Bearing Capacity11mAR15
Bearing Capacity11mAR15
Bearing Capacity11mAR15
2. Settlement is within
the safe limits.
Factors Affecting Bearing Capacity
1. Nature of soil and its physical and engineering
2. Nature of the foundation and other details such
as the size, shape, depth at which the foundation
is located and rigidity of the structure
Factors Affecting Bearing Capacity
3. Total and differential settlement that the
structure can withstand without functional failure
General Shear Failure
Zone 1 pushes into Zone 2
Circular Foundation
5. Laboratory tests
They are simple, may be useful in arriving bearing
capacity especially of pure clays.
6.Bearing Capacity By Analytical Methods
Usually various analytical methods are expressed in
terms of equations commonly known as bearing
capacity equation. The prominent of these are given by:
K = shape coefficient
Kq A 1 2 q = net pressure applied on
s the soil due to slab
E A = area of the bearing
E slab
Cons tan t C ,
if ,
E = modulus of elasticity of
then, q
sC soil
K A = Poisson’s ratio of soil
Limitation : No effect of depth and size of foundation, location of water table etc.
Bearing Capacity : Analytical Methods
Shallow foundation
C-φ Soil
Craig, 6th Ed.
Elastic zone
qult = cNc + qNq + 0.5γBNγ
Surcharge Soil Self
Terzaghi’s Bearing Capacity Factors
Original 3
Recent Research Work
4 2 .tan (Click for Excell Spread sheet)
N q tan 45 2 .e tan
2 cos 2
K p 3 tan 45 2
A close approximation only
gave only a
small scale
curve of φ vs
Nγ and three
specific values
of Nγ at φ = 0,
34 and 480
Evaluation of Nc for
strip footing in Clay
Prandtl Method
Bearing Capacity for Clayey Soil
Evaluation of Bearing capacity factor Nc for clay soil
considering Strip footing
General Considerations
The ultimate load capacity of a footing can be
estimated by assuming a failure mechanism
and then applying the laws of statics to that
mechanism. Here the mechanism considers an
upper bound solution (i.e., a failure surface is
What is Upper or Lower bound
Solution ?
Bearing Capacity for Clayey Soil
Evaluation of Bearing capacity factor Nc for clay soil
considering Strip footing
Body and
Surface force,
Equilibrium Compatibility
Stresses Strains
σij εij
Bearing Capacity for Clayey Soil
Nc for clay soil - Prandtl Method(1920)
1) Soil is isotropic and homogeneous
2) Rigid object(footing) deforms soft material (soil)
3) Theory based on condition of plastic equilibrium
4) Footing is infinitely long
5) Footing is placed at the surface of the soil
6) The interface of soil and footing is smooth
Typical Soil is never isotropic nor homogeneous
Typical footing is never infinitely long
Footing interface is not smooth
Applicability : Regardless of limitations Prandtl’s theory appeared as
the beginning of bearing capacity determination of soils which is still
applicable but undergoing constant modification and improvements.
Bearing Capacity for Clayey Soil
Evaluation of Nc for strip footing in clay C soil
Consider a strip footing is x
A1 B1
resting on clay. We
assume the mechanism
of wedge failure for this
footing. In fig(a)
Consider a slip surface
which is an arc in cross C-φ soil
section, centered above Fu (applied force)
one edge of the base.
