Roller Chain Connect Disconnect July 2006 PDF

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Since roller chain performance is dependent on This instruction is also based on using complete
interference fits of component parts, this Sub-assemblies and not rebuilding chain by
Connect-Disconnect instruction has been using individual components such as rollers,
developed to guide the individual working on the bushings, pins and plates.
chain in the techniques that are considered by
chain manufacturers to be safe while protecting On multiple strand chains this instruction is
the design integrity of the roller chain. based upon slip fit center plates. For chains
with press fit center plates, consult the
These instructions, in most cases, are directed manufacturer.
to reworking in areas where “Pressing
Equipment” is available and therefore all Since most roller chain is worn out at 3%
instructions are based on the use of pressing elongation, judgment should be used comparing
equipment which puts a slow, steady force on the value of reworking chain versus replacement
the component. with a new roller chain.

TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT The following cautionary statement should be

observed when working on the connecting or
Tools and equipment should be properly sized to disconnecting of roller chain. This instruction
insure safe working conditions and to reduce the applies to all techniques so described in this
possibility of damage to the chain or its bulletin.
components. When connecting/disconnecting

chain, pressing equipment is preferred. Also, a
chain vice or a similar type of holding device or
clamps are recommended to secure and support Serious personal injury can result if safety rules are
the chain in place. Please contact the not followed. Observe the following safety
Manufacturer for specific instructions if precautions when installing a chain.
• Shut off the power to the equipment and lock out
The following are commonly used tools in the power switches before installing chains.
connecting/disconnecting chain. • Always wear safety glasses to protect your eyes.
• Wear protective clothing, gloves, and safety
1. Pressing Equipment shoes as appropriate.
a. Hydraulic chain press • Support the chain to prevent uncontrolled
b. Jack (mechanical or hydraulic) movement of the chain or parts.
c. Arbor press • Restrain shafts and sprockets from free rotation
where such rotation could permit uncontrolled
2. Support Fixtures chain movement and cause personal injury or
a. Chain vice equipment damage.
b. “C” clamps • Use pressing equipment to remove or install
c. Parallel bar spacers, press fit pins or link plates. Keep tooling in good
“doughnuts,” or shaped washers condition and use it properly. If pressing
equipment is not available, contact the chain
3. Block and Tackle or other suitable manufacturer for additional guidance.
holding device • Know and understand the chain construction,
including the correct direction for pin removal and
4. Cutting Tools insertion, before connecting or disconnecting a
a. Pliers (for cotter removal) chain.
b. Grinder • Use sub-assemblies for rework and not individual
• Damaged chain may be yielded and therefore
should not be reworked.


Chain Construction Figure 301 - Chain Vise

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS The type of vise shown in Figure 301 utilizes a

screw arrangement to open and close the jaws.
The rework of chain must utilize complete It is available in two sizes; one for roller chains
unaltered sub-assemblies of roller links and pin through 3/4” single pitch and 1-1/2” double pitch,
links of the type shown below: and one for use with chains from 1” single pitch
through 2-1/2” single pitch and 2” and 2-1/2”
PIN LINKS double pitch.

Chain is held securely between roller links for

disassembly. Tools generally used are a chain
vise or chain detacher and a hand grinder.
Single Cotter Double Cotter
Type Type The detacher shown in Figure 302 is a
convenient bench tool for uncoupling precision
CONNECTING LINKS ROLLER LINK steel roller chains. It consists of two pieces; a
fork and an anvil block. Detachers of the type
shown are obtainable in chain pitch sizes to fit
ANSI standard type roller chains.

Double Cotter Spring Clip

Type Type

TOOLS - Bench Cutting

When connecting/disconnecting chain, pressing

equipment is preferred. Also, a chain vise or a
similar type of holding device is recommended
to secure and support the chain in place.
Figure 302
Fork & Anvil Type Repair Tool
Various types of chain vises and chain
detachers are commercially available. See
below - as shown in Figures 301, 302, and 402.
Special cutting blocks can be made for special
purpose applications such as shown in Figure


Figure 402
Hand disassembly tool - commercially available

Figure 601
Illustration shows the proper procedure for
mounting and holding a single strand chain for


Figure 403
Homemade disassembly block for special


1. If the chain has cotter type pin links, cotters

should be removed before the pin is driven
out. If the chain is of riveted type
construction, grind the riveted end flush with Typical Chain Construction
the link plate before driving out the chain rivet
pin so as not to damage or dislodge the
bushing when disassembling. Lateral GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS
pressure on the joints and overheating must
be avoided so that the original design The rework of chain must utilize complete
integrity is maintained. unaltered sub-assemblies of roller links and pin
2. Place the chain in fixtures at the point to be links of the type shown.
disassembled. See Figure 601, 301, and
302. The roller link side plates should rest on ROLLER LINK CONNECTING LINK
the top surface of the fixture jaws so that it is
held securely.
3. Press or drive out the two pins on the pin link.
Be sure to apply pressure alternately on the
two pins so as to avoid distortion of the roller Double Cotter Spring Clip
link plates and to prevent damage to the Type Type
interior of the bushings.
4. Check end roller links to ensure bushings
remain fully assembled into link plates.


