity of GLSP released at time t, Qs is the total quantity released.

2.7. In-vitro biological evaluation

To investigate the effect of fibrous morphology and GLSP loading on ZP composite

membrane biocompatibility (single-needle ES ZP fibers, single-needle ES ZP/GLSP

composite fibers, and coaxial ES ZP-80/GLSP composite fibers), fibroblast cells (L

929 cell lines) were used to assess cytotoxicity. L929 cells were incubated and

maintained in MEM medium supplied with 10% FBS at 37 °C, in 5% CO2. The

culture medium was changed every 2 d. ES fibrous non-woven was collected for 1 h,

and cut into discs (diameter=6 mm). Fibrous discs were sterilized under UV light for

2 h, and were then added to cell culture plates. 100 µL L929 cell suspension was

transferred to a 96-well plate at a density of 1.5×104 cells/well and incubated for 24 h.

At 6, 12 and 24 h during cell culture, a Cell Counting Kit-8 (CCK-8) assay was set to

evaluate proliferation of L929 cells. By adding 20 µL CCK-8 solution to each well

and incubating for further 3 h, absorbance was measured at a wavelength of 450 nm

using a microplate reader (Multiskan GO, Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA). Cell

viability in polystyrene well plate was used as a control and the culture medium with

CCK-8 solution was utilized as a blank. The relative cell viability was calculated as

Eq. (5) [31]:

Ab. sample-Ab. (blank)

Cell viability %= ×100% (5)
Ab. control-Ab. (blank)

Where Ab. means the absorbance.

In addition, for cell morphology assessment, L929 cells were seeded on 3 types of

fibrous ZP membranes (single-needle ES ZP fibers, single-needle ES ZP/GLSP

composite fibers, and CES ZP-80/GLSP composite fibers) at a density of 5×10 5

cells/mL. After 24 h incubation, cells were fixed using 4 v/v% formalin for 15 min at

ambient temperature, and then washed using PBS. Cells were then permeabilized

using 0.1 % Triton X-100 for 10 min. The cell cytoskeleton and nuclei were stained

with Alexar Fluor 546 phalloidin (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, California, USA) (1:100

dilution) and 4’, 6’-diamidino-2-phenylindole hydrochloride (DAPI, Invitrogen) for 1

min and 5 min, respectively. Samples were then washed with PBS, and visualized

using an inverted fluorescence microscope (Nikon Ti-S, Japan). The experimental

timescale (24 h) was according to previous studies[32, 33], while staining procedure

and dye inclusion were also followed based on previous studies[34, 35].

2.8. Statistical analysis

All experiments were performed in triplicate and data is presented as mean ± standard

deviation (n=3). Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS software (SPSS

Statistics v 18, IBM, UK), and statistically significant differences between variables

were assessed via one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by student’s

t-Test (*P<0.05).

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Fabrication of ZP fibers and fibrous membranes

Experimental conditions during assessment of variable parameters were kept constant.

These include the ambient (laboratory) temperature, humidity and the deposition


The cone-jet mode is crucial to achieve near-uniform fibrous structures during the ES

process [36]. As shown in Fig. 1b-III, during single-needle ES process, three seconds

post processing, a semi-solid substance was formed which resulted in spinneret

blockage. Fiber fabrication is achievable but this requires manual removal of

solidified polymer at the nozzle exit. During the ES operation, an uneven distribution

of charge carried by jets arises due to solvent evaporation and jet-elongation. A

reduction in jet local surface charge density is often observed due to ejection of

smaller jets from the surface of the primary jet or though jet-splitting [37]. Further

evaporation of the solvent yields semi-solid polymer agglomeration which ultimately

impedes the spinning process. In contrast to single-needle ES, using ethanol as the

enveloping liquid via CES operation (outer fluid: 80 or 100 w/v% ethanol) can

improve this limitation, and achieve stable fiber preparation. Without changing ZP

formulation constituents for the CES process, a series of ethanol based enveloping

liquids (a variation of ethanol solutions) were deployed. Fig. 1c presents the dripping,

transition, and continuous spinning modes during the CES process (outer fluid: 80

w/v% ethanol). As shown in Fig. 1c-III, a linear fluid jet was emitted from the

spinneret. Due to ZP solubility in ethanol and considering the loading concentration

range (70 to 92 v/v%) [38], the co-flowing system inhibits clog formation and a stable

continuous spinning mode is achieved. However, when the concentration of ethanol

solution is too low (20, 40, and 60 w/v% in this study), blockage is not improved.