Failure will cause a
rotation about point x. δwf
Out side of failure x
wedge, O is a static 450 450 450
A1 R B1
point where there is no δwA For purely cohesive R
movement of soil. 900 soils (φ = 0) the
Relative to O O . transition zones
become circular
displacements of
wedges A1 and B1 will be
calculated. Fig.(a)
Bearing Capacity for Clayey Soil
Evaluation of Nc for strip footing in Clay
Let, Fu = Applied force(external) on footing (ultimate loading)
δ = Compatible displacements within the failure wedge
L = Slip length, B = Footing width, C= undrain soil cohesion
1 3
Fig (b)
Evaluation of Nc for strip footing in Clay
Let us draw the vectorial visual representation of the
movement of Soil and Foundation (known as Hodograph)
that represents relative velocities of the various parts in the
deformation process. [fig. (d)]
External work done = Fu.δwf
Work done by internal stress
1. For 01 = Force x Displacement =
(Cohesion x slip length 01) x δwf =
c.(B/√2).√2. δwf = c.B. δwf = δw.O1
2. Similarly for 03, δw.O3= c.B. δwf From Geometry of Hodograph
So, Total work done = 01+03 = 2c.B. δwf 1. Slip Length 01=03=23=B/√2,
½.B ½.B where, 02=B
δwf2 =(1/2.B)2+z2 = 1/4 x 2B2 π/4 2.Displacement
Z=(B/2), so, B=√2δwf δwf π/4 δwf 01=03=12=23=√2. δwf
Fu 3
B 0 2
1 3 δw01
δwf 2 1
02=footing width B
Fig (c) Fig (d) 01 = 03 = B/√2
Evaluation of Nc for strip footing in Clay
Internal work done
4. Fan Failure
Work done for Fan Failure,
δwFan= (Circumferential + Radial)failure
θf δw
O . θf
θ δθ δwδθ
R δw
θf δw
O . θf
θ δθ δwδθ
R δw
Fan Failure Hodograph for Fan Failure
δwFan= ∑c(Rδθ)δw+ ∑c R (δwδθ )= 2c R δw 𝟎 𝒇 𝒅𝜽= 2c Rδwθf
For, θf = π/2, δwFan= 2c Rδwf (π/2) = c (B/√2)(√2δwf )π = πc Bδwf
Total internal work done= 2c.B. δwf + πc Bδwf = (2+π)c.B. δwf
Equating External and internal work done, Fu.δwf= (2+π)c.B. δwf
Or, Fu/B = (2+π)c but Fu/B= qd = Net ult bearing capacity
Or, qd = NcC, Where, Nc=(2+ π)=5.14, (Prandtl,1920)
[ Terzaghi 2 𝜋 + 1 = 5.71 ]
Terzaghi’s Bearing Capacity Theory
q = γDf
qult = cNcSc + qNqSq + 0.5BγNγSγ
Bearing capacity obtained from above equation gives too
large values for footing width B>6ft(2m). This is apparently
because the 0.5BγNγ become too large (DeBeer1965;
Vesic1969). Therefore Bowels(1988) suggest a reduction
factor, rγ with this term (0.5BγNγ)as follows :
(b) x
[Ans : 1.36m]
Class Example-3
(Bowels,5th ed. – Example4-1, P231)
Compute the allowable bearing pressure using the
Terzaghi equation for the footing and soil parameters
shown in the figure. Use FS=3. The soil data are obtained
from a series of undrained U triaxial tests. Is the soil
saturated ? If φ is 190 what type of shear failure do you
expect? Compute net allowable pressure for this case.
Solution P
1. The soil is not saturated, since a U EGL
test gives a φ angle. A CU test might γ = 17.3 kN/m3
Df = 1.2m
give similar data for a saturated soil. φ = 320
2. Bearing Capacity Computation c = 20 kPa
From Chart we get,
Nc=17.7, Nq=7.4, Nγ=5, Shape factor,
Sc= (1+0.3B/L)=1.3 (considering square
footing, B=L), Sq=1, Sγ=1-0.2B/L=0.8 B=?
Class Example-3 Cont..
(Bowels,5th ed. – Example4-1, P231)
Nc=17.7, Nq=7.4, Nγ=5, Sc= 1.3 Sq=1, Sγ=0.8, and 0.5BγNγSγ=34.6B
qult = cNcSc + qNqSq + 0.5BγNγSγ = (613.8+34.6B)kPa
qa = qult /3 = (205+11.5B) kPa, rγ = 1-0.25Log(B/k)
Considering B=1.5m, qa= (205+11.5x1.5)kPa=220kPa
Considering B=3m, P
factor, rγ) = 240kPa
[Note: Here rγ is used since B>2m ]
3 γ = 17.3 kN/m
Df = 1.2m
φ = 320
Ans : Recommended qa=200 ~ 220kPa c = 20 kPa
Recommended, P=200 x 1.52 or 32=400kN to 1800kN
Hints for next part of the problem :
When φ reduces to 190, with a C value of 20kPa the
soil is likely to fail by local or punching shear. So
reduce C’=0.67C and, = tan-1(0.67tan). Also use, B=?, qa=?