1. If the chain is of the cotter type (see item 1 Disconnecting chain at the sprocket is normally
page 3 - “Procedure for Single Strands of dependent upon accessibility. An advantage of
Chain Disassembled on Bench.”) connecting/disconnecting chain at the sprocket
2. If the chain is of the riveted fastening type, is that the sprocket can aid as a support. If you
grind off the rivet head on the link to be elect to disassemble chain at the sprocket, the
removed. following procedure must be observed:
3. Arrange the chain on the bench, with the link 1. A. If just removing chain, remove
to be removed over the bench edge but with connecting links. If shortening chain on
the adjacent roller links supported by the sprocket, follow 1B.
bench top, or use the chain vise (Figure B. Rotate the sprocket until the link to be
901). removed (usually the pin link adjacent to
4. Press or drive the pins alternately the connecting links) is engaged with
drive the two pins out of the top pin link the teeth on the sprocket.
plate. Note if pins do not move out it is 2. All chain tensioning devices should be
possible that you have press fit center loosened.
plates. Consult chain manufacturer for 3. The sprocket should be secured to prevent
disassembly of this type chain. rotation.
5. Use the largest diameter long-barreled 4. Secure chain to sprockets, both sides of
punch that will pass through the center plate disconnect point, to prevent chain from
holes. Drive the pins out of the roller links falling off sprockets. The following devices
and center plates. Be sure to stroke the may be used to secure the chain: Wire,
pins alternately. Withdraw the punch, fold Clamps, Tape, etc.
back the free roller links and remove the 5. A. Riveted-type chain construction; With a
center plates. portable hand grinder, remove the rivet
6. Repeat 5 until the pins are free from all the heads on the pin link.
strands of the chain. B. Cotter-type chain construction: Remove
7. If no bench is available, the chain may be the fastener.
placed so as to bridge the gap between any 6. Press or Drive the two pins out of the pin link
two firm supports high enough to allow the plate. Be sure to press or drive the pins
pin link to be driven out between them. The alternately to avoid distortion of the roller
chain may also be placed on the floor with link.
the pins horizontal. Proceed as above. 7. Use the largest diameter long-barreled
punch that will pass through the center plate
holes. Drive the pins out of the roller links
and center plates. Be sure to press or
drive the pins alternately. Withdraw the
punch, fold back the free roller links, and
remove the center plates.
8. Repeat 7 until the pins are free from all
strands of the chain.

Figure 901
Illustration shows the proper procedure for
mounting and holding a double strand chain for


A cut chain can be assembled by adding a

connecting link. To assemble the chain,
proceed as follows:
1. Arrange the chain on the floor or bench and
insert the pins of the connecting link into the
loose roller links. Figure 1501
2. Turn the chain over and place the free pin 6. Cottered Construction: Set the cap
link plate over the pin ends. plate down with a hollow punch and
3. Solidly support the bottom of the chain and insert the fastener.
with a hollow punch, press the link plate
down to the prescribed height. 7. After assembly, make sure that the joint
4. Cottered Construction: After the cap flexes freely and is not tight. If joint is tight,
plate is set down insert the proper strike the pin ends to create more clearance
fastener. between pin link plates and roller link and
5. After assembly, make sure that the joint free the tight joints.
flexes freely and is not tight. If joint is tight,
press or drive the pin ends to create
more clearance between pin link plates and RECOMMENDED ASSEMBLY PROCEDURE
roller link and free the tight joint. FOR SINGLE STRAND CHAIN ON
FOR MULTIPLE STRAND CHAIN To couple the ends of a chain together:
ASSEMBLED ON BENCH. 1. Loosen the takeups to provide sufficient
“working slack”.
The procedure so described is used for slip fit 2. Bring the ends together over one sprocket,
center plate construction. For press fit center using the teeth to hold the chain. Lock the
plate construction consult with manufacturer. sprocket in position.
3. Insert pin or pin link to couple chain into an
A cut chain can be reassembled by adding a endless strand.
connecting link. To assemble the chain, A. Install connecting pin plate and fastener.
proceed as follows: 4. Adjust takeups to provide proper tension for
1. Arrange the chain on a bench with pins operation.
vertical and insert the pins of the connecting 5. When it is necessary to couple chain in the
link in the top pair of roller links. span between sprockets draw the ends together
(See Figure 1501). with a block and tackle or with other equipment
2. Holds the first pair of center plates in place that will bring ends together. Then proceed as
and swing the next pair of roller links in line in Steps 3 and 4 above.
with the pins.
3. Press or drive the pin link or connecting link
pins through the roller links and center RECOMMENDED ASSEMBLY PROCEDURE
plates, applying pressure to the pins FOR MULTIPLE STRAND CHAINS ON
alternately. SPROCKETS
4. Repeat Step 3 until all the roller links are
engaged. This is based on slip fit center plate construction.
5. Turn the chain over and place the free link For press fit center plate construction consult
plate over the pins. manufacturer. Note: For large pitch multiple
strand chain on long center distances, the
following procedure may not be feasible. In this
case, consult a chain manufacturer.

1. When sprockets and shafts have been lined
up and all other preparations complete,
block both shafts to prevent rotation. Then
place the chain over the sprockets so that
the chain wraps the driven sprocket and
overlaps the driver sprocket (usually the
smaller sprocket) and secure chain to the
driver sprocket.
2. Grasp the end of the chain which overlaps
the driver sprocket and unblock the driver
sprocket so it is free to rotate.
3. Pull the chain toward the driven sprocket
until the ends come together on the driven
sprocket (usually the larger sprocket)
A. Reblock sprockets.
4. Insert the connecting link through the roller
links and center plates.
5. Place the connecting plate over the pin ends
and insert the cotters (or attach the spring

American Chain Association

6724 Lone Oak Boulevard
Naples, Florida 34109
PH: 239/514-3441 FAX: 239/514-3470

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