Fig. 2 presents SEM images of ZP fibers collected at different conditions. Original ZP

fibers obtained via single-needle ES process are shown in Fig. 2a. The fibers present

flat ribbon-like structures, while upon addition of ethanol solutions as outer

enveloping layer during co-flow; cylindrical structures are obtained (shown in Figs.

2b-f). The fiber size distribution is influenced by the enveloping medium. As the

inserts show in Figs. 2a-f, the mean single-needle ZP fiber diameter was 1.65±0.38

µm, and fibers from structures engineered using outer 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 v/v%

ethanol solutions were 1.72±0.51, 1.18±0.43, 0.99±0.35, 0.49±0.09 and 0.49±0.11 µm,


As shown in Fig. 2g, by gauging the major and minor axes of resulting fibers, ARs of

all six engineered fiber systems was obtained, which indicates the impact of ethanol

solution concentration. AR of single-needle ZP fiber is 34.5±9.3%, indicating a flat

structure across its cross section. ARs of fibers fabricated via CES process are

49.7±11.1, 48.0±9.1, 50.1±10.1, 63.6±10.6 and 64.7±9.9%, when the enveloping

ethanol solution concentrations were 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 v/v%, respectively. The

results shows an increase in fiber AR with volume of ethanol in the enveloping

medium, During the CES process, the outer fluid prevents rapid evaporation of the

core solvent, inhibiting premature evaporation of the vehicle from the core polymeric

matrix system. Thus, the subsequent retention of a liquid jet, as opposed to a

solidifying form, enables it to remain within the instability region for a longer time

period before complete solidification [39], which can be used to regulates fiber


Variations arising in fiber AR and diameter are mainly due to physical properties of

the spinning fluids; where the surface tension and electrical conductivity of the core

solution are mainly responsible for enabling Taylor cone formation during the ES

process [40]. During single-needle ES, the physical properties of ZP solutions

dominate the process. While in the modified CES process, properties of the

enveloping solutions (conductivity and surface tension) crucially contribute towards

and influence Taylor cone aspects, and therefore impact resulting fiber size

distribution. This is also dependent on the viscosity of spinning liquids [41, 42]. As

shown in Fig. 3, solution viscosity varies depending on the ratio of water to ethanol.

In this study, 40 and 60 v/v% ethanol solutions present larger viscosities compared to

other concentrations, which is mainly due to the molecule interaction at the

comparative amounts [21]. During the ES process, attractive forces between the two

electrodes (nozzle and ground), the repulsion forces between the two unstable bending

coils and Coulombic repulsion within the fluid jet synergistically influence the

electric field force and travelling distance of ejected liquid, and further modulate fiber

formation [41]. The reduced electrical conductivity with increasing ethanol

concentration elongates the travelling distance of ES fibers between the two

electrodes (nozzle and ground), which in turn leads to a decrease in fiber diameter.

3.2. Surface hydrophobicity

Hydrophilicity/hydrophobicity of fabricated fibrous membranes, which is mainly

determined by its surface chemical composition and surface topography, is critical for

biological applications, such as drug release, cell adhesion and proliferation at the

biological interface [24]. Conventionally, the degree of WCA is classified into several

categories according to the angle value. For a surface with WCA in the range of

25-90°, the membrane is defined to be highly hydrophilic, while for a surface with

WCA in the range of 90-150°, the material is considered to be hydrophobic. If the

WCA is lower than 25°, or greater than 150°, the material is considered

superhydrophilic or superhydrophobic, respectively [37]. WCAs of prepared ES

fibrous membranes are shown in Fig. 4. Mean WCA of membrane obtained via

single-needle ES is 88.1±2.1°, while the WCAs of modified membranes fabricated

with CES operation (ZP-20, 40, 60, 80 and 100) are 78.3±4.6, 105.6±2.4, 112.1±4.5,

122.9±2.3, and 132.3±1.6°, respectively, indicating magnified hydrophobicity with

increasing enveloping ethanol concentration. Variation to membrane surface

hydrophobicity is mainly due to differences in diameter size distribution and surface

topography of ES fibers [43]. As shown in Figs. 2a-f, compared to modified ZP fibers

prepared using 80 and 100 w/v% ethanol solution as outer fluids during CES process,

fibers prepared via single-needle ES using ethanol solutions with low concentrations

(20, 40, and 60 w/v%) present flat ribbon-like morphology, which limits the quantity

of trapped air at the fiber membrane-water interface, and further results in reduced