(Plain strain) = 1.1 (triaxial test)
Limitations of Terzaghi’s Bearing Capacity Theory
1. The theory is applicable to shallow foundations.
2. As the soil compresses, Φ increases which is not considered. Hence
fully plastic zone may not develop at the assumed Φ.
3. All points need not experience limit equilibrium condition at different loads.
4. Method of superposition is not acceptable in plastic conditions as
the ground is near failure zone.
5. Terzaghi neglected shear resistance provided by the overburden soil
which was simply treated as surcharge. He assumed α=φ instead of
Meyerhof’s Theory
q=γDf Df qult
e c b
45-φ/2 α α ψ
For Meyerhof, Hansen,
α =45 + φ/2
η=90- φ For Terzaghi, α = φ
d η a
Nq = exp tan tan2(/4 + /2) same as Modified Terzaghi
Nc = (Nq – 1)cot same as Modified Terzaghi
N = (Nq – 1) tan(1.4) According to EC7, N = 2(Nq – 1) tan
Nc, Nq same as Meyerhof
S = Shape factor
d = Depth factor According to Hansen, N = 1.5(Nq – 1) tan
i = inclination factors Nc, Nq same as Meyerhof, Modified Terzaghi
Class Example-4
Meyerhof’s Theory – Example Problem, Bowles,4-7
a. Here φ = 250, From Table-1, for φ ≥ 100
Sγ = Sq = 1+0.1Kp B/L, dγ = dq = 1+0.1√Kp.D/B, iq =(1- α /φ) [α =
angle of resultant measured from vertical axis ]
for any φ , Sc =1+0.2Kp B/L, dc= 1+0.2√Kp.D/B, ic=iq =(1- α/90)2
• For inclined load: qult = cNc Scdcic+ ½ BNSdi+ qNqSqdqiq
Now, D/B= 0.3/2 = 0.15 ; Kp= tan2(450+φ/2) = tan2(450+25/2) = 2.464
Angle of resultant from v. axis, α = tan-1(H/V)= tan-1(200/600)=18.430
Sq= Sγ = 1+0.1Kp B/L = 1+0.1x2.464x(2/2)=1.25, Sc= 1+0.2Kp B/L =1.493
superstructure e
Concentric Eccentric
Effective Footing Dimensions-For Eccentricity
Effective Area Method for Eccentric Loading
According to ACI 318, Minimum dimensions of a rectangular footing with
a central column of dimensions (wx )x( wy) are required to be ,
Bmin= 4ey+Wy B’= 2ey+Wy
Lmin= 4ex+Wx L’= 2ex+Wx
qallow= qult / FS
qult(desirable) = qult X Re
Re=Reduction factor
Footings with Eccentric or Moment Loads
(a) e<B/6
(c) e=B/6
(b) e>B/6
(a) e<B/6
(c) e=B/6
(b) e>B/6
(c) e=B/6
(b) e>B/6
e > B/6
risks the
of footing
foundation (a)
eL B Kern B/3
To maintain bearing
pressure, (q’0) >0, along
the entire base of the
footing, the resultant force
must be located within
diamond shaped kern
Example 6.8 - Coduto
A 5ft square footing supports a vertical
load of 75k and a moment load of 50ft-k.
The allowable bearing capacity of the soil
is 3500psf. Is this design satisfactory?
Solution : e =M/Q = 50 / 75 = 0.67 ft
B’= B-2e = 5 – 2x 0.67 = 3.66ft
q'equiv = P/A’=(75x1000)/(3.66x5)= 4100 psf
q'equiv > 3500psf, so the design is not
satisfactory. A larger B is required.
Max bearing pressure check (optional):
1.8m X 1.8 m
Class Example-5
From figure :
ex=My/Fv = 360/1800 = 0.2m
ey=Mx/Fv = 450/1800 = 0.25m
Wy= 0.4m
B/6 = 1.8/6= 0.3 > ex and ey
Bmin= 4ey+Wy= 1.4m<1.8m
Lmin= 4ex+Wx =1.2m<1.8m Wx= 0.4m
Wy= 0.4m
dc= 1+0.2√Kp D/B =1.39
dq=dγ=1+0.1√Kp D/B = 1.196
Nc=51, Nq=38, Nγ = 44, Wx= 0.4m
C=20kPa, γ’=γ=18kN/m3
For vertical Loading, Meyerhof’s formula is
qult=cNc Scdc+½ BNSd+
qNqSqdq [ q =γD ]
18x44x1.385x1.196) +
= 2509.506+1180.725+ Triaxial φ = 360
2039.433 =5729.66kPa =
5730 kPa
Bowles,Example4-5 Re = 1- 2e/B (cohesive soil)
Re = 1-√(e/B) (φ soil and 0<e/B<0.3)
For two way eccentricity
two reduction factors (Re)
need to be considered
Wy= 0.4m
ex/L = 0.2/1.8 = 0.11
ey/B = 0.25/1.8 = 0.1389
Since the cohesion is very small Wx= 0.4m
(20kPa); consider eqn for φ soil
ReB=1-√(ey/B) = 0.627
ReL=1-√(ex/L) = 0.67 B=1.8m
qallow = Reduced qult (2407)
/FS(=3) = 802kPa Triaxial φ = 360
But the actual soil pressure is
Bowles,Example4-5 Re = 1- 2e/B (cohesive soil)
Re = 1-√(e/B) (φ soil and 0<e/B<0.3)
Wy= 0.4m
B’= B-2ey=1.8-2x0.25=1.3
and, L’=L-2ex=1.8-2x0.2=1.4
Adapting, qallow = 500kPa
Wx= 0.4m
From these we find, B =
1.83+2x0.25 = 2.33[B’=2ey+Wy]
L = 1.97 + 2x0.2 = 2.37 [L’=2ex+Wx]
Triaxial φ = 360
Thus make the base square with
dimensions, 2.4m x 2.4m
A 5ft wide continuous footing is subjected to a concentric
vertical load of 12k/ft and a moment load of 8ft-k/ft
acting laterally across the footing as shown in the figure.
Determine whether the resultant force on the base of the
footing acts within middle third and compute the
maximum and minimum bearing pressure.
Solution : [ Q or M /L = load or moment per unit length] 8 ft-k/ft
12 k/ft
e= M/Q = (M/L)/(Q/L)=(8 ft-k/ft)/(12k/ft)=0.667ft
B/6= 5ft/6=0.833ft, So, e<B/6, Therefore the
resultant is in the middle third (Ans)
= 12/5[ 1+6x0.667/5 ] = 4.320ksf
Middle Third
= 12/5[ 1- 6x0.667/5 ] = 0.479ksf 5 ft
Hansen’s Equation – Various Factors load (i)
1 Sloping
qult cNc sc dcicbc gc BN s d i b g qNq sq d qiqbq g q ground
2 (g)
Nc, N and Nq are bearing capacity factors
S, d, i, b and g’s factors for footing shape, depth of
footing, load inclination, base inclination and ground
slope respectively
qult c. cot (q c. cot ) N q sq d qiqbq BN s d i b
BC Factors- Terzaghi,Meyerhof & Hansen
Hansen Terzaghi
BC Factors- at a glance
Nc (Terzaghi)
Nc (Terzaghi) - EC7
Nc (Meyerhof&Hansen)
Nq (Terzaghi - Modified)
15 Nq (Terzaghi) - EC7
Nq (Meyerhof&Hansen)
BC Factors
Ngama (Terzaghi) - EC7
Ngama (Meyerhof) Different BC factors
Ngama (Hansen) 900
Nc (Terzaghi)
Φ = 0 to 20 deg 800 Nc (Terzaghi) - EC7
Nc (Meyerhof&Hansen)
80 Ngama(Terzaghi-Modified)
Ngama (Terzaghi) - EC7
Ngama (Meyerhof)
Ngama (Hansen) 200
Φ = 20 to 40 deg
40 100
40 42 44 46 48 50
20 Phai
20 25 30 35 40
Df = 1.0m