3.3. Effect of process parameters on fiber diameters

Several scaling and operational laws govern the CES process, such as the solution and

process parameters [44]. Additionally, during the CES operation, solutions with

greater electrical conductivity drive the ES process and in this instance the core ZP

solutions are responsible for this feature [45]. The driving liquid in CES process

dominates the co-flow behavior. Hence, the effect of flow rate on fiber diameter was

investigated during the ES and CES process by varying the driving liquid feed rate

from 0.8 to 1.2 mL/h. Fig. 5a highlights the relationship between the flow rate and ZP

mean fiber diameter. An increase in mean fiber diameter with increasing solution flow

rate can be observed in both single-needle ES and CES formats. At a feed rate of 0.8

mL, the mean fiber diameter is 1.53±0.5 µm for single-needle ES, while mean fiber

diameter for samples prepared via CES (using 80 w/v% ethanol as outer fluid) is

0.41±0.17 µm. When feed rate is increased to 1.2 mL/h, mean fiber diameters of

single-needle ES and CES fibers are 2.00±0.40 and 0.80±0.12 µm, respectively. This

is caused by the increasing amount of solution and therefore polymeric medium

contributing towards fibers.

The effect of applied voltage on fiber size distribution was investigated by

manipulating the electric field over a pre-determined range (14-16 kV). Reduction in

mean ZP fiber diameter are found for both single-needle ES and CES processes, when

increasing the voltage form 14 to 16 kV. At 14 kV, mean fiber diameter obtained via

single-needle ES is 3.00±0.68 µm, while for those prepared via CES using 80 w/v%

ethanol as sheath liquid is 1.70±0.35 µm. A reduction in mean fiber diameter to

1.21±0.42 and 0.43±0.21 µm, respectively, following an increase to the applied

voltage (to 16 kV) is observed. Increasing the applied voltage facilitates electrostatic

repulsive force on the jet, which ultimately causes a reduction in the mean fiber

diameter [46].

3.4. Composition and release profile from ZP matrix

GLSP was encapsulated into ZP matrices prepared via single-needle ES and CES

using 40, 60, and 80 w/v% ethanol solution as outer enveloping liquids. FTIR

spectroscopy was used to examine the chemical structures and material stability of ZP

fiber matrix and encapsulated GLSP. Fig. 6 shows the infrared spectra of pure ZP

powder, GLSP, and ES fiber composites (ZP-40, 60, and 80). The broad peak at 1650

cm-1 corresponds to the α helical structure [47], and peak at 1515 cm-1 indicates the

amide II band [48]. Components of GLSP are also detected at 1035 and 1079 cm-1,

corresponding to C-N stretching of amine groups within polysaccharide [20]. By

comparing the FTIR spectra in Fig. 6, there is no obvious variation of characteristic

peaks of ZP and GLSP, indicating the efficient encapsulation of GLSP into ZP fibrous

matrix via CES process.

The ES process is an efficient route to load bioactive components into

micro/nano-particles or fibers in a single step [42, 49]. Evaluating encapsulation

effect and loading capacity (LC) provides an indication on GLSP encapsulation

feasibility into ZP fibrous matrix per unit weight, while encapsulation efficiency (EE)

indicates the remaining GLSP within the fibrous structure post ES process. Fig. 7a

shows LC and EE of GLSP within the ZP matrix. It can be found that, compared to

the LC of GLSP via single-needle ES process, which is 14.5±0.2%, there is no

noticeable difference between processes. The LCs of GLSP are 14.9±0.1, 15.0±0.1

and 15.9±0.1% for ZP-40, 60 and 80 samples, respectively. The EE values of GLSP

within the matrix fabricated using ZP-40, 60, and 80 are 81.7±0.6, 82.3±0.5, and

87.2±0.7%, respectively, which also show no significant differences when compared

to the EE value of single-needle ES process (79.7±1.0%). These results suggest the

CES process, as used for fiber modulation, does not impede drug loading or

encapsulation efficiency into electrospun matrices.

Fig. 7b shows the cumulative release percentage of GLSP during 10 h incubation

period. GLSP exhibits an initial burst release in the first 2 h for all the four sample

groups, which is a common phenomenon for active-loaded fibers resulting from drug

accumulation on fiber surface and inherent high surface areas [50]. The percentage

release of GLSP in ZP, ZP-40 and ZP-80 increases to 87.6±3.9, 84.4±4.0 and 82.4±3.7%

at 4 h, while the value of the ZP-60 fiber is 66.2±3.3%. Drug release from matrix type

systems is usually a diffusion process. Compared to flat ribbon-like structures,

cylindrical fibers exhibit a more sustained-release profile [39, 51]. SEM images

shown in Fig. 2, show ZP-80 fibers to exhibit cylindrical morphologies, while ZP,

ZP-40 and ZP-60 fibers present flat topographies. As presented in Figs. 2d&e, ZP-80

mean fiber diameter is 0.49±0.09 µm, which is nearly half that of ZP-60 samples

(0.99±0.35 µm). Fibers with larger mean diameter release drug at much slower rates


In order to propose a GLSP release mechanism from fibrous membranes, Higuchi,

Hixson-Crowel, and Korsmeyer-Peppas models were applied to evaluate in vitro

release kinetics. In the Higuchi model, the linear relationship between cumulative

release quantity and the square root of time indicates the likelihood of a

diffusion-controlled underlying mechanism.

The Higuchi model is expressed as shown in Eq. (6)

Mt =kH t1/2 (6)

Where Mt is the cumulative quantity of drug released at time t, and kH is the Higuchi

constant [53].

The Hixson-Crowell model gives as Eq. (7)

Mt =M∞ (1-(1-αt)3 ) (7)

Where M∞ is the total quantity of GLSP released from the fibrous membranes, Mt is

the fraction of GLSP released in time t, and α=9kHC /r0 , which depends on the release

constant of Hixson-Crowell model (k HC ) and the initial radius  [54].

The Korsmeyer-Peppas model is expressed as shown in Eq. (8):

Mt /M∞ =ktn (8)

Here, Mt and M∞ indicate the percentage of drug released at time t and infinite time ∞,

respectively. The k value is a characteristic constant, when n is the release exponent. A

release exponent value below 0.45 indicates Fickian diffusion or case-I diffusion,

while an n value, greater than 0.85, indicates case-II diffusion, which implies certain

interactions existing among drug molecules, release medium and the delivery matrix.

When n value is in the range of 0.45 to 0.85, an anomalous transport process is

proposed, which involves multiple factors contributing towards the release


Based on R2 values, the best fitting model was the Higuchi function. The

corresponding fitting results are presented in Tab. 2, which strongly suggest GLSP

release form ZP matrices follows a diffusive release mechanism. For the

Korsmeyer-Peppas model fitting shown in Tab. 2, n values for the present study are

0.26, 0.20, 0.26 and 0.26 for each composite sample. The results demonstrate GLSP

release from all composite fibers is via typical Fickian diffusion mechanism (all

exponents < 0.45), indicating the deployment of enveloping ethanol during CES

operation has limited influence on GLSP release mechanism. Variations to k values

suggest fibers could be engineered to tailor drug release as confirmed in Fig.7b.

3.5. Biological evaluation of electrospun fibrous membranes

In this study, bioactive membranes were assessed for cell viability analysis over a

24-hour period, which is typically used for wound dressing/healing material

applications. Therefore, experimental protocol was based on this timescale [32, 33].

In addition, staining procedure and dye inclusion were also followed based on

previous studies [34, 35].

Cell viability indicates membrane biocompatibility, and is determined by contrasting

test groups (ES fibers) with the control. Herein, L929 cells were cultured for 24 h, and

a CCK-8 assay was performed to examine the impact of various electrospun structures

on L929 cell proliferation. Membranes were prepared from single-needle ZP,

single-needle ZP/GLSP and CES ZP-80/GLSP. As shown in Fig. 8a, cell proliferation

on pure ZP fibrous membrane exhibits no significant difference to the control group at

post 6 and 12 h incubation time, indicating negligible cytotoxicity. Furthermore,

continuously increasing cells numbers in ZP/GLSP and ZP-80/GLSP groups indicate

membranes are non-toxic and support cell proliferation. Compared to pure ZP

membranes, cell proliferation in groups comprising GLSP is noted to be significantly

high, especially at post 24 h incubation time, indicating GLSP promotes proliferation

of fibroblast cells.

Morphology of proliferated L929 cells was confirmed using fluorescent microscopy

once cells were stained red for F-actin and blue for cell nuclei. As shown in Fig. 8b,

in contrast to cell behavior on pure ZP membranes, ZP/GLSP membranes promote

cell attachment, while ZP-80/GLSP membranes show profound cell growth and

extension on the membrane. The result indicate GLSP improves cell affinity towards

embedded electrospun fibers. Additionally, when compared to flat ribbon-like

structures prepared via single-needle ES; cylindrical morphologies fabricated using

CES process also facilitate cell growth on the membrane surface.