Nc=23.36, Nq=11.4, Nγ=8.58, φ = 240
c = 16 kPa
qult = cNc + qNq+½ BN General
B Shear
=16x23.36+ 18.2x1x11.4 + B=1m, L=20m
0.5x1x18.2x 8.58 = 659 kPa
Solution Class Example-6
Bearing Capacity Computation
2. Via Meyerhof’s Equation
For φ=240, From Chart, Nc=19.32, Nq=9.6, Nγ=5.72,
Kp=(1+Sin24)/(1-sin24)=2.37, (B/L)=1/20=0.05, (Df/B)=1/1=1
For horizontal case, ic=iq=iγ=1 Q
qult = cNc Scdcic + qNqSqdqiq +
γ = 18.2 kN/m3
Df = 1.0m
=16x19.32x1.02x1.31x1 + φ = 240
c = 16 kPa
0.5x1x18.2x5.72x1.01x1.15x1 B Shear
Df = 1.0m
φ = 240
c = 16 kPa
= -35.94 + (18.2x1+35.94)x9.6 x1.02
x1.313 + 0.5x1x18.2x5.75x0.98x1 General
B Shear
= -35.94 + 696.07 + 51.28
= 711 kPa B=1m, L=20m
Class Example-6
Result Summary and Remarks
Df = 1.0m
φ = 240
applicable for very Cohesive soils with c = 16 kPa
Df/B ≤ 1. Here Terzaghi’s method may be
adopted together with Meyerhof. The B
average of Terzaghi and Meyerhof may Shear
provide a reasonable value. Hence, B=1m, L=20m
design qult may be 670kPa.
Hansen’s Equation – Example Problem, Bowles,4-7
Redo Example 4-7 by using Hansen’s Equation.
Is the footing dimensions(2mx2m)adequate for FS=3?
Assume, δ = φ, Ca = C, D=0.3(smallest value)
Step-1 : Check for Sliding Stability; FSsliding = fmax/HB
= (V tanδ+CaBL)/HB = (600tan25+25x2x2)/200=1.9>1(OK)
Step-2 : Computation of bearing capacity factors
For φ = 250 from chart,
Nc=20.7, Nq=10.7, Nγ=6.8
K = tan-1(D/B) = tan-1(0.3/2)=8.53
Nq/Nc = 0.517
Inclination factor, IF
=V+AfCaCotφ = 600+2x2x25xCot250=814.4
Class Example-7
Hansen’s Equation – Example Problem, Bowles,4-7
Step-3 : Depth Factor, k=D/B=0.3/2=0.15 <1
dc=1+0.4k =1+0.4x0.15 = 1.06, dγ = 1 ( for all φ )
Step-4 : Compute Inclination Factors
Step-5 : Compute base and ground slope Factors
After Finding all parameters , qult=515.1kPa
Pallow = (BxL)qa = 2x2x171= 684kN>600 (ok)
Hansen qa =171 kPa Meyerhof qa =189 kPa
Home practice :
Complete the steps 4&5
using Bowles, Table 4-5
(a,b,c) Summary
Example Problem, Bowles,4-7 : Result Summary
Terzaghi qa=340 kPa(original),322kPa(modified)
Terzaghi qa=285 kPa(using EC7 BC factors)
Meyerhof qa=189 kPa Hansen qa=171 kPa
Now the question is, which one to use ?
Remark : Here Terzaghi value is highest as it does not
take account of any reduction factor like load
inclination or slope etc. Meyerhof’s consideration of
load inclination factor has reduced this value
significantly. As Hansen considered all possible factors
(inclination, slope, shape & depth etc.), the value has
reduced further. Hence, use of Hansen value is safe.
But It is better to use average of Hansen & Meyerhof. In
absence of Hansen (as calculation is exhaustive)
average of Terzaghi (EC7) and Meyerhof may suffice.
Home practice problem
Find the ultimate bearing capacity of two
foundations shown below using the
approaches defined next to the sketch.