4. Conclusion

In summary, ZP fibers with diameters ranging from 400 nm to 1.7 µm were prepared

via a modified CES process incorporated various ethanol solutions as enveloping

liquids. Various topographies and surface hydrophobicity were achieved by careful

selection of specific ethanol solutions. FTIR analysis indicated successful and stable

encapsulation of GLSP within ZP fibrous mats. LC and EE of GLSP were 15% and

85%, respectively, in all the single-needle ES and modified CES process groups.

Distinctive release profile was observed in the ZP-60 group due to the influence of

fiber size distribution and aspect ratio. CCK-8 assay conducted on L929 cell lines

demonstrates good cytocompatibility for all test samples (ZP, ZP/GLSP, and

ZP-80/GLSP), and GLSP role in cell proliferation was observed. Fluorescent images

confirm encapsulated GLSP supports extension and proliferation of fibroblast cells

(L929 cell line), which indicates potential application in drug delivery and tissue



This work was financially supported by the National Nature Science Foundation of

China (No. 81771960), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities

(2017QNA5017) and Key Technologies R&D Program of Zhejiang Province



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Figure and Table Captions

Table Caption

Table 1. Parameters of ES process.

Table 2. Model parameters for GLSP release from ZP fibers. R2 and n represent

correlation coefficient and release exponent, respectively. kH, kHC and k demonstrate

the release rate in each analysis.

Figures Captions

Figure 1. (a) Schematic diagram of the coaxial electrospinning (ES) set-up; (b) (I-III)

dripping, spinning, and blocked modes during single-needle ES process; (c) (I-III)

dripping, transition, and continuous spinning modes during coaxial ES process.

Figure 2. Scanning electron micrographs of electrospun ZP fibers obtained at various

conditions: (a) single-needle electrospun fiber; (b) ZP-20; (c) ZP-40; (d) ZP-60; (e)

ZP-80; (f) ZP-100; (g) schematic illusion of the cross sections of different ZP fibers.

Figure 3. Physical properties (viscosity and conductivity) of ethanol-water solutions.

Figure 4. Water contact angles on various fibrous membranes samples.

Figure 5. Effect of process parameters on mean fiber diameter using single-needle

and coaxial ES operations: (a) flow rate (experimental conditions: flow rate of the

outer Et.OH=1.0 mL/h, applied voltage=15.0 kV, and collector distance=15 cm); (b)

applied voltage (experimental conditions: flow rate of both of the inner ZP solution

and the outer Et.OH=1.0 mL/h, and collector distance=15 cm).

Figure 6. FTIR spectra of materials and samples prepared in this study.

Figure 7. (a) Effect of fiber morphology on GLSP encapsulation. (b) GLSP release

profiles from ZP fibers prepared at different conditions.

Figure 8. (a) Cell viability evaluation of various composite fibrous membranes using

CCK-8 assay over a 24 hour test period. The viability of the control groups were set

to 100%. (*P<0.05; N.S. means no significant difference); (b) Fluorescent images of

L929 cells on various fibrous ZP membranes, presenting the cytocompatibility of

different membranes with cells stained with phalloidin for cytoskeleton in red, DAPI

for nuclei in blue, and merged images.


Table 1

Outer ethanol GLSP

Outer flow rate Inner flow rate Voltage
Sample concentration concentration
(mL/h) (mL/h) (kV)
(v/v%) (w/v%)
ZP - - - 1 15
ZP-20 20 - 1 1 15
ZP-40 40 - 1 1 15
ZP-60 60 - 1 1 15
ZP-80 80 - 1 1 15
ZP-100 100 - 1 1 15
ZP/GLSP - 10 - 1 15
ZP-80/GLSP 80 10 1 1 15

Table 2

Higuchi model Hixson-Crowell model Korsmeyer-Peppas model

Samples R² kH R² kHC R² k n
ZP/GLSP 0.9366 3.09 0.9392 0.05 0.9004 66.56 0.26
ZP-40/GLSP 0.9944 1.45 0.9753 0.06 0.9850 62.98 0.20
ZP-60/GLSP 0.9728 2.03 0.9575 0.03 0.9410 49.77 0.26
ZP-80/GLSP 0.9728 2.52 0.9656 0.05 0.9410 61.94 0.26


Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5

Figure 6

Figure 7

Figure 8

• GLSP is loaded into electrospun ZP fibers via ES process.
• The outer enveloping fluid regulates fiber surface characteristics.
• Fiber morphology varied from micro-ribbon to nano cylindrical.
• Modulated ZP fiber engineering is used to control GLSP release profiles.
• Modified ZP/GLSP fibers improve biocompatibility.


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