Water Table Correction – Vesic (1973)
qult = cNcSc + qNqSq + 0.5BγNγSγ
Replace γ in the 3rd term of bearing capacity eqn with γ’)
Case- 3 γ‘=γ
Case 1 : Dw <= D
Case 2 : Dw is from footing bottom to B depth
Case 3 : Dw is beyond (D+B) depth
Example 6.6 – Coduto
Compute the net ultimate bearing capacity (Terzaghi) of a 1m
square footing founded at a depth of 0.5m below the ground
surface. The ground water table is at a depth of 0.8m below
the ground surface and the soil is clayey sand with C=50kPa,
φ=210 and γ = 18.5 kN/m3
Solution :
Step-1 : Determine ground
water case
Dw=0.8m, D=0.5m, B=1m
Dw is within footing bottom
to additional B depth. So use
Case-2. Now,
γ‘=γ – γw [1-{Dw-D}/B] = 11.6kN/m3
Step-2 : Determine Bearing Capacity
For φ = 210, Nc=18.9, Nq=8.3, Nγ=5.1, σ’D= q’=σ –u = 18.5 x 0.5 – 0 = 9.2kPa
qn = qult – q = 1.3Nc+ q’(Nq-1)+ 0.4BγNγ =214kPa
Home Assignment
A proposed public building includes a bearing wall that will
carry a dead load of 70kN/m and a live load of 50kN/m.
This wall will be supported on a 0.3m deep continuous
footing. Based on a moderately through soil investigation, it
was determined that the soil beneath this footing is a clay
with Su=125kPa and γ=17.3kN/m3. The ground water table
is at a depth of 5m below the ground surface. Determine the
required footing width B. (Use Hansen’s formula)
Hints : Q/L = 70+50, B/L=B/α =0, Sc=0 (based on a footing length=α, not 1), dc=0.2,
qu=5.14Su(1+Sc+dc-0-0-0)-5.2=766kPa, q’a=qu/FS(=3)=766/3=255kPa.
B=(Q/L)/q’a=120/255=0.5m (Ans) 102
Effect of Water Table
γ‘ = γb= γsat - γw
= 4 ft
Dw= 4 ft
c h
i i
h i
h tan i i
Correction Factors
For failures other than general shear Terzaghi proposed
reduced values of c and as:
c = 0.67c
= tan-1(0.67tan)
For sandy soil Vesic (1975) suggests :
* = tan-1(0.67 + ID – 0.75ID2)tan
for 0 ID 0.67
* = , for ID 0.67
(q safe-pr/25) SpCwCD
Average value of measured N
should be within a zone of 2B
below the base of the footing. 100
Footings on Sand
For a given
settlement, S,
soil pressure
is greater for
Contact Contact
stress stress
q Clay
(flexible) q Sand (flexible)
Footings on Sand
According to dashed Fig. soil
pressure, q1 is independent of
footing width after certain range
of q1.
Bearing Capacity for Sandy Soil
For sandy soil safe bearing pressure is usually determined from its
empirical correlations with SPT N value as suggested by Terzaghi
and Peck (Fig 19.3). This chart applies to Df≤B, resting on uniform
sand of unit weight of 100pcf, FS=2, max settlement = 1”
It gives the bearing pressure for permissible settlement of 25 mm.
Curves show that for larger footing widths net soil pressure become constant
For larger footing width (Raft) use, qa(tsf) = 0.22N ( 5 ≤ N ≥ 50 ),
otherwise use 0.11N (Note : This fig is used where settlement governs)
If water table is located at or may rise to ground surface chart value should
be multiplied by a correction factor, Cw = 0.5 + 0.5 Dw/(Df+B)
Terzaghi’s general bearing capacity factors
against SPT values for cohsionless soils
Continuous Footing
qult = (π + 2) C = 5.14 C Prandlt (smooth base)
qult = (1.5π + 1) C = 5.7 C Terzaghi (Rough base)
If footing extends up to a depth, Df then
qult = 5.14 C + γDf
Circular Footing
qult = 5.64 C
General Equation for Net Ultimate BC –
Sandy Soil
qd = qult - γDf = 0.5γ’BNγ + γDf (Nq -1)
Example - Clay
A large scale bearing capacity test on a footing of size
1.05m x 1.05m at a depth of 1.5m yielded an ultimate
value of 141kN. Unconfined compression test on the soft
saturated clay in the laboratory yielded, c=0.03N/mm2 . If
the unit weight of the soil is 16kN/m3, how much does the
laboratory test differ from that obtained using Terzaghi’s
bearing capacity equation?